
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Tsunami Carly vs Nina the sniveling brat Reeves

Hey everyone in  light   of  Carly dealing  with  Nina yet  again   I  feel  this   blog is deemed  more   than  necessary. 

Just  for  the  record  I  am  a fan of  both  Laura  Wright  and  Cynthia  Watros  and   this  is  my  take on  the  whole  Carly  Vs  Nina mess.

I love  both  characters as well,  l think  both  women  are headstrong  and feisty  just  the  way  I  love   my  girls .

Lets  be honest when Carly found out from Maxie that  Nina  knew  that  Sonny  was  alive  and  failed  to  tell the  rest  of  his  family about  it  after Carly hung up  on her, Carly  was  well within  her  rights  to  be  enraged with  her  . 

Let's not  forget that  Carly's anger towards  Nina stemmed  from the  fact  that  before  Sonny  came  home  Nina had upset Willow and confused Wiley . 

I would  have  done  the  same  thing  in Carly's shoes. But now Nina's has added more  fuel to  Carly's already  engulfed flames .

Nina  has  the  right   to  see Wiley  ,  but  after Sonny  told  her  to  stay  the  hell away  from his  family  , once  he  was  back in  Port Charles she should  have  listened  to  him .

She showed up  in  the  metrocourt restaurant as if she's done  nothing  wrong and decides  to  antagonize  Carly  yet  again.

That was  not  a  happy  accident  it  was intentional and  Nina frigging  knows  it .

On  the  show  for October  28th 2021 episode  Nina   came face to  face  with Carly  and promptly  started  being  down  right  confrontational    and rude  towards   her .

First  the  sniveling  brat   brings  up  Nelle yet again  and  what  Carly  supposedly did  not do  to  save  her  and  how  she  kept  the  secret that  Nelle was  her   daughter  from  her .

Okay   so Carly  has maintained it  wasn't her place  to  do  so  and  that it wasn't  her  business.Nina  knows  this already and   brings  the  whole  bloody  mess up  again  lord  give  me  strength. 

I can  sympathize with  Nina  to  a certain  degree , she was  denied  the  right to  be  a mother  to  her  own child  , that was down   to  her OWN mother  ,  not  Carly!  What  happened  was   a tragic  accident  and  nothing  more  .

So looking back months earlier, Nina  goes  to  the  graveyard and  angrily  confronted  a grieving  wife aka  Carly and  disrupts Sonny's funeral TO  confront her  about  her  daughter's death.

Then  months  later has  the balls  to  keep the  fact that she  knew  Sonny was  alive  from Carly because  ah  poor  baby  Carly  hung up on her .

So let's  get   this  straight   she  acts  like  a  bitch, upsets  Willow  and  Wiley, doesn't  think  Carly has the  right  to  be  angry  with  her.

So  she  doesn't  show  an ounce  of  compassion towards  Sonny's  children  at  all  by  telling the  older  kids  their dad is  alive. But  she  acts like a hurt  mom for  a girl  who wasn't  worth grieving  over  or  for ?

She  then  throws it  in Carly's face  about  Sonny  and  his  life  in  Nixon  Falls  and   told  her that  Sonny didn't  give  Carly  a second  thought or  missed  her. 

Umm that's  because   he  had  amnesia, you  sick  twisted   little  bitch  ( Nina  the  character not  Cynthia Watros herself ) . I  know the  difference   between   reel and  real life. 

Then  Nina  had  the   nerve   to  bring  up  Michael calling  him  his  mother's  puppet.   ๐Ÿ™„ Are you  fucking   kidding  me  seriously  ?  ๐Ÿ˜’ 

Last  I checked  Michael was  his  own  man  lol , and makes  his  own  judgment calls  on  people  especially  those  who  mess with his  family.

Nina better  run  for  cover  , because  Carly  won't  be  responsible   for   her  own   actions   if Nina   antagonizes her  further  .

They  say  never  poke  a  sleeping  bear they  become angry  , combative  and  dangerous  if  weaponized that's why  I  love  Carly  and  Nina  .

Great  Job  ladies   keep  it  coming   lol.. I am  left   begging   for more  as I sit  on the  edge  of  my  seat  .

Monday, 25 October 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap Week of October 25th - October 29th 2021

Good  Evening  one  and  all and  welcome  to  our  weekly  GH recap.

Today's episode  featured  many  wtaf moments for  me  starting  with   Scott  being #TeamCarlyandSonny has  the  sky fallen or  what  ?

His  wanting  Nina  to  be  extradited  to   the  Keystone State  Pennsylvania made  me  go okay I'm  definitely  #TeamScottBaldwin.

Ontop of  that  Anna   sat  vigil  at Valentin's bedside and Britt was  held  at  gun point by the  guard  at the  prison  that  was  holding Drew and  Liesl.

Sonny  asked  Carly If she  called  the  cops  on Nina  and  had  her  arrested. She  flat  out said  no  , but  we  know   it  was  Michael who  called  them on her  .

Jax and  Michael talked  about  Nina  and how  Michael  had  her arrested  when  Carly  and  Sonny  found  out  that  Nina  was  being  extradited to  Pennsylvania Carly  said  she  wanted  to see it  for  herself lol.

As Britt argued with  the  guard  who was  bleeding  Jason showed  up to  ride  into rescue and he promised to  tell Britt where her  mum was for  a trade off. 

Gladys called a meeting  with   Sasha , Maxie and Brooklynn lol and  they  all thought the other  had  called  the  meeting  . She's  the  assistant  not  the  boss of them for  crying out loud .

Ava and  Scott told  Nina to listen  to  him and  go  to  Pennsylvania and  face the  charges.

Valentin was  worried  ๐Ÿ˜Ÿthat  Peter might  have  gone  back to Port Charles  and may  have harmed  his  girls.

They call Brooklynn  to  check  on things  at  home  as well as her Valentin got  injured in  Greece . 

After  speaking  to  them the  meeting  broke  up and  Sasha  tells  Gladys  who  had  been recording  the meeting that   they  need to  let   Maxie  and Brooklynn talk .

The  girls  talk  about  how  Valentin  is not  Bailey's dad  . 

Paramedic  in Greece  tells  Jason  and  Britt that  he knows they  didn't  cause the shooting  ,however  he  thinks  they're  trouble.

The bartender  watches  as  Britt and  Jason leave  and  he  calls  Nikolas. 

