
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Nina Reeves : Interfering Bitch Syndrome

We as fans agree that strictly speaking , most female  GH characters suffer from Interfering bitch syndrome, but no one more so than Nina Reeves.

What annoys the hell out of me is that Nina either can't or won't respect boundaries or show respect to those who dare to stand up to her and her crazy assed ways.

To me Nina seems emotionally stunted , and still acts like a 20 year old girl after she came out of that coma. Other women who have lived their lives, and weren't in the position she's in seem more mature and they deal with her the way grown woman would , but Nina doesn't seem to deal with being put in her place very well .

For instance what sane woman would be involved with a man who shot and possibly killed his own nephew? And not only that treated his own grand nephew so poorly that the child in question tells you point blank that his great uncle is bad news and poison.

Nina  just  disregarded Spencer and what he had to say simply because he was a child. Only a child like woman would take the word of a man no one else trusts.

Talking down to Lulu and overstepping her role as Charlotte's mother is another reason , I detest Nina, we as viewers know Nina lacks having raised a child of her own , but when it comes to being a step parent, you never should override the opinions of or step on the toes of the biological mother, especially when she's made it clear that you are way off base in the way you do things, and the way you represent yourself as the step mom.

Nina has no respect for authority figures ie Charlotte's teacher Willow Tate , was so out of line even  Liz and  Lulu were annoyed with the way she handled the situation. In the long run  Nina's bitchy nasty ways got Willow fired , and that to me shows she's suffering from interfering bitch syndrome.

Nina never takes a step back and thinks umm, should I really be talking to people like this, hell she annoyed the hell out of Carly ( the original  bitch with the same syndrome) I know most will say Carly is far worse than Nina , but in my books anyone who causes someone to get fired, drugs and kidnaps another woman and steals her baby has some pretty shady tendencies.

And if that's not enough to curl your hair, Nina is that dense she couldn't see that Maxie , was genuinely concerned when she suspected that Sasha Gilmore wasn't really Nina's daughter.

Its clear that Valentin is keeping secrets from her and she can't see it!!!!

Even her own auntie Liesel gets annoyed with her because Nina does what Nina wants to do even if she's told she shouldn't be doing it. Prime example of this is her jealousy of  other people's forthrightness and happiness.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones , Nina hasn't learned that as much as you think people are not on the up and up , and you don't trust them, maybe its best you look closer to home sweetness, cause frankly you're bitching and sniping at the wrong people.

Alexis Davis, and Diane Miller have had their grievances with her and even the now dearly departed Kiki Jerome was a subject of her jealousies.

Jason and Drew aren't fans of hers either and it stems from the way she speaks to people and most importantly she has pushed Michael and Sasha together. They tolerate that kind of behavior from Carly because she's their best friend but not from Nina who acts like a spoiled child.

In my minds eye this crazy woman should just butt out of their lives and worry about her own damn self.

Its time this shallow woman  grew up , she uses and abuses her status as  Valentin's wife, like she's actually someone people should look up to but frankly , we don't.

I think in the end Nina needs to be back in Ferncliff, where she's under a doctors care, she takes too many liberties, causes way too much drama, and pisses off too many people that I have lost count.

Until this woman child gets help from this interfering bitch syndrome , yours truly will not and can not find any redeeming qualities in her.

For the love of God GH writers , make her stop its not funny , nor endearing for a grown woman to behave the way she does. And most importantly there is only one bitch in Port Charles who is accepted for her Interfering Bitch Syndrome and that is Tracey Angelica Quartermaine.

Do us a favor please have her offed , or go away I can't take it anymore!!!!

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Brad Cooper - Proof Positive That Stupidity Really Exists

You know folks , there are just some people on this planet that never see sense, they spend their lives scheming their way through life, and Brad Cooper is one of them guilty of this.

Years back he was involved in the dna swap with Britt Westbourne, to cover up the fact that the baby she had wasn't actually hers but the son of Lulu Falconari.

