
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020


Some days, I think GH Characters lack logic ,  compassion , and understanding towards other people , they say things without thinking ,there could be consequences  from all the chitter chatter that  they do.

Sometimes  people's interference in stuff that isn't their business, can get them into more trouble than  they're worth and they get more than they bargained for,  in my point of view this makes them even more irritating to watch because they don't think before they speak and it gets them into deep trouble.

Take Brooklyn for instance , what the hell  was she thinking baiting Julian into a discussion about the crash that injured Lucas.Things like this should not be discussed, openly in a public place, like the information about how someone's car brakes were tampered with and the fact you've clocked that bit of information.

It would not surprise me ,in the least if Brooklyn's demise is in the cards, I heard someone say once,  " If people poke around in all the wrong corners" they begin to figure out what you've been up to" and that  in itself could be every deterimental to those who've committed a heinous crime against someone else just to get back at the other people , hell it could put other people's lives in jeopardy too and that  is not a good thing, why take unnecessary risks just to get one over on someone and piss them off in the process.

During yesterday's show I was praying for Wiley Coyote's anval to fall on Brooklyn to stop her from flapping her gums , that chick talks entirely too much and it made me shout at the television screen " Oh Shut The Hell Up Brooklyn !" she really doesn't know who she's messing with or could do to her.

Knowledge is power , I happen to know  that he could , I don't know order a hit out on her , it's been known to happen Julian could do the job himself or get Ava to do it , depending on his mood, I'd be scared if I was her.  In all my years of watching gh one thing I've learned is that nothing good comes out of a situation if you're coming off as too over confident, say what you're thinking out loud  and  don't  appear too cocky and most importantly thinking you have someone else pegged.  Helena once said that overconfident little girls get themselves into trouble when are up against someone stronger and smarter than them.

 I'm sure  Sonny would really appreciate his god daughter being gunned down by them!

 (" Insert Sarcasm here !"

Then there's Nelle Oh my dear , sweet lord , that chick never shuts the hell up, as if she can get at Carly through a jail cell , really all Carly has to do is make a call and it will be Nelle in the Pine Barrens party of one , as she kept talking I was left saying  "Oh shut the hell up you stupid bitch!"

In the end , I guess what I'm saying is ,  certain characters need a lesson , in humility, grace, understanding, kindness , respect , and most importantly , learn that you're craziness is not wanted , nor is it appreciated, especially when you keep targeting the wrong people, Nelle needs to take a long look at herself, before putting the blame on other people, she  is certifiably crazy. 

That doesn't excuse her behaviour she thinks she can hurt and maligne anyone she chooses , people who are innocent victims of her crazy antics. I don't think she can become a reedeemable reformed character  at least in my eyes . First she has to show remorse for hurting certain people, I'm pretty sure her apologies would fall on deaf ears. 

For me and so many other fans then and only then will I show any sort of caring , compassion and understanding towards her , or anyone else that  hurls nasty abuse at people. At least Carly owns her shit.Until then we'll continue be annoyed, and throw a rolled up ball of socks at the tv  and shout "Oh shut the hell up !" To whomever is pissing us off at the moment on the show.

This is Ashley signing off for now have an amazing day everyone

Monday, 24 February 2020

GhFans - Skewed Views & Burning Questions

Good Morning All, happy Monday , so here are my thoughts from over the weekend, you better get comfortable because this one is gonna be a freaking doozy of a blog . I wish you could see my face because I'm 100 percent being serious, especially after the crazy comments and questions I've read over the weekend from gh fans that it left me pretty frustated and annoyed and I don't like to feel this way we are all supposed respect each other and get along .

Have you ever felt like reaching into your inner favourite GH character  when GH fans are veering so far off the map , or orbeting into another stratosphere all togther. and they wind up on some sacred secret island of the crazy , damned and doomed of  all GH Fans or characters that the rest of us wish that we  would maybe like  to avoid like all together when wires get crossed.

I felt like this was going on this past weekend for me people have some pretty skewed views about certain characters ,  and they go about  twisting  GH storylines to their own advantage to make their faves look like innocent victims when they are the instigators and villains in the stories on the show itself.

I've seen alot of fans victim blame the ones who are actually the victimized and the hurt ones in the story, when this happens  it makes you want to knock 7 bells out of them because they aren't , won't and can't see things from another perspective and that infuriates the frigging hell out of me and other Gh fans.

 When they aren't winning their arguments,  they tell the rest of us we're wrong , or they call us stupid and deluded, and that's not the case at all. They don't seem to understand what's being said on screen and they make up a whole other scenarion in their head that actually never  happened on the show at all , I find that very frustrating to deal with its like beating a dead horse or  wanting to beat your head against a brick wall and neither is a pleasant experience .

