
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 29 December 2017

GH Recap December 28th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies  , and welcome to our Friday edition of the GH Canada's GH Recap.

First of all I have to say for all that's sane and holy, honest to god folks, can this  Finn, Anna /Valentin and Cassandra situation get any messier than it already is?

I'm frankly getting tired of the head games being played between all the players enough is enough , but I digress.

Peter August was preparing for the  Aurora party and he looked like he was ready to Par -tey lol.

He did a toast saying he was happy to be working with such talented people lol,  Nina says the champagne is the good stuff.

Maxie  says " Rub it in why don't you " LOL I love Maxie not a moment goes by that she's not saying something smart assed or funny.

Peter tells them that it came from their landlord " Courteousy of my girl Carly "

We see Carly on the Phone with Michael and she does her typical mother hen thing, " Just say the word and I'll be there"

Michael does appreciate his mother's support but even I know she's way too OTT sometimes and I love her as much as he does lol.

Nina is asked by Maxie if they can borrow things from Crimson for Sam . I love that Maxie does this for her friends.

It shows she has a kind spirit and a loving heart.

Nina of course says Yes!!!!

Michael and Nelle were at the hospital, Kim wasn't available to do her job , but Monica stepped in to do the job. 

My first thought was  isn't she a cardiologist? Since when do they do OBGYN duties lol , unless this was some elaborate plot point to have Michael's grandmother step into the breach and quiz the little minx on whether she is pregnant or not.

Finn and Anna listened in on Cassandra and her henchman talking , and they over heard her say that they need to speak to Valentin.

Elsewhere Carly had some plan in mind to get   Jasam back together, she just won't let up this one lol, will she lol? Nope not in a million years will Carly Leigh Corinthos ever let people make up their own minds about their own relationships.

Carly's heart is in the right place , but she really needs to put a stop to her nonsense sometimes. She's getting to old to be an interfering little madam. Leave that for  Joss lol who seems to be making it her mission to carry on the Spencer women tradition of being a budinski.

Jason and Sonny were talking about him going to Russia , Sonny and Carly are thinking its not wise for Jason to go after Faison or that clinic , I'm inclined to agree with them Jason has no idea what could lie in story for him.

Jason tells Sonny that   Danny has been accepting of him , but Jake not so much, I think giving Jake time to adjust would be the the better bet. The poor kid has been through enough . Too much upheavel too many changes are bound to confuse the kid since he came back from Cassadine Island lets be honest here the kid hasn't healed from that quite yet either.

Faison is a dangerous man , and Cassandra is a dangerous woman she's ordered that Sonny be taken care of because she wants to run drugs through Port Charles.

Lulu on the other hand lol she's had a meeting with Peter August who has asked her to go for the bigger story and go and find Faison and interview him.

Is Peter  August a lunatic or what ?  I honestly don't know about this guy , he thinks because  Luke and he have a history that Lulu should risk her life going to interview a psychopath that faked Lucky's death and helped kidnap both Jason and Drew for Helena.

Hello Mr August you are either stupid or you got a screw loose I can't decide which?

Maxie helped Sam pick out a dress for the  party for two at the  haunted star which  Sam and Drew have rented out just for the two of them.

LOL Maxie just kills me , she stole Sam's prized leather jacket so she can't wear it with the dress lol.

Drew runs into Michael at the hospital and he finds out Nelle is pregnant , he asks Michael are you sure its yours lol.

See kids we ain't the only ones who doesn't believe this nut job lol.

Cassandra has asked that  Valentin come to see her , after they found the bug in her phone, lord have mercy this trick is so stupid, she actually thinks that by summoning Valentin its going to get him to do what she wants.

And finally lol  we see Sam on the haunted star and she's waiting for Drew , she hears someone come aboard but its actually Jason not  him.

Fade into the On the Next General Hospital lol..... we see Sonny asking Carly what she's up to and Cassandra telling Valentin she wants him to kill  Sonny Corinthos

LOL somehow I think this bitch is going to find out you don't mess with the  Crime Lord that is Sonny Corinthos, or his besties  Jason and Drew.

This bitch will be screwed , done for and  dropped in the pine barrens for sure lol.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

GH Recap December 27th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , well Kevin and  Laura are certainly all loved up on the episode for December 27th 2017.

Its expected they are newlyweds I love Kiki talking to Dr and Mrs Collins it was so sweet , I really am made up for Laura she finally found love with a sane man.

