
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

GHCanada Uprising Weekly Recap June 27 th - July 1st 2022


This  week's GH starting with Monday June 27th has left me with a very bitter taste  in  my mouth.

Im thoroughly disgusted with Ned because of his disloyalty to  his own family.

Voting against the merger because why ? Because he  feels  he's not  included in the decisions

Actually  yes he  was  and  instead  of ironing out the kinks in the  plans  he  and Lucy voted  against  the merger.

This has hurt other people in his  family including Brooklynn and Carly.

Lucy was right about one  thing  Lila would be  furious about  what was  going on .

Meanwhile  Sonny  has  tried to  make  Dex and Brando make  peace  and  get along.

Brooklynn found out Linc dropped  the charges against him , but that Jordan was disappointed  in him.

Olivia lol, let Nina  know exactly  how she feels about what Nina  has  done to both Carly and Michael.

When is Nina going pto realize  that  Crimson being at the metrocourt is a  very bad idea.

Awe Violet what a sweet  little  peanut  she is she  loves her  Uncle Chase.

Carly was prematurely celebrating the merger with Joss and  Bobbie.

They talked about their wild days. Wild days more like they were the Hoebags of  Port Charles. 

I'm a fan of both  so I'm  not  gonna sugar  coat it . Lol hands up  my girls were permiscuous lol  and raging bitches.

Willow was told by Michael  to  go  relax and have fun at the metrocourt pool.

She  does not  look well at  all , and I'm surprised Lucy did not  mention it  to anyone .

Brooklynn tells  Chase she's gonna  work with  Linc in exchange for him dropping the charges against Chase.

Drew got a call saying that Aurora stock had plummeted because the merger did not go through.

Dex and Brando have a decent conversation and Dex winds up  calling Michael.

Brooklynn and  Olivia arrive home  to  find out that Ned sided with Valentin.
Neither was  best  pleased about it.

Carly found out from Drew that the merger did not go through.

Sonny arrived at  the metrocourt in time to  talk to Nina. They and Sasha  saw Willow  faint .

Karma is about to come get Nina !The daughter she so desperately wanted  she treated like  shit and  now  she's about to find out not only is  she ill , but her  own daughter.

Phew what an episode, until next  time guys this is Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing  off have  a  great tuesday everyone.


My  god  !!!  What a stress induced episode for June 29th 2022. I felt  bad  for  Willow and  Carly  most  of all.

First we had Willow fainting and  Carly found out about  the  Aurora stock plumeting.

Ned was  not  seeing sense  going  against  his  own  family and  sided with Valentin.

Michael was shown on the  phone  talking about  his dad. Leo over heard the cnversation .

He  asked what  he's  doing  to  Sonny.

Anna and Felicia were at  Kelly's  having a coffee and  talking  about her date with Valentin.

Victor and Valentin showed up and Victor annoyed the  crap  out of Anna and Felicia.

Liesl was at the pool meeting Nina when  Willow  fainted . She  and Sonny both jumped  into action and I loved it.

Liesl  was  my  bright  spot for  the  episode. She  called Sonny the  dimpled Mafioso and then told Victor lol that vampires don't usually  come  out in daylight.

Truthfully i think Nina is obsessed with Sonny . 

I  also  think he has stockholm syndrome and believes anything she says because he  trusts her way too much.

I  felt  bad  for Carly she's  lost everything and can't afford to buy the hotel back.

Olivia told Ned off for being an asshole to his family.  Poor Leo hurt himself at  the stables.

Instead of  supporting Drew and Michael he  stabbed them  in  the  back.

At  GH  Epiphany  and TJ jumped into action to  help  their friend.

Sasha called Michael who  rushed  by  his  girl's  side .

Sonny  meets with Nina  and tells  her Michael showed up at  the  hospital to see Willow.

Michael didn't want Sonny there.

Tests were  done on Willow  and it  turns out  she's  pregnant.

Valentin arrives to  see  Anna  then makes  a hasty exit once  Victor  calls him.

What  the  hell  are  they up  to?

That's it  for now until tomorrow  , this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  for  now have a great day  everyone.


And away we go Thursday' s episode  for June  30th 2022 was very ,very interesting indeed.

First we had seen Michael finding out Willow was pregnant after he had  a  heart  to  heart talk with Sasha.

And then  we  saw Spencer asking Brad  to  smooth  things  over  for  him and  Britt.

Cody  says he  wants to  stick around for our Britt.

Trina told  Curtis  she's meeting Joss at  the  pool.

Coincidentally Rory was and he ran into  Esme and he  tried to get info  out  of her.

She whined about Kevin stopping her from seeing Ryan at  SpringRidge.

Trina promised she wouldn't go to anymore biker bars lol .

Sasha finds  out from TJ that  Willow  is  pregnant and  leaves the  hospital.

Willow tells Michael her happy news.

Gladys expressed her desires of  Brandoto have better career goals for himself.

Curtis and Marshall talk about Trina's situation. Marshall says that he still has connections and can help clear Trina.

Spinelli is acting all  kinds of weird , around  Cody.  It's because he  doesn't  want  anyone knowing he's the owner of  the  dating app.

Spencer begs Britt  to forgive him  and he asks her and Brad to run a DNA test to find out who Esme's biological parents are.

Esme clocks it  that  Rory is  trying  to  get info from her  and  quickly leaves when Trina shows up.

Spinelli quickly calls Zelda to  say  that Cody is making  trouble  for  them.

LmfaoTrina tells Rory to stop taking risks .  Britt tells  Brad Spencer  wants her help locating Esme's biological parents.

Sasha over hears Brando and Gladys  discussing her.  She gets a  call  from the  paparazzi dude.

She asks him what he wants from her.

Marshall calls his old contact after  telling  Curtis and  TJ  that  he  wants to help Trina too.

Wow  great  episode .  The  end is  Nigh for  the poisonous jealous  witch that is Esme.

Until next  time  guys, this  is  Mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great  day everyone.

FRIDAY JULY 1st 2022

Hey , hey  happy  Sunday ,  so  this  will  be a short recap as  its the  long weekend on both sides of  the border.

Joss and Trina met at the pool and talked about Rory and what happened with  him and  Esme.

Sasha was on edge at Deception and had a  melt down.

Carly was upset cause she cant buy  the hotel  back so Olivia offered  her  the  money.

