Good Afternoon me darlings it's that time once again to take our daily trip into Port Charles.
I am growing increasingly bored and disillusioned with this whole Maxie storyline.
I dunno about any of you , but I think I've reached my Boiling Point .
And even more so with the Peter's being dead storyline and his body hasn't been found yet .
Today's show starts off with Scott talking to Finn about why he wants to hire him.
Anna and Valentin talking about whether he's on get list of friends.
She says of course you are.
Austin orders a Manhattan at the metrocourt .Sam approaches him and is suspicious of his behavior.
Ava and Nikolas see each other at the metro court.
Ava asks for the same drink Austin is having and Says hi to Sam.
Spinelli meets up with Diane at Charlie's pub.
Joss asks her mum questions about what she's upset about and about Jason.
Jason is there to see Britt and he remembers his conversation with Carly.
Jason wants to soften the blow and offers to buy her a drink
Joss wants a friend like Jason to unload on. Joss says Jason and Carly balance each other out as friends.
Spin tells Diane that Ellie is worried about his involvement with Jason and Carly.
Diane gets a call from Carly and tells Spin she has to go.
Joseph Novak approaches Spinelli.
Scott is ranting about What Peter did to Franco.
Omfg Anna and Valentin are all comfy cozy.
They are interrupted by A phone call from Dante.
Ava meets Austin lol he sees her ring and says you can probably see that rock from space.
Ava says that her ad Nikolas have an open marriage Sam says since when.
Ava says were getting divorced to Austin.
Finn wants to confess to Peter's whereabouts .
Anna tells Valentin that she Found a lap top and they look at the info on Marie Hopkins the fake nurse.
Joss and Avery are so cute catching fire flies while Carly has a meeting with Diane.
Carly tells Diane she took Jason's place at the five families meeting.
Joey Novak tries to pressure Spinelli to work for his family. Thank God Jason showed up.
Carly tells Diane she took Jason's place at the five families meeting.
Jason saves Spinelli's neck and leaves him with Britt while he talks to Novak.
Britt and Spinelli are so cute talking about How he helped her and Jason.
Carly says there are no divisions in the ranks.
Lol Ava is cracking me up she's making Nikolas jealous.
He's getting angry
Finn tells Scott that Chase was poisoned by Peter.
He wants Elizabeth to be Violet's legal guardian if something happens to him.
Anna and Valentin find out Nurse Hopkins brother was a helicopter pilot.
Spinelli talks to Britt about Jason and he walks In with blood on his hand.
He said he sent Joey on his way with a message for his uncle.
Oh my God Finn wants to move Peter's body.
Anna wants to question The nurses brother.
Carly makes plans with Diane business wise .
Ava is making a fool of herself making a move on Austin to tick off Nikolas.
Jason says that he made sure that The novaks leave Spinelli alone.
Spinelli says Ellie is threatening separation if he doesn't stop his association with Carly and Jason.
Spinelli says Ellie wants stability and peace and that he's going home to her now.
Jason says he has to take Britt home.
Carly tells Diane she already lost Sonny she doesn't want to lose Jason too.
Diane says you won't lose him if you haven't yet. I love how good she is with Avery who just came in with Joss.
Elizabeth says we started this together we're gonna end this together.
Scott is waiting outside the room he says he knows Elizabeth and Finn are up to something.
Oh my God Sam is protecting Ava from self destruction.
Someone is watching them . I think its Spencer lol . I love that kid.
Anna and Valentin find a family photo that leads them to another mystery to solve.
Diane tells Carly that Avery is bright and curious and talks about Sonny.
She says Avery asks if her dad can see her from heaven.
Anna says she knew Austin's father.
Sam leads Ava away from Austin and Nikolas.
Austin says Ava is trying a little too hard to forget about Nikolas.
Nikolas says he's not going to give on her.
Scott approves of Elizabeth and Finn together.
Carly is having a drink and says a " A sound and effective strategy , yeah right !"
Jason walks in he says " So I've been thinking!" She says " Me too!"
Oooh things are about to get messy ... that's it for now until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great night everyone.