We all have moments watching GH where we hold our breath hoping GH writers get a storyline right.
I'm definitely crossing my fingers and toes, praying they do the storyline justice. I'm also hoping that the storyline be treated with respect and sensitivity.
I have no doubt in my mind that Cynthia Watros and Katelyn McMullen with bring in their A Game for it.
2 Weeks ago Willow had alot of unanswered questions after the DNA test revealed Harmony was not her mother. She wonders who her real mother is !
Enter Sam who has offered to help her search for her real mom!Wait till she finds out it's Nina who's her real mom. It will leave her shocked to say the least.
Valentin said the other week to Carly that Nina has none one else in her life but Wiley! Was this an attempt to make Carly feel sorry for her?
This makes absolutely no sense to me because she has a family. Nina has Liesl, Britt, Maxie and James who love her. He also knows she also has Curtis, Phyllis and Sasha as a friends as well .Did the writers forget this info because it's not even true.
Having said that! We all know that the visitation hearing Michael and Willow vs Nina in regards to Wiley starts this week! I'm here for it warts and all whatever the outcome good or bad may be.
And away we go !!!
Hi guys happy Monday, today's show promised to be a real corker!! Let me tell you the show did not disappoint me at all I can tell you this much.
At an outside cafe Dante and Sonny were discussing Michael, Wiley , Nina and the impending custody hearing and about Wiley. Dante says that his dad won't see sense.
Dante says that sonny needs to stop arguing with Michael before it escalates any further before its too late to fix things between them.
Carly tried to get some inner peace before the custody hearing , but ran into Brad and Britt and wasn't happy.
Poor Curtis and TJ awaited news from the doctors about Marshall at the hospital. Curtis finds out Marshall is on anti psychotic medication from TJ.
Speaking of people going through some trauma of their own poor Elizabeth has no answers about what exactly is going on with her.
Brooklynn confided in Drew about that slimy git Linc who is a Sonny Bono wannabe.
Michael and Willow arrived in the living room ready to go to the custody hearing. They talk about Nina and Wiley . Ned walks in and assumes they're talking behind his back.
Nina and Maxie arrive at the court house. They discuss how Nina deserves to see Wiley cause she lost her chance with Nelle.
Maxie told her she has her support. We're family we stick together. Umm yeah and Carly is your cousin your loyalty should be with Michael .
Nina tells her what exactly happened with Bobbie. Nina says she held off slapping her because it might END UP damaging her custody case. No ya think?
She says Sonny stopped her , but neglects to mention Carly was also there. She is an illogical selfish idiot. Narcassistic is how I'd describe her.
Michael and Willow arrived in court and come face to face with Nina.
Curtis sits with his dad in his hospital room when the nurse tells him that he can see Marshall now.
He pours his heart out to his ill unconscious dad. It was really hard to watch.
Brad blocks Carly's way and won't let her leave. Brad sure is a dumbass.
Does this moron have a death wish or something ?He claims that he cares about Wiley , but his and comparing the situation between Carly and AJ to Michael, Wiley and Nina was stupid.
Elizabeth tells Finn and Terry that she has to protect her kids and that her meds could have caused her to sleepwalk .and also do all the other crazy things like torch the art studio slash her dress and hurt Chase.
Nina, oh hell no honey! Don't start that crap now! She starts saying she's gonna sling mud at Michael and Willow.
She told Willow a few weeks ago she isn't capable of rolling in the mud with the rest of them ! Really bitch!!!
Well, bitch lol you're about to see a different side of her that you're not even gonna be prepared for !!!
Maxie sees this all going down and she tells Nina that she wants to speak to her and tells her that she might have ruined her own case.
Sonny arrives at the courthouse and witnesses Nina exhibiting nasty behavior towards Michael and Willow.
Sweet Willow lets her have it with both barrels and she doesn't hold back one bit !!! And I don't blame her at all.
Brooklynn is clearly upset and calls Chase . She meets up with him and tells him what Linc has done to her this time. She tells hom that she needs Chase's help to get rid of Linc.
Carly arrives at the Courthouse and as she walks up to the courtroom doors she gets a message that the DNA test results she requested are in .
Phew what a great start to the week.
Will Carly spill the beans or will she keep quiet about what she knows.
That's it for now!Until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening guys.
Hey everyone , happy Wednesday I'm very sorry the recap is late . It can't be helped when im not feeling 100 %.
