
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 30 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-30-21

Good Afternoon me darlings  so now that Liesl is gonna go after  Peter I'm expecting so  high bad ass drama coming our way .

As for Esme .... I want  her to  be  put in her place. 

Today's  show  left  me aggravated and more than a  little  angry  .

I'm  sure you'll understand  once this  Recap  gets  knee deep in like quick sand that I wish would swallow certain characters up and we never claps eyes on them ever again.

Today's  show starts off  with Brooklynn and Valentin at the  pool, they  were all happy  and  smiling  .

Maxie shows up  to see Brooklynn and Bailey for a lunch date .

Omfg Austin asks Valentin why he should  keep him on as Ceo.

Shawn has come  to  see Alexa  and    plays checkers  with her .  Sam shows up  and  she tells her mum that  she got a call  from Drew.

Sasha and Brando  talking with Gladys about work  and  about Carly's upcoming wedding  to  Jason.

Jason meets up with Jordan, to talk to her about Cyrus and  Peter and the upcoming nupuals. 

Carly is having flashbacks and Anna startles her. They talk about the wedding and  Vincent Novak approaches her.

Sonny gets a visit  from  Peter meanwhile  lol Nina is on the phone  with  Liesl lol and says are we all set.

Sonny asks Peter if he knows who he is Peter says as a matter of fact yes I do.

Anna  and Dante  get  Liesl looking to help them.Lucy is not impressed with  Gladys lol.She's biting her tongue πŸ‘….

Gladys is getting on my nerves lol.

Valentin is talking to  Austin  and Scott about Elq shares. Maxie says don't worry Valentin will think we're just having lunch.

Scott thinks Austin has a strong case.

Maxie asking about Austin's  involvement in ELQ.Valentin says replacing him as Ceo at this time is not a good idea.

Austin doesn't trust  Valentin.

Shawn gets up to leave  to  leave Sam to talk to her mom.

Liesl wants to talk to Anna privately.

Vincent  Novak apologies to Carly about Joey's behavior.

Gladys needs to shut her  pie hole.She is totally irritating.

Sasha tells Brando that  Maxie told  her that  Jason and Carly set a date for the wedding.

Sonny and  Peter in a shouting  match. Sonny tells  Peter  to leave  Nina alone. Nina runs in and freaks out.

Sonny demands to know  how he knows him he says  that he is in a long list  of Nina's men.

 She tells Sonny he won't see Peter again I promise.Nina asks what he did  to provoke Sonny.

She tells  Peter that the  says the baby is in St Lucia.

Liesl asks if Anna could  keep her updated on Peter's  whereabouts.

Liesl tells Anna  that She's going  to St Lucia with Scott Baldwin.Anna's like with Scott lol  really!

Maxie likes Austin she was babbling lol.Lucy is angry with Scott lol And interupts his  meeting.

Lmfao Austin he thinks  he and Maxie are friends lol.

Sam had to cut her visit with her mom short. 

Jordan tells  Jason that the threats have been neutralized.

Carly  tells Gladys off for  trying to force her way into her  wedding.

Brando tells sasha he's not going to the wedding.

Alexis  is worried  that Sam is putting herself  in danger trying to find Drew.

Dante calls Sam and tells her he has the file.Sam and Dante  meet with Anna about Drew's plane.

Shawn tells Alexis that  Someone killed  Hayden's mom.Sasha says you can  be apart  of the family without  being  part of the family.

Lucy tells Sasha  that  she  got upset with someone. Brooklynn stop lol  you're acting  suspicious.

Brooklynn thinks Austin  lol  is hot for Maxie.

Sonny TELLS  Phyllis over the phone that  Peter is leaving soon.Nina tells Peter everything she knows he  threatens  to hurt her if she's  lying

I love Jordan  believing  in   Jarly and their future together since  Sonny has been gone. 

Alexis  tells  Shawn they could work together.Love  Anna and  Sante talking about Drew and  his plane and the other passenger.

Lucy  thinks  Gladys is irritating  lol And won't help Gladys anymore.Says she's had enough of her for  a lifetime.

Brooklynn likes the way Maxie handled Austin lol.

Valentin says to Austin you don't have to become the very thing you hate. 

Scott got a  private  jet for  him  and Liesl.Sam found  the business she was looking for it's Nina's  company.

Sonny calls  Peter creepy lol, He thinks alot more than that I know that much.

Crichton Clark was  mentioned oh geez by  Anna that was the facility  Nina, Drew , Robin,   Lante and  Naxie 
Were held hostage .

Shawn tells Jordan  he needs her help.

Gladys  is  schmoozing with  The Novak dude and as per talking smack about my girl Carly. 

Carly and  Jason talking about Cyrus Sonny asks Nina out on a date.

The private jet that Liesl and Scott are going to St Lucia in  is crashing  holy shyte.

Nooo I don't  like this  son of a bitch .

That's  it for now  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Saturday, 28 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-27-21

Good Afternoon Me darlings  , sooo we learned one key element from yesterday's show... Nina is a spineless weasel who runs to her Aunt Liesl to save her  neck when  things  get too real for her .

In my opinion,  if you can't stand  the  threats  lol , brace yourself cause Peter is the least of your worries  .

Let's face it once Tsunami Carly becomes aware of what your lying
conniving ass did with her husband lol  , you're gonna wish Peter had killed your dumb ass oh and Let's not forget about Maxie lol.

Maxie won't  forgive you for messing with her friends.

Friday 's show starts off with Jax apologizing to  Carly for his bad behavior. It soon turns to another argument between them. I wish Jax would show some respect to Carly.

Jason approaches Carly with an associate named  Mr Bashima. He tells  Carly that  he received  his   invite to the wedding. He seems like  a nice man  and very respectful. 

Once Jason excuses themselves Jax says to Carly if that guy is the caliper of person  on the guest list  to the wedding Josslyn is not going   to be attending  the  wedding at all.

In my opinion  Jax needs to get the hell over himself  , Joss is 18 she doesn't need his approval any more.

