
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 22 May 2022

GHCANADA weekly Recap May 16 th - May 20th 2022

Good  afternoon   guys  and  happy  Monday so  what's  new  on  gh  this  week. 

MONDAY  MAY  16TH 2022

Today's show starts  off  with Curtis and  Portia talking  about  Marshall and  Trina .  Trina  tells  Ava she's  about  to be  expelled.

Esme digs  her nails into  her  palm as she approaches Spencer to talk  to him.  Is  it  self gratifying  for   her?Ugh this  chick  is really  whacko what  is  the point? Is  she  trying  to  control her  temper  or  what ?

Felicia  and Anna are talking, and  Leo  was about to have a meltdown  when  Chase  finally  showed  up.

Sam and  Willow  talk  with  Sonny. Willow  thanks  him for  the  flowers  and  Michael tells  Sonny  they  don't  want  anything  from  him. YIKES!!

Felicia and Anna  talk about  Valentin  and  he appears  and  overhears them.

Willow  says   I  was  only  thanking  Sonny  for  the  flowers.

Leo  tells  Olivia  he's  fine  and  not  to  worry  about  him. 

Esme  fails  to  get  Spencer to  go  horseback riding  with  her  and  have  a  picnic.

Poor Trina  is  flipping  out  about  possibly  being expelled.  Portia  is  worried  about  Curtis  but  needs  to  head  to work.

The  doorbell rings  when  Curtis  opens  the  door  its  his  aunt  Stella on the  door  step.

Awe  Chase  and  Leo  are  adorable they  make a deal.

Sonny  says  he's  there  for  Avery  and  Leo  . He  says  he  doesn't  want  to leave.

Willow asks  Michael  if  he  wants to  leave  and   he  says  he's  there  to  support his family. 

Felicia  grills  Valentin about  Anna. 

Ava  is  trying  to  convince  the co-ordinator may  not  believe  she's  innocent  .

Esme  keeps trying  to  make  Spencer spend  time  with  her . He  says no  he has to go  to  work. Nikolas  watches  this go  down.

Stella  finds  out that  Curtis  and  Marshall had an argument and  Marshall left  town .

She  asks  how  he  knows that  Marshall lied to all of them about  where he's  been all  these  years.

Everyone gets ready  to watch  the  kids  at  the event  at  Rice Plaza.

Ned  wants to  talk  to  Drew  and  Michael  about  the  business. 

Leo is really nervous on stage. 

Esme  sucks  up  to  Nikolas and  Ava  says Trina's loyalty  means  so  much  to her  and  not  worry  about  her.

Oh  my  God  Spencer  don't  even  talk  to  Portia. Portia  says  you  don't  have  the  right  to  ask  me  about  my  daughter  .

Curtis  tells  Stella that his dad  was  arrested at a protest and  was  institutionalized back  in the  day.

He  asks  her  if  she  knows  more  about  it  and  more  to  the point  why  she  lied  to  him  about  what she  knows.

Leo  starts  to  recite  his  poem  and  only  sees  Chase  after   he  was  so  nervous .

He  got  a  standing  ovation.

Felicia  and Valentin kill  me he  finished  her  sentence  .

Anna  says  that   she  talked  to the  people  in  Tahiti about  Luke  and  the  French  Lieutenant. 

Oh  God  shut  up  Esme!!!!

Go Portia you tell  this  little prick how  you  feel.  She  says  his  family  bought  him  a  slap  on  the  wrist.

Ava  and   Trina  hear the  shouting  outside  of  Kelly's  lol. AVA  closes  her  menu  and  comes out  and  says  you  get inside  to  Spencer  .

Trina  asks  her mum what  did  you  say  to  him.

Curtis  is pissed at  Stella for  hurting  him and  Tommy  about  their father. 

Stella is upset  too and she  says  she  didn't  want  to  get  in the  way  of  his relationship with  his  dad.