Welcome to a long time GH fan's world , patience is a virtue they say but not in this case especially  when  you try to educate newer fans on what the true facts of a storyline are, I appreciate answering logical questions,  but when they start asking questions that are crazy or inappropriate after numerous fans have told them the same thing it becomes like a three ring circus  and I opt out of it .

But still these fans persist with the same crazy questions, that people have already answered , and everyone starts to get impatient because these people do not, can not and will not listen to common sense or realize that their questions are just freaking crazy and show lack of knowledge of the show.

If someone offers to tell you the correct backstory  for a certain character and you still don't comprehend it , please do the rest of us all a favor when we start suggesting you research the characters background on your own please do so.

It would make things much easier if you just go and look it up, it saves us from appearing long winded , repetitive  and boring to everyone else who already knows the characters and the shows history like the back of their hands.

  But they don't see our side of the situation, nor do they want to learn the facts on their own , instead they get all pissy with you and act all hurt because you told them to read up on things. Its a fun task if your heart it's truly into it .

It is not a crime to ask questions of the long time fans ,  we gladly  provide  everyone information, and answer questions as best as we are able, cause lets face it sometimes we have to look things up to refresh our own  memories.

 Here's where I get hopping mad , butut when characters backstories have been explained on the show more than once ,  and you'd think they'd learn it by now. 

Unfortunately , it becomes  clear they don't pay enough attention to what the characters are saying on screen, as kids we are told to stop , look and listen that should apply not only to traffic , but to what  the other fans are telling them as well . I don't mind being a teacher , and sharing what I know but when people close their ears , and only hear what they want to hear it makes things difficult.

Might I suggest you rewind your pvr and listen correctly to what's being said , because some things can become misconstrued or twisted, often we hear things and then later realize oh snap  hands up I called it wrong. But because they choose not to do that they keep insisting they are in the right without  having the info to back them up , let me tell you , you can argue till your blue in the face , but we just don't want to be bothered doing it in the long run if you don't want to meet us half way and enjoy the banter we as fans should have together . 

Sometimes they simply do not understand,  where we are coming from and what we're telling them! At some point they need to realize our answers will not likely change anytime soon, we know the facts and no matter how many times,  you guys ask us the same question, over and over again like a broken record  . 

I think if people paid enough attention, to what other people say  then you can participate in active conversations without appearing lost , or asking things that  make me want to reach into my inner Carly, Ava or Alexis and tell you off you're just asking for trouble.Frankly speaking, sometimes I don't have time , or the energy to deal with all of those burning questions that GH fans are so very  curious about. I hope you're all sitting comfortably let's get started.

So In answer to your questions 

1. When did  Lucas get adopted by  Bobbie and Tony  

A.  Bobbie and Tony were awarded custody of Lucas in February 1993

Watch the clip below to see Bobbie and Tony being awarded custody

2. Is  Julian Jerome really Lucas' father

A. In 2013 when it came out that Derek Wells was actually Julian Jerome, Duke said the only way they could prove  that he was in fact Julian Jerome was through DNA Testing of his son Lucas Jones. And they did and yes he is Lucas' dad as well as Sam Mccall's father. They are half siblings, and no that doesn't make Sam and Carly sisters. If that's the next question people are thinking of asking.  It also  makes Olivia's son leo  related to Sam and Lucas,but that is another story we won't dive into at the moment since people are so focused on Bobbie's kids and Jenelle Benson and her crazy mixed up  personality .

3. How are  Carly and  Nelle connected  

A. Carly and Nelle are adopted sisters through Frank Benson, Frank was Carly's adopted father until he left her and Virgina and Nelle's biological father. 

Nelle blames Carly for everything that happened to her including the Kidney that was taken from her. You can't hold someone responsible for things they didn't do , its just not right  to just assume that people did things they didn't.

Especially when they had no idea where the kidney came from in the first place.Frank sold it to Jax so that Joss would be able to live and long  life . 

Watch the clip below as Nelle reams Joss out for no reason!!!


Nelle is a spiteful  callous bitch, and  told her she is just an ungrateful brat which couldn't be more far from the truth. Nope not true !!!!! Nelle is crazy .

It's clear Nelle has a distorted view of the facts , even Sonny said so , and initially made up her own mind about what the true facts were, before getting Carly's side of the story, but Nelle being the screwball she is , chose not to go that route and definitely doesn't see it that way , her perception is coming from  a very disturbed, displaced anger infested, emotionally charged place and surely she could channel that anger a different way  like Franco does.