Meanwhile Carly  was like  the  cat that  got  the  cream as  she  sat  down to  witness Nina get  extradited. 

Nina  was  in shock when  shelearned  that   Michael  was  the  one who was responsible  for  her  being  arrested     being lead away  in handcuffs witb no  bail was  offered  to her .

OCTOBER 26TH  2021 

Hey  guys the  following  Recap is brought  to   you  by  the  phrase  wtaf  seriously man lord  give  me  strength.

Today's   show  starts  off  with Violet  and  Aiden with  Elizabeth.Spencer  ain't  happy he's  gotta get  a  job.

Ned  and Austin talking,Ned wants to  pursue Austin's  help with Leo.

Brooklynn  meeting  with  Chase, and  as usual she  branches into  the  discussion about  Austin  .

Gladys  hears  the  recording of  Brooklynn saying  Valentin is  not  Bailey's father.   Yeah  Gladys  is  gonna  use that  to  her  advantage that  snake. 

Sasha  calls Brando  about  dinner  and runs  into  Willow and  they  talk  about Gladys  and   Carly  and Michael. 

Michael's talking  to  the   politician  running  for  State attorney  General.I can't wait  to  see  what  his  parents  have  to  say about  what  he  did. 

Michael  has  every  right  to  be  angry, and  he  tells  his  parents that  he's  surprised Sonny  isn't  . Carly is  so  proud  of  her  son.

Willow  doesn't  want  to  talk  about   Michael behind his  back.Sasha  is  told  Michael was behind Nina's arrest. Sasha is  shocked  to  say  the least. 

I'm not lol, he's  proven  he's his  great grandfather's great grandson  and  of course  he's  definitely his  mother's son.

Brace are  so  cute, ( Brooklynn and Chase) the  way  they  speak  to  each  other  is  so  truthful and   honest. I  value  people's honesty when  they  tell it  how  they see it  .

I love  Ned and Austin  joining  forces, or rather  the  prospect of them working  together. 

The  new Aiden is  so cute, and I love Violet ! I love  Finn's new  place  and  I  love  the  fact  that  Elizabeth helped  Finn with  the   household items .

Gladys  as usual  is  super  annoying and  a bitch, you  just  don't  use  the  company  credit  card   especially your  bosses to beef up  your wardrobe.

Elizabeth  brought  photos for  Finn and Violet  .The kids have no clue who Jeff is at least Aiden doesnt.

Austin says  I can't say  whether  Leo is  autistic that's  for  a  Specialist.

Michael  is  more  worried  about  protecting  his  family  from Nina.

Michael is  such  a chip off the ole Quartermaine and  Spencer  block

Chase is such a sweetheart listening  to  Brooklynn's  rambling  lol.

Elizabeth should rip the  band aid off and  talk to  her father.

Lmfa   lol Spencer  doesn't  wanna work at  Kelly's, but  Esme  wants  him to  . He  approaches   Cam whose been  promoted to   Assistant manager .

Chase shows up for  dinner at  Finn's he  presents  Violet with  violets  and  a kiss the  cook  apron for   Finn.  

He  asks if  Aiden brought  his 7  layer  bars and  Aiden tells  him there  are some  in the  kitchen.

Sasha and   Willow eating  fruit salad  at the  restaurant. That's  quite  the  pallet quencher.

Go Brooklynn, she  found  out what  Gladys  did and  she  is pissed. 

I'm not  impressed that  Gladys is   blackmailing Brooklynn for something that's  got  nothing  to  do  with her .

Sonny  and  Carly  are concerned that Michael's campaign donation  can  be  seen  as a bribe.

Love  Sasha's way  of  thinking  and  Advice to  Willow.

Chase  Finn and  Aiden  don't  know  how  to   work  the  stove why  did  Elizabeth rip up the  picture.

 Spencer  is  begging  for  the  job. Cam says  that  Spencer  is  hired. 

I love  Austin he's  so adiment on Ned listening  to  him.

Gladys played the  recording  of  Brooklynn she's  so  screwed.


The episode  for  October 27th 2021 was  started  off with  Curtis  and  TJ sparring at the  gym.

TJ lost a patient and   he's  upset about  it  .

Awe  Willow  and  Michael are  all loved  up, but  the  conversation turns  serious. 

Nina  talking  about being  extradited. OH dear  the   poor  love  is  so  upset  , but  brazen having  coffee at  the  metrocourt hotel restaurant  .

Sonny  telling  Avery  not too much  syrup on her  pancakes  . He's so  happy   to  be  back  at  home  .

Molly  asking  for  service  at  Kelly's lol.

Alexis is like don't touch me to Nicholas she pulled away.You can take the Alexis out of the courtroom but you can't take the lawyer out of Alexis.

Love  Molly  and  Shawn, and  their  reunion  Shawn telling  her  how  proud of her  he is.  

The  rest  of  the  episode   lol  centered  around  Ava  dropping  the  papers  off  to  Sonny   for  Charlie's   and  surprisingly  enough  Carly  did  not  react  when   Nina's name  was  mentioned. 

Molly was  telling  Spencer  she  had  to  recuse  herself  from Spencer's   case.

Nina  tells  Jax  that   she's   upset   that  she  upset  Joss and  it's  different  having  her  mad  at  her  than  it  is  with  Carly.

Joss shows  up  to  at  Kelly's   to study with  Trina  Spencer doesn't  want  Trina to  see him working  at  Kelly's. 

The  mystery  man   runs  into  Portia  and   she's taken  aback  that   he's  asking  questions   about  Curtis  who  is  told  by  TJ that  his  patient   ran  off after  asking  questions  about  Curtis .

Later  on  as  Portia talks  to   Curtis   and   TJ she  realizes  that she  and  TJ met  the  same  old man  and  tells  Curtis  after  TJ leaves Volino's. 

Ontop of that  we  had   Ava  having  a  visit  with  Avery  and  she's  going  to  see her   the  next  day  .

Michael  proposed  to  Willow  despite  the   fact  that  he  knew she  was  disappointed  in him.

And  Finally  Alexis  realized   that  if  she  goes  free  Shawn  goes  back  to  prison.  We also  saw Carly  running   into Nina. Uh Oh . And Sonny  got a call from  Cyrus  Renault what the  hell does  that  creep want ?

October  28th 2021 

Today's show was a  day of pure unadulterated annoyance  all around   for  our  favourite  GH peeps. 

