
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 25 March 2019

GH Recap March 25-29th 2019 - You May Be Right ( Glass Houses Week)

According to the GH promo GH is about to step it up a notch  with all things crazy going on with Jason and Dante and Chase and Willow are all loved up .

Dante flips a table, and pulls a knife on Carly and Jason goes after him and Shiloh, holy hell, if you don't believe us watch the promo down below to find out.

For all that's sane and holy I am bowing down to the soap gods at GH for bringing our boys to the frigging boiling point and brought it to the maximum level.

I honestly feel like they have gone full throttle and stepped it up this week. I love Domenic Zamprogna that boy and Steve Burton are the ultimate put you're heart into it kinda actors.

I know that for damn sure , and lets Not forget about the poor unfortunate soul ( I mean dead man soon to be fertilizer in the pine barrens) played by Coby Ryan McLaughlin.

While watching the episode for March 25th I was feeling totally disgusted with Kristina she is getting deeper , and deeper into Dawn of Day and can't see the forest for the frigging trees. I would expect more intelligence from Alexis Davis' daughter.

She calling her mother Miss Davis , and saying they aren't family anymore just effing pissed me off.

 In the meantime  Chase and Willow discuss Shiloh, and everything is starting to unravel.

At the end of the episode on March 25th Jason attacked Shiloh after having seen him talking to Danny and also after Shiloh said he's going to see Danny and Sam slip away from him and be his little sheep.

Shiloh is not just a narcissist, he's a manipulative loser with a god complex too.

People like him like to make people think he's got their best interest at heart, but they don't they work the weak, and they take them for what they can get out of them. And if they don't get it they chew them up and spit them out and sometimes these girls wind up dead in an alley somewhere.

Kristina , and Daisy are girls men like him prey on , and its sad really.

In the mean time on the march 26th 2019 episode Jason got arrested for shoving Shiloh against a wall and making his head bleed , ah poor baby , didn't like the big tough guy shoving you after you touched him first. Oh boo hoo!!!!!

Dante went to see his dad who told him about the Dawn of Day stuff and then Dante went home and found a surprise party waiting for him.

Olivia ran up to him and gave him a hug, and a kiss and Rocco was happy to see his daddy.

Unfortunately, Dante had another flashback of the dream he had and he had actually shot Lulu and they showed her getting shot down.

This I did not like whatsover, this amazing guy has PTSD after his ordeal and he's completely lost the plot having flipped the table after everyone left for the night.

Alexis went to Sonny to talk to him about Kristina, and like a little tattle tale Alexis went running off to Jordan to tell her Sonny and Jason have planned to do something to Shiloh.

Amongst that drama we had Anna and Peter talking and she told him about Griff leaving town without saying goodbye in person.

Chase came and arrested Jason for attacking Shiloh , but I suspect he's going to join in on the investigation into Dawn of Day with Jasam and Sonny.

And Lulu found whip marks on Dante's back!!!!By the look on her face she was left gobsmacked at the end of the episode.

Amongst all this we saw Kevin standing up in court, Nina pitching a fit over Willow , yet again being a mouth piece and not knowing when to keep her damn mouth shut.

Maxie got the dna test results back and we are about to find out the truth about Sasha that we already knew.

Obrecht told Valentin that Maxie was being nosey and would find out lol

Jason had to stop Dante from hurting anyone else and Dante went to Anna for help with his ptsd and his brainwashing . He's now decided to leave Lulu and the kids to seek help.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

GH Recap March 18th - 22nd 2019 Love , Pain the whole Damn thing

This weeks GH was full of love , pain the whole damn thing!!!!!!

First of all I have to say what a week , Carly tells Mike and Michael she's pregnant, Oscar is told he only has 1 month  - 6 weeks tops to live.

Ava has an almighty meltdown drunk, I'm not a nasty bitch , and I don't like people kicking other people when they're down. Its clear Ava is struggling with her emotions and the cold hard truth thrown in her face just tipped her over the edge.

Carly told Ava , " You alienated Kiki, and you turned your back on her !!!"

Ava said " You missed the best part I slept with my daughter's killer !"

Anna and Alex faced off and it wasn't pretty Alex is just a pathetic screwball and I hate her to be perfectly honest.

