On April 1st 1963, a bad ass soap first aired on ABC, I don't think the Hursley's and the writers or producers knew back then just how massive of an impact their show would have on the fans .
What I do know speaking as a long time fan is that we've seen our fair share of drama, birth, deaths, weddings ,explosions, mob wars and hospital drama that has spanned over the past 57 years.
The Weddings that stick out in my mind are Luke and Laura's 1981 wedding, not for the wedding itself , but that's because that's where Luke climbed down the balcony to get into a punch up with Scott Baldwin and where we saw our first glimpse of the queen of evil Helena Cassadine.
We also saw the weddings of Felicia and Frisco, the multiple weddings of Carly and Sonny lol, the weddings of Liz and Lucky which lead to the train crash in 2005, and the non wedding of Spixie that we lovingly call Spinelli and Maxie.
In 2011, Jason and Sam had a private wedding ceremony at the Noodle Budha, with everyone attending the reception later.
In 2019 Elizabeth and Franco had a PCPD Lock up wedding, it wasn't the best scenario, but when you love someone that much you don't care where you get married.
We were shocked to see Robin die in an explosion and then in 2013 she returned from the dead to Patrick and Emma during his wedding to Sabrina.
Over the years I've seen the births of AJ, Jason , who both are supposed to be younger than me , but since they were speed age progressed are now the same age as me.
I also saw the births, of Lulu, Maxie, Michael, Brooklyn, Morgan, Kristina, Molly , Emma, Josslyn, the list goes on and on.
Morgan's and Molly's births stick out the most for me since they were born during a stressful time, Morgan was born just after his mom Carly was shot in the head accidently by Sonny , and Molly was born in a train tunnel after the train crash in 2005. That was also the same day that FBI Agent Reese died.
Watch the video below to watch the things that have made us love our gh , the family togetherness, the crazy insane stuff that has gone off that has left us shocked like the tragic deaths of such characters as Georgie Jones, Dominique Baldwin, Tony Jones, Emily Quartermaine, Sabrina Santiago Nathan West, Morgan Corinthos, Kiki Jerome and most recently Detective Marcus Taggert.
These were the deaths that shocked us, people who had a bright future ahead or were from Legacy families that have made their presence known in Port Charles.
Events that rocked Port Charles were the Port Charles Hotel Fire , and the metrocourt hostage crisis and explosion and Crichton Clark explosion are things that stick out in my mind that have made me get the shivers.
The villains on this show like Manny Ruiz, Heather Webber , Lisa Niles, Nelle Benson , Helena Cassadine, haven't exactly learned, once our faves win ,you really should back off and slink away like the snakes that you are.
Nope , they don't lol they just keep acting like the little engine that could saying " I think I can beat them, I think I can , I think I can!"
But they don't lol , its sad really to obsess over a person , that keeps proving they're stronger, smarter and faster than you when it comes to the battle royale lol.
What we fans also know is that since the explosion of the internet and the age of social media we fans are all connected to each other to talk about the latest goings on in The Chuckles lovingly nicknamed by Luke Spencer about Port Charles.
We are also feeling a connection to the stars of the show , who let us in on what their characters , are up to on an daily basis , doing live chats and answering all the burning questions we fans want to know.
In my group General Hospital Canada , we aren't just fans of the show , we are our own little crazy mixed up family.
GH may have been the one thing that drew us to each other but we have grown to , love , respect each other, and that's the way it should be.
We are all apart of the GH family , the cast , the crew and the fans and we are excited to see what is going to air on the show on their anniversary today.
This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Them's Fighting Words Miss Brooklynn Quartermaine
Oh Brooklyn, you brainless idiot, I mean really, what were you thinking who films a desk with important papers on it , and then posts it to facebook you that's who !
I'm flabbergasted to say the least. She is really not aware this could damage her family's business dealings with other companies and make it so much easier for Valentin to strike and take over ELQ.
And then you go and attack Lulu , for doing what she does for her job, reporting what she sees, it's your own damn fault you're the one who effed up , and you act like a back street alley cat. You're too much like your damn god mother Brenda , and your mother.
You treat Lulu with the same disrespect as Brenda does Carly and that to me is unforgivable, to me she is a jealous spiteful nasty little bitch ! I love Tracey , but if they are trying to make us love her like we love Tracey it ain't working.
Attacking Lulu and throwing Dante leaving her cause of his PTSD , is some nasty bitchy thing to do, she doesn't know the full god damn facts of the situation so she should really keep her thoughts and opinions to herself.
Them's fighting words Miss Brooklyn Quartermaine , you have no steady job, or man in your life and all you can do is manage to throw things in other people's faces that has nothing to do with you.
Lulu is far from a basic bitch , and you my darling are a trust fund brat , who thinks she can throw her weight around, take liberty's and pull stupid stunts that upset other people.
At least Lulu has a job , and Maxie who you think are both airheads, umm sweetie I suggest you look in the mirror. You my love are lacking in respect for others , no room to take pot shots at anyone when shyte ain't going right in you're own deluded world.
I'm not saying she's totally to blame for this , both women have relatives who own the Metrocourt hotel, I sincerely hope step mommy Olivia gives Brooklyn her part of the damage for the bill and Carly does the same with Lulu.
What makes matters worse , is that Valentin was there to see Lulu behaving irrationally and irresponsibly and he was filming her fight with Brooklynn no doubt to make it clear that Lulu is not a fit mother to look after his daughter as far as custodial rights to Charlotte is concerned.
Oh Brooklyn then you punch a cop , the exact same one you assaulted before , I don't think daddy and step mommy are going to help you out this time princess, now that you messed with your own family's livelihoods.
Grow up, get a brain , get your ass a real job and stop acting like the world owes you a living.
Whew I'm spent until Monday guys have a great weekend.
And then you go and attack Lulu , for doing what she does for her job, reporting what she sees, it's your own damn fault you're the one who effed up , and you act like a back street alley cat. You're too much like your damn god mother Brenda , and your mother.
You treat Lulu with the same disrespect as Brenda does Carly and that to me is unforgivable, to me she is a jealous spiteful nasty little bitch ! I love Tracey , but if they are trying to make us love her like we love Tracey it ain't working.
Attacking Lulu and throwing Dante leaving her cause of his PTSD , is some nasty bitchy thing to do, she doesn't know the full god damn facts of the situation so she should really keep her thoughts and opinions to herself.
Them's fighting words Miss Brooklyn Quartermaine , you have no steady job, or man in your life and all you can do is manage to throw things in other people's faces that has nothing to do with you.
Lulu is far from a basic bitch , and you my darling are a trust fund brat , who thinks she can throw her weight around, take liberty's and pull stupid stunts that upset other people.
At least Lulu has a job , and Maxie who you think are both airheads, umm sweetie I suggest you look in the mirror. You my love are lacking in respect for others , no room to take pot shots at anyone when shyte ain't going right in you're own deluded world.
I'm not saying she's totally to blame for this , both women have relatives who own the Metrocourt hotel, I sincerely hope step mommy Olivia gives Brooklyn her part of the damage for the bill and Carly does the same with Lulu.
What makes matters worse , is that Valentin was there to see Lulu behaving irrationally and irresponsibly and he was filming her fight with Brooklynn no doubt to make it clear that Lulu is not a fit mother to look after his daughter as far as custodial rights to Charlotte is concerned.
Oh Brooklyn then you punch a cop , the exact same one you assaulted before , I don't think daddy and step mommy are going to help you out this time princess, now that you messed with your own family's livelihoods.
Grow up, get a brain , get your ass a real job and stop acting like the world owes you a living.
Whew I'm spent until Monday guys have a great weekend.
Like Exposing An Open wound
Hey everyone , so for the past couple of weeks on Gh , it kinda feels like everyone has been exposing an open wound of some sort.
First up is poor sweet Trina , she had to face going to her father's funeral and let me tell you it reminded me of when Maxie went off of Felicia at Georgie's funeral only she didn't do it from a podium she walked right up to Curtis and she told him to get lost.
She blames him for what happened to her dad, umm its all well and good , but actually I think it was her fault and her dad's , if she hadn't been standing there like a deer in the headlights while the shooting was going on , Curtis wouldn't have had to save her ungrateful little ass.
Oh and daddy Taggert was distracted cause he was worried about his little girl, that's what got his ass shot.
But she wasn't the only one who was annoying the fucking hell out of me , Jordan has been acting like a lunatic, since it was revealed that TJ was kidnapped. She should just tell Jason and Sonny and get it over with.
First up is poor sweet Trina , she had to face going to her father's funeral and let me tell you it reminded me of when Maxie went off of Felicia at Georgie's funeral only she didn't do it from a podium she walked right up to Curtis and she told him to get lost.
She blames him for what happened to her dad, umm its all well and good , but actually I think it was her fault and her dad's , if she hadn't been standing there like a deer in the headlights while the shooting was going on , Curtis wouldn't have had to save her ungrateful little ass.
Oh and daddy Taggert was distracted cause he was worried about his little girl, that's what got his ass shot.
But she wasn't the only one who was annoying the fucking hell out of me , Jordan has been acting like a lunatic, since it was revealed that TJ was kidnapped. She should just tell Jason and Sonny and get it over with.
Maxie is super pissed at Jax and Nina for not giving her a raise she has worked her ass off for Crimson for years , and she was right in everything she said. Nina does not appreciate her at all and takes advantage.