It Started  with   Michael proposing to Willow and she  tells  him  to  get up cause  she  cannot talk  to  him while  he's  on his  knees.

Shawn  finds  out   Nikolas  offered Alexis  a deal to get  out  of  jail  free card. Lmfao  Holy  crap  he  and  Michael sure  use  their   connections well don't  they   to  help  those   they love. 

Curtis  finds   our  about  the  nosey  man approaching  Portia and  behaving  strangely  .

Spencer   talking  about    being  a server.Ava and  his  dad  show  up for  breakfast  and Spencer  isn't  best  pleased  to see them.

Carly confronts  Nina, about her antagonizing  her  and  her family  .

Nina  starts  in  on her  about   Sonny  and  his  life  in  Nixon Falls is  she  for  real? Stay  away  from Carly  Nina instigating  combative loon.

Sonny accepts  the   Call from  Cyrus  and  asks  him what  he  wants.I dunno what Cyrus  is  up too up  the man is certifiably crazy. 

Nina  sure  is  stupid   she is  so  rude  and obnoxious  I can't   stand  her  .

Lol  Nikolas  is  shocked  that  Spencer  is  working, Spencer  says  are  you  going  to order  if  not please  leave. 

Sonny  is  back  in the  saddle  Cyrus brings out our Sonny lol. Just  by  Cyrus  being  a total douchebag.

Shawn  is  shocked  hearing that   he  could  go back inside  if Nikolas has  his way. 

Shut  up about  Nelle  Nina  ,that  stuff  is   dead  and  over with  just  stop.

Shut up Cyrus  you  creep he  keeps  talking  as if he thinks Sonny  actually  gives  a shit  about  what  he has  to say.

Ava  and   Nikolas  talking   about  Alexis

Esme  needs to  shut  up,Esme  butt out you  little   brat. She  has no business interfering in Spencer's  family..

Portia  says  something was  off about   Tj's patient.

Alexis  says  Nikolas had Hayden  shot And  she  knows  Nik set Shawn up.

Alexis  says  Nikolas uses people, and  never  takes responsibility for his  own  actions .

Nikolas  questioning  Spencer  what  he's  doing, he  says  he's  working  because  that's  what   Kevin  expects  of  him.

Esme  is  apologizing to  Ava  for  what   she  did  helping  Spencer

Love  Willow  telling  her  how  she feels  about   him.Sonny  has  come  to   talk to  Curtis  and  talks  to Portia  about  their  girls.

Willow thinks the  timing  of  the proposal  wasn't  good  lol.Esme opening  up to  Ava.

Spencer  and  Nikolas talking  and  Nik says  Spencer is  ruining  his  life. How  the  hell is  Spencer   ruining   his   life   by  making   his  own   money?

I love   Shawn   saying   that   no one  should  trust  Nikolas.Shawn tells  Alexis  to  take  the  deal.

Sonny  tells  Curtis  about the  phone call  with  Cyrus.Portia telling  Sonny  what   Cyrus  did.

Spencer please  stop, he's  being  so  rude  to his  father  about   Ava  etc.

Ava  tells Esme she's letting  her off  lightly this time  . I  love  Ava  cross me  again  and you'll regret   it.

Alexis  says  she  doesn't   deserve  a pardon for  what  she  did.She  wants  Shawn  to  help her bring  her  nephew  to  justice.

Love  Michael  telling  Willow  about  his  parents   and   how  their  love  is  like  how  he  feels  about  her.

Awe so  sweet  she  Says   she  wants  to  marry  him just  not  right now.

Nina  calls  Michael  Carly's puppet , is  she  for  real? Michael  is  his  own  man he makes   his  own  decisions  and  dies what   he  needs to,  to  protect   his  family. 

Nina  is  not  a mother  , she  doesn't understand  that  a woman's son does  what  he  needs  to  and will always  have  his  mother's back.  Sonny just  showed   up  lol.

Spencer says  his  dad  needs   a  wake  up  call.Shawn  says  he  knows  a way to   get  Nikolas caught  for  his  misdeeds and  has  a  flashback of  Spencer 

Portia is worried  about  Sonny  getting  back  in the  swing  of things. But says she knows  he will protect  the  kids .

Nina  says  she  has to get  back  to work  after  she  leaves   Carly  raises  her  disdain  about   running  into  Nina  all the  time  .

Sonny tells  her  ,  to ignore  her  but  Carly  says  I   tried  it  your  way, it  didn't  work  for now on its  between me  and  Nina.

Uh Oh  Tsunami  Carly is  about  to strike  and  Nina won't know  what   hit  her .

OCTOBER 29th 2021

The   episode for  October  29th 2021  was very  interesting  and  very  very   funny   in  my opinion. 

So  we  got  a birds eye  view  of Gladys  continuing  to  take  advantage of  the  ladies   at  deception with  the   use  of  the  corporate credit  card  which  was  not  for  her  personal use  .

Brando and  Sasha  saw  all of  this  go down  and  let  me   tell you  Brando  was  not  impressed  with   his  mother.

We  also  saw  Brooklynn feeding  Charlotte  sugary cereal  and   taking  Valentin's  pride  and  joy  to   see  her  papa.

Besides  that we  saw Shawn going  to  see Spencer  speaking  to  him  about   his  father  and Ava  tells  Nikolas that  he  should  be  leary  of  Victor and his intensions  despite  the  fact  he  saved  Nikolas .

Finn and  Anna  talk  about   Peter and  she  tells  him not   to worry  about  what  happened  that  as Lin  as  Peter's  on the run he  and  Elizabeth  know  they  didn't  kill him.

Finn talked  to  Elizabeth about  the  picture  of herself  and  her  dad  , and  where  it  went  . She  is  not  telling  him she tore the  picture  up.

Meanwhile  Maxie is  livid  with  Gladys  and  takes the  credit  card  away  from her and  tells  her  to  get  back  to work. 

Austin goes  to  see  Valentin  to  see how  he  is and  tells  him he's  backing of  ELQ.

Charlotte hugs  her  daddy  and  Valentin  appears  to  be  in  alot  of  pain  and  extremely tired.

We  find out  later on that  Gladys went  to  GH to  see Valentin acting all friendly   lol and   like  she  and   Valentin are the  best  of  friends.

She  wishes lol  , she  really  truly  wishes. She  calls  Charlotte  Charmaine and   calls  her  and  Bailey rug rats . 