Jordan was released from the hospital!!! 

Kristina is getting in deeper with Dawn of Day and she can't see sense or reason.

I literally was bored with Anna and Alex and was more interested in Sonny and Dante and their rescue.

Dante actually shot his dad in the shoulder, but they made their escape and Dante killed Raj.

Robert was impressed with the job He and his dad did !!  

What I did love the most was Olivia and Lulu figuring out that Carly is pregnant!!!!

Willow had a confrontation with Nina yet again , and told her what she thought of her, and I had to laugh and support her in what she said to her about how Charlotte was not benefiting from Nina as a stepmother. LOL

Way to go girl love you Miss Tate!!!!!!

Also Willow is running scared about Shiloh when he tracked her down. She finally told Chase that he shouldn't mess with him.

Elizabeth was a total bitch to Franco she needs to put up or shut up!!!!!
I loved Molly telling her mother and Sam that Kristina was in a cult !!! Sam went straight to Jason and told him the run down of what's been going on.

Laura tried to help Ava , but she was so drunk she was truly a walking disaster feeling sorry for herself. But frankly I don't blame her .

Griffin beat the hell out of Kevin and let me tell you , it was hilarious , because you wouldn't expect him to do that.

Carson were reunited and Sonny heard the low down on what's going on with Kristina He wants Shiloh dealt with .

Dante got a call from Frisco , and he wants a debriefing on what went down in Turkey.
Lulu and Dante had a lovely reunion but we viewers were shocked to see that Dante was obviously been tortured by Raj and his men.

Mac was angry with Kevin and told him some home truths , and Jason well , Jason got pissed when he saw  Shiloh approaching Danny.

Here is our video about the weeks events

Saturday, 23 March 2019

The Return of the Prodigal Son : Dante's Path To Destruction Or Is It? Pt 3

On March 21st 2019, Dante Falconari was rescued by his father,. who is a one man rescue brigade.

Sonny and Dante were amazing, fighting the good fight Sonny dressed in a guards uniform and that young boy along for the ride .

I was really excited to see Dante and Sonny side by side again, both on the same side

Raj thought he has the upper hand , thought he could mess with our boys well he thought wrong didn't he.

The young kid whose name escapes me told Robert that our boys got some trouble brewing lol.

But as with all things my friends lol it wasn't long before  Our boys got it handled!!!!

And boy did they ever, a good ole fashioned shoot out lol, father and son against Raj and his men.

Raj wanted Sonny dead for his territory, are you for real man, nobody takes what's Sonny

And nobody messes with his family either Dante killed Raj and I was of course ecstatic about it!!!!

On March 22nd Dante returned home to his beautiful wife Lulu. He admitted he picked the locks  having realized the locks had been changed and he scared the hell out of her!!!!!

Yeah not the brightest of moves after what she's been through terrified Ryan would come back and finish the job.


But as with all things GH we got a reunion we've been waiting for !!!!!!

But what I want to know is what the hell happened to Dante while in captivity , when he took his shirt off it revealed that he had been whipped and tortured.

The Return of the Prodigal Son : Dante's Path To Destruction Or Is It? Pt 2

Hell to the yeah baby , just when you think all is lost lol, Dante proves he's every bit Sonny's son.

Sure he shot his dad , but clearly it was a diversion , that's what a good cop does , knows how to con people into thinking they're on their side , but in the end the villains end up worm food.

Yeah I sat there going wtf Dante when he shot his own father, but how were we supposed to know it was an act!!!!! Or payback from 9 years ago. Dante wasn't acting like the Dante I know and come to love.

For a fleeting moment I wanted to zap myself into the television and punch his lights out .

But then lol we realized that he was doing just that playing a part in this world of spies lol.

Dante was instructed by his dad to kill  his dad in the cell to fake his death in order for them to make their escape.

The Corinthos boys are No dummy's and they know how to play a player.

Dante is every bit his father's son and no amount of evilness will turn him against his daddy.

I love Sonny to bits, but he kinda put Dante into harms way just bull dozing his way into the compound belonging to Raj.

Hmmm who does that remind you of ? A certain blond we all know as his Mrs perhaps!!!!!!

Yep got it in one Carly is the same way , and come to that so is Lulu which is why I love both Carson and Lante.

