
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 28 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-28-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies whose ready to head to the Chuckles for the May 28th 2021 episode of GH.

Yesterday's show did not disappoint with the action packed stuff going on.

We finally saw that it was in fact Peter who was attacked because we saw his and Maxie's passports.

We also saw Maxie escaping from Chole and she came across  Austin a doctor who helps her deliver her baby . The part is played by Roger Howarth.

And finally we know Jason is on the way to save Our Spinelli. 

The show starts with... someone checking Peter's pulse and Brooklynn worrying about Maxie. 

Austin is helping to bring the baby back for Maxie. She's happy she breathing but about to cry. 

Finn is worried he won't be able to save Chase . Elizabeth says she has faith in him that he will help Chase.

Anna arrives to see Finn 

Chase is pushing himself to get better Michael and Willow are worried about him.

Curtis on phone about his liquor license. 

Sasha finds out that Gladys was shot and she asks Brando what happened.  Oh brother Jordan and Dante want to know the same thing .

Carly and Nikolas on the pier trying to help Spinelli,  Cyrus won't let him go. Jason shows up  and says " Let him go or I'll drop you !"

Brooklynn is worried about Maxie cause she's not heard from her.  Maxie is so happy with her baby .

Maxie is worried about Peter finding them.

Elizabeth talks to Anna and Finn about Peter and what he did to Franco.

Anna says that Valentin says Peter's planning on leaving town and hands Finn a file folder belonging to Sean Donnelly. 

Willow and Michael talk to Chase who says he's hungry.  Michael says that he has a pizza oven.

Omfg  Willow and Michael leave the room she is worried it will be harder than she thought to take care of him.

Portia tells Curtis about Gladys being shot meanwhile Sasha and Brando talk to Jordan about his mother's shooting 

Sasha says " its my fault !" That Brando turned on Cyrus!"

At the warehouse Jason and Carly and their men are in a shoot out . They manage to get Spinelli to safety and Jason shoots Cyrus. 

 Brando says that he was forced to shoot his mom , but didn't and that Cyrus threatened to hurt Sasha.

Jordan and Dante plan to protect Gladys and  to  arrest Cyrus Renault .

Portia tells  Curtis she wants to throw a party at the savoy for Trina and her friends .

Michael and Willow talk about the pizza oven and how fun it was to make it .

Willow says that  its not a good idea having Chase there.  He over heard them omfg.

Anna asks Finn if the file belonging to Sean will help him cure Chase.

Lmfao Austin , is going to call an ambulance , Maxie wants to go to Beachers Cornets  but Chlie knocks him out oh crap.

Brooklynn takes the Fake pregnancy belly off .

Chloe is trying to make Maxie go back with her.This bitch is crazy as fuck.

Maxie managed to kick her and get away. 

Finn says if Peter us really leaving town then he needs to get to work .

Chase says he feels foolish about what his staying at the Q's had cost Millow. 

Chase still thinks their a couple omfg just tell the truth you morons .

Oh no Chase collapsed,  Jordan and Dante hear their was a shoot ourbar pier 52.

While Carly,  Ava Nikolas and Jaspin are talking on the pier a shot gun man reaches for his gun.

Carly is annoyed at Nikolas unaware about what's about to happen. 

Ava gives Nikolas shit for taking her place and Carlt tells Nikolas he could have got them all killed .

Jason hears a gun shot and shoots Dante walks up to him in shock.

Sasha and Brando talk about Cyrus she says they're in this together no matter what .

I love Portia and Curtis and their friendship. 

Curtis says he had to protect Trina and Cameron. 

Portia says he's always there for Trina when she needs him

Michael and Willow bring Chase to GH.

Maxie runs through the woods to get away from Chloe.

Oh no she found a way to trap Chloe lol .

Our Gang talks to  Dante let's Spin   Carly and Nikolas and Ava go but not Jason. 

Jordan talks to Brando and Sasha about the 2nd shooting and says the case against Cyrus may fall apart if Gladys dies.

I feel bad for Portia she really likes Curtis , I want them together they say its the wrong time. 

Chase is in a bad way and the hospital staff looks after him.

Chloe moves towards Maxie and falls through the hole .

Maxie manages to call Brooklynn to come get her. 

Willow asks Finn what he's not  telling them about Chase. 

Brando and Sasha talk about his mom. The doctor approaches them. Is Gladys dead.

Carly watches in shock as Dante arrests Jason.

Oh shit Portia no!!! Cyrus broke into her house he better not hurt her.

That's it for now  me lovelies another nail  biting episode. 

Until Monday this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 27 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-27-21

Good Aftenoon me lovelies,  things have  blown up in Port Charles in epic proportions because Gladys has been shot and Spinelli has been kidnapped by Cyrus Renault. 

Meanwhile Sonny kicked Elijah into touch for man handling Nina .  Buddy boy needs to watch who he puts his hands on in future .

And poor Maxie has been kidnapped by that crazy psycho nurse on Peter's behalf.

So whatever next is going to happen in the Port Charles neck of the woods on today's May 27th 2021 episode i wonder.

Whatever it is I can't wait to find out so let's take the fast train into Port Charles. 

Today's show starts off with Someone finding Peter dead.  Then it says 4 hours earlier .

Peter calls Chloe and  we see Maxie escaping after having clobbered Chloe over the head .

Jason and Britt kissing again and we see Dante and Sam arguing over soft bsll

 Carly on the phone with Cyrus he wants to exchange Spin who he kidnapped for Gladys.

Lmfao Dante and Sam drive me nuts , but I love Brittson more . Jason feels guilty about getting Britt involved in the whole Cyrus mess.

Britt says  she  wanted to help him,  she walked through the door.  Britt says she should go back to Port Charles. 

Love Jason telling her to stay safe .

Cyrus is demanding that Carly not keep him waiting . Ava says that they have 2 interests in common keeping Avery safe and getting Cyrus.

Ava offers to be a hostage. 

Maxie is  in the middle of the woods and in labor Holy Hell  .

Jason and Britt talking he says he doesn't rescue people all of the time.  He tells her about his past with Sonny. 

I love how easy it is to confide in her.  She asks if he's proud of the skill of being an enforcer he says no but I'm grateful for it.

Nikolas says " I'm not going to let you offer yourself up as a hostage Ava !"

Carly says " i'll set it up  and keep you safe !" Nikolas says  Carly is out of control.  Carly tells Ava you don't have to do this.

Ava says I know , but I want to .  Carly calls Brick and tells him to assemble the team.

Oh my goodness gracious me .... Maxie is in labor.  Chloe is on her trail . Valentin tells Peter to stop harassing pregnant women. 