Brando  tells   Sasha  that  his  mother  should  be  fired  . In  the  meantime  Shawn   told   Spencer  that   his   dad  was  responsible  for  the   hit  on Hayden not  Shawn himself .

Considering  the  fact  that   Spencer actually  liked Hayden it  adds  more   fuel to  Spencer's  already  engulfed  flames in his  anger  towards  his  dad. 

Austin and  Brooklyn  engage  in  embattled words  and   he  let's  them  know  that  Gladys  is speaking  to Valentin. 

Valentin  tells  Gladys he's  needing  rest  and  politely  asks  her to  leave  but  she  sits  down  and  starts  calling  Brooklynn a  rich  spoiled  little  princess. 

The  last  scene   we  saw   was  Nikolas  being  confronted  by  Spencer  who says  Father  did  you  set  out to kill Hayden  Barnes .

Thats  it for  this  week until  Monday  guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  weekend everyone  and  happy Halloween. 

Monday, 18 October 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap October 18 - 22nd 2021

Good Monday  evening Me darling  loves , this  week's GH promises  to  be  one  hell of  a ride  .


The  race  was  on to  find  Drew on the  Monday October 18th 2021 episode  and  all the  parties involved in the  rescue of  Liesl and  Drew  are  some  of  my  fave  characters  on screen. 

We  had  Robert  and  Anna  talking  to  Sam and Dante.Valentin talking to the  same guard that  Drew had .

In the  meantime  Curtis  and  Portia  talked  about  Stella  and  his  family  history  which I  loved.  One question who  was  that  older gentleman watching Curtis  and  Portia  ?

Ontop of that Scott , Britt and   Jason were  talking  about  finding our  mutter and  our  Drew . Luckily  Spin was called  in  to   help ๐Ÿ˜‰ , but first   he  had  to  let Spin search his   search  history on his laptop. 

Scott wasn't  too thrilled about  that  idea . Lmfao meanwhile  ๐Ÿคฃ Sam and Dante were  treated  like disobedient children  and  had  a WSB agent  assigned to babysit them  like they're  five year Olds.

Is Anna  for real,  treating them like  this  Sam is  a Cassadine I think  she  knows how  to  deal with  her  own  great  uncle  . Some times the  best  rescues  are  lead  by  emotions  because  you're  all the  more hell bent to  rescue  those  you  love. 

Lmfao  when  Scott was  chastised by Spin for  answering  spam ads  I  laughed  my  fool head  off. 

Also  I couldn't believe  that  Victor of all people were  taken hostage  in his  own compound  and  Peter had his  people turn  on him.

Valentin was shocked  by  this  as well, but I have to  say Liesl telling  Drew to focus on Scout  to stay strong  I  loved that  so much .

Also  lol .....we saw  Drew rescuing  Valentin, Sam and  Dante on the trail after talking their  handler  around . 

Victor  has done  a disappearing act  while  Drew  had Peter at gun point and  poor Valentin was monkey  in the  middle  when  Robert  and  Anna came  across them.

But then  it  happened  , Peter  shot  both Drew and  Valentin  which pissed me the hell off.

Oh  what  a  start to  a nail biter of  a week I'm telling  you .

0CTOber 19th 2021

Goodness gracious  me  , yesterday's  GH  was amazing. Apart  from  the  shootout  in  Greece ,Valentin getting  shot  and  everyone  trying   to  figure out where  Drew  was we  had  some  interesting  things  going  on back home  in Port Charles too.

First  of all  Portia  and   Curtis were  getting  to  really  know  each  other  , but  some strange  man  was  watching   them from  a  table  he  was  sitting  at  Maya  chatted  away  with  him as well .

Britt and Jason  Showed  up at  the  Savoy  wanting info out of  Nikolas so Britt had  her  questions  ready   ..... 3-2-1 and go  Britt 

Lol I love  how  she  handled  Nikolas , and I love  that  Jason  left her to  do  her thing  and  he even  had  a conversation with Curtis  which was an added bonus 

Ava  spoke  to  Portia  letting  Nikolas discuss stuff with  Britt . She  and  Portia  discussed  their kids Portia  made  it  clear  she  wants  Trina  to  stay  clear  of Spencer.

Meanwhile  back  in Greece Sam and  Dante talked to  her  great  uncle  Victor  ..

Dante threatened  to shoot him which  was  kinda ridiculous lol cause  they arguing  gave  Sam enough  time  to  sneak away on her own

Victor  very worridely  told Dante  Sam was  not  safe  and  that  Peter's mem  would  shoot  her upon his orders. 

I'll tell ya what  I  think shall I  , I think uncle  Victor  cares  about   his  family  more  so  than  Helena and Mikkos ever did .

Dante and  Sam took  Victor  to Anna  and  Robert lol oh sweet,  smart  ass Robert  said   what  we  fans  say  online  I  think  I threw up in my  mouth a  little  bit  upon hearing  about  Victor  and  Helena bumping  uglies and   procreating Valentin. 

Back  in Port  Charles Nikolas got  a call from the  same Bartender that  Sam, Dante , Robert , Valentin  and  Anna spoke to .

Nikolas is waist deep in this   , I knew  I smelled  a rat  lol .. here he is saying  that   the  Cassadine compound  was  sold  and  yet  lol he's  still up to  his  neck  in it  .

Maya  was  going  to  introduce  the  stranger  to  Curtis , but  he disappeared  and  back  in  Greece we  saw Drew  with  no shirt  on in  a vehicle with Peter  .... I hope  he's  still following  what  Liesl told  him and  he's  faking  it.

Man another  jaw dropping  episode. 

OCTOBER 20th 2021

Today's  episode for  October 20th 2021 was filled  with  a lot  of  drama, but  not the  kind  that  I love  .

We  had Maya  And  Curtis  talking  about the  old  dude and  how  Maya thinks  Curtis  would like  him.

Nina  has gone  to  see Curtis

The  old  man has come  to see TJ

Michael  and Willow  are so  cute,

Maxie  going  out with Austin,I feel  bad for  Ned I don't like  the  way  Olivia  is  treating  him at all.

Elizabeth  is  looking  at   a  trivia  night  poster,Poor  Finn lol he's  so  smitten with Elizabeth but them missing  Hayden and  Franco  is  holding  them  back  I  feel.

Sonny  needs  to tell Carly   the   truth, she  is  such an open book  full disclosure and  everything  which  is  why  I  love  her .Jason  just  showed  up they  have  business  to  discuss.