Spencer surprises Auntie Alexis at the prison and he brings Esme with him.

I for one  don't  understand why  he is forcing this strange girl on his family. 

There  is definitely something not normal about her or her behavior. 

Ava visits Kiki's grave shr says she has so many regrets.Nikolas shows up to show some love and support to his wife. I really do love these 2 together. 

Maxie runs into  Austin, and  they exchange pleasantries he asks her how her vacation was so sweet.

Nina tells  Liesl over the phone  that Peter is alive. Sonny threatens Peter.

Sonny says to Peter you have a better chance at playing the lottery than playing me lol ! I love  pissed off Sonny he's  dark and dangerous and sexy as all get out  lol .

 Liesl is  getting pissed off about  Peter being in Nina's orbit.She tells her she has a plan that could definitely Peter into Liesl's direction. 

Lol Sonny  has the  measure of Peter but Phyllis is  shocked that Sonny is being rude. Umm why act all offended.

Sonny is protecting Nina from this scumbag who messes with his loved ones and  is total pure evil to boot.

Scott is  impressed that Austin is  Making himself at home in Port Charles and getting to know people. 

Jax won't shut the hell up about  Joss being at the wedding amongst the mob family connections  insufferable asshole ! He wants a slap that one.

Jason tells Bashima he won't  tolerate people  threatening his family. Bashima is  on Jason's  side about Joey Novak and his creepy behavior.

Ava shows her stubbornness Nikolas says he just wants to support her. She should just let him for Pete sake.

He says he feels  bad about accusing  Spencer. Ava  says you really hurt him.

Lol Alexis you brought  your girlfriend to prison how lovely. Lmfao love her.

Spencer spots Ryan there, He calls Ryan a monster and  says he shouldn't be where his Aunt Alexis  .

Jax is such an insufferable ass  ,He won't  shut his damn mouth.Oh my God he needs  to  be offed.Carly  is furious and Jason takes her away  from the hotel restaurant. 

lol Scott this going on vacation with Liesel they really are sweet going to St Lucia for a little  R & R I love this  .

Ava asks Nikolas if he's spoken  to  Spencer he says no he's ignoring  me even  on social media. He says  he doesn't  blame  him either  .

She asks about Laura he says my mother is not happy with  me either.

Lmfao Spencer says  🀣 I'm glad Ryan is a vegetable now.Alexis shouts Spencer. Lol I love the Cassadine Clan.

Alexis asks how things  are with him and his dad.Maxie talking to  Jax lol she sees Jax isn't happy about the impending  wedding  of  Jarly.

Phyllis apologizes for  Sonny's  rude behavior. Lmfao seriously shut up Phyllis he's not a child  stop!!!

Liesl offers to get rid of Peter if Nina can't, she says keep your head on straight lol and  don't  get caught.

Sonny real personality is definitely coming out Phyllis told him not to be rude, he can't  help it  lol its who he is.

Peter caught  Nina getting off the phone with Liesl.He says Nina who was that you were speaking too.

Alexis tells Spencer to stop deflecting and  own his mistakes. She tells him what it was like for his father growing up in the Cassadine family . 

Nikolas says he feels more alienated than ever and apologizes to Ava.He says I lost my own  son and  my mother I can't lose you too.

Omfg  Esme asks Harmony about  Ryan and she wants to speak to him.

Scott called Liesl his waffle strudel lol.

Ryan knows Esme he has a creepy look in his eyes,  and he ain't  happy .

Phyllis asks  why he's so suspicious of anyone in Nina's former life.Sonny knows there's something definitely off with Peter and he doesn't  like it at all.

Jason takes Carly to the pool area for a talk and  a drink. They  start reminiscing  about the old days and  He says  I'm starting to think  that Jax knows nothing  about you .

Jax  tells Maxie  that he isn't  unhappy about Carly getting  Married, that he's more concerned  about how it will affect  Joss  and her safety. 

Jax asks  about Nina , Maxie says that Nina is happy in Nixon Falls and  may make it her permanent home .

Peter is pissed off  at Nina for playing games with Sonny. He mentions how Carly and Jax will feel when they learn the truth about what Nina has been doing with Sonny considering Jax and Sonny hate each other. 

Liesl says the vacation is still on  she needs to make a phone call.Ava is really  upset  she says it's my  duty to keep us apart oceans apart.

Alexis says she feels bad for Nikolasand  Spencer and what they're going through she tells Spencer she read his dad the riot act for what he did to his own flesh and blood. 

Jax is finding  out about  Mike  lol and he asks who Mike is.

Maxie tells him a guy she met 

Esme is a crazy  bitch,Ryan doesn't want Esme near him. He asks Harmony to tell her to Go Go Go.

Peter says he's reminding  lol her of what  she's  doing. She says you're a sicko umm hello pot meet kettle. 

Sonny says see what I mean.... Phyllis says there was some  tension.Nina has 24 hours or  lol  πŸ˜†he tells Carly and Jax where Sonny is lol.

Liesl calls Nina and says she'll help.She tells her to tell Peter that Anna and Valentin are in St Lucia. That they can lure him there lol .

Oooh did you see the look Esme gave Ryan lol  it was the look of pure evil she is bat shit nuts this kid.

Ava tells Nikolas to make  peace with Spencer. Alexis says  that Spencer is lucky , he says  why am I lucky  ?

Alexis tells him it's because  he's loved by his father  and everyone else around him . Yup I agree with her 

Alexis tells  Spencer  to be smart and to patch things up with his dad .

Carly and Jason have evolved from Jake's they've grown up alot.

Liesl asks  Nina Do I have your blessing to wipe Peter off the map. 

Take a deep breath, have some champagne and relax she tells her. Nina says I will ! Good girl says her Aunt Liesl  she is so good with her. 

I do not trust  Esme, she's so strange. 
Harmony  is talking to Alexis and says  Esme is trouble and for Alexis should tell Spencer to stay clear of her. I don't  blame her at all.

Ava says she has people to do business with  in Europe.She doesn't  want to leave Nikolas but she has to.

She promises to love him from a far.

