Good evening me lovelies , this episode for July 25th 2022 was giving me oh snap vibes.
Today's show starts with Sonny and Dex roughing up Felty for harassing Sasha.
Anna isn't impressed with Valentin.
Spencer wants a word with his dad and Ava. Curtis breaks into OZ's.
Drew finds out Willow is pregnant and says its qbout damn time this family had good news.
Molly meets with TJ at the hospital.
Felty takes a trip down the stairs.
As Dex and Sonny are beating Felty senseless , Joss catches them on camera.
Flashback of Esme having sex with Nikolas.
Curtis questions OZ and Valentin admits he held some things back from them.
Oh dear .... Molly got recused from Trina's case.
Joss tells Sonny she's glad she caught Sonny and Dex beating
Drew and Michael want to help Carly get back everything she
Anna is not proud of checking in on Valentin and what the hell he's been up too.
He says he had a staff infection on his back .
Ava tells Spencer Trina's court date did not go well. Curtis is being questioned by the police.
Carly is super excited for Michael and Willow. Joss is really pissed with Sonny for what he was doing.
TJ works on Oz as Curtis talks Molly about him.
Spencer , Ava and Nikolas discuss Trina and her innocence.
Valentin says he's worried about Charlotte and her safety.
Carly is so excited about becoming a grandmother.
Sonny and Joss continue to face off about what she saw Sonny do.
Dex wants to explain things.
Anna says she could have helped him if he had come to her for help.
Ava talks to Spencer about what happened at the trial. Esme wants to come clean.
Curtis talks to TJ and Molly about Oz. Oz begins coding.
Dex says he did not want to kill Felty just scare him.
Carly and Drew toast to the new baby.
Carly is in good spirits and greatful for everything she has in her life.
Awe Drew is so good for Carly.
Sonny bursts in to his house and says she has to get Joss under control. Lmfao.
Esme manipulates Nikolas to help her get back into SpringRidge.
Ava tells Spencer all that happened in court. Anna says she and Valentin never walk a straight line.
He says 2 step forward and 2 steps back with them.
Michael and Willow are so sweet together.
Dex tells Joss that Felty was pushing drugs on Sasha and they dealt with it .
Sonny tells Carly what happened with Joss and Carly says what does he want her to do about it.
Curtis tells TJ and Molly why he was there at OZ's . Esme calls the hospital and finds out Oz is in a coma.
She smiles evily.
The Cassadines duscuss Trina's case.
Anna and Valentin kiss. Willow wants Michael to drop the vendetta against Sonny.
Willow still hasn't told Michael she's sick.
Dex wants Joss to reconsider showing the video to the police.
She deletes it. Carly refuses to tell her 18 year old daughter what to do.
Lmfao Carly lol would like to see Sonny's ass in Pentonville. She says she'll talk to Joss .
Great show an Ass Kicking, and Joss reaching into her inner Spencer lol.
That's it for now, until next time this is mama Ashley, Judy , Cindy and Deana signing off have a great evening everyone.
Tuesday July 26th 2022
Hey me lovelies today's GH for Tuesday July 26 th promises to be another corker of an episode .
At the beginning of today's show, we see Joss bringing coffee to her mom.
Nina pushes the bartenders buttons and he calls her on the carpet for her past mistakes. Sonny over hears him and tells him off .
Poor Trina is worried about court and Taggert and Rory support her.
Portia and Curtis talk about Oz
Jordan shows up .
Esme calls the hospital and quickly hangs up when Spencer comes in the room.
He says times up Esme
Nikolas and Ava get their divorce papers. And talk about the trial.
Esme rambles and says she won't take his deal.
Love Rory being there for Trina and saying he's upset with himself.
Jordan says she knows Curtis holding back on something.
Joss tells her mom she saw Sonny having Felty being beat up by Dex.
Joss won't back down about her view on Sonny. Sonny tells the bartender to be more respectful to Nina.
Curtis thanks Jordan for being so supportive of Trina. Jordan says Trina is a strong young lady.
Curtis is going to tell Jordan about Esme.
Rory is trouble with the ADA for fraternizing with Trina. Nikolas says they don't need the divorce.
GO Spencer he told the witch off lol. He says find a way to exonerate Trina.
Aaron the bartender apoligizes to Nina. She accepts his apology.
Sonny is not happy with Nina. Joss is totally pissed at Sonny and what he put them through.
Carly does not want Joss going after Sonny.
Awe Ava and Nikolas are ditching the divorce . Nikolas is going to destroy the papers.
Spencer wants to know why his dad is helping Esme when he finds out Nikolas helped Esme be reinstated at SpringRidge.
Its as I suspected Rory is in trouble and Curtis tells Jordan what he knows.
Joss is really angry and upset with Sonny. Carly says she wants to co exist with Sonny. Joss says she's angry at the ADA.
