When new fans or new characters enter into the word of Port Charles I often think " There should be a warning sign Port Charles - Danger Enter At Your Own Risk.
As a long time fan for 39 years I think I'm an expert in this field and can honestly say that The Chuckles as Luke Spencer so lovingly calls it , is not exactly the sweet little hamlet you really should raise your children in.
That's not to say I and my friends who watch on a daily basis don't love it to bits, we accept GH for what it is and everything it represents, however there are those fleeting WTF moments where we shake our heads and we think that we and the residents of Port Charles must be out of their minds , because they stay put in this crazy assed town and we as viewers keep coming back for more.
Its not the mob wars, the explosions, the murders of this town that I as a viewer would tell people they should be afraid of , its more like the residents particularly the children of the most prominent citizens who you should probably approach with caution or avoid all together.
This is no joke, wherever Kristina Adela Corinthos, Lulu Spencer , Charlotte Cassadine Robin Scorpio and Josslyn Jacks along with her brother Michael are concerned you would have their formidable mothers not too far behind them and for you to contend with if you dare hurt their kids.
Alexis Davis has run over Kristina's Bf for abusising her, Lulu is the type of mother, she accepts her daughter has her faults , but she will fight in her corner and give that kid a lecture to boot. Anna Devane would probably kill you with her bare hands or shoot you where you stand and as for Carly Corinthos. she doesn't have to get her hands dirty one phone call to Jason and Sam Morgan you would be shot dead where you stand all in the name of protecting Josslyn and Michael.
Dr Liesel Obrect is another resident you need to make a friend of rather than an enemy, she will protect those she loves at all costs, even if it appears sometimes she's being mean, and cruel to them , she doesn't do the softly softly approach she delivers the tough love one and she's not shy about telling you that you're being too nice and it doesn't wash with her.
You mess with her kids, Maxie Nina or baby James you've basically signed your own death warrant, she's a forced to be reckoned with and I wouldn't dare cross her,
Many enemies , have gone up against the residents all in the name of seeking revenge, but as in all things Port Charles our residents always wind up the victor in these stories.
Might I recommend you stay clear of the cattacombs and the Port Charles Pier all together, they are places that are not the safest for anyone to visit as you can get lost, hurt or wind up in the cross fire of an all mighty mob war.
Eaves dropping anywhere in Port Charles is a dangerous habit to have because sometimes if you dare let it slip you heard something you shouldn't you might wind up being the victim of some pretty angry people.
Sometimes the children can be a very dangerous enemy , especially if you are dealing with Nikolas Cassadine's son Spencer. He is a witty , intelligent child, who knows how to play the game as well as the adults so might I recommend when you hear the Name Laura Webber , it best be advise you don't cross his grandmother either.
They are the types of people who are not shy about taking you to task and telling you about yourself. Oh and by the way Spencer is the nephew of Mob King Pin Sonny Corinthos so as I said before lol, like his Aunt Carly all he has to do is make a call and you'll find yourself in hot water.
More recently an on slot of sudden blindness has affected twins in Port Charles , something that is completely unexplainable, Anna Devane and both Ryan and his twin Kevin have become blinded by it and fans are worried that it could eventually effect Jason Morgan and his twin Drew.
If I was a real estate agent , or Madam Mayor Laura Webber , I would come up with a plan to make Port Charles a place that people would feel safer in a place where people wouldn't have to be leary of the people and the places they go.
But this is Port Charles love her , or hate her , she's a hell of a place to visit with all its drama and we accept it with all its warts and all.
But if you aren't too sure of all you've heard here I have to say it again Port Charles - Enter at your own risk.