
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 31 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-30-21

Good Afternoon  me lovelies  welcome to our  Daily GH Recap for Friday July 30th 2021.

Sometimes as I watch our beloved soap I wanna reach through the screen and slap someone. 

At some point the madness has to end  and expose the truth about Sonny and Nina.

As well as Spencer as the Stalker to his dad and step mum toute suite. Today's show starts off with Spencer asking for a truce and he shakes Ava's hand.

She said don't worry about forging a relationship with me  lol that she and Nikolas are over. 

Lmfao Carly and Jason Carly is nervous about attending events with Jason as a couple. 

Willow and Michael  getting Wileys gifts ready.  They're talking about taking the  cupcakes 🧁because they know Wiley will ask where they are .

Chase and  Brooklyn talking about decorating for the party Shawn meets up with Sam  at the park she says she's afraid  she has bad news.

Elizabeth is freaking out about Sam asking questions. 

Chase says he's sick of being in the wheelchair. Brooklynn says the room looks like a birthday party on steroids.

Valentin walks into the room and says look whose here. Brooklynn is pissed cause Austin has shown up for Wiley's birthday party.

Ok this is just creeping me out, why is he even there. 

Elizabeth and  Nikolas are freaking out over Sam asking questions. Elizabeth says she wonders who shot her sister.

Ava is being very evasive with  Spencer.

Carly is freaking out over things .She really does have her doubts about the marriage but she misses her man.

Michael invited Austin to the party since he's family. Oh my God Monica gets annoyed when  the conversation turns to  business instead  of the birthday party. 

Lmfao Brooklynn is in bitch mode lol.  Austin asking If Brooklynn listens to her mother or argues with  her.

I am beginning to not like Chase, he doesn't  belong at the Q's at all . 

Michael and Willow thinking about Jonah's death. Willow went to the grave and Chase went with her. 

She says he was there when she found out her baby died and helped her through that heartbreaking time.

Who was at the baby's grave, laying flowers all we saw was dark hair. 

Elizabeth  is freaking out over Hayden. She remembers the whole mess with Drew and  how Hayden called her out for keeping him away from his family. 

Sam tells Shawn that they made no progress finding Hayden's mom or Hayden.

Shawn is saying it's crazy about Drew first he was  Jake Doe then Jason now Jason's twin.

Ava says I love your father  , but  will not risk Avery's safety because of the stalker .

Spencer says then stop sending my father mixed signals  .

Brooklynn drags Valentin into the  front hall to berate him for  being comfortable with Austin there.

She says If he's really a Q he won't take your side.

Awe Willow and Michael  are adorable.

Elizabeth is driving me crazy She needs to tell the truth.

Austin  is asking  Chase how he fits into this crazy family. He says he's Wileys step dad and he's married to Willow.

Monica excuses herself to see if everything is ready for the party. 

Austin asks Chase if  he should watch his back like Valentin says. 

Millow kissing  lol .... Carly and Jason nearly caught them at it.

The foursome have some small talk and then Jason and Michael leave to go to the main house for the party.

Carly asks what they are doing  lol umm lol me thinks Mama Carly knows the truth and wants Willow to spit it out already. 

Brooklynn is creeped out about Austin  lol. Valentin asks if she thinks He had a hand in the  kidnapping when she tells him he owns the  cottage that Peter had rented. 

Oh brother  lol Chase says you have to be thick skinned being around the Quartermaine's. Austin asks him what he does for a living. 

Chase says I'm a cop  , Austin says super any leads on finding Maxie's baby?

Chase says he can't share that information. 

Oh brother  Ava saw the nasty side of master Spencer. Spencer appears to be really angry with her. She says what happened to the truce.

Brooklynn walks into the room and  asks what Austin and Chase are talking about.

Austin says  he keeps having a dream about two women in the woods talking.  And how when he woke up after being knocked out Maxie was there alone .

Willow says she and Michael are raising Wiley together. Carly says Michael loves you and that Willow has  terrible poker face anyone can see you love Michael.

Michael tells Jason that Willow only married Chase because of his health.

Jason says  that Michael  will figure out what to do . He knows Michael loves  Willow. 

Michael says he hopes  that he can give  Wiley half the confidence that Jason gave him growing up.

Sam is going to the garage to investigate Hayden's shooting. 

Nikolas  tells Elizabeth he did not  have Hayden shot.

Spencer says he's afraid for his father and that this person is a legitimate threat.

He says please Ava help me protect  my father from himself.

Oh my God  Nikolas is thinking someone dangerous got to Hayden.

Ava  is becoming unnerved by Spencer.  Spencer says some times my father  makes rash decisions.

Spencer  says stop making my father fight this divorce.

Carly is so supportive of Willow, Willow thanks her for letting her be apart of the Corinthos family. 

Carly cracks me up when Willow says you guys are so loving and close . Carly says , but we make you feel  awkward and intrusive right.

Willow says , yeah but I like it.

Oh my God lol the men start talking business and Michael says Michael is That Ned is the CEO not Valentin.

In the other  room , Chase is  trying to stand up.

Awe Shawn is so proud of TJ and Molly. He wants to  make a difference like they are .

Elizabeth asks Nikolas if he's mad at her for grilling  him.

He says no,life goes on.

Ava says I have been  holding onto the slightest hope. Ava says we'll communicate through our lawyers for now on.

Carly and Monica and Willow are so cute talking about Wiley. 

They'll find Chase standing what you bet.

Willow tells Michael she's getting Chase. The doorbell rings Willow opens the door when the doorbell rings and says oh when she sees the person on the other side of it .

That's it for now guys until Monday, this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-29-21

Good Afternoon everyone it's that time again for our  recap for Thursday July 29th 2021.

Well,  the body is missing from the GH basement lab freezer.

The question is Peter alive and if not who stole the body?

Todays show starts with  Cam having a visit with Joss. Elizabeth is surprised to see Cam and Joss so close.

Trina asks Ava  wants to  know  why   the  gallery is closed. Ava tells her the clients can call her if they need her.

Spencer whose hanging around like a bad smell agrees with Ava.

Nikolas  talks to Sam about  how Ryan is at Springridge with Alexis. 

Omfg  time has flown by so fast It's Wileys birthday already. He's three today.

Valentin tells brooklynn not to let Wiley play with a toy that's for Bailey.

Olivia  has the decorations ready for Wiley's party.

Valentin tells Chase he doesn't have to give Wiley a present as he brooklynn and Olivia have it covered.  CHASE says he's my step son so I have to.

Valentin apologizes about what Peter did to him.

Dante wants to know what Anna is hiding from him.

Chase asks why Valentin needs to apologize.He says because I let  Faison raise Peter.

Anna asks Dante what he had found. Dante said we turned up nothing except the blood.

Dante said we turned up nothing except the blood.

Awkward lol Joss said she'd meet Cam at the metrocourt hotel pool.

Cam stutters and stammers about Joss and his being together.  Elizabeth approves of Joss and likes her and even says she's a really sweet girl.

Cam apologizes to his mum for not telling her. He says he usually talks to Franco about these kinds of things .

Awe Olivia is praising Brooklynn for how good she is with Bailey.

Oh God Spencer shut up, you arrogant little shit.  He's asking about Avery lol is she still living with Aunt Carly.

Oh my word I wish Lulu was awake she would have slapped the crap out of him for  being so frigging rude.

Sam is shocked Ryan is in prison with her mom  when Nikolas informs her of this fact.

Sam says she agrees with Ava Ryan is capable of anything.

Nikolas asks Sam what's new with her. She tells him that Shawn has asked her to track down the person who shot Hayden.

She asks him for his help tracking that person down so they can clear Shawn's name. 

Awe Brooklynn is so cute with Maxie's baby she really likes this kid! She says this is a business arrangement.

Awe Brooklynn is so cute with Maxie's baby she really likes this kid! She says this is a business arrangement.

She calls Peter a wall crawling Psycho and says you can save all your love for your real mother.   Chase over hears her say her real mom.

Awe  Elizabeth and Cam talking about  coming to each other for help  now Franco's gone.

Dante doesn't trust Valentin and asks  Anna why she does.

Sam says Hayden went to see Shawn before she left the first time. He tells Sam that he hired Hayden to get his fortune back and that Valentin had threatened her.

Nikolas says that Sam. And Shawn need to stop looking for the truth.

Oh my God Spencer wants to run up Ava's tab lol. Lmfao Little shit.

Trina says no, dont You Cassadines have your own money and your own tab.

Joss and Cam showed up, Trina says Spencer is offering to throw a party lol. Actually no he didn't  lol Trina is being a little witch.

Ava is approached by Nikolas he asks to put Ava's drink on  his tab.

Ava said I should not be seen talking to you.

He tells her Ryan is out of complete commission Ava asks him well whose doing it  some copycat?

Lmfao Trina and Cam are  razzing Spencer about having a  party .

According to  Olivia  Charlotte wanted to make a card for Wiley , but Rocco and  Leo threw glitter all over the backyard.  Apparently Charlotte was not amused .

Chase asks why Brooklynn is  saying she's not her real mother.

Anna tells  Valentin about Finn pushing Peter down the stairs .

Sam shows up at  Elizabeth's, she tells Elizabeth she wants to find Elizabeth's sister Hayden.

Anna Continues to tell Valentin what happened between Finn and Peter.

Anna says that Finn took her to the sub lab to the freezer but that the body wasn't there when they arrived.

Brooklynn says she feels like she's under a microscope when it comes to the baby.

Chase says he's grateful for the  Quartermaine's letting him stay there. She says yeah they are pretty generous. 

Brooklynn picks up the baby and says 
Lol thanks to Nelle Benson and her scissors ✂️of dooms can't  even sing Bailey a lullaby.

Awe Chase singing to the baby so so sweet.

Olivia is concerned about Dante going to see Lulu at the facility. She tells him work is not a life.

She thinks He likes  Sam and should give it a shot.

I love the fact that Sam and Elizabeth are talking about Hayden she's remembers what she said to Nikolas.

Love Trina and Spencer lol.  He  promises her to get drinks  on the Cassadines  tab and that she should get ready for  the biggest rager Port Charles has ever seen.

Ava and Nikolas are reuniting with no interference at Last.

Uh Oh  Valentin says  that Peter  is either dead and someone moved the body or he may still be alive.

Olivia says  that Lulu would want him to live his life  and he says maybe he should start thinking of letting go of Lulu.

Oh gosh I love Brooklynn and Chase.

Sam and Elizabeth talk about Hayden and that what if something happened and she can't come back.

Cam and Joss tell Trina that Spencer is an exceptional exaggerater and annoying.

Spencer sees His dad and Ava hugging.

Brooklynn says I tried not to get attached you're Maxie's baby not mine but  I can't help it .

Dante tells his mom to  butt out of his love life.

Sam says if I find out anything  I'll let you know.

Elizabeth calls Nikolas and says shr wants to know what he did to  Hayden.

Spencer shows his anger towards Ava  ... he says no-one's perfect.He says he wants to put the past behind them and declare a truce.

Anna asks Valentin  if he thinks  Peter is really dead

Valentin says  that Peter has had weeks to go under ground.

Anna says she wish she'd have killed him herself but didn't

He says he wants to find him and kill him himself.

Another great show, until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-28-21

Good Afternoon me darlings....  So what lesson did we learn from yesterday's show?

We learned that  opening your mouth and speaking out of turn gets your ass thrown into a pool  twice. 

Spencer Cassadine sure  as hell never learns the first time something is done to him and definitely does not know how to take the hint .

Today's show starts off with  Carly looking at her engagement ring she remembers taking her  wedding rings off  .

She doesn't look happy.  Laura shows up and starts babbling about pot holes and wants to celebrate with Carly .

Gladys shows up and wants to share in the toast Carly does not look happy. 

I really like  Brando and Sasha talking about the labor pains and  she asks where we go from here 

Joss and Trina drinking sparkling green Tea.  They talk about Spencer and  her mom and Curtis .

Portia and Curtis are shown kissing Portia tells Curtis she told   Trina about herself and Curtis.

Dante and Jordan talk about the helicopter pilot  and  what Anna knows. 

Anna and Finn talk about where the body might have gone and Elizabeth thinks Finn told Anna about what he did to Peter .

Trina says she doesn't understand why  she's so weirded out by her mom dating. 

Curtis and Portia are so cute she told him that Trina was weirded out  by them dating .

Jordan says that  Monica was on the phone and told her that the cameras at GH were messed with again 

They're gonna check it out .  Elizabeth,  Jason , Finn and Anna are freaking out about the missing body. 

Sasha and  Brando talking about baby proofing their places.

Gladys lol , is  trying to swing an invite to the wedding trying to use her position as Sonny's cousin to get what she wants.  Carly says Gladys is not invited.

She said that Carly is dancing in Sonny's grave ! Yeah right you whacko.

Thank God Brando pulled his mom away when  he heard her talking to Carly .

Carly says Brando is a sweetheart , but that  Gladys is petty and nasty.

Joss and Trina talking about Portia and Curtis getting together.

Jordan and  Dante talking to  the security guard.  They're about to check on the video cameras. 

Curtis asks  if  Trina knows they had an affair when she was married to Taggert.

Omfg Gladys is so annoying I'm glad Brando asks her to move out 

Carly tells  Laura that Gladys makes anyone a target.   Laura asks about  whether she has her doubts,  she says its not you and it's not Gladys it's Mr.

Jason tells  Elizabeth that Spinelli disabled the cameras.  Jason gets a message from Spinelli. 

He knows who was downstairs in the basement.  Omfg Jordan and  Dante arrive in the basement  and see Anna and Finn.

They ask them what they're doing in the hospital basement are you kidding me
They have more of a right to be there than Jordan and Dante. Lord give me strength.

Joss and Trina  continue talking about  Taggert and  Jordan. 

Trina says that the reason why Jordan and Curtis splitting up is not her mom's fault .

Trina wonders if her mom and Curtis were already having an affair.  Curtis says what if our past relationship comes to the surface.  Their secret could blow up in their face.

Oh  dear  lol Gladys wonders why  she has to move out. She asks  lol how will I afford  to get my own place Brando says get a job.

Carly tells Laura , that she always thinks about Sonny. She says sometimes she forgets that he's 

Jason says Spinelli saw no footage of who took Peter's body .

Jordan talks to  Finn and Anna about Peter.   Anna tells Jordan about what she knows .

Finn says he offered to help  Anna with finding Peter once she told him what  she suspects. 

Dante notices something and alerts Jordan.

Gladys  says a job what kind of job. Lmfao she complains about slinging hash and cleaning houses.

She asks him where am I supposed to live and who will hire me.  Sasha says she'll hire her. 

Carly asks what it's like marrying your best friend . Laura tells Carly she gives thanks every day for  Kevin.

Joss says that  as she grew up  she thought her parents were perfect , but she knows they make mistakes. Joss says whatever your mom does is not your business. 

Trina says Wrong . Curtis is surprised that Portia isn't scared about the truth coming out cause he is.

Oh brother  ,  Dante and Jordan are looking for clues. 

Jordan says this is officially a crime scene so don't touch anything. Anna says we already did you have to dust for prints .

Jason says the cameras were off for weeks no one would have seen anything. 

He asks Elizabeth what she remembers what happened  to Peter .

She says that Peter was dead and about how they moved the body to the Lab and into the freezer.

Finn thanks Anna  for covering for him.

Elizabeth says she mopped up the blood and that he was definitely dead. She calls Finn.

Anna and Finn are panicking about whether someone moved Peter's body. 

Gladys is  asking what she would be doing at deception.  Sasha says that she would be answering phones and office work.

Carly talks about the past about how she wanted to marry Jason , but now she's not so sure about it,  that it could be much too soon.

Anna and Finn trying to figure out how the body had disappeared.  Finn thanks Anna again after she says go talk to Elizabeth she clearly wanted to talk to you.

Elizabeth tells Finn that  Jason knows what happened  and he says so does Anna.

They are curious about who may have seen them put Peter in the freezer.

Jordan has called in the K-9 unit to look for Clues.

Gladys says she must prepare for her new life and says see you at home.  Lmfao Brando is impressed Sasha knows how to handle his mom.

Lmfao Joss and Trina talking about Curtis.  Trina says he better not hurt my mom or I'll hurt him.

Awe Portia and Curtis are getting  romantic. 

Dante tells Jordan he found more blood in the corridor and they say they need to talk to the person who was on the roof with him.  Uh Oh.

Carly says she thinks Sonny would approve of their marriage .  

Finn says he thinks Anna suspects someone helped him move the body .

Jason thinks their safe for now. 

HOT 🔥 Damn I'm so waiting to see tomorrow's show already. 😩

That's it for now until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-27-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies  the question on my mind ahead  of  today's recap  is  will Anna and  Finn get caught in the hospital  lab in the basement. 

Today's show starts off with   Anna and Finn in the basement. Anna  wants to know if Peter hid in the lab before escaping! Finn says Peter was put in the freezer.

Joss is talking to her mom when  Spencer  shows up  announces his arrival on.

Joss and Spencer banter about him being pushed in the pool again if he doesn't shut up lmfao off.

Trina comes home and the door isn't fixed yet.  Portia thinks about Curtis again but tells Trina that  the door will be fixed soon.

Curtis and Shawn have a really good conversation about him being a free man .

Stella yet again shows up at Jordan's office . Stella  yammers on about   how  Jordan is gonna lose Curtis.

Jason talks to someone on the phone and he asks if the job was done.

Finn admits to Anna he killed Peter oh boy.

Carly  asks Spencer when he got back to town. He says a little while ago and he saw his dad. 

He gives his condolences about his Uncle Sonny and congratulates her on   her engagement to Jason.

He calls Ava that woman lol when he speaks about his dad and his split up with Ava.

Scotty knows Liz is in trouble when she asks him about justifiable homicide. 

Oh boy Trina just found  out her mom met up with Curtis at the Savoy.

Scott advises Elizabeth she's an accessory to murder if she was present at the place the person died. 

Finn tells Anna about his confrontation with Peter. We see the flashback of the rooftop confrontation. .

He says he threw him face first down a flight of stairs we see the flashback of that as well.

Lmfao Spencer is being a total suck up with Carly. Spencer  outs Joss seeing Cam . Which winds up with Spencer being pushed In the pool again.

Portia tells Trina that Terry encouraged her to  pursue Curtis abd they went to the Savoy to have drinks.

Trina isn't  too shocked about it and that  Curtis saved them from Cyrus.

I love Shawn and Curtis  he thankful that Curtis was there for  TJ and him.

And that he's always been a good friend even after what happened with Tommy.

Scott gives Elizabeth the info about what would happen with her friend who committed murder.

He says I  need to know what happened before it's too late.

Jason calls Spin. Finn says there was no pulse and  that Chase was sick.

Anna asked why he didn't come to her for help .He couldn't  risk leaving Violet like Hayden did.

Lol spencer  says well this is getting annoying upon  resurfacing from the pool.

Lmfao serves him right seriously. 

Carly is shocked at Joss's behavior lol. Although she agrees that Spencer is annoying!

She tells Joss  it's against  health and safety regulations with what Joss did  to Spencer! Not to mention Nikolas could sue the hotel for negligence if he got hurt.

Trina and Portia are so cute!Trina asks if Jordan knows their seeing each other because her mom is  friends with Jordan.

Stella yet again won't  stop interfering Jordan tells her that  Curtis and Portia were kissing.

Shawn tells Curtis that  he's sorry to hear about him and Jordan splitting up.

He says he's thankful for Molly and TJ helping him and stopping Judge Carson from  messing with his freedom. 

Curtis wants to hire Shawn at the Savoy.

Scott says he'd give the keys to the city to the person who killed Peter. 

Finn apologizes to Anna for being so hard on her for keeping things from him now that he's exposed his own secret.

Anna starts Asking Finn who helped him cause he couldn't have done it alone.

Joss tells Carly about how she and Cam just started seeing each other.

Carly is shocked by the news , and Joss says  that they were both surprised  themselves.

Carly asks Joss if  she's told her dad  Joss says no  and asks her mom not to tell her dad.

Portia  says she doesn't want to hurt Jordan and wants to remain friends with her.

Trina is going to grab her tablet and go meet Joss. As Trina leaves the house she looks disappointed by the news.

Curtis asks Shawn to manage the Savoy. He tells Shawn it's not a hand out.

Shawn tells Curtis  that he doesn't know what  kind of life he wants to lead  now he's released from prison.

Shawn accepts the job from Curtis.

Elizabeth tells Scott she's not going to turn on her friend. Scott says if the  police  come knocking on your door dummy up and call me.

Jason watches Elizabeth  hug Scott.

Finn says that   he did it alone and not protecting anyone .He says  you'll see the body in the freezer.

Lol Carly and Joss are so cute enjoying each other's company.  Carly sees Shawn and hugs him.

He tells Carly about how he feels to be out of prison And he talks to Joss. 

Joss excuses herself and goes  to talk to  Trina and Spencer. 

Jordan signs the divorce papers, She tells Stella that she and Curtis is free I'm  free there's  no looking back now.

She tells Stella their marriage didn't work and they can move on with their lives.

Scott sees Elizabeth talking to Jason and starts  thinking Jason was the one who killed Peter.

He threatens Jason, so much for him being civil to people.  Scott has no decorum or class and acts like a jackals most of the time. He  leaves in a huff.

Elizabeth asks if Jason remove the body judging by his expression I think not.

Anna moves to open the freezer.

Spencer is an idiot, he makes a fool of himself with Trina and Joss what else is new.

Trina says its awkward when her mom opened up to her.  Joss watches as Spencer leaves and she says Ciao loser.

I love Portia says she feels good that she can confide in her daughter like Trina does with her.

Jordan asks Stella to mind her own business.Stella says don't worry  I will as soon as Jordan left the room Stella  steals the papers

The freezer is opened by Anna and Finn.  There is no body there. 

Oh crap Jason says the body wasn't in the freezer.

And there it is lol  😆 has Peter risen like Michael Myers ?

That's it for now guys until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Monday, 26 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-26-21

Good Afternoon  me lovelies,  after Friday's episode I'm sighing a breath of relief that Jason now knows what  Finn did. 

According to the promo they saybthat what Finn did would be deemed justifiable homicide. 

Today's show starts  off with   Sonny mooning over Nina someone pass me a freaking bucket.

At the metrocourt Sam is  at  the pool with Shawn.She and Shawn are celebrating them being able  to work together because the parole officer gave them the go ahead. 

Sam says they need to find someone to help them. She says she sees their target as she lowers her sunglasses.

At the prison Alexis freaks when  she sees Ryan. 

At GH Monica is making her choice of ego should be chief of Staff with Britt and Terry sitting opposite her desk.

At the park Elizabeth tells Jason that she  doesn't want  her family having more upheaval after Franco's death.

Elizabeth is really scared Jason says if you're in trouble  let me help you.

 In Finn's office Finn says doesn't want Jason's help, Anna says she hopes it won't bring her any closer to peter.

Back at the metrocourt pool Sam runs into Jax he says you're ex my ex together at last. Sarcastic son of a bitch!

Sam says the bridal shower should be interesting to say the least.  Lmfao.

Sam says that her mom is at a facility for less dangerous convicts lol.

Yeah right,  so why is Ryan  in there with Alexis.

Alexis says out loud that she  wants to  know how recovered Ryan is someone grabbed her arm and 
scares her.

Back at GH Britt and Terry arguing about who really should be  the chief of Staff.

Terry pin pointed  lol all of  Britt's short comings like how she was Cyrus's choice of Chief of Staff. 

Monica wants both girls to have  a Joint chief of staff position. 

At the Tan-0 I am so tired of Nina and Sonny.She is a fake unhinged bitch who has no morals or any damn scruples  to say the very least .

Back at the park  Elizabeth says please Jason i don't want to talk to you about this.

Jason asks her to tell him the truth.

She tells him she's been wanting to tell him and she says Peter August is dead.

Finn doesn't want Jason to know the truth,  Elizabeth's guilt was eating at her .

Im so bored of Sonny and Nina, he asks how the trip to Port Charles was and  she tells him that  Wiley is growing up so fast .

He then asks how the boys family is treating her . She tells him that Michael has been very gracious. 

Sonny asks about Carly and Nina tells him no she's being very kind  compassionate and understanding towards her .

Sam tells Jax that Alexis Is helping inmates with their  appeals.

Jax wants to help find the  person who had Hayden shot.

Jax says that  he and Hayden were hired to help Nikolas get his fortune back from Valentin. 

Monica thinks  Terry and Britt will make a good duo. Britt gets up and slams the door.

Elizabeth tells Jason that Finn pushed Peter down the stairs and he's dead.

Jason  tells Elizabeth to get back to work and if  anyone saw us talking and  asks we were talking about Jake taking an animation class this summer

Anna tells Finn she heard the description of the man on the roof with Peter Who hurt him.

She says she knows that person may be  an enemy of Peter.

Elizabeth  talks about how they got rid of the body and she's worried about  Maxie.They hid the body in Helena's lab.

Monica tells  Terry to smooth things work with Britt.And that either both of you do it or none of you. So figure it out and smooth things over.

Anna tells Finn that they talked to the pilot and that he  never landed.They don't know where the baby is

 Elizabeth walks in and almost let's it slip she told Jason  stops when  she sees  Anna.

Jason runs into Britt 

Sonny says I'm not asking you to walk away from things  you can always visit Wylie

Omfg Nikolas, it was him who scared Alexis . He made Alexis jump out of her skin. 

He says to  Ryan Enjoy the view you son of a bitch as he pushes him towards the window. 

Alexis asks Nikolas how he's doing. He says that Spencer's  home!

Alexis is happy for him and then he tells her  and Ava left him.

Britt is so  annoyed   with  Jason for not  lol  staying. She's the one who got all pissy with him and she's upset. She babbles about  lol an electric tooth brush head. 

And asks him for $5, he tries to hand her $20. She says just venmo me lol.

Elizabeth tells Finn she needs him for a consultation.He says ask Dr Goodwin.

After Elizabeth leaves Anna says she wants a chance to stand by the side of the person who may have hurt Peter.

Jax tells Sam and  Shawn that he and Hayden were never a thing  and says that Hayden only used him to make Finn jealous.

They wonder why Hayden hasn't made contact with Violet and who could be behind her disappearance. 

Nikolas telling  Alexis about  the Stalker and what they're doing to Ava.

Alexis says they need to find someone  who can figure it out. She says oh yes we do.

Elizabeth is in the phone  talking to Jason she says,  oh my God I think Anna knows. 

Terry and Elizabeth are talking about  Britt lol. ELIZABETH says what are you showing sympathy for her.

Anna is freaking out and she tells him she can't let Peter ruin another life.

Sonny and Nina talking about Lenny's treatment  tomorrow.

Nina and Sonny  are make me  🤮. I can't stand this storyline anymore .

Jax offers Sam and  Shawn funds to  find Hayden.

Lmfao  Nikolas is worried   about Alexis.

Tells her not to   mess with Ryan

Omfg lol  ...  Terry  overheard the conversation about the tooth brush lol.

Britt says I bet you and Nurse Baldwin had a good ole gossip about me .

Jason is in  the   basement, The alarms went off  according to the  security   team.  Elizabeth tries to get a hold of Jsson again.

 FINN AND Anna in basement Finn says the body is in the freezer.

Oh my good lord this show is going crazy lol which is why I freaking love it. 

That's it for now , this is Mama Ashley signing off until next time have a good evening everyone. 

Saturday, 24 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-22-21 - 7-23-21

Good morning happy Saturday,  I hope you've all had a great week.

The past 2 days of GH have been mind blowing .

On the episode for July 22nd 2021.

Today's show starts off  with Curtis and  Portia meeting up. I find them a breath of fresh air to be honest with you.

Jordan is annoyed with Stella for interfering with  Curtis and Portia.

Sam's  meeting up with Spin has been  canceled.

Gladys as usual is being an idiot, sitting In the metrocourt acting like her shit doesn't stink .

Brando and Sasha meeting up at the metrocourt pool . I love these two together  they are so adorable. 

Anna talking to Dante about what the  chopper pilot told her.

Dante asks why Anna is working with Valentin and doesn't trust her.

Valentin asks Brooklynn how the baby is.  Brooklynn says she's an angel as always.  Valentin says he missed Bailey so much .

Elizabeth says Cam told her that Violet wolfed down 3 pieces of pizza according to Cam.

When Elizabeth and Finn were talking about the body in the  freezer Elizabeth says you got rid of that monster from this town

Finn says  well in horror movies you can never get rid of them they come back to haunt you.

Elizabeth says don't  let him take you away from Violet.  

Elizabeth is right, they will figure it out.

Anna says she does trust Dante, it's just that with his issues she doesn't want to push him.

Anna is not saying she thinks it's Finn lol.

Dante says he's gonna check the cameras at GH.

Dante says he's gonna check the cameras at GH.

Oh my God Gladys won't shut up, she keeps saying she's Sonny's cousin and she was shot .

Lmfao Sam lol So you keep reminding us she says. 

Sam says they say blood  is thicker than water  in this case the saying is wrong water is thicker than blood.

Brooklynn asking Valentin questions about Anna and his trip.

Jordan asking Stella to back the hell off. Jordan says she wants Curtis to be happy.

Terry's dress is gorgeous.

Love Portia and Curtis, most of all I 
like how Honest they are with each other.

Portia trying to ask out curtis is awkward.Curtis says she's talking in circles.

She gets up to leave and he stops her.

Stella please stop she keeps  harassing Jordan about Curtis .

Brando and Sasha are so cute.  
Brando says that he's making a choice her and the baby.

Sam thinks That something is up with  Austin.

Olivia says  that  Michael and Ned will stop those fireworks.Whatever Auatin has cooked up.

Dante talks about how he is seeing Kevin to overcome his issues.

Stella still won't back off of Jordan.
Oh shut the freak up Stella it's not your damn  business.

Brando says he's happy working in the garage and chooses her and the baby.

Dante and Sam talking to Olivia  , they are behaving like kids and not making sense .

Olivia is so confused lol, Dante spit it out already for goodness sake .I wanted to reach through the TV and slap him.

Olivia walked off after saying  lol I don't have time for this I have a business to run lol .

Brooklynn asks Valentin about his feelings for Anna.  Lmfao he says its none of your business.

Anna asks Elizabeth for a list of all the staff who were there the day Peter disappeared.

Portia is freaking out, She says I feel like you're still on the rebound and I don't want to feel 😞let down.

But if you are serious about what you said  I'm willing on giving it a try.

Lmfao  Stella needs to stop....Dante shut .

Brando tells his mom he's not going to work for Carly and Jason.

Elizabeth is getting Anna the list.

Chase thanks Anna for being the only one who doesn't treat him with kit gloves.

Anna says that her search  for Peter has led her back to GH.

Brooklynn visits Chase and she's whining he says do you want a side of fries with that .

I think that  Sam and Dante are fooling themselves. They clearly have feelings for each other. 

Finn is worried he will be found  out and he has no idea just how right he is. 

Finn excuses himself to check a patient. Elizabeth says the same.

Anna knows something is up.  She tells Valentin over the  phone we're 
not looking for Peter's Ally we're looking for his enemy. 

The episode for July 23rd 2021 starts off with  another pool scene .

I think Shawn and Jordan will get together.

Poor Britt  has a flashback of her with Jason.

Omfg Terry over heard something being said between Elizabeth and Finn.

She said whats this about Peter.

Anna talks to Valentin about who  could  have been on the roof with Peter.

Britt is freaking out about Jason.

Jason is so sweet, he says what can't I just say hello when I see you when Britt says what to do you want. 

Lmfao Terry is getting pissy about Peter and Says he killed Franco and hurt your brother why should you cate about him .

Alexis is  worried about going to the new prison. 

Oh and  lol  Austin is funny when he sees Jason he says hi cous! Jason is not impressed .

I am so tired of Nina and her sticking her nose in where she doesn't  belong.

It's nice she wants to help Lenny, but with her  there's always a hidden agenda .

Alexis talking to Sam about going to prison. Elsewhere they found out that  Shawn is free.

At the metrocourt pool  Ava looks lol , how do I put it nicely like such a mom dressed how she is .

Nina gets on my last nerve, sucking up to Sonny. I love Sonny he is such a sweetheart. 

Love Shawn telling Alexis what's going in with him. Saying he's free and how other prisoners are having there cases looked into.

Trina  tells Spencer that they need to parent trap Ava and Nikolas to get them back together, he doesn't  like the idea at all.

Britt says she would appreciate Austin's support  and asks him to advocate for her  , for the chief of staff  position .

Anna is freaking out she knows something bad happened to Peter. 

I don't mind Nina when she's away from Sonny.

Lmfao Nikolas and Spencer.  talking about Ava and having drinks together. 

Elizabeth convinced Finn to go for a 🚶‍♂️. 

Jason talk to  Monica  about Carly . 
Monica  needs to stop bringing up Carly's bad mistakes.

Oh God shut up Monica, enough of slagging my girl Carly off.Jason respects her , but he says he wouldn't  be here if it wasn't  for Carly. 

See lol I backed the right horse lol, Carly has her good points , people just have to recognize she's not the same  girl who arrived in Port Charles all those years ago.

Ava is so cute she thought   it was Austin who bought the drink for her but it was  Trina. 

Spencer outted Trina parent trapping Ava and Nikolas.

Jason says we were all wrong on how AJ treated Carly and  how we all treated AJ.

Omfg Monica stop accusing my girl of stuff.

Go Terry she lips off at Britt because she was Cyrus's underling. 

Terry says she's going for Chief of  staff position. 

Jason overheard Elizabeth and Finn talking.  

Lenny thanks Nina for everything she's done

Jordan shows Alexis the facility  she's been put in.

When Austin hears the parent trap thing  says parent trap are you  a twin?

Go Trina she's outting  Spencer.

Valentin and Anna think Finn did something to Peter.

Jordan walks into the Savoy and sees Curtis and Portia kissing. Awe I'm so sad for her.

Oh Crap  Jason says Elizabeth we need to talk. He looks pissed.

Phyllis and Lenny and Sonny and Nina look happy that's not gonna last long lol.

Sam talks to Shawn about     working together to  find Hayden's shooter.

Jordan wishes Alexis good luck. Alexis just saw Ryan chamberlain. 

Jason says  that  he knows that Elizabeth is protecting Finn.

Thursday, 22 July 2021


Good morning me lovelies,  I'm sorry the recap is late . I was unwell last night. 

Yesterday's show was  very good , it all started Ava talking to a body guard.

She arrived at the park to see Trina. Upon approaching Trina she asks
 for  developments in her love life.

Britt is shocked to see Spencer whose towering over her

Shawn talks about finally being out of prison.

Brando finally meets Curtis  and they talk about this was the first time they met.

Brando  speaks to Spinelli  and thanks him for helping rescue his mother. 

Michael comes across Sasha. Sasha tells him she's not sure she wants Brando to be around the baby. 

Chase at his physio therapy session he says let's do this.

Jordan says she's concerned about How Shawn is going go clear his name.

Nikolas approaches Jordan asking if they made any progress finding Ava's Stalker.

Portia doesn't want to  do to the Savoy tonight. Britt is asking what Spencer did for his graduation

Chase  does his physio and he fell. 

Britt asks if Nikolas knows Spencer's home yet. Britt acts like a mom to Spencer I love it. Tells him not to give his dad any grief.

Omfg Stella is such a bitch, she approaches him and berates him for what happened to Thomas years ago.

I love that Brando and Spin are becoming friends.

I love that Brando and Spin are becoming friends.  Poor Spin tells Brando that Ellie left him because he was still showing loyalty to Carly and Jason , but Ellie wanted him to do it from a far. She did not want him working for them

Sasha  says she doesn't know how it would look if she supported Brando working for Carly.

I love  Michael giving Sasha advice about being a parent.

I feel so bad for Chase he's freaking the effing hell out cause he's not progressing in his physio the way he would like .

Terry and Portia talk about going to the Savoy. Portia doesn't know if it's such a good idea to do so .

Terry is giving Portia advice about Curtis. Portia feels like she will lose Curtis as a friend.

Shawn offers to  speak to Stella alone.

Nikolas is being really pushy with Jordan and she's really pissed.

Spencer and Britt are cracking me up. Spencer and Britt talk about getting a drink .

Britt says only ice tea that he's back in the states now not Europe . Lmao after he tells her the drinking age in Europe is 18.

Sasha sees Chase I'm  the  PT room. 
She offers to lend an ear to him.

Chase tells  Sasha he knows Willow is keeping things from him oh brother. 

Michael runs into  Willow outside the hospital.

Stella needs to shut the hell up verbally attacking Shawn and dredging up the past yet again. Ugh make her stop.

Britt is killing me , she sees Nikolas and is not best pleased to see him.

Michael sees that  Willow is upset,  he knows her so well and concerned about her.

Willow is told by Michael To  not let things upset her.

Stella  needs to let shit go, she's becoming annoying again.

Trina tells Ava about Spencer and how he has family issues.

Spencer wants Britt and his dad together I bet.  Spencer excuses himself to get changed and leaves Britt and his dad to talk .

Nikolas apologized to  Britt for accusing her of being the Stalker.

I love Curtis and  Brando being friends.Curtis congratulates him on the  baby.

Sasha is such a good friend, listening to Chase and giving him advice  but he's as stubborn as a damn mule.

Willow is feeling guilty making Michael wait for her, he says not to worry that you're only doing it as long as he needs you .

They link fingers on the bench .

Shawn just called someone but who?

Ha Curtis and  Portia, they are like two nervous teenagers. 

Awe Poor Willow and Michael they really love each other I want them back together. 

Chase pulls himself up and is standing.  I have a weird suspicion he's faking his  atrophy .

That's it for now have a great day , and happy gh watching everyone. 

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-20-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop with Nina and  Sonny.

I'm still waiting for the truth about Maxie's baby to come out . 

Most importantly I'm waiting for the  truth about Spencer to come out .

The shit will hit the fan

Today's gh starts off with  Finn and Violet and her  softball game.

She complains the snack that her dad brought are  too healthy. Oranges and  carrots sticks. 

Continuing  scene of Valentin hurting the pilot.  He tells in his face and tells him to get his hands off of Anna.

Laura asks  Jordan about Shawn and Alexis and how they both are coping .

They're in protective  custody and talking to their kids. They're in protective  custody and talking 
to their kids.

Tj asks if they should take their parents advice and have fun and enjoy their meal like they should be .Molly says yes of course we should. 

A waitress brings Champagne over to them.  They say they didn't order it , but Nikolas says , but I did. 

Awe continuing scene  Cam and  Joss with the sun screen. Spencer shows up and says  Hello Townie.

Joss is in shock when she sees him.

Cam staking his claim on his girl with his arm around her .

Repeat of Anna asking questions about Peter. Go Valentin  tell this guy to play nice with Anna and  come clean.

The pilot  says the hospital didn't give clearance. 

Violet shouts  " Hey Everyone  my cousin Aidan made cupcakes 🧁!"

Cam and Spencer are cracking me up, 
Chest thumping around Joss they're being ridiculous .

Joss is fed up of Spencer's arrogant  behavior and throws Spencer in the  pool. 

Trina shows up as Cam and  Joss are laughing at Spencer. 

Trina  just realized Victor is actually  Spencer when she hears them introduce him as Spencer Cassadine Ava's step son.

I love Molly and Nikolas talking about their  domestic partnership . They do a toast and have a drink. 

They talk about  Alexis and Shawn and their predicaments behind bars.

Shawn doesn't think he'll  get out of prison and says he's  worried about Alexis.

Laura comes to talk to Shawn and Alexis she says is there any news?

Lol Spencer called  Trina Tina, she's pissed at him because of his lies that he told her. 

She says he's a jerk !!!!

I love Nikolas and Molly talking about what happened to her mom and Shawn.

Laura says  that attorney General will make Judge Carson a top priority

Laura tells  the AG is nervous about tackling with the Judge Carson situation.

The helicopter pilot says there was another person on the roof top who could  implicate him in Peter's disappearance.

I love Finn showing Violet how to swing.

Elizabeth says I wish we could watch our kids play games all summer Oh God Finn says yeah me too without worrying about a body in the freezer.

Elizabeth says with no way to get it out.

Awe Cam and Joss are so cute.

Trina has Spencer by the short and curlies. She tells him off for the lies he told her from day one .

Molly is worried about her mom being in prison.  TJ says Alexis was helping Shawn with his case. 

Nikolas asks  is he getting  outta prison.

Alexis is going to Springridge not back to Pentonville.

Finn and Elizabeth talk about how they're gonna get Peter out of the hospital lol by gurney and body bag.

Vilot hit a  homerun.

The  pilot tells Anna about Finn.She says what did he look like.

Anna knows that Finn was with Peter oh shit.

Pilot has been arrested, and he's seriously pissed about it .

Joss and Cam having a drink. 
Joss says Trina and Spencer have
 alot to talk about . They look like they're having a very heated conversation. 

Spencer says he lied about being Back in town because his dad disappeared 3 years.

Spencer says he chose to talk to his dad.

TJ and Molly continue to talk to Nikolas about  Their parents.

Laura says  the governor is making Shawn's case a priority.

Anna says what makes you think this person on the roof with Peter is an Allie.

Finn and Elizabeth talking about whether someone saw him with the body or not.

He's worried about  Violet.

Elizabeth offers to take care of Violet If something happens.

The governor is releasing Shawn on his own recognisis.

Spencer asks Trina if she can forgive him for what he did. 

Spencer says ask Cam and Joss about my mom better yet look her up online.

Joss demands to know what's going on when she and Cam approach Trina and Spencer. 

Shawn asks about the other prisoners that got served injustice from Judge Carson.

Shawn goes to call TJ ... Jordan says I have a better idea.

Joss is so nosey  , and Spencer and Cam are too funny.

Spencer makes a comment about  Joss playing an individual sport and not a team sport.

Alone Trina threatens to out Spencer's secret if he lies again or she will tell Joss,  Cam and Ava what he did.

And the ending for today's show is a happy one for Shawn at least. TJ finds out his dad is a free when he sees him walking into the metrocourt. Nikolas witnesses the happy  reunion , but judging by the look on his face  Man  Nikolas is pissed.

Laura apologizes to Alexis for the  drama she was subjected too.

Alexis says that Nikolas helped her too.

Laura sings his praises,  but she has no idea who he really is or what he's actually done to Shawn .

Shawn vows to find the man who shot Hayden.

Elizabeth  says she's not going anywhere they're going to go through this together.

Anna and Valentin talk about the mystery man on the roof. Anna says something just doesn't  add up with all of this. 

Oh boy what a great show, until tomorrow guys,  this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Monday, 19 July 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 7-19-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies , it's Monday  July 19th 2021 I wonder what's gonna implode on screen today for today's episode. 

After last week I'm more than ready for Sonny to return back to his family. 

Nina's played with his  amnesiac  ass way too long. And I don't know how she can after Carly was nice to her.

Todays show starts off with Sonny telling   NINA about Lenny being in the hospital in New York.

Anna and Valentin talking about  finding the helicopter pilot.

Brooklynn at the hospital with  the baby and runs Into Maxie for their clandestine meeting .

Austin sees them,  he asks  " Hey , you two  what are you up  too?" He's so nosey.

Joss and Trina talking about Victor aka Spencer. She says she hasn't heard from him.

Nikolas and  Spencer talking about Ava and what Nikolas is going to do about her. 

Ava shows up Nikolas excuses himself to go talk to her. 

Sonny is talking to Nina on the phone  says it's bad Lenny needs you I need you. 

Maxie needs to stop she's freaking out again .  She's worried that Austin might out them. 

Oh my God Joss she and  Trina are so funny .

Trina thinks joss and cam are fighting again no its worse your a third wheel lol.

Nikolas going to talk to Ava

Nina offers to pay for the cancer treatments.

Omfg Anna   , meets up with the pilot and tries small talk . She pretends not to have a wifi connection. 

Lmfao Maxie and Austin  are so funny just chatting away .

I love Joss and Cam are all loved up , he offers to put sun lotion on her back.

I don't want Ava and Nik to break up. They're going for a No fault divorce.

They should add  my step son is a little prick clause.

I love Lenny and Phyllis, so cute reminiscing about their past. 

Anna talking to  the pilot , she starts asking him questions about himself and he starts to become suspicious of her.

Sonny says they have to make sure Phyllis and Lenny accept.

I don't like Nina playing with  Sonny, but she is so cute with Wiley.

Maxie tells Austin she's leaving town. 
Awe Austin likes Maxie he tells her he hopes she has fun with her family. 

Bye cous I'll see you when I see you unless I see you first lol  . He acts so weird  lol around them.

Brooklynn was not amused

I love Trina she sees her friends are close again. I think Cam and Joss are cute. 

Joss asks Cam to get them a drink . 
Oh Joss love she starts asking if Trina is okay with her being with Cam.

Poor Ava  she's still wanting to be with Nikolas. Uh oh Spencer just outted himself being the Stalker. 

He knows way too much Nikolas is suspicious of him.

Marie's brother is stupid he thinks that Marie was trying to save Louise not kidnap her for Peter.

He starts  to demand answers out of Anna. He towers over Anna which does not go unnoticed from Valentin .

Sonny comes in to see Lenny and Phyllis. They find out he called Nina.

Awe Wiley is so adorable playing with his truck.  Awe Willow  says  she hopes to meet Mike one day she already knows him lol.

Brooklynn thinks he's weird.  Maxie asks are you serious why didn't  you tell me he was your cousin. 

Brooklynn talking About Austin. She says don't worry about him.He's a minor complication.

Austin doesn't know bailey is really Louise, and he goes to the metrocourt and runs Into Ava .

Nikolas asks Spencer how he knew about the cockroach. He tells him that he heard about it on social media.

 Nikolas asks to see the post.  Spencer says it's not up anymore. 

Austin gives Ava advice about Nikolas. 

When the helicopter pilot gets threatening Valentin jumps in to help Anna.

Lmfao Brooklynn says say your goodbyes now, before someone  sees us and gossips to Monica. 

Maxie says you love gossip, Brooklynn says yeah but not when it's about me.

Lmfao Austin and Ava are kinda cute.

They chat back and forth and it doesn't go unnoticed with Nikolas who appears to be getting very jealous.

Spencer says "Seems  like your wife has found a friend!"  Spencer is told not to stir things up.

Cam shut up, he starts to tease Trina about her supposed imaginary friend grr.

That was rude don't tease Trina.

Nina is suggesting that Willow have a baby. Willow says maybe if you and Carly can get along.

Nina has flashbacks of her and Sonny. 

 Sonny  tells  Phyllis and Lenny that Nina wants to come back up see them. 

 Phyllis says its up to Nina what she wants to do.

Lenny is angry he doesn't want Nina cutting the time short with  Wiley to come  back to help him. 

Go Valentin and Anna, they demand to know what  the pilot knows about Peter.

He tells them that he never picked Peter up on the hospital roof. With his face pressed up against the bar lol.

Omg Austin is shocked about the Stalker when Ava tells him all about it.

Nikolas is about to talk to Ava again, but is distracted  he gets a call from his uncle Marty on the phone.

He tells him that  Ava agreed to the no fault divorce. 

Cam and Joss are adorable , hanging out with each other.  I had to laugh when Spencer announced his arrival by calling Cameron townie.

Awe Nina says she already misses Wiley and she  hasn't  left yet.

Lenny's treatment about to be discussed.

Anna wants to know how Peter escaped. 

Whoa  great show some stuff made me laugh out loud.Others made me shake my head for a good reason. 

That's it for now,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 😀.