Else where we had a front row seat for Lulu's stories getting praise, and we discover that Mayor Lomax has been indicted lol. I hated that bitch nasty piece of work she was. 

Unfortunately the cow can't be fired as she was an elected official. That just defies belief she can still keep her damn job till another election is called.

Amy is asked by Maxie to run a dna test against  Nathan's tooth brush and the hair of  Obrecht's  Amy at first declines but Maxie says after what Nathan and I did for you, you owe us.

LOL Yes that's our Maxie lol always a turn out for the books and tell it like it is , the truth hurts and Amy better step up and do as she's asked.

 Sometimes people no matter how much you do for them think they are entitled to no pay back in kind what you give them.

Nathan met up with  his mother , and he asks her to tell him the truth about his daddy,  she gives him a gift  but he tells her he won't accept it until he hears the truth.

You really can't blame the poor guy really , he shouldn't have to  put up with his mother playing mind games with his head, or omitting the truth of his parentage.

Everyone has the right to know that .

As for Miss Ava lol she gave Griffin a beautiful watch for Christmas and he told her he couldn't accept it at first but he eventually did.  

Sometimes you have to be a gracious gift receiver and not act like you're morally offended by it. Let people spoil you once in a while. Besides Christmas is only once a year for goodness sake.

Anna had Finn meeting up with  Cassandra the snake , She told him to turn off his phone, Anna then couldn't hear what was going on and  Finn deliberately spilled his champagne.

LOL I'd say what a klutz but it was a nice save lol

Dante and  Jordan praised Lulu for exposing Lomax which was a long time coming, Alexis showed up and told Lulu that she's been indicted , and she owned up to every single thing she did lol

Cue everyone asking if this means Felicia is going to become mayor, but as it turns out , Felicia says no even with a special election in the cards.

Liesel tells  Nathan that she hopes he and Maxie have a boy as she wasn't able to raise him. Which begs the questions was she forced to give him to Maddie? Or did she do it to keep Nathan safe?

I keep coming back to the same conclusion  as always ,  I believe Faison is Nathan's father which tells me that Britt and Nathan are full brother and sister.

Liesel would be afraid of him, even as obsessed with him she was she knows what he's capable of and she worries for her kids because of their involvement with him ( Britt most of all)

We know that  Liesel was upset that Britt would defy her father and was petrified that if Britt did that he would so some damage to her in the long run.

Kiki arrived at Ava's to give her , her Xmas present ,  Ava went into the spare room to get Kik's gift which was a doctors bag.

Totally appropriate since Kiki is becoming a doctor ,  Kiki gave her mother her present it was a gorgeous scarf but as usual Ava cocks it up and she assumes the worst of her own daughter.

You know even if you have your own insecurities and hurt inside you don't strike out at the people closest to you.

Those who love you deserve to be treated with respect and love, and kindness.

Maxie meets up with  Nathan and he shows her the clock , Anna was glad that  Finn had some quick thinking , and as for  Laura lol.

Well she and Stella have created some crazy friendship which is kinda awesome , if you think about it, Stella could use a friend whose trustworthy and who will keep her out of  Jordan and  Curtis' hair lol.

Keep the woman busy lol she's too much of a busybody for my liking lol

And finally ...... we hear Kevin saying that Laura should become Mayor of Port Charles, yeah I could go for that.

Laura knows the  Charles street area well, she understands the people , and she has a mega huge heart and she cares about the people around her.

Port Charles  needs someone like her to care about the community , the people in it , and most importantly we need someone whose going to get decent people in office with her who ain't about to be on the take and hurt the citizens.

That's it kids until next time have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

GH Recap December 26th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies , and welcome to another edition of General Hospital Canada's GH recap .

Make yourselves comfortable and lets get ready for the crazy ride into Port Charles that aired  December 26th 2017.

So we had a front row seat for Anna and Finn in the boxing ring lol, I love them both so much , they make me laugh with their sniping and back biting with each other and it happening in a boxing ring made me laugh cause she told him he needed a lesson in self defense against Cassandra.

Valentin and  Nina were shown at  Kelly's for breakfast they were meeting up with Charlotte and Lulu.

Lulu asked Valentin if he read her article about the election. He promptly told her it was down to  Spencer and  Nikolas lol.

Naxie went to see Kim about their baby and the  medical records of their parents.  Nathan still is unsure about who his father is and whether Victor really was his father. LOL Given the fact Obrecht seems to be hiding something I still say its Faison whose his dad.

