
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

I got an Epiphany ... Epiphany Johnson That Is

Since Sonya Eddy joined GH as head nurse Epiphany Johnson in March 2006 as Sonny and Jason's It tech Stan Johnson's strong willed take no prisoners  mother  we instantly fell in love with the character. 

We love Piffy ( our nickname) for the no nonsense nurse, sweetheart and mother figure that she is ! We have laughed and cried along with her so many times over the years .

Piffy first has stole our hearts when Stan died.

Poor Piffy was devastated  and blamed Sonny and Jason for his death.  When Sonny tried flashing those dimples at her , but she did not fall under  his spell  like other women . In  fact she even told him not to flash his dimples at her cause it would not work with her   but in most recent years she just laughs it off .

 When when she suffered a heart attack after his death   the hospital staff became her second family . That's when we became  more invested in her and we wanted to know more about her. 

Over the years  ,she has made us sit up and pay attention to everything she says and everything she does that sometimes even surprises us fans and the characters who interact with her I have to laugh when she treats them like naughty disobedient children and not like the adults that they are.

That's what a woman with strong maternal instincts does , she has been said to scare the hell out of Carly and Sonny Corinthos , and everyone else  that she has come across at the hospital over the past 14 years.

Piffy is our feisty, sensitive  shoot from the hip  head nurse at Port Charles General Hospital. With her quick wit, her dose of tough love for our front runner faves who sometimes need a talking too or a heart to heart talk .

Epiphany is the one person in town that people who work at GH  and patients can count on in good times and even in bad and has even been known to defy the rules herself. 

In 2012 Piffy comforted Dr Patrick Drave when his wife Robin was presumed dead after a lab explosion caused by Faison. It was devastating for him but he knew he could count on her to get him through it.

In 2015   Piffy was understandably pissed when she found out Sonny Corinthos had faked being paralyzed and had not informed his wife Carly  his kids and friends. She yelled at him and shook her head and he knew he was in trouble. 

This is what brings her and us joy , it makes her laugh when strong men like Sonny Corinthos  and Jason Morgan are left speechless after being told off by  our beautiful Epiphany.

In 2016 she was devastated when her vey close friend Sabrina was killed by Paul Hornsby. Piffy made it her mission to make sure her nurses and friends remained safe under her watch.

Earlier this month Piffy helped Sam evade her parole officer, so that she could visit Jason after he had been in a motorcycle and had needed a brain surgery .

When Jason snuck out of the hospital to help Michael find a missing Wiley,  he called her when it was discovered that Marcus Taggert had been shot on the pier. 

Naturally Piffy was miffed Jason left the hospital,  but  lol as it turned out she knew Taggert was alive much to the surprise of Jason who was left thinking " Umm wtf!"

Yeah umm,  from where I'm  standing Piffy you are a dark horse  ( figuratively speaking ) it appears you helped fake Taggert's death with Jordan and  Portia.

Which makes me love you even more !! I might add and everyone else loves you for it  as well and I can't say I blame them.

On august 26th 2020, Piffy was more than furious when she discovered that too many people were visiting Brooklynn Quartermaine in  her hospital room . 

She threw everyone out when the poor lass should be resting after having vocal cord surgery! This all transpired  after Nelle Benson had slashed her throat possibly damaging her vocal chords .

I honestly wish  I had an Epiphany fighting in my corner,  I love her to bits  she is an amazing woman,  nurse and friend ! She is a warrior queen who is  a force to be reckonned with I know that for a fact . 

What will Piffy get up to next god only knows, but I can't wait to find  out .

Anywho that's it for now,  have a great day everyone  and happy GH watching!

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Nelle Benson - Our friendly neighborhood Sociopath

Good Morning guys I know what you're thinking " Oh god ! Not another blog about Nelle!"

No I'm not obsessed with our Friendly neighborhood sociopath,  but I do like the way Chloe Lanier plays her.

Since the beginning  Nelle has been  in my radar as someone who puts on the sweet and innocent act until she doesn't get what she wants from them.

This is how the experts say people like Nelle work , they play on your fears and emotions to reel you in only to use your weaknesses against you in the end .

Since then it became clear to me she  is devoid of compassion and understanding towards other people.  She doesn't seem to understand that just because someone else has something you don't,  money , love , power,  it doesn't mean you're entitled to it .