Nelle most definitely put the blame on the wrong person when it should be directed at Frank Benson himself who lied to his daughter to get what he wanted money and  by giving  Nelle's kidney to Joss thought he could win his way back in Carly's good graces. Boy he called that one wrong guys  Carly sure has no love for him that's clearly evident from the clips I've shown you here .

Watch the clips below to see how the scene played out ......

 Ha and as if by coincidence my Carly babes comes through and says you better get your facts straight before you start a war with me.


This is exactly why I'm a Carly fan , and why I in some ways am so much like her , its because she calls people out on their bull crap , she is a truth teller especially when the other  person has the wrong end of the stick about who she is and what she represents . Even Michael told Nelle she should have done her own research about who his mother really is  Amen to that honey. I wish this could be a teaching tool for GH fans to take note of what important lessons the characters and the show teaches us about checking your facts before you go spouting off a bunch of  insinuations and stuff that characters never said.

Some times Carly is the innocent party and people just chuck verbal diarrhea her way like Nelle and so many other women before her.  Its in poor taste for anyone to hurl abuse at anyone.So please take note, before you try and spin a tale one way , because sometimes that isn't how things really are!

If you think I'm kidding, you best sit your butt down , educate yourself and think do I really want to mess with this  person , cause she seems pretty solid with her convictions, and is well versed it everything GH including  the love of her fave characters  and the Legacy families they are from on General Hospital.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Objects In The Rearview Mirror

When Secrets explode wide open in Port Charles , those sneaky bastards , who are hiding things and messing with the Quartermaine/Spencer/ Corinthos Clan , better find a good hiding spot , because let's face it they aren't a very forgiving and forgetful lot.

Neither are the Jerome family, Nelle and Brad after all got Ava and  Julian wrapped up their stupid drama and they weren't the least bit amused by that fact, I mean would you be? I know for sure I wouldn't but that's just me.

Now I understand Nelle  is a treacherous bitch , but Brad being Michael's uncle by marriage and Carly's brother inlaw through Lucas should have known better than agreeing to take Michael's baby son , from Nelle and swap him for Willow's child who died of SIDS and above all else crossing Mrs Corinthos.

You've pretty much  reserved yourself a spot in the Pine Barrens , if Michael doesn't do it himself.

Carly haters call her a hypocrite,  she said on  February 20th  2020 episode she may sound like one , after what she and Sason did to AJ , but she admitted she never played mind games with anyone like  Nelle and Brad did.

She said she felt like Karma had come back to haunt her ,  like it was some sick twist of fate ,but in my opinion at least she didn't give Michael to someone else in the family , hide him in plain sight like Nelle did, and had someone else raise him  as their own and giving him a different name all together.

Mind blowing isn't it , my girls ain't as shady and crazy as Nelle , and she sure as fuck isn't anything like Brad who lead poor Willow to believe that the boy she's been bonding with is her son.

For a year and a half Michael bonded with Wiley , became his godfather, and doted on the kid , not knowing that his son was right in front of him.

There were clues there, that Carly and Michael chalked down to coincidences , but we fans knew the truth didn't we guys?

Finally one faithful night , Brad couldn't stand it any longer, the lie he told and confessed to Lucas , who ended up furious and they ended up in a car accident. Brad probably thought his luck had changed and that Lucas would not remember what he told him lol.

Ha Wrong .......   Lucas remembered everything  he laid all the cards out on the table , he told Michael the truth , it sent shock waves through the family. Michael and Carly were furious , and when Michael realized Nelle could be  enroute to steal Wiley , he and Chase rushed there to save his son.

Meanwhile  Nelle had knocked  Willow unconscious , and well  just as the wicked screwball of the west  was about to leave Port Charles in the dust , Michael arrived in time before she left.

Chase found sweet Willow unconscious and that poor girl has no idea what's coming her way.

Boy Brad is a real dumb ass guys the fool actually thought , he was doing this for Lucas , who was like " You stole my nephews son , how can I ever thank you !" I would have added and if you think I'm happy about this you're just freaking kidding yourself dude!

Both these creitons were arrested, and Michael brought his son home, to a safe place where everyone loves him.

Watch the video below to see how things went down

We all know Willow will be devastated when she finds out that Brad also omitted the truth that her baby had died , and didn't even have the balls to tell her , instead he thrust  Shiloh in her face and she was panic stricken for the safety of a child she thought  was hers and for that he should pay big time. I'd even hire Diane and sue for all  the pain and suffering they caused Michael Corinthos , his family  and Willow Tate  have endured from their shady disgusting deplorable  behavior that make us despise them.