Meanwhile Sam had a meeting with the Ceo who wanted to know who really owned Aurora given the fact that  Jason is back lol.

She then got a visit from Kim  and they talked about Drew and about the past Kim didn't say much other than what she already knew .

Later on we saw Lulu talking to  the Ceo and he told her that she needs to keep chasing the voting slips story. Say what you will about my girl but Lulu is just like her mom and her cousin Carly she never gives up once she starts something.

Nothing wrong with being upfront and knowing what you want, you just have to make it clear that you're doing it for the greater good and not for spite.

Yeah , Yea spare me the Spencer women are back biters and bitches comments , I know this because I'm a long time fan I know this and love it about them.

Nina was left annoyed as hell when Cassandra showed up and gave  Charlotte a present , a skating dress for competitions.

When  Nina had Cassandra alone she had her by the hair lol omg I laughed my ass off especially when Nathan and Maxie walked in and saw it go down.

Nina told her to stay away from Charlotte lol and her family , when  Valentin came back and saw the end result lol. he told her  Charlotte is his child and he will deal with Cassandra.

and then we saw  Sonny and  Drew having a chin wag which by all accounts did not go swimmingly well.

Drew acted like a spoiled selfish brat accusing Sonny of liking Jason over hm etc and how Jason is his real brother not him. He told him he turned his back on him lol.

Technically that's not true since Drew acted like a kid throwing his toys out of the pram and acted like Sonny would desert him.

I really can't stand people who act like they are the only important people in others lives. Jealousy is a wasted emotion really.

Cassandra showed up to see  Finn and she's acting all sketchy , I really don't like this trick she bothers me. No offense to Jessica Tuck she's a great actress but I hate Cassandra.

They say that's a mark of a good actress anyways if they make you hate them lol.

Sam arrived home and she and Drew got a visit from Kim who gave him the  cd that Oscar had told him about. At last someone sees sense.

Kim says maybe these songs will jog his memory , one can only hope and one can only hope that Finn does as Anna says and stays safe.

That's it for today folks until tomorrow have a great day.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

GH Recap December 19th - December 22nd 2017

Good Morning me lovelies I'm sorry I'm late posting this , but  its the Christmas Season and I was a busy bee.  I gotta say that GH was a buzz with happy family get togethers, well mostly lol.

The Corinthos Clan were celebrating Xmas toasting Morgan and all that sad , but good stuff, Nelle showed up half frozen and needed something to eat.

It was reminded Carly , and Jason of when  Carly showed up in the rain when she was pregnant with Michael.

Michael had already started asking his parents and uncle questions about his birth and about his mum and dad's and uncles past which they gladly told him about.

It was a tough enough situation for them to deal with , but now they have Nelle who they don't trust half frozen in their home carrying what they believe is their grandchild.

When Carly was looking at the tree at one point she said " They say every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings" she opined that Morgan must have his by now loved it.

Laura and  Kevin's wedding day approached and we got to see Leslie showing up in time for the festivities. 

Denise Alexander looked marvelous as usual , and  Leslie had herself an Italian boyfriend who officiated  Laura and Kevin's wedding when  the  preacher had to go to the hospital cause his wife had gone into labor with their child.

Maxie of course  had flipped out when the vicar left and there was no one to officiate but at least  Leslie's Beau was able to do it even if it was in Italian.

It was simply beautiful.

As for  Alexis and the  Ashford crew things couldn't have been more pathetic, I'm sorry guys , but not only am I disgusted with the whole situation with  Jordan and Stella, but I'm pissed off that Molly would choose Christmas Day of all damn days to kick off about Julian.

The cooker in the flat quit working so they decide to go to Charlie's pub and  Molly couldn't be any more rude and obnoxious.

Yes Julian did things he shouldn't have but she literally was biting the hand that feeds her when he said they had food in the kitchen they all could have.

I was grateful at least they found out that they could feed some homeless people , would have been nice if we'd actually seen them do it.

And  Ned got to know Oscar which was cool despite the fact that he was hell bent on not wanting to know him at all and treated  Drew pretty shitty as well.

Yea by all means be concerned about Edward's will but wait until Xmas is over to broach the subject with the family. I can't stand it when I hear people  or see people treating other people like garbage.