But that's not the end of the long arm of offenses he's procured over the years. Laughing at Maxie and Sam both tripping at the nurses ball with his cohort Britt and working with  Dr Obrecht didn't win him any Brownie points with me.

Although I can't stand Brad and his stupid judgement calls, and his nasty scheming ways I do love the way Parry Chen plays Brad. It takes a phenomenal actor to play a misguided , schemer when they are a funny , sweet soul in real life.

Getting back to Brad, I dunno what the crazy bugger was thinking when he decided to scheme against the one family he married into lol is the one everyone respects or is in fear of.

When you have  Sam Mccall, a Private investigator ( who just happens to be Lucas' sister ) and the partner of Port Charles' well known  Quartermaine heir Jason Morgan  who just happens to be Mob Boss Sonny Corinthos' hit man in your family , along with Carly( Also Lucas' sister through adoption) and Sonny Corinthos as your inlaws you'd think better of messing with their family wouldn't you?

Nope not Brad, he just plods along like a slippery snake , I'm sorry but anyone who knows that your sister in laws are married to two of the most notorious mob people in town would think better of  I dunno , switching a baby that belongs to their nephew and son?

Brad then aligned himself with  Sam and Lucas father and they start whispering in corners, but that's not even the worst of it. School teacher Willow believes that  the baby who Brad and Lucas have in their custody is her child.

But that child died the night he was brought home, and a desperate Brad thought he had hit pay dirt when Nelle Benson offered to switch babies.

But I heard next week the truth comes out , ir's going to break Willow's heart , but strangely enough I think Michael would make her Jonah's godmother.

I do think that Brad will wind up divorced from Lucas,  if Lucas was half as decent of a person as I think he is , he would be #TeamMichael and not #TeamBrad!!!!

Do I think Brad needs to pay for swapping the kids ? Hell yes he does, and when next week comes around LOL, I'll be sitting there with my snacks lol and laughing my ass off when Carson and Jasam jump down his throat!!!!

But for now I'll just have to say  Tick Tock Brad its time to come clean!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 26 May 2019

GH's Nurses Ball 2019 I surrender ( To The Spirit Of The Night !!!)

Every year  we fans of General Hospital get super pumped when the nurses ball comes around , because with anything  that transpires with GH especially at the nurses ball you have to expect the unexpected.

This year the opening number made my heart skip a beat when the cast sang the song " The Best of My Love!!!! It made me think that the song was chosen to dedicate to their loyal fans of General Hospital.

Oh my gosh I was so excited because its one of my favourite songs by the Eagles  , and then we had  Josh Swickard croon the chainsmokers hit Something just like this and it got Katelynn Macmullen up along side him when he pulled her from the audience during the performance.

Will Lipton who plays Cameron sang North Star which was beautifully written by Will, and in the background we saw pictures of Liz, Franco, Jake and Aiden along with Joss, Oscar and Trina.

It tugged at the heart strings and made us fans cry, I know that for a fact cause it brought me to tears as well as proof that the GH cast's bond is that strong that he wrote a song about it.

Wally Kurth and Lisa Locicero sang the Seales and Croft hot Closer to you and it showed how romanntic Ned and Olivia are .

The bitter sweet act was Joss who took centre stage after not being able to face the nurses ball, in fact it wasn't until she watched a video from Oscar that she mustered up the courage to do so.

She sang so beautifully our Eden Mccoy, and Garren Stitt made an appearance as Oscars spirit giving her strength when she sang its Never Goodbye.

But the Guilty pleasures of the night lol , have to be when Obrect and Franco and Ava rocked that stage with the hits Guilty By Barbara Streisand and Barry Gibb, and Can't take my eyes off of you by Frankie Vali, But that wasn't all James Patrick Stuart as Valentin sang Nothing without you by the Wanted.

Without warning GH made sure us fans said a whole lot of wtf , and you gotta be kidding me, truthfully it wasn't the acts on stage that made us say holy hell it was the drama that took place before , during and after that did.