Sonny and Nina arguing over her buying the metrocourt. He says they won't work out if she keeps upsetting his family.
Jordan is impressed with Joss and Trina showing some sleuth skills.
Esme calls the hospital again. Spencer says things are complicated between him and Esme.
Joss is really angry at herself about how the ADA twisted her words around. Carly is proud of Joss.
Trina is worried about Rory and Ava shows up to support our girl Trina.
Taggert is not happy with Rory , but he's pleased that he's supporting Trina. TAGGERT tells Trina Diane is caught in traffic.
Nina and Sonny have a fight and she walks away from him !
Curtis tells Jordan that Esme is trying to kill Oz from being a witness for Trina.
Nikolas and Spencer work things out and Nikolas says he loves him and he's a flawed man. Spencer says he is too.
Nikolas is annoyed with Esme. She has no idea what hell is coming her way.
Carly and Joss show up at the courthouse and talk to Trina and
Ava. Ava says she wants to arrange a visit with Avery and Carly.
Nina tries to say that Carly is like a dark cloud hovering over them. LOL she will be if you don't stop messing in her life you dumb bitch.
Sonny says they need to make peace with the past and move on. He leaves.
Donna has fallen on the playground Carly says and she leaves.
Portia calls Taggert and says she can't go to the courthouse because of patient.
Jordan goes to see Nikolas and Esme calls SpringRidge and asks to see Ryan.
Whoo baby its about to blow up now. What a great episode!!! Until next time guys , this is mama Ashley , Judy , Cindy and Deana signing off have a great evening guys.
Hello me lovelies , so today's should be really , really good.
A surprise witness takes the stand in support of our beloved sweet Trina according to the plot description.
Today's show starts with Jordan talking to Nikolas about OZ and Esme.
Esme at Springridge visiting Ryan. Spencer shows up at court to help our Trina.
Maxie and Britt at the metrocourt lol. Britt wants mocktails. Cody sees her and says " what a pleasant surprise!"
She says " Pleasant is in the eye of the beholder!"
Spencer tells Trina that he's there to support her. Jordan asks why Oz was visitìng Wyndemere.
Ryan is saying for a smart girl Esme is short sighted when it comes to the things she does.
She tells him Felicia was the one who stopped their visits.
Maxie and Britt lol make me laugh with Cody. They give him such a hard time and he just takes it in
Stride lol.
Lmfao Britt bitching about the straw and the hay. Cody brings Maxie and Britt some drinks.
At the courthouse , Joss and Trina wonder what Spencer is doing at the courthouse.
Esme gets a text from Ada Arden she says get to the courthouse now or no deal.
Nikolas tells Jordan that he's not Esme's jailer. Jordan tells Nikolas that Oz is in a coma and can't testify at Trina's trial.
Jordan says she needs to speak to Esme right away and leaves. Nikolas starts putting the pieces of the puzzle together about Esme .
Cody won't give up on Britt she says not if you were the last cowpoke in the country.
Spencer testifies in court for Trina.
Nikolas is on edge about Esme. Victor is disappointed in Nikolas for even sleepìng with Esme.
Ryan finds out that Esme submitted to a dna test to find out who her mother is. He's not happy about it .
Mainly because Spencer is using it as a bargaining chip.
Esme says if you dont want Spencer telling me who my mother is then you tell me.
Lmfao Cody is seeking advice about how to whoo Britt.
Spencer testifies that Esme also left the room at the cabin.
Jordan and Britt talk about Oz Hagerty.
Victor is starting to be my favourite character . He says maybe it was time to evict Esme from Wyndemere.
Ryan won't tell Esme who her mother is. He says if you don't obey me you will be orphaned again.
She says if you don't help me i have information on you to make a deal.
Maxie lol and Cody continue to talk about convincing Britt that Cody is right for her.
Britt is concerned about an opiode outbreak.
At the courthouse ADA Arden tries to catch Spencer off guard.
Nikolas says he wants to face up to his failings for Laura.
Ryan continues to threaten Esme whose clearly afraid of him.
Cody and Maxie continue to talk about Britt.
Britt remembers what Spencer told her about the drugs and Esme.
Trina is pissed at Spencer for testifying against her in court.
Victor lol says Nikolas needs to stop falling on his sword. He offers to drive him to the courthouse.
ADA Arden calls Esme and tells her to get to court.
Ryan tells Esme if she does not do what Spencer asks he will help het find her mother when he gets out of prison.
Joss , Trina and Rory talk about Spencer. When Trina walks away Joss tells Rory that he needs to read the room better everyone knows he likes Trina.
Ava asks Spencer whose side he's really on after he wouldn't give Esme an alibi.
Whoo great show , until next time guys this is mama Ashley, Judy , Cindy and Deana signing off have a great day everyone.