Ah information over load ,  I know , even  I am over-whelmed with emotion over this!  I feel like either Spinelli , or maybe Maxie with their verbal diarreah, when they just blurt stuff out! It's just what we do ! " We can't help feeling how we feel, especially when a storyline affects us so much , as  fans we get so invested in the characters and the storylines , thanks to the  writers and to the amazingly talented cast who play our GH favourites to the hilt .

But hey this is me in a nutshell you either love me or you don't but , I know that they are brutally honest like I am and they are so bloody funny and why the fans love them.

When GH has me so hopping mad and excited you don't know what you're gonna read on your  computer screens ! I know you all gasp in shock over what I say sometimes.That's also why people have christened me the real Carly Corinthos, 'cause I have a way with words, not even thinking before I even say them! Let's be honest things just fall out of my mouth , that I can't control, or in this case  if end up in our group live chats which makes everyone laugh at 2 pm, we are a very expressive bunch.

Until next time me lovelies , this is mama Ashley signing off ,  I  shall talk to you all at  2 pm  during the GHCANADA live chat session,happy GH watching  and have a great weekend.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Tangled Web of Lies ...... Helena's Message from the grave or is it?

All of my life ,I've heard the term what a tangled web we weave , when first we practice to deceive, well , in this case its Valentin's drunk ass having hallucinations , and he's emulating what he thinks the ghost of his mother would say to him.

I find it kind of ridiculous that people are saying well , Helena did say that cross matching the blood lines was her greatest achievement, yes she did say that , but guys lets focus here for a moment , Helena wasn't saying any of this stuff to him at all. Her greatest achievement to me is her capacity to infuriate us all like the riddler in Batman with her questionable statements since 1981.

It was in his drunken state that he conjured up his momma in his head , and what he was actually doing was arguing with himself.It wasn't some grand stand message from Helena beyond the grave.

Watch the video below as Helena appears in  Valentin's hallucination while he's in a drunken , angry , depressed state.

People do come to some strange assed conclusions in their heads either real or imagined ,  when they are faced with reality slapping them right in the face.

Hell it goes for fans too , they mishear things,  and then they embellish on what was really said, and tell other people , well I see it this way.  People were working out all sorts of scenarios in their heads , hell i did it myself,  but when I re watched the scene I thought okay , what the hell ? How did i come to that conclusion , when it wasn't even said .

I know I've been guilty of not listening close enough at times , but at least I apologize for calling it wrong. So please guys unless you see it on the screen don't freaking repeat it!!!

Over the weekend , people's perception , went from one extreme to the other , so now I'm gonna  have to reach into my inner Carly for a minute here , " Umm  No! Hell No! are you guys for real ?   Not once did Helena say that Luke was  Valentin's father, and Valentin just assumed the topic was  "Charlotte!"

He is so focused on providing for Charlotte , and being her father, that he doesn't seem to realize that its not material things she needs its love, guidance and a good role model who won't lie and manipulate their way through life like he does.

I'm sorry to say this but ,Valentin may have been used to crossmatch the bloodlines, or he may not have, hell he may not even be  Charlotte's father, I think it could in fact be Stavros.

Helena was a master manipulator , sly like a fox, she could outwit unsuspecting creatures, and they not even be aware of what Tsunami effect that was coming their way.

I kind of feel sorry for Valentin in a way , because his whole life , has been a lie since the day he was born. He was lead to believe he was worthless and less than a human being.

That is not something someone would take very well, but that's not a reason for him to do what he did to Nikolas, and try and hurt the mother of his child, and her mother and the rest of the people in her family.

I find it disturbing that Valentin would want to hurt the Quartermaine's and go after Sonny, is that what he thinks his mother wants him to do in his deluded thinking? 

Valentin , is  a law unto himself, in the long run he might actually get himself killed, who is he to decide what should be his, and who is not deserving of their business or their wealth. 

Deep down this is a sick twisted , down spiral , he's the male version of Nelle in that respect , he wants what others have and he doesn't care who he hurts, kills or steps over before people are finally onto him and realize what exactly his game is.

Another flip of the coin will be , he realizes that he's going to  have to change his ways, and stop the nonsense he's pulling , I saw a little glimmer of hope in him when he heard Linc was sexually assaulting Brooklyn.

I won't hold my breath , for fear I might be wrong , but  perhaps in his own disturbed mind , his conversation with  mummy has given him some insight into who his anger should  be directed towards. And that's certainly not   The Spencers , Corinthos or Quartermaine's Clans, who by the way are a powerful extended family.

This is Ashley signing off , happy Monday guys , and happy GH watching!!!

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Oh Dear! Oh Dear !Oh Deary Me !