What with Kristina freaking out and confronting Shiloh at the nurses ball, Sonny did as well, and then we had Michael getting involved and drop kicking his ass.

Come to think of it Sonny and Jason kicked the asses of Shiloh's men as a tag tea and as Jason did later on in the week pulling Shiloh off Sam and Shiloh went rolling down the stairs like a bouncy ball. Coby who plays Shiloh plays a pretty good creepy creep . but that just proves he's a great actor.

We also had Ryan knocking out both Kevin and Scott , Laura reaming out  DA Dawson and Ava lol , well our Ava played by our beautiful Maura West, went back to being the strong Vindictive Bitch that we know she is when she plunged a knife into the back of Ryan Chamberlain after he dared to tell her she didn't have the nerve to pull the trigger and shoot him.

One thing you don't do is taunt or provoke a grieving mother and tell her she ain't got the bottle to  follow through with killing your stupid ass LOL.

Watch our video tribute for the Nurses Ball down below to see what all ensued at this years Nurses Ball.

And with  that being said  GH you have the best of my love and I surrendered to the spirit of the night.

Monday, 20 May 2019

GH Recap May 6th - May - May 17th

Hey everyone its time for my two week round up for Our GH recap

So , everyone is mourning Oscar and in the mean time we got a birds eye view of Kristina finally realizing that shiloh is a snake and a half.

Yes our girl has finally seen sense and is back in the family fold living her live, meanwhile Sam is in deeper with Dawn of Day .

I don't exactly understand her reasoning for keeping the whole thing going now that Kristina has left for good.

I reckon it won't end well ,,,,, as for  Laura and Curtis they were in Toronto and they were hunting down clues as to where Ryan might be.

On the move he was he killed someone , an innocent woman and now Laura and Curtis are stuck in the house filled with gas and there was an almight explosion.

Lucy had the nurses ball under way, Carly had her baby scan and she and Sonny got the results of her test and they now know the gender of the baby.

Some fans are speculating that it may be twins!!!!!

If that wasn't enough Molly approached Peter about doing a piece on Dawn of Day a sort of sisters perspective of what its like when your family member gets drawn in by the like of Shiloh.

Sam sure wasn't happy about it , but I was lol , she does exactly what I do and I'm all for it!!!
Mike found the ring that belonged to Fin that Fin was going to propose to Anna with and he in turn askedYvonne to marry him.

This whole situation is crazy , I mean seriously when the truth comes out Mike found it will there be trouble brewing?

Also Robert is enjoying annoying Finn too much , and  as for Chase he is being a supportive younger brother.

Ava is hell bent on going after Ryan and when Julian saw her with  Kevin he blew a gasket, he wants him no where near his baby sister.

I hate to say it Julian , but she can handle her damn self, she's not delicate little flower.
My one wish is that this week during the nurses ball Ryan finally gets what's coming to him!!!

The red carpet event at the nurses ball was hilarious , especially with Chandra helping with the interviews, but honestly guys lol. I think my best red carpet moment lol was when Nina was smitten with Jax.

Nurses ball here we come lol!!!!!! Lets get this party started!!!

Monday, 13 May 2019

Toronto Or Bust

As a gh fan I am anxious to see what's going to happen on our screens on a daily basis.

I love all the action , adventure and drama that takes place,  but I was super excited as a Toronto Canada fan of the show when they showed a flash of a familiar landmark in the shape of Nathan Phillips Square I was a proud Toronto girl .

Port Charles residents Laura Collins,  Curtis Ashford , Maxie Reeves and Peter August were in our city of 2.93 million people , my only wish they had done  a location shoot in Toronto and had Maxie and Peter see the likes of the Nathan Phillips Square,  and the CN Tower.

Toronto is the third largest city in the world, and the capital city of Ontario.