Ned got told off by Olivia lol, which I loved . Its about time someone set the Q's straight on what family means. Its not about who should get what inheritance Christmas is about the spirit of giving, of family togetherness.

Its the one day a year we should put all the nastiness behind us and just deal with the  happiness and the theme of the season.

Loved Sonny , Jason and Carly doing a toast about being friends and sticking by each other, it made Jason  and Carly tear up , hell it made me tear up, I love these three.

The best trio on soaps today  Maurice Benard, Laura Wright and  Steve Burton my dream team.

That's it for today my darlings until tomorrow

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

GH Recap December 18th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies let me first start this recap blog post by saying  " Oh my goodness ! Oh My Goodness!"

Things are really starting to happen with this Jason and Drew brain mapping storyline, there are so many twists and turns and surprises up ahead my head is about to spin right off its neck and shoulders.

No I'm not talking about the exorcist style lol , but my god  the show sure has  yours truly in a tizzy that's for damn sure.

First of all Franco ain't got the bottle or the balls to tell Elizabeth the truth, yea you might want to try that some time buddy, I love you Franco but come on seriously you should have tried being honest from the day Maddox told you all of this shit.

Oh and thinking you can  tell Liz you don't want  Jason around his own son , buddy you ain't the daddy and you ain't got a god damn right to make that call.

Carly made me laugh with her incessant chatter and advice to Sam , I love my girl Carly but even I find that she's over the top and crazy sometimes. 

But we have to accept her heart is in the right place but even I who is a massive Carly fan knows she's not quite accepted the phrase back off its none of your business. Nope my girl bulldozes her way in at every interval and if she didn't she wouldn't be Carly lol.

Jordan and  Anna talked about  the case and  Anna told her that she's gotta look for  christmas decoration that she accidentally gave away. This was after she spoke to Jason on the phone and  he told her that Andre had put it it in a Christmas Decoration.

Meanwhile  Lulu told  Maxie that she was going to do a campaign for feed the hungry and she wanted Maxie's help. LOL she mentioned that  maxie was great with social media and had a lot of followers.

LOL That's because Kirsten Storms who plays Maxie does have a lot of followers including yours truly love that girl.

At Drew and  Sam's office he was surprised when Oscar came to see him, Sam left them to talk and they started to get to know each other.

I just hope Oscar doesn't wind up getting hurt through this whole mess, especially if my  instincts are right and  Drew and Kim were some home responsible  for what happened to Jason.

I still don't believe 100% if  Drew is another innocent victim in all of this , and I will not  let it go until I see proof that he is.

Franco was having a day dream that  he told Liz the truth and she stormed off on him , yep buddy that's your future calling cause you omitted the truth from day one of you finding out  about the whole mess.

Its terrible when people you love and trust wind up keeping things from you and hurt you in the long run.

Oscar fills Drew in on all the things that he likes to do listening to music, and reading and how he's good at school, but he ditched lol.

Oscar asks him if he ever ditched school,  Umm Drew doesn't remember his past sweet pea how do you expect him to remember that far back.

This brain mapping shit has fucked with too many people's lives, their pasts , their presents, and their futures are all in limbo because of whomever did this.

its not just affecting Drew and Jason , its messing with  Sam , and the kids too, they've lost time with Jason and Drew.

All of this time  Oscar could have known his dad, and should have known him, but for some reason Kim just didn't want to bother.

And look where they're at now? And we've not even touched the sides of it yet, was Kim involved in it? Come to think of it  just because  Drew was grabbed doesn't mean that whoever's responsible didn't fill him in before hand.

Jason talked to Sonny about the whole situation with  Anna , and honestly lol, she called him back and said we have a problem the decoration has gone missing.

You bet your ass you have a problem someone found it and stole the flashdrive lol,  that's the last thing we saw on the episode of  December 18th.

Monday, 18 December 2017

GH RECAP 12-15-17

Good Morning me lovelies , so pretty much  everything that could happen on GH did on  the Friday December 15th episode of GH.

I don't want to be like chicken little and say the sky is falling, the sky is falling lol, but I told you that Anna and Finn have some chemistry lol.

This is how soap couples start I'm afraid , they hate each other, they bicker, call each other out on their bull crap, and then wham one of them makes a move.

Yes you heard that right kids, LOL  Finn kissed Anna lol.

I saw this coming , I'm giggling with glee over it !!!!!!!  Meanwhile  Jordan talked to Andre about  Jason and Drew and the whole situation, we even found out he actually had a wife that had alzheimer's and that's why he developed this whole brain mapping programming thing

The problem with this is  his wife was too far gone for him to even  be able to help her.