Killing her Fiance Zachary Grant in a kayak accident , drugging Sonny, she tried to kill Michael , gaslighted Carly all because she was jealous that they all grew up in loving , but dysfunctional wealthy families.

I'm sorry , but Nelle has a very distorted view of how things really were , in the flashback that aired Carly barely noticed her, so why would Nelle think that Carly would have come back to get her.  

It seems to me also Nelle is emotionally stunted and still acts like  a child , placing blame on Carly when Frank should have been the one aiming her anger towards.

And because Joss,  Willow and Brooklynn called her out on her crap , she attacks them , because they are not weak minded little girls who let the little psycho manipulate them.

I was so proud of Joss , and Willow when they fought her , but I was horrified  when she framed Brad for Wileys kidnapping , then slashing Brooklyn's throat,  that just proves she has over the top aggression issues as well. 

These type of people , need to be locked up , in a secure facility and should never see the light of day ever again.

They really think using a child like a pawn in a sick game against the parent who actually loves them is going to win them admiration, and respect from others, but realistically they only look spiteful and hateful with no empathy for others .

Nelle has no maternal feelings towards Wiley,  and even tried to say Carly was just like her  treating Michael like a meal ticket to trap AJ , umm nope that's you sweetheart , and just for the record Carly never wanted AJ near that boy because he was an alcoholic, not because the Q's would treat him like a possession like  you do!

To learn more about sociopaths and how to cope with them click the link below

Nelle's illogical thinking, and irrational behavior  will not only hurt her but also Wiley in the end  , I'm not gonna sit here and say poor Nelle,  she's had a sad life .

Nope not me , I feel that she is sick and twisted,  and I think , her trying to manipulate Nina and her antics in court only show how demented and narcissistic she really is.

Can Nelle change her ways and be redeemed  once it is revealed she's Nina's daughter , yours truly doesn't think so.

Until next time guys have a great day and happy gh watching!

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Playing With Fire - Life and Times of Nelle Benson Julian Jerome and Marcus Taggert

Tap ! Tap is this thing on, attention all Port Charles residents , it is under advisement that you not join forces with Janelle Benson as she is a complete and utter screwball.

This decision is like  playing with fire , because if you play with Nelle you're likely to not only get burned but be accused of aiding and abetting the crazy bitch

Just ask Brad Cooper his stupidity had him locked up for trusting the friendly neighborhood psycho.

Now Julian has been blackmailed by her he married her and then tried to kill her ass after helping her take Wiley under Monica Quartermaine's watch.

Chloroforming her knocking her out and absconding with the youngster. 

Julian met with Nelle held her at gunpoint and Taggert got involved 

That guy does my head in , was he in on it with Nelle , or did he just assume Julian was trying to rob her.

Julian knocked him out and then vacated  the area. Later Sonny caught up to him at Charlie's. 

Does Sonny suspect Julian helped Nelle,  you best your sweet ass he does. 

Julian just needs to fess up already!@

The cops are on Nelle's tail will they get to Wiley in time.

Jason was alerted that Wiley.is missing and he found Taggert unconscious. 

I'm excited to find out what's going to happen next .

Let the lynch mob cometh  cause that's what happens when you mess with a Corinthos child 

Are these psychos so thick that they think.playing with fire while  Sonny, Carly Spinelli and Jason are on high alert is a smart move  I  think not!

Bring it on Nelle they're coming after you bitch

Sunday, 23 August 2020

And The Custody of Willey Quartermaine Corinthis Goes Too..

This was the court decision gh fans were buzzing about .

Our live chat was like a machine gun going off for the last two weeks and that's because GH had us completely and utterly gobsmacked that we couldn't help but say what we thought about everything. 

Nelle ever the show pony  didn't disappoints , she bitched and threw allegations and accusations at Michael and Willow.

Yeah bitch wrong move ... of course Willow had to try and head her off at the pass Diane told her to sit down. 

The witnesses one by one  testified that  Nelle was a bad person.

Carly  , Nina , and Willow testified of course and Martin tried to shake my girls self confidence.

Nelle proved their point when she spazzed out in court faked a panic attack her court room antics didnt get her sympathy. 

The judge didnt buy Nelle's marriage to Julian , and judging from the display he saw lol , he chose to award custody to Michael and Willow.