These Corinthos boys , they have a back up plan for their back up plan , if their first one back fires on their asses.

I was super excited to see what was going to happen next!!!!! Check out part 3 for more on this story

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

GH Twin Storyline : Double The trouble , But Not Twice The Fun

When I think of the GH Twin Storyline , with Anna and Alex , Jason and Drew and Ryan and Kevin, that old song Dizzy my head is spinning jumps into to my brain.

I know the writers think its interesting there are three sets of identical twins on the show and they thought it would be super creative to have a memory transfer storyline and have one twin have the other one's memories , but to me that is just a sick and twisted mind game to me.

It leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth and leaves me with a frigging migraine headache, and me shouting at the television get to the bloody point will you.

Alex is hiding something from Anna , I don't know what , but the bitch clearly is insane!!!! And I have a feeling that this Dr Cabot is Anna and Alex's father.

It would be more interesting if they just came out and said who he really is and if he was their dad he's got a lot to answer for. 

What kind of sick mother effer would do this to innocent people who ain't done shyte to them all in the name of research.

As this storyline progresses , I've become more annoyed and bored with it all , I just shake my head and I think back to what my great uncle used to say before he died when someone or something appeared stupid to him " What a load of old tripe?" If you use your imagination would would know its a polite way to say what a load of shyte!!!!"

I'm sorry guys , but its the truth, I'm thinking its grossly unfair and stupid , to think we fans are that attentive, that we would follow this storyline and think yippee here we go finallyt some movement.

Its more like a snorefest, and for those of us with short attention spans , we just want to move onto something else.

The fast forward button has become my friend when this storyline continues, my suggestion is find a resolution before I implode , or likely loose my cool, because for me its not ineresting, its not mind blowing, its just not my sort of thing.

For the love of the soap gods writers please find a solution and resolution soon, my favourites are stuck in limbo because of this crazy crap you got them acting out on screen.

Thanks for listening peace out !!!!!

Ava and Carly: Can enemies become friends ?

They say some times life imitates art in this case I'm hoping art imitates life , and Ava and Carly finally end up on friendly terms and become friends like their portrayers Maura West and Laura Wright .

I have been a fan of both ladies for years Maura since her As The World Turns days and Laura since she was on the soap opera Loving .

What I love about both of them is that they may fight like hell cats on screen , but in real life they are friends who love and respect each other.  This is something I would love to be emmulated on screen.

When Carly found evidence that  Ava was responsible for killing Connie Falconari, she made it her mission to stick her nose in and taunt Ava. I think honestly Ava deserved what she got dished out to her at that point and time.

Now that Kiki has been murdered by Ryan Chamberlain I am hoping that the two enemies can come to an understanding and they help each other through their current situations.

Carly and Ava were both victims of Ryan Chamberlain and I think its about time they both came to some sort of semblance of peace..

On the episode from March 19th 2019, I saw Carly trying to be kind to a very upset, and drunk Ava who wanted to see Avery.

Carly would not back down , and told her she wasn't there and at the Quartermaine's playing with her cousins.

But typical Ava still shouted the odds and she pin pointed without help from Carly lol, that she had been banging her daughter's killer and he was right under her nose the whole damn time.

My girls were on fire in this episode, Ava was clearly suffering from the after shock of the truth jumping up and slapping her in the face and Carly , well Carly lol, is Carly she told her all about herself in the way that only Carly can. She's a truth tell her , ladies and gentlemen.

I think this was the dose of tough love that  Ava needs at this point and time and No one can deny that at all, well except maybe Ava.

What would do my heart good would be if Carly and  Ava joined forces to take Ryan Chamberlain down together. These two ladies both loved Kiki, and this would be not only an olive branch , but a bridge they can build on and co parent Avery along with Sonny without the added stress and drama.

This isn't about who did what to who anymore this is about finding some common ground, Carly extending the hand of friendship to a mother who is clearly grieving.

I know Carly has some resentment towards her after what happened with Morgan, but times change, so do people when the same thing happens to them.

