
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 28 February 2021

GhCanada Daily GH Recap 02-26-21

Good Morning everyone happy Sunday , so Friday's GH episode for February 26th was pretty straight forward.

Everyone was getting ready for the double wedding of Finn and Anna and Maxie and Peter.

Lots of conversations about Peter and how he hasn't changed  at all and everyone is worried about our Maxie and how it will affect her.

Spinelli was overheard saying he doesn't support the marriage between Peter and Maxie . Peter then decided to tell him not to come. 

Acting all menacing and nasty towards our cyber genius. 

Elizabeth on the other hand was dealing with her own personal drama with Franco asking Finn for advice. 

Finn got the call about the DNA test results , but Jackie talked him out of it .

Cyrus over heard only half a conversation and is seriously pissed about something .

Laura and Leslie are like the cat that got the cream.

Anna was pretty positive she wanted Peter to pay for his crimes and wants to protect Maxie. 

Valentin is of the Same mind  and they both now recognize that our Liesl is n fact innocent. 

Curtis and Jordan met up and I am hoping for a reunion Jordan needs to lighten up a little. 

Britt showed up to see Maxie but she wasnt there  ... she was shown at the graveyard and looked scared our of her wits .

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great Sunday and I 'll see you back here tomorrow .

Friday, 26 February 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 02-25-21

Good Morning me lovelies , so a lot has been going on  in Port Charles , poor Elizabeth was beside herself with worry about Franco .

She was asking Finn for help about Franco's diagnosis . Meanwhile Franco had a nightmare and nearly choked the life out of Cameron.

In Vermont,  we saw Jackie and Marty looking for his mother Florence,  funny moment about Fried chicken and gooey cinnamon rolls.

Yet again GH has one of my favourite characters liking the same thing as me. Last time was when Carly announced she liked sausage and pineapple on her pizza like I do curious isn't it .

Ava went to see Ryan and crushed the roach that she thinks he sent her . My gut feeling is that Spencer sent it to her not Ryan.

Franco felt horrible after he realized he almost hurt Cam.

Elizabeth told Finn Cam shaved his head and Finn said that Violet will be disappointed Violet likes Cam's hair.

Over at the Port Charles Grill Sam met up with Curtis who wants to own the restaurant and wants to sell his half of the PI business to Sam.

Elsewhere Portia and Jordan talked about Taggert and Trina , and how Taggert doesn't want to see Trina or Portia.  They shouldn't be too angry he just wants to protect them from Cyrus. 

I really think that Portia needs to recognize just how dangerous Cyrus is and be more understanding towards Taggert.

Speaking of Cyrus , His brother located his mama , but met up with Jason before hand , it was a lovely reunion .

And finally we found out that  Ryan Chamberlain was having a letter sent off to Spencer , my question is why the hell is he contacting Spencer.

I guess we'll find out soon, until then this is Ashley signing off have a great day and happy gh watching everyone. 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 02-23-21 - 02-24-21

Good morning guys and Happy Thurday todays daily recap is a double bill as I was not up to par on Wednesday 

The last couple of days while watching GH, I was left with a warm fuzzy feeling courteousy of Liesl and Britt.

Who are by far my top fave mom and daughter team along with Carly and Joss. 

They make me laugh and cry sometimes at the same time I might add.

The whole Sparrow has landed thing was priceless and the fact that Britt had to explain to Mutter why she said it was funny .

" You call Anna Devane the scarecrow,  so I wanted a code name too!" Britt said .

Anna is getting on my nerves with her wishy washy attitude towards Peter. 

Valentin told her a few home truths,  and still she believes Peter  unless she's doing it to throw him off the trail.

Michael and Willow took Wiley to see Nina, who was thrilled to spend time with him.

But here is where my inner Carly kicks in why has Nina not asked for DNA proof or Michael for that matter that Nina is in fact related to Wiley .

Until I see proof she wouldn't get access to that child not in a million years would I agree to it not at all.

Oh yeah and newsflash to Carly haters she was found innocent of Nelle's death by the feds.

Liesl went searching in Maxie's apartment for proof against Peter and by jove I think she got it  thank goodness. 

This was while Britt and Maxie were out for a drink .

Olivia and Robert need to become a couple   he's so attentive and protective of her and her needs .

Something Ned is incapable of .

