
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9/24/21

Good  Sunday morning everyone,  so  the   episode  for  Friday  September 24th 2021 left me   rather angry .

First  of all, I'm getting  a little fed up of characters  who think they  have the  right to lie to and manipulate other people. 

The people of  Port  Charles need to rise up  and rid their  fair  city  of   the  likes of  Nina and  Esme.

Fridays  show  started  with Jason punching  a punching  bag . 

Britt questions him about  it  not being  the actions  of  a happy  newlywed

I really  love  them together ❀

Oh dear  Me  Anna and Valentin find out Nina went  back to Port Charles.

They also found  out Sonny is  alive and  says  she needs to call Robin and  tell her .

I swear Nina  must  be  lacking  some sort of logic when  Sonny tells  Nina  to leave him alone  πŸ˜’ she should  have  walked the other way  when seeing him at  the   cemetery. 

Instead  we got  alot  of  painful conversation that poor Sonny should not have had with Nina in the  first  place .

Oh boy Britt   Maxie  and Scotty in the same room discussing  Liesl  and  her whereabouts. 

Joss and  Trina  and  Cam  going to meet up.

I do not like Esme's 😐suck up  job with  Nikolas . She's  another Nelle I swear.

Oh  Sonny  lol are you stalking  me  lol, he says when   sees  Nina  .

liesl is like let me go when  Victor walks  into the room to talk to her.

Love Maxie's filling in Britt  and Scott about  Nina and Liesl.Victor is  psycho.

Victor says  that  he wants  Liesl to feel comfortable there.

Omfg Esme is  nuts  ,  and  Nikolas is  starting to  realize  it now. 

Go Sonny  rip her to shreds,  she  has no remorse for what  she  did to Carly .

When  someone lacks  empathy  for  others  it shows that  that  have mental instability. 

Jason asking Carly how it went  with Sonny.Carly asks  Jason  how  he is he says  I'm fine  , but  you don't Need Me anymore.

Why the hell would Esme want  to talk  to  Joss?Trina says  we should  access the  hospital video footage.

Cam says  no, that  he  got in trouble  last time  for using  his  mom's computer. 

Esme  is  so creepy, Joss tells  her that  Sonny is alive  and  Esme seems  shocked by the news .

I love Spencer and Nikolas, they're  finally  trying  to  make up and  get along finally. 

Nina stop trying  to justify  your actions  it's  so childish.Go Sonny you tell  her off she deserves that and  more.

Ugh someone πŸ˜‘ please shut her up.
Sonny says  she stole his  life from him.

Love Jarly  but I think they should  stay away from each other.

Trina tells Joss what  she  suspects about Spencer and Esme.

Esme arrives back at Wyndemere. Nikolas lol πŸ˜†is starting  to think Esme is a crazy Stalker.

Scott just found  out Sonny is alive.Lmfao  lol πŸ˜† Maxie telling  lol πŸ˜† Scott and Britt to  refocus.

Maxie is scatter brained  lol πŸ˜† she's the last one who should  say anything.

Victor is  insane, he  thinks  that  Liesl's family  won't  miss her yeah  okay  bro!!!

Go Sonny you handle  her  and  her  justifications for  not telling Carly the truth.

Mike doesn't exist there  is  only Sonny Corinthos.

Awe Carly is worried about Jason.Joss doesn't  want hurt Spencer.

Esme is  so selfish, when  she tells  him that Sonny is alive  he  smiles and  is  excited. 

Spencer is allowed  to  be happy about his Uncle  being  alive,but Esme is  pissed. 

Oh shut up  Victor  leave Liesl alone, he  keeps saying that Britt isn't sick yet , how the  hell would he know ?

Liesl is pissed because Victor  is holding  her hostage and  won't  leave her alone. 

Love Britt saying  she  knows her mom is alive  and  that she could  save  herself.

Scott wants  to rescue  Liesl.

See Nina played Mind games  with  Sonny and  he knows it  .

She says  I hope I didn't cause problems with you and  Carly.

But Nina he was happy  with  his family  and  you denied him that right to go home .

If you wanted him to be happy you should  have  told the  truth  from the off.

Esme is  an absolute   nutbar, and  needs to stop these games and grow up.

Nikolas asks  Trina for help , in getting  Ava  back.

Victor should  leave her alone Liesl is happy with her life.

Nina needs to mind  her own  business.She punished  Carly  over a girl she only knew was  her daughter for  5 minutes.

Nelle  was not a victim but Nina chose to  victimize Sonny's whole  family because  Carly told her leave her alone.

Trina says  she wishes  she could  help  Nikolas.Esme  is  annoyed that  Spencer is  happy  with  the news of his uncle  being alive. 

Britt and  Maxie say that  Liesl's strong  and has beaten  Peter before.

Go Liesl she   pulled a knife on Victor.

Nina  is  obsessed, she wants  locking up that woman .

Carly is worried about what they tell Sonny. πŸ˜• Jason  doesn't  look happy .

That's  it  for now guys  , enjoy your  Sunday.   Until tomorrow this  is  Mama Ashley  ,Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day .

Thursday, 23 September 2021

GHCanada GH Recap : Lord Forgive Me 9/23/21

Good Evening me darlings so today's  GH for September 23 rd 2021 had it's   high points and lord forgive me it had some  very low points  for  me  as well.

If you  haven't watched today's  show  buckle up guys it's about to  go off like  time bomb inside your head.

The continuation of the  Carson  reunion  was really  really sweet. 

But  I got the sense  that  Carly's  feeling  really  awkward  about 
Jason and  what  almost  happened  between them.

Speaking  of Jason lol , he was  punching a punching  bag . 

Lmfao Britt watches  from  the sidelines and  she  says  that's  not the  actions of  a happy  newlywed .

Then we saw Medusa lmfao ahem (sorry  I mean Esme) acting  like  she's  Meghan Markle and  has earned  the title  of  the  Duchess of Wyndemere manor . 

Nina showed up to see Maxie it was  a nice  reunion lol.... or so we thought. 

Jax talked to Anna and  Valentin about  Nina heading  back to  Port Charles and  how  he couldn't stop her from leaving  the hospital.

Trina  met up with Cam and  told  him about  what  she  suspects about  Spencer and Esme .

Carly  told  Sonny  she was happy to be drinking the coffee he made  and  she told him she  wants to see him wearing  his  own clothes. 

Esme sucked up to both Nikolas and Kevin  and  was  doing  my head in seriously this girl is  the female  version of Eddie Haskell from Leave it to beaver.

