
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Our World of Carlyisms

Brace yourselves bitches , you better hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride

Run for cover, don't act like a clown there's only one bitch in Port Charles who wears
this crown

She's had women try to get the best of her before, but she's still standing and they've
fled out the frigging door.

Yep these are the words that come out of my mouth when referring to Caroline Leigh Corinthos, otherwise known as the formidable Mrs Carly Corinthos.

Carly has always been a force to be reckoned with, I should know I've been a fan of the character Carly for going on 23 years. She's never been shy about telling people what she thinks of them, nor is she shy about going head long into battle with a man or a woman, she doesn't much care which it is , but  if you dare think you can mess with her family or friends , she's a one woman army and as Spinelli lovingly calls her The Valkryie.

I sometimes feel like I'm the real Carly Corinthos, because I can predict what she's going to say , before she says it , and I know exactly what actions she's going to take before she even does them.

Which makes it clear , that Carly Corinthos and I have come full circle in the last 23 years of her being on GH.

In live chat I've been known to say " Oh Carly ain't gonna like that ,she's gonna do some ass whooping!!!" My predictions are usually right because when the call of the banshee hits you better make sure you have an explanation , oh wait hell no , she doesn't even wait for that , she will slap the shit out of you and in one instance she bit her adversary who was attacking her.

Some of the time when I'm talking to my friends in live chat I'll say things like " Yeah , you better watch your mouth or she's gonna kick your ass" And then I break up laughing because she says she's going to do just that.

Or another instance is , any time an enemy like Manny Ruiz , Heather Webber , or Ava Jerome , Claudia Zacchara and the list is endless lol taunts her , I burst out laughing again and I say things like " Oh you think that's gonna stop her ! Watch her !!!!"

And she usually does exactly what I say she is going to do without breaking a sweat , a nail or carrying that her hair is all messed up.

What is even more amusing than Carly's reactions , is the reaction of her friends the " Oh shit, what the hell are we gonna do now, she's about to do something crazy!!!" , look. Jason , Sam , Sonny, Spinelli  can tell when Carly is fighting fit. Her blue eyes take on a how should I put it mildly a darker look than usual and when that smirk comes on her face, they know some shit is about to go down.

If her enemies can't stop her, do you really think they can either? Its like waving a red flag in front of a bull, once she's ready to attack you , you usually wind up caught off guard like Julian Jerome was when she positioned him with her hand then walloped him right across his face.

Even her own Uncle Luke , knows better than to piss her off , his pet name for her is the viper. You only have to piss her off once , not intentionally some times, but in her minds eye you have committed a  cardinal sin against her and that's not a wise move.

You call her the town whore , she'll have all her guns blazing, her tongue is razor sharp, I swear when Elizabeth Webber her own cousin in law lol, called her out for being the town slut , lol I just knew my girl would take the little missy to task and tell her " Look whose talking !!!"

Elizabeth should have known better than throw shade at her , people in glass houses , shouldn't throw stones and Elizabeth is one of those who doesn't take a look in the mirror and look at her own faults. Princess purity sure has a lot of nerve doesn't she guys.

Carly slapped her face and told her that any bitch in heat can make a baby after Elizabeth said " We made a miracle Carly. I'm team Carly on this one after all Elizabeth did cheat on Lucky with Jason . Another reason for Carly to get her back up. 

One thing you need to learn is lol if Carly feels justified in the way she behaves toward you , she makes no apologies for it either. Sometimes you can't hold back your tongue and you say what you think even if it could hurt someone else's feelings. That is Carly in a nut shell

Love her , or hate her its your choice, but as for me , I've embraced my inner Carly, , she's one of a kind, Impulsive, tough, yet sensitive and a fire cracker whose will explode like a fire cracker on the fourth of July when her blood begins to boil over with anger

If you don't believe me watch the video down below and you'll find out exactly what I'm talking about.

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