This was the theme of the episode for me. It was a definite strong hard pass for the episode for Friday September 10th 2021.
Poor Curtis was soo upset over Jordan being ill and was beside himself with worry as was poor TJ.
I felt sorry for our poor Portia, she must realize that Curtis still loves Jordan .
TJ called his dad and Austin told Curtis that they have to operate on Jordan and save her as she's going into renal failure.
Among that we had a front row seat for Nina and her mental instability.
I'm really fed of her taking advantage of Sonny while he's suffering from amnesia.
What she's doing is inaprehensible, and shows that she is emotionally stunted.
The screaming and crying at Jax begging him not to tell Sonny the truth shows how incredibly selfish she is .
Oh boo hoo Carly kept my daughter away from me ... I'm punishing her by keeping her husband secretly hidden miles away and I want him for myself.
It's not like she cut her stomach open and took the baby from her and went on the run .... no that's Nina's and Madeline's trick.
In other Port Charles News Maxie and Brooklynn talked about whether Maxie should take her daughter back or not.
Carly and Jason reminiscing again I love nostalgia , however I prefer Carly with Sonny .
And don't get me started on Gladys, she is rude , ignorant selfish and presumptuous thinking she's more important than a baby who should have its own private space.
The way she trash talks Carly is disgusting and she needs to shut the hell up.
As for Phyllis , she is getting on my freaking nerves .
She should have investigated to find out who Sonny is but nope , she decided to push a nut job on an amnesiac man who deserved to find out who he is and where his family is.
What Nina is doing is a betrayl of trust , she only cares about what she wants not about what's in the best interest for Sonny .
I had to laugh when Peter showed up tick tock Nina , you're so screwed .
I can not wait for her downfall to come it's about bloody time and all.
That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy have a good rest of your weekend and we will see you back here tomorrow
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