Carly  refused to take Ned's money.

Cody had lunch with Sam and  Dante and said  he's  gonna stick around. He says the  job  he  had  lined  up  just  fell through after  taking a call.

Spencer spun a lie about Esme's parentage to Cam who became pissed off at him for admitting he was only practicing his lie  to  get  Esme to leave.

I wish i could have reached through  the  tv and  slap him.  Which means it was a smack worthy moment  lol  as  he  deserves it. 

Esme is freaking out that Nikolas and Ava are divorcing .

Chase tells Finn and Gregory that his  suspension got extended because he punched Linc.

Sasha decides takes the pills that the  Paparazzi guy gave her. 

Why do  I have  a really aweful feeling  something bad is about to happen.

That's  it  for  now until next time  guys, this is mama Ashley ,Judy and Cindy signing off have  a  great rest  of  your long weekend guys.

Thursday, 23 June 2022

The Legendary Genie Francis

45 Years ago a young blond woman walked onto the set of General Hospital  and made her  mark on the soap world for years to come. 

That young girl was none other than the extremely beautiful , talented the one the only legendary Genie Francis. 

Genie  has so much grace , poise  and  class seeping out of every fiber of  her  being  and that's why we  fans  love  and  adore  her.

As Laura Collins she's loved,  she's lost  she's been  raped ,  also been kidnapped , framed for murder , been on the run became a mom and over came being catatonic.

However the biggest  roles  of  her  life was  being  grandma to  six kids and becoming  mayor  of  Port Charles.

On  the episode for June 22nd Laura was shown being  so  sweet  and kind  to  Violet who  was  suffeing  from poison oak.

Britt  called Laura a dead  woman walking  umm  rude.  And the  Quartermaine's gathered to  discuss ELQ.

Then we  saw  Scott receive information that could hurt  Laura .

All of the heavy hitters of Port Charles rallied around her when a hate campaign against her very quickly emmerged.

Scott informed her of  this fact which  lead  everyone to gather in support of  their  friend and lady mayoress.

We discovered that Bobbie accidently signed  a petition  to  remove  her  from  office. 

We  saw  a few  flashbacks  of  Laura with Scott and Bobbie.  But none  with Luke or her mom or  kids.

One  thing that bugged me was why  weren't  the rest of kids  who  play  her grandkids involved?  How  about  waking  up  Lulu ?

We  saw Scott propose to Liesl only  to  be  rebuffed. Carly and  Alexis confronted Ned to  see  if  it was him  who had  written the  OP-Ed .

We found out that Miss WU  knew  who had  set up  the  hate  campaign  against  her  and  told  Sonny.

Laura went to see Cyrus , and  she  confronted him on it.   He  owned up  to  it  and  typical  Laura  she  forgave  him.

At the  end  of  the show  everyone  gathered at  Charlie's  to  toast  our  Lovely Laura and Genie.

All in all  a great  episode to celebrate Genie's  45 th Anniversary.

Here's  to  many  more ...

Monday, 20 June 2022

GHCanada Weekly GH Recap June 20th - June 24th 2023


Good Evening me lovelies, today's  show for June 20th 2022 for me was  all about our GH ladies standing up  for  themselves and relishing in that  triumph.

Anna and  Valentin on their  movie  date.  Lmfao off  they  are so darn cute.

Trina arrived home in good spirits. Her parents  and Curtis were  a  little  over  emptioal  well  I mean Portia  was lol.

Then we had Esme lol , oh that poor little  psycho bitch from hell oh  my!

Esme thought  she  could speak  to  Kevin about Ryan instead she got  an earful fròm him . But  more on that  later.

Laura and Marty talked about Cyrus and Laura said she did not believe  Cyrus has changed whatsoever.

Felicia makes me laugh so , so much.

She very gleefully told Mac lol that she confronted Ryan .  He  was  less than impressed.

Spencer  talked to  Victor  about  Esme , his  dad  and  Ava .

Back at Trina's she told her parents and Curtis she's fine and about what  she and Joss had got up to earlier.

Anna and Valentin were so  cute  lol,  watching their movie and eating the  movie  theatre popcorn.

Mac expressed his annoyance about  Felicia taunting Ryan.

They spoke to  Kevin who found out that Esme had managed sneak around her being banned from  seeing Ryan.

He made  apologies and said he  had  to go. Off screen he spoke to the staff at springridge .

He later caught up with Esme  and told her that her  Springridge internship has been terminated.

Valentin gets a text from Marty and  over at Trina's she fills her parental units on how she and Joss located  the  guy Esme got the burner phone from .

Portia ,Taggert and Curtis are so very proud  of her.

Victor is not happy that Spencer is  still with Esme. He tells him that he  thought she 'd  be  long gone by now.

Oh  dear this can't be good.   

Esme  walks in  and  they  leave  Kelly's  together.

Alexis  is  shown saying  that  something catastrophic  was  about to  happen.

Hmmm whatever  could it  be?

Until tomorrow me darlings this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  have a great evening everyone.


GH was on fire on Friday, what  with all the ELQ business going on.

It  looks  like  the  Quartermaine's  are  never  gonna  be  rid  of  Valentin.

Speaking of Valentin there  is a  plan  to  send Victor back to Europe for  all of  his  past  crimes.

Marty tells Valentin of this plan.

Carly was excited about helping the  boys and  excitedly chatted about  it  with  Olivia.

Brooklynn and Chase talk  about his  suspension.

Linc is at  the pcpd trying to  press charges against Chase.

Dante and Cody talked at  Kelly's  and  he seemed to be in more  pain.

Brad had the nerve to suck up to Britt and he  apologizes to  her for what he did to her.  

Britt is about to tell  Brad  about  her  illnes when  she's  called to  see a  patient.

Later on Dante brings Cody   

Meanwhile  at the Quartermaine's  Lucy showed up to vote and she  pissed off the Q's  by  voting to  keep Valentin in power .

Willow almost collapses but  catches herself .

Linc showed up to see Brooklynn and says  he  wants to  work  with  her again.

Chase is told off  by  Jordan and  Brooklynn agrees to work with Linc under one condition he drop the charges  against Chase. 

That's it  for  now, until next time  guys this is  mama Ashley signing off have  a great  Sunday  everyone.