Perhaps the loss of their children will bring them closer together , not as friends perhaps , but frenemies with a common goal and purpose in life to be the best mother figures to little Avery instead of two snarly beasts ready to kill each other.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Ahem Mother Courage - Wake Up

Everyone knows  that I love my bad girls, my  tread on your toes and I don't give a crap what you think of me kind of women!But there is one GH character I always looked up to and admired and that is Alexis Davis played by the Amazingly talented and Outspoken Nancy Lee Grahn.

I know people are probably shaking their heads, and thinking oh my god are you nuts, well simply put I am not as it happens. Alexis and Nancy to be truthfully honest remind me of my own strong take no prisoners tell it how it really is  mother.

The mother courage , protect your kids and stand up for them when someone else is treating them badly. Yea some of Alexis' choices like her baby daddies and Jerry Jax haven't won her brownie points with GH fans, because they think she's a weak minded woman with lust in her veins.

Mothers are people too, they are allowed to make mistakes, and bad choices, but at this point in time I honestly have to say Ahem mother courage wake up ., Your daughters need you right now and you're too wrapped up in your own inadequacies to get a move on and help Kristina who clearly needs you despite what the deluded little madam says to everyone that knows and loves her.

Where is the savvy lawyer would be order a court injuction, to deem Kristina Adela Corinthos mentally unfit to make logical decisions, and where is the mother who would stop Michael in his tracks from lending his sister money and giving it to a group that your other daughters have now recognized as a glorified  cult run by a charleton and con man known by Shiloh who also stalked Sam.

Yes , your girls are adults now , and you say you're proud of them all, how can you be proud of Kristina, when she's done nothing but whine , stomp her feet and generally pissed off her sisters.

They used to be so close until Kristina got reeled into this Dawn of Day nonsense and that is what this all freaking amounts to, this fan wants Alexis to frigging wake up and do something about it before its too late, Sam is getting deeper in with Shiloh too and you've done nothing to investigate this stupid group or save your daughter from herself and Shiloh who is a scumbag de jour

Molly is the only one who seems to have any common sense , yeah she inherited that from you and Ric, but Alexis honey , get a grip , do something to rescue your kid.

Shiloh has done enough damage now that you can do something to stop this whole crazy plot going.

Hell you know the DA go to them for help, get the police involved,at least they can do proper investigating and deal with this bull crap head on.

Other women have been used and abused by this guy, and you have turned a blind eye to it all, Ahem Mother Courage Wake up ..... Kristina is becoming brainwashed by this dude and only Molly and Sam and Jason are on the road and on the rescue team.

And if that wasn't enought to make you want to slap the crap out of Alexis , and knock her into reality.... She goes and has a sex dream about Julian.

Don't get me wrong , I love Julexis , but come on now she's chosen now in the throws of her girls being in crisis to meld into some warped dream world.

I mean I would love a Julexis reunion , the show gave us a tease, a tease isn't what I freaking want or need , it needs to happen for real.

But the insane clocks ticking and all that other crap , oh my god please!!!!!

Before she woke up I shouted out at the television For God Sake Ahem Mother Courage Wake Up!!!! I want my strong Alexis back is that too much to ask!!!!!!

Until next time guys peace out and happy GH watching!!!!

Monday, 18 March 2019

The Return of the Prodigal Son : Dante's Path To Destruction Or Is It?

Soap gossip is running rampant , people are speculating that upon Sonny's path to find his missing son Dante,  that Dante will shoot his father.

I am so not impressed with this whole thing , this is a journey that should bring  him home to support his family after Lulu got stabbed by Ryan Chamberlai.

They also say , that he's not going to be the same man that everyone knew.

Ya know what sometimes you have to think, seriously would GH even go there? Brainwashing with Kristina is one thing but with the return of the prodigal son has Dante engulfed himself into the dark side and been brainwashed too?

I don't believe this could be Dante's path of Destruction , or is it?

 Is he still playing the part of an undercover operative, or has he really decided to become a double agent, and I am left wondering wtf the writers are thinking.

During the show on March 15th we saw Dante walking into Raj's office , he was unshaven , and he looked like he'd been hypnotized. Raj is one sick son of a bitch , first he leaves Lulu for dead and now he expects Dante to shoot his own father.

 Yea umm lord give me strength, the loyal fan in me is saying " Nah, Dante would never do that!!!" But who knows what kind of stuff has been seeped into his brain.

EIther way Sonny is going to have to send both his kids to be deprogrammed if that is the case.