You know they say you should never treat your own family if you're an MD , what if Andre had used it on her and it had failed?  What would he have done then? Instead he was told no by the WSB and he was asked to use it by some criminal mastermind.

I'm sorry but Andre is a complete and utter dumbass, at some point did he not think this whole thing would come and bite him on the ass?

The Q's have more money than he does , I smell a lawsuit coming Diane , Scott and Alexis will be chomping at the bit to get this thing sorted ASAP.

Also Finn and Anna wrapped Christmas presents for charity awe such a sweet gesture, we also saw Alexis talking to Drew about Sam and the legalities of his relationship with Sam.

Turns out he's not legally married to Sam ,  LOL so if he's not legally married to Sam does that mean that Sam's divorce from Jason isn't legal and she's still married to him.

Liz talked to Andre about Franco and he told her that she needs to find out a few things .... Uh Oh someone's a pot stirrer, and he's not a cackling witch. LOL Wait that just might be Carly with her spidey sense tingling and she's saying " I told you so"

Yeah Tracey Quartermaine may be cackling from across the ocean , but Carly Corinthos is cackling a few blocks away and she's gonna let Liz have it when she finds out some shit lol.

Sam and Jason met on the pier again lol, they talked and Jason told her that he wants her to stay and talk to him. Awe love it.

 I love my Jasam , its a pity that  Drew will wind up the injured party in all of this cause once Sam realizes she still loves Jason and she was only grasping onto Drew with the idyllic idea of having a safe life he's gonna be left out in the cold.

Sam tried to give Jason Lila's ring back but he told her to keep it .

Alexis ran into  lol  Julian at a bar , how many times do I have to say it lol , Alexis will eventually fall back into  Julian's arms. She and Sam are so much alike it kills me.

They know what they truly want but they are too afraid to say it.

Kiki and Franco are talking about Liz and him and the kids and she seems to be happy for them.

Liz talks to Franco and she knows Andre was right , Sam and Drew talk , they talk about how the marriage isn't legal and they decide the rings should go to Danny.

Julexis has my heart, Jasam has my heart, Friz too  these couples are so ripe with emotion and no sense of healing as of yet. But there will be once they see some sense.

Finn leaves Anna's but before he did he told her don't wait up lol, she tells him no I won't lol.

And then we saw Jason at the PCPD and he asks Andre if there is a way to help get Drew his memories back.

Andre says yes there is omg love it.

Friday, 15 December 2017

General Hospital Canada GH Recap December 14th 2017

Ahem is this thing on me lovelies , lots of high drama on the December 14th 2017 episode of GH.

Finn was shown trying to get another room at the metrocourt after  Anna forced her hand and made him come stay with her under her protection.

As if this guy needs protection from Cassandra, he's a grown frigging man he doesn't need to be treated like a delicate flower.

Lulu was at WYndmere under the guise of  looking for Charlotte's Xmas list but she was really looking for the ballot slips. She's like a blood hound in search of a story

I love her but sometimes she does my freaking head in.

Oh good lord give me strength , then we had Lulu acting like a complete nut trying to suggest that Valentin rigged Felicia's election he wasn't even in Port Charles when it happened.

Use that beautiful brain of yours Lulu and realize your brother Nikolas was.

Kim went to see Monica who wants to get to know Oscar and bring him into the family fold.

Yes I think that would be awesome so he gets to know his family.

Meanwhile  Drew was at Kim and Oscars getting to know his son , I have to admit that Oscar is a little closed off , mainly cause this is all new to him and he's scared.

Nina was peod at Lulu for  even suggesting that it was Valentin and Valentin was shown talking to Cassandra.

Who he told to stay away from his family , this crazy assed bitch wants to partake of Christmas at Wyndemere when hell freezes over bitch seriously .

She needs to learn that skulking around and forcing yourself on other people does not win you brownie points nor does it endear you to them either.

Monica and  Kim had a nice chat where they discussed Oscar and Jason and Drew , but Kim told her that she and Oscar do not want the quartermaine millions.

Yes finally someone takes a stand lol 

Meanwhile  When Valentin got home he got into serious shit lol from Nina after she told him that Lulu thought he was involved in the Ballot scandal of course.