The way he told Alexis off lol, it reminds me of why I love him in the first place .

Olivia always impresses with how she handles situations she gave Alexis ample time to apologize and when she had heard enough she asked her to leave. 

Britt snuck her mama out of Maxie's while Maxie slept .

Liesl asked her how she knew she was still there lol , she said I could sense it.

Britt is becoming oddly more and more like yours truly it cracks me up.

In the end of the show they showed Anna burning the evidence against Peter .

Oy Vey something's gotta give guys,  let Peter be exposed for the lying creighton he is .

That's it for now this is Ashley signing off  until next time happy gh watching. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recaps 02-22-21

Good morning , me darlings , well what can I say yesterday's  gh episode for February 22 nd was a wee bit lack luster for my liking .

Yes it had it's good points ,but it was plagued  with awkward moments and a domestic partnership ceremony where we didn't actually see the ceremony. 

I guess you can say I was disappointed,  it just did not seem filled with romance rather that people were in a rush to get home to look after a distraught child .

Yep I'm talking about Michael and Sasha  , and  it was nice seeing them, but romance is missing in Port Charles .

And then we had Britt getting Jason to deliver valentine gifts to sick kids .

That to me was adorable , I really wish that more focus was on Molly's nuptials and that Sam and Alexis had been there .

Ava getting delivered a cockroach in a glass was weird,  but such a Spencer thing to do.

As for Cam in support of Franco he shaved his head . It was a touching moment .

Portia and Curtis were cute, but I feel like Curtis should make up with Jordan.

Back to Britt and Jason I loved it when the little girl yanked on Jason's leather jacket and said " Excuse me mister   I was in the bathroom when you came into my room delivering presents,  can I have my Valentine. 

So cute  , and Willow and Michael talking about the movie love actually was definitely appropriate.

A movie about people being with the wrong people lol.

It's a sign Millow needs to reunite as a couple at least that's what I think.

That's it for now  , this is Ashley signing off have a great day everyone and happy GH watching. 

Sunday, 21 February 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 02-19-21

Hey me lovelies,  happy Sunday , I took a day off to recollect my thoughts about the Friday February 19th 2021 episode of GH.

It was all hearts and flowers for Valentines day except for Carly , Jason and Brando.

Carly is grieving for a husband that's not even dead and Brando got shot in the leg by Jason and taken to GH.

The episode focused on TJ not being able to make it for his wedding with Molly .

I would have rather there not been suspense for this lovely sentiment. 

I was also annoyed at diners pointing and staring at Franco and he ended up losing some of his hair.

Also Michael and Sasha and Chillow went out for Valentine's day .

It was so awkward between the four of them, but Iove them all so much.

Now as for Britt lol , she brought us some well needed laughs amongst the Carly vs Nina drama.

Especially  when dove at Brad who she made sure joined her at the hospital under false pretences that were non medical. 

Joss and Trina went to see Cameron  and gave him Valentine's treats.

Curtis and Portia were simply adorable,  at this point I've just about had it with Jordan. 

It was crazy  at city hall Molly begging the registrar to wait  and Kristina bribing her not to close up shop.

Joss and Trina found out that Cam got accepted into Stamford University. 

Michael's night seemed to be going well until he received a phone call.

TJ met up with his mom  after making plans with Lucas for a drink as Friends and they were spotted by Brad.

GH fans , are guestimating that Kristina has been arrested for bribing a court official.

We will have to wait and see tomorrow,  to see if that actually happens , but it will prove two things , she is  her fathers daughter   but what works for him doesn't work for her. 

My hope is that Jordan gets TJ to Molly before Kristina makes a mistake that could get her ass arrested. 
Until then this is Ashley signing off,  have a good day and happy GH watching this week.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 02 -18 -21

Hey me lovelies, it was another vengeance episode all around in Port Charles for the Thursday February 18th 2021 episode of GH.

Nina is so over the edge  nothing and no one will make her shut up permanently. 

She needs to go see a grief counselor and get her feelings out and realize blaming Carly and Jax is a fruitless exercise. 

In the meantime that cop who visits Lenny and Phyllis clearly has an axe to grind against Sonny.

He obviously knows who he is but he's not revealing much .

Marty met up with Jackie and  Valentin about locating his mom and Cyrus yet again tried to throw his weight around.