And its also the hometown of GH's former castmates, Cynthia Preston
( Faith Roscoe), Dominic Zamprogna (Dante), Bree Wilson ( Claudette),  Inga Cadranel (Harmony) and Vinessa Antoine ( Jordan Ashford).

There are so many amazing smells, tastes, places to see and things to do that as a loyal fan of both the city and GH  that  I was hoping the show would actually pull out the stops and show the sights and sounds of our great city.

Aside from just showing them around a town that seems unrecognizable  except for a few screen shots of landmarks , how about  they actually experience what we do.

Maxie would be in awe of Casa Loma, I'm pretty sure of it so it would be cool to actually see her being able to walk around and see it.

Even the homes around there are a worth a looksie, I mean come on now , huge homes, and stuff , some gated like Sonny's compound. 

For theatre goers there's always The Princess of Wales Theater to take in a show ,or The Royal Alexandra Theatre. I've taken in a couple of shows Phantom of the Opera and Cats so , if you're in our city , check them out, we have great restaurants around that area.

Toronto is also brimming with so much culture from Little Italy , Greek Town , China town and Little India,we're a multicultural city and we are damn proud of it .

And then there's Kensington Market , a place where hoards of people go to shop at the markets every day or meet up with friends for a day out.

 They say you gotta get up super early and go before it gets too crazy crowded with people rushing through the area itself.

Its a busy place to go , if you want the best bargains.

And if Kensington Market doesn't strike your fancy there's always the Eaton Cenre ,it has loads of shops and its a great place to have a bite to eat there as well as shop till you drop and over spend like crazy. 

Not like Maxie does but you get my meaning right guys !!!! LOL I'd shop like she does if I had the mind too myself. But not when its supposed to be a romantic get away that girl is out of her freaking mind I tell you.

There's also the Distillery District you can go shopping in, its in Little India and trust me , its amazing to walk on the cobbled stoned area with cars having no access.

And if you want a place to stay, I'm pretty sure  lol , if you're Peter  August you would take your new lady love to  The Fairmont Royal York Hotel. 

Its the oldest hotel in town , and from what I know of it the priciest one of them all. I doubt Peter would slum it at the Holiday Inn to impress our Maximista.

If your a sports nut , like say  Dante or Chase, you'd take the opportunity to take in a game at the Rogers Centre and watch your favourite teams play against our Toronto lads .  

Go Leafs, Argos, Raptors and Blue Jay love our athletes !!!

I've been to a couple of games there myself its always a pile of fun , and you can get some great food there too . 

The CN Tower is close by so if you want to kill two birds with one stone there ya go guys , you can do two things in one day cause they're nice and close to each other. 

So check it out man its worth it and I know you totally won't regret it .

If you're in our city on a cold or rainy day check out the Royal Ontario Museum they have some pretty amazing exhibits. 

The King Tut one was beyond amazing. But don't just take my word for it. If you're in our city check it out and see for yourself.

On a gorgeous day out families , can take the ferry to Centre Island for a picnic and take in some rides while there. Its so much fun for the kids as well as their parents.

If you want to check out the parliament building in Ontario's capital of Toronto, check out Queen's Park, their gardens and check out the building itself. I love the architecture of our city itself.

Come on GH do us a solid and show a character or two actually seeing and doing things in our fair city. taking pictures, eating at the CN Towers revolving restaurant and taking in the night life too .

As you can see up above its got so many amazing things to do.  

So it would definitely would be an added bonus for me !!!!!!

  I swear the cast would get a kick out of it  too! A real location shoot in the Sixes is definitely what this Toronto Canada fan wants to see. 

Just seeing one landmark , its not enough for me lol, don't just throw us a bone to give us a thrill!!!

Ya gotta go whole hog cause Toronto deserves to be promoted for the wonderful city and place that it is !!!

Here is a song about our city   Song  credit goes to  Gaisiasi... 

I love Toronto, and GH so I wanna see them become one!!!