Then when she embraced him she smelled Cassandra's enchantment perfume on him and she was not best pleased. LOL Oh she was pissed off lol

Oscar was mighty pissed off at his mother and refused to talk to her and he said he had homework to do. 

She told him its up to him if he wants to get to know his father and his grandmother and extended family.

Duh no shit sherlock of course its up to him , he's a 15 year old kid with a mind of his own let him think for himself, give him space woman and stop harassing him.

Lulu was shown at the metrocourt with her mother and Kevin talking about the wedding which they want to take place Christmas day.

Lulu tells them as long as it doesn't happen before 8 am it should be fine and the kids will be excited about it.

Anna and  Finn just make me laugh my fool head off , his saying she had ice in her veins and would probably end up being a crazy cat lady lol. 

They wound up kissing and  we saw Jason and Sam  at the end of the show and they talked , oh gosh I love these two I want a Jasam reunion tout freaking suite

And that's it for now until next time guys have a great day

Thursday, 14 December 2017

GH Recap December 12th and 13th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our daily live chat. I know I've been awol for a day and I have some recaps to catch up on.

I'm about to bring you a double whammy of GH in one blog lol, yes I sure as hell am , since they all tie in to each other.

First of all  Those Spencer Women Bobbie and  Carly are the most amazingly funny, conniving bitches on the planet. 

Yes that's not a good quality to admire however I love those women to death , if you want to argue with me about their flaws bring it on lol.

I've been a Bobbie and Carly fan forever lol , I know all this and I frankly could give two shits what anyone has to say on that matter.

Yes they push the envelope, Yes they  open mouth insert foot a lot but one things quite clear  Jackie Zeman and  Laura Wright always bring in their A game when they are in scenes together.

Bobbie asks Carly if she wants her to help bury Nelle's body then says I'm kidding and says its up to Michael what he wants to do.

Kim tells  Oscar that  she wants to speak to him about his dad and asks him what he wants to know.

Michael tells  Dante about Nelle being pregnant and he asks Michael if their dad knows yet lol.

Meanwhile we had a front row seat for Cassandra trying to worm her way into getting Finn to do her bidding. LOL to which Anna responded by  giving him a house key to her place.

Nina ran into  Nelle while she was with Charlotte and Charlotte told her that she was going to see Santa with her mommy and  Nina and asked her if she wanted to come.

Nelle politely said no, as she has evil plans to hatch lol, no she didn't say that to Charlotte but it was being said inside my own head lol.

If she had really said that I would have pissed myself laughing 

Lulu found out that Charlotte found a  voting slip at Wyndemere ,  Sonny was left peod at the news that  Nelle was pregnant.

Carly was left annoyed by it all, and you know what guys lol I really am loving our show lately lol.

On the show for the 13th LOL Nelle tried her best to get the best of the Corinthos family to no avail. This bitch will wind up in the pine barrens mark my words.

Oscar was worried whether the Q's and Drew would like him and Kim told him not to worry about any of that because he's a sweet boy which he is.

Ned said he could hear his mother cackling from across the ocean at Monica's insistence that Drew and Jason would finally get along lol.

Yea like that's going to happen any time soon lol or is it. 

Britt and  Nathan had a brother and sister reunion which I loved even as short lived as it was. I want to see them all together with their mother.

We also so  Jason and Drew discussing things and  Sam and Monica talking about both boys and what Sam's true feelings were.

Nelle met up with Ava at  Kelly's it appears they might work together against the Corinthos Clan since they have something in common now a common enemy in Carson.

Sam had a lot to think about and met up with Jason on the pier he told her he wanted her to talk to him and Kim was asked to meet up with someone but we don't know who.

Love, Love Love it, but where is  Obrecht we need to see more of her and her children lol.

We need a Britt and  Lisel reunion lol Until next time guys have a great day.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

GH Recap December 11th 2017

Hey me lovelies , so the GH Episode of  December 11th left me feeling  annoyed, pissed off  and totally  baffled.

I totally get that  Sonny and Jason wanted to ask Britt questions , but they were constantly badgering her as if she was the one who released the beast in her father when he did that himself a frigging long time ago.

Nelle is a complete and utter bitch , the way she smugly told Carly she was going to be a grandma , lol is this trick for real she really thinks she's gonna rattle , and upset Carly lol.

Nice Try Honey , there's one thing you need to learn little girl lol don't ever try and get one over on Mrs Corinthos.  She's a feisty bitch and funny as all get out too.

