
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 13 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9/13/21

Goood Afternoon me  darlings  ,  lord forgive me for what  this  recap is  about to say. 

Ok so  Today's  show starts  off with  Joss and   Trina  talking about Carly  who is all happy and  smiling.

Oh my God the doorbell  rings  she   sees Ava  who  says  its Important she  talks  to get.

Nikolas  wants  to  know what  Esme and  Spencer has  been up too. 

Esme says  Spencie has been showing  her all of the  hot spots  in Port Charles. 

Valentin approaches them   uh oh, he  says something about a delightful family reunion  .

Austin is confused as to why  Maxie has invited him to the wedding.

Yes Queen Jordan is awake, I'm relieved  as I'm sure TJ and  Curtis will be.

Nina thinks  Sonny  is walking  through the door and  it's actually  Peter.  

He says  What's the matter Nina you look like you've  seen a ghost.

Oh boy  for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee Nina Reeves and  you too Peter.

I literally  can  not  stand either of them cause they  like to play God with other people's lives.

Please forgive me soap God I tried to like her again, but she proves my gut feeling was right  lol in the first flaming place. 

I'm kicking myself  lol as Jax should  be doing that  i trusted her good girl act until she  messed with My man Sonny's life .

Peter do away with her now, lord have Mercy  on  me  they're  souls should  be dammed by  Lucifer himself. 

Brooklynn is eavesdropping,Maxie doesn't want  to talk about regrets and  move on with things. 

Jordan says that  Curtis  should  not have  risked  his own life .Curtis says  he made  the choice  to save her.

Portia says  I tried  to help  as best I could  Jordan  is  appreciative.

Trina tells Joss that she  is annoyed with  Spencer and  Esme and  their  attitudes towards  her .

Ava says  she's leaving  Avery with Carly, and that  she knows she's  safe with Carly. 

Lmfao Valentin lol,Valentin and  Nikolas lol are  so cock sure of themselves. 

Esme is enjoying  this  too much, especially  when  Spencer lips off at Valentin. 

Chest thumping  Neanderthals, having a pissing contest  about whose  the  strongest  more powerful man.

Anna is not amused, and tells them to stop.

Trina likes Spencer poor girl  ,Trina is  going  to tell Joss about what Spencer was doing.

Anna thinks this  fight  is  stupid  lol, she  acts like  a school teacher telling  two kids on the playground to stop their nonsense. 

She knows better Nikolas has a temper, and that Spencer is a chip off the old block and Valentin is no victim.

After Anna and Valentin  leave Esme wants to know who the  bossy Brit is lol.

Jordan is confused as to why  Austin is her doctor, that she wants to see her own  doctor. 

Shawn called  Molly, who arrives  to see Jordan that was a sweet thing for Shawn to do . 

Peter is a little upset 😏 that  Nina  lead  him on a wild  goose chase to find  Louise.

He is  also angry that  she set her dementedc Aunt liesl on him . LMFAO.  OH dear .

Demented Aunt? Nah  she's  not  so what  does that make you a saint?

Oh please  , he thinks he's superior to other people. He has  a napoleon complex. Little man huge chip  on his shoulder. 

Peter lol has Nina over a freaking  barrel. He's  more than  a little  pissed.

Trina just  told  Joss that  Spencer is Victor  lol.Joss says what does he  get out of getting you to keep his lie.

Trina is upset she lied to Joss.I want  Ava and Carly to be  friends.

Spencer just realized nicholas is hurt.
Nikolas says that  Ava's goons had him beaten  up.

Esme is a strange cookie, totally obsessed with Spencer. is she the new Nelle?

Anna tells Valentin Jordan  is in the hospital.Austin tells  Curtis , Portia and  TJ says Jordan has renal failure.

Oh my God Brooklynn stop ✋, she  won't  stop pushing Maxie into doing shit she doesn't want  to do .

Peter asks Nina for her phone  and  for it to be unlocked. He makes  her call Valentin.

Nina asks if they  found  any info on Louise yet.Nina is  giving Valentin  a help signal.

She knows he's at the Q's  ,Phyllis just walked into the  Tan-0.I'm already stressed.

I love Maxie  💘 being grateful to  Brooklynn.Austin says  its all hands on deck to  save Jordan.

Jordan needs to go for special treatment in Albany New York.Portia  is  pleased Jordan is so organized  for her own health.

Poor Trina is upset  , she  says  she wished  that she  had told  Ava  who Victor was from the start.

Valentin knows that  Nina was  a little off even for her.Anna says  it's a touchy subject about Louise but trust  your instincts.

Valentin calling Nina back, but gets no answer.Phyllis sees that Peter has Nina at  gun point  so pulls a gun on Peter holy shit. Oh flaming he'll  I was not expecting  that  lol. 

I knew she didn't  like or trust him lol.Jordan tells Portia she heard what she said about  Trina's father.

Jordan  gives  her advice  about  talking about past mistakes.

Jordan  asks if Molly can  do her a favor  lol Molly  finished  her sentence take care of TJ.

I love Maxie and Brooklyn's friendship.

I love  Nikolas and Spencer talking things out.They talk about Esme's manners  and how its rude to leave  the  table to go to the bathroom lol.

I love Curtis and Jordan they're so  cute.They are so in love still.Portia calls  Trina and  tells  her about the  accident.

Joss doesn't look happy!!!

Go Phyllis, shoot him !!!Oh my God are you kidding me why didn't you shoot him for God sake.

Ava would have  killed his ass,Or Liesl!!!

Lol Maxie asks Austin if he thought  it over about being her date .Austin has accepted the offer for  the wedding.

Brooklynn  goes into full Mama Ashley mode see ,  I'm just saying! Lmfao!

Awe Jordan, tells her loved ones  she  loves them. Lmfao Joss  confronting Spencer.

Valentin  has clued in it was  a  clue,That Nina's in trouble  Anna  says she'll go with him to Nixon Falls.

That's it for  now  , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great Monday evening everyone.

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