Anna has been getting on my nerves too, I mean how long is it gonna be before she wises up about who her son really is, she has the information to prove he's a criminal , and yet she believes his lies about Liesl.
She may not be the shining example of squeaky clean, but she didn't do what Peter is alleging she did.
Oh and as for Brooklyn lol ...... where do I start lol........... this bitch lol goes and exposes her family's companies private business papers to the facebook world and Lulu has gone and done an expose' on it lol.
If I was Lulu , I kinda would do the same thing just to teach the dumb bitch a lesson lol, and as for Nelle who the hell does she think she's kidding , trying to goad Carly into another battle of wits.
I mean honestly , when Martin Grey said " Play time was over " at her battle with Brooklyn I think he meant it full stop! Nelle goes through life thinking antagonizing people is the way for a grown woman to behave! Its time she grew up already.
As for Britt, awe Britt the magnificent bitch who is our Liesl's daughter , she breezed into Port Charles for Brad and she's promised him that they will deal with Nelle.
I think she and Carly should compare notes with Sasha and plan their next move.
Anna has been getting on my nerves too, I mean how long is it gonna be before she wises up about who her son really is, she has the information to prove he's a criminal , and yet she believes his lies about Liesl.
She may not be the shining example of squeaky clean, but she didn't do what Peter is alleging she did.
Oh and as for Brooklyn lol ...... where do I start lol........... this bitch lol goes and exposes her family's companies private business papers to the facebook world and Lulu has gone and done an expose' on it lol.
If I was Lulu , I kinda would do the same thing just to teach the dumb bitch a lesson lol, and as for Nelle who the hell does she think she's kidding , trying to goad Carly into another battle of wits.
I mean honestly , when Martin Grey said " Play time was over " at her battle with Brooklyn I think he meant it full stop! Nelle goes through life thinking antagonizing people is the way for a grown woman to behave! Its time she grew up already.
As for Britt, awe Britt the magnificent bitch who is our Liesl's daughter , she breezed into Port Charles for Brad and she's promised him that they will deal with Nelle.
I think she and Carly should compare notes with Sasha and plan their next move.
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Crisis Plagues the world ........ GH At A Stand Still or Is It
Covid 19 - Corona Virus whatever you want to refer it has , it's been the talking point among everyone in the world as of late.
I'm not going to get into the statistics of it , I'm not a numbers crunching person , however , it's become clear , that we have to stay vigilant as a society , protect the very vulnerable children and the elderly and people with pre existing conditions , but our blog isn't about that.
Over the weekend the Powers that be over at gh had announced that all productions at ABC which includes our beloved soap will be shut down for a few weeks and that there are exciting things coming up for us viewers to enjoy.
I for one am excited for that , but a little bit of me , yesterday while Prime minister Justin Trudeau spoke , was feeling like our world was at a stand still, it's a bit like slow motion really what he was saying was important, but I felt like I was having an out of body experience, I was watching myself listening to what he has to say but was feeling overwhelmed and pissed off .
For a fleeting moment I felt all these emotions, but you must think of the reality of the tragedy that has befallen us all. Its not just about us and what we want is it now?
You know what guys, I shook it off , sure I was super bummed our show wasn't on , but then I realized what's one day without GH , I mean really , as a community, during a time of crisis, we have to stand together , no moaning no bitching, appreciate the fact that our world as we know it is at a stand still.
The safety of our beloved GH stars , should rank higher than being selfish and asking all sorts of questions that the show already has answered.
I look forward to see what GH has in store for us lol, will Willow become stalker girl and kidnap Wiley, will we ever see Julian and Britt's after glow? Will we find out what's up with Brando?
Will TJ be rescued in time , all will be revealed soon enough , hang in there my beauties!
Enquiring GH fans minds want to know , just keep tuning in and we will be on some new epic journey back into our beloved Port Charles.
I'm not going to get into the statistics of it , I'm not a numbers crunching person , however , it's become clear , that we have to stay vigilant as a society , protect the very vulnerable children and the elderly and people with pre existing conditions , but our blog isn't about that.
Over the weekend the Powers that be over at gh had announced that all productions at ABC which includes our beloved soap will be shut down for a few weeks and that there are exciting things coming up for us viewers to enjoy.
I for one am excited for that , but a little bit of me , yesterday while Prime minister Justin Trudeau spoke , was feeling like our world was at a stand still, it's a bit like slow motion really what he was saying was important, but I felt like I was having an out of body experience, I was watching myself listening to what he has to say but was feeling overwhelmed and pissed off .
For a fleeting moment I felt all these emotions, but you must think of the reality of the tragedy that has befallen us all. Its not just about us and what we want is it now?
You know what guys, I shook it off , sure I was super bummed our show wasn't on , but then I realized what's one day without GH , I mean really , as a community, during a time of crisis, we have to stand together , no moaning no bitching, appreciate the fact that our world as we know it is at a stand still.