The guy is clearly suffering from Narcissisticitis. Thinking he is more important than everyone else in the room.

He should stop yelling at Brando and get off his high horse before a donkey kicks him in the head to make his mind even more disturbed than it already is .

I feel for Curtis and for Portia  talking about Jordan and  Taggert. They both know first hand  what it's like to have a cop as a spouse. 

Nina went to Jordan about Carly asking Jordan to arrest her which lead to Jordan asking questions and told Carly the feds are now involved. 

Joss being the ever so inquisitive child of Carly and Jax she was eavesdropping lol.

Would you expect any less from Joss when she started interrogating her mom . Lol

Anyways back to Cyrus  he was shouting the odds at cutie pie Brando .

I was expecting him to throw his toys out of his pram. The guy clearly is emotionally stunted he acts like an over grown child. 

Back at Carly's   Joss praised her mom , and I can't say I blame her. 

At the Metrocourt Nina asked Valentin to help her make Carly pay for what happened to Nelle .

At the hospital Our Britt met up with Jason about how to get to Cyrus. Later on we saw her making an appointment to see a doctor to get tested for Parkinson's disease. 

The same disease her father Caesar Faison had 

And Finally Jason met up with Brando   and we saw Jason shooting at someone .

That was the cliffhanger,  I only hope Brando did not get shot or worse killed and that it was a set up.

Whatever next is going to happen in Pirt Charles tomorrow is anyone's guess. 

Until tomorrow guys this is Ashley signing off love you all and happy gh watching. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

GhCanada's Daily GH Recap 02-17-21

Hello me lovelies ,  it's that time once again for our daily General Hospital Recap for Wednesday February 17th 2021.

Today's show picked up where yesterday's left off with Nina going off on  Jax and Carly. 

I thought it was highly inappropriate to say the least for Nina to go off on Carly like that! I was infuriated to the empth degree I can sure as hell tell you this much .

Meanwhile every where else , Sonny told Phyllis he remembered someone. 

Yep that would be my gal pal bitch dejour the one the only Mrs. Carly Corinthos .

Elsewhere there was high drama between Cyrus, Portia , Leslie and the board at the hospital. 

I was really annoyed , I wish someone would end him soon .

Curtis and Jordan had a heart to heart , he wants to be separated from Jordan until he sorts things out In his mind .

But back at the church Nina was verbally attacking Carly and Jax, it was so bad Carly asked that Michael take Joss and Trina home.

Everyone at that service was shell shocked over the accusations Nina was spewing at Carly myself included.

It got worse each word dropped like poison out of Nina's vile mouth.

She said that everyone in Port Charles just overlooks what Carly  did in the past and are her enablers. 

Yeah .. sure ok   whatever sweet cheeks,  Carly unlike Nelle made amends for her past nasty behavior and Nelle did not even do that.

She kept the vile nasty diatribe going and even attacked Nina herself so why is she now playing mother courage for a girl who threatened to ruin her life?
Curious isn't it guys , Diane was in shock from hearing the whole truth from Carly .

Dante and Sam bonded , Jason and Britt made plans about Cyrus. And Leslie sought out Monica to help her get rid of Cyrus once and for all.

Out of the performances in today's show  , Cynthia Watros gets  my ...

She knocked it out of the ballpark in todays show . She both angered me and made me proud that Nina though her anger was misplaced  she got some of her built up emotions out .

Cynthia made me really believe she was a grieving mom who was striking out at those she deems responsible for the death of her long lost daughter. 

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off   until tomorrow have a great night and happy GH watching. 

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Ghcanada's Daily GH Recaps 02 -16-21

Step right up ladies and gents , it's  finally time for you to get ready for your daily GH Recap from GHCanada.I know ,  it's been awhile since I did a daily GH recap for our group blog! I thought it best to get back in the saddle , so let's get this tale started shall we me lovelies.

Today's show for February 16th 2021 , it was filled with both sadness , as well as thrills and chills  and very  strong family bonds that will last from cradle to grave and last an eternity. It was also had two angry staring bitches whose death stare shot a shock wave warning to you that someone is about to get back in touch with her evil bitch side .