Watch the clip below to see what happened when Sonny came face to face with Dante on the episode that aired Friday March 15th 2019 ( Clip courtesy of JSMS99.

Or would it be his delayed revenge on daddy for shooting him 9 years ago , god only knows, but this chick was on the edge of her seat waiting for the fall out to come but as with all things this was after all cliffhanger Friday.

Whatever next is going to happen , god only knows but Dante better not shoot his daddy or I might have to zap myself into the tv and kick his dumb ass.   Nobody hurts my Sonny , nobody and lives to tell the tale.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Situations in Port Charles can be life threatening , shocking at times , but sometimes there is a time and a place to order a mob hit on someone and doing that in a public pub while you're shouting the odds , just doesn't sit right with people like Jason Morgan , let alone Sonny Corinthos.

Did you all see the look in Jason's eyes , when  Molly said " if Uncle Sonny was here, he'd order you to make him fertilizer in the pine barrens!"

 Jason was shocked that she would even say something like that out in the open. His putting his finger to his lips, should have  been a slight indication to force her to shut her damn mouth but nope lol. Did we expect anything less?

Pure and simple Molly Lansing Davis has open mouth insert foot disease, its something that has been passed down through the Cassadine family , inherited through her mother.

As A Molly fan I was saying " Oh Hell Yes!!" I laughed my butt off , cause she says what we all are thinking!!! But as a Jason fan I was thinking " Oh for god sake Molly shut the hell up!!"

Here is the clip I mentioned above!!!

Earlier in the episode Julian saw the heated discussion between his feisty step daughters , but I was hoping he'd call Sam or Alexis to call these two girls out on their argument in public.

In life you have to keep your arguments behind closed doors , but really I am in Molly's corner where this is concerned.

She is genuinely worried for her sister, but at the same time she's furious with her for being a fool and  allowing herself to get herself even deeper into Dawn of Day.

There are a few other characters who could take the silence is golden , phrase and learn from it.

Causing drama ain't the way to go  keep your mouth shut, and pray they see sense and if it implodes in their face , they only have themselves to blame.

That's why I have to say again " Molly sometimes , silence is golden!"  People will only see and hear what they want to and if they don't listen to you the first time its on them.

Learn to cut your losses when people don't want to listen to you!!!

GH Dawn of Day : Its A cult branding their women

Molly Lansing ( the voice of reason, the voice of common sense, and bull shit detector built inside her) Yes that's what I think when I think of Molly Lansing Davis.

There are times I think I'm more like Molly and Alexis , rather than make impulsive moves , and flap my gums and talk a lot of BS to people, I take the logical fork in the road that leads to the truth.

Cause that's what Molly and I have in common, we are truth tellers, if you can't see what's really going on in front of you , we'll be the ones to try and make you see sense, short from Molly beating the sense into Kristina nothing is working right now and I doubt that would.

To make matters worse , Kristina borrowed money from Michael , in the premise that it was for PCU. But it was actually for Dawn of Day. How gullible is she I mean come on seriously.  

Guys like Shiloh, talk a lot of gobbily gook, they make things sound good, but behind the scenes they are bleeding your bank accounts dry and will leave you penniless and they don't care about you at all.

Con artists like Shiloh , are out for themselves as Molly pointed out on Msrch 15th 2019

I saw this kind of storyline , on the UK program HeartBeat, and the girl was rescued before anything bad happened to her. I hope the same can be said for Kristina before it's too late .

Previously we saw a tattoo on Harmony , then on March 5th , and March 14 th two women from GH have been branded with the same tattoo like cattle on the way to market, that is what amounts too really guys.

Sam was the first person to notice this and she thought it was pretty cool, when she saw it on daisy,then we saw it on Willow Tate , the current girlfriend of Detective Harrison Chase.

On March 15th  2019 Molly confronted Kristina on what Dawn of Day actually is , a cult and frankly she is absolutely right.

Kristina was livid, and rolled her eyes like a spoiled little child who was told her favorite toy was thrown out in the trash.

Molly was giving her a dose of reality and she just threw it back in her face, and acted like Molly was jealous or had a blown up ego. 