Meanwhile  Drew was at the penthouse and he learned that he was in fact  Oscar's dad and he was feeling a roller coaster of emotions as well. I honestly loved the fact that Kim was so honest as she could be about it all. Mind you I still wonder if there was a bit of  game playing going on on her side.

Also  Cassandra is still being a sketchy assed bitch about the whole mess with  the drugs and she's trying to charm Finn who was later told by Anna that he needs to do what he's told lol.

His response was " What am I a labrador?" LOL

Brilliant line delivery by Michael Easton

Joss and Oscar got the test results and they found out that Drew  is his dad lol I am expecting  Drew to utter the words " Oscar I am your father" Like Darth Vader from Star Wars.

In other news  Andre poured his heart out to Anna about his wife and Jordan over heard the whole damn thing.

Miss thing got her nose out of joint because she wasn't even aware that his wife had even existed.

You know guys people don't like to be reminded of sad painful memories in their lives, and have to retell it to someone whose just learned that you were evasive about your past is even worse.

Jason found a manuscript that  was in the fire at Britt's  hotel room and he asked her what it was, he said that it made no sense that Faison would burn it.

Britt said that someone sent it to him perhaps it was the person pulling the strings and went rogue lol.

Let me put it plainly so you all understand where I'm coming from lol why the hell are the people in Port Charles so frigging nosey .

Carly and Michael refuse to believe a word out of Nelle's lying assed mouth and she's trying to convince them that she's not lying. LOL Lying comes so easily for Nelle as much as breathing does.

How this cow can even throw Carly's past back in her face is beyond me , this isn't about Carly and what she's done, this is about Nelle and the rinky dinks she's pulled. The lies, the manipulations the stupid trick needs to shut her damn mouth.

I mean really  shut the hell up for one minute and stop making it all about what you want to know and what you want to hear.

Once Kim left  Drew and Sam discussed Oscar, Drew was understandingly upset that he never got to know his son growing up. Sam tells him there's the future to look forward to.

Poor Oscar was upset cause its always been him and his mom and now he's got a dad, and a half sister and a step mum and the Quartermaine's that are his new found family. He is worried and scared at this point cause its too overwhelming for the poor lad.

Sometimes  guys I think it's best to be left in the dark because you might not like the truth that just might jump up and slap you in the face.

I understand Jason and Sonny  want answers about what happened to Jason and Drew , but harassing Britt who is clearly as in the dark as they are is not the way to go in my books. 

Kim tells  Oscar upon meeting up with him they have some stuff to talk about and they were going to walk home, leaving Joss outside the hospital on her own

I Can't wait for the next GH LOL this shit is really getting real bring on Faison lol Until then guys have a great day.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

GH Recap December 8th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our  GH Recap .

On the December 8th episode loads of things came to light although some people most likely wished they'd have been buried instead of  being exposed like an open wound, or a  scab that needing picking.

Not a great visual  I know , but  it had to be said, sometimes things just pop into my head and I run with it , cause that's the way I feel at the moment.

So what if I'm a little unpredictable , just like Carly lol, or even Maxie you never know what the hell is going to come out of my mouth.

Kelly Thiebaud(Aka Britt Westbourne)
 At the top of the show we saw Sonny and Jason burst in on  Britt Westbourne enjoying a crisp white glass of wine by the fire light and they scared the hell out of her so much so she dropped it.

It's so great to see Kelly back at Britt, yeah it might get the unpopular vote with some people as Britt is the  daughter of the two most distasteful evil people on the planet, Faison and Obrecht, but I love her.

Britt may have become embroiled in her parents sick demented games , but she's not all that bad really. People need to give her a chance to prove she's not her mothers daughter and she's her own person.

Nathan is a good example of the son who doesn't emulate who his parents are simply because they are blood related.

Carly met up with Kim at GH not by choice but they had a good chat , she told Kim that  Drew wants to fill in the blanks about his past. 

Josslyn and Oscar were awaiting the test results while all of this was going on and he wanted to deleted them. 

They wound up  at GH later on and Carly was furious with Joss for leaving the house yet again without permission.

Also Nelle has well and truly got her claws into Michael now , I hate this bitch with every fibre of my being. 

Yes I know this shit ain't real , you don't have to tell me that , but I know its just the sign of a great actress when she makes you feel contempt for her at every interval.

Chloe Lainer is amazing , a great little actress, and a sweet natured person in real life, but Nelle is a conniving witch who I believe deliberately got knocked up.