Goood Morning  me lovelies , it certainly was an eye opener for one Port Charles resident  yesterday , it turns out that Valentin is not a Cassadine after all , but I have to say us Admins at General Hospital Canada called it  4 years ago.

To be perfectly honest , I think Valentin knew the truth this whole time , but the sniveling self entitled brat that he is  Oh wait isn't that what he called Nikolas?  Yeah how do you like them apples gumdrop its called projecting sweetheart , you said that to Nikolas and you have known the whole time you weren't Mikkos' son.

Calling the true heir  names doesn't win you brownie points , in fact it makes one's eyes become wide open , and see you for who you really are a greedy opportunist who thinks he can step all over people just to get what he wants , yeah you're Helena's son alright , but at least she does it with a little bit more class and venom.

Watch the clip below as  Nikolas delivers the bad news .... 

On February 11th Alexis and Valentin went to have a DNA test to prove once and for all if they were actually brother and sister.

I had to laugh when on February 12th Valentin got the shock of his life lol, Oh dear ! Oh dear ! Oh deary me the tests  came back  saying that  Valentin, you guessed it is not after all  a Cassadine , why the hell doesn't that surprise me?

Having said all of that , after yesterday's episode I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt,there is a teeny weenie part of me that began to respect him just a little bit.

Personally , I think even though he schemes his way through life , being a shady bastard , I liked the fact that Valentin doesn't like people's daughters being treated like sexual objects and man handled by other men.

Perhaps he could focus on that side of it , instead of this obsession with greed , perhaps he should walk a mile in Ned's shoes, or  that of Sonny's when your child is being used as a pawn in a game , or a victim in all of this.

Fans and the residents of Port Charles  would like and respect him more , if he went about things the logical way , be up front , be honest , say what you mean instead of hiding in a corner and getting everyone else to do your dirty work for you.

Cassadine's are notorious for playing mind games, but Helena has always made sure she got her own hands dirty lol, and when she gets caught out  she says , " Well , you can't blame me for pushing you're buttons , you make it so easy my dear!"

You would think , since he's Helena's son , he would have inherited her devilishly evil ways, like how to speak to people , how to manipulate them correctly , but we all know he was sent away and didn't benefit from her tutorage.

If he had maybe he'd be a little bit more wise, and worldly and know how to handle people in a more appropriate manner.

I love the way  James Patrick Stuart plays Valentin, he makes it so easy to hate him, but honestly I hope he stays with the cast a long time for me I hope Valentin learns from this , and becomes a redeemable character.

Unfortunately I think we have a long , insufferable wait before that happens!

This is Ashley signing off   , have a wonderful day guys and happy GH watching!!!!

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Sonny & Jason - A Mob War Cometh

 Most GH  fans , love the  romance, the family togetherness, the hospital drama and the adventures our gh faves go on , all of those are awesome aspects of GH, but I like a good ole fashioned  in your face mob war me.

I'm not a violent person , far from it , but as far as the mob wars go , I love watching the strategic aspects of the team work between Sonny and Jason played  by Maurice Benard and  Steve Burton.

The way the scenes are set where our boys are in action thrills me , not so much the gun fire , but the  silent communication between them , a nod of the head and the throwing of a gun tossed to Jason like in the  Church shoot out between Sason and  Faith Roscoe just blew me away , also the way they freaking kicked ass during the  Metrocourt shootout and of course the shootout at the cellar as well.

Sason as we fans have lovingly call them have been kicking ass and taking names together since the 90's and we fans can't get enough of their bad ass action.

There are some GH fans who are not fans of the mob wars , but they have to admit that , Sason bring the bad ass action to the forefront.

Yes over the years there have been many casualties , and innocent people hurt but its not  the fault of  Sonny and Jason. Their enemies are crazy buggers who want their territory and all hell breaks loose every single time.

Lily, Sam, Carly , Connie, Michael, Kristina Cassadine and her Niece Kristina Corinthos as well as Morgan Corinthos have been among the victims targeted by greedy competition who want to take Sonny and Jason out for good.

Watch the video below to see them in action!

In 2007 Emily , was targeted by Diego Alcazar for shocker being Jason's sister , and that boy took her life on her wedding day.

Sad and disappointing that was , and you know , I think  people should just back the hell off of the families, yeah I get it you're gonna say , but Sonny and Jason chose that life their families didn't , but when it comes to the mob, the rival mob syndicates , really are a crazy assed bunch.

Diego killed himself when he plunged to his death getting caught by a rope , Nikolas Cassadine was there to save Maxie while Spinelli looked on in shock.

People should leave the kids ,wives, parents out of the whole freaking mess it has nothing to do with them.

Don't use them as a bargaining chip to get whatever the hell you want ,it doesn't wash with me OK nor Sonny and Jason.