Fin and  Elizabeth need to  admit  they have  feelings  there  lol.I  love  Curtis friendship with  Nina.

Nina's guilt is  coming  out,Sonny  is  feeling  weird around  Jason  lol hello guilty party  table  of 1.Carly says  let's  not  lose each other  over Nina's lie.

Jason says  hes  leaving  town, over  at  GH Britt tells  Terry  she's  leaving  town. Terry  is  clearly  not  the  least  bit happy  about  it  either  she  thought  it was  a vacation she's  going  on .

Lmfao  Elizabeth and  Finn too cute lol Finn sounds like fun can't believe those words came out of my mouth.

Michael  Willow has  a point, about  being  nice  to   Nina  , being  diplomatic is  the  way  to  go  instead of  being  a  total asshole  about  it.

Jason  fills  Carly  and  Sonny in on  what Peter has  done  to  Liesl.

Jason tells  Sonny  about  Liesl and  Scott Sonny's  reaction  about  Scott  and Liesl was hilarious.  Carly  goes you missed  a lot. 

Britt  telling   Terry  about her mum's disappearance.Lmfao Finn my  lips  almost  touched yours  he  says. Olivia  is upset  about what  Dr Diamond  said   about  Leo.

My mother  was watching today  and  said  Olivia  is  a lousy  mom and  won't listen  to  the doctors  cause she's stubborn. 

I love  Maxie and Austin,he's  onto her  about  her  endless questions. Maxie  doesn't  know how  to  broach  a  subject  without  annoying people  in the  process.

Jason  filling in  Sonny  about  Peter  threatening Nina.Michael agrees with Willow says  it's  a  complicated situation.

Nina  needs  to  see a  therapist  she clearly  needs  help.

That  mystery  man  hanging  around  TJ like  some  weirdo,gets  examined  by  him and  disappeared again.

Olivia  needs  to  stop , she's  being  a total bitch to  Austin he's  trying  to  apologize to her for  over stepping. 

Nina  and Curtis are  such  good friends and  so  good  for  each  other to confide in.He  thinks  she'll be  redeemed.

Michael  wants to take  Nina to court, Willow  asks  him to  reconsider. 

Jason telling  Carly and  Sonny  that Victor is alive  and Peter is working  with him

Elizabeth's  dad  called  Terry,Oh  wow  Is he  coming  ok  canvas.

Willow  says  we  let  things  lie  right  now.Don't let  your  emotions  work against  us.

Olivia  needs  to  stop  and accept that her kid has  issues and  deal  with it.

Lmfao Elizabeth wants to  deal with  Trivia  night , Terry  watche's  Elizabeth  get  in the  elevator   and  tells  Finn to  ask  the  questions to Elizabeth not her.

Sonny  tells  Jason  to  be careful  and   come  back  to them.Carly  is   glad they  talked  things  through  and  it's out in the  open.

Sonny  still hasn't told  her anything.

Oh  Michael  lol  you  are  Sonny's  son  after  all.Getting  a  governor  to  put  Nina  in  prison.

The  creepy  guy's back to  see Curtis. 

OCTOBER 21 st 2021 

Today's  GH   was  full  of a lot   of  truth  telling  and  some reality  check for   our  Spencer boy.

I  honestly  believe  , some  GH characters  are out  to  cause  drama and  air  their dirty  laundry  in public  wherever they  go in Port  Charles ,  but when  it's  the Corinthos  or  Quartermaine's they   sometimes  leave  it  behind  their  own   closed  doors ๐Ÿšช. 

And  that's  the  way  it  should  be   don't  let  your private  business spill out to  the rest  of Port Charles  or  it  might  end up lol in the  Invader.

Carly and Willow discussed
Michael and  Nina  and  how  Willow was worried  about  what  Michael may do where Nina  is  concerned.

Monica  talked to  Austin about  the  Q's while  they  Quartermaine's  discussed their  next  move  where  Austin is concerned  .

It  was Spencer's  day in court  lol and  it did  not  start  well with  the  lawyer pulling  out  the  wrong  file  calling  Spencer Sparky Caraway .

I  have  one  question  lol who  the  hell calls  their  kid Sparky.  Lol so  strange  .

Sonny  arrived  to  see  Spencer and  he  gave  him some food  for  thought  about  his  dad  . Esme  seemed  a  little  shaken  and  said  maybe they  need to  rethink  things  and make  up with Ava .

In the  meantime Michael met with  the  politician from Pennsylvania and  offered  to give him moneu  for  his  campaign .

Austin showed up to  see the  Quartermaine's and  signed  the  papers  saying  he won't fight  them for the  shares. 

Ava  met  up with Nina  and  Phyllis who  were out  for  lunch  and  made  her introduced herself  and  even  said  she  may  sell Charlie's pub.

Olivia was  angry  with  Ned amid the  whole  Quartermaine drama  and  said  she wanted  a divorce. 

Nikolas  showed  up to  see  Spencer at the  court  house  and  see him through  this  .

Sonny meets  up with  Ava  to talk  about  Avery  . He tells her  that  everything stays  the  same Ava  doesn't  like  it . I think Sonny  has something up his  sleeve. 


Sooo Friday's Episode surrounded Sam and  Dante  , and  Jason  and  Britt being  on  the  trail of  Drew and  Liesl.

Anna  was  visiting  Valentin  and  Robert said he was  pleased to see that  Valentin  ๐Ÿ˜€ doesn't   trust   Victor anymore than he  does. 

It was Spencer's plea court date  Cam and Joss showed  up  hoping that he  would  take  Ava's deal , but that  cock sure of  himself   little  bastard decided to be  disrespectful instead  .

And  then what  did we see  Michael  having  a meeting  with the  politician from Pennsylvania.  Willow  was  worried  about  that  whole  mess.

Sonny and Nina  both  wanted  to  buy the pub from Ava  for  Phyllis  it  was  a really  sweet  gesture  on both  of  their  parts 

As Anna  spoke  with  Valentin  his doctor  said  he would   have to  go  back  home  to  get  an  operation. 

Robert  was being  a  right douchebag to  Valentin and even  had the nerve  to  mock  the  guy.

Robert  called  her  to  come  talk  to  Victor  . When  she  got  there  Victor said  that  Peter is very  dangerous and  should  not  be  trusted  that  they need to  end  him .

Meanwhile  Sam  and  Jason  traded  info about  Drew  and   Liesl .