If that wasn't enough to make  jump out and say yes , yes !  Ava asked Julian why he hadn't gotten rid of Nelle yet.

As much as Ava pisses me off sometimes  this time lol she had my vote.

But then the pretty little sociopath had planted a tracker in Willey's toy and enlisted Julian to kidnap little pumpkin Willey .

If that wasn't horrific enough , Julian actually snuck into the Q's and knocked Monica out and took Wiley.

In the mean time ... Brooklynn found out what Nelle was planning , and confronted her.

Poor Brooklynn has wound up another victim because Nelle slashed her throat.

Thank god she was found,  but her prognosis has yet to be determined. 

She snuck out of there, undetected , but Julian pulled a gun on her last we saw on Friday.

I hope Julian returns Willey safe and sound and tells everyone what she was planning.

My wish is that someone offs the nasty article that is Janelle Benson  once and for all.

Sonny,   Julian  Jason, anybody please get rid of her and free us from her deplorable behavior indefinitely .

That's it for now guys , happy Sunday and have a great week.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

3-2-1 And They're Back

3-2-1 and they're back !!! The anticipation is over  guys , and I'm excited , first off we had the crazy court antics of Nina and Nelle , and they knocked it out of the ball park via Cynthia Watros and Chloe Lanier.

I giggled with delight as they both sounded off and made the court room drama hilarious! Nina was not sugar and spice and everything nice . In fact she was cut throat and told everyone Nelle Blackmailed Julian.

Lmfao Nelle spazzed out faking a panic attack as only crazy psychopaths do, but then Laura Wright as Carly with her facial expressions made me laugh even more .

Willow was angry tried to stand up to tell Nelle off   but Diane gestured for her to sit down and she behaved.

Oh Sam , and Sam , not played by Kelly Monaco but temporarily by Lindsay Hartley , there has been mixed reactions about her portrayal as Sam.

I happen to like her , she made me laugh saying she slapped the spit out of Julian, Alexis was not amused lol, but I was .

Then we got our first glimpse of our lovely Dante,  who is locked up in a mental hospital, he still is having flashbacks , but he's fighting his demons .  

Olivia was in a panic , worried about not hearing from her precious first born, making Ned worry for her,  but she was not impressed with his talk about ELQ.

As the episodes progressed during the week, we saw Sonny having a nightmare that his dad was
 better , but that he faded like a ghost this was sad to watch .

Sonny went to see Mike , and had decided not to have his dad intubated, I love Elizabeth for being there for Sonny.

He  told Mike he could go now, meanwhile Brooklynn made a deal with  the devil, oops I mean Valentin.

The hits just keep on coming , Maxie is pregnant,  Cyrus ordered a hit on Laura via  Jordan  and Jason told Carly after hearing about Mike , he wants her to be his next of Kin and make decisions for him if he can't. 

Which was a foreboding sign , and too much of one for my liking, since the next scene was Jason lying on the ground and Curtis found him . Cyrus the evil bastard was the one behind this I want him killed.

Later we find out Valentin hired Brooklynn for Deception for being the jingle singer and Maxie wasn't best pleased .

Nelle received the forged falsified passports from Valentin,  she plans to do a runner with little Wiley. 

This was heart jumping in your throat stuff!!! I can't wait till Monday!!!

#GHfamily #LoveMyGH

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Brace Yourselves .. One Day to go!!

Happy Sundday me lovelies, my mind is racing like a train speeding out of station 

It's a terrible thing when it happens for me particularly since I picture you lot saying " Shut Up Ash!" When I'm reaching into my inner Maxie thinking of what we have awaiting us this week !

 Since May  we've all been anxiously awaiting the Return of our fave Port Charles residents in newer episodes. 

And as I'm sitting here I'm reflecting on how nerve racking its been for us all with the uncertainty of when the show would be going back in production.

I'm so grateful for the flashback episodes   and more importantly that the cast and crew have been safe .

I wonder what will happen with the storylines that left us hanging,  and whether the show will have speeded things up since May.

Will we find out who got custody of Wiley 3 months later ?

We shall see what happens tomorrow,  and I wonder what you're all thinking and Feeling. 

This is Ashley signing off ... love you all until tomorrow have a great Sunday.