
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 30 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-30-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies and happy Friday I can not wait to see todays episode.  

And why is that you may be wondering,  well the fact Carly , Ava and  Laura are joining forces to get rid of Cyrus is the main reason of course .

It's enough to make yours truly and her gal pals  absolutely ecstatic and chomping at the bit to see the freak be put in the  pine barrens and be dead in arrival. 

Also the fact that Josslyn is about to come across her presumably dead step dad lol makes me giggle with delight .

 Yep I can not wait for Carly JR to make her mama proud as hell and kick Nina's scheming  selfish ass. 

Today's show  starts off with Ava showing up to see Carly about Ava and Cyrus. 

Laura says what kind of trouble. 

Sonny speaks to Nina she says she's taking coffee to Jax . He asks her if she's leaving Nixon falls with Jax. 

Phyllis is pissing me off ... she keeps  trying warn Jax off Nina .

Joss and Trina having car trouble it over heated .

Alexis' roommate   says getting   special treatment gets  you into trouble.  She runs into Shawn.

Carly on phone with  Britt and Elizabeth is being super nosey  about all of the new security people in the hospital. 

Prison guard says he wants Cam to leave.  Jason says he stays he needs to talk to him.

Nina tells Sonny she's gonna drive Jax back to Port Charles.  She says she's going to tie up loose ends and then come back.

Phyllis is annoying me , she needs to butt out of  Nina's life and business she's not her mother .

I love Joss and Trina , Trina says that the problem between her and Cam and not Jason. 

I feel bad for Cam , but  he's being a little jerk. He needs to stop blaming Jason.

Elizabeth is told  to back off or they'll rework her work schedule .

Ava tells  Carly about  Cyrus and how he threatened Avery . Oh boy Carly is pissed.

Nina and Sonny make me want to vomit.  I really do not like the writers dreaming this utter crap up. 

Elijah says trust is  the key to any successful relationship. 

Phyllis needs to stop  interfering in stuff that's not got anything to do with her .

She tells Jax to take a step back if anyone needs to take a step back it's her.

Trina suggests that Dev's death is putting a wall between Joss and Cam.

I love  Shawn and Alexis catching up .

Britt says Elizabeth should take a leave of absence from work .

Cam is being a total jerk to Jason. 

Ava and Carly and Laura are arguing about who did what to  poke Cyrus. 

She says  " I'm not the one with the devil at her door you two are !"

Carly assumes that Ava is there to ask for help   , nope she's there to offer hers . 

Lol Sonny is not impressed with Elijah. 

Trina tells Joss Dev stole Joss' before he died and wrote something nasty in it that upset Cam.

Britt tells Elizabeth to go home , that she won't deplete her hours .

Britt sees Cam being a little prick and tells him to go home. 

Ava and Carly and Laura talking about protecting the kids at all costs.

Ava says we are both Avery's mothers as much as I hate to admit it .

Carly  doesn't look impressed 

Elijah is trying to deny causing the robbery. Elijah blaming him as well.

Nina is annoying the hell out of me  she thinks she's so nice , but she's a total bitch ugh.

I love  our Shawn and Alexis all over  again.  Good friends who are both in the exact same position. 

Lmfao Britt , says Cam needs to keep his anger towards Jason and not know Peter killed Franco or else Peter will kill Cam too.

Cyrus's man  is not able to hear the  conversation between  Britt and Jason .

Laura and Ava are convincing Carly to work with them.  They call Carly ruthless lol and she tells Ava to invite Cyrus to Wyndemere. 

Ava was like wtaf  lol

Sonny says  he thinks bad things happen when he's around .

Sonny is telling Elijah off  ... he thinks Elijah is gonna rip everyone off that he supposedly cares about .

Phyllis hears them arguing  and  yells at them. 

Joss arrives to pick up  Jax she's shocked to see his arm in a sling she's angry that he said it was a minor Injury.

Cam is so angry and Liz looks upset .

I love  Jason and  Britt.

Ava is not impressed with Carly's dinner plan idea.

Jax is questioning Joss how they got there . Joss and Trina spotted the Tan-O.

Elijah and Sonny shake hands lol.

Lol Phyllis wants Sonny to stop shouting and being aggressive around Nina.

I love Shawn and Alexis he says she has friends in pentonville as well as the outside. 

Cam won't shut up  about Jason .

Ava  manages to convince Cyrus to come for dinner .

Jason tells Britt to leave so she has deniability in his escape. 

Laura praises Ava for her part in the plan being executed.  Ava wishes Carly good luck in her part of the plan. 

Ava tells Carly for once they are on the same side .

That's it for now guys,  this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 29 April 2021


Good Afternoon me lovelies  i have to say after watching  yesterday's GH I am so hyper to see what's going to happen next during our beloved show.

Todays show starts off with Cam and Trina bringing Joss into the hospital about her ankle . She said she's not going to let some doctor tell her what to do lol. Portia doesn't look impressed .

Ava is annoyed with Nikolas over what's going on with Alexis  and also Cyrus  and what they can do to protect Alexis from him and those that work for him.

Ugh seriously I want Cyrus gone already  and now  we see Alexis getting a visitor  at pentonville we don't know yet who it is.

Scott and Liesl talking about dealing  with Peter. Love them all loved up and working together. 

One side note my mum whose not a Gh fan commented on Scott's hair.She said  he's a mess and has no pride and Liesl has low standards. 

 LOL this is what happens when I do not watch GH alone  ! Omfg Now you guys  know where I get my  big mouth from lol. We just say  how we feel about things  and tell people what we think about them too.

Sam has brought Danny to see Jason and we see Britt telling Jason the plan is going to plan to break Jason out of prison and clear his name. 

Portia looks at Joss's ankle and Nikolas says he will protect her and his Aunt Alexis and protect  the rest of his family. 

Love that  Laura coming to talk to Scott and she apologizes for not speaking to Liesl earlier when she saw her with Scott.

Liesl says she admires Laura and  Britt says she loves admires her mom despite her crazy childhood growing up.

Britt is so cute lol she really likes Jason,  and tells him that they can't have Cyrus finding out that Brad is her friend.Brick is concerned about Carly and Jason trusting Britt . 

Britt is cool, and smart so what the hell is   he going on about he doesn't know her to pass judgement on her in the first place .