I  remember  being  shocked  as  everyone  else  that  ๐Ÿ™„Spencer  pleaded not guilty .

Esme tried  to  make  nice  with  Joss , but she  just wasn't having it ! Kevin and  Laura  will be  paying  his   bail,  but he  had  to  get  a job. 

 In the meanwhile  Michael asked that Nina be  charged  with  fraud  and  identity theft . Willow was  not  best  pleased about  it .

And  Finally  the  police  came  to  arrest  Nina .

That's  it  for  this  week ,  this  is  Mama  Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great weekend everyone. 



Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Stirring The Pot with GHCANADA 10-11-21 - 10-15-21

Helloooo me lovelies and  welcome to  stirring  the  pot  with GhCanada  if you  want to  learn  the  latest goings  on in Port  Charles  well park  your asses down  cause Mama Ashley has  some truth telling  for  your  little  peepers .๐Ÿ™ˆ

First  of  all you  lot  ... those  who  despise my Carly are always  stirring the  pot  I think  you all need a reality  check  she  ain't  no   bully  not  with Britt and  certainly  not  with  her  looney cousins  Nina and   Nelle.

Carly  tried  to  patch  things   up with Jason  and  Britt  lol. Emphasis on  tried  .  But  quickly she  learned  once  She's  pushed  ๐Ÿ˜†,  Britt  pushes  back and  said  nope not  gonna  happen  !

She  told  Carly in  no uncertain terms  lol that  Carly  is  a control freak and  Jason is  her  lap dog that  obeys  her.

So here I  am stirring  the  pot furiously  lol . Don't get  out  the pitch forks at dawn to  come  at me. For  the  most  part I  love  Nina  she  has a certain charm to her. 

However  she went on the  rickety yellow brick road  stumbled across Sonny and  lied to Jax and  kept  the  fact  Sonny  was  alive  from his  wife  and  kids.

Since  finding out  Nelle  was  her daughter I feel  Nina  has gone off the  deep end blaming  Carly  for  Nelle's untimely death.

She wasn't there  , she has no business commenting on what  actually  happened  and  judge whether  it was intentional or not .

So for me  Nina's keeping  Sonny  away  from his wife and  family  was  almost like a  kid  on the  playground  saying " You stole my fave  doll , !" Then  a  few  years  later  going " so I'll steal your husband !" 

My main thought when  Nina  stood  in the cemetery lol and   tried  to  talk  to Sonny like  he was  still Smike was  " Hold up  Nina you ain't  in Nixon Falls  anymore  you're in Carly's territory  now bitch and I hope  she annihilates you .

If  Nina  was in front  of me  right  now  I'd  say "   Nina , sit your ass down  and  shut up you've got  tough love  coming  your  way lady !" I'm fed  up of  Maxie and Phyllis feeling  sorry for  her and  making  excuses  for  her  behavior . 

These  women  enable  her  into  a false sense of security ๐Ÿคจ condoning her behaving irrationally towards  people  who  did nothing  to her.

Maybe  Nina  should  seek therapy  because once she  found  out  Sonny  was  alive  , and  Carly  was  still fuming  from Nina upsetting  Willow and confusing Wiley and  hung up on her Nina could  have told  Michael that his dad  was still alive   but  she  chose  not. And  why  is that  ?  It's because   she's  living  ๐Ÿค” in Nina's world  and  woe be  tied if her  new obsession  gets  taken  from her .

Now that  she's felt Joss' wrath  will she do the  decent  thing  and  back  the  hell off . What  she  did  was  not only spiteful and  cruel, but  she's professing  to  love Wiley  , but when  you  love  someone  you don't  hurt the people who love them.

Then has the  audacity  to  blame the victim ie Carly for her effed up grief for  her psycho dead  daughter.  They  say don't  light  the  match or  you  might  get  burned Nina hasn't learned  that  lesson yet .

As for  Esme there  is chatter as  to  the parentage  of  the  crafty little   girl whose  shaking  things  up with  the  teen set in the  Chuckles.

This  is  pure speculation  , but  I'm  beginning  to  wonder  if  Sam's  baby with Sonny  actually didn't  die at all . Lila would  be  around  the  same  age as  Cam, Spencer and  Trina  and  Joss. And  Helena has  a track record of  faking  babies deaths  what's  to  say  that  didn't  happen there?

Other  possible  parents  , are   Nikolas and  whomever  , Olivia  Jerome  and Ryan Chamberlain , Duke Lavery and Anna  Devane and  even  Ava Jerome being  her  real mother  .

It  seems a  certain little  prince is  not  searching  in  his  heart  to forgive   step mother Ava . Most  people   grow and  forgive  , it  seems Spencer  isn't  capable  of  showing any ounce of compassion and  understanding about  what  he did.

Tough  love  , cutting  him off and   everything  hasn't  thwarted Spencer's vile  behavior AND having  him arrested  he's  lucky he's  come  out of it unscathed. ๐Ÿคฃ  Let me  tell you that  was tame compared  to  what  Ava's done  in the  past.

He's lucky  she  didn't  shoot his ass or set him alight  like  she  tried  to  do  to  Carson lol. And  we know  how that backfired on her .

We  interupt this  Ava  Cassadine news to announce there's  a storm before  the  calm brewing ๐Ÿ˜Œ if  think  ๐Ÿค”Nina thought  she's getting off scot free lol for  the  Sonny situation Tsunami Carly ain't  done  yet brace yourselves  for  maximum impact. 

Stirring  the  pot  is  fun  , as long  as  you  don't  hurt anyone or  make  them lose their  jobs.

And  then  we  had  Brooklynn reporting  Austin  for diagnosing  Leo umm hello  ... girl you  baited  him  into  the  conversation ๐Ÿ™„ ! Yes he   suggested  that   Ned and  Liv take  Leo  to  a  specialist  but  it  was   not  a  professional diagnosis  . 

If  you  ask me  I  think Ava  may  be  encouraging  Nina  to  go  after  Sonny  but  behind  those   blue eyes is  a vindictive bitch .I don't  think  Ava's intentions towards  Nina  are  friendly  she's  setting her up  for  a  false  sense  of  security to  send  the  cuckoo back to her nest .

Monday, 11 October 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap Week of October 11-21/October 15-21

Good Evening me lovelies so what does  this  week's GH have  in store  for  us , God Only knows  but  I  am so   stoked for  it .


The episode  for  October  11th  2021 was  centered around Carly  talking  to  Britt about  Jason , Spencer getting   it  with  both  barrels  from Trina  and  Ava . Brando and  Sonny  had a  nice  reunion,  and  I was praying that Gladys would  not  show up  to ruin
 it .

Joss and  Cam talking  to  Esme about  Spencer  and Nikolas the  giant  man  child   whining  to  his Auntie Alexis  about  Spencer.Among that we got  to see  Shawn talking to Jax about  Hayden and  Naomi and  what  part  Nikolas  played  in  the  shooting of Hayden  and  her  disappearance out of town.

And  my  blood  started  to  boil  when  Nina  was  sucking around  a very  pregnant Sasha. She  really  makes  me  ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ.  Joss pretty  much  told Esme that  she  worries  about  her  friend   and  doesn't  care  about  her .

Britt told  Carly  that  she  and Jason  would  not  be getting back  together. She  said  that  Jason is  under  Carly's control and  she doesn't  like taking  second  place not even  to Carly. Sonny  arrived  to  see Carlh  , but I had  to  laugh when   Britt didn't even  stop to greet  Sonny  she  was  that  pissed  about  Carly. Sonny  very  quietly  said  goodbye Dr Westbourne. 

He seemed  a little shocked  lol ,but then  again he  knows  his  lady love  love  has a way of annoying  people sometimes. 

Joss wanted  to  talk  to   Cam about   Nina , Esme excused  herself  and   then  we  saw  Ava  asking  Trina  if  she wanted  her to stay to support  her talking  to Spencer she said no  I  think  I can  handle  him lol.

Back at Crimson  Nina and Sasha talk about  her relationship with  Nina and   Carly  and how  both  of them. Supported  her  when  she  had  the  drug overdose . Personally It's  not  a healthy situation to  begin with  her  being  around  young  mums and acting  all sorrowful and in  a dream like  state  about  Sonny  as  she  sees  Brando  . 

Home girl is  too old  to  be   mooning over  a man that  isn't  even  hers or  to  be  skulking  around  in the  first place 

I had  to  laugh at  Alexis  giving  Nikolas short  shrift for  his  behavior towards Spencer , but  she's absolutely  appalled  learning  that  Spencer is  the  stalker. Nikolas  says  Spencer is turning  into  a true Cassadine.

 Shawn tells  Jax  that  he  will not  ruin his  friendship with  Alexis  by attacking  her nephew .

Trina let's Spencer have it  about everything  he's  done  from the lies he  told  to  what  he  did  to his  dad  and step mother  and totally shows how angry  she  is  with  him.

Later on  she  shows  up  at  Kelly's when she over hears Joss and  Cam talking to Esme and  asks what's  going  on. Meanwhile  at  Wyndemere Ava confronted Spencer on everything that  she  felt  about  what he  did  to  his  father  , her  and   what  he did  to  scare  little  Avery.

Ava  says  the  best  thing  anyone  can  do  is  look their enemy in the  eye and face them . I thought  holy  crap .... this  is  it the  old  Ava is  about  to  Emerge like the  Phoenix from the  ashes and  raise holy hell and  make me stare  down the  barrel of  her  freaking  gun.

The next  thing  we  knew  lol  Shawn had  gone  to see Alexis and  comes  face to Face with  Nikolas. Ava  realized that  Spencer wasn't sorry at all for what  he  did  and  did  something  Ava  Jerome would  normally  not  do  lol she  called  the  police  on  the  little  bastard ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚.

Esme  got  a ๐Ÿ“ฑ call  from Springridge  her  internship there  has  been  accepted  wtaf does this  girl  have  up her sleeves. 

And Finally  Sonny  meets  up with  Jax  and  asks  to  speak  to  him .Oh  my  goodness  how  the  tides have turned  will  Sonny  and  Jax ban together  to  deal with  Nina  .

OCTOBER  12th 2021

This  episode  was  pretty  straight   forward  from  start  to finish  .   Brando and  Sasha  had  their  scan  appointment and  prepared  to tour  the  delivery  room .

Carly  and  Jason discussed  Nina  and Ava  told  Nikolas that  she  delivered  tough  love  towards  Spencer , Sonny  and  Jax  had  a conversation about  Nina  .

Alexis  and  Shawn discussed  what  happened  with  the  investigation and   he's  wondering  who else could  have  been responsible for  Ava's stalking other  than  Spencer and Esme.

I still think Esme  could  be   secret Cassadine. I know  it's  a stretch  lol, but the  Cassadines are  notorious  lol for  tormenting their  own family  .

Nina  got  a  visit  from Phyllis  who  gave  her short shrift for  the  things  she's  done  .

Nina  has  guilt written  all over  her face  but  honestly  I don't  buy it . 

Gladys  showed  up  to Brasha's appointment giving them the  big  Iam playing  victim and you  could  see   that  Brando  was  annoyed  . 

Jax  told  Sonny how  Nina  lied  to  all of them and  how  he  was  told  he  was hallucinating when  he  said  he  saw Sonny. He  also  told  him how  Trina got  the  sauce  from Phyllis and  how  Joss said  it was  Sonny's  sauce and  how  he  decided to  follow  that  lead  himself.  He  tells  Sonny to walk away   from Nina  and leave  it  behind  him.

Carly  said  she wanted  to  hurt  Nina ,but   after  getting  the call from  Jax  she   changed her mind , she   says  that   she   wants  to  walk away  from. It and  leave  her alone  for  now . 

At Wyndemere Ava  talks  about  having  Spencer arrested  to teach  him a lesson . I have to  hand  it  to Ava  lol .... she's  a  good  step mum to that  kid  he  just  doesn't  realize  it  yet.

Through   teary  eyes Carly  tells  Jason  if  Nina  even  goes near her family  again  it will start  a war.

Over at Crimson Phyllis tells  Nina  she  has Sonny's  watch  and as they're  talking  Sonny shows up to  see Nina .

OCT0BER 13 th 2021 

Good morning  me  darlings  forgive  me  for  the  tardiness of  this recap  my  old body is tired and in pain.

Yesterday's GH for  me  was  the  day  for  stressful confrontations.  First with  Austin  and Jason , then  later  on with Sonny and Nina and   Brooklynn and Olivia.

Scott told  Ava she  still has  the divorce  papers if  she  changes  her mind  . She tells  him that  Nikolas  put  them in the  fire  lol.

But  the   sweet  scene  I loved  was Leo and   Carly  ,  Leo organizing  Carly's desk and  telling  her  that  her creamers were  out of  date. 