Sonny  got changed  into  one  of his  suits  and  Carly told  him that  she had all of his things  put in the attic .

Maxie  was  totally  disgusted  when   she  heard  what  Nina did  to  Sonny and  Carly . Seeing that  Carly is her step cousin  she  should have marked  Nina's cards and  told her to  get lost. 

Jason  told  Britt that  Sonny  turned  up very much alive and it was  an emotional reunion  for  everyone. 

Britt tells  Jason  what  happened to her mother  and  Scott . Jason  offers  to help her find  her mom.

Britt tells  him  I can handle  it , but thanks. 

Meanwhile  Anna and  Valentin  find  out  what  Peter had done  to Nina  and  Jax finds  out  that  Peter jumped  off a cliff. 

Maxie  finds out what happened  with  Peter  and  what  he  did  to  Nina  and Sonny.

She tells Nina you're my sister  and  I love  you and nothing  will change that. 

As soon as Nina left  Maxie made  a phone call to Britt .

Sonny tells Carly that  he's  proud of her for how she handled  the  five families. 

Oh my goodness gracious me , then  Ava showed up to see Carly and got  a shock when  she  saw  Sonny.

I sensed relief  in Ava's voice  when  she  saw him and  he was brought  up to speed on what's  been going on and let me tell you  guys he was pissed. 

And then  Our  girl  Britt showed you to see  Maxie and  Maxie tells  her what  she  had heard  about Peter and  her mom.

Cam actually  agreed  to help  Trina with Spencer and  Esme . 

Trina says  that Ava is giving  up everything and leaving Port Charles because  Spencer is a spoiled brat. 

Spencer is beginning  to feel guilty about how he's  treated his dad  after  hearing his dad say he  wants  to make it up to his  son.

Trina and  Cam are going to lay a  trap Spencer and Esme. 

Ava is appreciative  of what  Sonny and Carly are doing  for her with Avery 

She asks them for moral support in telling  Avery that she's  leaving fit  awhile  

Anna and  Valentin talk about what Peter did to Drew and  Valentin says  he wants  to kill him after  what  he put Maxie through. 

They become  aware that  the  nurse that  was supposed  to help Maxie was kidnapped and replaced  with the fake one. 

Sonny goes to the   graveyard  to visit  his grave.   Nina  shows up and  he  does not  look elated  to see her. 

And finally  Jason has come  to see Carly. She tells  him that Sonny's not  home and  Jason says  I'm not here to see him I'm here to see you .

That's  it for now  guys,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone πŸ˜€. 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


Good Evening one and all  , just  a heads  up  today's recap  is  going  to be  filled  with  Love , pain the whole  damn thing  , GH if you want  my heart ❀ you get everything  .

And if you think I'm kidding  you haven't  yet  watched  today's General Hospital. 

Todays  show  was  absolutely  filled  with  love,  shock  ,  anger  , insanity  and  most  of  it  came  from yours  truly rather than  on screen.

So  Carson and Sason had their  long awaited  reunion  . Watching  these scenes made  me  smile  , but  also it  made  me relieved when  Sonny learned  what Carly did  to protect  Sonny's  territory.

Brooklynn and  Chase made  me  smile  a whole lot  , as did  Michael and   Willow. 

In Nixon Falls Nina wouldn't shut the  hell up and would  not  quit calling  Sonny Mike .

When is  this  mentally  unbalanced  woman  going  to  stop obsessing over  a man who clearly  told  her he  has no  feelings  for her what so  ever.

Her obstinate behavior  is  going  to  get her stupid  assed killed. 

I had to laugh  when  Joss met up with  Cam and  Trina and  how they were  waiting  for Spencer to show up to hang out with  them .

As usual Joss  proves  she's her mother's daughter and opens mouth inserts foot  ,not that  it was a bad thing  lol Spencer kinda had it coming. 

Spencer apologizes to Trina for  the way  he lied to her and  she accepts his apology. 

At Charlie's pub Kristina is talking to  Ava  about how she trusts  Kristina to  manage the bar while  she  is  gone  .

Carly and  Sonny made  me smile  big  time  , to me  these two feel like home to me.  

Jason went downstairs to let them  talk  and  spoke  to Dante who walked  through the door .

Dante talked to him about  the  limo bombing  but  Jason was distracted and   tried to  change the subject  .

Meanwhile upstairs  Carly had Sonny put her wedding rings  back on her finger. 

When they  got downstairs Dante got the  happiest  surprise of his life  his dad is alive. 

Nina insists she wants to confess everything to Carly .. is this bitch serious??? Let him be with his family  before you swoop in and destroy it .

Meanwhile  lol at  the metrocourt lol Joss and  Trina were less than  thrilled  to see Esme . 

There is  one  hell of a shitstorm coming  for Nina . I honestly  can't believe she  can't show one ounce of remorse or  compassion for  Carly at all .

 I'm glad Phyllis set Nina bang to rights  for  her  actions  and  how selfish that  Phyllis thinks  Nina is being .

Nina just  keeps trying  to justify what  she did  , by saying  Carly was mean to her .

Yeah okay bitch there  is no justification or  logic to what  you did  to that family  and  you know it .

Phyllis informed her that  she  doesn't  think  Carly would  see it the same way  Nina does.

Esme is really  trying  to push  Joss' buttons , but  girlfriend  has no clue you do not mess with her . 

The guys were shocked  lol , that Joss would  even suggest  that one  word  from her and  her Connections  could  and would  make Esme disappear  if she dare upset  Joss.

Lmfao I burst out laughing  the whole  situation 🀣 is just freaking nuts,  she  reminds me  of  Sage Alcazar or  Nelle  with her creepy assed behavior. 

Back at Charlie's Ava and  Kristina  were talking about the divorce and  how  Kristina's family  has had problems  with both Ava and Nikolas but they're okay to her despite the past.

Chase, Brooklynn and Michael and Willow cracked me up with the pleasantries. 

Michael got a text from Carly to come  home  and Kristina got the  same  one as well.

As Joss was talking to the boys  she got the text from Michael that they have  to go home and that their mom had a surprise for them.

Dante spoke so sweetly  to his dad  , it was so incredibly sweet   πŸ’— to hear and see the admiration Dante actually has for his  dad. 

Meanwhile lol Trina lol started  talking to Esme and something  she said to our Trina triggered the  detective skills in our girl. She clocked it that  Esme and Spencer were both Ava's Stalkers.

Back at the Corinthos compound Michael and Joss arrived home  escorted by their mom who  said  its a good surprise. 

Holy man the tears  in my eyes  were flowing  when  Michael and  Joss saw their beloved step Dad .