 If you want something do it by verbal communication not by ambushing innocent people because you're sorry ass was told no in most cases.

Honestly , its like speaking to a child who doesn't understand get lost , or the word no and these fools think they can say , do , and hurt whomever they please.

Michael has been shot in the head, he's been beaten up,  Kristina has been in an explosion and been held at gun point all because she's Sonny's daughter.

And poor Morgan was at the wrong place at the wrong time, I think the Jerome's have a lot to answer for on that score.

Whether  its Sorrel , or Joe Scully , The Ruiz family , The Zacchara's or Karpov , The Balkan, The Jerome's or Cyrus Renault , one's things for sure Sonny and Jason always come out  stronger than ever.

These mobsters aren't very bright , I mean  seriously , they kidnapped Jake ,  as well and umm Manny Ruiz that freak lol he got more than be bargained for trying to mess with Mrs Carly Corinthos.

She shot him , and maimed him, and he still wouldn't give up , eventually Sonny and Jason got down to business and they ended him lol after he had kidnapped Sam , and terrorized Liz.

He fell to his death , and I can't say I'm sad about his demise , cause I'm not!!!

As for Cyrus Renault , what the hell is his game here, who told him he could just do what he pleases? I'm thinking Gladys and  Brando are involved some how.

Either way , like Sam I've got my  leather jacket on , biker boots at the ready and popcorn popped . Lets get this party started.

I'm a Sonny and Jason fan to the hilt baby and its not going to change anytime soon

Monday, 10 February 2020

Linc & Valentin " Shady as F@#$

Ever since that slimy git Linc whose a Sonny Bono wanna be I might add came into Port Charles and started sexually harrassing Brooklyn I thought now there's a guy whose as shady as F@#$ and I include Valentin in this as well, but more on him later.

As far as Linc goes , no man has the right to put their hands on a woman and treat them like they're his property I was seriously disgusted when he man handled her, but I was proud of her when she punched him.

For me it was poetic justice when he wouldn't Back off and Lulu and Dustin stepped up to help her fight the mother effer off. Unfortunately  Brookie hit Chase over the head with a beer bottle in the process.

Watch the clip below to see the moment Lulu teamed up with Brooklyn to teach Linc a lesson. 

When I say Linc is Sonny Bono wanna be here are the facts , he sees a beautiful talented girl, builds her , and when he gets a little bit too pushy and she pushes back he thinks he can tell her what to do .

Men like that build girls like her up then pull the rug out from under them,  when they stand up for themselves.  I find that disgusting. 

Ummm has he met her mother , Lois would snap this jerk like a twig if she had the mind to . And Lets not forget her godfather is the mob king pin of Port Charles  the one the only Sonny Corinthos , he could make this a$$hole disappear and make sure Jason's baby cousin isn't hurt or used in anyway.

But it didn't end there guys this Linc dude is as crazy as they come , after the arrest he still tried to play the victim cause he was attacked by three people.

Watch the clip as our girls and Dustin tell their version of events 

On February 7th 2020 Linc showed up at the Metrocourt for a meeting with Ned and Brooklyn and it didn't go well. He kept calling Ned Eddie and saying he can't wait to work with him umm hello I smell a rat , why would this troll assume he's gonna work with  Ned lol presumptious little turd isn't he guys , I mean seriously I don't like him or trust him

And then the penny dropped and we found out  Linc as well as Martin are working on behalf Valentin, only a scheming rat like Valentin would have other people do his dirty work and prey on two vulnerable , highly strung women , who they just assumed they could manipulate and control.

Watch as the truth comes out lol

I don't know about you guys, but I was left angry , and wanting  zap myself into the scene grab gun and shoot Valentin , Martin and  Skeezy Linc between the eyes .

I can not stand anyone who deliberately uses people , to get what they want, how about instead of playing mind fuck games with people how about being upfront and honest about what it is you're trying to accomplish.

At least Sonny , Jason , Jax and even Nikolas, are upfront about their intentions, I can't get behind a prick like Valentin who doesn't care who he hurts , or step on or over to get what he desires the most money and power.

I hope that when the truth comes out , Uncle Dimples,The Q's and Jason put  Valentin back in his cage where he belongs, or better yet  let Helena be alive and let her do it.

If not for herself , but for those he's wronged and messed with , I would love it if, Helena , supported the Q's and Sonny and teamed up with them in order to end Valentin's reign of buffoonery , he's not as big bad and fierce as he makes out .

That's it for now me lovelies, have a great week and happy GH watching!

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Speculations and Rumors Be Damned

Happy Sunday everyone , i have something to get off my chest ....