Watch this clip and you tell us here in the comment section what you think 

There is no way if this was my sister, or best friend would I stand by and watch her destroy her life because of misguided loyalty to someone whose using her and abusing her.

Shiloh is a glorified Cult leader and a scumbag, quick call Lulu she'll investigate this story and she'll help Sam save Kristina from this insane , messed up path of enlightenment.

Path of enlightenment my ass!!! Its a crock of crap wake up Kristina you moron!!!!

Its clear to me , the other characters and the many GH fans that Dawn of Day is a cult and its branding their women , for reasons we can't understand.

I honestly wish , Helena , or Nikolas was around , they'd call Shiloh out on his crap, because they like Molly don't have stupid stamped on their foreheads .

Nor were they born yesterday , it disgusts me that Kristina is that delusional she thinks Shiloh and his cult members actually give a crap about her when it's clear they don't.

Even Harmony sees Shiloh for what he is , a mean , cruel jerk who is onto his next mark or pet project as he sees it .

Would it be possible Willow is the one that Shiloh is looking for?

Please someone, anyone rescue these poor misguided creatures back from the brink.

GH recap week of March 11-15th 2019

Have you ever tried to watch GH and not be gasping and trying not to utter swear words at the tv that was pretty much me this past week.

Yes its an every day event that leaves yours truly gasping for air and wonder wtf is going to happen next.

First of All Ava is still in complete denial that Ryan isn't Kevin , and then she realized he was Ryan and has vowed to kill him.

Yes Ava ( Maura West) This fan is waiting for you to deliver some whoop ass and kill the son of a bitch once and for all.

Carly was rescued thank god , and truthfully I was glad of it , Joss found out her mum was thrown off a bridge and she's pregnant uttering the words " Aren't you too old to be pregnant!!!"

I laughed my ass off at that one. 

Epiphany has been on screen and she told Franco to wake up lol, god I love that woman , Sonya Eddy is hilarious I love her.

Alexis has gone to therapy after her weird assed dream with the clocks and the sex drean about Julian.

Kristina is in deeper with Dawn of Day and I couldn't be more disgusted with her, She's disrespecting her friends in favor of people who just want to use her for her money.

Molly and Valerie were the stars of the week handing Kristina some home truths , and we saw that Willow has the same tattoo as Daisy.

I have never been so disappointed with a legacy characters offspring as I am with Kristina Adela Corinthos she lets her heart rule her head and she's let go of a friendship why? Because she thinks the sun shines out of Shiloh's ass and everyone else are the deluded , jealous ones. 

Nice try kiddo, can't you see he's alienating you from your family and friends filling , your idiotic head with a lot of bull crap and that is what it amounts to .

Molly is trying to do the right thing but you act like a petulant child who doesn't see sense .

Where is Helena when we need her , or Nikolas something needs to be done and soon .
Both Hells and Nik would off that whacko where he stands.

I hate to say it maybe they should bring in Valentin to help out , he's her uncle after all, he could arrange  for  Shiloh to have an accident lol. I'd have him redeemed after that but that's just me.

Sonny and Robert have been on the trail of Dante and Sonny actually has come face to face with his son, and he has no idea that his dipshit of a daughter is in further with the crazies at Dawn of Day.

Is Dante actually going to shoot his dad after Raj ordered him too , I thnk frigging not!!!!

That's it for this week happy GH watching!!!!!!

Saturday, 9 March 2019

GH Week of March 4th 2019 Recap

Thank you GH writers for the heart in the mouth action , and absolute craziness, that has ensued since you and Jon Lindstrom brought that crazy mother effer Ryan Chamberlain back to life .

I've been hoping and praying,  that Ava would wise up and see Ryan for who and what he is .
People in general are blind to other people's  faults , because they want see the best in them , but Ryan is a good liar there  is no mistake about that .

Poor Joss , Oscar , Trina and Cam were on a fun road trip until Cam crashed Oscars car , and Oscar had a seizure and landed in hospital.

It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt , and poor Carly , too nosey for her own good , wound up stuffed in Ryan's trunk , like a fold up chair that no one really cares about.

I understand this much , when it comes to GH I say a whole lot of wtf, Sonny wants to find Dante , and Robert is his ready side kid.  An unlikely pairing at best , but two of my fave male vets are amazing Tristian and Maurice always make me smile .