The safety of our beloved GH stars , should rank higher than being selfish and asking all sorts of questions that the show already has answered.
I look forward to see what GH has in store for us lol, will Willow become stalker girl and kidnap Wiley, will we ever see Julian and Britt's after glow? Will we find out what's up with Brando?
Will TJ be rescued in time , all will be revealed soon enough , hang in there my beauties!
Enquiring GH fans minds want to know , just keep tuning in and we will be on some new epic journey back into our beloved Port Charles.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Detective Taggert's Last Stand - Way Down We Go
When GH first brought back Real Andrews as Detective Marcus Taggert , I was elated, I couldn't wait to see what Taggert was up to.
His reunion with Sonny and Jason was awesome to watch , and like I said in a previous blog I was thrilled that they would be joining forces to stop Cyrus Renault .
On February 27th 2020 , Elizabeth's son Cameron and his daughter Trina were kidnapped , I thought , Oh my god you have to be freaking kidding me.
When Taggert texted Curtis to help him rescue the kids , after being sent a picture of them, my adrenaline was in high gear.
Elizabeth contacted Jason to help in the rescue of the kids and on February 28th 2020, we Taggert fans were in shock when the gun fire went off and we watched Cameron escape and poor Trina was frozen in fear.
I was left horrified when we watched our Taggert being shot and drop to the ground, while our boys Curtis and Jason continued the exchange of gunfire with Renault's men.
On March 2nd 2020 , we were in tears as we watched Taggert share a sweet moment with Trina , but sadly Taggert passed away suffering from a heart attack that was caused by the gun shot wound.
.We fans are hoping that Taggert is still alive somewhere , and that he will come back having been put under protection of Sonny,
His reunion with Sonny and Jason was awesome to watch , and like I said in a previous blog I was thrilled that they would be joining forces to stop Cyrus Renault .
On February 27th 2020 , Elizabeth's son Cameron and his daughter Trina were kidnapped , I thought , Oh my god you have to be freaking kidding me.
When Taggert texted Curtis to help him rescue the kids , after being sent a picture of them, my adrenaline was in high gear.
Elizabeth contacted Jason to help in the rescue of the kids and on February 28th 2020, we Taggert fans were in shock when the gun fire went off and we watched Cameron escape and poor Trina was frozen in fear.
I was left horrified when we watched our Taggert being shot and drop to the ground, while our boys Curtis and Jason continued the exchange of gunfire with Renault's men.
On March 2nd 2020 , we were in tears as we watched Taggert share a sweet moment with Trina , but sadly Taggert passed away suffering from a heart attack that was caused by the gun shot wound.
.We fans are hoping that Taggert is still alive somewhere , and that he will come back having been put under protection of Sonny,
Carly ,Bobbie & Joss : The Indestructible Spencer women
Have you ever been drawn to a character , so much that you think omg, this chick has a powerful presence, and you keep feeling the gravitational pull towards them, well welcome to my world people.
Over the course of 40 years , after being introduced to the character Bobbie , who I dubbed the hell cat , lol and you guys who've been watching as long as I have know what I'm talking about.
It all started with a fiery redhead, who by the way in most people's opinions should not be liked or admired for the scheming little she - devil that she is, but nonetheless I fell in love with the character because she was the way she was.
Bobbie , by all accounts was the chick who had the same reputation of her one and only daughter Carly , who I also love for all of the same reasons, her fiery spirit, her way of just making you burst out laughing when she impulsively does something , and Joss is no different , it's that Spencer blood coursing through their veins.
No matter how many times people try and knock them down , my girls , who come from a family , much like my own, which is probably why fate had taken me by the hand and made me sit up and take notice of them in the first place. I love the fact that they don't let anyone push them around and that is the main reason I love them.
I can hear you guys saying, well what about Lulu and Laura , well here's the thing guys , I love them too , but this is about Bobbie and her immediate family. How her daughter and Granddaughter are so much like her its scary.
To me they are the indestructible Spencer women , the ones who fight for loved ones against a clear and present danger of a long line of enemies, I am not saying that Lulu and Laura haven't in the past , but over the years Carly has been the victim of enemies that she didn't make due to Sonny being the mob king pin of the chuckles.
Bobbie too has experienced kidnappings of her own , and well Joss she was just a baby when Michael killed Claudia Zacchara for trying to steal her from her mama.
But she does appreciate her brother for doing that solid for her. She knows she can count on him to have her back , just like Luke has Bobbie's and Lucas has Carly's back.
Over the course of 40 years , after being introduced to the character Bobbie , who I dubbed the hell cat , lol and you guys who've been watching as long as I have know what I'm talking about.
It all started with a fiery redhead, who by the way in most people's opinions should not be liked or admired for the scheming little she - devil that she is, but nonetheless I fell in love with the character because she was the way she was.
Bobbie , by all accounts was the chick who had the same reputation of her one and only daughter Carly , who I also love for all of the same reasons, her fiery spirit, her way of just making you burst out laughing when she impulsively does something , and Joss is no different , it's that Spencer blood coursing through their veins.
No matter how many times people try and knock them down , my girls , who come from a family , much like my own, which is probably why fate had taken me by the hand and made me sit up and take notice of them in the first place. I love the fact that they don't let anyone push them around and that is the main reason I love them.
I can hear you guys saying, well what about Lulu and Laura , well here's the thing guys , I love them too , but this is about Bobbie and her immediate family. How her daughter and Granddaughter are so much like her its scary.
To me they are the indestructible Spencer women , the ones who fight for loved ones against a clear and present danger of a long line of enemies, I am not saying that Lulu and Laura haven't in the past , but over the years Carly has been the victim of enemies that she didn't make due to Sonny being the mob king pin of the chuckles.
Bobbie too has experienced kidnappings of her own , and well Joss she was just a baby when Michael killed Claudia Zacchara for trying to steal her from her mama.
But she does appreciate her brother for doing that solid for her. She knows she can count on him to have her back , just like Luke has Bobbie's and Lucas has Carly's back.
Joss, really has come into her own and she's growing up, from that sweet little baby girl , to being dubbed a brat by Franco and fierce warrior princess by me.
But recently Carly and Joss shared the same enemy in Nelle , who tried to turn Joss against her mom, it worked for like a nano second lol, then Joss let it rip and lets not forget that Bobbie doesn't like her either.
Here is our video tribute to the Spencer Women, in my eyes they are warrior women.
They are the women you don't dare mess with , especially if their reputation alone is that of someone that others have told you , you should likely avoid if you can help it. And it's your own luck out as far as I'm concerned if you just ignore the warnings.
I believe that in years to come , Joss will inherit the same reputation that proceeds her grandmother and mother, the ball buster, who says what she thinks and means what she says .
I pity anyone who tries to manipulate her , or try and mess with her like Nelle did , and I can hear her saying "I am my mother's daughter and bitch you can't stop me from doing what I want.
But recently Carly and Joss shared the same enemy in Nelle , who tried to turn Joss against her mom, it worked for like a nano second lol, then Joss let it rip and lets not forget that Bobbie doesn't like her either.
Here is our video tribute to the Spencer Women, in my eyes they are warrior women.
They are the women you don't dare mess with , especially if their reputation alone is that of someone that others have told you , you should likely avoid if you can help it. And it's your own luck out as far as I'm concerned if you just ignore the warnings.
I believe that in years to come , Joss will inherit the same reputation that proceeds her grandmother and mother, the ball buster, who says what she thinks and means what she says .
I pity anyone who tries to manipulate her , or try and mess with her like Nelle did , and I can hear her saying "I am my mother's daughter and bitch you can't stop me from doing what I want.
Saturday, 7 March 2020
GH Oh Shut The Hell Up 03-02-2020 - 03-06-2020
Well , guys what can I say about our Gh faves this week, for our 2nd edition of Oh shut the hell up! It's pretty evident that I'm an expressive person and when one or several gh characters make me flip on the bitch switch in me and I go off on a tangent like Carly does, you know this shit is about to get real right now.
What can I say about Molly and Trina , other than oh ladies , do shut the hell up. Honestly , Molly with her hysterics about not wanting to be married , girl grow the hell up never mind oh shut the hell up, you can't even have a mature conversation and express yourself correctly without pissing off TJ.
As for Trina I get why she was upset and scared , but girl you don't try and run back to save your daddy, he's been in this situation more than once he can handle his own business.
Yeah I know this is late coming but , I've been saving up this pent up anger towards some GH characters from last week.
First of all Elizabeth , how hard is it, for us fans not to want to lamp a Carly sized slap across her damn face. When Jason tells you not to involve the cops bitch , you don't effing call them you dumb ass. I wanted so bad to say Oh shut the hell up Elizabeth.
Normally I don't want to say that to her , that spot is reserved for Maxie and Lulu , but Friday's episode made me want to beat her senseless.
Then as Monday hit holy shit , it got even worse as the week progressed, Jordan thinks that Jason and Sonny are people that she'd rather arrest than work with , is this bitch for real. She's the one who brought Cyrus Renault and his drugs to town as some freaking kind of payback from behind bars.
She acts like she's all squeaky clean , her hands are more dirty than Sason's she played a drug dealer and got caught out what the hell did she think was going to happen.
Oh and Trina's mother Portia , Oh shut the hell up bitch , you walk into Elizabeth's house and you act all high and mighty, my first impression is that you got a stick up your ass and you think you're the only one who cares about your kid , because its just not true.
Portia has a lot of damn nerve being standoffish and rude , I mean really , Ava may not be Trina's mother, but as her mentor , and friend she is there to console a child who just lost her father, and for the record she lost her daughter not too long ago, maybe they can help each other through the grieving process.
It's what decent people do ,not that Portia would know what a decent person is , just based on prior reputation of the family their from. I suspect she might throw the same shade at Carly and Sonny lol, I don't think they'd take too kindly to it either.
As for Anna oh my god , where the hell do I start with her, I love Anna , but lately she's been acting crazy, making assumptions based on bull shit her criminal son has spouted at her.
Our sweet , loveable , Liesl got arrested for something she didn't do , I was ready to zap myself into the tv drop kick myself into Port Charles, and say " Oh shut the hell up Anna , Liesl is innocent this time check your facts before you say nasty crap about someone.
As for Nelle , Oh shut the hell up you lying manipulative little bitch, she really is as crazy as she seems, thinking she can once again use someone else's past against them. Nelle needs to be put back into her box, maybe Jason can set it to explode or something lol. I dunno , but she is getting on my damn nerves.
Maxie did my head in this week as well, she came off as jealous , and nasty , and its clear by the way she was running off at the mouth , that she isn't too happy with Nina at the moment , and who can blame her.
As for Peter , Oh shut the hell up bro, you're a pathetic piece of shit who wants Liesl out of the way because you want to live the life that your brother had.
He thinks by getting Liesl arrested its going to make him win brownie points with Maxie , once the truth comes out! LOL you gotta be bloody kidding me, once Maxie finds out you can literally kiss your cushy life good bye, do not pass go , do not collect $200.
Now that Spinelli , and Jasam are on to you , you clueless bastard , they are one step ahead of you , and don't think that your mommy has your back either , she's on the side of the badasses who will nail your ass.
Your name will officially be mud , and Maxie will lay a Maximista sized slap on you , and before you can say brain map transfer , her step dad Mac will arrest your ass.
A thought just struck me, what if Anna , isn't really arresting Liesl, what if based on what Peter said , Anna has decided to make it look like she's arrested Liesl , wouldn't that be a turn out for the books.
It could be Anna is protecting Liesl instead of arresting her, because she knows her son has form and he's not a squeaky clean and sane as he wants her to believe that he is .
Phew I've run out of steam here guys , happy Saturday everyone have a great weekend talk to you on Monday.
Friday, 6 March 2020
The Corinthos Family vs Nelle " Troublemaker"
In the wake of the baby switch aftermath one woman will be left standing and the other will wish she had never effed with her and her nearest and dearest.
You made the wrong move drugging Sonny, trying to kill Michael, attacking Joss, and throwing our Queen's past in her face , that was just the tip of the iceberg, then you went and pulled a baby switch , and messed with their friends , Willow , Nina and Brooklyn. Not a bright idea considering they got the measure of you girl.
The Quartermaine/Spencer/ Corinthos clan as I warned you before never forget what people have done to them that quickly or easily. In fact , Carly is a little like Mama Ashley here , once you cross her lol, that's it baby girl your ass is grass and she's gonna be the lawnmower.
On the episode that aired February 24th 2020, Sonny told Carly not to interfere and let Michael handle his own business, fat chance of that happening Carly is a lioness going after her prey.
As usual Carly bucks the advice , once she makes a decision to do something , there's no stopping her , so I guess what I'm trying to say is it's judgement day Nelle Benson.
Just so you're aware the Queen bitch Mrs Carly Leigh Corinthos is your judge , jury and your executioner . Be afraid my dear ,play time as you know it , is officially over! But as clueless and cocky as you are ,you don't even know it yet . This Carly fan has been waiting two years , and that to me is long enough it's show time.
Carly is ready to go to war lol
Watch the video below to see ..... the events that lead Carly to be on the attack lol
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Oh Nelle Carly Isn't Done With You Yet
As kids , we're told never to kick a hornets nest, cause it makes them angry , as an adult, I tell non Carly fans , never wake the snarly beast , within a Spencer woman , especially , if she is the grandmother of your young son.
Nelle may think she won this battle , but she hasn't won the war , and let me tell you Nelle, Carly isn't done with you yet. Helena Cassadine once said " Oh you've left me no choice , you see death happens to overly confident little girls who intrude where they don't belong!"
The same can be said for Nelle , she thinks she can be rude and manipulate anyone, try and kill their son , get rich off them , and have power over those she feels owe her .
Truth be told Nelle , you're a jealous , spiteful little girl with daddy issues , because it's clear Frank Benson , loved and cared more about Carly , than he ever cared about you , and more than Carly cares to admit.
It's become beyond a joke now , how you slither your way through life , expecting people to hang over their money , or share the stuff they earned on their own.
The Quartermaine - Corinthos kids may have been born into their wealth , but that doesn't mean your entitled to it.
Sad really, Carly already has the measure of you , you selfish, deluded little girl , may be you were expecting her to just fall down , and collapse at the first sign of your pathetic attempt at revenge .
Unfortunately, she stayed strong fighting like a tigress, and you still get away with your treacherous behavior.
I hear the distant sound of a bell tolling , it's ringing so loud , it would even awake Lucifer himself , to come to earth and drag your lunatic ass straight to hell. You see Lucifer is an avenging angel, just like Carly babes and once she's done with you , you might wind up in FernCliff, or a spot in the pine barrens.
I'm seriously disgusted , that you had outside help , Valentin should not even be involved in this crap allowing you to cause all of this drama towards people , who don't even rate you as a decent person.
May be Valentin sees himself , in you I dunno , a kindred spirit of sorts , but that doesn't mean either of you deserve to have what isn't given to you .
Lies, manipulation, and warped thinking drives you to do the things you do, but in the end it makes people despise you , not admire you , Valentin and Nelle fans may think they are justified in their actions , but they live their lives through misguided hatred and greed towards others who are just living their lives and not harming others in the process.
Until then I await , my girl to be you're grim reaper , cause once and for all Nelle we as Quartermaine - Spencer and Corinthos fans we want you're ass dealt with. And I have to say it again , oh Nelle Carly isn't done with you yet .
Monday, 2 March 2020
GH Avenging Angels - All Good Girls Go To Hell
In Port Charles there are four types of people , the innocent, the avenging angels, the law enforcement agencies and the villains, we GH fans are fans of the avenging angels of the show for a reason! It's because they are the one's people go to when they don't trust anyone else to get the job done as far as rescuing people is concerned.
On February 26th 2020 such a situation arose when Detective Taggert enlisted Sonny Corinthos and and Jason Morgan's help to rid the city of Cyrus Renault and his drug shipment for good. This is an unlikely alliance since we know in the past that Taggert and Sonny haven't quite seen eye to eye in the past.
It was an emphatic hard pass from police commissioner Jordan Ashford who didn't like the idea of working with Sonny and Jason.
But as for yours truly it was a definite hell yes from me , I love the banter between Taggert and Sonny and Jason its always been good for a laugh , but I think this unholy alliance could be the start of something magical.
If You want the job done , you go to the mob king pin of Port Charles and his mob enforcer bestie Jason Morgan to finish what Cyrus Renault started.
Mind you , they aren't the only ones in town who hold the title of Avenging Angel, their wives Carly and Sam and their crazy extended family , you do not want to to mess with them either .
They are the rule breakers who play by their own rule book , hot headed at the best of times , but they are cool as cucumbers under pressure.
For instance take Ava Jerome , she didn't take it lying down when she heard Ryan Chamberlain killed her daughter , Ava did what any crazy grief stricken mother, whose got a fiery spirit would do , she stabbed Ryan Chamberlain in the back in a fit of rage.
Sam shot Shiloh with a flare gun and killed his ass , when he was attacking and unarmed Jason, oh hell no you don't want to do that !!!! Like her auntie Ava she slayed that mother effer like a dragon.
As for Carly , Bobbie ,Luke , Lucas and Lucky those Spencers are not the type of people you want to mess with , especially when you've attacked one of their own or even attempt to attack them.
Lucky killed Frank Smith without blinking an eye , and he saved his parents from being killed by him.
Carly is a lawn unto herself , you attempt to rattle her cage lol, you don't know what kind of hell you have unleashed unto yourself, she is feisty , a true Spencer in every sense of the word and she will take you down just like good ole Uncle Luke who shot three armed men in 2013 and without blinking shot Helena Cassadine , much to the shock of Ethan and Laura.
As for Liesl Obrecht she's a whole different kettle of fish all together, you inadvertently get her son shot and killed like Peter did, this momma exacts her revenge in the only way she knows how , by any means necessary.
Come to think of it Valentin is the same way , I just don't trust him, but it was kinda funny when he pushed Ava over the parapet and the fact that she was able to survive that fall , well that's an avenging angel for you.
In 2016 Sonny , was the saviour of the day when at Alexis and Julian's wedding , a gun man showed up attempting to take Kristina hostage, he jumped out of his wheelchair , much to the shock of everyone one else in attendance at the wedding, and not only disarmed the thug but he punched him to the ground .
Franco Jason , Curtis , Taggert and Drew on separate occasions , have saved Elizabeth and Jake, Cam , Maxie and TJ as well as Trina when they were faced with the fact that their crazy enemies were using those poor kids a weapon against those that care about them.
On February 28th 2020,Taggert contacted Curtis and asked him to step into the danger zone , to help him rescue Trina and Cam from Renault's men who wouldn't let the mouthy little shits go.
