
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Say it Ain't So GH Has Unnerved Me

As long , as I can remember , GH has always been a source of amusement , excitement , but I have to say '" Say it Ain't So !!! " this time GH has unnerved me .

This Ryan storyline , has been a wild crazy ride , and I'm glad I've had a front row seat for it via my living room, however while watching yesterday's episode of GH, I was shocked to my core when Ryan stabbed Laura Webber with a syringe.

As a long time fan of GH , and of Laura I was unnerved , as Laura is one of my ultimate fave characters ever since I was a little girl .

For me it was like watching a family member being personally attacked and frankly I did not like it.

Laura and Genie in particular is like an older sister who you admire For her spunkand her bravery .

It's not to say that Kiki's death wasn't any more shocking , but I knew it was coming since Hayley Erin announced that she was leaving GH.

I kept thinking I don't have a good feeling about Laura creeping around Ferncliff, hell bent  on getting the answers she was seeking .

In fact one of my group members  Diane Wood said , Laura better get out of there before Ryan finds her . And she was right !!!

Our precious  Laura was caught unaware and Kevin watched helplessly as Ryan injected something into her and she was knocked out .

That cliffhanger sent shivers up and down my spine , it wasn't enough that he attacked Lulu,  but now he's gone after her mother too.

It made me feel like Kevin did , helpless , scared and angry especially when Ryan smiled evily at Kevin.

As if he had gotten one over on Kevin , my one hope is that someone just happens by from the PCPD and shoots that asshole between the eyes.

His evil plans need to be halted,  and he becomes the Hunted and not the Hunter !! 

I am kinda hoping Jordan finds out Laura went rogue on her own and she helps rescue them.

My hope is that Kevin gains the upper hand and saves our girl , they are due for a reunion and i seriously can't wait , however before that happens we have to brace ourselves the climax is starting to build , but  what lies in wait around the corner will be a work of magic from the writers, and Jon Lindstrom who is acting his ass off .

Do I feel anger about this storyline , hell yeah baby but I am proud to have witnessed Jon at his absolute best .

His portrayal as the saddistic Ryan has kept me on my toes , the hair stand on my arms , but more important than that I feel he has an Emmy win coming.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Shiloh : The Player is about to be played

Oh Shiloh , you think you're a master manipulator,  nuh huh,  we Jasam fans were onto your scheming ass The minute you and you're minions started sniffing around Kristina.

We knew long before Sam and Jason got Spinelli to use his magic with his cyber skills.

Quite a few of us have honed into the fact that Shiloh's brainwashing may even be linked to Jason and Drew' s disappearances in 2012.

You are far too interested in Kristina's family, who are far more dangerous than you  can only imagine. Ticking time bombs usually go off when a hapless,  so called criminal or lack there of get to close to the snarly beast which is Kristina's godmother.

Of course Sam had to nip that in the bud because she knew Carly would take you to task, and that you'd learn you couldn't manipulate her.

Shiloh likes weak, women he can manipulate and Control and Carly babes just doesn't fit that criteria lol.

I understand where she's coming from, but Carly might have put the bastard in his creepy assed place. And maybe she would have warned the prick off.

All I have to say is you escaped that danger,  but that won't happen again, cause you're about to meet your match.

Sam won't be manipulated,  or taken advantage of , and Jason will not tolerate it nor will your friend Drew.

But we've not seen that come to be yet !

For now everything is rotten in New York State and particularly Port Charles , because you are becoming creepier by the day, and we can't help but think things are about to take a darker turn.

That is if Jasam don't stop you dead in your tracks. 

And another thing something about you doesn't add up and its not just the fact Sam was married to your daddy and ripped him off.

It makes me wonder , was Shiloh's dad the one who started this crazy research and Andre some how got himself mixed up in this whole mess?

Only time will tell , but I can warn you that Sonny Corinthos , is a very protective friend and father,  so you even attempt to hurt Kristina or Sam you are going to have to think quicker than Spinelli or even Maxie in the heat of the moment.

And not withstanding , if the Police Commissioner, Kristina's big brothers Dante and Michael get involved , you best be aware they like their dad and Jason shoot first ask those heated questions much later that's if your not dead before then.