Port Charles gathered for the memorial of everyone's fave cheeky dimpled mob boss Sonny Corinthos whose family and friends have no inkling of a clue he is alive.But here is where  it just infuriates  the effing hell out of me. Nina Reeves is privy to this  information and keeping it from his wife  Carly as pay back for Nelle's death .

Placing  blame on other people,  not knowing the full story makes you look crazy in my opinion.  It  clearly was not Carly's fault to begin with. Carly did try to save her but Nina doesnt care about the cold hard facts she is going on heated emotions of  blind rage .

Meanwhile Kristina , Molly and Sam showed support to their mother who was struggling to stay sober. In fact she handed over her stray mini bottles of booze .She finally owned up and admitted she has a drinking  problem and needs help. I have to admit I teared up a bit and was proud of her myself like her girls were. 

Molly stayed behind while Sam and Kristina went to the memorial and at GH Laura heard Cyrus tell Brando not to go to his own cousins memorial service.  I'm glad he went anyways cause he needed to support his family in their grief.

Laura lost her shyte and went off on him , she told him that  he should not tell other people what to do and Cyrus decided Laura should stay behind to stop him from showing up uninvited and unwanted at Sonny's memorial Service .

While this was going on ,Sonny was having dreams about Carly and had no idea who she was . I shouted at the screen come on Sonny you have to remember your wife.

The sentiments , and readings were lovely from Sonny's loved ones at his memorial. It's clear he is well respected and admired as well even by Cyrus of a people .

Nina pissed me right off ,normally I love her, but I wanted to  slap the ever loving effing  crap out of her.

 My mother  always tells me that  nothing good comes out of eavesdropping on other people's conversations!  The reason being is because some people twist things for their own advantage just to hurt the other person out of sheer  frustration., spite anger  or jealousy.

Nina clearly is falling back into her old ways , angry , spiteful  confrontational and totally unhinged . It's why I liked her to begin with but the day of a memorial was nasty  and inappropriate to say the very least.To show up at the graveyard , while someone is having a memorial service for their missing husband and ruin an already upsetting day for a grieving wife by hurling accusations at her is so wrong on so many levels. It's a line Carly would not cross because she has more class than that.

Hell hath no fury like a grieving mother,  who attacks a grieving wife at church graveyard like a vulture hunting It' s prey and yet keeps a secret from the grieving wife who just wants answers about what happened to her beloved hubby.

They say in the bible Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord , it's a strong statement but  ,  I only hope Nina snaps out of it and realizes she is striking out at the wrong peopl and that Carly did not act in malice towards Nelle.

Curious ain't it,  how certain characters do not think before they speak to take actions that hurt other people immensely. But  let's tune in tomorrow and wait with baited breath to see what both Nina and Sonny's next moves are going to be.

Until Tomorrow this is Ashley signing off 
Good Night.and Happy GH.watching.

Monday, 15 February 2021

Pre-Emption Hell : A Soap Fans Nightmare

Imagine reading your favourite book , you're enjoying it and then it's taken away from you just as you reach the climax of the story .

That's what happens everytime ABC , NBC or CBS shows breaking news during a heated up storyline on our soaps .

Strictly speaking , we soap fans become frustrated,  annoyed and take to social media to air our grievances .

I don't understand why they can't just have the news stay on Fox news or CNN for things like presidential races , impeachment trials or strange occurrences they deem important that interrupt our shows.

By having  constant pre-emptions all week that stop we fans from having that one hour or half hour break of reality in our day you wind up angering a lot of fans of these daytime dramas.

Are we not entitled to have that since we are stuck at home not able to socialize outside with our loved ones .

By not keeping the soaps on you disrupt our live chats talking about our shows, which is something we soap fans enjoy immensely. 

I know its something others don't understand,  but as soap fans we are apart of the daytime soap families.

So essentially this pandemic has already separated us from our biological families , so it's like you're separating us from our soap families too.

Also there's the fact that  when the US is pre-empted Canada still gets episodes.

I find thing grossly unfair either we all get the episodes or we all don't it's as simple as that.

It's not a lot to ask, but the networks have to appreciate how we feel . Every few weeks this happens and it's not fair to the rest of us .

Our Soap stars have said,  be kind , be respectful,  so why can't the networks practice what our stars preach .

It's a small ask , but keep in mind these soaps are a bright spot in our lives to escape from the reality of lockdown during this pandemic. 

Thank god our soaps are back this week , I've missed my daily dose of Gh.