Happy 15,000 Episodes General Hospital

59 years of drama and 15, 000 episodes under their belt with alot of  kick ass action makes GH the top soap on  television in my  opinon.

You've made me feel a myriad of  emotions you can be maddening  at  times, but still my  loyalty remains unwavered.

So I would  like  to say  a huge  congratulations to  GH on 15,000 episodes.

And here is to many more.

Saturday, 18 June 2022

GHCanada GH Recaps Week of June 13- June 17 2022

MONDAY JUNE  13th 2022

Oh good gravy Monday's episode was painful to watch. Someone needs to send out the troops and Find Jason Morgan Asap.

First of all I'm loving Carly wanting  to help with Aurora and  ELQ. 

Lmfao Valentin won't be happy our girl  is  a  pistol and will get him with both barrels .

Esme is hurt by Ryan again and he  tells her  not  to  mess  up  the revenge plot.

Felicia caught Esme talking  to  Ryan and questioned her  as  to  why  she's  there .

Sonny got some good parenting advice  from Jordan, but  he's still  angry  at Michael

Jordan told Marty that  the  threat against him  and  Laura  is  over.  I wouldn't  get  to  comfortable . 

LOL we  all  know  that  everything is  a  smoke  screen  with their brother until he makes his  next move .

Spencer spoke  to  grandma Laura about  his  dad  and  Ava.

Lmfao Felicia  is  questioned  by  Esme. Felicia informs  her  that  she  is  one  of  Ryan's  many  victims  like  Ava  was .

An object  of  obsession who  was  hurt  by  Ryan. She mentions Kiki and  Esme looks  a  little scared.

Spencer figures out away to get at  Esme. Oh boy this is getting good while talking  to  Laura.

Nikolas is  being  absolutely freaking  nuts. Yet again he says he wants  to  divorce and  start from scratch.

I gotta say Drew  and  Michael talking to  Lucy was  cracking  me  up ! Lynne Herring is hilarious and so classy  at  the  same  time.

Carly and Sonny meet up and  they talk about  their  kids .

Esme is left alone with Ryan and she  tells Ryan the  Cassadines won't  know what  hit  them.

Laura arrives at  Wyndemere and finds out Nikolas and  Ava have  decided  to  get remarried.

Back at GH Ryan is leaving to go back  to Springridge the bastard smirks at  Felicia.

Oooh  The  creature  and  her  master  will be  rumbled soon .  Bring  it  on!!!

That's  it  for  now  until next  time  guys  this is  mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing off  have a great day everyone.


Today's show was marred with a lot of  family drama in Port Charles and don't  we  know  it.

Cam was camping with Finn , his brothers , Gregory and Violet, but  his mind and heart  were back at home .

Maxie was camping too with Austin who was talking to Wyatt. 

Meanwhile back in Port Charles Nina and Britt met up . It cracked me up  when Britt said that they meaning the  westbourne Women which includes Nina and Maxie are a motley Crue of women.

Lmfao Britt was unnerved by what Brad did to her so Nina said " Let's make him  suffer!" My sentiments exactly! When his texts were  deliberately ignored.

Cody spots  Britt and says " Oh god there's  that Britt woman!" to Dante and Sam.

Spin met with Joss and Trina  trying  to figure out where  the  Esme got the burner phone.

Carly and Sonny were having a talk about their kids and Sonny kept  placing blame on Carly and Michael.

Finn asked Gregory to talk to Cam about what was bothering him . He  tells Gregory that he's worried about his mom and Trina .

Gregory offers to help explain things about school proticol since  he  was  a  professor.

Cody was pissed off at Zelda because she had deducted money from his  paycheck. She asked Dante to arrest  him  for  trying  to  embezzle money from her.

Dante and Sam dragged him away from her , but not before she asked how Dante could be friends with him.

Maxie proves she's got the know how  setting up a tent  , but is useless finding appropriate sticks for toasting marshmellows.

Joss and Trina are told by Spinelli not  to go looking for  trouble  lol.  Joss  says  I am  my  mother's daughtet.

He  says  " Yes exactly  my  point !" Carly and Sonny  were arguing  and  Carly  says  " I  don't  know  you anymore .

Cody spies on Zelda  and  sees her going  into Spinelli's hotel room.

Joss calls Carly and tells her  that  she's going out with friends and will be  late.

She hangs up and walks into the bar where rough looking men are hanging out.

Someone is spying on  Austin and Maxie.

Whoever  could  it  be ? That's it for now  until  next  time guys  this  is  mama  Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  have  a  great  evening  everyone.


Omfg today's episode made me smile!
Between Chase and Brooklynn's  hotness,  the campers seeing Aidan having  a meltdown broke my heart.

He's  upset about everyone leaving  him to  the  point  he  refused to  let  Cam  teach  him how to  play the guitar.

Joss and Trina were treading into unsafe waters when they arrived  at  the bar  to find  the guy Esme bought the  phone from. He  recognized her  picture lol  and  said she  was  really rude.

Well,  I was spoiled for choice  as  to  what  my  fave  scenes were today  .

Of course I do have to mention  the  ridiculousness of Sonny acting like  a teenage boy ! Yuck will  the  real Sonny please get a wake  up  call?

Its not fun watching Sonny fawn all over a woman that he once deemed  mentally unstable .

It's equally not fun watching Linc treat Brooklynn like his cash cow. He's a deplorable disgusting  human being.

Maxie and  Austin  got  the  fright  of  their  life  , when  Violet  and  Gregory came out  of  the  woods.

TJ and Curtis  were  talking at  the  club when Selena Wu showed  up  and  she met  TJ.

Brooklynn and Chase told Linc off and Brooklynn managed to  find  out  Linc was  going  to  a  poker game at  the Savoy.

Cody managed to threaten Zelda  then she  told him Cody was  making threats.

The campers had a sing song , meawhile Austin told some unknown person to  leave  Maxie and her family alone.

Brooklynn snuck away from  Chase  to  follow Linc to see what he's  up  too.

Trina  and  Joss  got  caught  in  the  middle of  a  bar fight that  they did not start.

This  was right after  some thug recognized our girls. Then the cop car sirens could be heard as the fight  was  underway.

Oh  boy lol  our  girls are  due  for  a  teliing off  from they're  mama's.

That's  it  for  now , me  darlings until tomorrow  guys   this  is  mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing  off  have  a  great  weekend everyone .