( All pictures are courteousy of Ontario Tourism)

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Ava Jerome - Mercy Killer

Ava Jerome is a strong, take no shyte from anyone kind of bitch , she's also a sister , aunt and mother , but she is also a force to be reckoned with and that's why I personally would choose her to be the Mercy Killer of Port Charles.

Yes , guys I know she killed Connie, and messed with Morgan's meds,  and she was partly responsible for her part in AJ's demise, but lets face it , there are a few people in Port Charles who need to he sleeping with the fishes as far as I'm concerned.

As of late there have been a few people who have lost their damn minds, or act like hungry tigers getting ready to strike at any given moment. Yeah I know you're thinking I'm describing Ava but you couldn't be more wrong on that score.

I wish Ava would befriend Willow , share some scenes with her and become like the mom she should have had. Ava lost Kiki and focusing on Willow before its revealed that she's Nina's daughter lol would be the icing on the cake.

Ava would not tolerate Nina disrespecting her and she would be the tonic Willow would need to stand up to Nina and shut her up for good.

Once Nina finds out that Willow is her daughter , she'd be so immensely sorry and hurt that her daughter hates her with every fibre of her being , but it would be her own fault. She is a stuck up bitch who thinks she can abuse anyone she likes just because she's got money to fund her deluded unfulfilled life.

Also Ava would be the perfect candidate to take down the obnoxious and annoying Lucy Coe, I love Lucy most days , but the way she's been lately I'd take  Ava's revolver and kill her myself.

In these two cases it would be a mercy killing of epic proportion, because it would eliviate the fans stress of having to deal with them.

:Lucy is acting like a jealous school girl when it comes to Kevin with anyone else but her, it will all blow up in her face when she finds out Doc is actually with Laura , and not Ava. And that this was all a ruse to draw Ryan out of hiding.

As for Shiloh , lol can we get Ava all up in Shiloh's grill, and protect her niece and her half sister?

I would really love it , if Ava proved her worth as Sam's aunt and protect her and Kristina from the clutches of that psychopath who seems to like to abuse women against their will.

Shiloh has been allowed to see the light of day, abuse the women of Port Charles , emotionally and mentally and he needs to be dealt with .

As for Harmony what a delusional woman she is , she offered her kid up to be abused by a sick freak who obviously has a god complex!!!!!

Let Ava kill her , but not before she gives her what for, for allowing someone else to abuse her child, after all Ava knows first hand when that creepy doctor tried to get  Kiki to sleep with him. What a sick freak he was. It would be justifiable homicide, no one should ever allow someone to do that to their child.

As for Ryan, that bastard's demise ain't coming fast enough for me , mercy killing for the fans who are sickened by his actions, and sickened by the way he manipulated Laura into thinking he was Kevin.

His killing Kiki and attacking our Lulu left a bitter taste in my mouth, and for me it would be a mercy killing  that is a long time coming. The man has no logic , he thought it would win Ava over how? By his killing Kiki.

Mothers and daughters fight, they argue , and they make up, Ryan should have just offed himself instead of upsetting her and her family and friends. Its too disgusting for words.

Yep mercy killings would be sweet right about now, I'm fed up of stupid people, who think they have all the power, and lie , manipulate , stomp their little feet to get what they want and act like spoiled brats and getting negative attention from the people they associate with.

Monday, 6 May 2019

GH Recap April 29th - May 3rd 2019

Well guys , we had one hell of a depressing week of GH last week.

With the impending death of Oscar looming, and everyone on tender hooks of when it was going to take place.

On top of that  we had Ava on the edge wanting to find Ryan and kill his ass!!! 

Sam told Jason that Shiloh is creeping her out and I don't blame her, she found her file and its clear that Shiloh is a psycopath with sexual depravities.

Cause ya know its normal to interfere with women and drug them as some weird assed ritual isn't it? Umm not by what I've been watching . As my girl Judy Montgomery stated Sason needs to shut that mother effer down and soon.