Awe Ava and Nikolas talking about the wedding and how Cyrus won't get an invite. Also Spencer won't attend the wedding he's still mad at his dad. 

Also Alexis gets  a  job reinsignment , next we saw Danny visiting Jason and they speak about how Jake is upset with Cam.

Sam is told by Britt that  Jason will be released back to the prison now he's feeling better . Yeah right he's escaping. 

Joss is told by  Portia her volleyball season is over due to her injury on her ankle. Ouch and she's not happy about it.

Cyrus shows up to see Nikolas and Ava .

Joss is told to rest her ligiment for 4 weeks and she can't play volleyball at all.

Cam is trying to annoy Joss  about Jason again. He leaves before another argument ensues.She tells Trina Cam is the least of her worries right now .She is angry she can't play volleyball the rest of the season .

Jason tells  Danny they're gonna find a way for Jason to  get of prison and that he's innocent of hurting Franco Baldwin. 

Sam is so jealous of Britt being around Jason and them working together.   Lol its  too funny seriously  guys welcome to Carly's world and walking in her shoes .

Carly tells Brick that they'll find a way to find Jason innocent of what happened to Franco and keep Cyrus Renault at bay at last. They are interrupted by a knock at the door .Carly gets a visit from Laura and she introduces her to Brick who thanks her for all of what she does for Port Charles.

Cyrus is annoying not just us fans but Ava as well, he clearly doesn't know who he's trying to manipulate and screw with.  Lol.

Alexis gets a visit from Nikolas at Pentonville she is pissed at him for stupidly  making a deal with Cyrus. 

Carly and Laura talking about Nikolas and how he  helped Cyrus get his mother back and that they lost his leverage against them. 

Carly says is there anyway you could soften towards him to reel in so we can get him where we want him lol .

Alexis finds out Nikolas returned Florence to Cyrus.  Meanwhile Ava hears Cyrus out about how he is Laura's brother and wants a better relationship with her and Nikolas. 

Cyrus is trying to appeal to Ava's better nature  and that she is after all his niece inlaw and they are family after all.

Oh my god  lol , Liesl is freaking out that Britt is working with Jason she says pack your bags we're leaving the country. Oh boy. Whatever next is going to happen.

Joss is upset she can't  play volleyball,  and doesn't want to sit on the bench and watch her team play.  She wants to get out of Port Charles uh oh  I smell a road trip coming to Nixon falls to see her dad .

I think I like where this is headed lol.

Ha I knew it ,  Joss called his dad and she says let's go to Nixon Falls to get my dad.

Liesl is freaking out about Britt getting involved with Jason. She is worried for her . Britt looks confused about her mom and Scott Baldwin lol omfg. 

Jason tells Sam not to worry about him , that the plan will work . Carly says their plan will work if Laura makes nice with Cyrus that helps them contain them.

Alexis says Nikolas is  risking putting his family in danger especially Sonny's. Nikolas says  let me go ahead with the plan because it will keep her safe .

Oh god Cyrus , picks up Avery's picture and says she looks like  Sonny. Ugh stop threatening Ava and don't you dare go near sweet little Avery you absilute creep. 

 What a prick he is, he is no gentleman and Ava is definitely no  wall flower. Now Ava is pissed ! 

I found myself thinking  "Kill him Ava ! Please pretty please ! "With the look she gave him its definitely in the cards and she won't be stopped not by anyone I love on this show.

Lol Britt is so freaked out about her mom and Scott. Liesl tells her to be careful. I don't blame her but I love them together. 

Omfg Alexis needs to trust Nikolas. She is freaking out but appreciative and grateful to him for protecting her in prison. 

Sam says she's worried about Jason and that the kids miss him so much . She says she still cares about him alot and about what happens to him.

Joss and Trina are going to  Nixon Falls . I just know that they're gonna see Sonny lol.
And Joss won't let Nina screw with their heads she's her mothers daughter after all.

Cam has come to see Jason.  

Cyrus's spy knows that Britt is working with Jason oh crap . I don't like this. 

Laura and Carly talk about Cyrus Carly says she really wants  Laura to see Cyrus tonight. The doorbell rings , Carly opens it and says " Carly its Avery she's in trouble!

Avery's two moms working together against Cyrus,  you don't mess with kids.

That's all for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone. 

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

GHCanada DAILY GH RECAP 04-28-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  I'm so ready to take the fast train to Port Charles and find out what our favourite residents are up to today .

So the episode for April 28th 2021 starts off with ....  Carly walking into Jason's room. 

Carly wants him to make a break for it .

Britt can't  get into Cyrus's files  , Elizabeth is upset about Jason.  Laura sees him upset.

Jax tells Nina he found a way for her to see Wiley .

Peter is a jerk boasting about Maxie and getting his way .

Willow tells Michael Chase woke up for a minute and is out again. 

Michael brought food for her. 

Finn sits at Chases Beside. 

Lmfao Brooklyn and Maxie kill me  , Brooklyn is about to tell her about her plan to help her with the baby and keep her safe .

Scott runs into Liesl he's really into her. 

They talk about how she Seems to be avoiding him.

Maxie is so funny she says " You just hopped the train from cryticville to crazy town!"

She then say " I get you've never been pregnant but this is not I'll show you mine , if you show me yours !"

Brooklynn shows her , her fake belly and says its the answer to all of our problems .

Finn tells Chase he found an antidote to save him .

I love  Willow and Michael and I love that she wants to  be there for Chase .

Omfg Nina needs to come clean now that Jax found a way for her to see Wiley after speaking to Michael.

Omfg Seriously Cyrus is creeping me out he keeps questioning Britt about her closeness to Jason  and says she's neglecting her other patients .

Carly is starting to  become more desperate about helping Jason.

Laura tells Elizabeth , that Jason would never have killed Franco and that he has killed before yes , but not this time 

She tells Elizabeth that sometimes people see  what they  want to see and that that is not a good thing because its nor how things actually are. 

Love it , because she then suggests that Elizabeth may have interpreted what she actually saw .

Elizabeth says " So that means Jason may actually have been bending down to help him!"

Oh lord I'm getting tired of Peter,  and his idiocy .

Lol Brooklyn admits that she stole Maxie's sonogram at the hospital. 

Cyrus approaches Laura and says , Hi Sis!"

Maxie is in shock about what Brooklynn has been up to this is killing me . Will Maxie accept her offer .

Laura  asks why Cyrus isnt using the opportunity to change things around now that he has what he wants. 

Carly  is in turbo rambling mode , that he needs to trust her and do things her way for a change. 

She starts to beg him while she's I  tears Britt bardges in and says they have a problem.

Jax tells Nina that Michael and Willow are open to letting her see Wiley and that Carly doesn't have a say about it he's not Wiley's parents Michael and Willow are .

Nina says I bet Carly wasnt happy about that!" 

Elizabeth asks Finn what was in the vile that helped Chase .

Uh Oh.

Michael says " There's nothing he wants more than to have both Wiley's grandmother's in his life !"

Jax tells Nina he'll work on Michael to let her see Wiley .

Britt tells Jarly that Cyrus locked her out of the drug system . Jason says he'll use it to go after your loved ones. 

Lol they say that  they want to see a Liesl And Cyrus showdown lol.

Liesl tells Scott to take his head out of his ass. Peter approaches them lol and Scott attacks him. 

Maxie doesn't want her baby to be used as a prop to  fool Valentin.

Brookie says " This is your only option to protect your baby ! "

Finn refuses to tell Elizabeth what he's done to save Chase.

Finn apologizes to Elizabeth for his behavior.  He says he's just exhausted. 

Scott says he should be the hell out of Peter but he'll let the courts deal with him.

He calls him a rodent  after  Peter leaves .

Liesel approves. 

Lmfao Cyrus says  don't put the cart before the horse and get to know me.

Britt tells Jason no one speaks for her lol, and agrees to help Carly free Jason. 

Maxie is upset with herself for not listening to everyone and she clung to Peter like a life raft.

She blamed Anna and she lost trust in her. 

She's so upset , she says there is no way Peter will get his hands on this baby 
I think she's gonna say yes .

Valentin sees Michael and Willow together and approaches Michael and asks if it true that they're considering letting Nina see Wiley.

Nina says she's not going back to Port Charles . Lol she has something to hide that's why . LOL crazy bitch.

I love Finn and  Chase , Finn is pleased Chase is already cracking jokes from his hospital bed .

Liesl and Scott toasting to Peter getting what he deserves.

Britt calls her  and asks her to stay low for a few days .

Nina says she needs to get away from a the pain she endured while living in Port Charles. 

Valentin is still trying to push things  with Michael, he's so frustrating to deal with .

I love Brooklyn she's trying to help Maxie and Maxie isn't buying it at all . Oh boy.

Brooklynn says I'm the best option you've got .

Laura says they are at a stale mate , Cyrus says not for long .

He says choose a side sister dear or someone  will choose it for you .

Carly says their plan will work , Jason says it better. 

Scott and Liesl are adorably  cute .

Britt tells Elizabeth that Finn asks that Elizabeth be transferred and work with Lucas.

Love Willow and Michael 

Jax says to Nina if anyone deserves happiness is you .

Maxie and Brooklynn are killing me . Peter calls Maxie acting like a control freak. 

Maxie agrees to Brooklyn's plan !!!

That's it me lovelies,  until tomorrow  tjus is Ashley  signing off have a wonderful evening  !

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-27-21

Good afternoon everyone , so it looks like an emotionally charged General Hospital for April 27th 2021.

Todays show  started off with Willow at Chase's bed side he's starting to crash.

 Sam and Dante meeting up to confide in each other about their  problems.  I love how Sam told him about when she hallucinated and shot Sonny , but she says you can overcome what you're going through and well. I love her for this.

Finn and Elizabeth talk  about Chase and the antidote and how he had to try everything he could to save his son.
Chase starts to have seizures and Willow shouts for help. My nerves were already frayed this just makes this worse .
Anna tells Peter to do the decent thing and  give her the antidote for Chase.He truly is a creep , you don't taunt people and dangle this like a carrot to make them heg for it . I wanted to smack him.

Jax is beginning to wonder what the hell is going on with Nina , and Sonny is too as she's acting out of character even for her .

Olivia is concerned about Brooklynn, and says that she is worried about Maxie too.

She says there has to be something they can do to help her because Peter is a dangerous man. She tells her she heard real fear and anxiety in Maxie's voice.

 Olivia says  that she wanted to do something for her to protect her and her baby. So Peter can't hurt them both. 

Valentin shows up to see Alexis and  tells her that  he's not family really so she can't push him away. God I love this man. He knows just what to say at the right time. 

 Valentin tells Alexis she should let her girls come to see her . That she really could use their support . He says  they are all strong,  intelligent women and a great support system for her and she sure needs it right now in my opinion.

Back in Nixon Falls , Sonny hangs back and waits outside Jax's hospital room. Phyllis says that it would be nice for Mike and Jax to meet since they're both friends with Nina .  She doesn't  even know the half of it .  Nina is gonna get caught and it's all gonna be her own fault .

Olivia says she knows what it's like to be that desperate to fake a baby death to protect that child. She says that's what a mother does to protect her child from fathers who are dangerous men.

Sam gets a call from her uncle Valentin who tells her her mum wants to see her.

Brooklynn shows up unannounced at Maxie's acting all protective of her. 

She says  , I'm surprised you let this creep around you . LOL I love Brooklynn and Maxie they make me laugh so much. 

Sam tells Dante he is the perfect person to help Maxie and that he is a good friend to her. I agree with Sam  Dante is awesome.

Jax is told about how Mike helped fight off the other robber at the barn dance and he says he wants to  meet him . LOL.

Nina  seriously really needs go grow up . She's emotionally stunted and doesn't understand acting like she does not do her or anyone else around her any favors.

Peter is annoyed with Brooklyn and her accusations towards him. LOL so be annoyed man and don't let the door hit you on the way out . Or maybe a Mack truck.

Brooklyn offers her assistance with Maxie Who says you and I have never been friends so what do you want Brooklynn. 

Anna shows up with the antidote for Chase. And Finn rushes to give it to him.

Sonny tells Phyllis that  Nina is behaving strangely and he doesn't understand what's going in with her wait till he finds out the full truth he'll be pissed. 

Peter shows up to see Valentin and tells him he has a run in with Brooklynn and that she was Charm herself . Lol.

And finally Chase is starting to wake up

That's it for now me lovelies,  until tomorrow guys  this is Ashley signing  off have a great evening everyone and happy GH watching .