Jarly are so sweet lolCarly is  trying to get Jasin to dance with her. AWE

Jason almost kisses her she pulls away wait what. She wants Sonny not him. I know this much  omfg .

Phyllis says whatever going  on with Nina and Peter is not romantic.

Sonny says I have  a feeling since I met him yesterday Mr Sinclair knows who I am.

That he does Sonny that he does, that's it for now guys , until Monday this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off enjoy your weekend  everyone .

Thursday, 26 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-26-21

Good Evening  me darlings  , so  Peter is so bemused by  what Nina has been up to with Carly's husband  lol.

And threatened  to tell Carly oh boy  this is going  to be super bad ass if he helps Sonny get back to his  snarled up Carly babes who is about to marry his best friend .

If I was Nina, I'd run back to the Chuckles and fess up now , before  Peter does lol . I'd also  tell them  that he threatened me as well then  maybe Carly might give her some lienancy but I wouldn't count on it. 

Today's show starts off with  Chase  exercising  and   having memories of him and Willow.Finn walks in and sees his  brother walking lol Chase says  look ma no hands. LMFAO

Finn is  shocked and he asks why he didn't tell him.

Michael is working at home today  and Willow is surprised to see him at home . Michael says he understands she needed  time to herself.

Brooklynn lost Baileys soother but Maxie stole it. And how do we know this we saw her put it in her pocket. 

Jason is great with Joss,she is looking forward   to  helping with the wedding.

Jason asks Joss how it went  with her parents at dinner  last night. Joss  says  that   last night's dinner was terrible.

Liesl and  Britt are at the metrocourt for breakfast .Britt is upset about Jason and Carly setting the date.

Oh for crying out loud Phyllis won't  stop trying to push  Sonny with Nina. 

Peter says  eye  πŸ‘ for an eye πŸ‘ Nina I want my daughter or I take your nephew. 

I feel bad for Chase he needs to find love.Chase tells Finn that  Willow is in love with Michael not him.

Willow says it was painful, telling Chase the truth,  we are back to normal  now hopefully.

Brooklynn interupts the conversation between them.

Maxie is  so over the top with the wedding  stuff suggesting  ice sculptures in the shape  of  motorcycles.

Carly  is being very patient with her  . She says what if they melt  lol . She starts  talking  about  pale yellow and cream for  the  wedding colours .

On a side note  : Every time we mention  something  in  group lol the show takes note  lol  . I happen to have those colours for a blanket I'm 
Knitting .

Joss talking to Jason about how  her parents  can't hide their resentment towards each other.

Liesl says  that Britt had real feelings  for Jason and now she's hurt.She's right and so is Britt about  Her being miserable.

Phyllis meets Peter and  that Nina and Peter have something in common they both lost children.But Peter didn't lose his child.

Chase is being a good guy he understands how hard it was
 for both Willow and Michael. 

Willow offers to take  Bailey to the nursery. Brooklynn says  no  that she'll get used to the noise. 

Brooklynn is such  a good  person,She said  you messed up but  you  thought you were doing the right thing! You did it  out of kindness and respect  not to hurt him.

Maxie and Carly talk about the traditional  weddings , and how its important to keep them classy , but understated.

I love Britt , she  always  expresses her feelings mo matter what anyone thinks. She wants  to celebrate she and her mother  do a toast and run into Maxie.

Awe Joss, she understands more than  everyone gives her credit  for .

Joss and Jason  keep talking about her parents. Jason points out that  Jax didn't have a problem with him until now.  Joss  says unless my  dad is flat out jealous  and still in love with my

Omfg πŸ˜†πŸ€£ Joss thinks her dad is being a total jerk lol here here! Well said my girl you're preaching to the choir.

Sonny and  Phyllis don't  trust Peter not a shock lol.

Chase says he knows how lucky  Michael is. Finn thinks  Chase should be angry and want to punch Michael's lights out .

Yeah like that's going  to solve  things. 

Brooklynn is annoyed with Michael, but he says the Will is unsigned  he has no leg to stand on.

Cop shows up to see Phyllis, to offer his condolences. Michael asks  Willow to help him she says I'm with  Brooklynn.

Chase has resigned himself to the fact Michael and Willow are together got Wiley.

I think Chase needs to lol  be with Brooklynn.

Brooklynn  doesn't  like  Austin at all lol  and  she doesn't trust him.Michael asks  Willow to help him she says I'm with  Brooklynn.

Maxie is trying  to convince Liesl that Carly and Jason are Good thing.Britt says you know who else that sounds like us.

Lmfao Joss is so sweet she Says i always  relied on moms experience but not now.She is so happy for her mom and Jason.

Lmfao Cop asking Peter  questions Peter  shows Nina  his gun behind his back .

Sonny and Phyllys leave, Peter says  Nina made  a fatal mistake.

Finn wants to go camping   πŸ•.And go hiking Chase said  soon not now though. 

I love Willow,She says  she gets major sketchy vibes from Austin.Brooklynn loves  Willow because she totally understands  Brooklynn  and the way she thinks  lol.

Jason shows up to see Michael. Willow tell Jason they are back together.Jason is gonna ask  Michael to be his best man I bet.

Lmfao  Joss talks to her mom before Carly can say anything  Joss heads her mom off at the pass Says relax I already talked to  Jason I'm good.

Britt wants Maxie to make the Jarly   wedding to be beautiful ,but Liesl says  lol  ..... πŸ˜† it would be a shame if they band didn't turn  up not enough to ruin it though. 

They all break up laughing, best trio ever in my opinion. 

Sonny over hears Peter threatening Nina and he ain't  happy.

Jason tells them  the wedding date is September  17th and asks Michael  to be his best man.  I told you he would ask Michael.

Joss says I love dad,  but I can't wait for you two to get married.Carly asks  Joss  to be her maid of honor.

Oh shit,Sonny asks to take a walk with Peter. Awe maxie and Britt leaving together.

Liesl gets a call from Nina for help! She's scared shitless of what Peter might do to her at this stage  of the game. 