The dude is a maniac and needs to die sooner than later. Sam wasn't about to do a pledge about herself so Jason said make up something about me , and we'll get Spinelli to help make up the fake report lol.

Trust Jason to come up with a master plan I love it!!!!

Kristina is starting to realize that her mom and dad just want their little girl back and they are hoping she's starting to come down from that cloud she's been on since she joined the cult.

Joss was trying to put on a brave face where Oscar is concerned. I think she's a strong young woman and she's so young to have to deal with a situation like this and that's what Carly had mentioned.

That girl is a tower of strength and she comes from a place of love for Oscar.

In the mean time lol, we saw Lucy acting all concerned for Kevin, I'm sorry but please  you aren't his wife , nor are you his friend. You're his crazy ex and you think you can just force your way into other people's lives.

If that wasn't enough to make your nerves stand on end , Jordan fainted , and had to be put back into a hospital room. Thank god  Stella found her and got her taken care of immediately.

In other news , Val and Chase were keeping a watchful eye on the Corinthos Davis clan , for any clues as to where Kristina might be.

These two twitty detectives, as much as I adore them both went rogue and decided to investigate on their own despite the fact Margaux told them not to.

Which lead to much hilarity when Diane and Alexis both donned a wig that looked like the others hair and they swapped clothes.

If that wasn't enough to make you laugh it was even funnier when Diane took the Alexis wig off lol, and promptly took the opportunity to give Val a telling off for harrassing Alexis , and then told her to try the salted carmel donuts , and that she should trust her and she wouldn't regret it.

She left Kelly's and it left Val looking very sheepish and with egg on her face.

Drew and Franco shared a moment talking about Oscar and Cam and it was  sweet scene to see.

Chase spoke to Michael about Kristina and he approached Willow about talking to Kristina yet again , after Shiloh made a move to visit her again at the school.

Willow clearly can not stand him anymore than we viewers can and we want to see the back end of him sooner than later.

And then the sad day came on Thursday's episode, as we all know was the day that Oscar Nero Quartermaine passed on. It happened just shortly after he had had a burst of energy, and had a visit from his great grandparents Lila and Edwards spirits.

Oscar was told his tumor had shrunk but later on that very day as Joss read him the book the wind and the willows Oscar pased away in his sleep. 

Joss felt his spirit kiss her on the cheek, and the next episode showed his friends and family getting the news that he had passed away. Lila and Edward came to collect  Oscar to join the other Q's in heaven.

I would have loved it a little bit more if I knew it wasn't a fake Lila and Edward since they're portrayers have long since passed on.

So many fans cried bucket loads of tears, but I know one things for sure ,  Joss will soon get some comfort from her daddy Jax.

Not that Carson aren't a great support system Carly is her mom and she's been there for her daughter through out the whole thing , but Joss is daddy's girl and nothing would stop Jax from being by his daughters side.

I love the fact that Willow gathered her strength to talk to Kristina and even more so when Willow told Michael he doesn't speak for her. 

Yay our girl has some balls , I swear if they don't reveal she's Nina's daughter soon I will personally zap myself into the television and do the dna test myself.

I see too many similarities between the two women , its like Sam and Alexis and Carly and Bobbie all over again. LOL

Shiloh , really is a creepy mother effer, speaking to Drew as if they are the closest of friends. Something tells me that Drew when and if he gets his memory back he will discover that  Shiloh was a serial rapist within their naval unit.

Something just doesn't feel right about him , and it even creeped me out that he handed Drew Oscar's Dawn of Day book. Umm exactly how is that supposed to bring a grieving father comfort.

I wished he had punched his lights out or something, and finally everyone who was closest to Oscar put up a memorial outside his apartment door.

I loved how Kim saw all the messages from people, and she learned that Oscar meant so much to so many people.

Cam tried to be brave and strong, but the boy totally lost it , and went seeking a nice quiet corner where he broke down and cried like a baby.

And that's it for now me lovelies until next time happy gh watching and have a great week.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Joss Jacks & Oscar Nero - Young Love Strong , Love

Joss Jacks and Oscar Nero are two of the cutest teens on the ABC Soap General Hospital, played by the phenomenally talented ( Eden Mccoy and Garren Stitt). What I love about the pairing was the sweetness of their relationship, but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows when it turned out that Oscar had developed a brain tumor , which became  terminal . It was a heart breaking storyline to watch .

Oscar at first was trying to shield Joss from the heartache and pain , and broke up with her, but eventually her tenacity and his pure heart  and hers they could not stand to be apart any longer.

Josslyn has been a tower of strength for Oscar, and his family showing her positivity and letting everyone know that no matter the out come she would never leave his side because she like her mum don't back down especially when she is faced with a crisis staring her right in her face .

And for that is the reason why so many GH fans love Joss she's the girl with the heart of gold who would do anything to help those she loves and cares about even if people tell her not to do it. The girl has a mind of her own and so does Oscar who wouldn't let a brain tumor stop him from living his life.

With the help of their friends  Cam Webber and Trina the crazy kids managed to make a trip to Niagara Falls , wbere Oscar had another seizure and they discovered that his tumor had grown .

And as we came to realize the time approached faster than we could say Pickle Lila.

To be perfectly honest with you, I felt like I'd cried bucket loads of tears through out this storyline and most people have balked at the comparison of Joss and Oscar being like  Robin and Stone.

I beg to differ on that score, I believe Joss and Oscar are very similar to  Robin and Stone, because both young couples had to go through the heartache of having to sawy goodbye to their first loves.

Tragedy , loss and pain no matter the illness is still the same no matter how you slice it, I don't care what anyone else says I loved this storyline , it needed to be told and it was done with class and caring for those who are experiencing this situation in real life. 

In fact when they had  Oscar being surrounded by everyone he loves , before his death , and his seeing Edward and Lila's spirits standing in front of him to take him to heaven.

 I thought it was the sweetest thing the show could do to end the storyline and even more so when they had his spirit kiss Joss on the cheek before he left this world to go to his next life as a guardian angel.

Fans are fickle if they pick on one thing , they find something else to complain about, the fact remains Eden and Garren acted their little asses off in this storyline with  Tamara Braun, Billy Miller, Laura Wright, Steve Burton ,  William Devry , Leslie Charleson, Lisa Lo Cicero, Wally Kurth and Cassandra James as Dr TerryRandolf along for the crazy emotional journey for Oscar Nero.

I believe that this storyline , has informed those of us who have a lack of understanding for family members who are going through this , and out of respect everyone should admit that it was a story that was executed well.

And although it broke hearts it made me so proud of the way Garren and Eden told it.But most importantly it made us proud that these two kids are power house actors with a bright , bright future ahead of them as far as their acting careers are concerned. I can not wait to see what the

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Now Here This General Hospital Canada is not a Hospital its a tv show fan page

Ahem , now  hear this General Hospital Canada is not a hospital , its a television show fan page.

We are a group of fans who enjoy watching the American Soap Opera General Hospital, but what we are getting fed up with is some random people from over seas who keep asking for medical attention.

If you read our page you will clearly see we talk about characters on a television show, I'm not trying to be cruel, or be a bitch , but come on now, it's become tiresome to have to explain this on a regular basis.

If you are seeking medical advice, or want some help with mental health issues , please consult your local doctor, or hospital. 

Even better still contact your help lines in your area that can help you.

I enjoy meeting new fans of the show , but having said that I think there is a misconception and a break down of comprehension where people who don't speak or write English, are confused about what this page actually is and what it represents.

I hope you all can find the attention your seeking , but this is not the place to do it in.

We are not professionals who dabble in this field we are but mere fans of a tv show, who enjoy watching it and discussing it.

Have a nice day , everyone , but please remember to check your information before contacting us.