
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

I got an Epiphany ... Epiphany Johnson That Is

Since Sonya Eddy joined GH as head nurse Epiphany Johnson in March 2006 as Sonny and Jason's It tech Stan Johnson's strong willed take no prisoners  mother  we instantly fell in love with the character. 

We love Piffy ( our nickname) for the no nonsense nurse, sweetheart and mother figure that she is ! We have laughed and cried along with her so many times over the years .

Piffy first has stole our hearts when Stan died.

Poor Piffy was devastated  and blamed Sonny and Jason for his death.  When Sonny tried flashing those dimples at her , but she did not fall under  his spell  like other women . In  fact she even told him not to flash his dimples at her cause it would not work with her   but in most recent years she just laughs it off .

 When when she suffered a heart attack after his death   the hospital staff became her second family . That's when we became  more invested in her and we wanted to know more about her. 

Over the years  ,she has made us sit up and pay attention to everything she says and everything she does that sometimes even surprises us fans and the characters who interact with her I have to laugh when she treats them like naughty disobedient children and not like the adults that they are.

That's what a woman with strong maternal instincts does , she has been said to scare the hell out of Carly and Sonny Corinthos , and everyone else  that she has come across at the hospital over the past 14 years.

Piffy is our feisty, sensitive  shoot from the hip  head nurse at Port Charles General Hospital. With her quick wit, her dose of tough love for our front runner faves who sometimes need a talking too or a heart to heart talk .

Epiphany is the one person in town that people who work at GH  and patients can count on in good times and even in bad and has even been known to defy the rules herself. 

In 2012 Piffy comforted Dr Patrick Drave when his wife Robin was presumed dead after a lab explosion caused by Faison. It was devastating for him but he knew he could count on her to get him through it.

In 2015   Piffy was understandably pissed when she found out Sonny Corinthos had faked being paralyzed and had not informed his wife Carly  his kids and friends. She yelled at him and shook her head and he knew he was in trouble. 

This is what brings her and us joy , it makes her laugh when strong men like Sonny Corinthos  and Jason Morgan are left speechless after being told off by  our beautiful Epiphany.

In 2016 she was devastated when her vey close friend Sabrina was killed by Paul Hornsby. Piffy made it her mission to make sure her nurses and friends remained safe under her watch.

Earlier this month Piffy helped Sam evade her parole officer, so that she could visit Jason after he had been in a motorcycle and had needed a brain surgery .

When Jason snuck out of the hospital to help Michael find a missing Wiley,  he called her when it was discovered that Marcus Taggert had been shot on the pier. 

Naturally Piffy was miffed Jason left the hospital,  but  lol as it turned out she knew Taggert was alive much to the surprise of Jason who was left thinking " Umm wtf!"

Yeah umm,  from where I'm  standing Piffy you are a dark horse  ( figuratively speaking ) it appears you helped fake Taggert's death with Jordan and  Portia.

Which makes me love you even more !! I might add and everyone else loves you for it  as well and I can't say I blame them.

On august 26th 2020, Piffy was more than furious when she discovered that too many people were visiting Brooklynn Quartermaine in  her hospital room . 

She threw everyone out when the poor lass should be resting after having vocal cord surgery! This all transpired  after Nelle Benson had slashed her throat possibly damaging her vocal chords .

I honestly wish  I had an Epiphany fighting in my corner,  I love her to bits  she is an amazing woman,  nurse and friend ! She is a warrior queen who is  a force to be reckonned with I know that for a fact . 

What will Piffy get up to next god only knows, but I can't wait to find  out .

Anywho that's it for now,  have a great day everyone  and happy GH watching!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article!
    I always love Epiphany her attitude and no holds bar . She became my favorite nurse in such along time. When I first stared watching GH back in 98’ I had a few favorite nurses like Bobbie, Audrey &Amy. But Epiphany can’t hold a candle like them . She’s thought but loving sweet and caring all wrapped into one .