Your path of enlightenment is a complete and utter joke,  you spout positivity , but you have a hidden agenda , and whatever b.s., your trying to sell ain't washing with anyone.

Hello pine barrens ,you have another guest possibly en route that is if Jasam don't let the PCPD arrest you first.

Ava Jerome & Ryan Chamberlain " Spinning the Web of Deceit

On the outside people see that Ava Jerome , is a vicious , nasty , poisonous bitch , who doesn't give a damn who she hurts .

But she is also a grieving mother who lost her lovely , smart vivacious daughter in a senseless stabbing carried out by the one man Ava seems to misguidingly trust , because he like a Venus fly trap plant has caught her in the throws of anger and now grief.

Ryan has spun a web of deceit that has made Ava change into a woman who is depending on him for comfort and some sense of peace, but what she isn't aware of is that Ryan not only isn't  Kevin , but he also has Averys father Sonny and step mum Carly on his hit list of next victims .

In any other circumstance,  Ava would probably be all for it , however when her baby girl is involved I don't believe Ava would appreciate the warped gesture , if Avery were to witness the murders of her daddy and precious step mum.

I am hoping and praying that Ava , figures it out and soon , and she herself sees the list of victims , and warns the Corinthos clan ahead of time so that they can trap the nutbar and cut him off at the pass.

This would be the perfect opportunity for Ava to extend an olive branch , and show her daughters other mommy and daddy some respect .

If Ava were to take on Ryan herself , I'd be one of the first people cheering ,  shoot him dead , save the day and make Carly and Sonny too see that she's not such a cold hearted nasty vile bitch after all.

It's not to say I don't like Ava , because I do and I would not want to see her caught in a precarious situation,  where the strong assed bitch I have come to know and love her as has let herself become manipulated and tricked into a false sense of security.

Ryan is a sick, disturbed individual who killed Mary Pat because of the way she treated Carly,  but at the same time , he wants to kill Carly and Sonny because Ava didn't get her way?

He killed Kiki , because Kiki went after her ex, come on , that's not a reason to kill someone,  Ryan has no idea that Ava also is a cheating slut.  But hey who am I to judge I'm just a loyal viewer.

And what about poor Peyton, that journalist?  He was only doing his job , and Lulu too, but because Lulu was too close to the truth , he tried and failed to kill her .

Spencer's may get knocked down but when she gets her second wind,  Ryan will not know what hit him.

Just because you don't get what you want , and lost all sense of control and can't manipulate two of the biggest players in town lol, doesn't mean you should plot their demise .

Logic doesn't come into play when it comes to Ryan Chamberlain, however when his web of deceit starts to unravel before his eyes , he better start praying cause the people of Port Charles will be baying for his blood , and the carnage I'm afraid won't be pretty.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

If I could Zap myself into GH I Would

I keep thinking if I could zap myself into GH, I would make myself Carlys half sister , through John Durant , Carly needs a sister who will stand by her , who loves her unconditionally,  and doesn't let anyone talk shyte about her .

Instead she got Nelle who by the way was so jealous of her it was beyond ridiculous!!!! Ridiculous revenge plot for what ?

Sorry I'm just sick of it and she needs to stop contacting Michael she's an absolute fruitcake .

I would take a few other characters to task as well, and make Ava see who Ryan really is and that he's not acting in her best interest nor does he care about her, her well being or sanity

I would also knock Kristina into the middle of next week, and make her see sense.

Someone has to rescue her stupid butt from that cult. Jason and Sam seem to be failing at this point .

And I'm frankly bored with it already , also , Laura needs to contact Lucky , and Luke  , Tracey and Ethan because of what happened to Lulu . If she doesn't I will.

And what about Nikolas ? I'd be the brains and finally investigate his whereabouts .

There are so many unanswered questions , his family needs him and he's not there to protect any of them either .

I would also have Nina discover that Willow is her daughter,  and let their relationship flourish the way Sam and Alexis and Carly and Bobbie's and Lulu and Charlotte's have. I'd be a detective like Sam and Curtis and help them discover this fact.