Sonny says  why do I get the feeling Nina doesn't like you lol. 

Whoa Nelly, this episode  was a nail biter. I can't wait to see what  Liesl does to Peter.

That's it for now,  this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-25-21

Good Afternoon me darling readers  ,  the  shyte is gonna hit the fan on Today's episode  for August 25th 2021. . 

According to  the preview there is a lead on little Louise's whereabouts Valentin informs  Maxie.

Yikes !!!

The question is will this latest set back  make the secret between Maxie and  Brooklynn blow up  in their faces?

Today's show starts off with Chase being begged not to go against the Q's.

He gives them the letter back, and leaves. 

Phyllis is upset and crying! Maxie is in turbo wedding planner mode when  she approaches Jarly. 

Maxie sees Bailey, or little Lou as it happens. 

Peter asks Nina  what Sonny Corinthos is doing  in Nixon Falls.

He pulls a gun in her, and demands answers .

Spencer is angry about Kevin taking control of his life.

I do not like  Esme, Joss and Cam meeting her parents for dinner.

Can we say AWKWARD already. Lmfao.

Nina says Damn can't we play nice lol.
She asks Peter to relax, and have a drink .

Awe Maxie  is freaking out, Valentin says there's been a development in Louise's  case.

Michael is pissed at Austin, it's clear he doesn't like the games  Austin is playing. 

Esme is  a creepy assed bitch , Fatal attraction or what she's clearly jealous of Spencer's interest in our girl Trina.

Lmfao the kids are filling  in Carly and Jax on what Nikolas did at the party.

Jax is being a total jerk  lol, it's okay though lol Carly is a dab hand at dealing with jerks with an arrogant attitude. 

Carly says why don't we for Josslyn's sake let it go.

Joss is acting like  lol a spectator at a tennis match looking at her parents  lol.

Brooklynn tells  Michael not to listen to this snake. I don't  trust  Austin either he's nothing but  a  slimy opportunist.

Michael and Brooklynn double teaming Austin for doing what he did with Chase.

Austin tries to appeal to their  better na tures. Brooklynn  says Any sympathy points you wanted about your dad  have been used up.Nice sob story  but we aren't buying it are we Michael ?

Willow shows up to see Chase, when   She says  that Michael and  I realized  how much we cared for each other

Chase needs to be  a lot more understanding towards Willow.

Spencer is  thanking Trina for not ratting him out.Esme is  staking her claim she asks to speak to Trina alone. 

Peter says he's got some leads on his daughter.Peter tells Nina he's been tailing Maxie  he's being a pompous arrogant asshole but what else is new.

He wants to know what is up with Nina and Sonny.

Sonny thanks Phyllis for being there for him and he wants to be there for her too and that he really misses Lenny.

Carly is freaking out about Joss going away to college. Joss says she'll be home every weekend  Jax finds out when the wedding date is.

Joss senses the tension and asks them both what's wrong.

 Valentin  tells Maxie that he is almost certain Peter survived she  says I doubt that.

Nina tells Peter about what happened to Nelle and how she came here and  found Sonny here in Nixon Falls.

Peter asks about Sonny's memory  and how long that's been like this. 

Peter is gonna threaten to tell Jason and Carly. It's been almost a year since he disappeared from Port Charles. 

Carly sends the kids to the pool so she can deal with Jax.Joss is freaking out about how her parents behaved in front  of Cam.

Cam says  I don't care  about how crazy  your family is,  I care about you , you make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world lol.

Now that is a sweet dedicated young lad.

Esme is charming  Trina, buttering her up , probably setting her up for a fall. I do not trust this kid at all .Spencer says what  did I miss.

Willow says she just wanted to repay Chase for everything he did for her

Michael says i recently  lost my father too,Michael and Brooklynn do not like him.  Austin says my condolences.  Michael says  my  father believed in family  so do I and that's  why I don't like you interfering! I'm not coming after the family Austin says. 

Brooklynn says coming after Elq is coming after our family.Michael says you used Chase why would I let you  in with those methods.

Omfg Austin says Chase is not your friend. Michael hands him the paper. 

Chase keeps justifying what he did  but he won't  hear her out on what she did.

Esme needs to shut her mouth,she keeps saying  rude things to Trina. 

Joss and  Cam show up she said we're busy  we have school to get ready for.

Esme is being a total  scumbag bitch, Being around Trina and plotting and playing mind games  with people. 

Sonny says he feels an ache like he's missing something.Phyllis says I can see you're in love with Nina.

Go Peter do it you warn her  you'll rat her out to Carly.Peter wants Nina to help him worm his way back into  Maxies good graces Nina says or you'll do what.

Jax and Carly are arguing about  Joss and the business.

Maxie is told not to  rush back to work. She says she won't  .

Peter is threatening Nina with sicking Carly on her.Peter knows Nina knows where Louise is.

Making a deal with the devil is a bad  freaking move. Phyllis says she knew that Lenny was the one for her.

Phyllis should not encourage  Sonny to be with Nina.

Willow says I will always love you for what you did for Wiley and me.Chase says Sasha told him that Willow and Michael would fall for each other.

Jax says Carly is one of the most important peoplr in his life.

Carly says  that he used to be like that for her he used to see things in a Gray area but  only  sees black and white . She says we used to trust each other  but not anymore.

Esme wants to  go to PCU, she says it might be fun . This girl is frigging unhinged. She reminds me of Sage Alcazar a real pain in the ass.

Valentin hands Louise to  Maxie and goes to talk to  Austin who tells him he has the keys to the ELQ kingdom.

Nina says , you're Faison's son why would I trust  you at  all.

Peter is a bit amused at her remark as are Cindy and me

We laughed even more  when Peter said  You said  lol πŸ˜†I'm Faison's son , you'd be wise to remember that if you double cross me.

Sonny walks in and asks how the visit is going . Peter tells Sonny that he looks forward  to getting to know him lol.

Peter better be careful Sonny knows how to use guns.