Hey me darlings , soo Trina's trial continues. A new witness is said to come forward according to episode description.
Welp there was interesting news in the Chuckles in Thursday's episode for July 28th 2022.
Mac told Dante he should start thinking about his career in the future.
Sasha told Brando she needs to go to therapy on her own. She knows he loves her and supoorts her.
Felty is awake ! TJ is in the room and tells him the police want to talk to him.
Diane is confident that the ADA and Spencer gave them an opening to use Esme's disappearance at the cabin to save Trina.
Spencer checks his phone and wonders where Esme is. Ava confronts Esme when she arrives at the courthouse.
Esme threatens to destroy Ava's world. Ava says " Try me!" Lmfao !!
Esme tells Ava she's tired of her acting superior to her . She begins tp tell her , but Nikolas shows up and stops her . He says " I'm stopping this right here right now!"
Trina and Rory talk and they're so sweet.
Mac wants Dante to replace him as chief of detectives when Mac retires.
Sam shows up and tells Mac he needs to check his messages. He and Felicia are needed for baby sitting duty.
Mac leaves and Dante wants to talk about their future as a couple and their kids.
Dante bends down , it looks like he might propose.
Sonny tells Dex you can't go around picking fights with people.
Sasha wants Brando to keep himself busy . They run into Michael and Willow. She says she knows Willow is pregnant and she's happy for them.
Ava doesn't like the possibility Nikolas is hiding something from her.
Spencer tells Esme he wants her to tell the truth about who really filmed Cam and Joss having sex.
Sasha wants to celebrate with her friends. Sasha talks to Michael about
TJ asks if Willow has come for more tests and he's really concerned about her.
Awe Sam thought Dante was going to propose, but he was only picking up his phone.
Esme tells Spencer no deal about telling the truth and about finding her mother.
Ava is clearly pissed Nikolas has a secret he's not told her about.
Nikolas tells Ava he slept with Esme.
Dante talks about he and Sam taking the next step in their relationship.
Brando has come to see Sonny . He says he's really worried about Sasha.
Esme lies on the stand sbout Trina.
Diane assures Trina they will deal with Esme.
Awe Sasha and Willow are so sweet, supporting each other and making plans. Smoltz harrasses them.
Ava tells Nikolas to stop talking , and asks when did you slither your way into Esme's room.
He tells her it only happened once.
Ava is really angry and upset with him. She says that he's touched her for the last time.
Diane questions Esme on the stand. Diane asks her about her friendship with Spencer's friends .
She also asks her about the trip to the cabin and Esme says she was met with animosity and hostility by cam, Joss and Trina.
Michael meets with Dex on the stairs of the hospital. He says he has Sonny where Michael wants him.
Willow tells Smoltz to get lost and leave them alone . She threatens to sic Michael on him again.
Willow goes to get security. Sasha tells him off and Willow returns with Security.
Court goes to recess, Diane wants to put Trina on the stand. Taggert does not like the idea ! But Trina wants to do it.
Dante visits Felty and questions him.
Dex tells Michael that Joss saw him beating up Felty and that she was recording it.
Brando says he feels so bad for Sasha and that he loves her.
Ava tells Nikolas he disgusts her and calls him a rat she also says he's not a man he's a spineless weakling.
Smoltz visits Felty and they plan on going after Sasha oh no!Scumbags !!!
Ava catches Esme getting ready to leave Wyndemere.
That's it for now , until next time this is Mama Ashley, Judy ,Cindy and Deana signing off have a great Friday everyone.
Oh me , oh my Friday's show was explosive and it's not a even a huge surprise.
Sasha and Willow were united together and stronger than ever.
Willow had more tests done and it left Michael confused as to why TJ not Britt was doing tests.
Brick returned to Sonny's fold and he couldn't believe what he was told.
Joss recorded Dex beating up Felty and it left Brick shocked and very perplexed.
Sasha had a meltdown and shouted " You're smothering me , you and your mother!"
Ava confronted Esme, who was making a run for it. But Ava squared up on her and she didn't give a shit .
Spencer he took the stand at the courthouse and he made it clear that Emse not Trina filmed Joss and Cam and said it without any fear.
He risked his freedom , to clear her name, everyone was shocked can you blame them.
He admitted he slipped out of prison risking his freedom that very day and
Trina saw him that very day.
It was at the exact time the video was dropped and so thickens this plot.
Michael pretended to be fighting with Dex , all for Brando's benefit and he bought the whole act.
Sonny told Brick he wants Dex to be the new Jason. Brick wasn't so sure.
Sasha gets a text from her friend and it looks like she's gonna do drugs again .
Ava has Esme where she wants her.
She tells her to exonerate Trina and confess or else.
Phew my head is spinning recalling it all. That's it for now, until next time guys, this is mama Ashley, Judy , Cindy and Deana signing off have a great Sunday everyone.