I'd also have Ryan die the same way he's killed his victims ... What would you guys do if you could zap yourself into GH?

What family would you belong to , what would you do for a job? Who would your enemies be ?

Leave your comments down below

Monday, 11 February 2019

PCPD : How To catch a Killer

The Port Charles PCPD,  normally gets a vote of confidence from me , but what happens,  when Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford actually doesn't see what's in front of her face she consults the murderer on the case .

Ryan Chamberlain has planted evidence in Franco's art stuudio and during hypnosis put it in Lulu 's head that it was Franco that hurt her.

Which is an area of contention with me, since Franco Baldwin has been persecuted and accused of committing crimes that he did not commit.

Carly Corinthos and Laura Webber suspect something isn't right with the whole mess and they have noticed something strange is going on in Dr Kevin Collins behavior.

And I should think so since we viewers know Kevin is locked up in Ferncliff,  and Ryan is continuing his reign of terror on innocent people.

How the hell , can Jordan justifiably accuse Franco of committing the attack on Lulu , when he and Liz,  have both said they were home with the boys .

And furthermore,  how can she go to Laura saying the boys and Liz are in danger,  when they are so clearly not. 

Talk about jumping the gun and clearly way off base , I really get a bitter taste in my mouth because of this whole situation.

Then his dad lol , lawyer Scott Baldwin got involved , normally I'm  not team Scott,  but when it comes to his son he won't lay down like a lazy dog , he will stand up and fight . I'm team Scott on this one .

Thank God Ava doesn't believe Franco killed Kiki, she knows  he loved Kiki like she was his own flesh and blood . Doesn't that account for something with the PCPD?
And then Jordan started to see sense , hallelujah,  praise the lord , she has told her detectives to keep digging until they prove Franco didn't do it.

And when they find out Ryan isn't Kevin the shyte will hit the fan, again I have to say it Carly warned everyone something strange was going on.
It's about time our girl and her gut instincts were not ignored especially by Jordan of all people since Carly is friendly with Curtis.

Free Kevin , and get this stuff sorted pronto guys, I'm losing faith in the PCPD.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Divine Intervention My Ass

Having faith , and keeping the faith when the chips are down , are part of people's inner psyche .

But what happens when some crazy cult leader like Shiloh insinuates himself in the lives of people he should  steer clear of ?

Oh he uses manipulation, their weaknesses against them and  he unnerves people , those are  the actions of a grown assed man who uses Divine intervention as an excuse for things happening  like it's fate or something stupid like that.

He uses Divine intervention as a tool  to hurt people and turn it to his own personal gain and advantage.

Trying to encourage Kristina to get her family involved in his crazy nonsense is just stupid,  Sonny and Jason clearly don't like him, but this jerk uses charm offensive with everyone and thinks it's gonna work lol.

Shiloh is blind to his own faults and people can see through him , he's definitely misguided , and doesn't understand anything about true faith . Which makes him appear to look like a total crack pot .

But what the stupid idiot didn't bank on, was that Kristina's sister would,  get her god mother involved in trapping his ass. Once Carly is involved this dirt bag won't know what hit him.

When Carly and Sam work together this asshole with be taken down , and he will fall hard , cause these women are street smart , and they too can manipulate a situation to their advantage .

You wanna be a player,  well the player is gonna be played !! 

Everyone in Port Charles knows better than to mess with Carly and Sam , this dumb ass , has underestimated Sam in a huge way and is due for a reality check.

Cassadine women and Spencer women are not the kind of chicks you should under estimate !!!! They have outsmarted , kicked some serious ass , and they have their men by their sides , but first they are gonna take care of their own business.

Shiloh will wish some divine intervention would rescue his stupid ass when these girls make him wish he never set eyes on Kristina or her crazy extended family.

As Sonny once said to Manny Ruiz's brother you're the one who should start praying , mind you divine intervention won't do him any good.

Bye Bye Shiloh,  you're going to have a visit from the grim reaper soon .

Monday, 4 February 2019

Our World of Carlyisms

Brace yourselves bitches , you better hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride

Run for cover, don't act like a clown there's only one bitch in Port Charles who wears
this crown

She's had women try to get the best of her before, but she's still standing and they've
fled out the frigging door.