That's  a wrap guys,  until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-24-21

Good Afternoon me darlings , I don't  know  what to think about Peter being alive after we all witnessed Finn chucking him down the stairs like  a big ole sack of  potatoes .

Not to mention the massive pool of blood pouring from his head , and as some fans pointed out how could  Finn and Elizabeth not  find the pulse  in his body.

Given the fact they are medical professionals for goodness sake this makes them look incompetent!  
They should have double checked to make sure he was alive . 

 I guarantee once this comes to pass they should  have  both of their medical licenses revoked .

 We even saw his corpse in the freezer in the  sub basement of the hospital  so wtaf is going on. 

I definitely  hope there is a logical reason courtesy of a flashback episode to explain  how this is even  remotely  possible at all.

Mama Ashley and everyone  at General  Hospital Canada, are  all sorts of confused right now. 

Today's  show   starts off with Drew he's having visions  of  Sam and Scout.

Sam and Dante talking about a file from the WSB.

Sam says  she just  knows Drew is  alive.

Peter is so creepy and he sees Sonny .

He says are you alright you look like you've seen a ghost. Lol πŸ˜†well sorta kinda not really lol.

Carly says they have to invite the 5 families to the wedding.

Britt runs into  Austin who won't  talk to her. He's so bloody rude no manners at all .

Willow says there's something she and  Michael  have to talk to Chase about.He says I'm listening.

Peter says well this is strange you don't know who I am that's  most unfortunate. 

Maxie talks to  Brooklynn  on the phont about  seeing Bailey.

Drew keeps seeing the  vision of  Sam.The nurse says don't  die on me ok.

It's the real nurse that Maxie was going to hire, before Peter got to her and kidnapped her.

Sam is getting upset  hearing Dante talking to Rocco. When Dante gets off the phone she says I want that for Scout.

Chase tells Willow he knows about her and Michael loving each other.

Chase did them a favor lol, let's be honest here. 

Carly says  she prefers wedding planning to having dinner with Jax lol.Umm yep i would  too.

Jason says they have to live with our choices.

Elizabeth is told she can't take her vacation days that she  has double shifts this weekend .

Elizabeth says petty to the end, yeah that's right Britt says .

Chase wtaf,Seriously bro stop being a jerk already  and hear them out .

Brooklynn is on the phone with Nina and is annoyed with Nina for sending  Maxie back to Port Charles.

Sonny wants to know  what  Peter is doing in Nixon Falls. He says he's a writer lol on vacation. 

Chloe the nurse says she's a hostage too.

Britt on the phone with her mother  she says she's gonna take vacation days after her mother insists she does. 

Elizabeth lol talked to Terry about her vacation days.

Carly asks  if Jason is nervous  about marrying  her. Jason  says he hates that  he hurt  Britt and no he's not.

Ha Brooklynn let's Austin have it, when he shows up at the Quartermaine mansion saying he has no business being there at all.

Willow telling  Chase it was so hard  to  tell him the truth  with him being so sick.

Chase is furious at Michael ,Michael says  you don't  understand how hard it was for her.

He says that Chase has to understand that she had the best of intentions.

Chase  is really not as nice as he used to be .

Chloe tells Drew what happened to her oh brother.

Drew asks if she has  kids  she says no  and he says I have a little  girl I want to go home to her.

Sam talking about finding Drew , for their daughter so she has her dad around for her growing up.

Peter and Sonny are killing me,He says he wants to find something of value lol.

Nina freaks out when she sees Peter Lmfao and drops a glass pitcher.

Comes to mind the John  Mellencamp song when the walls coming tumbling Down . They sure will be when  Carly finds out .

Drew telling Chloe we have to find a way  to  gain their trust and make our escape.

Nina is  starting  to  lose it, she can't handle what she's done  anymore I feel.

Maxie tells  Carly  she missed everyone. Carly and Jason are glad to see her.Maxie says she's furious with herself about how she  handled the Peter situation.

Britt is pissed off that  Terry undermined her in telling Elizabeth yes about having  time off.

Go Brooklynn you tell him girl, 
Austin is letting her lip off not saying  word .

Chase is told by Willow you wanted honesty  I love you but I'm in love with Michael.

Chase says the first lie I told  broke us apart.He stands up  and  walks  towards  them.

This show is stressing me out I actually feel Nina's  shock and horror.

Willow is in shock, they find out he's been walking with assistance since Wylie's party .

Michael wants to know  why Chase never confronted them after the party.

Brooklynn heads  Austin  off at the pass to talk to Chase. 

Terry is annoyed that Elizabeth went Behind  Britt's back to ask her for time off now  Britt says Amy lol will do it, and tells Elizabeth to enjoy her weekend off. 

Sonny is concerned about Nina being alone  with Peter! If he only knew how right  he is.

Maxie is wanting to  help Carly and Jason.She says she feels guilty about what  Peter did to Jason.

Sam wants to kill Peter, lol get in line Sam lol.

Drew trusts Chloe to help himCome on Drew lol.

Maxie says  she's  so excited to  help jarly plan their wedding.

Nina assures Sonny that she's fine  lol.

Ha Peter, of all the gin joints in the world  I had to walk into this one. 
He asks her what  she's gotten
 herself into this  time.

Drew has visions of  Scout again.Sam and Dante  talk about the time that Scout and Drew have lost.

Dante says he's making up for him being away from Rocco.Sam says  I wish I could have that for Drew and Scout.

Britt and  Terry  and Elizabeth are killing me.

Brooklynn tells Michael and Wllloe about the letter that Edward wrote that  Chase found. 

Michael , Willow and Brooklynn ask Chase not to  Give Austin the letter. 

That's it for now,  this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing  off  good night and sweet GH dreams everyone  .

Monday, 23 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-23-21

Good lord have Mercy on me , you do not know of what I could do to  certain  characters currently  in front  runner storylines on my beloved General Hospital .

One of the ten commandments is thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife . In this case its a woman's husband lol .

Another one is thou shall not commit murder ... lord forgive but Carly would be well within her rights  to beat Nina to death .

Today's  show starts off with  Nina  shocked to  see Maxie on the other side of the door of the Tan-0. 