Being a GH fan and a group leader , comes with crazy insinuations about the show , people read things that are false , and trust me when  I say speculation and Rumors Be damned I'm not into convoluted false info.

People repeat  stuff from celebrity dirty laundry or soap opera news sites , who report things just to get a story out .

Fake spoilers , feeding the fans with hope and sometimes dread , about stuff involving their gh favourites. And then they become disillusioned and angry when they don't get what they want. 

If fans want a reputable site , to get real spoilers from...  She knows soaps is the most accurate .


Repeating rumors about actors leaving,  is another thing I don't agree with , I'd rather hear it straight from the actors or actresses  own mouths . In my minds eye its better to take a step back and stop and  consider the source , when you hear stuff.

General Hospital Canada is not the place for bringing spumors into start a discussion , I'd rather we stick to the official GH Site and the more trust worthy sources than have our group sullied by crazy garbage that isn't  true. 

In my group,  we are a family,  we protect those in our group, including those that are apart of the cast. We will not condone people spreading malicious hurtful stuff towards anyone we are all apart of the gh family and should  show the same coureousy and kindness as you would your blood family .

Also take note that we admins frown up on any negative energy that comes into our midst , so leave it behind before entering our domain.

It will make for a happier saner environment , if people just follow the rules , anywho , have a wonderful day guys , Peace out !!!

Mama Ashley signing off !!!!

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Carson vs Gladys & Brando " Collision Course For Mistrust"

As young kids we are told , there are some things families need to keep private , information isn't meant for the masses, I guess Gladys never listened to her parents , because she opened up the Corinthos family to a new mob war posting things about them online.

And Carly and Sonny weren't very happy when they discovered that Gladys had actually gone on facebook and posted pictures of her with Dev and discussed what it was like living with the Corinthos Clan and how she felt like part of a family.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but who the hell , just drops in unannounced and expects to live in someone else's home and then has the audacity to go about things the way that Gladys did without thinking of the consequences or how Sonny and Carly would react when they found out what exactly she had done.  

She's lacked common sense for a woman of her age and she's totally avoiding the fact that she's annoyed the crap out of her mob king pin cousin ,his wife,  and has endangered their lives and that of their kids  and  hasn't thought about how angering Sonny and Jason in the process would turn out silly woman .

The smart thing to do was to stay away from exposing her family to danger period and its making  them feel exposed to people who might just be willing to kill them all and are totally drunk on power  and want territory that does not belong  to them and  in the end who gets  hurt and caught in the cross fire. 

These are people who don't care who gets hurt or killed because they want what Sonny has  and want to make Port Charles a war zone which is sure to keep the pcpd busier than usual I don't think we see them enough anyways lol.

Mike along with  Sam  the children and Bobbie are being  guarded because of this threat on their lives. I personally hold her responsible for this, I mean come on seriously , common sense should come into play but it has not . I say make her pay out of her own pocket for the extra security  that's the least she owes them for all the drama and trouble she's caused since she created this mess.

She really messed up big time and doesn't understand the ramifications of what she's done , or who inadvertently gets victimised because of her stupidity.

 I mean seriously, Joss, Michael, Sasha along with Laura got shot at , and  Laura got shot in the shoot out , and Brando's life was in danger too.But thank god he showed up when he did because  he saved Carly's life by getting her to safety even though he was shot himself in the end and his true identity came out.

 Sonny thanked him for that and he will repay him for it I'm sure , cause Sonny always makes good on his promises ,but first questions need to be answered. I honestly feel like Sonny And Carly are well within their rights to get them too.

Watch the clip below the moment  Brando jumped into save Mrs C from danger. People can say what they want about Carly , that she's super nosey , and says and does all theb wrong things, but I don't think so because she is like a lioness hunting her prey once you anger her you've dug your own grave.

While the cops were about to take Brando's personal effects , Carly  beat them to the punch and found the picture of Gladys with Dev in Brando's belongings .

Like wtaf what Gladys  thinking and why the hell did Brando have the picture in the first place? Carly wanted to know and told Sonny what she found out .

 This whole thing to me is beyond sketchy and I would seriously demand answers and I would not leave until the other person told me the truth .

They say fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice shame on me , well Carly is a bull in a china shop and when she finds out someone's lied to her once , well you better be prepared , because she isn't a stupid woman, she's played the fooling game, and been the master manipulator and made it clear she felt horrible in the end because she finally learned that messing with other people isn't the way to behavemp towards those who just want to love you .

 Gladys hasn't quite come to the conclusion Carly and Sonny are not the type of people you lie to at all .Some fans seen to think she's playing a pretty good game of playing innocent , I beg to differ , there is something devious about her. Please explain why she's skulking around like lady of the manor and thinks that she can use her family for their money and live in their house. 