Yep these are the words that come out of my mouth when referring to Caroline Leigh Corinthos, otherwise known as the formidable Mrs Carly Corinthos.

Carly has always been a force to be reckoned with, I should know I've been a fan of the character Carly for going on 23 years. She's never been shy about telling people what she thinks of them, nor is she shy about going head long into battle with a man or a woman, she doesn't much care which it is , but  if you dare think you can mess with her family or friends , she's a one woman army and as Spinelli lovingly calls her The Valkryie.

I sometimes feel like I'm the real Carly Corinthos, because I can predict what she's going to say , before she says it , and I know exactly what actions she's going to take before she even does them.

Which makes it clear , that Carly Corinthos and I have come full circle in the last 23 years of her being on GH.

In live chat I've been known to say " Oh Carly ain't gonna like that ,she's gonna do some ass whooping!!!" My predictions are usually right because when the call of the banshee hits you better make sure you have an explanation , oh wait hell no , she doesn't even wait for that , she will slap the shit out of you and in one instance she bit her adversary who was attacking her.

Some of the time when I'm talking to my friends in live chat I'll say things like " Yeah , you better watch your mouth or she's gonna kick your ass" And then I break up laughing because she says she's going to do just that.

Or another instance is , any time an enemy like Manny Ruiz , Heather Webber , or Ava Jerome , Claudia Zacchara and the list is endless lol taunts her , I burst out laughing again and I say things like " Oh you think that's gonna stop her ! Watch her !!!!"

And she usually does exactly what I say she is going to do without breaking a sweat , a nail or carrying that her hair is all messed up.

What is even more amusing than Carly's reactions , is the reaction of her friends the " Oh shit, what the hell are we gonna do now, she's about to do something crazy!!!" , look. Jason , Sam , Sonny, Spinelli  can tell when Carly is fighting fit. Her blue eyes take on a how should I put it mildly a darker look than usual and when that smirk comes on her face, they know some shit is about to go down.

If her enemies can't stop her, do you really think they can either? Its like waving a red flag in front of a bull, once she's ready to attack you , you usually wind up caught off guard like Julian Jerome was when she positioned him with her hand then walloped him right across his face.

Even her own Uncle Luke , knows better than to piss her off , his pet name for her is the viper. You only have to piss her off once , not intentionally some times, but in her minds eye you have committed a  cardinal sin against her and that's not a wise move.

You call her the town whore , she'll have all her guns blazing, her tongue is razor sharp, I swear when Elizabeth Webber her own cousin in law lol, called her out for being the town slut , lol I just knew my girl would take the little missy to task and tell her " Look whose talking !!!"

Elizabeth should have known better than throw shade at her , people in glass houses , shouldn't throw stones and Elizabeth is one of those who doesn't take a look in the mirror and look at her own faults. Princess purity sure has a lot of nerve doesn't she guys.

Carly slapped her face and told her that any bitch in heat can make a baby after Elizabeth said " We made a miracle Carly. I'm team Carly on this one after all Elizabeth did cheat on Lucky with Jason . Another reason for Carly to get her back up. 

One thing you need to learn is lol if Carly feels justified in the way she behaves toward you , she makes no apologies for it either. Sometimes you can't hold back your tongue and you say what you think even if it could hurt someone else's feelings. That is Carly in a nut shell

Love her , or hate her its your choice, but as for me , I've embraced my inner Carly, , she's one of a kind, Impulsive, tough, yet sensitive and a fire cracker whose will explode like a fire cracker on the fourth of July when her blood begins to boil over with anger

If you don't believe me watch the video down below and you'll find out exactly what I'm talking about.

Sunday, 3 February 2019


2 0'clock during our live chat time is a fun place to be,  we laugh we joke around , we talk about what's going on on screen , but something happens sometimes that does my head in.

As with anything in my day , some times  NON gh fans ask a million questions , like who is that chick, why is she so bossy , or that one is an airhead when referring to Nina and Maxie. Or why do they hate so and so so much?