Sonny shot some men and Robert backed him up and then we saw some crazy assed psychic sucking up to Sonny telling his future etc , and the crazy bitch turns out to be a WSB Agent.

After all the creepy behavior out of her she's one of Roberts colleagues are you fucking kidding me.

Laura and Kevin escaped and Laura told Chase, that Ryan Chamberlain has risen from the grave to terrorize the good people of Port Charles again.

Jason found Carly's phone and started to panic,  he and Laura teamed up , another unlikely pairing , but I'll take it . Lol

Meanwhile young Cameron , met up with our friendly neighborhood serial killer , and managed to escape.

That boy is in a heap of trouble when he gets home , but at least he's safe , he and his friends .

His constant bitching about Franco was getting on my damn nerves , when you don't know the facts you tend to make up shit to make yourself feel better and to justify why you feel this way .

Thank God he knows the truth , they say the truth Wills out,  and it opens your eyes too.

Daisy went to see Sam after she was jealous over the attention Shiloh was giving Kristina , and not only that Sam noticed a strange tattoo on Daisy's back.

Not to mention Sam was displeased when she heard Michael leant Kristina some money for Dawn of Day.

Nina introduced Michael to  Sasha , and there seemed to be some attraction going on there 

Back in Niagara Falls Ava has now realized that there's something bizarre going on, especially when she found Carly in the frigging trunk, that dumb bitch didn't even call 911 for crying out loud or Julian , or Sam to ask for help it begs belief.

If only she had her gun with her she's kill his frigging ass where he stands once and for all.

Unfortunately that's not how it is , and Jordan is stuck in a hospital bed , recovering from surgery after having been hit by Drew in the hospital parking lot.

It was purely and accident and he felt horrible about it, but Jordan forgives him and so does Curtis. She hates sitting still  when she wants a man hunt search for Ryan to begin.

That woman has balls knowing full well , her friends and family won't allow her to jeopardize her own health to trap a killer.

My first thought was " Don't worry about it sweetie Jason and Laura got it handled , they'll get the son of a bitch.

But after yesterday's episode of March 8th 2019  , this Julexis fan was getting super excited about a reunion taking place until some fucking annoying clock ticking began and poor Alexis had only just woken up from a sex dream.

I was seriously not impressed or amused by this make it happen writers they need to be back together. 

And not only that  Jason shot  Ryan in the arm, no big deal there , but I was left gobsmacked when Ryan threw Ava over the bridge I was left to utter " Holy fuck !!!! Not Again!!!!!"

Battle of My Inner Carly VS My Inner Ava

People often hear me say my Inner Carly wants to come out and play and lay a smack down on several GH characters who are pissing me off. 

The same goes for GH fans who act like escapees from Fern Cliff!!!! Its not a joke and its definitely not funny, I mean judging from the tweets and facebook posts I've seen I say what the fuck?

But when my Inner Ava wants to come out lol its like the angel and the devil on your shoulder, do I dare say this , or don't I.

Except its two she-devils spoiling for a fight ! Don't kid yourselves guys , I am a Carly and Ava fan I love their vicious banter lol. It just cracks me up cause I know Laura and Maura actually like and respect each other in real life.

Now if the two together on screen would come to a mutual understanding this fan would be incredibly grateful.

I tirelessly work my butt off for my social media accounts, and sometimes my inner Carly wants to sneak out and tell off a fan whose messaged me asking me about the show in private message.

I love the banter , in group and there are the odd few I do talk about the show with in private , cause they work with me in GHC and for our page and blog.

Its all part of the service , really we work tirelessly to bring you fun things like videos , blogs, fan fiction( one of our newer ventures) and our posters and newspapers.

Its just what we do and we enjoy doing it.But sometimes , I don't want to play nice with people , sometimes I wish my inner Ava would come out and give the haters, and the dumb bitches who annoy the piss out of me a piece of her damn mind.

Nathan West once said Everyone needs a little Maxie in their lives, but as for me I'd add Carly and Ava and Obrecht and even Alexis  to that list too.

Strong women , are my fave people of all people who don't sit back and go Umm and start to cry , women who say you know what fuck you , you can't talk to me like that and get away with it.