GHCanada Daily GH Recaps 04-26-21

Good morning me lovelies , I'm sorry this recap is late .

I went to get my vaccine and wasn't feeling well last night .

Todays show starts off with  ....  chase in the hospital.

Willow has shown up to see him bringing  a herbal tea. He's dropped the tea age  gave him.. 

Anna shows up to see Finn , he's looking at some slides on a microscope.

He is analyzing what was left of the  antidote and apologizes to Anna.

Peter calls Maxie , and she's rambling on the phone trying to get  him off the phone and it works .

Peter texts Anna and taunts her with the antidote not being given to Chase if he doesn't to see Maxie .

Anna leaves and Elizabeth has come to see  Finn. I really do love their friendship. 

She asks how it's going , he says not  good.  They talk about  Peter and what happened to Franco and Chase .

Dante and Olivia are talking  , Olivia tells him that she went to visit Mike's grave .

She also says she spotted Maxie visiting Nathan's grave and that she's really worried about her , because she looked really distraught as she talked to Nathan. 

Sonny and Lenny talking about Jax and Nina. Lenny sks how he would feel about Nina going back with Jax.

Nina sitting at Jax's bedside he calls out Sonny's name .

Phyllis  says she thinks Jax will take Nina back. Nina says who said Jax would want me back.

Brooklynn is in a heap of trouble  , she makes Dante and  worry for her and then she calls Tracey asking her to find a black market  baby. 

Tracey over the phone gives her shit.

Anna goes to see Maxie , but she gives her a load of attitude. I kept thinking Maxie stop the attitude . It's not Anna's fault and you know it .

I feel bad for Chase and Finn and it's a down to that bloody Peter August. 

Jax wakes up and says Sonny's name .

Nina was like oh crap, and said , of all the people whose you'd say, you'd  think you'd say my name .

Oh god Its all about Nina ugh  !!! Selfish to the core .

Brooklyn looking for a way to get a baby, she says help lol. Olivia gives her shit and  tells her about poor Maxie .

That Peter is more dangerous than Valentin lol. Oh boy lol  Olivia is on a roll.

Over at Maxie's,  she finds out about  What Peter did to Chase and Franco . She calls him to  get him over there to step up their plan. 

Sonny starts piecing things together about the robbery . I think Sonny thinks as we all do that  Elijah had something to do with the robbery. 

Sonny leaves to go to the clinic and back in Port Charles Chase is delirious and thinks he and Willow are married .

He's backed her into a corner so to speak and she doesn't know what to do.

Peter arrives to see Maxie , and I'm nervous for her.

Jax swears up and down he saw Sonny , but Nina tells him it's not possible. 

Chase passes out 

And finally Sonny arrives at the clinic,  where Jax says he knows she saw Sonny. 

Sonny walks towards his room.

That's it for now , until tomorrow guys,  this is  Ashley signing off . Have a great day and happy GH watching everyone. 

Friday, 23 April 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 04-23-21

Hi everyone, today's show starts off with....

Carly showing up at the hospital.

She tries to avoid Cyrus, but he won't shut up so she does what she does best and tells him she has nothing to say to him.

But as usual , he won't drop it and irritates her to no end .

Brooklynn wants to know what's going on with Michael.

Britt is freaking out over another kid being drugged and  Sees Jason.

Jordan just saw Shawn lol.He says its been awhile

Marty is pissed about Nikolas handing Florence over to Cyrus.  He says Cyrus wants to have a relationship with Laura.

Curtis and  Valentin  run into each other. 

Nina is still being a bitch to Jax

Sonny has a gun pulled on him

Omfg Shawn is pissed at Jordan

Molly is excited about her internship.

I love Brooklyn and Michael's cousin relationship

Valentin wants to know where Nina is and Curtis refuses to tell him.

Sonny needs to take that guys gun and  subdue him. 

Cyrus antagonizes Carly she's not amused. 

Jason talks to Britt about Cyrus and she's concerned about the whole situation.

He grabs Brits arm and Carly barges I  saying excuse me lol  .

Oh Britt your plan will blow up in your face

 Jordan and Shawn still have fire, she is pissed at him for setting up Jason's stabbing. 

Lol Carly and  Britt

Grab the gun Sonny

Jax attacked a gunman

Brooklyn says pregnancy is a real personal thing for women. 

Valentin shows up with Marty to speak to  Brooklynn. 

Molly tells TJ she wants to be a DA.

Oh brother ....  Jordan has figured out that  the stabbing of Jason was a plan to get him out of pentonville. 

Lol Britt  and Carly argue ... Poor Jason. 

Britt is told they can discuss their business in front of Carly then asks Carly why the hell she had him stabbed. 

Curtis and Laura discuss contractors and his divorce from Jordan.

Sonny and Jax fight the gun men and Brooklynn back in Port Charles wants Valentin no where near her when she  supposedly gives birth in BensonHurst. 

Michael asking questions after saying he wants to  speak to Brooklynn alone.

She says she doesn't want him in the delivery room but he can be at the hospital. 

She tells Valentin on one condition she wants the ELQ shares back.

Molly has pissed off Tj with wanting to be a DA he says the system is broken .

Jason is furious with Carly for having Shawn stab him. She's really done it this time. 

Britt gets caught spying on Cyrus by Cyrus 

Sonny pulls the gun on the robber and  Nina discovers Jax was shot ... whoa .

I love Laura's friendship with  Curtis and I love the fact he wants a place for people to be able to  have fun and feel relaxed.

Love Shawn and Jordan talk about having no regrets about their previous relationship and TJ.

Shawn says that Jordan put their son in danger with messing with Cyrus oh crap.

TJ is off on a tangent about white vs black and he ups Molly.

Cyrus knows Britt is  onto him .

Carly and Jason still fighting  Cyrus shows up to antagonize them further. 

Brooklynn was a bit too hasty showing her hand to early about the ELQ shares and Valentin cuts her too the quick.

He says she won't get them until the baby is born. 

Nina starts to panic when Sonny shows up where the ambulance is there to take Jax to the hospital.

Brooklynn agrees and Michael is ecstatic. 

Laura tells Curtis that  Marty is worried Cyrus won't let him see their mother. 

Curtis tells her not to worry , that she has a huge heart and she'll figure it out.

 TJ is getting on my nerves  I understand he thinks the judicial system is unfair but why is he not happy for Molly.

Cyrus wants to prevent Carly from seeing Jason.

Britt has been denied access to the files 

And  .... Jax has seen Sonny!! Holy shyte 

He says what the hell and points 

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 22 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-22-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies ,so according to the tv guide description Nina plays it cool , Carly visits Jordan and  Maxie visits Nathan's grave .

So without further ado  todays show starts off with ...  Sonny and Nina.

Nina won't shut up and listen to Sonny and what he's telling her about Elijah.

She says that  Sonny needs to take a deep breath and forget about Elijah.

Jax talks to   Lenny and Phyllis

Carly tells Jordan Cyrus has his  mother back.

Lol Shawn and Jason  , Shawn says I heard you were back lol  but I also heard that you finally killed Franco.

Dante tells his mother  to stop the  meddling. She isn't impressed and he says he's just joking oh my god lol .

Maxie  visits Nathan's grave , she tells him she feels trapped and had to sneak out of her own place .

Phyllis goes all mama bear on Jax on Nina's behalf. 

Anna tells Finn Peter poisoned Chase .

Brooklynn shows up to see Chase.. she really cracks me up .

Willow tells Michael Portia is doing more tests on  Chase.

Phyllis isn't happy with Jax showing up and tells him he should have stayed away  when she told him too. Just a tip Phyllis Jax is a rule breaker lol and a bad listener. 

I can't stand Elijah he just acts like he's got something to hide what a weirdo .

Michael feels guilty about being with Willow and not telling Chase the truth.

Anna tells Finn that Peter used a specific toxin to poison  Chase and that it was meant for him and not Chase .

Poor Chase just wants them to figure out what was given to him and how they can cure him. 

Dante has shown up to see Chase and razzed Brooklyn lol.  This is what siblings do even Step siblings. 

 Chase says the doctors are going to do more tests to figure out what he accidently drank that has made him ill. 

I feel so bad for Maxie, she is pouring her heart out to Nathan . 

Nina is pissing me off, she keeps telling Sonny to stop being so mean about Elijah. 

Sonny goes off on a tangent  and says he doesn't  trust Elijah.

Then Nina nearly let's the cat out of the bag and  says  that she knew things that Sonny did In  the past that weren't good!"

Carly tells Jordan that Sonny is dead and that she has to deal with stuff on her own.

Elijah is intrigued by what Nina said lol .

Michael and Willow worry about Chase they decide to wait to tell him about their being back together. 

Brooklyn goes to leave the hospital her bodyguards harassing her lol she speaks to him on the phone like he's an idiot. 

Phyllis keeps talking to Jax as if  Nina is a paragon of virtue in actual  fact she's a nutcase personified. 

Nina sees Jax and tells him that  he's going to ruin everything more like find our what she's nastily doing screwing with Sonny's head.

Jordan tells Carly we have to stop disagreeing if they're going to work together. 

Shawn tells Jason he wants rid of  Cyrus too, he has a knife and stabs Jason.

Phyllis is angry with Sonny for not trusting Elijah . She questions why he says what he is .

He tells her that he wonders if there was any truth into what Nina said .

He tells her it scares him and he wants her help.

Next thing we see is the  guard finding Jason , then Shawn calling Carly telling her the job has been done. 

Things are imploding really fast guys , that's it for now .

This is Ashley signing off , until tomorrow have a great night everyone. 

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04 -21-21

Oh my goodness,  oh my goodness I've got a GH Fever pitch  ... keep reading my darlings I'll reveal all in this post for the episode of April 21 st 2021.

Todays show started  with the  Nixon falls nonsense of the dance forgive me for saying this as a Carly and Sonny fan I find it boring .

Especially since Nina is  preying on Sonny like a black widow spider.

Cameron  is back at Joss' harassing her again . I understand he's grieving but he doesn't stop and consider how Joss must feel.

Carly telling   Jason she couldn't risk a shoot out and Florence getting  hurt.

Finn is frustrated as he can't figure out how to help Chase and make him better. 

Willow can't find the words to tell Chase it's over between them. Michael watches from outside and looks very jealous.

Chase  is  telling Willow he dreamt about her. Awe he really is a sweet sweet man. 

Michael  shows up to speak to Chase he cracks a joke about how he ordered him a sponge bath. Lol  ... I love the writers cheeky humor. 

Finn needs to calm down, he's not thinking rationally and I'm glad that  Portia is telling him to let other doctors take care of Chase. 

Cam is still running off at the mouth upsetting Joss.

Peter shows up at the hospital to find out how Chase is .... NOT more like antagonize  Anna and try to get her to make a deal with him trading the antidote for Anna convincing Maxie to have an audience with him and take him back.

Peter follows Anna onto the stairwell at the hospital still shouting like a loon and trying to force Anna's hand. 

Willow is feeling awkward around Michael and Chase so she goes to speak to Portia. 

Portia goes off on Finn telling him to calm down and Elizabeth steps into the breach as his friend so  calm her friend down even after he had the nerve to snap at her.

Joss is talking to her dad after Cameron leaves.  She tells him about what  Cameron said to piss her off royally. 

Joss makes me laugh when they discuss Cyrus and Gladys Corbin and in true Carly Jr Fashion says " Gladys Corbin is a lying liar that lies!"


Carly says were doing it my way this time ! Jason is taken aback by  her intenseness and she tells him I'm putting a stop to it now !"

Scott shows up and talks to Cam he tells him that he has to see things from Joss' perspective and not to ruin their friendship based on his grief and anger.

Scott says  cam should go 10 rounds with  him not anyone else

He says I think it's time to call Cam's grandpa Jeff to help Elizabeth and the kids heal.
He calls  Liesl for a chat.

Cam gets in contact with Joss and  she tells him she didn't like how they left things .

Portia telling Willow to stay strong and support Chase .

Back in Nixon Falls Elijah the skeezy son of a bitch is sniffing around Nina.

Sonny does not like it at all and tells him as much.

Peter acting like a petulant child and smashes the antidote even after Anna says she'll help him what a jerk.

Jax shows up in Nixon falls looking for Nina after telling Joss he's going to fly his plane.

And finally  the moment I've been waiting for Jason is told that he's getting a cellmate. 

The camera pans as a black prisoner is put in the cell with Jason. Lmfao Jason gets the wtaf face as the camera reveals ....

Shawn freaking Butler who is one of the coolest dude's ever along side Jason  Sonny and Curtis .

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me .

Shawn asks Jason " I wonder who set this up?" We all know it was Carly  who did .

Until tomorrow  guys,  this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone .

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-20- 21

Oooh me darlings the shyte is literally going to hit the fan according to the promo for this week April 19th - April 23rd 2021.

This week,  we see Jordan speaking to Nikolas,  Laura looking pissed at  Cyrus , and  Anna and Carly visiting Jason .

Someone in the prison has a knife and  Jason is shown telling Carly"  There is nothing you can do to change the situation!"

Carly tells him " Wrong!"

Oh, and Nina feeling guilty about Sonny !
Her lie may just explode in her face  i feel.

Todays show Oh my goodness where do I start  Anna went to see Jason to talk things through about their next move .

Jordan talking to  Taggert and then we see Carly saying they have to get Florence on the move .

Hilda threatening our Alexis this chick doesn't know when to leave people alone. 

She's psychotic to say the least. 

Nikolas is scrambling to find Cyrus and Martin's mom.

Laura is pissed and now Carly has shown up .  She and Laura both yell at Nikolas for what he's doing . 

They are about to find out he made a deal with Cyrus.  And knowing my girls they won't be freaking happy . Lol

Joss and  Trina are talking about her being wait listed for South Coastal University.

 Trina talks about her dad,  and how she feels about having him back . Joss tells her to talk to her dad about how she feels.

Cyrus the smarmy git approaches Curtis , and annoys the hell out of him . That dude does not know when  to stop harassing people. 

Marty watches in horror and quickly tells him to stop antagonizing people  and acting like a thug .

Cyrus says " Must you malign me so ?"
Marty says " Yes I do !"

I love Marty he is awesome he's like Laura when it comes to  Cyrus lol he doesn't take his shit.

Carly makes me laugh,  she's so confident in  taking control of the whole Nikolas / Florence and Cyrus situation.  Our girl is on fire and she will not stand by and let Nikolas endanger her mother Bobbie. 

The crazy bitch Hilda is threatening Alexis and  a woman prisoner and her cronies bit a stop to what Hilda was doing to her for no reason.

Laura and Carly hit the roof when they hear Nikolas made a deal with Cyrus. Laura tells Nikolas he should have come to her for help to protect Alexis. 

Steph tells Alexis keep your head down and that she is there to protect her .

Anna keeps yapping at Jason as if he can help  her with Peter from prison. 

One thing I know is Anna like Laura and Carly is a relentless bitch and never backs down or off when she wants to get things done.

Cam comes to visit Joss and Trina tells her besties to sort their drama out  and be friends again .

She leaves to go to see her dad.

Cyrus approaches  Curtis again and  Curtis makes me laugh.  He gives Cyrus some back talk and messes with his head .

He tells him he visited Florence and that  all she talked about was Marty and had nothing to say about him. 

Jordan shows up to see Curtis and they talk about things and about Cyrus .

Laura is infuriated with Nikolas she  asks Ava what she makes of all of this. 

Ava says he was only trying to protect Alexis from danger. 

Carly tells Ava to stay out of it and leaves .

Over at Jordan's Trina asks her dad if he and Jordan were ever a couple. 

He says are you asking if I cheated on your mother the answer is no. He is surprised she now likes Jordan and Curtis .

She tells him she wants him at her graduation ceremony. 

Joss completely loses it with Cam after they made up he goes off about Jason again.

He really needs to stop talking their friendship will be completely over if he keeps it up .

Laura leaves Nikolas' and  Ava tells Nikolas she knows he's trying to protect Alexis , but Laura and Carly were right. 

She tells him she loves him and is there to support him. 

The last scene we see is Carly visiting Jason and he tells her we had to give Florence back to  Cyrus. 

Carly is pissed and says , it's not and they have to make a move now .

That's it for now , this is Ashley  signing off have a great night guys .

Monday, 19 April 2021

PreEmpted Again April 19 th 2021

Preempted again... Nope not gonna lie we all hate our show being preempt.

But the trial of the officer who killed George Floyd needs to  come to a close.

This is the second time in a week our friends south of the border have not seen GH.

Some people are angry that it keeps happening,  some are patient and as they say patience is indeed  a virtue. 

I for one am looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next on our beloved GH.

Some stories need to be knocked on the head and villains and  skeezy bitches be put In their damn place .

Us Canadian fans got a repeat  so   tomorrow we will finger crossed be back on schedule .

Until then guys ,  have a great night  .

Friday, 16 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-16-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies   , todays episode for Friday April 16th 2016 starts with  Sasha bringing coffee for Brando.

Sasha has left her phone and shown up to retrieve it.  She says that she enjoyed last night and Hope's it happens again while Brando tells her it definitely can't. 

Anna says we have to fix things to  Valentin outside of Carly's and she opens the door and  says they need to make a move now or the plan won't work for them.

Laura trying to get a hold of  Nikolas,  but he's gone radio silent and she's worried. 

Marty asks her if everything's ok she said why do you want to know its none of your business . Ouch  .... he says that  he and Nikolas have been speaking about stuff.

Nikolas is shown making plans,  Ava says  what are you up too. Uh oh  and we see Alexis being attacked by another prisoner. 

Second segment shows Alexis being protected by her cellmate and she starts talking about Sam and Diane and what they told her to do while in prison.

Nikolas confides in Ava about  his mom and Marty and Cyrus . Ava says we have to protect our family from Cyrus now Sonny is gone . Their protection is not there .

Marty is acting all fidgety and nervous around Laura about his part in the floating rib explosion. 

They finally seem to be getting along until Cyrus shows up yet again and ruins things.

Sonny questions Nina about Elijah and she asks him if he wants to find out who he is.

Carly starts  flipping out about getting Peter dealt with , and getting Jason out of prison. She tells Anna and Valentin they should kidnap Gladys and stop Peter before he kills someone  else they love. 

Ava is worried about what Nikolas is up too and what he has planned and with who about Cyrus's mother whereabouts.

Alexis and cellmate talk about staying away from the prisoner who attacked her. 

Laura confronts her brothers and tells them to stay away from Nikolas . Cyrus should know by now Laura doesn't play mind games with anyone and she's pissed.

Carly says to Anna you expect  me to do nothing . Anna tells her to back off and let her and Valentin deal with Peter before someone else winds up hurt or killed .

Gladys showed up to see Brando and sees Sasha with him at the garage. Nina almost confesses to Sonny about what she did.

Nina playing head games ,with Sonny she's a nasty piece if work why do this to him and his family crazy assed bitch.

Anna and Valentin approach Cyrus and she introduces herself as Peter's aunt.

He smiles creepy at her and we see Nikolas and Ava in bed together post love making  session lol . I love them so much .

Carly is shown talking on the phone about having extra guards and Laura shows up saying tell me where Florence Gray is before someone wise winds up killed .

Anna talks to Cyrus then  walks away   she tells Valentin , it's okay lol, I'm fine  I had to look him in the eye to plan my next move .

Next scene we saw was Carly being told by Laura that Nikolas might have figured out where Florence is for Cyrus.

Poor Alexis tells her cellmate her story and then the other  prisoner approaches her.  What does this woman want from her.

Sonny and Nina talking about themselves and Elijah . I think Nina is regretting holding back the truth from him.

Love Brando and Sasha together. 

Anna says she's figured out how to deal with Cyrus Renault . Lol Marty says that Valentin is not your average knuckle dragging thug like the ones that  Cyrus himself employs to work for him.

Laura says that Nikolas is doing this to protect  them but that he has no idea what Cyrus is capable of ... yep that's the truth. 

Cyrus says he's going to try to use Peter's unstable  relationship  to control him. 

Alexis is again attacked by the prisoner. 

That's it for now this is Ashley signing off have a great evening and a great weekend 


GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-15-21

Good Morning me lovelies,  yesterday was not a good day for me  , I had a sore back,  but here is your recap for yesterday's  show  for April 15th 2021.

Todays show starts off with Brando and Sasha talking about Cyrus his mum and  Dev.

How that was quite the secret to keep about Dev. And how Cyrus is blackmailing him about Dev.

Michael gets a visit from Dante , they sit down and have a beer talking about Wiley and Willow .

Michael tells Dante that he broke up with Sasha to be with Willow.

He says he and  Sasha gave it the old college try lol (such an old school term to use) when talking about Sasha.

Poor Chase is shown in his hospital bed with Willow by his side.  They are talking about their relationship. 

Carly is shown talking to someone in the phone and Sonny appears . She's dreaming since he's in Nixon falls .

Speaking of Nixon Falls Sonny   Elijah and Nina are talking . Sonny is making it crystal clear he does not like him .

I do not like  Elijah either,  he just seems so full of himself and so fake and I don't trust him.

What the hell is he up too?

Jax calls Nina and tells her he wants to come awe here wherever she is so  they can talk.

She starts to get really nervous  and angry, but I swear couldn't  keep a straight face cause she is afraid of getting caught .

Back at GH Willow is trying hard to tell Chase they're over,  she keeps getting interrupted.  That must be frustrating .

Finn watches over Chase , he talks about  what is not wrong with Chase.  When he rambles and does his Dr spiel I tend to tune out after awhile . Love Michael as Finn but it's so long and drawn out with the monologues sometimes .

I love Dante and Michael's brotherly love for each other.  Dante is so proud of how well adjusted and grown up Michael is .

It's really quite sweet hearing him praising Michael the way he is . How touching I must say.

Sasha and Brando are adorable,  she hands him tools to fix a truck and he's impressed she knows her tools. 

Carly is missing her man, she is imagining Sonny is there to comfort her and .Joss breaks her daydream asking who she's talking to.

Nina is acting more suspicious and weird with Jax over the phone its clear she does not want him finding out about Sonny .

In my opinion , what Nina is doing to Carly and his kids is very nasty and cruel. She is a selfish  bitch who needs a lesson taught to her.

Lol Phyllis is so clueless  , she buys Nina's ex story without knowing what an evil bitch she really is. 

She takes Nina's phone and tells Jax off and hangs up on him.

Sonny won't let up asking Elijah questions and Elijah is being evasive and not forthcoming with the stuff. Sonny wants to know which only adds more fuel to Sonny6 fire .

Chase is so sweet with Willow,  but she's not telling him what she came to tell him.

He ends up saying he can't feel his hands or his feet . Oh no that poor guy.

Joss tells Carly that she got into PCU.Carly is so happy for her. But something is on Joss' mind. 

She tells her mom she just wants to get away from Port Charles.  And from Cameron .

She tells her what Cameron said about Jason and for her not to be mad at him and hate him. 

Jax shows up and tells Carly about his talk with Michael and how they should let Nina see Wylie. 

Carly is pissed and Jax blows the  secret about Southern coastal university and how Joss is wait listed .

Finn and Gregory are worried about Chase and Finn says he's going to find out what's going on with him.

Sasha and Brando kiss and end up having sex in a truck he's fixing . 

Sonny does some sleuth work and finds out Elijah embezzled money from the last place of employment he had .

That's it for now , have a great day everyone this us Ashley signing off .

Have a great day and happy gh watching. 

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-14-21

Hey guys good evening,  so todays GH is brought to you by the phrase " Take the bastard down already !" Put a fork in him , I'm freaking done with Peter August , Elijah and Nina already.

Today's show starts off with Sonny and Nina talking about seeing the sights in Nixon Falls ,  Hot cocoa and Elijah.

Jax has gone to see Michael about letting Nina see Wiley again . I think supervised visits would work myself,  but Jax had the nerve to  ask him if he's doing as his mother instructing him to do . Oh for god sake get real Jax Michael is a grown assed man,  it's his kid and can do as he sees fit . NO one manipulates Michael.

Dante arrives at the Q's and runs into Brooklynn and they start discussing their feuding parents who need to get back together already ugh I'm bored with it.

Finn is shown with Portia  I like them as friends and  colleagues.  And then  Jackie arrives and  says Peter August needs to be dealt with once and for all I couldn't agree more  with that  statement he does.

Willow finds Chase unconscious and takes him to the hospital.  Where he gets checked over .

As if we fans aren't sick of Peter's dastardly behavior he further gleefully manages to piss of Anna and Valentin.

Peter starts talking about how he's going after those they love and Anna says she heard from Finn who says Chase is sick. 

Peter mentions he can help , but not before talking about Sean Donnelly and how Tiffany had been poisoned like this.

Olivia confides in Robert about Ned and how she feels  like she shouldn't be living in Ned's house without him there. 

His house I thought it was Monica's and Alan gave it to her lol. Sorry I had to say it.

Dante  and  Brooklynn and Dante talk to Ned about Olivia and how flowers and I'm sorry's arent going to fly with Olivia .

Willow sits with Chase and is trying to find the words to tell him they're over and she's chosen to be with Michael and Wiley.

Elijah arrives at the pub and Sonny speaks to him giving him the third degree about who and what he actually is lol .That's our boy always leary of strangers he thinks are only out for themselves and using people 

Brooklynn tells Dante to deal with her dad got all bitchy and confrontational with  Olivia  in the Q's livingroom accusing her of cheating on  her dad with Robert.

Finally Nina gives Sonny his cocoa to look out at the stars . Elijah is one shady assed bastard I tell you . I love the fact these men do not like or trust each other. 

Mind you Nina's the shadiest one of them all keeping Sonny away from his family.

I can't wait for  Carly and Jason to find this piece of information out I can't stand her right now . She's being really cruel to his loved ones by not telling them where he is.

That's it for now my darlings,  until tomorrow this is mama Ashley signing off have a wonderful evening  my friends .

GHcanada Daily GH Recap.04-13-21

Good morning me lovelies  so what can I say  about the episode for  April 13th  2021 that would sound  exciting .

Words don't fail me often , but I will say this they won't stop me now .

The episode opened with Curtis at the  club getting this prepared to fix up the joint. 

Finn arrives with a gift of a defibrillator for the club. Curtis is shocked that he's giving it to him for free. 

They're friends so  it was a nice gesture seeing that  Finn is a doctor he's do logical. 

Maxie is spazzing out at the hospital , she wants to go home  and be with her kids. 

Britt trying to micromanage Maxie , lol she looks frustrated just like everyone else whose ever tried to calm her ass down .

Liesl makes me smile just when you thought Britt was gonna lose it on Maxie lol Liesl shows up with her mother courage act.

She says  that Maxie and the kids need protecting and that Peter is nothing like  Nathan was. 

Maxie bangs on about the sheet thread count on her hospital bed  and Liesl wants to move In with Maxie.

Also Portia and Jordan have a chat and she offers to take Jordan for a coffee. 

What really makes me angry is the sheer gall of Peter August just annoys the effing hell out of me . He my friends is a true psychopath 

Threatening the lives of innocent people is not the way to go bro.

I'm surprised Anna and Valentin held their anger in I thought they'd do us a solid and kill him.

 In my opinion , in Peter's case  if you want something , you have to work for it and not force yourself on people , manipulate them or make them completely leary of you and  creepy psychotic insane  ass.

Elsewhere Brooklynn is pounding on Chases door calls him grandpa lol and  tells him he looks unwell lol .

Also Michael and Willow were shown  they made love and  he told her ne and Wiley should move into the cottage with her.

Curtis told  Finn he and Jordan have split meanwhile Anna and Valentin are shown again with Peter.

Britt was getting a bit annoyed about her mother wanting to take over in looking out after Maxie and James .

Jordan tells Portia that she was hoping to work things out with Curtis but he just wanted a clean  break .

Portia is shocked at the news , I like these two as friends. 

Peter tells them he would never harm a child, but would hurt adults . Yeah like that's going to bring comfort to them NOT. 

Anna and Valentin start to make calls and check on their loved ones but they have no clue that Chase has fallen victim to being poisoned. 

Brooklyn is worried about  Chase he's clammy and  white as a ghost .

And she had every reason to be especially when he passed out .

Willow showed up to dump Chase , but she sees that he's sick.

Meanwhile , our Michael sat down with Wiley to tell him that they were moving in with Willow. 

Wiley nodded and smiled , I heard through a friend people are bitching that a 2 year old isnt talking. 

Yeah umm , it depends on the child at that age some babble , but they aren't going to have a full on conversation at that stage. 

All kids are uniquely different,  so quit the bitching people .

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off,  have a great day everyone and happy GH watching. 



Monday, 12 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-12-21

To say I'm shook watching the Preview for this weeks GH is an understatement . And that my friend is not a  understatement. 

So what exactly is freaking yours truly out for the week of April 12-16th 2021?

Well its the fact that Peter is finally being dealt with lol via Valentin.

But that's not all we see  Peter uttering more threats and  Alexis being attacked in prison. 

Oh hell no  ... i don't like Alexis being treated like this , nope not one bit.

And Chase laying on the floor did he fall victim to the poisoning oh my god . I'm so ready for todays gh.

On Monday's show  we saw the continuing scene of when  Valentin pulled the gun on Peter .

We also witnessed  our  girls Brimax teaming up and thinking of who they could ask take  Maxie's daughter once she's born.

Curtis is shown  in a  tank top with his muscles  out on display and Jordan shows up in a gorgeous dress and stilettos. 

Peter was absolutely vile to  Anna and Valentin.  He really is deranged to the max uttering threats .

Chase is shown not feeling well , and would assume be was the unfortunate one who drank the poisoned tea.

Portia and Taggert were shown  and they talked about when  Taggert was away for work so much .

Michael and Willow talking and they finally admitted they loved each other. 

Anna drop kicked Peter's ass lol and Valentin tied him to a chair .

Finn left  Chase alone  and went to Anna's where they had an awkward conversation and Finn found  Valentin's licence.

He took Violet's stuffed animal pig and he ventured in his way .

Britt was making us laugh when she was  trying to make Maxie see sense of who they should take the baby  whose  not actually connected to her that Peter could force to hand over the  baby .

Chase has hallucinations of Willow while  Michael and  Willow are starting to make love .

Also Curtis tells Jordan their marriage is over and he wants a divorce .

He asks her for one last dance,  while  Portia tells Taggert she is hoping that Curtis and Jordan work things out .

So sad , I honestly do not like Peter what a nasty vile little man . I know I'm probably repeating myself  but i have to make it clear how i feel about him.

Maxie tells Britt that  she's risking getting killed by Peter .

Britt says so let him she's just like her mama Liesl,  tough , sensitive and a real fighter to her very core .

Michael and Willow are making love , awe be still my beating heart guys I love them.

That's it for now until tomorrow guys , this is Ashley signing off , have a great night and happy gh watching if you've not watched todays show yet.