I totally understand when people who don't watch gh have questions , but last night someone tried  to school me on GH and I was like WTF?

You have got to be kidding me , this person is not part of our ghc family , she never participates in groups period , she is apart of my off line life and she is aware that I run a group. I find it laughable that someone so braizen and thoughtless would try and tell me things she should be aware I already know .

In fact , when I was referring to Steve Burton in a conversation about Jason, she said whose Steve Burton ? I sat there going huh? What ? Are you kidding me right now ?

She goes , " Oh is that his name I never knew that " I politely told her to read the credits , so that She knows who is who!!!  I totally understand she didn't know , but it gets tiresome to explain to someone who watches the show which character I'm referring to when I say their real names .

She then goes on a ramble about the Ryan storyline , telling me he's pure evil , did you know Kevin is locked up in Ferncliff?  Again I sat there going wtf seriously?

She went on to say Lulu is the only person who knows Ryan is Ryan, but no one else has clued in. I politely said " Yes I know!" As if i don't pay attention lol. My admins and other friends you guys know I'm like a one woman 411 when it comes to GH.

You can't sit there and state the obvious , to someone who is one of the biggest gh fans going,  someone who pays attention to every detail .  I told her yes i know about that doesnt everyone.

Oh but that's not all , she then tried to school me on Carly Corinthos History , you have got to be bloody kidding me! Anyone who knows me in group knows I am the biggest Carly fan going and when it comes to her , she keeps me on the edge of my seat shouting , " That's my girl !" when she kicks someone's ass. Same goes with Sam, Elizabeth, Maxie and Lulu and their mom's.

I don't need telling Carly started off as a nasty bitch , umm  she still is when the mood strikes her to do so !!! And yes I know Michael was kidnapped and Carly had a breakdown , and yes I know she has been played by 4 actresses.

My girl is a ticking time bomb , please for the love of the soap gods , I don't need to be schooled , because I'm the one who could school you lol.

She then said she felt sorry for Ava  because of what happened to Kiki,  stating she didn't blame her for yelling in Lulu's face! Are you for real I was thinking , she had no business doing that grieving is one thing harassing a girl who almost lost her life , is just so wrong on so many levels . It reminded me of when Alexis tried to brow beat Sam about the stem cells. Only crazy people would think Ava was well within her right to do what she did.

For me , its just crazy talk and non sensible thinking i dont notice things .

Let me tell you something , this girl doesn't miss a thing, like Lucy Coe I'm eavesdropping on every moment playing out and don't forget these walls have eyes .

I know older fans , think they know more than us younger ones , but sometimes it's better for them to sit back and listen to what we have to say  or ask us  what knowledge we have acquired over the years . Everyone has a wealth of knowledge in them that they like to share , in fact I love hearing other people's perception of storylines .

As fans we can learn from each other instead of bullying , acting more superior , or more knowledgeable than others.

I pride myself on being respectful towards everyone,  especially fellow fans and the cast themselves .

I bite my tongue so often , that I think it might fall off, but sometimes,  you just want to tell someone to shut the hell up .

People give others the wrong information,  and I'm like , umm how about you check your facts before spouting off.

How about people educate themselves on the show , know the history , and stop acting like the other fan is technically a GH virgin of sorts .

I find it annoying, disrespectful and frustrating that someone tried to school me on something they themseves know I'm passionate about . Normally things like that don't bother me, but come on when you know I'm a gh super fan , don't try and talk to me like I've been living under a rock .

Having said that I think it's time , people stopped blurring the lines between who is a true gh fan and who is a non gh fan. Before talking down to someone think before you speak, familiarity breeds contempt when people down play what you know and what you don't know .

I never laugh at nor am  I rude to newer gh fans , I give them the info I myself have committed to memory , and if another fan has forgotten something I never treat them like dirt.

My job as an admin is to share my knowledge , my passion , my loveable spirit with those who are part of my ghc circle and those who don't do social media .

All I have to say is for the love of the soap gods , please learn to respect me ,  and my feelings, like I do yours.  Don't down play what I know , and just assume I don't have my finger on the pulse of GH.   I might just surprise you with my fountain of knowledge.