They were shocked and happy to see him. Michael went over to hug him and then Kristina came in and  saw her dad. My goodness I was in tears.

Kristina was  in shock , happy shock like the rest of them  and  she cried happy tears.

The sweetest gift that Sonny's ever given them is  himself being home and very much alive. 

Poor Jason was  upset and very quietly made his exit from the private family moment.

That's it for now guys until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley, Judy and Cindy signing off have a good evening everyone .

Nina Reeves : You're in danger girl

Disclaimer  : This  blog  is about  Nina Reeves  who I totally  dislike at the moment  and  in no way is a platform to bash the actress who plays  her.

Before I start  this  blog  first and  fore most I want to give  a  shout out to  her portrayer  Cynthia Watrose who took over  from  Michelle Stafford in the part  In 2019.

Cynthia  is one  hell of an actress  and plays the part brilliantly I might  add . You my dear  are fantastic at making me dislike Nina.

They say  the mark of  a good actress is when they  play  the part so well you actually feel certain emotions  watching the character on screen and  believe they are this unhinged person.

Since the beginning Nina has  made laugh , made me cry , and  I felt  compassion and  understanding  towards  her, but sadly she has made me so hopping mad lately.

Perhaps it's  because Nina had become  emotionally stunted from being  in that coma 20 years after her mother drugged her and stole Nelle from her that made her this way I don't know?

Having  said  that even though that  happened to her , you would think  she  would  not set out to hurt other people .

Unfortunately  she still doesn't seem to understand that  her reckless and selfish  behavior affects the people  around  her .

First it was her kidnapping and drugging Ava and stealing Avery from her. I thought that Nina's obsession  with  babies was a one off, but  she  was just getting started. 

However her short stint in ferncliff was not enough to make her  learn from her mistakes let alone  gain  understanding that her mental instability will always be  called into question.

Also  she  has never learned  that  her actions have consequences although she  said the same thing about Carly . 

It's called projection darling so you punish others  for  the actions  that you yourself take and  place blame on others. 

I understand she  was upset  that  Carly and Jax hid the fact  that  Nelle was her daughter  away from her, but most people think before  they act  and do not hurt other people.  

Yes Carly  was  nasty to her , however  in keeping the truth about Sonny to herself , she wasn't just punishing   Carly , but in effect she was punishing his children  and  grandchildren as well.

One  of those grandchildren is Wiley who  she claims  to love.

I think Nina is devoid of  feelings especially when she  doesn't  think of how her deception and lie to Sonny  would make  things spiral out of control for her and  not in her favor either. 

Jax and Peter even  told  her how warped what she was doing with Sonny was . Coming from Peter August  though how ironic is it that he  tells her off for the same thing he did  to Jason and Drew .

If she thinks  Sonny is angry with her,  oh girl that's  just  the tip of the  iceberg.

I  can not  wait  for  the drama  that  will ensue when Sonny tells  Carly  what  Nina did lol.

Once the  formidable Mrs Carly Corinthos finds out  what  exactly  you hid from her and  about your  obsession  with her husband   ....

 Oooh Nina you're in danger girl and I for one can't wait to have a front  row seat for the main event. 

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-21-21

Good  Evening  one  and  all ... so  Today's  Show  made  me  feel  like  everything was  alright  with  the world  now that  Sonny's back in his  humble abode. 

Amongst that  we had Maxie panicking  now she  knows Peter is  no longer missing thanks  to Nina .

We also had the pleasure of  Anna facing off with  Peter and  Valentin soon joined her. 

Carly and  Jason were  in one  hell of a shock when they  saw Sonny showing up in the bedroom just as they were about to  bump uglies and  consumate their marriage  .
Carly fainted from the shock in the meantime,  Brooklynn and  Chase had a sweet conversation about baby Bailey .

Britt thanked Elizabeth  for her and Terry making  up an excuse  and  keeping  her  distracted  because  her mom had gone  missing and  the Jarly nuptials. 

Michael and Willow talked about  planning  their own wedding.

 Meanwhile back at Sonny's  Jason and  Sonny   urged Carly to wake  up  lol.

The poor lass was  in shock   lol,  😲I know I would be  if my supposedly dead  husband  came  back  from the dead. 

Maxie talked to Britt about  Peter  and  they told each other to stay  safe. 

Anna managed  to shoot Peter in the  leg  and  Valentin and she watched  him take a flying  leap off of a cliff .

 Carly and Jason kept Sonny  up to speed on everything  that's  been going on  and   that  they got married to protect themselves and the business. 

Sonny  was surprisingly calm considering  the  drama  he went through  these last 9 months. 

Maxie asked  Austin to take  her to the Quartermaine's so that  they could  warn them about  Peter .

Maxie said  that  that  Peter is  obsessed with  Valentin , but she's  not telling the whole truth Peter is obsessed with our Maximista.

Anna and Valentin have  called search and rescue to find Peter. Maxie shows up at the Q's to check on Lou and  she finds out she's safe. 

Maxie tells  Brooklynn that Peter is alive and  may come  after  who he thinks  is Valentin's baby  girl.

Chase escorts  Maxie to the car to take her home  where  police protection is ready and  available for her even though Brooklynn offered to let her stay with the Quartermaine's. 

And lastly Sonny  is told by  Carly and Jason that  Cyrus tried to take his  seat at the table and thatJason was stabbed in prison and went on the run with  Britt. 

They also tell him they  got  married 2 hours earlier  and  that  Carly took over the seat at the head of the table of the 5 families. 

We can't wait  to  have a front  row seat  for when  lol,  Sonny tells  Carly and Jason what Nina  did  to him.

Until later  on today  me lovelies   πŸ˜˜,  this is  Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day and happy GH watching everyone. 

Monday, 20 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-2021

Good Evening me darlings  .... Sooo what  did  we have brewing in  the  episode  for September 20th 2021?

Well for starters  , we saw the  limo explosion  and  Jarly were in one piece thank goodness.

They we saw a very pissed off Sonny dealing with Nina . He  told her to back off of him can you really  blame  him after what she did ?

 Jason told Carly that  Ms Woo made sure that Jarly were safe and  the  rival mob bosses attempting to kill them got what was coming to them. 

It's going  to be a very pleasant  surprise and  everyone will be  made up when they  see him alive  and well.

The shortest  wedding reception in Port Charles history  happened and that's  no joke. 

With the speeches that  were  very sweet, but for an oblivious Carly and her kids they have  no idea what's about to happen .

Brooklynn and Chase were cute talking  about  Little  Lou who everyone thinks  is  Bailey. 

Jax talked to Sonny and offered  him a way home . 

They admitted they  don't like each other much  , but at least  lol Sonny was appreciative  of the  ride home. 

Oh and  Let's not forget the very unhinged  Nina lmfao 🀣 honestly  she really thinks she can hold onto a man  who can't stand  the sight  of her.

You don't lie to  someone and expect them  to  go oh poor you ,  I'll stay with you cause you're so  taken with me.

Nah Sonny Corinthos doesn't  like  overly  desperate  , needy  and squirrely bitches who think they  got their claws into him .

Olivia was furious  with  both Ned  and   Austin who  clearly did not  consider  how she  would  feel about   them discussing her kid behind  her back.

Maxie and Spin flirted  a bit and  it was  a breath of fresh air amongst the drama.

Carly threw her bouquet and  Willow caught it. LOL she aimed it towards Willow on purpose  we just know it .

Meanwhile  Nina informed Anna , Jax and Valentin about Peter and  how  he  blackmailed her and how he followed Maxie to Nixon Falls. 

She told them that  Liesl had a plan , but  the  plan went south and Liesl has disappeared. 

Also  ..... Valentin and Anna were hot on Peter's trail.  Valentin asked Anna if she had her gun and  he  had his and  Valentin told her to stay safe. 

Anna found Peter , she  held him at gun point  and I shouted  at the  TV shoot him Anna. 

Oh brother and  Jarly were preparing for their wedding  night not even  aware Sonny was home and in his way upstairs. 

That's it for now guys  until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone πŸ˜€. 

Saturday, 18 September 2021

The Remergence of Sonny Corinthos 9-16-21 - 9-17-21

As everyone  knows  I am the  biggest Sonny Corinthos fan going and  of  his  portrayer Maurice Benard .

Over the course of time that Nina  knew Sonny was alive and had amnesia, she has  lied to him and manipulated him while this was going on I was  becoming more angry and  annoyed and wanting Sonny  to emerge.

Keeping  his  whereabouts a secret  from Carly and  his children  no less was the actions of an emotionally  stunted woman who was afraid her  fave toy that she stole would be taken  away from her.

Bit by bit we saw bits of our Sonny  come out during  the  2 robberies first  at the Tan-0 and then the barn dance.

I was hoping Jax would  see him  at the barn dance or talk to him,  but that didn't happen because Nina yet again lied and said Jax had imagined it.

As luck would  have it  that wasn't until he and Joss had Sonny's sauce and he  talked to Ava then  saw him with his own eyes .

That's why  I was super stoked when   Peter August and  Jax enlightened  him to the  fact they knew who he was and that  they  knew his  family  .

And then  that  beautiful fire that  engulfed , the Tan-0 set by Peter August  happened. 

Like the Phoenix rising  from the ashes Sonny was guided  by the spirit of his father who urged him to remember who he was .

Carly, then appeared to him as well and  I just knew something  magical would happen. 

And then it happened  Sonny  called  out for  Carly  oh hell yes , he did and not  that  unhinged twit  who formed this unnatural attachment to him. 

Among this we had the Jarly wedding  I'm not even  gonna go there cause  Carly will be in for one hell of a shock  let me tell you when her man turns up alive.

On Fridays show  Nina  was becoming  more and  more unreasonable and  barking mad as she  thinks she's in love  with the  man who  clearly  with  his memory  intact would  not  give her the time of day.

At the hospital once  Sonny allowed  her to see him  lol . Our Sonny  emerged and  let me tell you guys he wasn't  little bit angry lol he  was super effing pissed at her  rightfully  so.

He told her his name  isn't  Mike  its Sonny and that  he remembered everything .

How on earth can this bitch justify her actions.  She  thinks  she's  paying  Carly back for Nelle lol .

Oh honey...  you're so demented it's not even  funny.  They say Karma is a bitch , but so is Carly  .

But Vengeance thy name is Sonny Corinthos. She's lived out her crush  in  her head  and has seen a version  of him she  manufactured in her mind. 

But who is she to play God with  his and Carly's lives  and the lives of his  children.   

I can not wait for  Sonny to  unleash  a verbal smack down  of epic proportion.  First she stole Avery from  Ava's belly  and  now  she's messed with his life  .

Words can  not describe  how excited  I am to  see πŸ˜„ this chick being lead   to a padded cell  after the Corinthos family is done dealing  with her ass.

Let  the  whoop ass begin and  I can not wait  for the  reunion  with  him and  Carly

But you  better hang on tight my  babies when Sonny is apprised of what went  down  with  Cyrus and the 5 family's and sits once again at the head of the table again there will be  hell to  pay  lol. 

Welcome  home  Sonny I've  missed  you loads. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-15-21

Good Lord  have Mercy  on our souls please  remove Nina Reeves from  this mortal coil and may  she  burn in hell with  Nelle. (  burn in hell  were Peter's words from yesterday's show) lol.

What Peter has done .... is  payback for Nina not stopping Liesl from  doing  the same thing  to him.

Karma is a bitch , but so is Carly  , burning  in hell is one thing lol feeling the wrath of Mrs Corinthos,  you just signed your own death warrant honey. 

Meanwhile Drew was  planning his escape bargaining with his guard  and  Britt was complimenting Maxie on her dress. 

Sonny was about to break a window to rescue the women but Jax put a stop to that ..

Jason and Spin talked about Carly,  and Michael and Jason had an awesome  conversation. 

Maxie asks Spin to save  her a dance at the wedding awe.

I'm finding it hard to stomach Olivia's attitude towards Austin  , I think πŸ€”she should hear him out  .

Britt called Scott to  find out if he heard from her mom.  She said if she's been kidnapped  she's probably driving  them nuts by now. 

Carly and  Joss had a nice  mother  daughter moment. So so sweet.

Meanwhile Sam was  acting  like she was interrogating a suspect while talking to Harmony.  

It clearly  was annoying the hell out of  Harmony and she asked her what exactly she was accusing  her of.

And if that's not enough  to  drive  you nuts , πŸ€ͺ Britt asked Terry and  Elizabeth what  they were up to tonight. 

I really wish they'd  cut the poor girl some  slack  πŸ˜•she clearly  isn't happy with Jason marrying Carly and top of that her momma is missing. 

Sonny and Jax managed to  find an entrance into the Tan-0 while Joss gave her mom a very pretty necklace to wear for the wedding  .

Drew turned into his own hostage  negotiation trying  to  reason  with his  guard .

Harmony is told by Alexis that Sam doesn't want to persecute her she  just wants  help .

Elizabeth manufactures an excuse to  perk Britt up after  talking to Terry .

They need to find  files that were deleted. 

Harmony  talks to Sam and Dante about  Digby Kirk one of Shiloh's associates  who she says  is dangerous  .

Sam says  nonchalantly yeah well so are we. 

Sonny and Jax managed to get into the  Tan-0 they get Nina and  Phyllis out but Sonny is hit on the head by an over head beam in the ceiling. 

Well .. that's it for   the latest  gossip out of the Chuckles  today... until next time  my sweets this is Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-14-21

Good Afternoon me darlings,  so GH was really really  great  today.  Lmfao but I really  feel like  I wanna  wing it again.

I have never  laughed so much in ages watching  GH  πŸ˜‚ than I have in the past .

For starters lol , Today's  show   starts  off with Alexis  talking  to  Harmony about Ryan.

Lmfao Alexis talking  about  Horror movies and how Eme dealing with Ryan is like  teenagers in a horror  movie tempting fate with  a serial killer.

I found  this amusing as I suspect it could  be  Freddy Vs Jason she was  referring too.

Sam and Dante are so damn cute. Talking about baseball and my  mum compared them to silly 16 year old kids.

This nurse is smart and sweet that's  being held prisoner like Drew is .

This nurse is smart and sweet  , showing  up to see Spencer he us literally  the stupidest idiot  on the planet. 

Lmfao Joss ,Go girl you tell him lol, she tells Spencer lol that  he  may have grown taller  lol , but emotonally he's still that  scheming  little  boy deep inside. See he's emotionally  stunted like I've always  said. 

Sonny  is  looking for his his phone.Sonny talking  to Jax  and Jax is about to tell him the truth.

Nina is so  crazy ,You don't trash talk someone  to their face especially when they  have  a gun.

Lmfao Sam and Dante, they're  so funny  and  cute  talking  and  practicing  baseball ⚾️swings. 

Oh Drew, lol he's  pretending  to be hurt so he and  Chloe can make  their escape. 

Lmfao  Joss , reading Spencer the riot act  and Let's face  it he deserves it.

Joss is her mother's  daughter  she knows how to deliver a smackdown with finess   .

Harmony  is  still snakey, she's questioning Alexis about what  she's saying  about Esme .

Go Jax you tell him, that Nina is lying to him and has been for month's. 

Sonny is being stubborn as hell , 
Jax says  you're thinking  you are running away   your past , but your past has caught up with you , today   Is your  day.

Peter tells Phyllis to get  duct tape  and rope to Tie Nina up .

Spencer is so arrogant and stupid  he thinks  he's untouchable  and  isn't  guilty of  anything  .

This is an act ,Go Drew go, run Drew and  Chloe run go on save yourselves.

Poor Sam is going to be so confused when drew gets home.Love Alexis  telling Harmony about what she did cause of the alcohol.

Come on Sonny  stop,Open your ears and   shut your mouth. Go Jax!!

Peter is so snakey, but after today  I'm so #TeamPeterAugust.Ha ha πŸ˜‚ Peter says that  wants  Nina to join Nelle in hell.

Nina is scared shitless, and rightfully so,  but she  did this to herself  if this redeems Peter lol !!! Nina is in trouble. 

Sam and Dante are killing me, their banter back and forth Is  adorable  .

Lmfa0 Esme and  Joss It's so funny. Lmfao Sonny open your damn eyes. You're not in love  with  this  woman. 

It feels  like Stockholm syndrome  to Me.  Lmfao you're  living  under a cloud mate. 

Come on Jax tell him the  truth  lol

Peter is telling  Phyllis lol  about  Sonny, and  How Nina is keeping  him away from his beautiful wife  and  kids and has known  who he was  this entire time. 

Drew and Chloe are escaping,Dante being filled in about Harmony.

Alexis wants to know how Esme unnerved Ryan.  Sam is on probation for killing Shiloh I say she did the world a favor.

Harmony says  Shiloh liked Girls like Esme beautiful butterflies on the outside vipers on the inside.

Lmfao Peter saying that  Nina manipulated Phyllis and Sonny.

He gagged her, oh at last lol someone does us a huge favor. 

Phyllis asks  why he's doing  this to her. Peter says  next time choose better friends. Lmfao. 

Harmony  and  Alexis are becoming friends it seems.Joss says if she has to choose between Spencer and   Trina she chooses Trina.

Go Jax, he says  you may not trust me  , but trust Nina to tell you the truth. 

Sonny won't  listen to Jax, Peter has Phyllis tied up and setting the place  on fire.

Dead men and women tell no tales,Drew better hurry before he gets locked back up.

I feel bad for Nina   but  especially Phyllis she didn't ask for this at all.

Geez Drew, you let Chloe leave  but are staying put wtaf.

Sam talks to her mom and  tells Harmony that they're  actually there to  speak to Harmony  .

Harmony is getting defensive,Sam says we aren't here to accuse you we need your help.

Esme knows how to  smooth talk Spencer, infront of other people. Spencer has seen the light  about  Esme she's such  a sly girl.

Sonny walks into the tano amongst the flames. I love our brave  strong  Sonny .

That's it for now , until later on today guys this is Mama Ashley,  Judy and Cindy signing off have a great day everyone  and  happy GH watching. 

Monday, 13 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9/13/21

Goood Afternoon me  darlings  ,  lord forgive me for what  this  recap is  about to say. 

Ok so  Today's  show starts  off with  Joss and   Trina  talking about Carly  who is all happy and  smiling.

Oh my God the doorbell  rings  she   sees Ava  who  says  its Important she  talks  to get.

Nikolas  wants  to  know what  Esme and  Spencer has  been up too. 

Esme says  Spencie has been showing  her all of the  hot spots  in Port Charles. 

Valentin approaches them   uh oh, he  says something about a delightful family reunion  .

Austin is confused as to why  Maxie has invited him to the wedding.

Yes Queen Jordan is awake, I'm relieved  as I'm sure TJ and  Curtis will be.

Nina thinks  Sonny  is walking  through the door and  it's actually  Peter.  

He says  What's the matter Nina you look like you've  seen a ghost.

Oh boy  for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee Nina Reeves and  you too Peter.

I literally  can  not  stand either of them cause they  like to play God with other people's lives.

Please forgive me soap God I tried to like her again, but she proves my gut feeling was right  lol in the first flaming place. 

I'm kicking myself  lol as Jax should  be doing that  i trusted her good girl act until she  messed with My man Sonny's life .

Peter do away with her now, lord have Mercy  on  me  they're  souls should  be dammed by  Lucifer himself. 

Brooklynn is eavesdropping,Maxie doesn't want  to talk about regrets and  move on with things. 

Jordan says that  Curtis  should  not have  risked  his own life .Curtis says  he made  the choice  to save her.

Portia says  I tried  to help  as best I could  Jordan  is  appreciative.

Trina tells Joss that she  is annoyed with  Spencer and  Esme and  their  attitudes towards  her .

Ava says  she's leaving  Avery with Carly, and that  she knows she's  safe with Carly. 

Lmfao Valentin lol,Valentin and  Nikolas lol are  so cock sure of themselves. 

Esme is enjoying  this  too much, especially  when  Spencer lips off at Valentin. 

Chest thumping  Neanderthals, having a pissing contest  about whose  the  strongest  more powerful man.

Anna is not amused, and tells them to stop.

Trina likes Spencer poor girl  ,Trina is  going  to tell Joss about what Spencer was doing.

Anna thinks this  fight  is  stupid  lol, she  acts like  a school teacher telling  two kids on the playground to stop their nonsense. 

She knows better Nikolas has a temper, and that Spencer is a chip off the old block and Valentin is no victim.

After Anna and Valentin  leave Esme wants to know who the  bossy Brit is lol.

Jordan is confused as to why  Austin is her doctor, that she wants to see her own  doctor. 

Shawn called  Molly, who arrives  to see Jordan that was a sweet thing for Shawn to do . 

Peter is a little upset 😏 that  Nina  lead  him on a wild  goose chase to find  Louise.

He is  also angry that  she set her dementedc Aunt liesl on him . LMFAO.  OH dear .

Demented Aunt? Nah  she's  not  so what  does that make you a saint?

Oh please  , he thinks he's superior to other people. He has  a napoleon complex. Little man huge chip  on his shoulder. 

Peter lol has Nina over a freaking  barrel. He's  more than  a little  pissed.

Trina just  told  Joss that  Spencer is Victor  lol.Joss says what does he  get out of getting you to keep his lie.

Trina is upset she lied to Joss.I want  Ava and Carly to be  friends.

Spencer just realized nicholas is hurt.
Nikolas says that  Ava's goons had him beaten  up.

Esme is a strange cookie, totally obsessed with Spencer. is she the new Nelle?

Anna tells Valentin Jordan  is in the hospital.Austin tells  Curtis , Portia and  TJ says Jordan has renal failure.

Oh my God Brooklynn stop βœ‹, she  won't  stop pushing Maxie into doing shit she doesn't want  to do .

Peter asks Nina for her phone  and  for it to be unlocked. He makes  her call Valentin.

Nina asks if they  found  any info on Louise yet.Nina is  giving Valentin  a help signal.

She knows he's at the Q's  ,Phyllis just walked into the  Tan-0.I'm already stressed.

I love Maxie  πŸ’˜ being grateful to  Brooklynn.Austin says  its all hands on deck to  save Jordan.

Jordan needs to go for special treatment in Albany New York.Portia  is  pleased Jordan is so organized  for her own health.

Poor Trina is upset  , she  says  she wished  that she  had told  Ava  who Victor was from the start.

Valentin knows that  Nina was  a little off even for her.Anna says  it's a touchy subject about Louise but trust  your instincts.

Valentin calling Nina back, but gets no answer.Phyllis sees that Peter has Nina at  gun point  so pulls a gun on Peter holy shit. Oh flaming he'll  I was not expecting  that  lol. 

I knew she didn't  like or trust him lol.Jordan tells Portia she heard what she said about  Trina's father.

Jordan  gives  her advice  about  talking about past mistakes.

Jordan  asks if Molly can  do her a favor  lol Molly  finished  her sentence take care of TJ.

I love Maxie and Brooklyn's friendship.

I love  Nikolas and Spencer talking things out.They talk about Esme's manners  and how its rude to leave  the  table to go to the bathroom lol.

I love Curtis and Jordan they're so  cute.They are so in love still.Portia calls  Trina and  tells  her about the  accident.

Joss doesn't look happy!!!

Go Phyllis, shoot him !!!Oh my God are you kidding me why didn't you shoot him for God sake.

Ava would have  killed his ass,Or Liesl!!!

Lol Maxie asks Austin if he thought  it over about being her date .Austin has accepted the offer for  the wedding.

Brooklynn  goes into full Mama Ashley mode see ,  I'm just saying! Lmfao!

Awe Jordan, tells her loved ones  she  loves them. Lmfao Joss  confronting Spencer.

Valentin  has clued in it was  a  clue,That Nina's in trouble  Anna  says she'll go with him to Nixon Falls.

That's it for  now  , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley and Cindy signing off have a great Monday evening everyone.

Sunday, 12 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-10-21

Happy Sunday  everyone,   stop the world  i wanna  get off ma.

This  was  the  theme  of the  episode  for  me. It was a definite strong hard pass for  the episode for  Friday September 10th 2021.

Poor Curtis was soo upset over Jordan being ill and  was beside  himself with worry as was poor TJ.

I felt sorry for our poor Portia, she must realize that Curtis  still loves Jordan .

TJ called his dad  and   Austin told  Curtis that  they have  to operate  on Jordan and save her  as she's going into renal failure. 

Among that  we  had a front  row  seat  for Nina and her  mental instability. 

I'm really fed of her  taking  advantage of  Sonny while he's  suffering  from amnesia.

What she's doing  is inaprehensible, and shows that she is emotionally  stunted. 

The screaming  and  crying  at Jax begging him not to tell Sonny the  truth  shows how  incredibly selfish she is . 

Oh boo hoo Carly kept my daughter away from me ... I'm punishing her by  keeping  her husband secretly  hidden  miles away and I want him for myself. 

It's not like she cut her stomach open  and took the  baby from her and  went  on the run .... no that's  Nina's and  Madeline's trick. 

In other Port Charles News Maxie and  Brooklynn talked about whether  Maxie should  take her daughter back or not.

Carly and Jason reminiscing again  I love nostalgia , however I  prefer Carly with Sonny .

And don't  get me  started  on Gladys,  she is rude , ignorant  selfish and  presumptuous thinking  she's more important than a baby  who should have its own  private space.     

The  way  she  trash talks Carly is disgusting  and  she needs to shut the hell up.

As for Phyllis  ,  she is   getting on my  freaking  nerves .

 She should have  investigated to find out  who Sonny is but nope  , she  decided to  push  a nut job on an amnesiac man who  deserved to  find out who he is and  where his family is.

What Nina is doing is a betrayl of  trust , she only  cares about what she wants not about what's in the  best interest for Sonny .

I had to laugh  when  Peter showed up  tick tock Nina , you're so screwed .

I can not  wait for her downfall to come  it's about bloody time and  all.  

That's it for now  , until tomorrow guys this is Mama  Ashley , Judy and Cindy have a good rest of your  weekend  and  we will see you back here tomorrow 


Thursday, 9 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-9-21

Good Evening me darlings  so  I have to do this  blog  with a wing and  a prayer or  fly by the seat  of my pants  so  to speak. 

Today's show pretty much  was  one  big hot mess. I love my GH but  I find this  whole  Nina/ Sonny storyline a total and utter let down.

If it weren't  for the  sanity of Jordan being  injured and  the  light heartenedness of Brooklynn and Maxie ,Plus Austin and Leo I probably would have switched the show off.

I'm just being honest guys so don't shoot the messenger.  Then we had  Carly and  Jason  having  their  heart to heart .

I was left  wanting  to  yet again zap myself  in and  tell Jax to call Carly and  tell her about Sonny Now.

Instead like  the  Goomba he is  he asks her to explain herself lol .

And there  she stood in full sheer irrational mode crying  uncontrollably like a  little  kid  whose daddy has punished her and wants to take away  her latest new  toy obsession .

Nina is the type of woman  who gets obsessed with people and then when she gets bored she fixates on the  next man and treats the previous  bloke like trash.   

Valentin,  Jax and Franco  know a bit about that since they've  been on the other end of it .

Elsewhere Austin was the subject of  conversation between Maxie and  Brooklynn. 

Listen , I love these two together especially  when Maxie called her out for being a schemer .

Brooklynn  says speak for yourself  Miss Schemer Mcschemerman.

She begs Maxie to  invite  Austin to the wedding and she agrees but not for  The Quartermaine's ELQ business.

Ned lost  Leo who  wound up seeing  Austin and he spent time  with him before taking him back to Ned .

Curtis rescued Portia and Jordan and managed to get her back to GH.

Sonny  became angry and frustrated with  what he's hearing out of Jax's mouth where Nina  is concerned. 

Sonny left to clear  his head and started remembering everything Jax said to  him and what Nina told him too.

Jason and Carly reminiscing about when they met at Jake's years ago.

And how they're falling back in love with each other. 

 Next thing  we  know  Jax tells Nina that Sonny's loved ones are in danger because she's kept him away  from  them for so long.

Austin tells Ned he wants  to  talk to him about Leo and Brooklynn and Maxie watch over him.

Austin tells  him that  he  believes Leo needs  some special treatment from a specialist. 

Maxie invites Austin to the wedding. 

Sonny keeps getting  flashbacks and Nina keeps begging Jax to help her , but he tells her no that  she's living in a fantasy world. 

Nina says that  Sonny isn't Sonny anymore  he's Mike just a simple  guy not a ruthless mobster.

Jax says  Mike doesn't  exist that he's always been Sonny  Corinthos 

Carly and  Jason kiss...  Please God  let  Sonny go home now. 

That's it for now,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley, Judy,  and Cindy signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-8-21 Your Little Secret

Good Evening  me darlings I'm still seething from watching the episode  of September 8th 2021.

So much so that I want to be zapped in and do something everyone else should have ages ago.

Oh  my goodness ,oh my goodness please forgive me  I'm not a violent person , but I want  to physically beat Esme and Nina until they are so unrecognizable to those  who love them.

Lord knows why anyone would  they play mind fuck games with people they shouldn't ie Ava and  Sonny.

I never thought I'd say this  but Jax do your worst and if you can't lol let Carly or me do it !

Today's  show began with Jordan  talking to  Curtis outside Roger Barstow's home.

Lol the cases they're working on are  are connected.

Nikolas rips up the restraining order and calls it a joke.Ava did this to protect them from the Stalker.

Ooooh Trina is onto Esme,Jason and Joss worried  about Carly.

Nina and Sonny talking about taking a trip.She leaves  all excited and  loved up until she runs Into  Jax.

She is not happy  to see him lol and Jax says you don't look happy to see me.

Jax says he needs to speak to her about what he thinks she's been up too in Nixon Falls.

Jordan wants to know  how  Drew is connected to  Naomi's murder.They're putting the pieces together.

Ava is furious with how Nikolas treated  Spencer she knows what the price is to take  your  child for granted.

They wont  quit  Screaming  at  each other.

Why would   Esme care about Kiki, Spencer  is gullible and stupid to trust this girl! Esme is as crazy  as fuck.

Jax walks into the Tan-0  and hasn't seen Sonny yet. He has recognized that Nina is acting pretty sketchy.

Omfg She's doing the bug eyes again  when she realizes she's been caught doing something she shouldn't  .

Joss is worried about her mom, she is freaking out poor kid .  Jason calls  Spin to locate Queen Carly.

 Jax wants to make sure Nina isn't  self destructing and hurting  herself. Oops too late  lol Carly will be her grimreaper .

Jax says  the  marinara sauce has lead him to the Tan-0 he wants to meet Mike.

Trina  is  annoyed and  she gets up and she has to go away from Wednesday Addams aka Esme. 

Portia thinks it's strange they've Barstow isn't  there to meet them.

Looks like Barstow was kidnapped and stopped from  speaking to them.

Jordan don't  go upstairs ,Or in the basement  it could  be a trap ugh.

Jordan is going to get stuck in that basement I know this scenario.

Oh lord Esme is  so sketchy it's not even funny.She thinks she's  entitled to   go off on Trina.

Ava tells  the guys  to remove Nikolas lol as she  takes a  phone call.The men go to beat him up.

Jordan just found  a body  oh my God.Barstow is dead.Someone  is after Jordan and following her in the basement. 

Jax won't  back down, he says  Nina  has an extreme reaction.

Sonny says  is there a problem here, Jax sees Sonny and  he's in shock. But what's he going to do with it not tell Carly.

Poor Nikolas is  getting his ass kicked.My bad says one  of  Ava's men when Ava tells them to stop 

Oh please Esme stop you're claws are showing, she's so jealous of  Trina she can't  see straight.

 Joss tells  Jason what her mom  told  her about  AJ. 

Spinelli found Carly thank goodness!

Oh my God Sonny shut up bro, Jax doesn't agree with what Nina is doing.

Your alive jax says Sonny says  I should be the one  saying that about you. 

Jax says Nina is living out  some  twisted fantasy, hey wait that's my line.