To start with Chase and Brooklynn talk about Linc screwing her over.
She says that she wants her songs back and to be free of Link for good.
At the courthouse Carly gets the a messsage about the test results being in. Nina tells Sonny he should go and avoid upsetting his family.
Violet and Gregory are playing in the park ! He sees Alexis' article and winds up hitting Alexis with a frisbee.
Laura and Cam are very worried about Elizabeth and rightfully so because it's not in her nature do what she did .
Elizabeth freaks out about the things that she did like hurting Chase and setting fire to the art studio. Poor thing is frightened she could have really hurt someone she loves.
Marshall wakes up and he sees that Curtis is sitting at his hospital bed side. He tells him that Curtis and TJ saved his ass from the robbers.
Carly talks to Michael and Willow about the case. Nina approaches them and asks that they settle things with each other now instead of in a courtroom with lawyers interference.
Elizabeth says she's a danger to those she loves and cares about.
Chase asks Brooklynn if she can sue Linc. She says no that she tried years ago , but that Diane told her its not possible to even try to do so now.
Curtis pours his heart to his dad and he tries to convince him to come home with them. Clean slate to get to know each other would be good.
Alexis and Gregory are so cute she tells him about her Thai Chi class.
At the courthouse Carly and Sonny glance at each other and he shakes his head at Nina. Lmfao he's not happy with her at all you can tell .
The hearing begins with Scott and Nina presenting their case. Nina looks cared having to take the stand .
Gregory asks Alexis about her article on Nina. Gregory doesn't like the format of the Invader now. He especially doesn't like Nina being trashed. Oh brother!!!!!!!!!!
Elizabeth says its not safe for her to be with her boys right now and that she needs time to figure out why she's actually doing these things.
Finn isn't sure it's a good idea , but Laura says they have to do what's best for Elizabeth and what she needs.
Nina starts telling the court why they are there today. Nelle says that Nelle was a trouble soul . Lmfao more like a sociopath but I digress.
Nina says that Nelle caused a lot of damage to people. She talks about her relationship with Wiley.Nina admits that she's not perfect . He's her grandson and no matter how much you try you can't change that.
Finn wants to know where Elizabeth is going. Kevin says that she's going to Shadybrook for some therapy .
Stella is nagging at Marshall to go home with her, Curtis and TJ.
Alexis tells Gregory that her articles happen to deal with real people with real problems. She omits the fact that Michael is partof her extended family.
At the hearing Scott mentions that Sonny who's a crime boss and is allowed to see Wiley and not Nina.
Diane says she has a few questions for Nina. Diane questions Nina about Nelle . Nina says if she raised her Nelle would not have turned out the way that she did . Diane calls it a delusional twisted fantasy.
Diane then asks her if she's using Wiley as another act of revenge.
Finn and Elizabeth are talking about him coming to see her. She says she doesn't want him around her.
Chase tells Brooklynn he can entrap Linc while he's still on suspension.
Brooklynn no don't risk your career. She says her songs are her babies.
Chase says she's not just mourning her songs , she's also mourning the loss of looking after Bailey.
Curtis asks Stella if she knew about Marshall's anti psychotic meds. She refuses to tell him what he wants to know about his own father!!!!!
Violet overhears Gregory being rude to Alexis . She calls him out for not being very nice to our Alexis.
Gregory tells Violet that adults say and do some really silly things sometimes. That's understatement.
Alexis wants Gregory to state his opinion in print. If he's so inclined to tell her what he really thinks .
Diane asks Nina about the articles written about her. Nina says she glanced at them , but didn't read them. Omfg why would she?
Diane rakes Nina over the coals for keeping Sonny away from his family.
Diane says all because Carly kept the secret that Nelle was Nina's daughter and that Jax also knew.
Finn says he's not crazy about the idea of letting go of Elizabeth. Awe.
Cam says he's proud of his mum.
Alexis asks Gregory if he's afraid of making his opinion so public. Violet says that Gregory isn't afraid of anything. Lol she's so cute.
Marshall says he's been less than honest about things. He says Curtis deserves a full detailed explanation .
Nina says what she did in Nixon Falls does not prove she's a bad grandma. Sonny wants to take the stand .
Violet overhears that Elizabeth is leaving. Cam tells her that Elizabeth is going to a hospital . The kids both give her a big hug good bye. Awe.
