
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 19 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-19-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies , it's Monday  July 19th 2021 I wonder what's gonna implode on screen today for today's episode. 

After last week I'm more than ready for Sonny to return back to his family. 

Nina's played with his  amnesiac  ass way too long. And I don't know how she can after Carly was nice to her.

Todays show starts off with Sonny telling   NINA about Lenny being in the hospital in New York.

Anna and Valentin talking about  finding the helicopter pilot.

Brooklynn at the hospital with  the baby and runs Into Maxie for their clandestine meeting .

Austin sees them,  he asks  " Hey , you two  what are you up  too?" He's so nosey.

Joss and Trina talking about Victor aka Spencer. She says she hasn't heard from him.

Nikolas and  Spencer talking about Ava and what Nikolas is going to do about her. 

Ava shows up Nikolas excuses himself to go talk to her. 

Sonny is talking to Nina on the phone  says it's bad Lenny needs you I need you. 

Maxie needs to stop she's freaking out again .  She's worried that Austin might out them. 

Oh my God Joss she and  Trina are so funny .

Trina thinks joss and cam are fighting again no its worse your a third wheel lol.

Nikolas going to talk to Ava

Nina offers to pay for the cancer treatments.

Omfg Anna   , meets up with the pilot and tries small talk . She pretends not to have a wifi connection. 

Lmfao Maxie and Austin  are so funny just chatting away .

I love Joss and Cam are all loved up , he offers to put sun lotion on her back.

I don't want Ava and Nik to break up. They're going for a No fault divorce.

They should add  my step son is a little prick clause.

I love Lenny and Phyllis, so cute reminiscing about their past. 

Anna talking to  the pilot , she starts asking him questions about himself and he starts to become suspicious of her.

Sonny says they have to make sure Phyllis and Lenny accept.

I don't like Nina playing with  Sonny, but she is so cute with Wiley.

Maxie tells Austin she's leaving town. 
Awe Austin likes Maxie he tells her he hopes she has fun with her family. 

Bye cous I'll see you when I see you unless I see you first lol  . He acts so weird  lol around them.

Brooklynn was not amused

I love Trina she sees her friends are close again. I think Cam and Joss are cute. 

Joss asks Cam to get them a drink . 
Oh Joss love she starts asking if Trina is okay with her being with Cam.

Poor Ava  she's still wanting to be with Nikolas. Uh oh Spencer just outted himself being the Stalker. 

He knows way too much Nikolas is suspicious of him.

Marie's brother is stupid he thinks that Marie was trying to save Louise not kidnap her for Peter.

He starts  to demand answers out of Anna. He towers over Anna which does not go unnoticed from Valentin .

Sonny comes in to see Lenny and Phyllis. They find out he called Nina.

Awe Wiley is so adorable playing with his truck.  Awe Willow  says  she hopes to meet Mike one day she already knows him lol.

Brooklynn thinks he's weird.  Maxie asks are you serious why didn't  you tell me he was your cousin. 

Brooklynn talking About Austin. She says don't worry about him.He's a minor complication.

Austin doesn't know bailey is really Louise, and he goes to the metrocourt and runs Into Ava .

Nikolas asks Spencer how he knew about the cockroach. He tells him that he heard about it on social media.

 Nikolas asks to see the post.  Spencer says it's not up anymore. 

Austin gives Ava advice about Nikolas. 

When the helicopter pilot gets threatening Valentin jumps in to help Anna.

Lmfao Brooklynn says say your goodbyes now, before someone  sees us and gossips to Monica. 

Maxie says you love gossip, Brooklynn says yeah but not when it's about me.

Lmfao Austin and Ava are kinda cute.

They chat back and forth and it doesn't go unnoticed with Nikolas who appears to be getting very jealous.

Spencer says "Seems  like your wife has found a friend!"  Spencer is told not to stir things up.

Cam shut up, he starts to tease Trina about her supposed imaginary friend grr.

That was rude don't tease Trina.

Nina is suggesting that Willow have a baby. Willow says maybe if you and Carly can get along.

Nina has flashbacks of her and Sonny. 

 Sonny  tells  Phyllis and Lenny that Nina wants to come back up see them. 

 Phyllis says its up to Nina what she wants to do.

Lenny is angry he doesn't want Nina cutting the time short with  Wiley to come  back to help him. 

Go Valentin and Anna, they demand to know what  the pilot knows about Peter.

He tells them that he never picked Peter up on the hospital roof. With his face pressed up against the bar lol.

Omg Austin is shocked about the Stalker when Ava tells him all about it.

Nikolas is about to talk to Ava again, but is distracted  he gets a call from his uncle Marty on the phone.

He tells him that  Ava agreed to the no fault divorce. 

Cam and Joss are adorable , hanging out with each other.  I had to laugh when Spencer announced his arrival by calling Cameron townie.

Awe Nina says she already misses Wiley and she  hasn't  left yet.

Lenny's treatment about to be discussed.

Anna wants to know how Peter escaped. 

Whoa  great show some stuff made me laugh out loud.Others made me shake my head for a good reason. 

That's it for now,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 😀. 

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