This trick would do anything for money including using other people's secrets to do so.

Remember the other day when  Carly was at the park , and she said " You look like a Nana" LOL

Yea that was the moment I knew that screwball was up the duff with a Quartermaine heir.

A meal ticket for her to use in a game of manipulation for the whole extended Quartermaine/Corinthos/Spencer clan.

Back at Britt's room she told Sonny and Jason that Faison was livid when he found out that Jason was still alive and had crashed through the skylight.

She said that was the moment he realized whoever was responsible had lied to him , and went rogue.

Yea cause that's what all bad criminals do when they're deals with one person goes south they go after another one in hopes for a big pay out.

The problem with this is they screwed with way too many people's lives and someone will have to pay in the long run for this.

Britt looked scared out of her wits with two guys waving guns around demanding answers can you blame her. 

And Sonny wasn't having any of it either when she asked about Spencer telling her she had no right to ask about him or his name to come out of her mouth because she helped him fake his own kidnapping.

Really Sonny and why didn't  Joss get grounded for helping him do that as well , oh that's right cause Joss is a child and she didn't know any better.

But Britt does and shouldn't have done it I kinda see Sonny's point lol.

Meanwhile Drew was at the park , with Sam Liz and  Jake and  Franco. They find out that  Liz and Franco are engaged to which none of them were impressed with hearing.

Drew decided it was time to tell little Jake that he wasn't really his dad but his uncle after the kid got money off of him to play a game.

Lord have mercy the tears were streaming down my face little Hudson who play Jake knocked it out of the ballpark with that scene he made us all feel sad for him.

He asked if Scout was still his sister, no she's not people need to get the  family connections right,  Drew is not his father, he's his uncle, there for Scout is his cousin.

I don't care how Drew colour codes it , get it into your freaking head you dumb ass you are not this child's father and never will be the minute you get that into your stupid thick skull I will be eternally grateful.

Carly finds out that this time Joss was there to support Oscar,  that he needed to see his mum and she was only there as a favour to which  Oscar confirmed with Carly.

When Drew got home  with Sam he tells little Scout who was in his arms that she was made from love and that he loves her. Sam was bringing down Christmas presents.

Back at the park Franco and Jake talked and he told Kim showed up to see him , and he was not too pleased either but then she dropped the bombshell that  he is Oscar's dad.

He may have lost one son , but he gained another one lol.

And finally Carly was beyond pissed when Nelle and Michael dropped the bomb that she's pregnant lol.

I'm waiting for the banshee screaming to come and for Sonny and Jason to hit the roof , they will all know what this trick is up too. big time.

LOL Until Next time guys have a great day

Friday, 8 December 2017

GH Recap December 7th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies as we approach the Christmas Season my blog recaps will be shorter.

So much to do , but in the new year I will return back to the  full blog with the screen shots.

Yesterday's show was full of drama excitement well for the last few minutes anyways.

We all are aware that Nelle is about to get her ass busted my Lumax.

But right now she's got his so convinced she's this nice sweet person its beginning to make me want to up chuck.

Sonny and Jason are talking about Spinelli and whether they can find Faison and get the  answers they need. LOL. 

Sam asks Jason to help Drew prove that he didn't desert the Navy Seals. Jason leaves  and Sonny is left to speak to Spinelli on the phone who starts to drive him crazy lol.

Spin is alot of things, goofy, funny , smart and a very good friend to everyone including Sonny. Sonny still despairs of him lol .

You can tell with the way  Sonny rolls his eyes when he listens to him speak even 11 years on he srill can't stand him really and we all know it.

Meanwhile Drew was locked in a jail cell and he was questioning Andre about what the hell he knows and if he can give him back his old memories.

Andre is such a dickhead, I used to like him , but him messing with my boys is a no no.

Joss is having Oscar over , and Sonny questions her as to whether her mother knows about it.

LOL Yep Sonny is a great step dad but he's also a great friend and husband .

Franco proposed to  Elizabeth omg I had to laugh when he found out her middle name was Imogene lol. He said " Seriously!'


That's the same reaction  had years ago lol Jason did end up helping  Drew , and Alexis is still being the rude , obnoxious bitch lol. That's nothing new my friends , but that's why I love her.

And Finally Jason and  Sonny got a lead and they busted into some hotel somewhere.

But who do they find is the question

Until next time guys have a great GH day