Maxie says " What us with my children and the great outdoors,  first James now you !"

Lol then she says " At least we're away from Peter!"

Carly says " Good you understand my instructions!"

Sam and Dante are annoying the hell out of me .  She acts way too cocky for my taste.

I love Britt and how she and Jason are opening up to each other.  I love it .

They really are amazing together and totally get each other. Jason gets a call on his burner phone from Carly he asks her what's going on.

Oooh Valentin threatening Peter i love it. Peter iss such an asshole I can not stand this prick.

Maxie lays down in the dirt  and species to give birth there  Maxie screams oh no.

Carly and Jason are talking and she asks to talk to Britt and asks how Jason is doing .

She tells him Cyrus grabbed Spinelli and wants only to meet with him.

Holy hell .... Cyrus is playing hard ball Jason tells her not to get too close to the situation. 

She tells him she has a decoy, Jason kisses Britt and leaves .

Yawn , I do not like Dante and Sam together they are boring me , they're like two annoying teenagers who won't admit they like each other. 


Roger Howarth is back and he finds Maxie in the woods .

Shirtless and  he says he can deliver her baby for her . He's so sweet and polite. 

Peter needs to shut his freaking pie hole. He is such a creep I hate him so much .

Valentin asks for another dose of the antidote for Chase.

Carly meets with Cyrus she demands to see Spinelli and says Gladys wasn't feeling very co-operative.

We see Ava in the car, Carly says there is another way we can deal with this oh man.

Peter says he admires Valentin as a father and tells him not to get in his way.

Roger's new character is helping Maxie give birth.   She is rambling lol and he is super freaking creepy. 

Carly says " look around the wheels are coming off your bus !"

She tells him he needs to cut his losses and disappear. 

Cyrus is taunting her saying she's no leader at all . He says you come at me again I will show now mercy .

Carly says get Gladys... Ava is told its show time. 

Carly sees the gun on Spinelli and says " "Don't !"

Omfg Peter us a lunatic,   he's fantasizing about Maxie and the baby .

Valentin calls Anna to tell her that  Peter is up to no good .

Maxie's baby isn't breathing... Dante gets a call from Jordan.

Nikolas gives himself as a hostage. 

Oh my good God!

Swing batter batter swing  great show lol lots of drama I freaking love it !

Until next time, this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-26-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  welcome to our GH Recap for Wednesday May 26th 2021.

Things are heating 🔥 up in Port Charles and Nixon Falls and I couldn't be happier .

I know you must be living under a rock or not paying attention,  if you have to ask why  I'm so jazzed up and ready to reach into my inner Carly .

News  flashback guys on yesterday's  show Cyrus tried to Brando to kill his own mother.

  Also  Carly and Spin are on the move to find Gladys . its  also because  Peter's  demise is on the horizon  , Jason and Britt kissing, and Sonny reaching into his inner bad ass to expose Elijah for the rat he is  enough for me to grab my 🍿 and watch it all go down.

And let me tell you today's show promises to kick some serious ass. Its time to pay the piper Cyrus and Peter.

Todays show starts off with Peter on the stairs and  he's got the passports.

Maxie passed out in the nurses car and the nurse shouts at Peter over the phone oy vey. 

Brooklynn calling Maxie and  Valentin talking to her about it.

Willow and Michael bring  Chase home.

Brooklynn and  Valentin are like what???

Elijah is attacking Nina He grabbed her wrist and shouting in her face.

Brando turns the gun on Cyrus there are no bullets in the gun.

Ava arrives to see Cyrus at Gh oh boy Nina's asks her what she's doing there .

Carly says they have to find and rescue Gladys now. 

Cyrus knows Brando has been on Carly's side the whole time. 

Britt and Jason kiss continued and about to make love. 

In the second segment Britt and Jason taking each others clothes off wow wow wow. 

Willow asks Chase if he wants to go straight to his room   but he's in pain and goes to get his meds .

I love Michael and Chase as friends. 

Omfg Elijah is  being an asshole and he  threatens Nina , he knows that Nina knows who Sonny really is .

He's grabbing her tighter. 

Nikolas is told by Ava that she knows he's there to see Cyrus too.  Nikolas says he offered him an olive branch . Nava are going to work together to take Cyrus out .

Spin has audio in the room that  Gladys is being held . He tells Carly that he can hear Brando's voice. 

They're at Cyrus's warehouse. 

Go Brando sooth your mama  tiil  help comes. 

Carlys guys come to rescue Gladys and Brando.

In the third segment brittson are making love,  I love them together so much .

Chase tells Michael he feels guilty about Willow being at the hospital with him and not Wiley and Michael.

Holy shyte Nina is getting attacked and Sonny knocks the mother effer out .

Spinelli tells Carly he's found the location. 

Carly's men tell Brando that Carly sent them to get him and his mother out of there .

Omg Lmfao Brooklynn is worried about Chase being there .

Maxie wakes up and realizes she's been kidnapped  is this chick for real she doesn't know Maxie.


In the fourth segment Spinelli tells Carly Gladys was shot and Brando's taking her to the hospital.

Nina is lying to the trooper about what actually happened and that Elijah is ripping people off.

Michael tells Brooklynn that he and Willow are just co-parenting and are friends .

Brooklynn is getting ready to meet Maxie.  She makes an excuse to keep Uri busy with a crib missing screws . LMFAO.

Maxie do something  stop this bitch.

This nurse is psycho

Britt is acting all shy now lol , Jason asks if somethings wrong. She says its not what she expected and she's emotional. 

Brando carrying his mom into GH Portia is going to look after her.  Ava and Nikolas watch in horror. 

He tells them his mom was shot and  he doesn't know by who .

In Segment 5 Sonny starts to tell the trooper off, but Nina stops him from doing so.

Sonny's telling the trooper that's probable cause to look into Elijah's finances. 

Brando thanks Carly for looking after Sasha to protect her.

Carly tells Ava and Nikolas that Cyrus shot Gladys because  she can prove that Jason did not kill Franco. 

I love Brittson they are so sweet .

This nurse is so ridiculous,  and idiotic and has no idea who Peter really is.

I love Chillow lol , but I love Willow with Michael.

Brooklyn tricks Uri,slipping out the door and is about to leave,  but Valentin stops her oh no lol.

So in segment 6 Britt is accusing Jason of giving her pity sex. Lol.

She wants to know why he's leaving her. 

Ava and Nikolas are dismissed by Carly,  who leaves . 

Ava tells Nikolas she's not leaving .Valentin won't let Brooklynn leave. 

Maxie insists she's not going into labor .

Maxie throws hot tea in the nurses face  go Maxie run .

Sonny tells Nina he asked around as to where Elijah might have taken her and put herself in harms way.

Oh my God Sonny kissed Nina wtaf

In the last segment  Valentin won't leave  Brooklyn alone. 

Who knew she spoke Russian. 

She managed to sneak out to meet Maxie. 

Jason tells Britt he's not leaving her.

Willow tells Michael that Chase is asleep   and Uri asks where Brooklynn is.

The nurse has the needle and goes after Maxie who has a weapon from the fire place.

Nina is shocked by Sonny's kiss

Portia tells Brando that she is required by law to report a gun shot wound .

Carly gets a call unknown caller Its Cyrus he has Spinelli and he wants to trade him for something. 

Oh my freaking god .....  this is why I love my GH, its full of drama , angst, intrigue , romance and kick ass Action. 

Until tomorrow me beauties , this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-25-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies I'm so ready for today's show after we saw Peter pushed down the stairs and Gladys was kidnapped on yesterday's show 

Now without further ado let's head to Port Charles for the latest goings on with our fave residents. 

Todays show starts off with Peter laying on the floor and  the we see six hours earlier him irritating Sasha.

Spin is worried about Maxie and Britt babbling about music  and we see her falling apart. 

Sonny is being questioned by the police officer.  He says Nina is with Elijah. 

Nina is shown with Elijah at a BBQ.

She is questioning him about what happened the night before .

Carly's guy says Frank was attacked and we Brando finds his mother gagged and tied up and very very scared for her dear life. 

Poor Britt sobso upset about her diagnosis. 

Jason tells her to keep talking. 

Nina is grating on my last nerve  , she keeps denying about how well she knows Sonny .

Elijah says Sonny is circling the drain and he's being questioned about the break in.

Carly finds out that they have too many places to look for Gladys.

Peter is such a creepazoid sticking his nose in places he does not belong .

He is being super cocky and tells himself to stay focused .

Carly calls Spinelli and asks him for help.

Sasha runs into Willow they talk about Chase and Michael . Willow guesses that Sasha is pregnant. 

Cyrus tells Brando that his mother had switched sides and helping Carly.  He tells him he knows he's the father of Sasha's baby.

Sonny is telling the cops and Lenny that Nina is in danger and that they need to help her.

Sonny says he wasn't at Elijah's office. Elijah won't be forthcoming about what he knows about Sonny . Nina is not impressed .

Britt tells Jason she went on the Huntington's website to get advice .

Carly tells Spinelli that  what they  can do for Maxie is  come help get at Peter and that Gladys has gone missing .

The  phony nurse  is acting like a bitch to Peter and Vise Versa. He says I don't care what you do , but do it quick and he looks 
Super pissed.

Carly is talking like Maxie,  under pressure or stress Carly becomes Maxie talking in turbo mode .

Oh my God I hope the cops hear Sonny's and Nina's side of the story . Elijah is a snake. 

Sasha says her pregnancy was unplanned and that she wants to be the one  to tell Michael.

She says  Michael's  not the father and she can't tell her who the baby daddy is yet.

Brando asks Cyrus what he wants from him so that he will let his mother go free

The nurse says she's ready to go and it sounds like they're going to drug Maxie.

Bloody hell 

Maxie is talking to the baby and asks Bobbie if she's ready to go to Beacher's corners. 

She then calls the  spa  and then calls Brooklynn about their plan lol.

I love these girls 

Willow asks if Sasha if she and the baby daddy are on good terms . She says yes.

I can't believe I'm. Saying this but poor Gladys.

Carly asks Spin if there's any  sign of Gladys 

They find a location. 

Britt is confiding in Jason about why she went through with the test . She's so upset poor thing. 

Lenny says he's not sure of what Sonny is telling him . They need to find Nina she's in trouble holy crap.

Elijah finds out that Nathan was murdered. 

Elijah asks her if she thinks he committed all of use  crimes  and he finds print outs from his office .

Oh brother. 

Chloe shows up at Maxie's  she brings a wheelchair with her and she is blackmailing 
Maxie wtaf.

Carly us hovering over Spinelli and won't let him do his sleuthing .

Cyrus wants Brando to kill his own mother. Are you freaking kidding me Cyrus is threatening to kill Sasha and the baby  if he doesn't. 

Love Jason for being a good sounding board for Britt he's such a good friend to her.

Oh my God Chloe drugged Maxie , Lenny and  Sonny are worried about Nina and Nina is in danger. 

Carly calls one of her men and says we know where Gladys is .

Cyrus calls Gladys a parasite  and Brando puts the  gun on his mom.

Sasha talking about Brando and how good they are together. 

Willow says you deserve to be happy .

Brando pulls the gun on Cyrus and Britt and Jason kiss. 

Another awesome show,  I can't wait for tomorrow's show.

Until next time this us mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone .

Monday, 24 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-24-21

Good afternoon me lovelies  it's that time again to head to the  exciting fictional world of Port Charles New York.

From what I saw  of the preview things are about to blow up in epic proportions Cyrus has no freaking idea about what is about to come his way.

Whatever it is and whomever puts the final nail in his , Peter's and Elijah's coffin's I will be damn proud of them.

Todays show starts off with Someone thrown down stairs.

It says 7 hours earlier .

Carly is helping Gladys settle at the hotel .

Cyrus talks to Brando about Britt

Brando goes to see Sasha and she says what are you doing here .

Maxie thanks Spinelli for watching James for her.  He says Georgie likes spending time with her little Brother.

Britt shush Jason and says she's becoming one with nature .

Sonny and Nina find a note from Phyllis and Lenny saying they're getting a new part for the jukebox and will be back by 5.

Sonny says the sooner Elijah is behind bars the better.

Omfg Britt says she's becoming one with nature .

I love Spin worrying about Maxie.

Maxie is upset about Sean dying and she says time is passing and you lose time with people. 

Sasha says they shouldn't be caught talking to each other. Peter watches them.

Gladys made me laugh,  she says well don't make everyone curtsey to you like you're the queen of England .

Diane and Carly ask Gladys to recant her statement and say she saw Peter get rid of the gun.

Britt and Jason are so cute lol. Cyrus summons Peter to come see him. They start to talk .

Nina makes a date with Elijah despite Sonny's warnings about his nasty ass.

Sonny says what the hell was that after she hangs up .

Love Sasha and  Brando 

Peter asks what Cyrus wants from him.

Peter says  he likes Jason being far away , Cyrus wants him dead.

He tells Cyrus that he saw Brando and Sasha getting chummy.

Cyrus says Carly and Laura  think they're not true to their public persona's and think they're above the law.

Gladys says she'll tell the cops everything. 

Lol Britt and Jason talking about camping and the forest and how its so peaceful

Nina says she's going to Elijah's BBQ and how Sonny can search the place. 

Sonny doesn't like her making herself a decoy.

Poor Maxie  is so worried about her baby. 

Nina is taking unnecessary risks , she's crazy. Even Sonny agrees with me about the whole thing. 

Love Brando and Sasha talking about their baby. She says she doesn't want to pressure him.

Peter says he's gonna work the mob lady angle .

Lmfao even Cyrus calls Gladys a greedy narcissis. Lol .

He found out  through a phone call she's about to flip on him.

Britt and Jason are adorable   , he tells her to close her eyes and tell him what she hears and feels around her. 

Jason is so good for her.

Maxie says she keeps thinking she won't hold her baby in her arms . Spin says your working through your fears.

Sonny walks back into the pub Nina left without him . OH BROTHER!!!

Britt's results are in they're going to go find out .

Carly gives Gladys what for what she tried to do to them. 

She says Gladys is only worried about saving her own skin. Gladys says yeah  I'm looking out for myself and my son too. 

Carly tells her guard to watch Gladys and goes to take care of a guest downstairs .

Maxie is petrified about the baby she let's it slip that she doesn't want to  let her go.

Spin hasn't clued in to what she actually meant. 

I love Brando and Sasha so much . Peter tells Cyrus that Sasha and Brando looked a little too close and he's worried that Gladys will change her statement now .

Sonny is worried about Nina he can't get a hold of her.

Sasha tells Brando they should have takeout in .

Maxie is about to expose her plan to Spinelli. I love these 2 together  .

Britt gets her test results  , she tells the doctor to stop.

Peter had gone after Gladys oh shit.

Sonny gets a visit from a police officer,  Nina is in trouble. 

Maxie is about to tell Spin about her plan.

Britt finds out she has Huntington's disease .

Carly finds Gladys missing 

Brando meets with  Cyrus and sees his mother gagged and tied up.

6 hours later  it says it looks like Peter was pushed down the stairs .

Wow what a great episode guys until tomorrow this is Mama  Ashley signing off  have a great  evening everyone. 

Saturday, 22 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-21-21

Good morning me lovelies happy Saturday , please excuse the tardiness of this blog I had a busy day yesterday. 

On the  Friday May 21 st episode  of GH it felt like Sean Donnelly's and John Reilly 's spirit were there with his daughter and his fellow castmates for his  memorial episode. 

So the episode started off with everyone gathered to remember Sean Donnelly and  John Reilly.  Felicia was not speaking to Anna and Mac removed himself from the situation so they could talk. 

It was stressful and hard to watch the 2 best friend's arguing and what's more it was filled with mystery too.

Laura went missing and Sean's daughter kept  lol accusing our amazing legends of trying to make her pass over her father's files. 

I loved seeing Robin and how she talked to her mom about Felicia. It was amazing that Felicia stepped up and apologized to Anna saying that Sean would expect her to do the right thing and make up with her .

And yes they did , I love them so freaking much.

The flashbacks they showed of John Reilly made me smile and I'm glad they did the show this way .

In the meantime Maxie had a visit from Peter and Bobbie managed to see him off and she agreed to help Maxie deliver her baby. 

Oh my dear sweet lord , something seemed off I swear to god . First Laura went missing   then Monica appeared to be drugged. 

Then Robert got hit over the head , Annie became paranoid and accused them all of trying to steal her dad's files. 

We eventually discovered that it was all a test that was set up by the WSB and Annie passed the test  and was presented with her WSB security card. 

What a lovely episode ❤   , I enjoyed it immensely. 

That's it for now,  until Monday me lovelies this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone .

Thursday, 20 May 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 05-20-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  i am super stoked to see what's going to happen on today's episode for Thursday May 20th 2021

After yesterday's show I can not wait to head to Port Charles and see what our fave characters are gonna be up to today .

Secrets and home truths were delivered , yesterday so I'm so ready for certain people to be dealt with in an appropriate manner. 

So today's show starts off with Sam having a visit from Dante .

He rolls a tire into her  penthouse lol and says look familiar. 

Alexis' cell mate is being released from prison.

Sean gets a visit from TJ and he tells his son

Tj says he's never too busy to visit his dad and Sean tells him that he is working on getting Paroled.

Laura tells Nikolas and Ava she's glad they both came to see her and that Cyrus has become a problem. 

Sasha and  Brando prepare to speak to Cyrus as he arrives at deception. 

Carly tells Gladys that they need to stop Cyrus from finding out Sasha is pregnant. 

Gladys says its too late .

Lmfao Sam is being a total bitch to Dante and she's trying to deny that she did it.

Dante presents her with a bill for his tire repairs. Lmfao.

Alexis' cellmate praises her for helping her find her voice. 

Laura says that Nikolas has become a target  because he went behind Cyrus's back and is buying Pentonville. 

Oh my frigging god Cyrus us so obsessed with Sasha . Its so gross.  Sasha tells Brando to go so she can handle Cyrus Alone.

Carly tells  Gladys because she opened her big mouth she just painted a huge target on her own Son's back .

Oh my God Dante lol ... and Sam... he asks her to confess to wrecking his tires. 

She says she was home reading Scout a story .

I love Sean and  TJ   he says he ran into Alexis and  he says Alexis gave him a kick up the backside. 

Nikolas is having a flashback of talking to Sean and Alexis while Laura talks about Cyrus . She says Nikolas made the best  move to protect Alexis  by buying Pentonville with his Cassadine money .

Separately  Cyrus and Gladys are driving me freaking crazy .

Cyrus starts telling Sasha how taken he is with her Sasha tells him you're only interested now that Brando had had me .

Gladys starts bitching about Sasha's being a model and a coke head and that Brando would never touch her since Cyrus likes her.

Carly hears the door bell and sees Brando who starts to confront his mom whose pissed at him for getting Sasha pregnant and asks him if its true .

Lmfao Sam is making me laugh with Dante lol, she references old Macdonald had a farm about Dante finding something in the barn Britt and Jason were hiding out in.

Alexis thanks Maggie for letting her help her and that it helped her being in prison  to keep her focused and not drinking. 

Sean tells  TJ that he did not shoot Hayden Barnes.

He tells TJ and Molly to be careful because the real shooter is still out there.

Laura and Ava are so proud of Nikolas and how he's going to make sure prisoners like Alexis are protected. 

Sasha lol is laying it on thick with Cyrus she tells him that  its none of his business who her baby daddy is. 

Carly and Gladys are worried about Brando now that Cyrus could possibly find out he impregnated his latest obsession. 

Dante tells Sam that he doesn't believe Jason is guilty of killing Franco and that he's only guilty of escaping custody.

He says that he knows  his dad's  perpetually resentful cousin Gladys framed Jason. 

I love Dante he wants to bring Jason home.

Tj asks if his dad has any idea who actually shot Hayden he says no.

Sean says he wants TJ to save him a seat at his graduation.

I love Laura , Nikolas and Ava lol,  Ava says  she heard Cyrus was on the losing end at the 5 families meeting.  She says Carly really handed him his ass and she wishes she had been there to see it. 

Carly demands that Gladys recant her statement about Jason to protect Brando and put Cyrus in prison. 

Dante and Sam are talking  he says if she pulled the same crap with another cop she'd be arrested. 

Dante says , that everything is good and that he knows where to come to get the cash for his tire repairs. 

I love Sean he tells Alexis that TJ finally called him dad and he's gonna take her on her offer to get him out of prison. 

Laura and Nikolas and Ava start making their plans against Cyrus.  Laura says that Carly is  doing what she has to protect her family. 

Sasha tells Cyrus the man she slept with is nothing like him and he needs to leave. 

Carly   Brando and Gladys  talk about Cyrus she and Brando tell her they know Cyrus paid her to frame Jason.

Sam shows Dante outside the door  a few seconds later there's a knock at the door .

She finds the check she gave Dante all ripped up.

I love Sean wanting to be out of prison. 

Nikolas and Ava convince Laura that Cyrus will feel more isolated if Carly  and they protect things from both sides.

Laura says it makes him more dangerous. 

Gladys says " So how do we protect me and my boy? He works for Cyrus .

  Brando says To  Carly  " Sonny Trusts you so what we do now. Carly says get Gladys to recant her statement and we do everything we can to get Cyrus back in prison. 

Hot damn I love it .

That's it for now guys , this is mama Ashley signing off until next time have a great evening everyone. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 005-19 -21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  after yesterday's startling episode of GH I am looking forward to seeing Peter and Cyrus being put down like Mangy dogs .

I was however thrilled that our Maxie is  raring to go to outsmart,  outwit and outplay Peter's hand in trying to control her.

Nina however needs to be bitch slapped from Nixon Falls to Port Charles and back again .

As for today's episode for May 19th 2021 ...  let's hop the fast train to Port Charles  to find out what our fave residents are up to today.

So today's episode starts off with the continuation of Chase freaking out on Finn.

While Willow and Michael look on.

Jason us worried about Britt and Cyrus has come to see Laura to touch base with her she tells him he has 5 minutes before she calls the police.  Lmfao.

Brando is all freaked out that Sasha is pregnant. 

Carly confronts Gladys as she walks through her door . Sonny attacks Elijah's henchman much to Nina's shock.

Sonny demands answers from the Goomba who robbed the Tan - O.

Finn let's Willow and Michael into Chase's room to talk sense into him about his health.

Carly and Gladys  are beginning to talk business, but Gladys does not want to listen to her.

Chase is being unco-operative with Finn.

Britt asks Jason if it was you,  would you want to know if you had Hodgkins disease.

Jason says now that he has kids , he wouldn't  like to find out he had huntingtons disease. 

Cyrus is angry with Laura that the family dinner they had was a ruse to keep him busy while Carly made a move on his shipments. 

Brando asks Sasha if he's the father of her baby. She says  yes he is.

Laura tells Cyrus that all she has to look at her unconscious daughter to see what family means to Cyrus.

He says you made your point .

Sonny tells the robber to call him if he ever needs anything that he'll help him out.

Britt says that she walked out on getting tested for Huntingtons  once but walked out .

Jason asks her if she wants to find out now she says yes. 

Carly says she'll give her money to be financially set for life. 

Gladys refuses to leave Port Chstles or take her offer . What a moron she actually is omfg.

Brando tells Sasha he wants to help her with the baby .

Finn tells Chase he can't be left alone in case he ends up falling and cracks his head open.

Michael suggests that Chse move into the Q mansion you've got to be kidding me right. 

Lmfao Willow didn't look agreeable with this suggestion.  Lmfao the Q mansion is turning into the hotel competition for the metrocourt  hotel Olivia won't like this lol.

Michael says they have 10 empty rooms and his grandmother is a doctor. Finn says yes she's one of the best .

Gladys calls Carly greedy and a gold digger.  Umm you gotta be kidding me look in the mirror darling .

Britt talks to the doctor about the tremors in her hand and that her father had Huntington's disease .

 She tells him  she's never been tested for it .

Nina questions Sonny about how his plan will work if the guy reports back to him without Elijah finding out fair point .

Chase is shocked that Michael is offering to have him move into the Q's.  Chase says he'll have to check with his doctor about this. 

Lmfao Michael says  , You're a step up from Valentin and my grandmother likes you .

Michael and Finn leave to speak to Monica. 

Willow tells Chase that Michael is a remarkable person.

Oh my gosh Carly , she tells  Gladys that Cyrus is blackmailing Brando and that he trusts no one .

Brando is worried about Cyrus .

Cyrus threatens Nikolas' life because he's buying Pentonville  now that she has made him an enemy oh crap now what. 

Geez he's just angry that Laura does not trust his ass , but does Carly .

Carly says  that Gladys is just scared that her lie about Jason will come out .

Carly tells Gladys that Brando will be in danger as well as Sasha .

I love Sasha and Brando they really like each other. 

Sasha says she's pretty much Cyrus's trophy and if he finds out that Brando got her pregnant things will take  turn for the worse. 

Sasha finds out Cyrus is there to see her. She says send him in.

I love Millow they are willing to make a sacrifice for Chase after what he did for them.

I'm growing tired of Nina and Sonny together. She is just too creepy she reminds me of Mary Bishop who played head games with  Nikolas and terrorized Emily.

Britt tells Jason that the tremors are do to stress and she needs to take better care of herself .

Chase us still being a dick to Finn and won't listen to him . But he says he can't wait to get Willow alone .

Willow says things would be a whole lot harder if she didn't have Michael and support. 

Laura calls Nikolas and tells him she needs to see him right Way.

Carly tells Gladys if Cyrus finds our that Brando go Sasha pregnant he and his mom will be a target and that Carly herself is the only one who can protect them and Sasha.

Sonny needs to emerge and be who he is Nina is trying to change him into someone he isn't. 

Omfg he says he doesn't need money,  he us enjoying who he think he is.

Jason encourages Britt to get tested for Huntingtons disease finally .

What a great show I loved it today,  until next time  guys ,this is Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Things You Should Never Say to a longtime GH Fan

They say offensive comments irritate people so why make them period.

Most people particularly trolls in Gh groups ask the stupidest questions , if you're not there to participate in a conversation why bother joining it .

It's just a soap , its not real , why do you talk like the character is your best friend.  If you have to ask then you don't understand how a fan group for TV shows work  and not a true gh fan.

  As GH fans we are invested in these characters and we grew up watching the legacy characters like Anna Devane , Robert Scorpio,  Bobbie Spencer and Scott Baldwin.

And more importantly  we are part of the GH family , and that's what these GH groups are for to discuss storylines and the characters. 

I've been asked why Carly always shouts lol and why she  always verbally attacks people that she's so nasty .

All I have to say is are you late to the party?    She's always been a loud obnoxious in your face person .

I've heard Maxie described as a chipmunk , umm again are you just tuning in lol. She has always been this way and that's why we love her. 

Most importantly never say thats just stupid when we explain things to you about how things work in groups .

Things may seem strange to you how we broach topics , but if you're new to the groups never talk down to GH fans period. 

Its pretty much a safe space for those of us who are more like a family and we do not appreciate people coming in who take pot shots at other fans just to cause drama .

Don't twist the truth about storylines  and make up your own scenarios its just wrong .

Don't make rude comments about the child actors or the older actors . They only do as the director and the  writers tell them to do.

I know most people don't like being told this,  and it drives people crazy but it is what it is. 

And most importantly be respectful no one likes people who verbally attack another fan for shocker having their own opinions .

And lastly Be aware GH fans are very protective  of their fave stars and their
 group members you may find a mama
 bear Admin who won't take your shyte 
so think before you speak.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap.05 -18-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our daily GH Recap  for May 18th 2021.

So according to the plot in the TV guide ...

Britt anticipates a fight . Carly confides in Diane. 

Sonny makes a connection , Olivia is annoyed with a houseguest lol . 

Anna receives devastating news.

Today's show starts off with ... Nina and Sonny on a stake out .

Carly talking to Diane and  Britt and Jason making plans .

Maxie tells Peter the baby is fine , but she has to leave town. 

Anna eavesdropping on Finn and Chase. Willow is looking up how she can help  Chase. 

Brooklynn and Ned talking happily until they hear Olivia scream. Valentin walking around half naked.  


Willow doesn't like lying to Chase she tells Michael or anyone else . But she also says she doesn't feel right  taking advantage of  Finn and Chase .

Finn says that  Chase is not leaving the hospital.

Anna tells Robert that Sean died .

Olivia flips out  about Valentin walking into her bedroom half naked .

Britt wants to  call Maxie and check in on her.

Carly tells Diane that

Gladys backed the wrong people( mainly Cyrus ) instead  of her own family. 

Carly says she wants to appeal to Gladys' better nature Diane says not possible and Carly tells her that she knows something that Gladys doesn't. 

Sonny and Nina see that Elijah has gotten rid of all of the mom and pop stores .

Oh brother he's a shark and a skeezy one at that. 

Maxie  is beginning to be annoyed with Peter.

Jason says that Britt is taking a risk using the burner phone. 

Robert says Sean was suffering from dementia they are so devastated. 

Anna says she's not going to the memorial. 

Willow says she hopes Finn isn't withholding information from Chase like Chase suspects.

Lmfao the Q's are killing me Oliva is  so annoyed about Valentin and Ned wants to know why she's sleeping in the guest wing.

Sonny and  Nina questioning a woman named Barb who works at one of the local businesses. 

Carly tells Diane that if she tells Gladys the info she knows about Sasha to get Gladys to recant her story about Jason killing Franco. 

She tells Diane Sasha is pregnant and Brando is the father. 

Olivia and Ned lol are getting back together. 

Lmfao Olivia is freaking out about Valentin living at the Q's lol.

Michael and Willow hear the shouting and walk into the front hallway.

Olivia rants about  Valentin walking in on her half naked while he was in a towel .

Lmfao Brooklynn says she likes the towel look on Valentin he tells her like wise. 

Diane says  that they could get  Cyrus with  Gladys' help lol and exonerate Jason.

Carly says she sees no other way to help Jason than exposing Sasha's secret.

Anna is told by Finn she should go to the funeral for Sean and not worry about Chase

She says she could get Valentin to deal with Peter .

Maxie says she doesn't need the day nurse at the spa with her.  Britt calls Maxie asking her if she and the baby are OK and if she managed to keep Peter away from her. 

Britt is asking Maxie if she's there , Britt has clocked it that Peter is with Maxie hovering over her.

Maxie asks if she and Jason are ok.

Britt says she's  hoping she keeps him at arms length.

Nina needs to stop butting in on stuff that's not her business.  If I were the residents of Nixon Falls or Corinth I'd tell the bitch to mind her own business. 

Britt says I was hoping you'd be sleeping Jason says no .

Jason says they'll be at the safe house a couple of days and he wants a doctor to check Britt's hand. 

Anna and Robert are at the Q's to tell Monica that Sean Donnelly had passed away. They ask what Valentin is doing there .

They tell him Sean Donnelly has died and Valentin looks upset.

Chase is getting angry with his  dad Finn for keeping things from him about his health. Its Chase 's health at stake not Finn's.

Nina needs to stop poking in all the right corners she could get her stupid  and killed. 

Carly has decided to not betray Sasha . Diane says sentiment is a luxury she can't not afford now that she's in charge. 

Jason is questioning Britt why she's dodging her diagnosis so hard and not going to see  a doctor .

She says she doesn't want to use a fake passport to get medical treatment. 

Anna is hoping there is  some thing that could help her find something to help Finn.

Maxie says she'll do everything in her power to keep her baby safe .Peter is so Dumb he has no clue Maxie is one step ahead of him and doesn't trust nurse Chloe.

Robert gets up to leave and Ned and Olivia talk about how they are not okay with Valentin staying at their home. 

Ned says  he's grateful that Olivia is there for Brooklynn. I want them back together Pronto. 

Sonny has a flashback of the guy who robbed the pub he's the same guy whose working for  Elijah.

Carly is on the phone she is talking to Gladys she says she's sending a car to pick her up to come see her she wants to discuss something with her. 

Brooklynn calls a friend to ask her to lie for her .

Maxie makes plans for the spa and says after hanging up that she'll be long gone before the day nurse realizes. 

Jason tells Britt he will be there for her while a Canadian doctor checks her Out and diagnosis her tremors .

Finn yells at Chase who says be wants to leave the hospital against his doctors orders.

That's it for now,  this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

A Scheming We Will Go : The Life And Times Of Nina Reeves

 As scheming we will go  a scheming we will go high ho the derrio A scheming we will go is the song in my head as  I watch Nina Reeves , gets herself  in deeper and deeper getting to know Carly's husband  who was presumed dead months ago.

Not only did she not tell Carly once she discovered him.  She decided to play mind  fuck games with an amesiatic man preventing  him from finding out who he really is.

Yes Carly was angry with Nina about what she said to Wiley,  but Nina chose to omit the truth  from Sonny' s own family. 

What a spiteful,  hateful woman as this storyline continues  I get angrier and  more pissed off as this deplorable skank digs her claws in to Carly's husband .

First she tells Jax that he was imagining things when he said he saw Sonny and now she's trying to stop Sonny  from using his instincts using a gun when he feels threatened by other people to protect himself. 

How far will Nina the lunatic go before she gets found out for the scheming little bitch she really is .

Time will tell  , but my fingers and toes are crossed that Jason and Britt head to Nixon Falls and bring Sonny back to his family. 

Monday, 17 May 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 05-17-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  its that time again to hitch a ride back to Port Charles for our daily dose of General Hospital.

After last week's episodes I'm hoping certain creightons are dealt with once and for all.

To be honest with you all  I'm tiring of people like Peter and Cyrus Renault sucking the energy out of us long time fans and our faves with their egotistical control freak ways. 

Today's show starts off with....  Valentin telling Brooklyn  that he and Charlotte are moving into the Q mansion.

Peter finds out that Maxie is going to have the baby today and can go home tomorrow. 

Anna calls Tiffany  for help and  she watches  Finn with Elizabeth. 

Sasha and Brando talking about their night of passion. 

Gladys tells  Cyrus he's going to be a father . He looks so confused .

And we see Carly arrive with her men at metrocourt.

Sonny urges Nina to get out of Elijah's office and she gets caught skulking around . Honestly this bitch isn't as sneaky as our Carly babes that's for damn sure what an amateur she is  Lmfao.

Finn is talking to Elizabeth and  Anna interrupts.  He tells Anna that  he had to tell Elizabeth because she and Cam were frantic.

He also tells her that Peter is pilung up too many victims . Whoa. 

Maxie is asking what the rush is about inducing her labor .

Dr Navaro has some concerns  oh boy .

Peter thanks Dr Navaro and says they won't take her advice. 

Nina covers and pretends to be talking to Phyllis

Brooklynn is pissed that Valentin is trying to call the shots. She shouts for Michael abs he and Monica arrive .

Monica finds out that  Valentin wants to move in to the Q's Monica actually likes the idea wtaf.

Brando and Sasha get into a heated discussion  that alerts Carly who looks annoyed .

Peter is insisting that they stick to the birthing plan. Dr Navaro says if anything does happen the labor will have to be induced 

I love Finn talking about Violet and how they clap for chase like they do for Tinkerbell in Peter Pan.

Gladys is seriously getting on my nerves , she is  insinuating things that she shouldn't. 

Cyrus tells Gladys that Lucy Coe is a nasty  gossip.  Lmfao when Gladys tells him that Lucy told get that he made Sasha pregnant.

Carly is pissed at Brando for annoying Sasha.

Cyrus asks to speak to  Brando alone uh oh.

Nina sinks her claws even deeper into Sonny.

Sonny is furious with Nina and she says he's over reacting over nothing.   

Gladys approaches Carly  and tries to suck up to her.  I really can't stand this stupid woman.

Carly tells Gladys she backed the wrong horse.

Brando tells Cyrus that Carly was just annoyed about  him talking to Sasha .

Cyrus questions why Carly would  be angry with him .

Monica tells  Brooklynn off for not protecting herself from Peter and that Valentin was right. .

Peter keeps trying to control Maxie , I keep wishing she would stab him and kills him like she did the other skeezy Peter who had the nerve to kidnap her in 2014.

Anna shows up to see Maxie and Maxie says that Peter is stalking her . Anna says she wants to help Maxie hide and have the baby.

Ooh Peter needs to be put down like a dog now he's sent reporters to harrass Cameron.

Elizabeth tells Finn all of this  , plus  she says that Cameron needs to be protected because Peter killed Franco not Jason. 

Nina says Sonny doesn't need to use a gun to protect her or himself . You can't mold  people into the image you want them to be.

Sasha is told by  Carly to stay away from Brando and from Cyrus . Sasha tells  Carly that she's pregnant by Brando.

Cyrus is suggesting to Brando that Sasha could lose her modeling career since she's pregnant. 

Code speak for  tell her to abort the child. Brando is starting to panic omfg.

Nina says to Sonny if you're done lecturing me let's look at these records of payments that Elijah made. 

Nina says " This my friend is a slush fund !"  Meaning extra cash that  can't be accounted for. 

Carly is shocked that  Sasha is pregnant by Brando and  she asks Carly not to tell Michael. 

Carly tells Sasha to hide her pregnancy from Brando.

Cyrus is  annoyed with Brando because he hasn't helped him find his mother. 

Monica says Brooklynn gets the final decision of  whether Valentin and Charlotte are going to move in or not. 

Monica says they need to decorate the nursery and it's completely bare.

Valentin agrees.

Anna tells Maxie that she will help her and that Peter will start to fall apart once he realizes that he will not get his hands on Maxie's baby.

Maxie says she will protect her baby   just like Anna protected Robin from danger.

Anna gets a call from Tiffany and its bad news , I'm guessing it's because Sean has died. 

Brooklynn agrees to Valentin moving in and says she has conditions he has to follow.

Monica says while Valentin is watching Brooklynn she will be keeping an eye on Valentin. 

Valentin says we have to agree on everything they discussed.

Elizabeth threatens Peter for harassing her family. 

Peter is shown on the phone saying he's having  nurse Chloe  taking Maxie out of town to have the baby . Oh hell no

Maxie finds out her God Father Sean Donnelly had died oh no.

Cyrus wants Brando to bring the man who impregnated Sasha to him they need to have a man to man chat. 

Sasha is freaking out that Carly is telling  her to lie about who the father of her baby is.

Gladys tells  Cyrus Carly doesn't like him and he says that's too bad I admire her greatly. 

Nina and Sonny continue to investigate Elijah.

She watches as Sonny locks  up the gun.

Elijah is pissed that Nina may know something and tells someone over the phone that he'll take care of it .

Ooh Nina has become a target  stupid   brainless idiot .

That's it for now me darlings , this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Peter August & Maxie Jones " Fall From Grace !"

Peter August may seem like a mild mannered , business man , but he's far from it ,  everyone in Port Charles knows about his past misdeeds .

And yet  here he is saying  he's a changed man , well take it from mama Ashley here, don't buy into the rhetoric he's spewing he's still as shady as hell and he's not going to change for the better anytime soon.

In the past he's held Jason captive , for 5 years in fact away from his family , I swear to god he's responsible for  Drew's plane being shot down , and Drew is missing .

Not not only is this miscreant screwing with Sam and Jason , by stopping Sam from getting a new Parole Officer and from them investigating his other nefarious activities that have yet to come to light.

I love my Maximista like the rest of you , but I have to admit she is blinded by Peter's good guy act.

It's only a matter of time before he shows his true colours and the full extent of his crimes come to light.

There's no smoke without fire , and I'm afraid Jasam,and Robert are stoking the fire , watching and waiting for the right time , and like a three alarm fire his whole world will be bursting into flames.

When that happens he can kiss Maxie goodbye, but not before she and Lulu tell him some home truths lol that will land him probably in cloud cuckoo land.

But Alas that did not happen until Liesl blew his whole world apart at his wedding to Maxie .

Yep the wedding guests found out Alex is his mom not Anna .

Yikes,  this was not his fault  , but his fall from grace is coming  I can guarantee you that the real Peter will emerge and show his true colours.

The  only trouble is ... Liesl,  Mac, Felicia, Anna,  Britt , Sam,  Jason and Spin would rather she not get dealt the crappy ending again .

This is Ashley signing off , and  they so no good deed comes unpunished.. the jig is up for Peter, but not soon enough for my taste. 

Friday, 14 May 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 05-14-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  happy Friday whose ready to head to Port Charles. 

I so can't wait to see what Sonny is up to.

Sonny has broken into Elijah's business while  Nina stalls Elijah.

Over at the Corinthos mansion Carly has Diane over she asks her if she wants a drink. Diane politely declines an is totally annoyed with Carly for not informing her of her and Jason's plans. 

Carly tells her  she wants her to help her revise her Will to be prepared just in case something happens to her .

At the Quartermaine's Michael and  Willow talking about Wiley.

Brooklyn  watches  a birthing video   and is freaked out by whole thing.   

She  talks to Maxie about the organizing of the plan and about how they're going to execute it . They  discuss the new nurse looking after her Maxie. She  says she made arrangements for the rental in Beaches Corners. I hope this plan comes to fruition.

Meanwhile Brooklyn gets a visit from Valentin as she's leaving to meet Maxie.

Poor Maxie  sees Peter and asks how long he's been eavesdropping on her oh brother. 

Maxie and Brooklynn are both uneasy about Peter and Valentin sticking their noses into their business.  I can't say I blame them.

Lucy is thanking Brando for being so good to Sasha and Gladys decides to  stick her nose in where she definitely does not belong.

Carly tells Diane she just wants to update her Will and she finds out Avery wants to sleep over .Awe so sweet Carly is happy  at last.

Elijah gets a call from his security company saying there's been a break in . Is Sonny about to get his ass arrested for breaking and entering oh my God seriously  geez.

Michael and Willow talking about Chase and how she thinks Finn is keeping something from them. The doorbell rings and Michael answers it .  He says Ned still lives there so don't ring the doorbell. 

Valentin  questions Brooklynn as to why she's playing hard ball. Ned says that its in her genes when she won't back down from Valentin tries to  pressure her about the baby.

Peter won't stop harassing Maxie about the baby.  She tells Peter she needs to go see Dr Navaro. He needs to back the hell off what an absolute asshole and Control freak he is.

 Omfg Avery is so cute  wheh she saw Diane. she called Diane Aunt Diane and  asks her to go with her to see Donna upstairs.  Ava said that Avery melts Diane's hardened  heart.  

Diane shouts i heard that . Lol  Ava wants to know what Carly is up to lol. As if she has to ask. Lmfao I love these women so much.

Phyllis asks Sonny what he's up to that she saw him put money in the cash register. 

She says he's too generous for his own good.

Elijah's wondering why anyone would break into his office. The police show up and he leaves to go to the police station to make an official statement about the break in.

Ava is questioning Carly about what Carly has been up to while Ava had the dinner party with Nikolas' uncle Cyrus  uh oh. Lmfao. 

Cyrus is skulking around Sasha she tells him off for prying into her business and her life. 

Lucy tells Gladys that Sasha had a heart attack and that Brando was there for her.

While Valentin is talking to Michael and Ned Brooklyn gives Valentin and her bodyguard Uri the slip lol. God I love her so much .

Willow says that Valentin is a devoted father and will be the same way with the new one.

Valentin over hears this. 

Brooklyn and Maxie meet up and Maxie gives her the key for the rental at Beaches Corners. Brooklynn promises things will work out 

Maxie promises the baby she will keep her safe . Let's hope the plan works for her .

Ava says she has a new appreciation for Carly and any help she wants she will definitely will be willing to give it to her.

Sonny and Phyllis talk about Nina and he says he definitely cares about her .

 Meanwhile Nina goes into Elijah's office and breaks into his computer I hope she doesn't get her ass caught doing what she's doing.

At the Q's Valentin is worried about Brooklynn.  Brooklynn walks in hearing her dad say they should check the local jail. 

Peter doesn't  want anyone knowing he hired the nurse and not Maxie . He's so crazy .

Dr Navaro asks Maxie if everything is alright with her. Peter skulls around her,  he totally unnerves me with his antics I can't stand it.

Lucy is worried about Sasha when she's talking to Gladys.  She asks Sasha if Cyrus is her baby daddy.  Lmfao hell no . Geez man.

Diane makes me laugh she says , well the meeting went well there's no blood on the floor. When Ava leaves Diane tells her to be careful.  Oh brother Carly says she'll be fine .

Ned asks Michael to tell Olivia how much he enjoyed seeing her today. Michael walks Willow to the door i love them both. 

Sasha is about to tell Brando that she's pregnant.  Holy crap and Gladys thinks  Cyrus is the baby daddy oh lord  and congratulates him.  I really really hate Gladys Corbin.

Also Maxie is told they have to induce her her labor and have the baby now wtaf seriously. 

Back in beaches corners Nina is told by Sonny to get out of Elijah's office now. But its too late Elijah's caught her snooping around .

That's it for now,  this is mama Ashley signing off until next time have a wonderful  weekend me lovelies and ill see you back here  same time same channel on Monday .