GH 01-29-18 from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.
GH 01-30-18 from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.
GH 01-31-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
GH 02-01-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
GH 02-02-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Saturday, 27 January 2018
Smoking out Faison (GH Recap for January 23-26 2018)
Taking risks and chances in Port Charles is a dangerous game to play especially when you're father is the elusive, despicable, evil Caesar Faison.
But what happens when you add your wife's best friend into the mix it brings nothing but heartache and trouble I tell you.
Personally I think the worst thing Nathan could have done was grant Lulu that frigging interview that he did. He should have known better because he knows how volatile his wife's temper can be and also his mother's as well.
And they didn't disappoint judging from Liesel and Maxie's reactions from the scenes we've seen they are absolutely petrified as to what Faison might do to them and possibly the child once he finds out about him or her.
Poor Maximista had a nightmare that Faison stole her baby , and had to break the news to her family that Faison of all people is her father in law.
My one thought was oh great they've just signed their own death warrants by outing themselves , not thinking of what could happen once the Nicotine stained relic as Nathan so eloquently put it discovers he's been lied to all these years.
Yea umm he's not a happy bunny from what we've seen as of Thursday and friday's episodes of January 18 and 19th 2018. Faison was seen reading article's about his son and his wife, as well as Anna and he was so angry he used a pen on the wedding announcement for Naxie.
Scratching out Maxie's face and destroying the picture as well as crushing his own cigars and that conveyed how angry he was without uttering one single word.
And let's not forget Jason , Sonny and Spinelli , and Anna getting mixed up in this whole mess too, I'm sorry , but they have brought down this reign of terror on themselves. Liesel when she was at Anna's recovering from being drunk off her ass should have remained at Anna's for her own safety when Anna told her to, But oh no lol , Liesel won't let the scarecrow tell her what to do and was spotted by Faison. He promptly knocked her over the head and wound up in a barn god knows where and not only that when she woke up she was petrified as hell to see him there.
Wouldn't you be with Casesar standing in front of you , lord have mercy , I literally was on the edge of my seat, then we had Sonny and Jason talking to Anna about the whole thing Oy Vey.
Which brings me to this point ..... On the episode for January 24th and 25 th Caesar carried on his tirade of madness having had tied up Liesel and having Lulu, the sniffer dog Falconari hot on his trail she found him and he wasn't very nice to her.
He took her cell phone and thanked her for writing the article and telling him about his son , but she really should have stayed out of it.
LOL He's preaching to the choir guys , lol oh but that wasn't all my friends, he also let off a gas that would knock Liesel and Lulu out that could possibly kill them.
His next move was then to seek out Anna and try and cosy up to her lol. that went down like a lead balloon.
When Anna told him off and said go find your own family lol, he promptly showed up at Crimson and he held the gun on Peter August. Nathan decided to go home and found no guard at the door and he had no idea nor did Maxie that she would wind up facing down the barrel of his father's handgun.
He looked at her and greeted her by saying " Nice to see you daughter in law"
Watch the music video below to see it all go down
The next thing we all knew all hell broke loose Nathan came charging into crimson and got show by Faison and then when Faison realized he fucked up he ran off ..... grabbed Carly and Jason shot the mother effer.
Is it the end of Faison god only knows , but we are grateful we got to see this all go down.
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
GH Recap January 22nd 2018
Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to our Tuesday January 23rd 2018 edition of our daily GH Recaps.
Ah man it was all very nostalgic on the show what with Jason and Sam both having flashbacks of their life together.
I love them both , and Sam's made the wrong choice in men , but I can't deny her wedding to Drew was beautiful and sweet. It was touching to see Molly actually shedding happy tears and Danny was just a bundle of cuteness.
But did they let Danny drink a little bit of champagne? The kid isn't old enough to drink, but he had one in his hand for the toast. Oy vey.
Jordan who was supposed to attend the wedding leave early because she was called into work
We had Anna and Sonny trying to locate Hymeric and she told him not pursue it. In fact she called Robert straight after talking to Sonny that she wants a trace on the email and she wants it blocked from Sonny's uh oh what the hell is up with that shit seriously.
Anywho I digress then we had the boring scene with Laura and Ned discussing the election and how she's backing out I can't help it guys I just see no point in this nonsense.
Then we had Michael and Nelle and the test results he is the daddy and all and Nelle showed him the baby scan. It seems Carly is slowly coming around to the day at a snails pace.
She's going to have to come to a mutual understanding and respect for Nelle if she wants to see the baby at all once its born.
What made me laugh is that Nelle later on showed up at the metrocourt for dinner and she was meeting up with Monica who by the way told Carly that she can spend time with Nelle if she wants despite all she's done lol.
Bobbie told Carly she has a point lol
And then we had Spinelli trying to convince Jason to stop Sam's wedding to Drew and he wound up getting yelled at by Jason. He needs to leave things alone Jason said and let Sam do what she wants.
Over at Anna's she found her door wide open and walked inside and found Jordan walking around the house. Obrecht is missing and they are worried for her safety.
Jordan thought it was amusing that Obrecht got that drunk when Anna told her about it and then we got a glimpse of Obrecht in a barn knocked out cold.
Yes Faison has her we've seen the back of his head for three days now I want to see his face.
Anna texts Obrecht unaware that Faison has her phone and he texts back pretending to be Liesel.
Liesel then woke up and found herself in a precarious situation and she looked scared shitless.
Faison Has Obrecht
I was literally going holy shit lol , show us this face and then in the preview we finally know that its him when they reveal Anders Hove's face.
I am doing imaginary back flips lol and saying hell yea the game is on lol.
Unfortunately whenever Faison is around there always winds up being trouble and I hope there aren't any casualties in this.
Until next time guys , have a great day and happy GH watching.
Monday, 22 January 2018
GH Recap January 19th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our GH recaps ... so let me get straight to the point while its still fresh in my mind this whole Laura running for mayor and then pulling out of the race just annoys the freaking shit out of me.
Its largely to do with the fact that GH has dropped Genie Francis down to recurring , a lot of hearsay is going on as to why that may be and you know what , as fans we need to shut the frig up and stay out of business that doesn't concern us.
We may not like it , but it is what it is, we can't stop it from happening , but at the end of the day we also have to stop and think should I really be cussing out or threatening one of her co stars with a punch to the face over a rumor that she got dropped to recurring to give him a higher salary.
Its not for us to say , its none of our damn business and threatening any of her co stars is a freaking no no in my books. Have some common sense and decency. You only know these Actors and actresses because they are on our tv screens, so having a personal vendetta against any of them even threatening to poison people just makes me shake my damn head and think that those who are over the top need to be placed in Miscavage or Shadybrook. I know they're fictional mental hospitals but you get my point right?
Okay that's enough of that now on to the recap ........ On Friday's show .
So we had a front row seat for Anna getting a surprise visitor at her home, it was Obrecht at first I thought she was shot or something when she had fallen over , but she was actually just drunk off her ass.
Anna brought her in and they talked about Faison and his son . Meanwhile Laura has revealed that Spencer has broken both of his legs so she has to go to France and take care of him.
Laura and Alexis who are two of my favourite women characters just an fyi talked about Spencer and Alexis told her to say hi to him for her.
You know guys , I really love these two I wish they had had more scenes together. They could form quite the friendship.
So in doing so she has told Kevin he should run for mayor , and Kevin is left unimpressed when he finds out that Valentin wants to get Laura's seat on the hospital board just like Stefan was years back.
Sason discussed Faison and that they need to warn Sam and Drew about it, also Kim visited Charlie's again and she found out that the fridge was unplugged and all the food had gone rotten.
My question is who would be that callous, and nasty to do that to someone to destroy their business?
Dirty tactics annoy the piss out of me .
Sam and Drew were getting ready for their wedding when Jason showed up to tell them what the hell was going on . and then we flip back to Anna and Obrecht apparently Faison's other son is named Hymeric and Faison treated the boy like crap. Yea umm no surprise there , and she mentioned that the kid was trying to emulate everything his father did and tried to please him.
Meanwhile Jason went to the floating rib and played pool with Kim. I loved it reminds me of Jarly when Tamara was playing Carly. Ah the memories , but these are becoming new ones and I frankly love it.
Julian went to see Sonny to get help with whoever is screwing him over at the pub , really I am perplexed at what he thinks Sonny can do for him.
Back at The floating Rib lol , Kim said that Jason was a pool shark like is brother , but he never talks and Drew did. I like the strong silent type , but that's just my preference.
Anyways lol then Julian came in and destroyed it and said that he wanted to buy Kim dinner and he apologized for what happened at the pub. He then made it clear that he doesn't like Jason and called him a scumbag. Really buddy it takes one to know one doesn't it?
Kim also discovers that Sam is Julian's daughter lol
Back at Anna's , she has left a sleeping Obrecht who wakes up to find a note , and immediately called her scarecrow. I'm sorry I busted a gut laughing at this this comparison lol.
If Anna is a scarecrow then Obrecht is like a stern governess who doesn't stand for anyone's impertinence, stupidity and forgive me I just got a visual of her smacking a ruler in her hand lol like the teachers did in the old days to punish the children for their bad behaviour lol.
When Obrecht fully woke up she then attempted to leave Anna's , and deliberately disobeyed her, if someone tells you to stay put for your own safety its always wise to do so, that's right Obrecht left Anna's and promptly got attacked by Caesar Faison himself
Watch the scene below to see what I'm referring too lol.
Faison Resurfaces In Port Charles Pt 2 01-19-18
Meanwhile Anna was at Sonny's telling him what she found out, yeah the intrigue is about to hot up even more.
I'm loving this I can't wait to see Anders Hove in the flesh and we see Faison's menacing face and hear his creepy assed voice delivering some much needed evil goodness to this show.
Until next time guys have a great day and Happy GH watching.
Sunday, 21 January 2018
GH Recap 01- 18-18
Good Afternoon me lovelies . I know Its a little late in the day to post the recap but I have been busy today.
None the less here we are and ready to discuss the GH episode that aired January 18th 2018.
First of all I totally love my Julian Jerome. LOL the way he goes toe to toe with Ned makes me laugh. His total lack of disrespect for little lord Faulteroy cracks me up. Ned is a self entitled rich boy who thinks he can do what he wants , even if it is stepping all over the little guys to do it.
I don't care what any of the Julian haters say , he's got a point when he was talking to Ned about his being a rich guy and knows nothing about being poor.
Julian VS Ned 01-18-18
I literally was on the floor laughing when Julian got the better of Ned , which was well received by those of us who love Julian lol and Alexis who by the way rolled her eyes when she saw the nonsense going on between these supposedly grown assed men.
I love Ned don't get me wrong but the man needs to be taken down a peg or two for being a pompous arrogant dumb ass. Well its par for the course he is a Quartermaine and a trust fund brat who never had to struggle for anything in his life and yet he thinks he can make things better for the poorer people of the city. Yeah nuh huh i don't think so its not going to happen everyone will just end up despising him in the long run,
Meanwhile Maxie and Lulu finally made up , I love the fact that they put their grievance behind them, Maxie is still scared that Faison is going to come after her and things are going to go from bad to worse.
Well princess Maxie .... you aren't wrong about that cause your father in law is definitely in Port Charles and he's totally and utterly pissed off.
Yeah umm here's a tip for all of you who probably think that you can't tell a character is pissed off by the way the actors convey the scenes lol, you actually have to see their face and their voice lol.
Anyone whose taken drama classes know that the sign of a good actor is if they show the anger their character feels without expressing it with facial expressions, but rather their actions speak louder than their words.
Watch the scene below to see what I'm talking about and you will understand completely
Faison resurfaces in Port Charles 01-18-18
With that being said my friends , the hunt is on for Faison and I can't wait for him to show his face and show the people of Port Charles what he's capable of lol.
Until have a wonderful day and happy GH watching
Thursday, 18 January 2018
GH All About Ava Episode Review 01-17-18
Good morning me lovelies and welcome to my GH Review of the All About Ava Episode which aired January 17th 2018.
First and foremost I have to give major props to the cast and crew for the way they presented this episode which was all about you guessed it Ava Jerome ,who is played by the freaking amazingly talented Maura West.
I know a few people were confused by the whole thing, and some people didn't particularly like it as it centred around a character they despise, but for me I loved the whole concept of it.
Ava was due for surgery on her face and she had a conversation with Julian, and then she had run ins with the people who she pissed off or hurt in the past.
Sonny and Carly were harsh with her , and you can't blame them one bit , but we know this was all apart of Ava's dream while she was under the knife getting her surgery done.
In this dream a dark haired girl with dark eyes was texting her and following her around and it was freaking her out.
Her subconscious perhaps was telling her she was nasty and evil to The Corinthos family and this was pay back for all that she did to them and their family. She after all was responsible for switching Morgan's meds which lead him to spiral out of control which lead to the explosion that killed him.
She had visits from both Morgan Corinthos and Connie Falconari who have been gone for quite some time now.
Morgan upon his visit with her telling her about what happened to him in the explosion, and he was telling her pretty much the same thing that Jason had told people that someone was after him.
Perhaps in her dream like state she was confusing things , that's my take on it anyways.
We saw Ava with Franco who had done a portrait of her and it was later unveiled of Ava with her scar on her face.
We also had a front row seat with her having a run in with a girl who was nameless for half the episode, Ava was chasing her trying to get her to talk to her.
Laura was down right nasty to her in the dream and Nina well pretty much the same thing.
Kiki and Griff in her dream were pretty much the same except for when Connie Falconari who Ava shot and killed back in August 2014 made her feelings known to Ava.
Connie knew things about Ava that no one else knew , and her ghost taunted Ava in the dream calling her out for the shit she did to her and to other people as well.
Then the piece de resistance was the reveal that the girl that was texting her , taunting her, stalking her was none other than a grown up Avery who called her mother out on her bull shit.
And then it happened Kiki and Griff turned their backs on her in this dream, in the back of her mind I believe Ava felt that eventually they too would have ill will towards her.
Watch the clip below to see the All about Ava episode
GH All about Ava 01-17-18
In my own opinion this was the best episode that GH has done in a long time, perhaps with this dream Ava had she'll begin to realize that she is responsible for her own actions, that blaming Connie and the Corinthos family and even Nina was not exactly the best thing to do.
People do make mistakes , they do things and say things they later regret, some things they can't take back or make better because they switched someone's meds and made them spiral out of control, or they kill an innocent person out of anger because that person could expose them for the snake that they actually are.
This wasn't a redemption episode of any kind, this wasn't supposed to make us feel sorry for Ava, but this dream she had was any eye opener to her.
To make her realize that the people she hurt aren't going to forgive and forget easily, that in affect she brought all of this on herself for being the way she is. No amount of I'm sorry's is going to bring back the people's whose lives she stole.
The fast pace of the scenes drew me in from the get go and I have to say again massive Kudos GH this was superior work.
Maura deserves a best actress award based on this epiode alone .
I can't wait for the next GH , superior writing team, Amazing actors , makes this fan come back every day begging for more.
You can't knock perfection, and that's why this fan has been a fan for 38 years.
Until next time guys have a great day and Happy GH watching.
First and foremost I have to give major props to the cast and crew for the way they presented this episode which was all about you guessed it Ava Jerome ,who is played by the freaking amazingly talented Maura West.
I know a few people were confused by the whole thing, and some people didn't particularly like it as it centred around a character they despise, but for me I loved the whole concept of it.
Ava was due for surgery on her face and she had a conversation with Julian, and then she had run ins with the people who she pissed off or hurt in the past.
Sonny and Carly were harsh with her , and you can't blame them one bit , but we know this was all apart of Ava's dream while she was under the knife getting her surgery done.
In this dream a dark haired girl with dark eyes was texting her and following her around and it was freaking her out.
Her subconscious perhaps was telling her she was nasty and evil to The Corinthos family and this was pay back for all that she did to them and their family. She after all was responsible for switching Morgan's meds which lead him to spiral out of control which lead to the explosion that killed him.
She had visits from both Morgan Corinthos and Connie Falconari who have been gone for quite some time now.
Morgan upon his visit with her telling her about what happened to him in the explosion, and he was telling her pretty much the same thing that Jason had told people that someone was after him.
Perhaps in her dream like state she was confusing things , that's my take on it anyways.
We saw Ava with Franco who had done a portrait of her and it was later unveiled of Ava with her scar on her face.
We also had a front row seat with her having a run in with a girl who was nameless for half the episode, Ava was chasing her trying to get her to talk to her.
Laura was down right nasty to her in the dream and Nina well pretty much the same thing.
Kiki and Griff in her dream were pretty much the same except for when Connie Falconari who Ava shot and killed back in August 2014 made her feelings known to Ava.
Connie knew things about Ava that no one else knew , and her ghost taunted Ava in the dream calling her out for the shit she did to her and to other people as well.
Then the piece de resistance was the reveal that the girl that was texting her , taunting her, stalking her was none other than a grown up Avery who called her mother out on her bull shit.
And then it happened Kiki and Griff turned their backs on her in this dream, in the back of her mind I believe Ava felt that eventually they too would have ill will towards her.
Watch the clip below to see the All about Ava episode
GH All about Ava 01-17-18
In my own opinion this was the best episode that GH has done in a long time, perhaps with this dream Ava had she'll begin to realize that she is responsible for her own actions, that blaming Connie and the Corinthos family and even Nina was not exactly the best thing to do.
People do make mistakes , they do things and say things they later regret, some things they can't take back or make better because they switched someone's meds and made them spiral out of control, or they kill an innocent person out of anger because that person could expose them for the snake that they actually are.
This wasn't a redemption episode of any kind, this wasn't supposed to make us feel sorry for Ava, but this dream she had was any eye opener to her.
To make her realize that the people she hurt aren't going to forgive and forget easily, that in affect she brought all of this on herself for being the way she is. No amount of I'm sorry's is going to bring back the people's whose lives she stole.
The fast pace of the scenes drew me in from the get go and I have to say again massive Kudos GH this was superior work.
Maura deserves a best actress award based on this epiode alone .
I can't wait for the next GH , superior writing team, Amazing actors , makes this fan come back every day begging for more.
You can't knock perfection, and that's why this fan has been a fan for 38 years.
Until next time guys have a great day and Happy GH watching.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
GH Recap January 16th 2018
Good Afternoon me lovelies and welcome to another edition of GHC's daily recaps , Yesterday's show for January 16th 2018 was full of drama lol.
Sometimes I watch this show and shake my head don't get me wrong I love it but I can't stand it when things just go from bad to worse and the characters can't handle certain situations without having a nuclear melt down over something they shouldn't be worried about in the first place lol. Carly just needs to take a deep breath and pray that she doesn't cock this one up.
But this is GH so we have to expect it don't we guys?
What with Carly freaking out and having the " Sex talk with Josslyn it also was going on with Oscar too . I felt sorry for the mom's Carly and Kim having to even deal with this at all.
These scenes cracked me the hell up
The kids should have told their mom's straight off what the truth was and then we wouldn't have all the drama that ended up ensuing lol. But that's Carly in a nutshell isn't it lol. She just assumes things she shouldn't and then has open mouth insert foot syndrome lol . I love her for it though she wouldn't be Carly if she wasn't doing that.
But it wasn't just Carly who was having problems with their kids , Elizabeth had no freaking idea that Jake had gone to see Drew at Aurora. Jake asked his Drew to come to his father son day at school. Drew tried to speak to Jake without upsetting him about his dad and immediately contacted Elizabeth to help him with the situation.
When Elizabeth arrived at Drew's office she and Drew talked to him about Jason because he expressed that he wasn't wanting to be forced into being around his real dad .
Its sad really that the poor kid has to deal with this shit at all.
But I'm glad that Drew and Elizabeth told him he needs to give Jason a chance because he's been through what Jake has because of Helena, that's right guys everyone needs a chance to prove themselves and get used to their surroundings again and I'm glad Jake listened to them.
Oh and lets not forget Nelle and Michael got the DNA test results turns out he's a daddy after all.
As much as I hate Nelle at this point in time I think we can afford to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe that she is on the up and up. Ava did her no favors by sticking her nose in and bad mouthing the Corinthos family at all. I think its disgusting that she would even give her advice.
I loved Nelle telling the baby that he or she shouldn't listen to Ava lol and that they will be a family with Michael. I love the fact Nelle is listening to Carly for once and seeing Ava for the conniving bitch she is. I love the fact that Joss and Oscar also are telling their mom's about the bullying going on and how they are sticking up for their friend it shows they have good hearts these kids.
Michael called Jason and asked him to meet up with him after he was reading the correspondence with PK Sinclair. Its really becoming crazy with this storyline but I welcome all of it .
Michael is at Kelly's all nervous and stuff , he tells Jason he doesn't know how he's going to handle being a dad. Jason tells him that he can do it and don't even worry about Nelle. He tells him about how he felt being his dad for that short time , and how he taught him so much about being a dad.
Its scenes like this that make me love the sweet natured guy Jason really is , most people see stone cold Jason Morgan the Mob Enforcer. I see Jason Morgan, father, uncle , Son, husband, dad and best friend.
The person everyone goes to for advice, who makes people smile, feel better and tells them to count to 10 when they are getting way too angry about things that are going on . He just is the kindest man and I love the fact that Michael feels so comfortable talking to his dad about the whole Nelle situation,
Oscar tells his mom that he was boxing with his dad lol, Kim was pissed off and marched her ass over to Drew's office Weand made a nuisance of herself god she annoys the piss out of me she needs to shut the fuck up seriously. Its best to hear all the facts before you open up your mouth.
We also got to see Ava and Kiki and Griff talking about her up coming surgery. She's nervous about it but she's prepared to become normal again as normal as she can be.
People can bitch and moan about Ava and what a bitch and how evil she is but when you pull away the layers she's actually a self conscious woman who has her own fears .
Elizabeth and Jake went to Kelly's for a snack and while they were talking , the sweetest scene happened , we saw Jason looking through the window at Jake and Jake waved at him and smiled.
Sason and are setting up a meeting with him. Oh goodness gracious I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.The hunt is on for Faison , lets get this party started guys.
Until next time have a great day and happy GH watching.
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
GH Recap January 15th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies , so yesterday's show left me going ... Oh my god are you freaking kidding me?
Carly showed up at the hospital to see Kim and ran into her mother and they discussed Joss and Oscar. I understand that Carly is concerned and all but she's becoming a huge pain in the ass lately. Bobbie told her that she should take a deep breath and that she might be jumping the gun a little bit lol.
Diane and Alexis at Julian's bar and they noticed the spark between Kim and Julian and our resident Legal eagle was a might bit jealous lol.
I'm all for Carly being concerned about her daughter and what she might get up to , but in my humble opinion Carly should have called Kim instead of flouncing over to GH and causing some drama.

Kim told Carly that she's talked to Oscar about the ramifications if he and Joss decide to have sex, Carly is still not amused by the whole situation and you can't really blame her.
Carly , Bobbie and Kim - The Condom discovery 01-15-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
And then we had Finn and Anna pining for each other, come on get real get these two back together.
There are real feelings there and everyone else can see it. Felicia even commented on it to Anna and I believe they're denying what they feel for each other.
Maxie hit the roof with Lulu when the story came out about Nathan being Faison's son , yea and then to top it all off she got cramps in her stomach thanks to all the stress she's under.
You know what this is one time I wish Maxie had hauled off and smacked Lulu in the face for old time sake.
Naxie and Sason - All About Faison 01-15-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
I could care less what big story she's chasing Lulu has endangered Maxie's babies life by even attempting to get in contact with Faison. She may have even destroyed their friendship as well.
Alexis talked to Ava who clearly can see that Alexis still has a thing for her big brother lol
I loved these scenes seriously Ava is a goddess lol , when she's making me laugh.
Later on Alexis goes to her AA meeting and she has made friends with Finn and they talk about their problems to each other after the meeting.
I love their friendship its kinda cute and they make a toast with doughnuts to boot lol.
Lulu can cry all she wants , and she can be convinced by Peter to do this damn story , but you know what its not worth the risk to lose a friend over your stupid actions in the long run.
Maxie finds out that she has to rest and not let anyone stress her out. Oh boy
And finally P. K Sinclair makes contact with Sason and Spinelli.
He asks if they are referring to the new book which isn't finished and then they boys went wtf.
I can't wait for today's show guys until next time happy GH watching.
Monday, 15 January 2018
GH Recap January 12th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies well what can I say about the Friday January 12th edition of our daily dose of GH other than yours truly was saying Oh my fucking god you gotta be kidding me alot.
Yea and you know why its because my favourite characters , who by the way are the longest running characters on the show literally made me want to bitch slap them from Port Charles to the Canadian Border and back .
If you think it sounds familiar its because that's what Bobbie threatened to do to Monica when it was revealed that Lucas was gay.
First up Alexis, Alexis , Alexis , I love you woman , but when are you going to realize making decisions for your grown assed daughter, ain't gonna wash with her , or for the millions of Jasam fans who by the way think you are a bitch for trying to force your hand and make Sam cut Jason out of his own son's life.
I was actually applauding Sam telling her mother off cause lets face it she had it coming.
I was literally wanting to shout at the tv like a mad woman lol who thinks that Alexis would hear me . " You gotta be frigging kidding me right now!Lets get something straight Sam isn't Elizabeth Webber would did force her hand and made Jason sign all rights to Jake to Lucky.
I found Alexis way too bitchy and over the top and I didn't like it. Check out the scene below to watch Sam tell her mother off after what she pulled during the divorce papers being signed.
Keeping your kid away from his or her father may be Elizabeth, Carly's and Alexis' thing to do , but its not the way Sam wants to do things with her child. It aggravates the hell out of me when people think they are doing what's best for their kids, when in reality they wind up being just like Kristina who has no respect for her father, it took a lot of time for them to repair the damage Alexis has done but Sonny and Kristina resolved things.
Sam and Alexis - Mother doesn't always know Best
Drew and Carly really stepped up to the plate in this episode as far as being parents go, Drew helped Oscar learn some boxing moves,
It appears the poor lad is being bullied and Joss well, lol she's trying so hard to grow up too fast, Carly really needs to calm down a bit.
I literally busted a gut laughing when I saw her put Joss in the god awful dress lol and Eden Mccoy's reaction was priceless.
We had Sonny doling out parental advice to Carly and I really love these kind of scenes. It shows that Sonny has all the experience raising a teenage daughter lol. Kristina is just as head strong and feisty as Joss is turning out to be .
Check out the scene below to see parenting 101 courtesy of Drew , Carly and Sonn
Drew and Carly - Parenting 101
Gosh I love Diane and the way she handles our Alexis No one can deliver no nonsense advice like our Diane. And no one can snap Alexis back into reality like she can.
Unfortunately she also led her to Julian's Pub where they caught a glimpse of a flirt session between him and Kim Oh dear .
Diane to the rescue
Oh and lets not forget poor Carly lol, when Joss was going out with Oscar and she forgot her backpack.
I don't think I'm going to bother describing this scene below lol other than , prepared to see Carly rendered speechless lol.
Carly's shocking discovery from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.
In other news on GH we had the two hooks 1 fish storyline with Lante and Nathan , and Sason and Spinelli trying to smoke out Faison.
Poor Maxie was struggling not to tell Nina about the secret coming out that Faison is Nathan's father.
Yea umm that's not exactly the news you want to tell anyone is it guys I mean seriously its Scary at best and I really feel that they shouldn't even be pursuing it period.
Lunath and Sason - Smoking out Faison
What good is it going to do other than make things more stressful for everyone. Seriously.
Whatever the outcome of this whole mess I want to see Faison coming out of the woodwork, winding up being shocked, annoyed and still as scary as hell as he always was.
Love you Anders Hove lol, I hope you show up on GH real soon.
That's it until next time my beauties, have a wonderful day and happy GH watching.
Friday, 12 January 2018
GH Recap January 11th 2018
Good Afternoon everyone , and welcome to another edition of GHC's daily GH recaps.
Well , what can I say folks but the one thing that I learned from yesterday's show was that Maxie is absolutely terrified that Faison may show up and steal her baby.
I can can you blame her , its a frightening thought to say the least. I feel so bad for my girl, she is scared witless and the most embarrassing moment for her was Peter August her big boss caught her sleeping at work,
Maxie's nightmare 01-11-18
Now then , we have to turn our attention to Jason talking to Diane about the divorce papers, and Sam was talking to Drew as well when Alexis and Curtis both showed up.
I love me some Curtis Ashford( Donell Turner) he's smoking hot , he's smart and he has some awesome street smarts.
Any woman would be happy to have him as their man, Jordan is one lucky woman and so is Vinessa Antoine cause she gets to act along side him.
We had a ring side seat for the reveal of Drew's high school year book pic , and he told Curtis that he and Jason it appears were letter men in track lol.
Curtis said " I guess its true what they say even when twins are separated they do the same things without knowing it"
Drew Cain - A Glimpse into his past from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.
And then we had the scene with Julian finding a brick through his window he was less than enthused with it all.
We saw princess cub reporter all excited about going after Faison via doing an interview with Nathan to smoke him out.
I had to laugh at Maxie when she got all embarrassed about being caught sleeping at work. Peter August told her he'd pretend he never saw it lol.
Mac had arrived to give her some green juice Felicia had made her and judging from the poor lasses face she thought it was gross lol when she took a sip of it.
Ugh I'm not thrilled with Lulu these days she like a sniffer dog who won't stop, and I was so grateful that Dante told her he was worried about her going through with this smoking Faison out thing.
In fact he said he would work with her and Nathan to keep her safe thank god someone actually is seeing sense lol.
And then there was the scene with Sonny and Julian and Julian getting all riled thinking that Sonny would actually be that stupid and throw a brick through his pub kitchen window.
Dante came to see him and you know what lol, Dante actually looked bored with this random trip he had to make I'm sorry guys , but LOL this was one filler scene we sure as hell didn't need to see.
The scene thought that broke my heart was Jasam both arriving at the court house to sign their divorce papers. There are no words to describe how I felt other than sadness
Jasam - signing the divorce papers 01-11-18
Sigh if only Drew would just admitted defeat and let Sam be with her one true love, Jason.
Things would be a whole lot easier for her.
Hell this Jasam would be happier if Drew just gave up the ghost and just discovered who he really is and left Sam to be with Jason.
But its not what we want as Jasam fans its the story the writers want us to see , no matter what we may think or feel the writers have the last say.
We may not like it but we have to accept it , be mature about it and most of all enjoy all the twist and turns this show has us on.
Don't stop this crazy train I don't want to get off until next time guys have an awesome day .
Well , what can I say folks but the one thing that I learned from yesterday's show was that Maxie is absolutely terrified that Faison may show up and steal her baby.
I can can you blame her , its a frightening thought to say the least. I feel so bad for my girl, she is scared witless and the most embarrassing moment for her was Peter August her big boss caught her sleeping at work,
Maxie's nightmare 01-11-18
Now then , we have to turn our attention to Jason talking to Diane about the divorce papers, and Sam was talking to Drew as well when Alexis and Curtis both showed up.
I love me some Curtis Ashford( Donell Turner) he's smoking hot , he's smart and he has some awesome street smarts.
Any woman would be happy to have him as their man, Jordan is one lucky woman and so is Vinessa Antoine cause she gets to act along side him.
We had a ring side seat for the reveal of Drew's high school year book pic , and he told Curtis that he and Jason it appears were letter men in track lol.
Curtis said " I guess its true what they say even when twins are separated they do the same things without knowing it"
Drew Cain - A Glimpse into his past from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.
And then we had the scene with Julian finding a brick through his window he was less than enthused with it all.
We saw princess cub reporter all excited about going after Faison via doing an interview with Nathan to smoke him out.
I had to laugh at Maxie when she got all embarrassed about being caught sleeping at work. Peter August told her he'd pretend he never saw it lol.
Mac had arrived to give her some green juice Felicia had made her and judging from the poor lasses face she thought it was gross lol when she took a sip of it.
Ugh I'm not thrilled with Lulu these days she like a sniffer dog who won't stop, and I was so grateful that Dante told her he was worried about her going through with this smoking Faison out thing.
In fact he said he would work with her and Nathan to keep her safe thank god someone actually is seeing sense lol.
And then there was the scene with Sonny and Julian and Julian getting all riled thinking that Sonny would actually be that stupid and throw a brick through his pub kitchen window.
Dante came to see him and you know what lol, Dante actually looked bored with this random trip he had to make I'm sorry guys , but LOL this was one filler scene we sure as hell didn't need to see.
The scene thought that broke my heart was Jasam both arriving at the court house to sign their divorce papers. There are no words to describe how I felt other than sadness
Jasam - signing the divorce papers 01-11-18
Sigh if only Drew would just admitted defeat and let Sam be with her one true love, Jason.
Things would be a whole lot easier for her.
Hell this Jasam would be happier if Drew just gave up the ghost and just discovered who he really is and left Sam to be with Jason.
But its not what we want as Jasam fans its the story the writers want us to see , no matter what we may think or feel the writers have the last say.
We may not like it but we have to accept it , be mature about it and most of all enjoy all the twist and turns this show has us on.
Don't stop this crazy train I don't want to get off until next time guys have an awesome day .
Thursday, 11 January 2018
GH Recap January 10th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies all I have to say is Oh Snap the episode of January 10th brought a lot of a ha moments for yours truly as well as a lot of wtf moments.
First of all Elizabeth Webber I love you my darling girl but who the hell goes outside in the winter time with no coat and no boots on.
Becky Herbst is gorgeous and all but in Winter time in New York State and across the border into Canada we actually wear our winter coats and our boots when we step outside.
We also do not leave our front doors wide freaking open either.
Jim Harvey showed up wanting to talk to Franco about selling his studio and he promptly ripped up the card after Jim left.
There is something just not right about this guy , I love Greg Evigan , but this character he's playing is as shady as hell and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and nor does Franco.
Check out the clip below of Franco meeting him face to face and you tell me what you think guys?
Franco Baldwin - I don't do business with people who call me Bobby
What the hell is Jim's interest in all the major players in Port Charles and their properties?
Is he another scumbucket who just wants to be the king of Port Charles sure as hell feels like it to me .
We had a front row seat for Ned and Olivia all loved up she wants him to run for mayor and Kevin wants Laura to run for mayor too.
Ned wanted Laura to give him her endorsement , unfortunately he found out she's running against him.
LOL I loved this scene ... the two of them are awesome characters and the fact that they are running against each other is magic in my eyes.
Watch as Laure proclaims its game on when she finds out Ned is getting in bed with the enemy so to speak when he's planning on working with that creep Jim Harvey.
Watch the clip below to watch it all go down lol.
Laura vs Ned for Mayor - Game On
Valentin got a visit from Jordan lol, right before he had a chance to look to see what was on the lap top that he had in his possession.
Finn and Anna were getting all hot and heavy and then she stopped right in her tracks when she saw a her clock was broken and laying on the floor.
We also had a front row seat for Jordan telling Finn that this thing he has with Anna is just a passing thing running on adrenaline. How rude and dare she make that assumption ugh what a bitch.
All of this stuff was great including Nina and Charlotte spotting Laura at Charlie's pub, but they really were just fillers for me.
When Laura and Nina and Charlotte were talking I noticed that Nina got a little on edge when she heard Charlotte mention Cassandra.
And when she went home to see Valetin and found Anna there you could tell she was more than a little disturbed and distracted by the mere mention of the woman's name.
And this was the scene that got my attention we find out that Cassandra's henchman Erick was not the one who drugged her after all.
Nina was the one who did it , and I had a feeling that's what had transpired, Nina was too edgy and on the defensive and it did not go unnoticed by Charlotte , nor her grandparents Laura and Kevin.
We as viewers are intuitive and we always hone on these kinds of things.
Nina Cassadine - Vengeance is mine
Michelle Stafford is amazing as Nina working with a sore throat, and performed to her level best and always brings in her A game.
I loved this episode mainly because I love the women and the men who featured in it.
I can't wait to see what's going to happen on today's show until next time folks have a wonderful day and happy GH watching.
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
GH Recap January 9th 2018
Good Morning guys yesterday's show was interesting to say the least , we had Alexis meeting Molly at Julian's pub.
Ummm forgive me for saying this guys , but if Molly wanted Julian to stay the hell away from her and her mother why are they continually going to his pub.
For me it makes no sense whatsoever LOL. But whatever she tells herself lol is different from what we believe.
So Charlie's which is owned by Julian is now the new kid on the block pub that everyone is going to.
I kinda miss the Floating Rib.
Laura drops off Christmas presents for the boys at Elizabeth's , I love these two that they have such a great relationship still.
Laura and Liz talk about being in love and how great it is and Laura tells her if you love someone you need to grab it with both hands and follow your heart love it.
Franco is shown talking to himself and Kevin over hears him he talks about being a twin etc and tells him that he needs to speak to Elizabeth about how he feels.
Meanwhile Michael meets up with Carly at the Metrocourt lol he mentioned that she was cleaning and that usually means she's worried about something lol.
Michael tells her that he's handling Nelle and he's playing her just as much as she's playing him oh dear oh dear.
Michael talks to Ned and it doesn't go well, Ned yet again acts like a kid who throws his toys out of the pram because Michael isn't a push over.
Its time that people realized that Michael is not a stupid little kid, who is going to be pushed around and those who do need to be prepared because he's starting to push back and not let people take advantage of him.
Jason went to see Sam and she asks him for a divorce, he says there has to be a valid reason that they are getting a divorce.
He says irreconcilable differences He loves her , but she loved Drew.
Julian and Laura Laura meet Jim the guy who was trying to do business with Ned and Michael.
Jim tries to bu the pub off of Julian and he says no he then meets Laura who is unimpressed by his smarm act.
She tells Kevin she's decided she's going to go for it and run for mayor.
Ned was convinced by Olivia to run for Mayor have he told Jim that he's to deal with Michael for now on, Jim told him that he's not happy about having to deal with Michael since Michael has his own views on things.
Franco is at home and he's drinking the milk out of the milk carton lol, he apologizes for behaving like a kid and that he would replace the milk for the kids cereal in the morning.
They decide to set the wedding date and he leaves to go get more milk.
Molly shows up to see her mother at Charlie's.
Molly tells her mother that she might as well pull a rent strike lol to stop the landlord
Alexis says you better not.
LOL Alexis have you met your daughter lol , she does what she wants and says what she wants she's not about to do what you say lol.
Julian offers to help Molly if there are problems with the landlord, she says if she needs help she can go to her Uncle Sonny, Jason, Curtis or Drew. LOL
Jason meets up with Carly and she wonders how he got there so fast, lol he tells her he was there to see Sam before he came to see her and they are getting a divorce.
Jim shows up at Elizabeth's and he wants to talk to Franco ........ it turns out that Jim knew Franco back in the day when they were kids.
Franco sees Jim and he looks a bit freaked out why it all.
Ned tells Olivia that he's going to run for mayor just like Laura is oh boy this is going to be good.
Sam calls her mother to come see her and she asks her to help her get a divorce from Jason, Alexis asks her if she's sure its what she wants.
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