Friday's episode was good  in some ways ,  but  not so much in others.

I'm here for the drama  between  Cody getting his ass beat by Selena WU's  thug and Joss and  Trina being  where  they  shouldn't  lol.  

Good  scenes  , I  loved  Valentin and  Anna  on a  movie  date  at  the  drive  in.

Hell Carly and Drew and  Sonny and  Nina  were  even  cute.

Brad actually did not like what Selena did to Cody and apologized to him.

Brad  is  not  a bad  guy  deep down  , but  he's  human and makes mistakes like  the  rest of  us  do.

I  loved Britt acting responsibly and helping Cody and Rory  letting Joss and Trina  off with  a  warning.

But one thing I really can't stand is  slimeballs  who  hit  on  women.

Oh hell  no .... ugh  please GH do  us  a solid and end  the Sonny  Bono  rip  off Linc.

It's  time  this  guy  was   put  in  a  tiny  cell with a brick shit house of  a man who  can  knock  his  ass out  in  one  punch permanently.

The  guy gets far too much air time.

He's got a cocky attitude objectifies women and frankly he lacks class and social graces in  public  settings

He  proked Chase into  hitting him  all  the  while  playing  the  injured  party.

When  he's  so  clearly not! Ugh please  release  him  in  the  outer  reaches  of  hell.

That's it  for  now  until  Next time  this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing off have  a great  weekend everyone.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Sasha Corbin Vs Gladys: The Beauty and the Monster in Law

Anyone who knows me in GHCanada knows that I love me some daughter inlaw and monster inlaw drama on our  beloved ABC soap General Hospital . Whether it's fights over the offspring of mommy dearest , or  the  kids or mommy dearest making it clear she  does not liking or respecting  the wife. 

Whatever  her intentions Mommy dearest causes so much stress and drama it ends up in a battle royale I'm definitely here for it all warts and all.

So let me tell you guys that Sofia Mattsson and Bonnie Burroughs are my fave Daughter in law and Monster inlaw duo on for a  very good reason.

Gladys may be a tough nut to crack at the best of times and uses tough love with  Sasha, but it's done whole lot of love and compassion and  respect. 

When baby Liam had died Gladys was the strong motherly force who wanted to shield and protect our girl Sasha and her son Brando from the grief that they were so deeply and sadly experiencing together as a couple.


So when the paparazzi guy who was  harrassing Sasha Gladys was like a lioness  protecting  her  young. She did what she had to , to protect  our Sasha from  the  scumbag skeezy  photographer. That's what a loving mother in law does. People  don't  seem  to comprehend that lovely side  of  Gladys.

She alwaus misinterprets situations acting hastly and impulsively getting herself in trouble and called on the carpet for it by both Brando and Sasha .

Having  said  that she may do things the wrong way sometimes , may not read situations the right way at the best of times but there's no denying  she  loves Brando and Sasha dearly like a mom does .

 Sasha may at times may become infuriated with Gladys, tell  her  off at the best of  times but she knows Gladys' heart is in the right place  .

I  look forward to seeing what else GH has in store for them in the future because monster inlaw or not  let's fqce it  deep  down Gladys has a  heart  of  gold.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Nina and Willow " Is She Alot like me Week of June 6th - June 10th 2022

They say nothing good comes from  keeping secrets and leaving other  people in the  dark  about  certain things they  need  to  be  aware  of.

June 6 th 2022

Hello me  lovelies It's the start of another GH  week  and I'm already feeling  agitated .

The only bright spots  for me were  Leo and Marshall with their families as  far as I'm  concerned.

As a loyal GH fan I am 100 % behind my fave characters most of the time, however Carly lying  to everyone around her about who Willow's real  mom is not  her  secret  to  keep.

We've been down this  road  before with Carly once with  Michael and  once  with  Spencer .

But Willow is a grown assed woman who deserves the full truth such as it is.

She's under the misconception that her real mom was a complete waste  of  space  and  discarded her  like  an  old  shoe. 

We  know that's  not  the  case  at all.

Meanwhile at the  Q's stables Leo  has received his birthday present a  horse.

So  lovely  , and Valentin shows up  with riding  gear  for  Leo  ,  but also wants  to  talk  ELQ with  Ned.

TJ  talks to Terry about work and how  he  thought  the  hospital needed  his help. He  says that they  found  his granddad.

Speaking of Marshall arrives home with Curtis and Stella and greeted  by Portia.

At Shadybrook Elizabeth gets a visit  from  Laura and  Finn  who  by  the  way Elizabeth told to stay away from  him to  keep  him  safe.

Awe Portia is happy  to  see Marshall. Marshall is  being  gruff and  an ass and  does not  want  a lot of  fuss.

He  says  he  promised  Curtis  answers.  Curtis  says  it  can wait.

Finn brought flowers for Elizabeth. She's confused as to why he's there when she  asked  him to  stay away.

Valentin says that  it's Charlotte's old  riding gear and  he  thought  Leo  could make  use  of  it. He  also tells Ned he wants  to  talk  ELQ.

I  love Millow they are  so  sweet.  Carly is  worried  about  Willow.

Willow  says  she doesn't  want  to  know who  her  real mother  is.

Curtis  says that  he  regrets what  he  did to Marshall. Portia tells him  he  has a right to be frustrated with  his dad.

TJ says  he  needs  a  distraction  from family  drama.

Finn says he just wanted to  see  Elizabeth.

Oh  dear  Willow  says  she  doesn't  think her  birth mother  cared about  her  well being  leaving  her  with Harmony.

ELQ  chatter  ugh  stop  ....  enough  sort  it  out  behind  the  scenes  .

Finn decides  to  leave  and  blames himself  for  what  happened  to  Elizabeth.

Shut up  Valentin! Stop  trying  to  convince  Ned  to  help  you.  Drew  and  Michael are  not against  him.

Michael  says Ned  is throwing  a  tantrum.

Drew  tells  Michael to  let things go! Michael says no and refuses to see sense.

Curtis  shows  Portia the  pill  bottle! Lmfao Stella walks into the room bitching about Marshall.

She  apologizes to  Portia for  how  she  treated her  before.

Willow says she shouldn't  go looking  for someone who is indifferent  to  her needs like  Nina is with Wiley.

Michael  changes the  topic  of  Sonny  to ELQ again !!! Boring !!!