Yeah, I know what you're all thinking you're supiscious like Carly , being  cautious and Leary of people is ok  and I don't  blameb her .

I mean why lie about your son being dead? Nothing of this makes any sense to me at all I'm gobsmacked. Gladys is just plain strange  and I don't believe her weak apologies when she spoke to Carson while at General Hospital, even Brando doesn't seem to trust his own mother and is shocked by her behavior .

Unless there's something we fans don't know about just yet  ,  that she's afraidv to say maybe its wishful thinking on my part, because I love my Carly and Sonny  I can't put my finger on it , don't hold me to it , but I have my own suspicions about Gladys and her seemingly strange behavior and how she acts .

 Its purely speculation, but what if all this anger Brando has towards Sonny is because he's not Brando at all and he's actually Carly and  Sonny's youngest head strong son  handsome Morgan Stone Corinthos. It's one thing Carly wants to have her sin back, I hope the writers are finally going to make it happen.

That to me would make a lot of sense because Morgan could have amnesia and not know who he is. What if by chance Gladys found Morgan , and she thought he was Brando and told him a bunch of lies because she missed her son that much she'd do anything even steal someone else's. It's happened before .

Grieving mothers are volatile creatures , everyone knows that , and seriously , what if this whole act of hers is a way to cover up the fact she's basically stolen Carson's son from them which makes this situation just sick and they don't know it yet. I can't wait to find out their huge secret and if my theory is correct.

When Carly went to Sonny about Brando I was thinking " Oh shit here we go,  our power couple are about to get some anger expressed on this woman who acts like a nervous  clueless wonder who , and doesn't give straight answers  !" 

Watch the video down below to see how it all went down! I am #TeamCarson 

And judging by their reactions Carson are super pissed and can you blame them?

Another scenario is what if  Brando is an undercover cop, and he wants to protect his family ? I kinda hope this isn't a jumbled up version of  what happened with Dante , where Brando knows who Sonny is and he just went rogue cop or he's working with Cyrus Sonny's new foe either way I don't  like it.

 Either way I'm intrigued to find out the full story behind Brando coming to Port Charles, where was he , who is he really and don't tell me his arrival is cause of his mom. He knows something and is not being forthcoming with anything.

Let me tell you , I felt Carly and Sonny's frustration and anger with  Gladys, I'm just baffled at Gladys' excuses and her stupidity. why would anyone want to risk the safety of their cousin and his family all for the sake of  feeling part of a family again! I do not buy her stupid lame excuses , 

There is just something I don't like about her and I can't quite put my finger on it but I know I don't trust her at all nor do I feel like I want to either she just rubs me the wrong way. 

People have speculated she's working for that rival mob boss Cyrus, or maybe she  got duped and manipulated and used by him , for information.I think Gladys isn't that smart to be honest with you all I mean really I don't and I don't care its my gut feeling and I won't ignore it. 

I think she would be that naive to think that any new facebook  friend was someone that  was genuinely interested in her life and her family.

Only to get information out of her , but for all the wrong reasons I might add.If this is true , I feel sorry for her in that respect.

But whatever the outcome  Gladys has opened up her family , to a new danger in their lives.I'd expect this out of Morgan , because he was angry at his dad and was off his meds but a seemingly intelligent woman who is old enough to know better , come on now! She really does my head in that woman and then some.

Even I know once you've woken the snarly beasts that are Carly and Sonny you've opened yourself up to being torn a strip out of and ostricized from the family that embraced you with hesitation from the start because you just wouldn't take the hint and stay away from them. She just doesn't know when to stop or when to take a hint and go back to where she came from and stay there. 

This was the beginning of the  collision course for mistrust , my hope is Gladys realizes her huge blunder and makes amends before they take everything they gave her away from her. She really should be grateful Sonny is being nice to her .

And if it turns out that  Brando is Morgan , she better go into hiding cause Carly will not forgive and forget that in a damn hurry . I'm a Carly fan so I know she would have her in the pine barrens ,  along with Nelle so fast they both would not know what hit them  both! I know I wouldn't accept excuses , and I'd demand that she be arrested or put in fern cliff for the hurt and anger it would cause everyone who loves and cares for Morgan and that includes Ava too.

I know that much and if you Carly haters think I'm joking watch this space cause  Tsunami Carly would destroy them quicker than you can possibly imagine and when that happens , all of Port Charles will feel the wrath of Mrs and Mrs Sonny Corinthos I can assure you, they won't hesitate to have Jason hunt you down , which means  and you better run for cover and hide.