Sonny  told  Nina  to  stay  away  from him and  from Carly  and  as for  Wiley Michael would  make  that  decision  about Wiley.

Scott tried  to  convince Britt to  ask  Jason for  help  to  find her mum. In  my  opinion  she  should  just  allow Jason  to help  I mean  he  has the  resources  and   the   muscle  to  rescue Liesl.  He  also offered her  a  peppermint  she  declined  , but  if  I had  been there  lol I woulda taken it .

Over  at  GH  Olivia  heard  Brooklynn talking  to  Britt about  Leo and  at  first  I  thought  ๐Ÿค”Olivia  would  hear  Brooklynn out  and  be  kind  , but our  Olivia is  a ball buster and  she  doesn't  take  anyone's   bull crap.

Nina tells  Sonny  that  Jarly  are  closer than  he  thinks they  are  making him have doubts  in his head  about Carly and  Jason.  She  gave  Sonny  his  watch  back  as well.

Ava  spoke  to Carly  about  Avery  and  Sonny  and  when  Carly  mentions Sonny  in Nixon  Falls and  what  Nina  actually  knew  ๐Ÿ˜ณ Ava  started  to have  flashbacks  of her conversation with  Nina  and  went  to  see her .

Sonny  shows up at the  office  and  he  doesn't  look happy  he  says that  they  have  some  explaining  to  do .

Oh snap 


LORD  HAVE Mercy on me  today's   GH was  a surely  bloody  insane  .

First  of  all .... Brooklynn and  Maxie  taking  kick boxing  at  Volino's Gym their  conversation was   making   me  laugh.

Then we  had   Trina  and  Cam at  the  Corinthos discussing  Esme  and  Spencer. Carly walks  in and  over hears   Joss mention  Nina  and  asks  what's  going  on. Cam walks  in wearing  Sonny's ๐Ÿค .  Lmfao.

Meanwhile  Sonny  and  Jason  discussed Carly  and  Nina. Oh boy .

Also  We  got  a birds eye view  of  Austin talking  to  Britt and  let  me  tell  ya  it  didn't  work  to  his advantage.  

Britt let's  Austin have  it  about  him interfering  with   the  Q's and Leo.

Esme is at  the police station  , she  wants  to  see Spencer .

Ava  shows up to  see Nina  and  she's not  too thrilled  at first  with  Nina about  what  she  did  with  Sonny.

Carly  says  that  she is  not  used  to the  idea  of   Sonny wearing  a  cowboy hat.

Joss tells  her  friends  to  go ahead  without her  after they  find  out  about  Spencer being arrested  .

Joss tells  her  mom about what  happened  between  her and  Nina Carly tells  her  to  leave  it  alone  .

They   talk about  the  hat  lol Joss thinks  it's funny. 

Ava  cracks a joke  about  Nixon Falls  being  Shangri-la lol and   it  being whoville.

She  says  that  Nina  should  fight  for  Sonny  and that  she shouldn't  worry  about  Carly. Lmfao  is  she  for real?

Esme is  questioned by  Chase  and  then so  is  Cam. 

Austin shows  up at Volino's and  he  gets  into  it  with  Brooklynn. She  tells  him  that  she's pissed  at  him for interfering with  her family.  He's  pissed at her for  reporting  him.

He  tells  Maxie  to  choose better  friends  lol.  Esme tells  Trina to  make  Ava take  back her statement. 

Jason shows up to  see Britt , and  Sonny  comes  home  to  see Carly  she says  " Howdy Stranger!"

Ava arrives at  the  PCPD to make  sure Spencer stays put.


Well ... today's  show  was  filled  with  a lot  of  hell yeah's and you  have  gotta  be  kidding  me  .

Carson spoke  about  what  happened  between her  and Jason  and  how  Carly  really missed Sonny.

Nikolas and  Kevin , spoke  about  Spencer and  the  whole  situation  with  Ava . Speaking  of  Ava  she tried to  reason  with   Spencer  but  to  no avail. He  acts  like  such  a  spoiled self centered little brat  he's a  chip off the  ole  Cassadine block.

Britt asks  Jason  to  help  her  find  her  mother  and  we  see Drew  in  his cell  he  has  a  wound  in his arm and  Liesl helps  him with it.

Sam , Dante , Anna and  Robert are  at  the  pub trying  to  figure  out  some  things  , like where  did Valentin go , and  where  the  hell Drew could  be .Robert  says  that   he thinks that  Peter is working  with  Victor Cassadine.

In the meantime  Esme bursts  into  Wyndemere unannounced and  she started reading Nikolas the  riot  act  about what Ava  did to Spencer. 

After  she  storms  out  lol ๐Ÿ˜† Kevin alerts Nikolas to the  fact  he  warned  him about  Esme , and  how  she  manipulates Spencer and  anyone  else  she  comes  across. 

Ava  says   she  can  give Spencer a way  out with  conditions  , but  he  refuses  to  hear  her  out  .

Carly  explains  to   Sonny  that  she  missed him so  much  and   the  thing with  Jason  almost  happened  but  he  came  home  and  it  changed  everything. 

Victor  is  all pissy when  he  finds out  Sam and Dante are  on the  trail with Anna  and  Robert. 

Nikolas says  what  am I supposed to do  , I had  to cut him off to teach  him a lesson. Kevin says , you either  support  him  and  get  him released or  make  him  take  responsibility for  his  actions.

Ava  says  Spencer's  not  even close  to  taking  responsibility for  anything.Nik asks how  he  is Ava  says  he's unrepentant.

Carly  asks  Sonny about  Nina.   Sonny says  Nina won't be  a problem. 

JaBritt piecing  things  together, about   where  her mother  could  be .

Anna  and  Robert  piecing  things   together with  Sante.

Esme  knock  it  off you  little  sneak, she's  trying  to  worm her way into  dealing  with  Ava.Spencer  being led to  holding cell,  she   freaks  out but  no one  is  listening  to  her.Nikolas is  really  worried  about  Spencer

Lol Peter double crossed victor, and he  goes  to  see Liesl  and  Drew in the cell.

Carly pours  her  heart  โคout to  Sonny he  just  stands  there  and  listens  .She  says  I love  you  and choose  you always, he  says  I choose you too!๐Ÿ’™

Awe great end  to  a  Friday show!!!

That's  it  for  now  , until Monday  this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great   weekend everyone.