Leo  is  so  sweet  and  thanks  Valetin for  the  riding  gear. When Valentin leaves Olivia  says you have  to  watch  Valentin he's a good  man, but  you  never  know  what  is  behind it.

Laura tells  Finn he  has  to  respect  Elizabeth's request  for space.

Stella tries to  pressure  Curtis  to propose to  Portia. She tells  him  not  to  waste time.

Valentin approaches Michael and Drew about  ElQ. They tell him  they don't have  time  to  talk  to  him.

Marshall says he  pressured Irene  to  lie to  the  kids about  why  he  actually left .

Marshall  says  he had  issues after  being in the  armed forces.

Terry  asks Finn about  Elizabeth. He says  he's worried about  her. Elizabeth is  worried she'll  be  arrested  for  hurting Chase.

She and Finn are beside  themselves  with worry.  Finn thinks its time  to  contact Jeff  and  Caroline.

Ned  says he  feels  like  he's on  the  outside looking in just like  his  mom and  AJ  were.

Michael  thinks  Valentin is  planning  something.

Drew is  worried  about  Willow  , Carly says  she  wants  to  help  with  ELQ.

TJ  talks  to  Portia at  GH and  Marshall tells  Curtis  that  he's  schizophrenic .

Phew  that's  a lot  of   info to  consume on  a Monday.

Until  next  time  guys  , this  is  Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing  off  have  a great  day  everyone.

JUNE  7th  2022

Oh good lord today's GH was filled  to the brim with good ole family drama at it's absolute finest.

First of all poor Britt was subjected to an intervention via her mutter Liesl and bestie  Brad.

Then we had Carly scheming and  plotting to be a piece of the action in ELQ.

Poor Drew could not  hold her at arms length .

Curtis sat and listened to his dad pour his heart out about his schizophrenic diagnosis.

Michael brought a gift for Leo  for his  horses stall. 

Ned just saw through him even though the gift was more than  thoughtful.

Sonny and Brando spoke about Sasha and then the conversation turned to  Michael.

Can I just say , I don't think that it was right or fair that Liesl and Brad deemed it necessary  to  humilate  Britt.

Britt was  absolutely mortified that she was filmed drunk by Brad and was knocked into a  pool by Cody the himbo.

Carly would not give up trying to  convince Drew to let her  invest in the family business.

Sonny heard from Dex that there was  an issue with employees.  

He  is worried someone  is  messing  with his business . He's also angry with Michael.

The next thing we saw was Ned was saying he wants to be on equal footing with Michael and Drew with ELQ.

Oh god Brad thinks he was doing the  right thing filming Britt.  Britt  was  clearly upset and Liesl tells Brad to  leave.

Britt says she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone .  She thinks  new people would be freaked out by  her huntington's diagnosis.

Marshall says he regrets leaving his family.  As  a  family  they  bond and  hug.

It really did my heart good to see this bonding time with the Ashfords.

Carly says she knows Drew isn't  Jason  , but that she likes having him as her friend .

Carly says lol that she never  listened  to  Jason lol . And Jason always  said  I told you so. Lmfao!!!

Ned  gets upset with Michael  and  as soon  as  Michael  leaves  he  calls  someone  !

I'm  assuming  it  may be  Valentin.

Brando offers  to  get  himself  and  Dante to talk  to  Michael  on  his  behalf.

Dex has come to see Michael! Oh No  this can not be  good!!!

That's it  for  now , until  next  time me  darlings this is  mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off !  Have  a  great  evening everyone!

Wednesday June  8th 2022

Hey everyone I'm  sorry  about  the  delay for the recap I had  a headache.

Anyways  GH  was  filled  with  anxiety for me. When  I'm  not  feeling  up  to  par  people  shouting  on  screen  does my  head in.

Sonny  was  talking  to Selena Wu. Brando raised some concerns about  Dex  to  Dante. Brando  clearly does not  trust him.

Dex shows up  at  the  Quartermaine stables.  Michael asks  him  what he wants.

Brooklynn is  clearly not  impressed with Brad  and  what  he  did to  Britt.

And tells him as much. Meamwhile Cody is watching  the gif  of Britt  and is  laughing  at  her.

Britt is  pissed off about  the gif  and  can't  get a hold  of her  mom or even Terry.

Sasha is being watched by a hawk by  Gladys  who  won't quit hovering  over her.

Poor Britt is mortified she's not getting a hold of  her mum and feels guilty.

Sonny tells Serena he still  has  things under control and for her  not to worry about it.

Dex  won't  stop harrassing Michael.

Dante and Brando show  up  to  help Michael get  rid of Dex.

Cody meets up with  Brad and  Britt and she let's him  know  what  she  thinks of him.

Lmfao Sasha to  Gladys " That's  all cute and charming  , but  i  don't  need a babysitter  !"

Oh no!!! Sasha gets a package for  the baby. She breaks  down  in tears. The poor  love.

Britt is annoyed with Brad and asks him why he hates her. Brad is being a  giant asshole.

Poor Sasha is so upset and Gladys won't quit watching her.

Brooklynn  shows up and sees  Sasha so upset.

Michael tells Dex to  leave. Brando goes with Dex back to Sonny's.

Michael tells Dante to not pull  the  big brother act on him. Sonny  tells  Selena to leave things alone.

Britt is upset with  Brad and he apologizes to  her. He  says she's impossdible to  deal with sometimes.

Brooklynn is worried about Sasha,but wants to talk Deception business with her.

Sasha is freaking out and shaking about being on television. Brooklynn is really worried about her.

Dante is worried about Michael and how he's reacting to things that are about their dad.

Brando tells Sonny that Dex was  harrassing Michael. Sonny says " Don't you dare harrass my  kids or I will kill you!"

Cody won't quit annoying Britt and  annoying me in the process . I really wanted to punch him.

Poor Brooklynn tells Gladys she  knows how  it  feels  to  lose a child  even though the  child  is  with her biological  mother.

Gladys  is  clearly  concerned  Sasha is  using again, but  won't tell  Brooklynn who's  worried about  her.

Poor  Michael, is  really  upset with Sonny.

Dante sees that Michael won't  back down. Dante  tells  him some  home  truths.

Sonny is really pissed at Dex for  approaching Michael.

After Dex leaves Brando makes  his  feelings about him clear to Sonny.

Britt lets  Cody have it  about  the  way  he's  talking  to  her.  He's  so  disrespectful.

Sasha says that she was splashing  water on her face and is ready to go on the show.

Dex tells Sonny he hopes he hasn't blown his chance to get a job  from Sonny.

Britt has 11 missed messages from  the  hospital board.

Selena wants Brad to prove himself  to her.Britt  calls Terry  and  apologizes to her.

Britt wants  to  sue Dex!

Gladys sees Sasha taking pills that  look like they  are  from an Aleve  bottle.

Gladys thinks its  drugs  and tries to  take it  from  her. Brando witnesses this.

Sonny is pissed off at  Dex and finally we  see Dex is  working for  Michael to take Sonny down.

Holy crap man !!!! That's it  for now until next time guys this is  mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  have  a  great  day everyone.


Oh For God Sake there was way  too much noseyness going on in Port Charles.

The  recap is  gonna  be  short  and  sweet.

I'm frankly fed up of Gladys and her  over protectiveness of Sasha.

She  told Brando she's concerned  that  Sasha will relapse again.

Cody is a creep and should  leave  Britt alone.  

Ava was trying to make Esme see  things from her perspective. Esme is  a vile little bitch.

Carly and Sam are concerned about  Spinelli . They  think  is  acting  weirder than usual.

and Joss talks to Trina about  Cam, Esme and Spencer .

Britt  is approached by the lady who owns the agency for  the dates.

We see  Esme sucking  up  to  Nikolas again when will  this  creepy  bitch  fuck off  for  good. 

Spin is shown talking to some guy and acting  all  odd. Sam and  Carly  speak  to  him.  

We later see him giving  the  lady  from  the agency a wad  of  cash.

Uh oh  what the  hell !!! Is  he  up  too!!

That's  it  for now ,  until  next  time  this is Mama Ashley, Judy and  Cindy signing have a good evening  everyone .



So  friday's episode was filled with  family  togetherness.

Violet  is  going  camping  with  her  family . 

Piffy is studying for  her  mcats with Portia.

Cam isn't joining them  and  said that  he needs to work.

Ava  wants to  know  what  game Spencer  is  playing . Esme  is totally obsessed with  Nikolas.

Felicia and Mac happily talk about  their  grand kids and are caught off  guard  by  Ryan.

Mac approaches  him  and  Ryan yells  in  his  face and  attacks  him.

Cam misses his  mom and Laura tries to  get  him to  behave  like  thinga are  normal.

Marshall and  Stella show up  at  GH and talks to Portia and Epiphany .  He  says  he's  proud  of  Curtis.

Curtis tells  Portia that  what  he  learned about  his  dad  affects  het  too. 

Trina  got  bad news  about  school and has received a  letter  from  the  dean.

Ava doesn't believe anything  Spencer is  saying . You  tell  the  little  trust fund  brat  honey.

She  wants to know what  he's  up  too.

Nikolas says he loves Ava and wants to forget what happened between him and Esme. Esme says she does too.

It turns out Ryan attacked Mac in his sick  twisted mind.

Mac asks if  Felicia has  a silver bullet.

Curtis tells  Portia his  dad  is  schizophrenic  and  he's  worried he  may have  it  too.

Poor  Trina is  worried  about  facing the deam. 

Rory overhears her and  Joss  talking and  he  wants to  help clear her name.

Nikolas  is  an idiot and  asks  Ava  for  a divorce.  Esme shows up at  Gh.

She goes to see Ryan she tells him  what she did with Nikolas .

Just  as Ryan gets handsy with his  kid Felicia approaches the  room.

Its time they both get  caught.

That's it  for  now  until tomorrow  guys , this  is  mama  Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great  Sunday everyone 

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Nina and Willow " Is She A Lot Like Me! " week of May 31- June 3rd 2022 Recap

Good Afternoon me lovelies my girls were on fire and that's something to  be proud of seeing that it's only the  beginning of the  week.

All  hail The Reeves Girls  yet again  Katelyn Macmullen and  Cynthia Watros  knocked it out  of the  park.

Read  on  me  darlings 


So  it's  a singles mixer and Charity event at the Metrocourt pool. Brad , Britt ,Spin and Austin are all in  attendance! Drew, Dante  Sam and Brooklynn are there  too.

Brooklynn sees Chase!! Love these  two lovely people who need to get  moving and make a move  before  i jump through the  tv screen  slap them stupid.

Carly and Michael are outside the  courtroom talking about the case  between them and Nina. They're  concerned about Willow and how  she's coping .

If truth be told they needn't worry she can handle Nina as only her own flesh and blood daughter can! With a lot of anger a whole lot class that she  inherited  from her dad Silas Clay.

Ava  and  Laura  were  shown  at  the  shooting  range. Nikolas  was  getting drunk and Esme  was  whining about Spencer.

Chet and Terry talking about him  sticking  around.  

Meanwhile at courthouse Willow  approached Nina and she forcefully grabbed her  arm.

Sam sees Spinelli all  dressed  up  and  fusses  over  him like  a  big sister would .

Lmfao poor  Chase  asks  for  advice  about  Brooklynn.  Dante  says  " Ask  away  I speak Fluent BLQ!"

Love  Drew  and  Brooklynn and their cousin relationship!  Carly  gave  Michael  great  advice about  how  to  help  Willow.

Willow lets Nina have it and  won't  let  go  of  Nina  !  Nina  says  let  go  of  me  little  girl !  Willow  says  only  if  you  let  go  first.

Britt  is pumped  to get  her  drunk  on  instead of leaving.

Ava confides in Laura about Nikolas after telling her she's  doing  target  practice because of multiple people.

She tells Laura Nikolas  won't  spend  time alone with  her.

Esme  starts  talking  crap  about  Spencer and  Trina.  Crying  foul  and playing victim when she's the evil  bitch.

Awe  Brooklynn and Dante  are  so  sweet  as  step  siblings . Sam  is  worried  about  Spinelli and  asks  what he's up  too.

Ava says she and Nikolas  stayed  together despite  their  differences.

Esme won't stop going  after  Nikolas sick  little bitch.

Terry tells  Chet  not  to  give  up on  his  dreams.

Willow tells  Nina  off  for  everything  Nina  has done  to  them  all.

Carly is  proud  of Willow  , wishes  them  luck  after  telling  them she  has  an  appointment  to  go  to.

Laura  tells  Ava  she  and  Nikolas  have  got  Avery  a  spot  at  the  school that  Ava wanted  to  put  her  in.

Esme  tries to  say  she  understands  Nikolas more  than  Ava  does.

Chase  thinks  he  and  Brooklynn are  a  lost  cause  she  thinks  they are  too.

Lmfao Sam wants  to  know  why  Spin has gone to a matchmaker.

Laura  and  Ava bond  at  the shooting range.

Carly gets  the  DNA test  results  while  Wìllow takes the  stand  and  says  she  would  lay  down  her  life  for  Wiley.

She also says that she puts Wiley first before herself.  

Nina is affected by what Willow has  said and stops Scott  from  cross examing  her.

The  judge says  she  will  let them know  her  decision  soon.

Nikolas is drawn into Esme's  black widow spider web and kisses her.

Seriously Nikolas are you that  desperate for female attention  or  has she fallen into your own trap?

That's it  for  now  until  next time  guys  ,  this  Is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing  off  have  a  great  evening everyone.


Today's GH was filled with a whole lot of Hell Yeah , a lot  of  laughs and also brought  in the total ick factor.

First  of  all  we  saw  the  glimpse into the continuation of  the  pool party. Maxie  shows up to see Britt. Britt is  getting  drunk  of her ass. Brad throws a drink  on her. Sam and Spin run into Drew.

The verdict is in and everyone awaits the news,

Carly  has the test results!!!!

At  the  shooting range Ava  and  Valentin trade insults!!! Ava  tells  him his dad  has  more charm than he does. Two smarmy arrogant Cassadine men.  It's more like a pissing competition with them and Nikolas it's really disgraceful.

Oh  dear  Anna shows up! Ava  makes  her  excuses and  decides to  go  home and  talk to  Nikolas like Laura suggests she do.

Spencer arrives home and he  looks to see  where Esme is ! In the other room Nikolas kisses Esme and says " I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that!"

Lmfao Britt !!!! Terry shows up for the mixer. 

Britt takes a  whole tray  of  drinks  from a waitress whose in shock about  her drunken antics.

Anna  and Valentin do some flirting.

Oh  Gross!!!! Nikolas and Esme have sex. He  better be  trapping her !!!

Spin, tells  Sam  we  wants  to  leave and  Drew and Dante decide to  talk privately.

Brooklynn tells  Chase  she  got  carried away with  asking him to  help  her  with  Linc.

Britt wants to talk to Terry privately.
She sends Brad  away  to  look  for some  hot  guys.

Terry  and  Britt talk about the state of  their  love  lives or  lack there of.

Maxie is so cute talking about  her  kids.  Austin doesn't mind he likes her kids.

Dante accuses Drew of helping Michael dismantle Sonny's life.

Our Corinthos bunch they won their petition  to  stop Nina from  getting Visitation rights with  Wiley.  

Scott  really cocked that one up for Nina by bringing up the fact  Michael killed Claudia.

The judge was not happy with either parties , but sided with Michael  and Willow. 

The  judge  tells  Scott off  and  Nina  asks Willow to  reconsider.  Willow  won't  change her mind.

She  sees that  Carly is  upset about something.

Anna and Valentin peruse their targets at  the  shooting range.

Willow tells Nina to back the hell off and that the judge made her decision.

Nikolas is regretting sleeping with Esme.

Dante and Drew talk more  about Sonny and Michael. 

Maxie and Austin are adorable!!!

Britt  is  so  wasted  lol !!!
Chase agrees  to  watch Linc

Oh  god  Britt  stop!!

Drew  promises to  talk  to  Michael.

Scott  apologizes to  Nina  ! Willow  says  she could  sue him  for  malpractice.

Sam  is  really  worried about Spin.

Terry  is  embarrassed by  Britt's behavior and calls her  loud  and  obnoxious.

Brooklynn and  Chase hug.

Ava arrives home  and  talks  to  Spencer who  tells  her he  and  Esme are moving out.

Ava  doesn't  trust either  one of them.

Oh  god Esme makes me sick ! She really  thinks  Nikolas  likes her !  Desperate little  hoebag.

I  love  Diane praising Carly for  keeping her  cool.

Willow tells  them she  sees  Nina for  who  she  is now . Michael asks what  his mom is hiding.

Britt  is losing  her mind! Her friends are all really  worried about her.

The  whirring  of  a plane can  be  heard from up  above  them.

Britt  is  told  to  move.  Brad  takes video when Britt is hit by  something and falls  in the  pool.

Anna and Valentin really are sweet!!

Spencer  nearly catches his dad  and Esme.

Nina visits Nelle's grave.Carly  needs  to  tell Willow  the  truth.  Willow  is  99.9998% Nina's  daughter.

Poor  Britt  is  in  the  pool  and some  guy emerges and  says  "  Hello  Port Charles!"

Great  episode  ! Until next time Guys, thus is Mama Ashley, Judy  and  Cindy signing  off have  a  great day everyone.

Thursday June 2nd  2022

Oh  my  word  my  darlings  this  is  a  hit and run recap as I'm  not  feeling  the  greatest  this  morning.

First of all I do not like this Cody guy who knocked Britt into the pool he's an arrogant asshole. Love  everyone jumping up  to  check on her.

I'm  glad  Michael  and  Willow  won  their  case .

Sonny  goes to  talk  to  Phyllis who  gives him  some  good  advice. 

Nikolas and  Esme  totally  bring  the  ick factor.  I  hope  Ava  and  Spencer  find  out  and Esme  is  dead  meat.

Joss  and  Wiley are  so  freaking  adorable.  They have  a  day  at  the park. Wiley sees  that  she  is  texting  Cam.

Wiley points  out  Cam texts  her  alot.

Michael asks his mum  what she's  hiding  and  Carly said  oh  its nothing.

She  has flashbacks again for  once  I wish she would  just  tell  the  damn truth.

Esme  over  hears  Nikolas  talking  to Ava. She  gets dressed  on  the  balconey.

Ava is  not  best  pleased with  Nikolas.  He  says come  with  me  i  have  something  to  tell  you.

Esme 's smirking  she  thinks  she has Nikolas by his short and curlies.

At  the  mixer , Britt  is  furious and  wants him arrested  for  assault.