He  says  he  doesn't  know  if  he  can  believe  anything she  says to  him anymore ! Oh no  !!! 😢 😭😭😭😭😭.

Valentin wants to have  dinner  with  Anna  ! But  she  says her  dance  card  is  full  !

Oh  my  Esme  is  working  on  Nikolas this  suck  up  job  is  disgusting 🤮.

Portia tells Trina what  she  said  to  Spencer lol.  Trina  is  about  to  tell  her  mum  she's  being  expelled. 

Spencer  tells  Ava to  leave  him the  he'll alone. 

Everyone is so proud  of  Leo  for  the  poem he  read.

Sonny  and  Dante  talk  about Michael after everyone leaves. Michael  and  Drew offer  Ned  a  COO position. 

He  says  you've  given  me  alot  to  consider. 

Poor Stella is pouring  her heart out  to Curtis  about  why  his  dad  left  them. 

Stella says she knew  that  his  mom  knew  why he left and  wasn't  dead. Stella  breaks  down  in  his  arms  crying .

Stella  says  it  wasn't  her  story  to  tell  it  was  his mothers. 

Dante  tells  Sonny to talk to Michael  before things  escalate  any  further .

Leo  loves  his  party and Ned  gets  a  phone call . He  meets  with  Valentin. 

Oh  my  goodness Ava tells  Spencer  to  leave Trina alone after he  apologizes  about  upsetting  Portia.

Esme makes  a  play  for  Nikolas disgusting  little  bitch ugh.

She  says  Ava  doesn't   see  Nikolas the  same  way  she  does.

Whoa seriously man  !!! That's it  for  now until  next  time  guys  this is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great  evening everyone. 

TUESDAY MAY 17th 2022

Today's  show  was  pretty sweet  in some  ways ,  but  in others   it  was  extremely annoying  .

I literally wanted one  character  in  particular to  get  her  ass  whooped .

The show started with the beginning  of Leo's  birthday party . Everyone who  loved  him was  there except  Ned .

Olivia  and Dante both sense that  Chase and  Brooklynn really  like  each other  . 

Olivia  tells  her  that  she  should  go  for  it  ,  if  she  really  does  like  Chase.

The  twosome  exchange  looks  it  was  really  sweet.

Elsewhere Ned was speaking to  Valentin who tried in vain to get  him to join forces with him .

I  really  hate  Valentin trying  to  get  Ned  to  go against his own cousins  Michael and  Drew.

At Wyndemere Esme  attempted  to  make a pass at  Nikolas  but  was  caught red  handed by  Ava.

And  let  me  tell  you  Ava was  understandingly pissed and frankly  I  don't  blame  her one  bit at  all.

Brando and Sasha were shown having dinner with Gladys .

They  talked  about  the  wedding  reception and noticed that Sasha  was uncomfortable with  the photographer hanging around  them. 

Back  at  the  party  Leo  was  getting  excited  about  Chase  singing  for  him.

Michael and Drew  talk  about  finding an investor for  Aurora.

Carly over heard this and offered  to  be an investor in the company . 

Back at Wyndemere  Esme  started  mentioning Trina and Ava  was  becoming more  and  more  pissed off.

Then it happened lol ,  Ava  got  into  Esme's face  when she  mentioned  Kiki and  sweet  little Avery. 

Ava  told  Nikolas  to  remove  Esme  out  of  her  house immediately .  He  said it's his  house. 

He  says  Esme  is  a guest  and  she's  staying  .  The  next  thing  we  know  lol.  She  says  am  I  a guest?

He  says no you are my wife oh  brother . Ava  leaves  and  goes  to  Kelly's.

Back  at  the  Quartermaine's Carly and Sam talked about Esme. 

Sam told her that she knows exactly  who would fill her in on Esme.

Ned told Valentin he won't  stoop to  his  level  and  went  to  Leo's party.

At the Metrocourt Gladys meets up  with the photographer and makes  him delete the  photos  .

All in the the name of keeping Sasha's deal. Sasha is nervous around Brando and  wants  to  find  Gladys.

Sam goes to Kelly's and talks to Spencer who informs her that he  doesn't even really know Esme . 

He  tells  her  he's  looking  into  things  about  her  himself  and  calls  her  evil.

He  tells Sam about Maggie the  Nanny. 

At  the Quartermaine's Ned shows  up  and he and Chase sing at  the  party  for  Leo.

After the singing is over Chase  tells  Brooklynn  that  she  could  always  write  songs . They  have  no  idea  they're  being  watched .

At  Kelly's Ava comes to see Spencer and offers him part  of  his trust fund so  she  could  be rid of  Esme  .

Back  at  the  metrocourt Gladys  talks to Sasha about the photographer and  has  a bottle of  pills  in her  hand .

Back at  the Quartermaine's the  creep watching  Brooklynn and  Chase is  revealed to  be  Linc.

Valentin must  be  sticking him  on  Brooklynn again  what  a  nasty  jerk.

Back at Wyndemere Esme pretends  to  be  ready  to  leave  .   

Nikolas  stops  her  and  we  find  out  that  she  never  had  any intention of  leaving  .

Kel shocker Not !!!  She  makes  a  move on Nikolas the sick twisted
little  bitch.

That's it for  now  ! Until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great  evening everyone. 


Today's  GH  started  off  with Brooklynn and  Chase  about leave  together.

Linc showsup ! The  feeling is definitey mutual  Chase  what  does this  slimey git want ?

Portia  and  Curtis  talking while TJ and  Molly  have  followed  their  lead  to  Brooklynn

Sonny and Brando are talking  at  the  garage and Gladys tells  Sasha  she  knows  she's back  on  the  drugs.

Eww Linc you  sick  , disgusting  jerk.

Ha  go Sasha  lol  tell  her  off  baby girl ! Gladys  needs  to  stop  pushing and  threatening her.

Sonny  and  Brando  bonding  over  cars. They  talk about father and son bonding.

Mr Purdy is a sweet ole man, Portia  is  beside  herself  with  worry  about Trina being expelled from school.

Curtis  says  he  needs  to  talk  to  Portia  and  he  tells  her  he's  leaving

Curtis says he's leaving to go find  his  father. He tells Portia his  dad  wasn't the only one  lying  to  him.

Sonny confides in Brando about  his  kids.

Brooklynn says Linc owns none  of  her songs anymore . He  wants  her  to  resign with  him.

Sonny thinks Michael should apoligize to him.  

Gladys confronts  Sasha about  the  memory card and drug  trade.

Gladys says  she  knows  the whole truth  she  saw the  pictures.

Portia is  shocked that  Stella  and  Curtis' mom lied  to  him all these  years.

Portia  tells  Curtis to  go  find  his  dad and then come home.  Jordan shows  up and says that TJ and Molly are in Brooklynn looking  for  Marshall.

TJ asks Purdy to help find  Marshall.

Mr Purdy admits he knows  Marshall after  TJ  says  his  grandfather gave  him his  clarinet.

He says he'll contact them  if  he  hears  from Marshall after TJ  gave him  his number.

Sasha admits she's not  coping  and  trying to  push  through  the  pain. Gladys is  an amazing mother inlaw.

Sasha won't let Gladys  tell  Brando the  truth.

Linc tells Brooklynn he likes it  rough but not that  rough call me  when  you  calm down.

Chase  says  he  wish he'd  have hit Linc.

TJ and Molly  are  talking  about finding Marshall  when he  gets  a call from Curtis .

Curtis tells  them  he  knows  they're in Brooklynn mind if i join you ?

Curtis tells TJ  he  changed his mind,things change and  he  wants  to  find Marshall.

Sonny tells Brando Michael is alot  like  Carly.  Brando says  Michael is  a decent  forgiving guy  .

Gladys tries to get Sasha to  listen  to  her about talking  to  Brando about  what's goung on with her.

Sasha says  that  she  can  get  clean with her help.

I  love Chase and  how he looks out  for  Brooklynn.

Brando and Sonny are so cute.  Brando says  he hopes  he and Michael patch  things up.

Sonny  says Michael  is  actively  trying to  take  him down

Brooklynn punches Linc for  making  lewd suggestions  at  her. HA LOVE IT! HE asked for it !

Curtis tells  Portia he's  going to find his dad and that  he'll see  them  when he  gets  back.

Molly and TJ are  so cute!  Marshall walks in  and  sees them.

Awe  lol  Brooklynn if  you  want  to  help me  ,  get  me  an ice pack.

Sonny  asks how much for  the  repair.
Brando says nothing  you  helped me  the  other day with Gladys.

Sasha and Gladys show up and  Gladys says  " Sasha has  something  to  tell  you !"

Sasha says"  Your mom is moving in  with  us !" Oy  Vey  lol  Sonny  looks  amused look  on  his  face.

Brando  looks  mortified  lol !!!Lord  sakes alive  things  are  going  to  get  awkward. 

That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have  a great  evening everyone.


Thursday's  show  was not  without  conflict.

Carly  showed  up  at GH awaiting the  DNA test  results . Bobbie  overheard  her and asked  her if everything is ok.

Nina  is  at the  Savoy and a  man approaches her after  Maya asks her  if  she's  there  to  see Curtis.

The man  says  he  knows Nina  from somewhere. He  says you're  the  mafia homewrecker. Sonny comes  to  her  rescue.

Stella Portia and Epiphany talk about  Curtis  going  to  find  Marshall. 

TJ and Molly  are  in  the pub in Brooklyn.  They  see Marshall  who  doesn't  look  too  thrilled  to  see  them.

Violet  is  out  with  Gregory and  they talk  about Finn and Elizabeth.

Finn shows  up  at  Laura's  and  asks  about  how Elizabeth is doing . Laura  says  she's  asleep.

Elizabeth comes out of her room and she's angry and upset  she accuses them all  of  whispering about her.

She  tells  them  she  trusts  the dead  more  than  the  living.

Carly  and  Bobbie talk  about the  DNA test and Nina. Bobbie says  no  good  will  come  of  it.

Carly says we  have  to  find  out  either way.  What if  Nina  is  really Wiley's  grandmother.

Bobbie  says  becareful  what  you  wish  for Carly .

The  guy  harrassing  Nina  is  afraid  of  Sonny and  apologizes to him.

Stella  and  Epiphany  talk about her mcats and  they decide she needs  a  break  from studying. 

Molly  and  TJ  talking  to  Marshall. Molly  says  that  TJ  may  be  a great doctor , but  he  gets  his  detective  skills  from his mom.

Marshall  says  that  he  does not  want  to  see Curtis.

Elizabeth  is  acting  suspicious of  everyone.  Laura , Kevin and  Finn are  trying  to  get her  to  trust  them.

Nina says  Sonny  doesn't need  to defend her honor.  She's  a  big  girl she can take  care  of herself.

Carly and Bobbie worry  about  unintended circumstances and how  this situation would affect  Wiley.

Carly says  she  and Sonny  are over because of  Nina. Bobbie doesn't  think Sonny and  Carly are over.

Sonny and Nina talk  about Michael and the whole mess. 

Its the mess Nina  created .She split up that family and doesn't  care  about  the people who were just collateral damage to her.

That  includes Wiley unfortunately .

Portia  ,  Stella  and  Epiphany  talk  about  going  out on the  town .

TJ wonders  why  Marshall doesn't  want to see Curtis.

Molly  tells  him  they  gave  up  a  trip  to  Miami to  come looking for  him.

Marshall says he  leaves  a path of  destruction where ever he  goes.

Violet tells her grandpa she wants  to be in a family with her dad ,  Elizabeth and her  boys.

Elizabeth  is  freaked  out  about  the Vase and says  that  Franco is  there.

Kevin tries to  say  a  book  fell against it  and  broke  it  ,  but  she's  not  listening to  him.

Elizabeth  wants  to  call  Chelsea.

Carly tells her mom she  just  wahts  to  be free and is  worried  about  Wiley being around Nina.

Sonny  tells  Nina  that  Dante  told him that  Michael wants  to  take him down.

Epiphany  is  happy to  see  Sonny.

TJ tells Marshall he's   not  going  to  abandon him like he did his dad  and  Curtis.

Finn tries to get Elizabeth  to listen to him. She says just  be  with  me  when I see  Chelsea.

Laura ,   Kevin think Elizabeth and  Finn should  talk to  each  other properly.

Elizabeth  tells  him to leave.

Carly  says Nina  is  her  own worst  Enemy. She says  after  what she did  to Ava and  Wiley and us.

Sonny and Nina briefly talk to Stella, Epiphany and  Portia.

Nina tells Sonny is not  wrong  pushing back at Michael.

Portia tells  the  ladies  what's going   on  with  Trina.

Maya gives  the  ladies drinks  from Sonny .

TJ  tries to  get  Marshall to go with  them to  the  club.

Elizabeth  is  told  she  needs  a  good  night's sleep.

Laura is  worried  about  Elizabeth.

Finn arrives at Kelly's and  gets  a  hug from  Violet. He  says  you  dont  know  how  much  i  needed that hug.

Awe  Violet lol.  She  asks  the  waitress  for  a  hot  fudge  Sundae.

Such  a  polite  little  lady.

Carly  tells  her  mom  she  will  do  anything  to  protect  her family from Nina.

Nina drips poison in Sonny's  ear  about Michael.

Piffy asks if  Stella  has heard  from  Marshall.stella  says he made mistake 40 years ago. She says  its  time  he  made  things  up  with  his family.

Thugs rob  TJ and  Marshall. TJ stops  them from taking  his  grandpa's clarinet.

Finn tells Gregory  about  the medium.

Laura comes  downstairs and  says Elizabeth has disappeared.

Nina  says  supporting l her could  cost Sonny his  family  after  he  decides  to  side  with  her.

Carly and Bobbie show  up  at the  Savoy.

Portia asks  Piffy if  she  would  welcome  Marshall  back.

The  robbers  pull  a  knife  on TJ and  Marshall.

Laura  is  Frantic about  where  Elizabeth  is .

Finn isnt convinced  there  is a ghost.

Violet  is  listening  and  says  ,  but  aunt  Elizabeth is  always  there  when  things happened.

Elizabeth rips up Violet's  picture. 

That's it  for  now until next  time guys  this is mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing off  have  a  great day everyone.


HEY hey  me  darlings im  doing  this  recap with  a wing  and a  prayer  today.

Friday's  show  was  not  without  its  drama.

First  of  all  Carly  and  Bobbie  went  to  the Savoy and  ran  into  Sonny with  Nina.

Bobbie tells her  to  ignore  them.

Portia was having  fun  with  her  friends and   didn't know  with her  friends and Taggert.

The  topic  there  was  all about  Trina.  Jordan  showed  up  and  talks  to  them.

Finn was  at  Kelly's  and  he is concerned about  Elizabeth.

Michael  and  Willow  spent  some quality  time  with  Wiley before  he  went to  bed.

TJ  and  Marshall  fight  off  the  robbers.

Michael  and  Willow are talking  about  Wiley growing up  so  fast.

They  say  soon enough  he'll  be  16.

Wiley  says  16  is  old. Willow  is  tired and  he  offers  to  read her a  bed time story.

Carly tells  Bobbie to  sit  down  and  not  to  cause a  scene . Bobbie says buckle  up  i  have something to  say to you  .

Nina  says  she  doesn't  like  the  fact  that  she  caused  Sonny  alot of  trouble.

Gregory  asks  Finn if he  thinks  Elizabeth is stalking herself .

He  says  why  would  Elizabeth torment herself and  her boys?

Cam comes  home  and  finds her  acting  strangely.

Taggert  confronts Jordan about the  charges against Trina.

Curtis shows  up  after  Marshall  is  stabbed. He jumps in  to  protect  TJ.

Curtis  drop  kicks  the  robbers ass  while  the  other  runs  off.

Whoa Taggert and  Jordan are being  rather  rude  to  each  other.

Bobbie tells  Carly there's  no  point  in you  torturing yourself !  Let's  Go Carly  says  no !

Nina thinks that  being  with Sonny  is  not  a  good  idea. Sonny  thinks Otherwise.

Finn and gregory talk about Elizabeth not  sleeping. 
Finn tells  his  dad  that  he's  going  to  go check on her.

Cam approaches  his  mum ,  but she's  not  talking or  aware  that  he's  there.

Gregory thinks  Finn should be careful that  she  may have attacked Chase.

Jordan  says  that  we  have  to  have  faith  that Trina won't  go to prison.

Jordan says  she's  off  duty she's  looking  after  the  club  for  Curtis.

Molly  shows up  when  the  cops are  arresting  the  robber and  Marshall is being put in the ambulance .

Cam is  worried  about  his mum and  Finn shows up  .

Finn  asks  Elizabeth for  the  scissors.

Elizabeth  is  scared  and  asks  whats  happening  to  her.

Michael  and  Willow  talk  abour  Wiley and  the  hearing.

Taggert  runs  into  Sonny  they  talk about Joss  and  Trina.  Sonny says  he  knows Trina would never  hurt Joss.

Sonny  over hears  Carly talking  about  test  results and  asks if  she's sick.

Sonny  is worried  about  Carly.  Bobbie excuses herself  and  approaches Nina.

Nina says we shouldn't be talking because of the hearing ! Bobbie  says after you hear what I have  to  say you'll call it  off.

Portia and  Jordan  talk  about  Curtis  and  TJ  and  whether  they  found Marshall.

Curtis and  TJ  talk  to  the  doctor  about Marshall.  TJ is worried his  granddad won't  make  it.

Violet asks  if  Elizabeth is  in  trouble.

Elizabeth says she  doesn't  remember how she  got  home.  She's  freaked out about  what's going  on with  her.

Cam and Finn are worried  for Elizabeth. Finn thinks Elizabeth  stalked herself.

Cam says his mom would  not  harrass her own family. Elizabeth is  freaked out about  what  happened to her.

TJ doesn't want to  worry  his  mom. Curtis tells TJ and Molly that Stella  told  him  his  mom  knew  that  Marshall wasn't  dead.

Taggert says he's  gonna  leave.

Jordan  says  she doesn't  want  to  see Trina hurt. She says Trina has  an amazing support system.

Jordan  asks  portia  about  the  day  they  were  trapped  together.

Sonny says he'll  always  be  there  for Carly. Bobbie tells Nina to  call  off the petition.

Lmfao Bobbie says she  knows where Nelle got  her  psycho behavior  from.

Nina trying to throw Bobbie's past  in her face and she won't shut the  hell up .  Bobbie throws a drink  in Nina's face.

Michael  and  Willow  make  love.

Jordan says she remembers Portia said something about  Trina and her  dad.

Marshall's doctor says only  one  person can  sit  with  Marshall.

TJ says that  Curtis can do it.  He  wants  to  go  back for  the  clarinet.

Molly  found it  and its in  pieces.

Michael  and Willow are all loved up.

Carly and  Sonny  stop  the  fight  between Bobbie and  Nina.

Sonny  and  Nina  walk off.  Bobbie  says " Give Nina hell  at  the  hearing  tomorrow!"

Carly says  "  I  intend too !"

Thats it for now guys ! Until  next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing  off have  a great  Sunday everyone.

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