This is Ashley signing off, love you all and Happy GH watching. 

Friday, 12 February 2021

Tale of 5 Crazy bitches

They say every family has 1 crazy bitch in their family tree.

Imagine having five  women who have their special brand of crazy that you don't  dislike , but actually admire .

This is what you get when you watch the  Westbourne/ Reed  Clan on GH.

It all started with Nina when she first arrived , however we soon learned that everything Nina had become was due to the vile nasty stuff her mother did to her 

Madeline or Magda as Liesl calls her was one hell of a sick demented creature ! What kind of mother pays  a random woman to sleep with  her daughters husband and then injects her only pregnant daughter with a lethal dose of drugs putting Nina in a coma!

But she didn't stop there, she  then steals the  baby so that,  that child did not inherit Nina's fortune Madeline that's who!

Donna Mills played her so well that we believed she was certifiable.

Madeline helped Nina steal Avery from Ava  , a moment of sheer madness on Nina's part , as she was still smarting from the fact her baby had taken from her. 

And then to make matters worse Madeline killed Silas leaving Nina to totally snap and grieve for Nelle's daddy.

Ah Liesl and Britt, the apple of my eye  the funny , hard core zinging comments that we really shouldn't laugh at but we always do.

Kathleen Gati and  Kelly Thibodeau together make the best mother daughter team on our screens .

Yes their relationship has had its ups and downs , but the love , respect  and admiration has always been there and always will be.

Britt loves her Mutter, and Liesl for all of her hard faced scheming ways loves her Britta the same way she loved her Nathan with her whole heart and there's no denying that at all ! Anyone can see that you'd have to be deaf , dumb and blind not to.

Britt stole Lulu and Dante's embryo and tried to pass the baby off as Patrick Drake's kid lol, but as all things lol she got caught out when Elizabeth realized that baby Ben ( as Britt called him) had the same Allergy as Dante . She also covered up the fact that she kept the fact that she knew that Spencer had run away and was hiding out at Carly's  .This  got Britt arrested which I think was not fair at all in my opinion. She tried to make him see sense, but  Spencer is after all a head strong kid who makes his own decisions and yet Britt got the brunt of the  consequences because Nikolas thinks the sun shines out of Spencer's ass.

Liesl has been at the centre of many of the dramas going on in the Chuckles we first saw her when she was holding Robin hostage, but it blew up from there. Liesl also kidnapped Peter August and set the stables of Wydemere on fire and tried to take Peter along with it .

When Liesl threatened to tell Michael and Sonny about the baby switch , I honestly wish she would have blown Nelle and Brad out of the water cause frankly they deserved to be caught out for what they both did . They deserved what was coming to them in my humble opinion.

Since then Liesl has tried to stay on the straight and narrow for the sake of Britt Maxie  and little James since her son Nathan died. That's what a true loyal matriarch does she makes sacrifices to make those around her feel safe  loved and protected. 

Her friendship with Franco makes me smile , but her reaction to Scott and Anna lol, well that just makes me laugh harder 

Now then Nina and Nelle as mother and daughter I could have gotten into that if they hadn't of killed her off. I would have liked to have seen them interact as mum and daughter and take others to task.

Its sad really the writers made Nelle such a despicable character . I can understand someone being angry about how their life was but to blame other people who had nothing to do with it  is so wrong.

Nelle wanted someone to love her,  but she went about things the wrong way  . If you want to be treated with respect you have to earn that respect and make people trust you 

I feel like there was so much potential there , but Nelle did so much damage within Port Charles that no one would want to see her be happy.

Nelle murdering her ex fiance and then trying to kill Michael and gaslighting Carly made me dislike her even more.

And then she kidnapped Wiley   and Carly and she had a fight which lead to Nelle falling off a cliff and plunging to her death.

Carly did try to help her but she was too late.

Although Carly did not kill Nelle  , Nina was still angry at her for not telling her that Nelle was her daughter. 

I would have been angry myself , but Nina has her family who can get her through this. 

Britt and Maxie and Nina are united in their grief over the death of Nathan , and they all know Peter is up to no good .

The possibilities are endless and this gh fan can not wait for the fall out when my girls along with Liesl band together for justice.

This is Ashley signing off,  love you all and I'll be  back with my next installment soon .