Marty asks Valentin if he's trying  to protect  Anna from him .Lmfao not exactly.... Valentin says  he wants to protect  Marty from Anna .

Marty leaves in a hurry and heads to Laura's once he gets a phone call.

Over at Laura's  Marty shows up and Laura and  Marty are  wondering  what the hell their brother has done now.

Austin cancels his lunch date with Valentin. Sam meets Dante and they talk about how he's there to  meet them for pool time. 

Dante says that  Sam isn't dressed for the pool .

Maxie says she's stopped in to see Nina before heading back to Port Charles. 

Brooklynn flips out when she sees that  Chase is walking again. Michael and Willow are freaking out about Chase.

Jordan shows up at Laura and Kevin's and tells them that  Cyrus put out a  contract hit on Laura and Marty .

Leo is busy messing around on his chair and ignores his big sister Sam.

Valentin asks Anna out for lunch she tells him no she already has a lunch date .

Sam approaches them  and Anna asks Valentin if he remembers Sam which I thought was a little  crazy considering the fact he's her step uncle through Helena. 

Ned approaches Austin and asks him what he wants from the family, because he's not entitled to any shares. 

He says  I  want a seat at the Quartermaine table  .

Brooklynn says that Chase has been passive aggressive since Wiley's birthday party . She pushes him down. 

Willow says she's going to tell Chase the truth that she loves Michael and not him. 

Maxie shows Nina a picture of the kids wearing matching cowboy hats. 

Maxie says she's thirsty and  asks Nina if she can have a glass of wine. 

Nina tries to stop her from staying , but we all know Maxie lol , is not one  to take a freaking hint. 

Maxie says Dante called her and said they found Peter's blood in the sub basement of Gh.

Sam  says to Valentin i want to talk to you about one of his victims Drew Cain.

Olivia needs to butt out  of  Dante's love life. Seriously she needs to worry more about Leo than her son whose a grown assed man.

Austin is a scum bag, all he wants is the Quartermaine's money he doesn't care about the upheaval and the stress he's putting on his own family .

Talk about  selfish , self serving asshole. 

Go Ned,You tell him straight out what's what .

Brooklynn finds a letter about Edward's will possibly being changed that Chase had his hands on.

Chase is a slimeball, He should not do this to his friends.

Laura wants to know why  Cyrus wants to go after them now.

Jordan says the 2 of them are in danger.

Austin questions  Ned, Ned says he wants to make sure this is kept out of the courts.

Brooklynn wants to know why Chase is  taking  Austin's side.He says he wants to get back at Michael  because of Willow.

Michael and  Willow talk  about how she is not a bad person , which she most certainly is not.   

She needs to take  a breath and  think before she jumps into telling Chase the truth. 

Olivia is freaking out over a cut on Leo's finger. 

Sam tells Valentin about the call she got from the guy who says he's Drew. 

Maxie  pours her heart out to Nina about Louise.She asks Nina if she can stay in Nixon Falls with  her.

I want Maxie to catch Nina out lol, this is getting beyond ridiculous Nina is acting more guilty and unhinged the longer she keeps the truth from Smike and the Corinthos clan.

Unfortunately that did not come to pass. 

Austin tells Ned he may have info they may not  be aware of yet . Olivia tells Ned about Leo's finger. 

Austin looks at  Leo's  finger. 

Chase tells Brooklynn that he knows that Michael and Willow have been cheating  on  him.Brooklynn says you may think you're hurting Michael but you're hurting the rest of my family too.

Michael is upset about hurting Chase that he's  the closest thing he has to a brother since Morgan died.

Willow says Chase has the  right to know the truth she thanks him for backing her up.

Jordan says  that They're going to  put  Laura and Marty under protective custody  oh my God.

Marty is worried that  Cyrus will go after his mom. Jordan says that they'll keep an eye on Florence for him.

Laura is pissed she asks if she has a choice here. Kevin wants to go with her but she tells him to stay in Port Charles. 

Anna asks Sam if she thinks  someone is manipulating her.They wonder if Peter knows where Drew is.

Maxie is insisting on staying  with Nina ... she says Sorry Maxie you have to leave now once Sonny sends a text and  says he's coming back down.

Oh brother home girl doesn't  wanna get caught lol.

Laura wants Kevin to be Spencer's sense of reason and be there for him when she can not.  

She's worried about the rest of the family.  Jordan says don't worry we'll watch out for them. 

Lmfao Marty wants the croissants that are on the table and asks if they can box them and take them with them to the safe house .

Austin gives Leo a fidget spinner.Go 

Brooklynn you tell Chase what's what.She doesn't like  the way that Chase is going after Michael  and hurting others out of spite.

Michael says I don't want you to face Chase alone.Michael Wants to face chase and says he would expect Chase to do the same if the  situation was reversed. 

Sam wants to look at the reports of the plane  crash.

Nina keeps urging Maxie to go home and see her kids .

Ned and  Olivia thank Austin for helping Leo.He wants an appointment booked to see Leo again I think he may want to do DNA on him.

Awe Laura and KEVIN are so sweet, they will miss each other .

Austin listens to the message  from Chase that says he found something.

Brooklynn hopes Chase makes the right decision. She doesn't want to lose him as a friend.Willow and Michael interrupt their conversation.

Nina gets a text from Sonny saying he's on his way back.  She manages to get Maxie to leave  ... good God.

Nina is all freaked out after Maxie leaves. I hate to say this but the truth will out. 

Maxie leaves, and we see her outside the Tan-O. 

We see a man's  feet hands and body .... the  camera pans  up and its Peter.

Jumping Judas how the hekl did he survive the push down the stairs  ? 

That's it for now , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-20-21

Good Morning everyone  happy Monday. I know that  Friday's show was pre-empted and most  of  you only  say the last few minutes. 

Monday's episode  started off with Nina and Sonny at the Tan-0.  She says she  doesn't  know how he could  hold Phyllis' hand the whole  time  while dealing with his own  grief. 

He says  people are like that when they love each other. 

Joss says she's off to meet Trina, she asks her mom where she was last night after she brought her home from Wyndemere. 

Cam finds out from Trina  that  Spencer has a girlfriend  . Trina ain't  too thrilled about it either you can tell she is angry. 

Spencer and Esme surprised Laura and Kevin with a pastry breakfast. 

Anna and Marty find out they have things in common, mainly Valentin. 

Brooklynn and  Valentin talk about Bailey and Anna. They are really sweet together these two I want them together. 

Chase gets a text from Austin that says " Can I count in you "

Michael and  Willow acting all cute , they don't realize Chase is there and witnessed their closeness. He says don't  stop on my account!

At the Tan-0  Sonny says it's too quiet,  Nina tells him that  Lenny would hate this!

Awe they start reminiscing about  Lenny dancing with Phyllis before he died .

Carly stops Joss from leaving just yet, she says she wants to talk to Joss and Michael together. 

Michael gets a  text from his mom saying she wants to see him and  he leaves. 

Chase asks why  she didn't go with him . She says that Carly wanted to talk to her kids alone.

I do not like this Esme , she is acts like  she's  better than everyone  else  and is a total ass kissing weirdo. 

Laura asks why Spencer's never mentioned Esme before . He tells her that he did not want to shock  her. 

Marty is really sweet on Anna , he tells her he is fascinated by her and she asks if he's hitting on her.  Lmfao yup Anna that he is!

Chase is getting on my nerves with his behavior towards Willow. 

Valentin and Brooklynn talk more about  Bailey and what a wonderful dad he is. 

They talk to  Chase and Willow  about Austin . Brooklynn says she doesn't like or trust him !

Chase says I'm not a Quartermaine,  but I will always side with  a guy whose been left in the dark .

Brooklynn says they only have  Austin's say so on his claims to the Quartermaine's money .

Valentin says that he's having lunch with Austin,  we'll see if he  has proof then.

I don't like the lies  and games  Willow and Chase are playing with each other. 

If you don't  want to be with him for God sake tell the God damn truth already .

And if you know this Chase why keep up the presence with her and lying about your health prognosis. 

Marty is really laying it on thick with Anna , flirting up a storm I literally couldn't stop laughing  lol.

Laura tells Spencer she thinks Esme is a nice girl! Spencer says I thought she was too cool for me at first. 

Oh my  word Kevin says  perhaps she thinks you're cool !

Laura and Kevin talk to Spencer about Nikolas, but Spencer is not giving  any Lee way for his father at all.

Kevin says he thought Spencer was guilty of stalking Ava at first, but judging from other events he doesn't think so anymore. 

Laura says  that Nikolas loves Spencer,  but Spencer says that his dad has a warped way of showing it.

Kevin says at first I thought Nikolas was right given your dislike for Ava .

 Spencer says  I don't have the time or the emotional bandwidth to deal with my father right now. 

He tells his grandmother that he has to find  a place for himself and Esme to live. 

Laura says  there's no way you and Esme are going to live together. 

At Kelly's Trina and Cam talking about weird last night was , she tells him about Esme. 

And like a bad smell Esme shows up at Kelly's. 

Trina introduces Cam to Esme who tells him she heard all about him from Spencer.

Michael shows up at his mom's and asks her and Joss what he's missed.

Carly tells them that  she and Jason set the date for the wedding September 17th. 

Sonny and Nina in Lenny's trunk for stuff for his memorial wall. Sonny looks at Phyllis and Lenny's wedding photo and starts  having a flash of Carly and you can almost see her face. 

Sonny tells Nina about seeing a vision of the blond woman in a wedding gown.

Carly and the kids discuss the wedding.  Joss goes to meet her friends at Kelly's. 

Michael questions  his mother about the wedding  . 

Laura and Kevin convince  Spencer not to move in with Esme.

Spencer says he has money  , Laura says no your father has money . 

Spencer says we were going to move into Wyndemere. He says but that's not an option now!

Marty says that Anna is mysterious and interesting and he likes that about her. 

Valentin watches from afar .

Brooklynn asks Bailey how she's going to explain things to Valentin when she goes home with her real mom Maxie.

Chase is being a complete and utter asshole lying to Willow.  She tells him nothing has changed between us .

He says Oh really nothing,  I think he should just tell her that he knows about her and Michael.

Valentin lol, watches and listens  to Marty flirting with Anna . When he approaches them he says " Hey Kids , am I interrupting something?"

Anna gets up and  excuses herself Valentin is clearly jealous when Marty says that's one amazing woman , one you can take home to mother. 

Valentin says dryly not my mother lol. 

Laura asks if Spencer is going to get a job asks Cameron if there is a job at Kelly's. 

Spencer is still not willing to talk to his dad , Kevin says you can't walk around with all this unresolved anger. 

Joss walks into Kelly's and she's introduced to  Esme. Esme tells Joss she knows all about her from what Spencer told her about her. 

Joss is like wait what when Trina tells her that Esme is Spencer's girlfriend. 

Sonny talks about souls and spirits and how Lenny is probably watching over them right now . I love this!

Sonny goes to kiss Nina and she says no we can't this is wrong. 

Carly tells Michael she and Jason want a small wedding with everyone they love being there .

Michael and Carly talk about Chase and Willow and how he (Michael ) and Willow were thrown together

He says that they were friends before they fell for each other . He's says that could happen for his mom and Jason .

Chase is angry and upset with Willoe feeling sorry for himself  . He talks about how he can't walk. She says  you learn to live again!

She almost tells him the truth,  he and she are both upset. 

Sonny wonders what's bothering Nina. Nina says  that she  really liked him , but that she is concerned about Phyllis.  Yeah right lying skank.

Carly tells Michael it's kind and generous  for him to havr Chase stay with him at the  Quartermaine's. 

Willow is freaking out so bad that she calls Michael she tells him that she needs to see him straight away .

Joss clearly does not like or trust Esme. Spencer shows up .

Valentin tells Marty that Anna is off limits.  Marty gets a phone  call and hurries away .

Chase is standing up and looking for evidence against  the Quartermaine's  for Austin.

Brooklynn sees Chase out of the wheelchair  , he's so freaking  busted. 

Carly tells Michael you can tell Me anything. 

Sonny tells Nina he should  go. Someone  knocks on the Tan-0 door Nina says we're closed .

The person won't  give up, she opens the door and  sees Maxie standing there.  Omfg this just got really real .

Valentin and Anna really are cute together . I like him better with her than with Crazy Nina .

Uh Oh Marty shows up to see Laura about what I do not know  . 

Esme is a conniving witch I do not like her at all and neither do  Joss and Trina.

Cam says well Spencer is a jerk and  Esme is  a little extra lol .

Willow tells Michael she can't do it anymore and  wants  to tell the truth.  

Brooklynn is shocked when she sees Chase out of the wheelchair.  Quick Brookie call Michael lol πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ before you bust his chops .

That's it for now guys until , later this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone  and Happy GH watching. 

Thursday, 19 August 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 8-19-21

I'm so dizzy my head is spinning  thanks to  the Nikolas and Spencer scenes  and the Drew  scenes  from yesterday's show.

I'm literally wanting  to smack a brat and his son. I'm so excited for what Cameron Mathieson is gonna bring to the table as Drew.

So without further ado let's  take a peek into what's going  on in the Chuckles today .

Today's  show begins with   Carly and  Jason talking about Nikolas.Jason  says the meeting  gave him a chance to see where they were at with the five families he says they're in trouble.

Awe Spencer wants to get to know Trina more awe.Laura says her worst fear is coming true  he's becoming a Cassadine

Oh my gosh  Portia is  trying to calm Ava down but to no avail. That poor woman. 

Britt is  at  the Savoy, She is having flashbacks of Jason  and  she hears the nurses all sitting and laughing.

Jason says we have to convince them they're winning.Carly says how do we do that he says we get married.

I think Sonny needs to get  his memory back now lol.Carly  says the 5 families  cant  divide  and conquer them.

Jason and Carly's marriage won't be legal she is still married to Sonny.

Jason told her its an ultimatum we either  get married or  eliminate you.

Britt is trying to be so sweet  to the ladies but they aren't giving her an inch or being nice.

Catty bitches.... seriously  man. 

Portia says it's a miracle that Ava  is handling things at all after all that's happened.

Ava says her car was the only casualty other than her nerves she tells Kevin .

Awe Laura is trying to talk sense  into Nikolas. He is so effing stubborn πŸ™„I want to slap him into next week.

Awe Spencer and Trina are absolutely adorable! They really do like and care for each other. 

I love how they talk sense into  each other and  are so cute lol. He says 
 no one  tells Spencer Cassadine  what  to do  lol... Trina says except your grandmother!

Lmfao he says except  my grandmother. Lmfao. He says come  on let's go ! The girl from the hospital says not with out me you're not !

Ava asks Kevin nervously what happened at Wyndemere.Kevin says I'm more concerned about you and the stress you're under.

She shows him Kiki's badge and tells him how it was in the hospital corridor. 

Esme Prince is her name  scheming little bitch is her game.  I have a sneaking suspicion she put Spencer up to this!

Laura says I  warned you not to get involved  with Cyrus Renault.

Terry feels guilty about what the girls did to her at the table.So she goes  up to talk to her.

These women need to  be kinder to Britt. Britt isn't the women who set Emma's doll on fire anymore.

Kevin asks Ava if she still thinks  
Ryan is her stalker.She says i don't know.Kevin said I don't  know either.

Lol Trina is pissed at Spencer for failing to mention  his gf.Esme is pissed too cause Spencer didn't introduce her as his girlfriend. 

Lmfao Jarly are the topic of gossip at the Savoy and their impending marriage.

Bobbie should not  be partaking in the gossip about her own daughter. It's just too tacky for my liking. 

Britt and Terry , are talking Terry says don't  be surprise what you dug up you planted.

Terry says if you want their respect  you have to earn it.You burned some pretty big bridges so you have to rebuild them.

Jason tells Carly  that they think she's gonna turn them into the feds and  them threatening her is the worst mistake they could make.

Jason says  they should set the wedding date and  send out the 
invites for the wedding .

Carly asks if any part of the wedding is going to be about us.

Piffy approaches and says Terry sent me over here because you want to talk to me 

 Awe Britt apologizes  to Piffy about what she did to her. Piffy isn't making it easy for her at all.

Spencer talking to Esme she is a skeezy bitch I do not like this evil bitch at all.He is pissed with  her when he hears she set Ava's car on fire.

Trina runs into  Kevin's office and hugs Ava when  she claps eyes on her .

Portia comes in and says that  the  police want to talk to her.

Ava says thank you , you two for checking in on me.

Laura says Nikolas will lose everything and everyone if he  keeps up the behavior.

Portia finds out Trina was at Wyndemere with the kids and that things got bad.

Britt says by all means unleash on me.Britt is egging Piffy on to tear a strip off of her lol.Piffy is shocked.

I think she's starting  to like her , but she tells her off lol something fierce. 

Piffy has a new respect for her for saving Jason and says he's my friend so I'm grateful for you helping him.

She said she might need a second opinion yikes. 

Awe Portia feels bad for Spencer,  and says what Nikolas did was a crime.

Kevin asks if Ava if she  finished her statement she said yes.

She's still worried  about where she can go to keep herself safe.

Nikolas tries to  apologize   to Spencer when  he walks in.But they are totally distracted by the little strumpet he has with him.

Spencer says he has nothing to say to  his father.Spencer is going to move in with Laura and Kevin I think.

Trina is upset that Spencer has a girlfriend. Spencer says he wishes that his father had never come back.

And that he's going to stay with Laura and Kevin.

Carly is freaking out about the impending wedding to Jason
She's so nervous  that she says that it's not a normal marriage and what will everyone else think. 

She says your mom loves you,  but barley tolerates Me as it is . they pick a wedding date September 1st.

Great show again , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone.