
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Thursday, 31 January 2019

Port Charles - Danger Enter At Your Own Risk

When new fans or new characters enter into the word of Port Charles I often think " There should be a  warning sign Port Charles - Danger Enter At Your Own Risk.

As a long time fan  for 39 years I think I'm an expert in this field and can honestly say that The Chuckles as Luke Spencer so lovingly calls it , is not exactly the sweet little hamlet you really should raise your children in.

That's not to say I and my friends who watch on a daily basis don't love it to bits, we accept GH for what it is and everything it represents, however there are those fleeting WTF moments where we shake our heads and we think that we and the residents of Port Charles must be out of their minds , because they stay put in this crazy assed town and we as viewers keep coming back for more.

Its not the mob wars, the explosions, the murders of this town that I as a viewer would tell people they should be afraid of , its more like the residents particularly the  children of the  most prominent citizens who you should probably approach with caution or avoid all together.

This is no joke, wherever Kristina Adela Corinthos, Lulu Spencer ,  Charlotte Cassadine  Robin Scorpio and  Josslyn Jacks along with her brother Michael are concerned you would have their formidable mothers not too far behind them and for you to contend with if you dare hurt their kids.

Alexis Davis has run over Kristina's Bf for abusising her,  Lulu is the type of mother, she accepts her daughter has her faults , but she will fight in her corner and give that kid a lecture to boot. Anna Devane would probably kill you with her bare hands or shoot you where you stand and as for  Carly Corinthos. she doesn't have to get her hands dirty one phone call to Jason and Sam Morgan you would be shot dead where you stand all in the name of protecting Josslyn and Michael.

Dr Liesel Obrect is another resident you need to make a friend of rather than an enemy, she will protect those she loves at all costs, even if it appears sometimes she's being mean, and cruel to them , she doesn't do the softly softly approach she delivers the tough love one and she's not shy about telling you that you're being too nice and it doesn't wash with her.

You mess with her kids, Maxie Nina or baby James you've basically signed your own death warrant, she's a forced to be reckoned with and I wouldn't dare cross her,

Many enemies , have gone up against the residents all in the name of seeking revenge, but as in all things Port Charles our residents always wind up the victor in these stories.

Might I recommend you stay clear of the cattacombs and the Port Charles Pier all together, they are places that are not the safest for anyone to visit as you can get lost, hurt or wind up in the cross fire of an all mighty mob war.

Eaves dropping anywhere in Port Charles is a dangerous habit to have because sometimes if you dare let it slip you heard something you shouldn't you might wind up being the victim of  some pretty angry people.

Sometimes the children can be a very dangerous enemy , especially if you are dealing with Nikolas Cassadine's son Spencer. He is a witty , intelligent child, who knows how to play the game as well as the adults so might I recommend when you hear the Name Laura Webber , it best be advise you don't cross his grandmother either.  

They are the types of people who are not shy about taking you to task and telling you about yourself. Oh and by the way Spencer is the nephew of Mob King Pin Sonny Corinthos so as I said before lol, like his Aunt Carly all he has to do is make a call and you'll find yourself in hot water.

More recently an on slot of sudden blindness has affected twins in Port Charles , something that is completely unexplainable, Anna Devane and both Ryan and his twin Kevin have become blinded by it and fans are worried that it could eventually effect Jason Morgan and his twin Drew.

If I was a real estate agent , or Madam Mayor Laura Webber , I would come up with a plan to make Port Charles a place that people would feel safer in a place where people wouldn't have to be leary of the people and the places they go.

But this is Port Charles love her , or hate her , she's a hell of a place to visit with all its drama and we accept it with all its warts and all.

But if you aren't too sure of all you've heard here I have to say it again  Port Charles - Enter at your own risk.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

General Hospital, Lucy Coe & Me

As many of you know , I'm not one to hold back my thoughts and my feelings on things when it concerns General Hospital.

I laugh and joke around , and the show seems to hone in on the stuff I say on a montly basis, so when I created our fan site for General Hospital I went for it and I gave my thoughts and feelings on the places , the people of Port Charles that people should really avoid lol.

And then it happened ... the show went for it and they decided to have one of my favourite characters create a travel guide for Port Charles that emulated everything that we had said on our website.

Our site details many of Lucy's ramblings,  and we did our site long before the show did this storyline .  We made off a whose who of port Charles and what places,  to visit and which ones people should avoid all together . Lucy even stated as much herself.

Here is our website 

General Hospital Canada Website

What amuses me the most , is that something that we created was turned into somewhat of a gossipy piece of information that angered many of the residents in Port Charles because Lucy Coe  got pure pleasure out of exposing people's private business.

I jokingly have said in the past that I see some of myself in Lucy , but this took it to a whole other level of what the f#@%  you gotta kidding ,for me and made me think am I really as bad as her ?
I guess its a form of flattery when you do something that well that the show thought Oh I know who could be the perfect candidate to do this , it has to be Lucy Coe to be the one to do it, because she's got her finger on the pulse of everything, knows everyone in town and knows all the gossip.

It has become a talking point amongst the fans in General Hospital Canada, because we honed into the fact this is the sort of thing we ourselves had come up with it and are pleased the show would do it as well.  

Lucy is an awesome character so its an honor for it to be her to represent us  because she is such a breathe of fresh air , and yea sometimes she does tend to annoy us , but when it comes to everything we know and love and respect about the residents , and places in Port Charles New Yorks. 

Spencers Do Not Play Possum

Ryan , Ryan, Ryan , you think you got Lulu where you want her, well  think again bro because Spencers do not play possum and they will never allow anyone to make them a victim , or anyone else for that matter.

Come to think if it neither do the Corinthos family , and since the families have intertwined with each other you're pretty much signing you're own death warrant.

So thinking you're playing it smart , you think you got the upper hand , well you're sniffing around the wrong door , because there's one thing for sure never underestimate the Spencer women.

They fight their own battles, but you see man you forgot one little piece of the puzzle , lol Lulu is married to a cop, and her father in law is Sonny Corinthos , all he has to do is make one phone call to Jason Morgan , and you're gonna be laying dead on the ground about ready to be buried in the Pine Barrens.

Obviously Ryan hasn't thought things through , cause it would never dawn on him that he's made a fatal error in judgement.

The PCPD are getting close to figuring things out , but most of all they have Lulu's help to trap you and get you done for once and for all.

Master manipulators , usually don't misjudge situations or people , but this time the cunning serial killer will be the hunted and not the huntee.

And what about the other piece of the puzzle , Carly still feels the need to find out who the guy in the next room beside her at FernCliff was.

There is no way in hell , my girl is gonna let that one go, she never has been one to go " Yes sir, no sir, I'll do as you say and drop it sir"

Carly is like a dog with a bone , when she feels like there's something weird going on, I have a feeling that she'll be the one to find out Kevin is at Fern Cliff and she will say " I told you something strange was going on and none of you listened to me."

I am one of the few who sit there and realize that  people think Carly is crazy lol , but clearly the chick is onto something and its about time someone actually stopped and listened to her for once in their freaking lives.

She's not one to make shit up as she goes along, and yet people roll their eyes at her and say " Here she goes again" Those people will eat their words when the truth comes out, because like I have said before Spencers don't let things go , when they know something isn't right they're the first ones to tell you so.

And if you think you're gonna placate her or Lulu you got another thing coming because SPENCERS DO NOT PLAY POSSUM and frankly I like them this way, and let me tell you something else its likely never to change either.

Divine Intervention - My Ass

Screwed up enemies have reigned supreme on GH, for quite some time , however what is my reaction when someone like Shiloh uses Divine intervention as an excuse for his seeking the light and forgiveness - divine intervention my ass  !!!!!

I don't believe his cock and bull story about how he honestly didn't know who Sam really was.

First of all young Daisy is so threatened by this man , she would allow herself to become a scapegoat , and he's hiding behind her pulling the strings like a puppet master does.

He's playing everyone like a fiddle , until he makes his next move and it will wind up with him dead where he stands.

For me , Shiloh lacks maturity , and uses his new found faith to use vulnerable young people like Daisy and Kristina to get what he wants.

Playing mind fuck games with the wrong people is a dangerous one to play ,especially when one victim is the sister in law of mob enforcer Jason Morgan.

You wanna play games buddy you're doing it with the wrong people ,but I can't help and wonder how long is it gonna be before Kristina realizes he's pulling the strings and will morph into the daughter of Sonny and Alexis and tell this asshole she's onto him.

When he met Alexis I was hoping she'd make mincemeat out of him lol. But that never came to pass either.

Let Carly sort this fucker out, like a queen from the old days would hung drawn and quartered before you can say revenge plot.

When will Kristina see the truth sooner rather than later I hope and when she does I hope Sam and Jason are there locked and loaded ready to shoot him and end his revenge plot once and for all.

It's been awhile since we have seen the Corinthos Organization deliver their own brand of justice and take care of those threatening their loved ones.

Let Shiloh beg for mercy , and let Sam utter these words Divine intervention my ass!!! 

Friday, 25 January 2019

White Heat - The Women of General Hospital

Feisty, take no prisoners, sexy , volatile , crazy as fuck, yea those are just the few descriptions I can think of when it comes to the women of General Hospital.

Men in general  lust after our girls, but there have been quite a few , who underestimated them and found out the hard way.

You see my pretties , its not just the girls they have to contend with , you mess with any of them , Sonny, and Jason will be right there to fight along side them , but when they find themselves in a precarious situation our girls can take care of their own business.

Lesson number one ... If they are known to be the wives of the notorious Sonny Corinthos, and his right hand man Jason Morgan , do you really want to be dealing with Carly and her special kinda crazy.

Sam Morgan, is a one woman lethal weapon , not just her hubby Jason , and honestly , who would be stupid enough to take Maxie West on ? That girl would talk a baddie to sleep lol, because she never shuts up. It amazes me that  these creeps don't walk away when dealing with her and Lulu.

They just stand there cool as you like while a gun is pointed at them and have a frigging conversation between the two of them no less.

Lulu no less is a Spencer through and through , she is her father's daughter, you just don't wanna mess with her, she is after all Luke Spencers daughter and Carly's cousin that girl doesn't take shit lying down.

And Holy Hell Julian Jerome , nah come on bro , you gotta be smarter than this lol, Trying to attack Alexis who is by the way a Cassadine by blood? You just signed your own death warrant man.

Manny , Manny, Manny , oh where do I start lol, he was the dumbest criminal on the planet, first of all lol, thinking you could over power the formidable Mrs Corinthos,you gotta be bloody joking mate.

She frigging took you to task , and it ended up with you shot by her, and Sam and eventually you got your ass killed. Karma is a bitch but them again so is Carly.

And what about these obsessive freaks like  Connor Bishop, Nico , :Levi, they wound up the same way, our girls are not the type to lay down and play possum.

Liesel Obrecht isn't exactly a slouch either , when she feels someone has laid a personal attack upon her family , like the others she will retaliate.

Kidnap , torture, set the room you're in on fire , leave you for dead or I dunno shoot and kill your crazy ass that's her MO.

She like Carly has no qualms about taking action without giving it a second thought , and that's why I love them to bits.

There is no time to sit on your hands , and pray that you're gonna survive the night, or wait for your male counterparts to save your ass, you have the power within you to stop the enemy in their tracks and you gotta get them before they get you.

Carly's baby girl has proven she is her mother's daughter, Joss took down Nelle Benson without worrying about breaking a sweat or breaking a nail, she just charged head long into battle without batting an eye.

Here is a video of our girls in action 

GH shows the strength and empowerment of their women character with whom I've come to adore , because not only do they have style, grace, and survival instinct they bring the white heat too that equals the match of their red hot men.

And for that I am truly thankful!!!!!

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Addressing The Elephant in the room

Charlotte, Charlotte , Charlotte, what a beautiful child, feisty and bratty at the best of times, and yet everyone sees her for what she is . 

Everyone except Nina, and yea I'm addressing the elephant in the room, who by the way thinks she's well within her rights to barge into any frigging situation that doesn't bloody well concern her.

I've said before I'd like to zap myself into the television, I'd take over Lulu's body , and I'd frigging give Nina a piece of my mind.

Who the bloody hell does she think she is , sticking her nose into Charlotte's school business, disrespecting  Willow, and while I'm at it making herself a nuisance with Maxie and Peter.

Meaning well , is one thing, but going about it the wrong way is another, she said on yesterday's show she respects Lulu, but I'm afraid she doesn't. If she did she'd stay clear of anything to do with Charlotte's school.

Protecting Maxie is one thing , but forcing her opinion on everyone she sees fit to is another. I'm growing tired of her ramblings and bitchiness.

Can she not for once take a step back , and say " Okay my bad! I'm sorry I should keep my mouth shut!"

I'm not normally team Valentin , by principal alone , cause of what he did to  Nikolas , but if he were to put Nina in her place and tell her to shut the hell up and stay out of it, I think I'd like him a whole lot more.

But nope he lets her be a self indulgent , self entitled little wifey, who over steps boundaries , and infuriates Lulu at every interval.

Take for instance the day Valentin and Lulu were trying to talk to Charlotte about her bullying Aidan , instead of agreeing with what her parents said to her , she felt rewarding her with cookies was appropriate when it was clearly not.

This woman has no clue what being a mother means, its not just about what you give the child, spoiling them with gifts, and trips and acting like the sun shines out of their butt, it makes them think they are better than other kids in the long run.

Being a mother also means giving your child the correct guidance , steering them on the right path, trying to instill in them that everyone should be treated the same no matter who they are.

I'm pretty sure , most of the fans find Nina funny , sweet and just trying to be a good step mum, but in my minds eye you work with the parents of said child not force your special brand of crazy on them.

It must be frustrating for Lulu to deal with Nina when she's constantly sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong, Lulu asked that Nina not be involved and yet it was thrust upon her again.

I hope that when Lulu recovers Nina takes a backseat , and keeps her mouth shut because I'm getting fed up, she tries to override anything Lulu says to her daughter and that's not right at all.

Maybe its time Nina went to see a therapist , because its clear she doesn't understand the first thing about showing respect, compassion and understanding towards anyone.

She deems people as a threat and I think sometimes she wishes Lulu wasn't around.

In the long run Charlotte will grow to resent Nina , because frankly she does tend to smother people.

Yes Nina you're the elephant in the room and frankly it needs to stop, for the love of god writers please make this woman stop!!!

Rant Over.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

To Live and Die in Port Charles

Some pretty scary heinous shit happens in the world of Port Charles and our fave legacy characters and their offspring take centre stage when things happen that are beyond their control.

Since the 80's GH writers have killed off more than a handful of young,  energetic girls with bright futures and it frankly sickens me.

It started with BJ Jones from a school bus accident  , we fans got over that but , we will never forget that Maxie is here today because she received her heart.

In 2006, 2007 and 2018, we fans were left heart broken when Courtney,  Georgie , Emily and now Kiki were all killed off for the sake of a storyline .

I could barley recover from Kiki's death before earlier this week Ryan Chamberlain stabbed Lulu Spencer.

For once can the writers not think of stepping back and think , " Umm maybe we shouldn't go there it's like kicking a hornets nest!"

I love the drama that unfold on our show , but sometimes being happy , and seeing it on screen makes our hearts happy and our libido swoon with sexy love scenes.

GH has been lacking that for the past couple of months , yes people suffer great losses , but not within one circle of friends and family.

It's bad enough Ryan and Shiloh are creeping me out , I know I'd like it to end sooner than later .

Sam has had her fair share of psychos after her and if it wasn't for
her tenacity, she would be another casualty if the writers saw fit .

In fact come to think of it , most of this shit that's gone down has affected Maxie Jones , losing her sister , two of her ex boyfriends  beung kindnsppec along with Lulu and almost being killed. It was only last year her husband  died st thevhands of of his own father and itmakes me so hopping mad it's beyond words.

Now her best friend lies in a hospital bed because some nutcase doesn't want her telling the world he's not who he says he is.

Yep Ryan Chamberlain is alive and well , and he's got his brother locked up in FernCliff.

Taking his place pretending to be someone he's definitely not , and preying on those who he deems untrustworthy or too nosey.

One one town can't be this crazy can it ? I mean seriously , I'd zap myself I and change things if I could , but I'm just a fan who knows one thing for sure.

If this is what life is like to live and Die in Port Charles,  I'd pack my shit and go.

Thursday, 10 January 2019


While I was watching GH yesterday , when Margaux told Lulu not to investigate the murders , that Ryan committed years ago because it would endanger the other citizens I said out loud " Umm Hello!!! She's a Spencer!!!"

The Apple doesn't fall from The tree,  Lulu and Carly like their father and mother respectfully , will solve this case before the pcpd do. And that is no joke.

I think in all seriousness though Margaux would benefit from the assistance of Carly and Lulu as well as the PCPD. These Spencer girls have the brains, the beauty and the help of our friendly neighborhood cyber genius who could help them figure what's what and that The man they think is Kevin is actually Ryan.

Telling them not to do something , is like trying to take a bone from a dog. Once they get an idea in their heads , they're like a dog with a bone and they will bull doze their way until they get to the bottom of the truth.

Like attack dogs those girls keep going, keep digging and once they do have the proof they're looking for they face the enemy head on and god help the pcpd because they will tell you " See I told you something wasn't right!"

This is where people like Jordan and Margaux groan with annoyance because these Spencer cousins aren't about to sit down and shut up.

They buck authority , aren't the type to behave themselves , do as their told and that is why I love these girls and Sam and Maxie.

You always gotta expect the unexpected where they are concerned,  if they suspect someone isn't on the up and up they will tell you point blank, you better watch that one I don't trust them.

Fans often bitch, that Lulu and Carly never mind their own business lol, but if  it were not for their gut instincts the police department would never solve a case without their help ,or the help of their friends  Spinelli , Sam , Jason, Drew, Sonny or Curtis.

For god sake , how many times do I see fans say shut up Lulu , or shut up Carly , I have to say  " Umm Hello she's a Spencer !!!" A Spencer woman does what she has to do , without thinking first and they help get the job done in the long run.

So the next time you see them doing or saying something , instead of saying oh Lord hear we go again why not remind yourselves " Umm Hello She's a Spencer!!!" And not likely to change her ways.

Monday, 7 January 2019

I See Shady People

You meet all sorts of people from all walks of life , but sometimes you have to go through hell at the hands of the devil to prove you're stronger and smarter than they underestimate you to be.

The element of surprise is what I get a kick out of when my faves are backed up against a wall and fight for survival and for those they love.

What i've learned from watching GH is you have to be one step ahead of your enemies and gotta beat them at their own game otherwise, you might find yourself in the same situation as Mary Pat and Kiki when they were killed by Ryan.

I dunno how in good conscious Ryan can impersonate the one person everyone in Port Charles loves and trusts! Who am I kidding ? This is Ryan Chamberlain we are talking about after all.

It irks me to the core how people like Ryan, and Shiloh can manipulate and twist things to their advantage and not thinking for one moment to do their research.

Jason , Drew , Sam, Alexis and Sonny will make that a-hole wish he never played Russian roulette in a mind f#$@ kind of way.

Preying on Oscar and Kristina will make Shiloh find himself deader than Jacob Marleys ghost in a Christmas Carol.

Yeah maybe Sam shouldn't have conned those men , it's something she did to survive, but in Shiloh or Hanks deluded mind he believes stalking Kristina's big sister is wise .

Both he and Ryan get sick gratification, of twisting and manipulating situations to their own advantage making the unsuspecting people trust them until bit by bit they leave them helpless and needing psychiatric help.

Julian is another manipulative asshole. I'm sorry but he is , the way he has manipulated Willow, and carried on Brad's lie just sickens me.

Oh and let's not Forget Nelle Benson the shadiest bitch of them all, Liesel Obrecht better work her magic and expose her and Michael gets his son back.

Shady, dispicable , and so wrong on so many levels , I can not wait for the major players like Ava, Alexis , Jasam , Sonny and Drew to take down those who have messed with their loved ones. I can see Shiloh crying like  a little bitch when that happens. The truly intriguing part for me lol , would be if Franco joined the lynch mob and helped deliver some divine well deserved justice .

Yo scumbags prison is calling you,  oh wait Nelle is already there, Julian , Brad , and Hank as well as Ryan need to join her.

Maybe Kevin can do a therapy session once he's free from FernCliff cause those nuts need their heads examined.

Yeah, yeah I can hear people saying , but they bring the drama so your faves have a storyline,  yeah I get it ,  but come on you want what you want, but clearly its from my finger tips to the writers eye shot.

The question is will they listen or make these storylines escalate to turbo nuts in 60 seconds, but as they say the ball is in their court and I am but a loyal viewer who hopes and prays her faves get justice.

Ryan Gate

Ever Since we found Out that Jon Lindstrom would be reprising the role of Ryan Chamberlain I thought oh good god almighty the lunatic strikes again.

Let's rewind back when Kevin made the mistake of thinking he had control over his brother who was locked up in FernCliff and unbeknownst to Carly was her next door cell mate.

Ryan overpowered Kevin, and sedated him and took over his life. Ryan Gate began with his being cruel to Laura then he attacked Mary Pat the nurse who tortured Carly at FernCliff.

On Halloween night 2018, things took a crazy turn when Carly bobbing for Apple's bit into the dismembered head of Mary Pat . Freaked me and I'm sure the other viewers out as well as poor Carly .

Yet again Ryan's killing spree takes a life of someone who had so much to live for and promise Kiki Jerome springs to mind.  Her body was found on Jordan and Curtis' honeymoon suite bed.

But no it didn't end there did it my pretties, Ryan stood by and watched her mother have a break down and played the doting psychiatrist and new love interest.

Ava wants to believe that the man who has her best interest at heart really cares for her but he really doesn't.  If he had he wouldn't have ripped her little girl out of her life and told her to pretend she never existed.

Jordan and Curtis are being led down a garden path, they've not even sussed it that he's not who he says he is .

And furthermore he's killed a film producer wanting to investigate Ryan's crimes. And yet again Curtis finds another kill of Ryan's leaving him shell shocked.

On the Friday January 4th 2019 episode we Saw Laura in Volino's gym owned by Sonny , getting the crap scared out of her by Ryan. If GH went there and had Ryan kill Laura there would be an almighty uproar amongst the long time fans of Genie Francis and her Character Laura Collins.

How long are we going to have to suffer this storyline before Lulu decides to butt her nose in further and want to seek revenge if it does come to pass that Ryan killed her mother.

This of course would get Lucky and Luke , Nikolas and Leslie to be by Lulu's side , and if it does well so be it!!! It's time this dreadful storyline came to a close .

Another option would be Maxie putting it all together in time to save her mother and Laura since he's so twisted he might make it a two for one special to piss off Lumax and the writers to anger their fans.

Or hell, this could be a storyline to bring Nikolas back and save his mother.  Anything would be better at this point. I can't stand my faves being subjected to this insanity . 

If thats not doable , I would love to see Ava or Obrecht being the hero and not the villain in this storyline,  perhaps they kill him when he tries to strike again in an unholy alliance !!! 

I'd zap myself in and do it myself but it's just not possible .

Chance would be a fine thing my friends , but I hope and pray someone takes this evil saddistic prick down once and for all.

And in the distance lol, people will hear me from my living room shouting it's about frigging time.