No nonsense mom's who don't use the gentle approach when dealing with people who've hurt their kids. For me all my Christmas' come at once when they are on the prowl on screen , kicking ass, taking names , shooting someone dead for meddling in shit that ain't their business.

And now that Ava has seen Carly dumped in  a trunk like a piece of trash, I wonder , could my wish becoming true? Could they finally have found some common ground and possibly respect each other in the end?

Let the Battle of my inner Carly and Inner Ava commence , I have a feeling I'm gonna be in for one hell of a ride in the coming weeks.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Dear All GH Fan Bases - Open Letter to GH Fans

Dear GH fan bases, I understand that we are all passionate about GH and our own personal fan favourites,but I have seen too much in the last few years that has gotten my back up and made me feel like you all need to be put over someone's knee and get a good hard spanking.

I dunno if you are all alien life forms, or just bloody crazy , but this attacking the very people who you claim to love and respect on social media is beyond ridiculous.

While I understand your passionate about the couples you like , it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth , when I see people  treating GH stars with complete and utter  disrespect and contempt.

From my side of the fence you are acting like venomous snakes going after their victims.

If  an actress or an actor supports a fan base, then that is their choice , its not up to you to behave like school yard , unhinged bullies who think its appropriate to swear at, insult and talk down to people you only know through a tv show and social media.

The same as you have the right to like who you like,  however there is a line you do not , and should not cross. 

Its okay to have an opinion but some people take it way too far. 

I mean seriously these little petitions , calling for people to get fired, or rehired, or even just simply not accepting that an actor or actress want to move on and they are cool with their old part being recast, is their personal preference and their choice. 

We as fans do not have the right to scream and shout and demand things, or put on your deluded expectations on to the actors and actresses or even the executive producer in my opinion is mute. 

Accept that things change , sometimes we think its not for the better, but its not our place to voice it , in a negative fashion either.

As someone who runs two social media accounts and a blog that are all GH related , I respect , admire , and look up to the GH Legends who are apart of the brilliant GH family at General Hospital.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves, for the disgusting crap you spew at them on a daily basis.

I'm not about to say " It's just a soap, its not real!" But come on now , isn't it time for people to show class , grace , self respect and respect for the people behind the scenes as well as the actors and actresses who work in front of the camera.

I find that a lot of fans act like toddlers throwing their toys out of their playpens and prams because they don't get what they want on screen.

Forgive me for saying this , but I think its time you accepted that its all apart of a storyline, couples get together, they break up, they make up and they break up again.

Its all apart of life , just like we all have our own drama's in our own lives, instead of focusing on drama on a tv show , and taking things to heart perhaps you should take a step back and focus on your own personal drama's going on in your own homes.

Peace out , love you all and happy GH watching me lovelies!!!

Oh Carly Will You Ever Learn

As everyone knows , I am the biggest Carly fan on the planet , but sometimes I have to pause , shake my head and say " Oh Carly will you ever learn!"

She's  impulsive , funny , and like a bull in a China shop at the best of times , I adore her for it, but going after the likes of Ryan Chamberlain was just plain stupid on her part.

Being pregnant should have been the reason she stayed out of shit that ain't her business , but that's our Carly  she is a warrior queen who doesn't give a Sweet fuck!

Let's be honest  , not Sonny, nor Jason , Sam or anyone else can tell her what to do , cause Carly is gonna do what Carlys gonna do , and  she makes no apologies for it .

And the haters as much as they despise her , they gotta admit she is hilarious , especially when she is like miss marple solving the latest crime around the craziness that is in Port Charles.

When she pops up out of nowhere , and scares the hell out of the viewers it's a slight indication she's like a dog with a bone , you try and take it away from her she's like a snarly beast and she comes at you even harder.

Our thoughts and prayers are with anyone lol, who dare cross her , it's not just her You have to deal with if you try and hurt her .

Jason don't play games , and certainly you don't taunt , kidnap or hurt those he loves . Ryan better say a few hail Mary's cause he's a sitting duck once Jason comes for you.

Playing Russian roulette with her life , is something Carly does best , she's the ultimate bad ass bitch, but she is also a repeat damsel in distress.

I laugh at her antics , gasp with shock when she deliberately puts herself in harm's way but in the back of my mind , I have to say it again, Carly will you ever learn.