Joss wants to  take  Wiley on a  road trip!

Phyllis asks Sonny if  you could do it all over again would he change anything.

He  says he  would!

Sonny  tells Phyllis Wiley means  alot  to him  and when Wiley to grow he wants him to be  his own 

Sonny goes to Nelle's  grave  and  can't find Nina.

Britt  and Company are  not impressed with  Cody.

Cody is an arrogant ass with the way he talks to  and about Brooklynn. She wants him arrested.

Willow  calls Nina certifiable , so  Carly chooses not  to  tell  her the  truth.

Michael is angry at himself for trusting Sonny.

Drew wants to  protect Michael from reacting the  way  he  is. Michael says he's  a  better man than Sonny.

Phyllis gets a call from Scott saying Nina lost  the  case.

Cam and Spencer are arguing. Cam says expose your girlfriend now.

Esme drops her heels outside.  Ava heard the noise. Nikolas  says  it must be  bats.
Spin wants  Cody left  off  with a warning.

Drew wants to  know if everything is  ok with Carly and Willow.

Sonny calls Nina but gets  her  voice  recording.

Chase and  Brooklynn are so  cute.

Britt and her guy friends are so sweet they all really care about her. Britt wants to  sue Cody's ass

Cody is arrested but not really lol. He's  an old Friend of Dante's from Bensonhurst.

Sonny goes to  Nelle's grave and can't find Nina.

Dante never arrested Cody. He's an old friend of  Dante's.

Brooklynn goes to  kiss Chase but  they are interupted by  a  phone call Finn needs him.

Joss showed up  at  the courthouse with Wiley.  They were  more  than pleased to  see  them.

Willow  is  relieved  that the judge  took  their  side , and hopes Nina  will stay  away  from them now.

Carly decides to not tell Willow about Nina. Joss and Wiley show  up  at  the  courthouse .

They leave  a  happy  family, but Carly lied to  Willow Ugh!!

What  a nice  ending!!!

Until next time  guys this is mama Ashley , Judy and Cindy signing off have  a great day everyone.


Good Saturday morning me lovelies the theme of Friday's GH where Sonny is someone deprogram  the  Mob King Pin Quick.

The show  started off  with  Sonny  at the graveyard looking for Nina.

Nina in  a limo going to the airport. She's  lost her necklace its not  on her.

Dante and Cody reminice about  when they were little  kids.

Joss  wants to  know  what's going on  with Cameron. Trina  and Rory  really  are a perfect match.
Spencer draws  Esme back  into  his Web so  that  he  can  trap the  black widow  before she  gets  him.

Ava is nervous about what Nikolas has to  say.They  truly  are  my  new fave couple. I  hope Esme the Nelle wannabe doesn't  ruin it  for them.

Lmfao we find out  that Dante and Cody were little shits growing up.

They  talk  about  what  happened  with Britt. Cody says  that he  thinks  Britt  is  pretty.

Joss thinks she  and  Cam should be  able  to  tell  each  other anything if  something is bothering  one of them.

Adam shows up  and wants to talk to Joss.

Taggert is visiting Portia and they are talking about Trina. They are about to  meet  Rory.

I  love Ava  wanting  to  fight  for her marriage. Nikolas is  distracted and  nervous and  has a  flashback  of  having sex with Esme.

He  tells Ava there are things between  them that  can't  be  resolved. She  says yes they can be  !"

Sonny  can't  find Nina and finds her necklace instead. He  calls someone for help.

Dante and  Cody toast  to  unexpected reunions. Sam asks if Cody does  skydiving for a living or a side hustle.

Cody  finds out  Dante found his dad! He finds out it's Sonny Corinthos and isn't  impressed. Is he  a  mob person or  a  cop?

Nina discovers her necklace  is  gone  and decides to  go  back  for it.  Sonny runs  into her  at  the  graveyard.

Cam threatens Adam, Adam wants to make  things right and asks to talk  to Joss alone. She agrees.

Poor  Nikolas  and  Ava need to  work things out. Spencer tries his best to  convince  Esme to  stay.

She says things aren't that simple. Spencer's plan is  working lol.

Ava  and  Nikolas  decide  to work  things out.

Esme is being  so  fake and phony.

Awe Rory is being so respectful , but  Taggert is being a typical dad and grilling the  poor  boy.

Adam apologizes  to  Joss, she accepts his  apology.  I hope they can move forward  and be friends.

Sam invites Cody for dinner.

Sonny  won't  let  Nina leave.

Nikolas  is  upset  when  he  hears  Spencer  chose his money over his dad.

Spencer is being an ass and says that he  and Esme need some income.

Lmfao Portia stops Taggert from interupting Rory when he's  talking.

Taggert does not trust Rory.

Cody declines Sam's offer. Sam says if  he sticks around she  could get  him an interview at  the  Quartermaine's.

Nina wants a  clean slate and  wants  to  go  else where.  She says the  necklace  is the  only  thing  she has left  of  Nelle.

Sonny  asks  her  how she thinks  Wiley would feel  if  he  knew she  gave up  on him.

Dante does  not like  the  idea of Cody sticking around.

Spencer texts Cam and  tells  him the  plan is  back  on.

Joss says  Adam  changed his attitude after  reading the  interview  she  and Cam did.

Ava  tells Spencer he  will  get  his  allowance  provided  he  stays.

He says I stay Esme  stays.

Sonny needs  to  stop  saying  his family is lying about Nina.  Can he  not  see  what a manipulative cow she really  is?

Cody turns down the  job offer and  says  Dante is  right  i  don't stay in one place long.

The  whole  Esme thing  is making  me  sick.

Cam apologizes to  Joss  and  says  he's worried about  his mom .

Ava pretends to  be  happy that Spencer and Esme are back together.

In private  Esme makes another play for  Nikolas.  Ava  tells  Spencer she's doing her  best  to  tolerate Esme.

Rory  says  he  has to  go. Taggert offers  to  walk  him out.

Portia and Trina are so  happy about  Rory.

Nina touches Nelle's grave and she decides to stick around Port Charles.

She says  that  Wiley is  now  her  reason to live.  Oh lord you don't  use children as a reason for living.

She's sick in the  head can't  Sonny  see that?

That's it  for now,  until next  time  guys this is mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off  have  a  great  weekend everyone.