
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 31 January 2020

A GH Fans Journey - Straight To Hell

If Port Charles was a real place ,  I'd walk straight into the City Limits ,  or as the song suggests  straight into  hell with my eyes open and avoid  any warning signs .

This past week with the pre-emption in full swing , i started wishing I was some magical being who could teleport herself into Port Charles into every place it's residents inhabit , go to and sometimes fear to tread.

As a gh fan , I think we all feel like we've entered a danger zone with all the crazy stuff that goes in that city. I'd want to be right in the thick of it an experience every ounce of it . I'd sit down and talk to some of the city's legendary characters like Sonny and Carly Corinthos, Scott Baldwin, Laura Collins, Jason Morgan , and the list goes on and on .

People might think I'm crazy but instead of a viewer lol, I'd want to be where the characters are when something kicks off into high gear like a mob war, or be a fly on the wall when Brooklyn Quartermaine told Nelle off , the reveal of Nikolas and of course when Valentin pushed Ava over the parapet.

Hell, I'd wanna be where Carly and Nina are , the Metrocourt has much activity as anywhere else in the city of Port Charles .

That's the place where the hostage crisis took place, where Connie Falconari got shot and killed by Ava Jerome,  where Nathan West was shot by his own dad and where Jason crashed through the skylight in 2017 to save Sam from the men who where hunting him down like a fugitive .

I'd hang out at The floating rib , to see what mischief our faves get up to,  lol I love watching a good ole fashioned bar brawl.

Wyndemere I'd walk the halls , and see what secrets lurk behind those walls , and i'd be brave enough to venture into the catacombs .

I wouldn't care who lurks in the shadows , lol I've got the Spencer spunk lol , I'm either very brave or crazy like them.

Marcus Taggert made a return to GH,  which could mean trouble for Sonny,  lol, i welcome the trouble , i would want to be a fly on that wall as well as everywhere else in Port Charles .

At least it would be more inconspicuous,  than the characters that sneak around corners and eavesdrop.

Recently on the pier a shootout took centre stage which also  involved the Corinthos Coffee warehouse . That's where we viewers were left hanging when the impeachment trial interrupted our beloved soap .

Fans , have been arguing amongst themselves,  causing drama , personally I prefer my drama on my tv not in my group or any others.

I found it disheartening , that people were not having a positive outlook on the situation , instead they chose to be rude and obnoxious , but I don't play that way.

Thank goodness we got to see the aftermath finally  on January 30th , but I look forward to everything else unfolding , and secrets that are yet to be revealed to come out

GH is the one thing I enjoy that stirs so many emotions in me ,  and when I heard the song Straight to hell ,  it screamed gh to me so myself and my admins created this video to celebrate our GH family.

We felt it was just the distraction  and a reminder  everyone needed  of what we had to look forward to  when the impeachment trial is over.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,   and talk to you on Monday.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Goodness Gracious me ....

Goodness Gracious me .... Social media is in a tiz waz over GH not being aired , I've never seen a bunch of adults acting like kids throwing toys out of their playpens, or prams ( as they say in the UK) , just because you've missed 2 days of GH.

Lord give me strength , I have watched this show for 40 years now and all I can say is , I have never once whined and bitched because we've been preempted. ( I'm in Canada by the way), but at least I have enough common sense to not spoil things for other people !!!

Okay so if ABC , is preempted and you live near the US/Canadian border why not try and see in your TV Listings if you actually get Citytv, instead of going to look at pirated video that was not approved by ABC in the first place.

Posting pirated full episodes on youtube or dailymotion is a copyright offence , and most internet companies , in Canada at least along with the big networks are hunting down those uploading and downloading things from these sites. 

People can get threatened with a law suit, or worse get your internet cut off because you actually were that naive to freaking watch and download piarated stuff online.

ABC , City TV,  and Hulu are reputable places to watch GH, so why not stick to those instead of risking your online life for the sake of watching an episode ABC has yet to air.

I'm not saying that Dailymotion or Youtube aren't reputable , I'm just saying these morons who post pirated material on line have no respect for ABC and the way they do things.

ABC has asked fans not to post full episodes online,  as loyal viewers you would think people would respect ABC's request instead of doing it !

Personally for me, it's a choice I decided to make for my own group , because I was told not to post them. Plus you could risk losing your facebook group over posting  pirated material not approved by ABC or by Facebook.

Don't kid yourselves, one complaint into facebook via ABC, you can kiss your groups by violating terms of use.

Having said that if ABC has not aired an episode , and Citytv has I believe that Citytv should not air the episode before the US Viewers get a chance to.. 

This avoids people being able to post the episodes online , and people arguing over the right or wrong of the situation all together.

It really pisses me off that people are that brazen  boasting about watching pirated material and on the official group as well.

People say they love GH, they want it to be kept on the air, but it won't if people keep watching the show on dailymotion or youtube.

That's one way to get the  show cancelled , ABC most likely has a counter which counts how many people are actually watching it on their website , as well as citytv I suspect does the same.

Please for the love of god guys, have some common sense and respect for the people in charge at ABC, don't bombard people with nasty comments just because you don't get what you want.

The folks at ABC work hard to bring us GH, but they are not there to take your abuse!

The United States is at a stand still with the impeachment trial , instead of whining about not watching gh , and some twits are threatening to quit altogether, why don't you put your big girl panties on and deal with it like mature adults.

Peace out 


Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Don't Try and Out Scheme A Schemer

Don't try to out scheme a schemer they'll come back at you harder and quicker than you anticipated.

This is a hard lesson , for the likes of Nelle Benson, Claudia Zacchara,  Heather Webber , Elizabeth Webber,  Ava Jerome ,  Connie Falconari ,Gladys Corbin, and Brenda Barrett to learn when it comes to the one and only Carly Corinthos.

As Carly said once upon a time,  many women have tried and failed to be rid of her, but they're gone and she's still standing and that's why so many of us are fans of the character. 

But recently , another gh character,  from another legacy family stepped up to the plate and hit a home run that left me laughing my ass off, that person is Brooklyn Quartermaine who gave Nelle a verbal smack down for the ages .

Here's a little advice ,don't get to cocky Nelle , that always ends up with people slipping up and letting down your guard and giving your game away. Once they know you have a weak spot they will destroy you ! 

All of the head games you've played with people's heads all of the lies,  and threats will be laughed off just like Brooklyn did with yours. Sooner and hopefully not later you will discover you're not a clever as you think you are .

Oh but , it's not over yet the thought to be sweet , quiet mousie Willow Tate , she gave that bitch a telling off that left Nelle realizing that you can't mess with Willow,  and she uttered " Bitch" as Willow left Brad and Lucas' apartment . 

Which tells me that , she isn't as confident , or sure of herself as she portrays herself to be,  she's a little girl trying to play big girl games and it will backfire on her eventually. 

I'd say Nelle is batting zero here,  she can't even outwit a sweet thing like Willow , and now I hear Carly is gonna come face to face with her again . Lmfao, when is this trifling , crazy lunatic gonna learn, no matter what lies , no matter what manipulations you , try and pull , there is always someone one step ahead of you! 

Carly is a seasoned pro at being a scheming,  lying manipulative hoe, only difference is Carly has owned up to the crap she's pulled in the past and learned from those mistakes. 

Nelle better brace herself , because with Carly's track record lol, piss Carly off once , yeah I'd say you're brave , piss her off twice , that's just plain stupid , but mess with her kids a third time  , bitch the lioness will strike and they'll be carnage to  be cleaned up once she's done with you .

And as Brooklyn stated " it'll be  Bye Bye Nelle !" Only it won't be Pentonville she's going to , the pine barrens are calling,  Jason please do us a solid lol, and bury this bitch  after Carly has done some maximum damage .

That's all I'm asking!

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Maximizing GH & GH fans

 Hey everyone happy Tuesday  , here are my thoughts  for today!!!

Oh my good god , I can hear you guys all groaning before I even get started on this blog, yes I know you're all gonna say " Oh lord have mercy here she goes again on her pulpit , telling us a few things we don't want to hear!" I'm sorry guys but things need to be said.

First and foremost , people have been complaining that the Quartermaine family home seems empty and that they aren't really at the forefront anymore, and that the members are dwindling .

Ok, so the show took fans advice and are working to build up the family again with Tracey and  Brooklyn coming back, but people are still bitching and moaning about they don't like this and they don't like that.

How about you give Amanda Setton who plays Brooklyn a chance , to prove she has what it takes to play the granddaughter of  Tracey Angelica Quartermaine Spencer.

How about not trashing  Marcus Colomo who started playing my fave dark prince  Nikolas Cassadine., everyone has to find their feet discover who their character is and build on it , instead of  blaming the actors and actresses how about not accusing them and chalk it down to the writers who don't know the character or the actor very well.

In the grand scheme of things I think that  GH fans are very cool people , but there are the odd few who like to trash and malign the very people they profess to admire and respect.

As fans we should be Maximizing GH by focusing on its good points , and build on the things we like , instead of tearing the whole thing apart ! Tristan Rogers , said people should tweet Nathan Varni about the show what we like and what we don't like ! I think , if it's handled in a mature fashion , it could work,  but in another respect they say negativity breeds contempt, so choose your words wisely or we might just lose our show !

I prefer to be a postitive force in support of GH , its actors and its people who work behind the scenes, and how about not discussing  Tyler Christopher's personal struggle with alcohol.

Its not our business to analyze , disrespect or gossip about him , I really find it disheartening that people have nothing better to do with their time than to pick apart his life, or call Kirsten Storms out on her weight gain.

We as fans should be enjoying the whole GH experience, if you don't like a character , just fastforward their scenes, knit  or distract yourself while their scenes are on, it saves the rest of us from reading your negative feedback.

People complain about Kelly Monaco and the way she talks, that's another person who gets trashed, and in the past other GH stars have been the subject of attacks there's a long list of them and I won't get into it , but give me a frigging break.

It just boils my blood to think that fans , are neither understanding about other people's feelings especially that of the stars, nor are they appreciative of what the show produces for the masses.

Its been happening more and more these days, and frankly its getting on my nerves, people are ungrateful and rude and pass comments on stuff that ain't their damn business , even make up stories about Actors and actresses who they say are dating and when they say they aren't the gossip still continues.

Its time people took what the actors say for face value, and not have a distorted view on the topic and start a game of telephone that winds up with everyone else being ticked off to ninth degree because you've misinterpreted a situation.

Its simple enough either you enjoy what you're watching or don't watch at all, and most importantly if you don't like a GH facebook group you're in don't make a grand standing announcement you're leaving.

What are you trying to prove by doing that, make more drama for yourself so people think you're another crazy fan who can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

It just seems that way from where I'm standing, and most of all if you don't know the characters name look it up before you post about them.

I've had a lot of wtf moments where I'm like who are you talking about ? I'm not being critical of people honest I'm not , but come on now really.

Oh and as for tearing other fans down , that's not my style , but I've seen other fans do exactly that, people call other people stupid, or they call them names because they say they're a fan of Sam or Liz or Carly.

Can't we all just get along and enjoy watching the show together without the drama,  it irks me when fans  are twisting story lines and are seeing things that aren't there  and make up a whole other story line in their heads.

Yeam umm no , lol sorry treacles , stop acting as if  certain characters had some frigging big romance, when they didn't, and most importantly lol fan base wars  is kids stuff.

I won't play the game period, I abhor anyone tearing down an actress , because you're fave actress didn't get the pairing they wanted. Ahem Liason , Dream for example.

People attacking Steve Burton , Kemo, Laura Wright and  Maurice Benard isn't cool, and most of all being disrespectful to anyone with a mental health issue isn't funny especially when you think you can you trash them about it.

What exactly is the point of doing that anyways? You're just causing ill feeling amongst the cast and forcing them to block you.

Its been said that some GH fans who claim to be supportive of these actors, take it upon themselves, to delete the actors photos from their own group, and make disparaging comments of one person they claim to support. Real Andrews had this happen to him recently.

I've had it happen to me , you put you're faith and trust in people , who say they have the same values as you then they try and pull the rug out from under you ! Here's the thing , once i find out you're messing with me , my group members , making disparaging remarks about GH stars , that's it I'm done and I wash my hands of you and cut all ties.

With that being said, I think some fans are trolls in sheeps clothing, they pretend to be nice, supportive , and they behave for the most part and in the end their agenda is to try and sully your reputation and that of the group you run.

As GH fans and its stars we are all apart of the GH family , and community, and we should all behave with class and respect towards each other.

Its part of human nature to be caring , and supportive, and be a decent human being, after all the cast are just normal people , like you and me only they act for a living.

Its not up to us , to be the judge , jury and executioner, just live your own lives and leave everyone else alone so they can do the same.

But as far as the show goes either you , tune in and enjoy what's playing out on screen, or you don't, and if you don't change the channel or better yet mute those you don't like.

This is Mama Ashley signing off , happy Tuesday and Happy GH watching!!!

Friday, 10 January 2020

Jasam : Guilty By Association

Oh  for the love of  pete, yesterday's scene with Robert Scorpio and Jasam just annoyed the blood hell out of little ole me.

Normally I love a little bit of Diane and Robert  Scorpio , but when it was said that  the parole officer was using Sam to get at Jason , and Jason to get at Sam it just frigging pissed me off to the highest degree and not in a good way either.

All too often we see this happen , be it the police enforcement officers , or the god damn enemies of certain characters on the show.

Why should  anyone be used as a tool to control someone else's fate , their property as a bargaining chip, or to make an example of them .

So if Sam is guilty of association with Jason, she would be with Sonny , her father, Spinelli and the whole god damn  Cassadine family.

The same could be said of  Elizabeth because she's married to Franco who is a former ex con himself and Carly because she's married to the teflon Don himself  Sonny Corinthos.

I totally disagree with this practice all together, people should be judged solely on their own actions not the actions  of their husbands , wives or immediate family.

Sam was only protecting Jason from Shiloh , and yet she was charged with manslaughter , umm hell no that to me wasn't right in itself.

Sam was a heroine who was protecting the man she loves who was unarmed at the time of the  flare gun incident.

The woman deserves praise for her bravery not be persecuted , because Jason is who he is and does what he does for a living.

But in the eyes of Parole officers, judges, and the DA that's the way its going to be, Robert says Sam is guilty of killing Shiloh, but would he have said the same if Robin had done it ., umm no he would have hugged her and said " That's my girl!" for protecting herself and anyone else who was in danger.

For me I think , the parole officer , is coming from a place of ignorance, disrespect and for anyone to have this view point is just solely on the fact Sam's man is Sonny's hit man and business partner, it makes it look like she doesn't see Sam as a person rather a way to get at Jason and some people are suggesting that she might be a Dawn of Day member.  

That in itself would explain alot of things, perhaps this parole officer's past should be looked into , I mean Jason said they should lol, but no evidence of that happening has come to pass yet.

If it was me I'd have done it before I went down to the PCPD with the proof lol, and like their best gal pal Carly would I would be shouting the odds.

Ah , but that's me , that's Carly and that's definitely Sam's mom Alexis , let's get it done lol

Take down the Parole officer and let her past be exposed like an open wound and see how she likes it.

Peace out guys and happy GH watching!!!!!!

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Return of the Dark Prince Nikolas Cassadine - We're in love with the devil

In my whole history of watching GH , I have never wanted anyone to come back as much as I would say Luke Spencer, Tracey Quartermaine or Lucky Spencer.But here's where I am 1000% certain that 3 years has been long enough since Nikolas Cassadine was shot by Valentin and disappeared without a trace.

I was left breathless when Sam and Drew found out what happened, one minute he was there  laying on the rocks by the water , but by the time they raced downstairs to go by the river to find him , he had already  disappeared.

 We thought he may have drowned or the current took him away lol, but as we soon found out that little did we know the prince of darkness has some mad swimming skills and he clearly knows how to bloody well use them as well LOL , Love that man I do.

Curious ain't it guys?  Its the biggest GH mystery going right now and this fan wanted it solved ASAP! How can Nikolas have fallen from the balcony a few stories high , land on the rocks by the river , and still manage to get up and walk away?Well duh he's a Cassadine they are sneaky as hell, slippier than an eel and frankly I wouldn't want them any other way!!!  and Sam and Drew couldn't find him.

For 3 years, his mother, aunt and cousins as well as  his siblings and son grieved for him . But he didn't even bother to contact him to tell them he was safe and sound and would soon come back to them. But that time came and went ugh and I was angry just like Laura and Lulu and Spencer I wanted answers too.

Meanwhile Valentin was throwing his weight around playing lord of the manor, which he legally is not. and he thinks he can bully and push anyone around and use his own daughter to do it as well, and that is something I know Nikolas would never do because he knows better.

On October 31st 2019 Nikolas was finally revealed when they showed the  Cassadine signet ring, as he ala Bobby Ewing came out of the shower , his next move  was to go to Halloween Party, where he came face to face with his beautiful, smart feistyn momma.

Laura felt a connection to the man behind the mask, but she just shrugged it off and I shouted at the television " Nikolas, just reveal yourself already ! "

He paid a call to our friendly neighbor hood Viper Ava Jerome. God I am so glad the dark prince is back I'm sure he's gonna bring a whole lot of drama .

But I digress ,  I'm sure everyone is clear on how he returned  back to Port Charles, but this blog isn't about  his triumphant return.Uh Uh this blog is about why we ladies love the Dark Prince  Nikolas Cassadine himself.Every woman loves a bad boy , I know this much , and every woman thinks they're gonna fix a man like Nikolas. Many have fallen for his charms, and fallen prey to his dangerous side , as a viewer , hell I love him for everything Nikolas is and what he represents.

As the Heir to the Cassadine fortune Nikolas is the ultimate dream prince, but come on really, its more like a nightmare , I mean seriously poor Emily almost got killed by his grandmother , just by being near him and breathing in his direction! Umm not a good idea .His motives may not be paved with good intentions, the man is as cold , underhanded and calculating as his father and grandfather before him and lets not forget his grandmother Helena. 

He loves Spencer with his whole heart, but when the man wants to wet his appetite , he is the type of guy who goes after forbidden fruit . After all he stole Emily from Zander and then slept with his own brothers wife , behind his back and Lucky  caught them in the act .

 I love that Nikolas doesn't care who he hurts , he does it because he thinks he can and he knows these chicks can't resist him.And why is that you may be asking yourself, its because he's dark, mysterious , and he comes with a pretty hefty bank account, just ask  Hayden and  Britt, they were under his spell.

Hayden even worked for him  to play head games with  poor Drew when he thought he was Jason, and when Hayden was gonna expose his ass he hired a hit man to kill her , but unfortunately she survived and lives to tell the tale lol to anyone who will stop and listen.

He has caused bodily harm on four of my fave female characters by his every own hands, he threw his grandmother over a cliff, kicked a pregnant Robin in the Stomach, He didn't stop there either , he attacked Sam and even had the balls to attack Carly when he was  suffering some sort of mental break down I remember thinking wtf. Its crazy as hell.Not that I excuse his eractic behavior, but I love  Nikolas because he's incredibly not without his own tragic, sad story to tell, after all he came to Port Charles to help Lulu when she was sick.

What's more he then,  found out that Laura didn't willingly abandon like Helena and his father had told him .It was clear that  she was clearly forced to do so and in time he did realize his mother was as much of a victim of his family as he was.

It was clearly hard for him to trust anyone in his life, after that kind of thing skews your view of your own family, even the women in his life , as much as they tried to tame the wild beast inside him they failed miserably because he became more conniving and bitter as he got older.

He had become mistrusting of the people in his life including his own family,  and friends who genuinely love him and have hid best interest at heart .

He is  often plotting behind their backs , whether it be ELQ , or trying to double cross Valentin, and poor Spencer was stuck in the middle of it all.

 Having said that with all the crap Helena reigned on his gorgeous head Its no wonder that its  a bitter pill to swallow when you can't see through blind fury , anger and manipulation from other people who put ideas in your head.

