
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Nelle Benson - Our friendly neighborhood Sociopath

Good Morning guys I know what you're thinking " Oh god ! Not another blog about Nelle!"

No I'm not obsessed with our Friendly neighborhood sociopath,  but I do like the way Chloe Lanier plays her.

Since the beginning  Nelle has been  in my radar as someone who puts on the sweet and innocent act until she doesn't get what she wants from them.

This is how the experts say people like Nelle work , they play on your fears and emotions to reel you in only to use your weaknesses against you in the end .

Since then it became clear to me she  is devoid of compassion and understanding towards other people.  She doesn't seem to understand that just because someone else has something you don't,  money , love , power,  it doesn't mean you're entitled to it .

Killing her Fiance Zachary Grant in a kayak accident , drugging Sonny, she tried to kill Michael , gaslighted Carly all because she was jealous that they all grew up in loving , but dysfunctional wealthy families.

I'm sorry , but Nelle has a very distorted view of how things really were , in the flashback that aired Carly barely noticed her, so why would Nelle think that Carly would have come back to get her.  

It seems to me also Nelle is emotionally stunted and still acts like  a child , placing blame on Carly when Frank should have been the one aiming her anger towards.

And because Joss,  Willow and Brooklynn called her out on her crap , she attacks them , because they are not weak minded little girls who let the little psycho manipulate them.

I was so proud of Joss , and Willow when they fought her , but I was horrified  when she framed Brad for Wileys kidnapping , then slashing Brooklyn's throat,  that just proves she has over the top aggression issues as well. 

These type of people , need to be locked up , in a secure facility and should never see the light of day ever again.

They really think using a child like a pawn in a sick game against the parent who actually loves them is going to win them admiration, and respect from others, but realistically they only look spiteful and hateful with no empathy for others .

Nelle has no maternal feelings towards Wiley,  and even tried to say Carly was just like her  treating Michael like a meal ticket to trap AJ , umm nope that's you sweetheart , and just for the record Carly never wanted AJ near that boy because he was an alcoholic, not because the Q's would treat him like a possession like  you do!

To learn more about sociopaths and how to cope with them click the link below

Nelle's illogical thinking, and irrational behavior  will not only hurt her but also Wiley in the end  , I'm not gonna sit here and say poor Nelle,  she's had a sad life .

Nope not me , I feel that she is sick and twisted,  and I think , her trying to manipulate Nina and her antics in court only show how demented and narcissistic she really is.

Can Nelle change her ways and be redeemed  once it is revealed she's Nina's daughter , yours truly doesn't think so.

Until next time guys have a great day and happy gh watching!

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