Sonny believes everything Nina says he is brainwashed I say bring Carly he would remember everything in no time.

Portia walks into  the house  and calls for Curtis and Jordan.She finds Jordan  on the floor with a head injury.

She says who ever hit me did that, she points to Barstow. 

Portia says  is he  dead  they've locked in and the  gas in the house is leaking. 

This guy doesn't like them being in the house, Go Curtis he kicked the thugs ass.

Jordan is unconscious , poor love. 

Esme is  not  a very nice  person. She accuses Trina of being jealous of her.She says Spencer is rich and very handsome .  Whose she trying  to convince herself or Trina?

 Go Trina  lol πŸ˜†...You maybe rich but your not  handsome.

Jax  is like what the hell, Sonny  trusts Nina way too much hello delusional party of one. 

Nina  really  has painted herself into a corner this time.First babies now grown men with Amnesia.There is no redeeming quality  here.

Trina  is upset  when Joss  answers the door.Trina says  Esme is as bad as  Joss thinks she is.

Lol Spencer letting Esme πŸ˜‚know he's not impressed with her or what she's doing.Esme doesn't like  the nice side of  Spencer.

Curtis finishes beating the thug up who says you better go back to the house to help your friends. 

Curtis  stops what he's doing and  heads back to the house. 

Jordan is unconscious,she says Curtis' name.Poor Portia she decides now to confess that  Curtis is Trina's dad.

Jax  is  telling  Sonny  that   he isn't the person who even remotely fits the person who should be with  Nina.

He says their relationship is built on lies. And the ground is about to swallow Nina whole. 

That's it for now , until next time guys,this  is Mama Ashley Judy and
Cindy  signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 9-7-21

Good Evening Me darling loves, how would I describe  today's  show excruciating just  like a really bad migraine except its Nina causing  my  blood to boil. 

I'm seriously wanting  to see a house dropped on her like the wicked witch of the west. 

Today's Portia had  come to see Curtis at the Savoy.He tells her all about Drew and the plane  Crash and Drew might still be alive.

Joss is so excited about the wedding,
Trina is there to to wish Carly good luck.

Dante is annoyed with Jason and says  it's too bad  you don't  drop the criminal life lol we could break  bread.

Joss  tells  Trina she believes the sauce is Sonny's.

Nina    shows up at the   Tan-0 and there's wood there Shawn is  hell bent   on  finding out who  set him up about Hayden's shooting

Spencer is  taking selfies lol Nikolas isn't impressed.

Ava is  on the phone with someone  she says does it sound like I care what you think surprised by someone.

Figures Spencer is that clueless of course he'd believe anything lol that comes out of Esme' shady assed mouth. 

Curtis tells Sam about the info he received.OMFG lol Dante's πŸ˜†wanting   someone in jail probably Joey got arrested. 

Dante is making  me  laugh lol he   is just like  his momma.Jason and Dante talking about Sonny.

Jason did say a while back that he felt like sonny wasn't dead.

Carly has champagne and having  flashbacks about Jason.Her doorbell rings  and it's Monica.

Sonny and  Nina talking about how the Tan-0 ceiling needing to be fixed.Sonny says  he's gonna work  on it  so sweet.

Joss wants to know what's up with Trina.Trina says she doesn't  like  Esme I don't  think we do either.

I don't  like Esme skulking around   Ava it's giving  me the  freaking  creeps.

Lmfao Joss  lol .... she  says what we think lol. She thinks Esme is  a bitch.

Esme is far too nosey for her own good.What is  Ava up too?

I love Nikolas talking  to Spencer about how  he did  bad things and Ava helped him change.

I love Shawn talking to TJ about  finding  out  who  framed him.TJ says you're already  my father in all the right ways.

I love Dante and Jason becoming  friends and  Monica talking to Carly.

I'm so fed up of  this Sonny storyline.Nina has no idea what she wants from one minute to the next.

She needs to  do the right thing,  but not what's  right for  her selfish self.

In my opinion   , preventing   someone  else's right to know who he really is  is just sick.

Not only is it sick but,  she's not in love with him.  She's always had a sick crush on him and acting out her demented fantasy.

Telling  Carly the truth instead  of the vendetta would have been boring  but enough is enough I'm so over it .

Lmfao TJ lol  πŸ˜†, he says his mum is bending alot of her own rules working to help his dad find out who really  shot Hayden.

I love TJ saying  that his  mum is his hero. So , so sweet every kid should feel this way about  their momma. 

Sam and Curtis go to speak to Portia says you need to  fill out a hippa form or have a Dr help you.

Love Dante talking so sweetly  about Sonny with Jason. And Jason too I love  how grateful Jason is to Sonny for helping  him.

Jason says Sonny admired you , was proud of you and respected you to Dante.

Carly and Monica  are making  me smile  lol.It's so nice to hear that  Monica accepts that the  strong 
bond between  Carly and Jason is  unbreakable and it always has been.

Nina needs to stfu, if I  could zap myself into the show I would  beat  
the fucking bitch black and blue.

Come on Jax shoe up already  and  stop this madness.Nina you don't love him you love who you think he is.

Trina tells Joss that  she couldn't get something out of her head  about what Esme said  about Kiki.... Esme called her Lauren not Kiki.

Joss says let's stop talking about her lol.Esme shows  up  to see Spencer.

Nikolas has been served with a summons to court. 

Shawn brings  coffee for  Jordan and TJ leaves.Jordan got a phone call and they found out that  Naomi came with another passenger.

Sam and Curtis talking to  Portia about  going to talk to a guy they found.Curtis tells Sam she cannot come.

It's best that  it's just him and Portia that three people  would  scare the guy.

I love  Carly talking about Jason and  her 😍 with Monica.Monica says for Jason and  Michael's sake  she wants to be  civil inlaws with Carly.

Jordan tells Shawn she's going on a solo mission.Umm really  Shawn  she's a grown  woman  stop trying  to protect her.

Esme is so freaking  nosey and pushy with Spencer.Nikolas got served with a restraining order lol.

Sam tells Dante about Curtis  telling her  not  to come.

Joss finds her mom missing  ,Poor Sam is so upset about whether  Drew is out there and needs her help.

Trina asks why Esme is so interested in Ava and why  she knew Kiki's real name.

Jason says  he's come to pick up his suit and Joss tells  him that Carly is missing.

Come  on Jax where the hell are you? Nina says goodbye to Sonny and  leaves and  is startled when  she runs Into Jax who confronts her  .

That's it for now me lovelies,  until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley and her girls Judy and Cindy signing off  have a great evening everyone  .