Lets face it  ..... we female fans  and some male GH fans are under the spell of Nikolas Cassadine We're in love with the devil , and its not likely to change any time soon.

Check out our latest Video dedicated to Nikolas Cassadine

Umm hello .. Are we watching the same show?

In all my years of watching General Hospital , I can't believe I'm going to say this , umm hello are we watching the same show ?

There is a lot of character victim blaming , fans calling out Lulu for the actions Valentin took as far as fraud and attempted murder are concerned. 

Why blame Lulu , she didn't make him commit fraud , tamper with a body , or push Ava over board? Valentin got the Cassadine fortune through coercing Nikolas into signing everything over to him and then he shot him in cold blood.

How are Laura , Spencer and Nikolas responsible for anything Valentin did ? 

For me I think people have selective memory , feeling sorry for him , or anyone else who causes pain to others just baffles and confuses me.

People are over looking the fact Valentin is a freaking crazy assed bastard , and now it makes sense it's because he's Helena's son. 

And then fans are victim blaming Sam, claiming she's a whiner, umm really she was in prison for defending her man who was unarmed against someone who was about to kill him.

Are you people for real ? How can you make justifications for nasty people , like Valentin and Shiloh, who are nasty evil people and lets not forget about Nelle .

People love Nelle , for the crap she's pulled , blames Carly , and Michael for the sick twisted games she played . Yeah , umm  seriously Carly has never done wrong by Nelle , if anything she gave her a job, was kind to her and how does she repay her she pretended to sleep with Sonny , and then swaps Michael's son with a dead one.

Lord give me strength,  I know Carly was a conniving witch in the beginning ,but you don't throw someone's past in their face by trying to pull the same shit on them. 

And don't try and tell me , Nelle , Valentin and Shiloh are just misunderstood , cause they aren't they are the most evil minded , vile pieces of trash that's ever been on GH. They haven't reached  Helena's , Faison or Heather Webber status for me. They don't even compare to them.

Nelle is a Carly / Heather wannabe I wouldn't be surprised if her mother is Heather Webber. Shiloh , lol he's just a warped minded fruitcake who uses the path of enlightenment to lure vulnerable women , and he drugged and  raped them.

Valentin , being Helena's son is just a freaking screwball, he may love Charlotte , but he shows no compassion or understanding towards Lulu , who is the mother of the child he claims to love. 

How about not stealing what's not yours , how about not shooting or  blowing up people , how about not pushing women off the parapet when they got the measure of you ?

He deserves what he's got coming to him , and most importantly,  to gh fans , how about you show other GH fans respect , everyone has a right to their own opinion .

Dismissing other fans points of view , not seeing the logical side of a storyline , and not recognizing the fact that your faves are flawed , and have a skewed view of reality and aren't the poor , hard done by creature you see them as , just confuses the hell out of me.
All GH characters have a past , but why do these weirdos have to come out of the woodwork to expose their supposed secrets . LOL , it's laughable to say the least .

Trashing Legacy characters whom the long time fans grew up watching , or watched grow up on screen to me is just weird , if you've watched 40 years like I have,  you would recognize they have earned their battle scars, and have the right to pass judgement on those who dare judge them.

You don't know what a person's life has been like until you walk a mile in their shoes,  that's where Nelle , Shiloh and Valentin go wrong they act with malice without hearing their side of their victims stories . Instead they still exact their revenge and call them liars!

Soaps are meant to be escapism , and fun to watch , but when fans , are twisting situations to make their faves be the victim, it just annoys me . And then they attack fans of their least faves and they think it's okay to do so.

It's not ok , ignorance is bliss I suppose , but don't come knocking at my door with it , i hate to say it , it's just a soap,  why do people get so vile , cruel and nasty over a day time drama? 

Hurling insults at other fans isn't cool , nor is it ok to attack an actor for something their character did . That's where fans blur the lines between reality and fantasy .

This is Ashley , signing off for now , peace out guys , and happy gh watching !!