Once papa Marcus showed up with Curtis a round of gun fire was exchanged , Cam ran off only to be chased down , by one of the thugs , but thank god Elizabeth called Jason who shot the mother effer down for going after the frightened teenager.
Meanwhile back in the warehouse , poor Trina was freaking out , and Curtis managed to get her the hell out of there , but not before she saw her daddy get shot.
To me an avenging angel is someone who is like a cat with 9 lives, it doesn't matter how many times someone tries to take them down , they dust themselves off , get up again and move on to their next nemesis who dares to cross their path after the last one has met his or her maker.
Watch the video below to see our video dedicated to the avenging angels of General Hospital
After watching Friday's show , I'm chomping at the bit to see if Taggert survives, but we will have to tune in today to find out.
With that being said ..... this is Ashley signing off , have a great day guys and happy gh watching!!!
On February 26th 2020 such a situation arose when Detective Taggert enlisted Sonny Corinthos and and Jason Morgan's help to rid the city of Cyrus Renault and his drug shipment for good. This is an unlikely alliance since we know in the past that Taggert and Sonny haven't quite seen eye to eye in the past.
It was an emphatic hard pass from police commissioner Jordan Ashford who didn't like the idea of working with Sonny and Jason.
But as for yours truly it was a definite hell yes from me , I love the banter between Taggert and Sonny and Jason its always been good for a laugh , but I think this unholy alliance could be the start of something magical.
If You want the job done , you go to the mob king pin of Port Charles and his mob enforcer bestie Jason Morgan to finish what Cyrus Renault started.
Mind you , they aren't the only ones in town who hold the title of Avenging Angel, their wives Carly and Sam and their crazy extended family , you do not want to to mess with them either .
They are the rule breakers who play by their own rule book , hot headed at the best of times , but they are cool as cucumbers under pressure.
For instance take Ava Jerome , she didn't take it lying down when she heard Ryan Chamberlain killed her daughter , Ava did what any crazy grief stricken mother, whose got a fiery spirit would do , she stabbed Ryan Chamberlain in the back in a fit of rage.
Sam shot Shiloh with a flare gun and killed his ass , when he was attacking and unarmed Jason, oh hell no you don't want to do that !!!! Like her auntie Ava she slayed that mother effer like a dragon.
As for Carly , Bobbie ,Luke , Lucas and Lucky those Spencers are not the type of people you want to mess with , especially when you've attacked one of their own or even attempt to attack them.
Lucky killed Frank Smith without blinking an eye , and he saved his parents from being killed by him.
Carly is a lawn unto herself , you attempt to rattle her cage lol, you don't know what kind of hell you have unleashed unto yourself, she is feisty , a true Spencer in every sense of the word and she will take you down just like good ole Uncle Luke who shot three armed men in 2013 and without blinking shot Helena Cassadine , much to the shock of Ethan and Laura.
As for Liesl Obrecht she's a whole different kettle of fish all together, you inadvertently get her son shot and killed like Peter did, this momma exacts her revenge in the only way she knows how , by any means necessary.
Come to think of it Valentin is the same way , I just don't trust him, but it was kinda funny when he pushed Ava over the parapet and the fact that she was able to survive that fall , well that's an avenging angel for you.
In 2016 Sonny , was the saviour of the day when at Alexis and Julian's wedding , a gun man showed up attempting to take Kristina hostage, he jumped out of his wheelchair , much to the shock of everyone one else in attendance at the wedding, and not only disarmed the thug but he punched him to the ground .
Franco Jason , Curtis , Taggert and Drew on separate occasions , have saved Elizabeth and Jake, Cam , Maxie and TJ as well as Trina when they were faced with the fact that their crazy enemies were using those poor kids a weapon against those that care about them.
On February 28th 2020,Taggert contacted Curtis and asked him to step into the danger zone , to help him rescue Trina and Cam from Renault's men who wouldn't let the mouthy little shits go.
Once papa Marcus showed up with Curtis a round of gun fire was exchanged , Cam ran off only to be chased down , by one of the thugs , but thank god Elizabeth called Jason who shot the mother effer down for going after the frightened teenager.
Meanwhile back in the warehouse , poor Trina was freaking out , and Curtis managed to get her the hell out of there , but not before she saw her daddy get shot.
To me an avenging angel is someone who is like a cat with 9 lives, it doesn't matter how many times someone tries to take them down , they dust themselves off , get up again and move on to their next nemesis who dares to cross their path after the last one has met his or her maker.
Watch the video below to see our video dedicated to the avenging angels of General Hospital
After watching Friday's show , I'm chomping at the bit to see if Taggert survives, but we will have to tune in today to find out.
With that being said ..... this is Ashley signing off , have a great day guys and happy gh watching!!!
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