I'm still waiting for the truth about Maxie's baby to come out .
Most importantly I'm waiting for the truth about Spencer to come out .
The shit will hit the fan
Today's gh starts off with Finn and Violet and her softball game.
She complains the snack that her dad brought are too healthy. Oranges and carrots sticks.
Continuing scene of Valentin hurting the pilot. He tells in his face and tells him to get his hands off of Anna.
Laura asks Jordan about Shawn and Alexis and how they both are coping .
They're in protective custody and talking to their kids. They're in protective custody and talking
to their kids.
Tj asks if they should take their parents advice and have fun and enjoy their meal like they should be .Molly says yes of course we should.
A waitress brings Champagne over to them. They say they didn't order it , but Nikolas says , but I did.
Awe continuing scene Cam and Joss with the sun screen. Spencer shows up and says Hello Townie.
Joss is in shock when she sees him.
Cam staking his claim on his girl with his arm around her .
Repeat of Anna asking questions about Peter. Go Valentin tell this guy to play nice with Anna and come clean.
The pilot says the hospital didn't give clearance.
Violet shouts " Hey Everyone my cousin Aidan made cupcakes 🧁!"
Cam and Spencer are cracking me up,
Chest thumping around Joss they're being ridiculous .
Joss is fed up of Spencer's arrogant behavior and throws Spencer in the pool.
Trina shows up as Cam and Joss are laughing at Spencer.
Trina just realized Victor is actually Spencer when she hears them introduce him as Spencer Cassadine Ava's step son.
I love Molly and Nikolas talking about their domestic partnership . They do a toast and have a drink.
They talk about Alexis and Shawn and their predicaments behind bars.
Shawn doesn't think he'll get out of prison and says he's worried about Alexis.
Laura comes to talk to Shawn and Alexis she says is there any news?
Lol Spencer called Trina Tina, she's pissed at him because of his lies that he told her.
She says he's a jerk !!!!
I love Nikolas and Molly talking about what happened to her mom and Shawn.
Laura says that attorney General will make Judge Carson a top priority
Laura tells the AG is nervous about tackling with the Judge Carson situation.
The helicopter pilot says there was another person on the roof top who could implicate him in Peter's disappearance.
I love Finn showing Violet how to swing.
Elizabeth says I wish we could watch our kids play games all summer Oh God Finn says yeah me too without worrying about a body in the freezer.
Elizabeth says with no way to get it out.
Awe Cam and Joss are so cute.
Trina has Spencer by the short and curlies. She tells him off for the lies he told her from day one .
Molly is worried about her mom being in prison. TJ says Alexis was helping Shawn with his case.
Nikolas asks is he getting outta prison.
Alexis is going to Springridge not back to Pentonville.
Finn and Elizabeth talk about how they're gonna get Peter out of the hospital lol by gurney and body bag.
Vilot hit a homerun.
The pilot tells Anna about Finn.She says what did he look like.
Anna knows that Finn was with Peter oh shit.
Pilot has been arrested, and he's seriously pissed about it .
Joss and Cam having a drink.
Joss says Trina and Spencer have
alot to talk about . They look like they're having a very heated conversation.
Spencer says he lied about being Back in town because his dad disappeared 3 years.
Spencer says he chose to talk to his dad.
TJ and Molly continue to talk to Nikolas about Their parents.
Laura says the governor is making Shawn's case a priority.
Anna says what makes you think this person on the roof with Peter is an Allie.
Finn and Elizabeth talking about whether someone saw him with the body or not.
He's worried about Violet.
Elizabeth offers to take care of Violet If something happens.
The governor is releasing Shawn on his own recognisis.
Spencer asks Trina if she can forgive him for what he did.
Spencer says ask Cam and Joss about my mom better yet look her up online.
Joss demands to know what's going on when she and Cam approach Trina and Spencer.
Shawn asks about the other prisoners that got served injustice from Judge Carson.
Shawn goes to call TJ ... Jordan says I have a better idea.
Joss is so nosey , and Spencer and Cam are too funny.
Spencer makes a comment about Joss playing an individual sport and not a team sport.
Alone Trina threatens to out Spencer's secret if he lies again or she will tell Joss, Cam and Ava what he did.
And the ending for today's show is a happy one for Shawn at least. TJ finds out his dad is a free when he sees him walking into the metrocourt. Nikolas witnesses the happy reunion , but judging by the look on his face Man Nikolas is pissed.
Laura apologizes to Alexis for the drama she was subjected too.
Alexis says that Nikolas helped her too.
Laura sings his praises, but she has no idea who he really is or what he's actually done to Shawn .
Shawn vows to find the man who shot Hayden.
Elizabeth says she's not going anywhere they're going to go through this together.
Anna and Valentin talk about the mystery man on the roof. Anna says something just doesn't add up with all of this.
Oh boy what a great show, until tomorrow guys, this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone.
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