Sunday, 5 January 2020

The Cassadine Clan : The Heirs & The Spares

 Stop the madness , who am I kidding this is  GH ,  they always go for the big reveal, and this time it was that  Nikolas was alive back on October  31st 2019.

He's revealed himself to his lady love  Ava, who was baffled at seeing him, people thought the poor woman had lost her mind and she was admitted into Ferncliff.

Nikolas visited her there and then he revealed himself to Hayden  and Carly , who by the way urged Nikolas to tell his mother he's still alive, that she and Laura had become closer since they both lost a son.

Carly told him she'd give anything to hold Morgan in her arms again, and then she's wound up feeling guilty that she kept that secret from Sonny told him the whole truth ! Sonny  was pretty pissed when he found out that he hadn't thought of Spencer at all.

Nikolas also revealed himself to his niece Charlotte , who also is his cousin.  Those Cassadine's sure do like to keep it in the family , but any who just when you think GH couldn't get any crazier ..... Ava pulled a blinder  making the potrait of Helena go up in smoke at the auction for the painting.

After setting the painting to  go up in flames Ava knew Nikolas would reappear, and Ava being Ava ever the classy dame she is lol, had a gun in one hand a martini glass in the other , saying he was pretty predictable for a dead man.

Charlotte first saw the dark prince at Wyndemere when he told a huge fib , and said her daddy  Valentin hired him as her secret bodyguard.

Charlotte tried telling Laura and anyone else who would listen about the mystery bodyguard , then the silly sausage that she is jumped into the water at the pier hoping to prove to her brother Rocco that her secret body guard would appear.

But how did we get here , Let's rewind when Valentin got rid of the  painting of Helena , Dev found it and delivered it straight to Ava. Dev had no idea what hornets nest he kicked ! As for Valentin he had no idea how valuable it was , but he soon figured out ,  that something is making  Laura want it so badly ,Its that pesky thing , called a codicil , and Valentin doesn't want it falling into the right hands so his nasty , vile self doesn't caught out for not being the rightful heir to the Cassadine fortune. 

I'm totally on board with this , in fact so is his very own lady love  Nina, lol, don't tell me  Ava didn't shout chapter and verse into her conniving ear.

I know how these women work, once you piss them off that's it man , you're gonna be the victim and not the one causing heartache and devastation to those you despise.

On the night of the wedding of her father and  Nina Charlotte told Laura that the picture she has in her hand is in fact her secret bodyguard and that  he may not have been wearing the ring in the picture , but he was when she saw him.

Laura later told Curtis what Charlotte told her , and she was doubting what her grandbaby was telling her. I'm sorry guys , but I hate it when adults think kids are imagining things , or they're talking crazy, sometimes you learn the most important information from them because they are the most observant creatures on the plant karma is a bitch, so is Ava , so is Nina, hell so are Laura and  Lulu when you dare mess with their family.

Clearly  Valentin didn't get the memo,  because throwing Ava overboard didn't help matters, and that's when Nikolas burst through the doors with her in his arms shocking the hell out of everyone at the wedding,  everyone was shocked to see him, well except Jax and Nina.

Was Nina pulled into help Nikolas lol, we will have to see on Monday's show whose glad to see him, whose not , and who is about to spend some time in prison for 2 attempted murders, Valentin that's who.

Where does  that leave Valentin as the heir to the cassadine fortune, he'll be removed from the home , after all how he procured the property was through coercion, of Nikolas who signed things over in duress , just before he was shot and fell over the balcony.

Nikolas is the rightful heir as is Spencer leaving  Valentin and  Charlotte as merely the spare parts who are entitled to absolutely nothing. And what about Nina and Liesl , they are uninvited guests , and surely Nikolas can sue Valentin for the money he spent.  

I can't wait for Nikolas to be reunited with Spencer , his mom ,  Lulu , Rocco , Elizabeth ,his Aunt Alexis and his cousins Sam, Molly and Kristina .

Someone hand me a tissue I'm in tears here !!!

They say dead men don't tell tales , but Nikolas Cassadine , has some storytelling to do !!!!! And I for one am glad I have a front row seat for it.

Until next time guys have a happy Sunday and happy GH watching!!!!