Yesterday's show did not disappoint with the action packed stuff going on.
We finally saw that it was in fact Peter who was attacked because we saw his and Maxie's passports.
We also saw Maxie escaping from Chole and she came across Austin a doctor who helps her deliver her baby . The part is played by Roger Howarth.
And finally we know Jason is on the way to save Our Spinelli.
Austin is helping to bring the baby back for Maxie. She's happy she breathing but about to cry.
Finn is worried he won't be able to save Chase . Elizabeth says she has faith in him that he will help Chase.
Anna arrives to see Finn
Chase is pushing himself to get better Michael and Willow are worried about him.
Curtis on phone about his liquor license.
Sasha finds out that Gladys was shot and she asks Brando what happened. Oh brother Jordan and Dante want to know the same thing .
Carly and Nikolas on the pier trying to help Spinelli, Cyrus won't let him go. Jason shows up and says " Let him go or I'll drop you !"
Brooklynn is worried about Maxie cause she's not heard from her. Maxie is so happy with her baby .
Maxie is worried about Peter finding them.
Elizabeth talks to Anna and Finn about Peter and what he did to Franco.
Anna says that Valentin says Peter's planning on leaving town and hands Finn a file folder belonging to Sean Donnelly.
Willow and Michael talk to Chase who says he's hungry. Michael says that he has a pizza oven.
Omfg Willow and Michael leave the room she is worried it will be harder than she thought to take care of him.
Portia tells Curtis about Gladys being shot meanwhile Sasha and Brando talk to Jordan about his mother's shooting
Sasha says " its my fault !" That Brando turned on Cyrus!"
At the warehouse Jason and Carly and their men are in a shoot out . They manage to get Spinelli to safety and Jason shoots Cyrus.
Brando says that he was forced to shoot his mom , but didn't and that Cyrus threatened to hurt Sasha.
Jordan and Dante plan to protect Gladys and to arrest Cyrus Renault .
Portia tells Curtis she wants to throw a party at the savoy for Trina and her friends .
Michael and Willow talk about the pizza oven and how fun it was to make it .
Willow says that its not a good idea having Chase there. He over heard them omfg.
Anna asks Finn if the file belonging to Sean will help him cure Chase.
Lmfao Austin , is going to call an ambulance , Maxie wants to go to Beachers Cornets but Chlie knocks him out oh crap.
Brooklynn takes the Fake pregnancy belly off .
Chloe is trying to make Maxie go back with her.This bitch is crazy as fuck.
Maxie managed to kick her and get away.
Finn says if Peter us really leaving town then he needs to get to work .
Chase says he feels foolish about what his staying at the Q's had cost Millow.
Chase still thinks their a couple omfg just tell the truth you morons .
Oh no Chase collapsed, Jordan and Dante hear their was a shoot ourbar pier 52.
While Carly, Ava Nikolas and Jaspin are talking on the pier a shot gun man reaches for his gun.
Carly is annoyed at Nikolas unaware about what's about to happen.
Ava gives Nikolas shit for taking her place and Carlt tells Nikolas he could have got them all killed .
Jason hears a gun shot and shoots Dante walks up to him in shock.
Sasha and Brando talk about Cyrus she says they're in this together no matter what .
I love Portia and Curtis and their friendship.
Curtis says he had to protect Trina and Cameron.
Portia says he's always there for Trina when she needs him
Michael and Willow bring Chase to GH.
Maxie runs through the woods to get away from Chloe.
Oh no she found a way to trap Chloe lol .
Our Gang talks to Dante let's Spin Carly and Nikolas and Ava go but not Jason.
Jordan talks to Brando and Sasha about the 2nd shooting and says the case against Cyrus may fall apart if Gladys dies.
I feel bad for Portia she really likes Curtis , I want them together they say its the wrong time.
Chase is in a bad way and the hospital staff looks after him.
Chloe moves towards Maxie and falls through the hole .
Maxie manages to call Brooklynn to come get her.
Willow asks Finn what he's not telling them about Chase.
Brando and Sasha talk about his mom. The doctor approaches them. Is Gladys dead.
Carly watches in shock as Dante arrests Jason.
Oh shit Portia no!!! Cyrus broke into her house he better not hurt her.
That's it for now me lovelies another nail biting episode.
Until Monday this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone.