All I know lol, is don't be so stupid to sneak up on someone and touch them lol. Ya just might find yourself in a precarious situation. Nikolas I'm talking to you !
Monday May 9th 2022
Monday's show had a lot of great moments .
For starters Carly and Valentin's conversation meant more to me than anything else that was going on.
The fact that he tried to have Carly have some compassion and understanding towards Nina was kinda nice .
But after what Nina did with Sonny , hiding him from his family for months I don't blame Carly for being pissed.
Carly blames Valentin for tricking Nina and how everyone rallies around her to protect her even when she's in the wrong .
TJ and Curtis discussed Marshall and TJ made it known that he was really angry with Curtis .
Just when I was getting to know him you went and upset him and he felt he had to leave .
Joss and Trina went to do some yoga and ran into Rory Carera.
Terry and Chet went on their date and it went really well. They get along like a house on fire.
Cam and Spencer talked about Esme and whether he should go home while Esme isn't there to find evidence against her.
Meanwhile Esme read the letter from her former nanny. She was in tears.
Ava jokingly asked Nina if she thinks marriage is on the cards for her and Sonny .
Trina flirts with Rory and Joss made me laugh .
She could see the mad chemistry going on between them.
Cam urges Spencer to go home and find evidence against Esme before she gets home.
Cam says he'll stall Esme while Spencer goes Snooping .
Carly asked Valentin about Phyllis being the nurse that attended to Nina during her coma pregnancy .
Valentin looks at her strangely ! She then tells him that after what Nina did to him she thinks Sonny's got Stockholm Syndrome.
Spencer finds the evidence he needs to out Esme.
At Kelly's Esme hugs Cam and Joss sees it happening she tells her to get her hands off her boyfriend .
Amy shows up at Charlie's and rambles at Ava and Nina . I find it annoying that she even felt the need to do it .
We then see her meet Julie outside Charlie's and she tells her that Chet is on a date with Terry.
Amy did not look too happy .
Nina then goes on a bitch session about Carly, Michael and Willow that is heard by Carly herself .
Oh dear Nina has open mouth syndrome again kel surprise . Lol
That's it for now until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Tuesday everyone .
Tuesday May 10th 2022
For the love all that's sane and holy, Esme and Nina need to be dealt with in a slow and painful death. That's all I'm saying for now.
Today's show started with Drew in his work out clothes umm π₯° I love Cameron Matheson lol . Just saying !!!
Ahem back to the recap Ned wants Drew to call off the merger. But why?
Lmfao Joss told Esme to get off her boyfriend . She called them tentacles not claws .
Lmfao Esme is such a stupid bitch who the hell does she think she is ? Fake assed crazy lunatic.
At Wyndemere Spencer takes pictures of Esme's belongings. He finds a pill bottle and takes one of the pills and puts it in his pocket.
Probably so he Cam get someone to analyze it later.
Poor Willow is freaking out about who her real mom is and why Harmony would lie about this.
At Charlie's Nina continues to play victim with Ava. Blaming everyone else , but herself for her not being allowed to see Wiley.
Carly has overheard her bitch fest and calls her out for playing victim when she caused the drama in the first place.
Nina says I don't blame you Carly , I blame Michael and Willow.
She says , you and I both want the same thing Carly peace β.
She doesn't think π€ that anything she did was wrong , and yet she started it by stealing Carly's husband.
Willow tells Michael she's freaked out about doing a DNA test to find out who her parents are .
Alexis shows up to check on Willow and wants to speak to her.
Esme tries to get Cam on side to run rough shot over Joss and Trina but it doesn't work.
He says he chooses Joss always not Esme.
Joss is yelling at Cam telling him he's being stupidc listening to Esme.
Nina is pretending to be nice and Ava asks if she should stay and referee.
They say no and Ava leaves.
Nina asks Carly to sit so they can resolve things . Carly tells him he talked to Sonny when Nina asks her if she has.
Alexis asks to talk privately with Willow. Michael says he's going to the main house and leaves them to it.
After talking to each other about Harmony they both agree they never really knew her at all.
Leg it Spencer or you're going to get caught out.
Joss is pissed at Cam and he hems and haws about telling the girls the whole truth.
Trina makes a call and asks someone for help .
Ned and Drew talk about stopping take overs by merging the two companies.
Ned is not the least bit impressed.
Nina asks Carly how Willow is. Carly says she ΔΊost her mother how do you think she is ?
Nina asks if they told Wiley about Harmony. Carly says no Γ nd that he's too young to understand .
Nina thinks he should be told. Carly says that Nina can't see through her own selfishness to know what's best for Wiley.
Spencer is still looking through Esme's stuff.
Cam can't understand why Joss won't go easier on Esme .
Joss says we should let Esme wallow in her own mess that she herself created.
Trina meets with Ava and she asks Trina what she needs help with .
She asks her to help them trap Esme. She tells Ava about how Esme was sucking up to Cam and hugged him to piss them off .
Ava tells her he's a young man , he can make his own mind up . But she agrees with Trina .
Alexis tells Willow about the forged birth certificate .
Carly and Nina are at loggerheads, and Phyllis walks in and says hello to both of them.
Trina says Esme is a master schemer, but that Ava can out scheme her.
Esme walks in and sees Spencer looking through her things .
Cam is about to tell Joss about what Spencer is up too.
Ned wants to be a part of all the discussions . Michael says it's difficult.
Alexis tells Willow that Harmony was scared of losing her. Poor Willow I very upset.
Phyllis is talking to Carly about Nina and Madeline. Carly asks her if she was present at Nelle's birth .
Phyllis says what do you know ?
Phyllis says Madeline gave the baby away because of the huge inheritance.
Carly looks thoughtful as she looks at Nina. It looks like she's starting to feel for Nina. She sees Nina really upset.
Ned is uneasy about ELQ he's pissed at Michael.
Joss tells Cam that Esme uses nice people and raises her voice at Cam.
Ava has an idea , she suggests that Trina should goad Esme into making a mistake .
Trina is like say what? AVA tells her to flirt with Spencer in front of Esme . Which means to make her slip up .
Esme is freaking out about the fact that Spencer has found out about her lies and Deception.
He asks why she lied about Maggie.
Esme says you don't trust me ! He says that's because you don't trust me.
He says he doesn't know her as well as he thought he did . He asks why Maggie told her not to find her father.
Trina says she knows something and she says she doesn't want to hurt innocent people.
I love Ava counseling Trina and commending her for not being like her or Esme.
Cam and Joss are so cute when they leave the drama behind them.
Joss says let's agree to disagree.
Michael tells Ned nothing has been decided yet and not to worry about it.
Willow asks about her dad and if he knew what her mother had done.
Alexis says that Harmony never mentioned her dad.
Willow wants to do the DNA test to find out who her real parents are.
Carly takes a napkin and takes Nina's glass. Lol π but just as she puts it in her handbag lol Drew catches her.
He has a bemused look on his face like " What the hell are you up to now?
That's it for now , until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Wednesday May 11th 2022
Baby let me tell ya gotta reap what ya sow !Nikolas , Nina and Esme this get real message applies to your stupid asses.
Carly was caught taking by Drew taking Nina's wine glass.
Ok so I'm not not gonna lie and say I like Elizabeth lying to Finn , to me it's just not right!
First bash victim up for discussion Esme ! Oh ducky just how incredibly stupid and naive do you think Spencer is ?
He's not that stupid and you my darling are definitely not convincing anyone except Nikolas lol.
He's dense, but more on that later.
Nina is at the graveyard and she talks to Nelle and says maybe she should have handled things a little better.
Michael and Willow show up at the graveyard to visit her baby's grave and run into Nina .
Oh boy this can't be good lol .
Laura, and Sonny met up and talked about Esme. Nikolas shows up and gets in Sonny's face .
Sonny says I did nothing to Esme Nikolas. Sonny decides to leave when Nikolas touches Sonny on the shoulder.
Nikolas shouts you're not leaving leaving Sonny says get your hand off me and bends his hand back.
Oh no lol, Marty shows up and sees all this going down. Lol Sonny leaves as does Nikolas.
Laura tells Nikolas to have his hand seen too.
Marty lol says " Well , little sister our family is never without drama is it.
Drew tells Carly he saw her take Nina's glass and asks what she's up too.
She tells him what Harmony told her about Willow not being her daughter.
She says she wants to find out if Nina is Willow's biological mother .
Esme tries to entice Spencer with sex after he told her he wants to trust her but he can't.
When is this nut going to realize that people see through your fake assed attitude and manipulation.
Nikolas showed up at GH and talks to Finn and tells him Elizabeth is not staying at Wyndemere like she told Finn she was.
At Elizabeth's the Psychic shows up and she informs Elizabeth that a dark angry spirit is in her house .
She tells that this persons name can be a short form for another .
Ummm I'm beginning to wonder if it's Luke's spirit not Franco's.
I'm sure Luke would be angry at Elizabeth as well or it could be her dad.
Drew tells Carly that he can't be what Jason was for her . But he had every intention of helping her out .
At the graveyard Nina tries to appeal to Michael and Willow's kinder nature.
They won't back down and Nina just won't back off . Sonny shows up and he realizes that Nina really not helping matters.
He tries to talk to Michael , but Michael is still pissed at him.
The last scene we saw was Drew standing guard for Carly lol, while she looks for a DNA item to match with Nina's.
Michael and Willow come home and catch them in their place uh oh .
Lol π π€£ forget Lucy mama Carly has some splaining to do !
That's it for now until next time guys lol π this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone .
Thursday May 12th 2022
Today's show was all about confrontations and the scenes
For the most part gave me a silent migraine .
Okay so the only bright spot of the whole episode was Felicia with Nina .
Carly and Drew lied to Michael and Willow about why they were there .
They talk about Sonny and Nina and Wiley.
Esme thinks she's slicker than snot on a door knob threatening Ryan.
Who the effing hell speaks to their father with such disrespect.
I know it's Ryan , but even our friendly neighborhood whacko deserves respect from his own daughter.
Elizabeth had Chelsea at her place and she tells Elizabeth the person who wants to speak to her is still with her.
The door blows open
Chelsea goes into a trance and the person we believe is Franco spoke through Chelsea.
She touchesher face and calls her as beautiful as ever.
At GH Finn and Laura compare notes . She tells him they Elizabeth was going to speak to Lucy's psychic Chelsea.
They become worried about her and head to Elizabeth's.
Spencer is acting sketchy with Britt and shows her the drug that he found in Esme's things.
Felicia and Nina bonded over a bowl of popcorn. Felicia calls her family because she is Nathan's sister and James' Auntie.
Felicia tells her that she and Bobbie have an understanding and that it's OK for them to hang our.
Willow and Michael are hugged by Carly and they give her a key.
Willow says use the key when ever you want ,but call first before coming over next time.
Carly and Drew leave without being found out.
Esme really is beginning to make me want Ryan to kill her ass.
Her blatant disrespect and threats are so juvenile .
Speaking of juvenile Spencer starts being rude to Britt and says some pretty nasty things.
Someone needs to teach these brats a lesson.
Back at Elizabeth's she was about to find out what she needed to know when Laura and Finn show up.
Ryan starts telling Esme she's just like her mother and we see a flashback of him with Felicia.
Wait what is she Felicia's daughter my head is about to explode . My mind is blown.
Drew is not impressed with Carly at all.
She tells him that if it turns out that Nina is Willow's mother she will tell them the truth .
She says I can't tell them about this now what if it comes out negative.
Britt tells Spencer good luck with your girlfriend Spencer and he leaves .
Back at Elizabeth's Laura takes Elizabeth to see her boys . Finn stays behind and tells Chelsea off.
She tells him that he's lying to Elizabeth . That he doesn't support her .
Welp then Ryan says we will get back at our enemies to Esme.
Oh for goodness sake someone make this asshole catanonic and Esme too.
Crazy as fuck , and dangerous together this is not a good combination.
Carly asks Britt to run a DNA test for her.
Talk about Crazy and Crazier! Until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.
Friday May 13th 2022
Happy Friday the 13th 2022, Fridays episode was full of questions .
Carly and Joss were at the spa getting their nails done.
Joss is worried about her mom and they both say they need a distraction from all of the drama.
Michael and Willow talk about the article and soneone knocks on the door and its Dante and Sam.
Leo is getting ready to read his poem.
Valentin and Marty meet they talk about how they don't like Nina being raked through the coals.
Jordan comes to GH to see TJ and she asks him if he's had something to eat.
Curtis shows up to see Nina whose throwing herself into work .She's not letting the feature faze her .
Sonny leaves a message for Nina and he meets up with Drew. He says he's there for Avery's dance recital.
Says a father has to do what q father has to do.Drew asks then why are you at war with your son .
Poor Willow was supported by Dante and Sam.
Sam says she doesn't know the test results she's, there to support her as a friend.
Leo wants to know where Chase is and Brooklynn says he's meeting them at Rice Plaza.
Marty tells Valentin with him being gone he lost out on ELQ .
Carly and Joss talk about Willow and Harmony . Joss is just like her mom and says she hopes the Judge sees the article in the invader.
Nina says Smoltz says painted her as dangerous and deranged .
Sonny says he doesn't want to be a distant memory for Wiley. He's going to put a stop to that.
Willow needs a distraction after hearing the DNA test results .
Sam asks her to come to the school fair with her.
Olivia and Leo leave for the fair and Ned talks to Brooklynn about Michael and Drew.
Jordan talks to TJ about Marshall. TJ wants to find Marshall.
Oh my God lol π Nina says she's not going to let the article hold power over her.
Curtis says she has her own ammo she can use Michael and Willow let Sonny have unrestricted access and hee an alleged criminal.
Dante wants Michael to really sit down and talk to Sonny.
Joss is being protective of her momma. Carly says that Nina made them all collateral damage after what she did.
Willow apologizes to Sam for what Harmony did to Alexis .
Nina doesn't want Sonny dragged into the visitation hearing. Nina says Wiley is all she has left.
Sonny says he's not going to support Nina at the hearing but not going to turn his back on her either.
Dante hears Michael talk about how Dante wasn't raised by Sonny , but heard about his code.
Dante says Sonny made mistakes , but nobody is perfect not Michael not Dante and not Sonny.
Ned thinks that Drew and Michael are using Brooklynn as a go between to convince him let them merge ELQ and Aurora.
Olivia and Leo show up at Kelly's to get a treat . They see Valentin and Marty.
Olivia tells Leo only one donut and Marty goes with him to the counter.
Jordan tells Tj he's a doctor and as a doctor he knows how to search for clues like she does with police work.
Sam helps Willow process the info, she asks her am I prepared for any and all answers.
Sonny and Drew are talking about the merger and Valentin. Sonny says you can't go up against Valentin with out back up I want in.
Valentin wants to use a Quartermaine to get them on his side.
TJ finds a receipt from a music shop in Brooklynn.
Nina says I'm not giving up on Wiley so you shouldn't give up on Marshall.
Dante tells Michael to cut Sonny some slack. Michael is not prepared to forgive.
Michael says dad made his choice and I made mine.Dante says you sound just like him right now.
Willow says part of her is convinced the pain will go away once she realizes who her real mom is.
The other part of her says maybe she's not ready.
Sonny is adamant about helping Michael and Drew. Drew says as much as I value your friendship I'm gonna say no
Curtis is not prepared to have his family subjected to more lies and Deception.
Nina says she can't live without Wiley. Are you sure you can live without your dad?
Valentin wants to know if Michael and Drew merging the companies is a good idea. And where does that leave Ned?
Leo sees Ned and Brooklynn walking up to them. He says you came and asks where Chase is.
Carly says she's going to support Michael and Willow. Joss says her mom is justified in protecting Wiley from Nina.
Michael threatens to take everything from Sonny and says next time the PCPD coming calling Sonny will have nowhere to hide.
Sonny pretty much says that Michael is on his own if he doesn't accept his help.
Oh boy a Corinthos war brewing inside the Corinthos Clan is not good and will only strengthen Nina's hold on Sonny.
Someone needs to slap those two both into next week.
Until next time guys , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great Sunday guys.
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