Stella calls Marshall precious cargo.
Awe Finn and Elizabeth are breaking my heart . They hug she says take care of my boys !And she gets into the elevator with Laura and Kevin.
Brooklynn says this is nothing to do with Bailey. It's all about getting her life back and her music .
Sonny is called to the stand by Scott. The question is , is he really #TeamNina or will be back his family.
That's it for now until next time guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a good day everyone.
Prempted Episode May 25/26 2022
Good morning me darlings this recap is a hit and run one due to the fact we just need to cut to the chase .
And away we go basically this the whole episode surrounded around Sonny being on the stand in court.
More on that later. The rest of the eposode focused on Chet , Amy and Terry as well as Joss and Cam.
Ava talked to Victor about Nikolas and Spencer is avoiding Esme like the plague making excuses as to why he can't spend time with her.
Spencer told Esme to pack that he got his inheritance from Ava and they need to find a new place to live.
She's not happy hearing this because it ruins her plans set by Ryan to split up Ava and Nikolas. Oh boo hoo.
Nikolas tells Spencer that Elizabeth in the hospital and Cam could use his support . Spencer immediately goes to see Cam about his mom.
Meanwhile Joss tells Cam she has a plan to stop Esme and to prove Trina's innocence.Trina is talking to Rory who wants to help clear her name.
Amy comes up with a plan to split up Chet and Terry for good . She sent in a application for Chet to leave town.
Esme makes a move to suck up to Nikolas. Later on Nikolas goes to GH and asks Britt for information.
Britt freaks out on him and Terry sees it go down. Terry tells him that Elizabeth has gone to the hospital but won't tell him anything more.
Cam tells Joss that they can't go after Esme now. He is about to tell her what Spencer is up to when he shows up to see him . Joss and Spencer acknoeledge each other.
At the courthouse Sonny tells Scott that he is in full support of Nina.
All hell breaks loose when Sonny tells Diane that he had no desire to find out who he was . He also says he forgives Nina for what she did.
Diane is pissed and says that his family is not okay with what she did.
She also mentions the fact that Nina induced Ava's labor after kidnapping her then kidnapping Avery and going to Canada with the help of Scott's son Franco. Yikes she went for the jugular. LOL awesome man lol. Love Diane!
Britt tells Terry what Spencer had said to her and admits to Terry he was right about what he said to her.
Spencer offers his support and offers to take care of Jake and Aidan for him while he's working.
Chet arrives to see Terry while Cam tells Joss he doesn't want to talk about Esme anymore ! Just stop!
Back at the courthouse Diane tells the court that Sonny is hurting his whole family especially his children and grandchildren supporting Nina.
Scott calls Michael to the stand! Diane tells him she's got him and it will be ok. Michael is sworn in and is asked about what happened between him and Claudia Zacchara.
Phew this show is getting intense.
Until next time guys this is Mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone.
Good Morning Guys! Happy Sunday me lovelies i hope you're all having a good long weekend in the States.
Friday's show for me was hard for me to watch. Given the fact Nina tried to paint Michael as the one who's a danger to everyone around him .
She's trying to deflect all of her and Nelle' wrong doings by trashing Michael. Which is wrong on so many disgusting levels. She told Sonny she had to do it. It was a spiteful nasty thing to do and does not change the fact she's the one who's a clear and present danger to Wiley .
Chet tells Terry he got a job in Chicago. But he really does not want to leave Port Charles at all.
Trina talks to Rory who offers to help clear her name and they are interupted by Spencer. They plan to meet later on at the pool.
Ava confides in Victor about Nikolas . Nikolas tries to talk to Ava , but she's in no mood to listen to his grand standing and his anger about her giving Spencer an allowance from his inheritance . Nikolas needs to see Esme for who she is she's a conniving bitch just like Nelle was.
Nikolas gets drunk , it looks like Esme's sick plan is in motion now.
Amy apologizes to Chet and Terry for interfering in their relationship when she sees they really do like each other.
At the courthouse the Judge has had enough of Scott and Diane.
She tells them that she she wants to see them in her chambers now. Which means they're getting a right telling off from her like two naughty children who are fighting on the playground.
Willow has had enough lol!!! When she sees Nina on the phone and hears her making plans with Liesl.
Willow interupts her ,grabs her arm and says you're not going anywhere.
Oh boy seriously roll on Monday. That's it for now until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have great rest of your weekend.
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