
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-30-21

Good Afternoon me darlings it's that time once again to take our daily trip into Port Charles. 

I am growing increasingly bored and disillusioned with this whole Maxie storyline.

 I dunno about any of you ,  but I think I've reached my Boiling Point .

And even more so with the Peter's being dead storyline and his body hasn't  been found yet .

Today's show starts off with Scott talking to Finn about why  he wants to hire him.

Anna and Valentin talking about whether  he's on get list of friends.
She says of course you are.

Austin orders a Manhattan at the metrocourt .Sam approaches him  and is suspicious of his behavior. 

Ava and   Nikolas see each other at the metro court.

Ava asks for the same drink Austin is having and Says hi to Sam.

Spinelli meets up with Diane at Charlie's pub.

Joss asks her mum questions about what she's upset about and about Jason. 

Jason is there to see Britt and he remembers his conversation with Carly.

Jason  wants to soften the blow and offers to buy her a drink

Joss wants a friend like Jason to unload on.  Joss says Jason and Carly balance each other out as friends.

Spin tells Diane that Ellie is worried about his involvement with Jason and Carly.

Diane gets a call from Carly and tells Spin she has to go.

Joseph Novak approaches Spinelli.

Scott is ranting about What Peter did to Franco.

Omfg Anna and Valentin are all comfy cozy.

They are interrupted by A phone call from  Dante.

Ava meets Austin lol he sees her ring and says you can probably see that  rock  from space.

Ava says that  her ad Nikolas have an open marriage Sam says since when.

Ava says were getting divorced to Austin.

Finn wants to confess to Peter's whereabouts .

Anna tells Valentin that she Found a lap top and they look at the info on Marie Hopkins the fake nurse. 

Joss and Avery are so cute catching fire flies while Carly has a meeting  with Diane.

Carly tells Diane she took Jason's place at the five families  meeting.

Joey Novak tries to pressure Spinelli to work for his family.  Thank God Jason showed up.

Carly tells Diane she took Jason's place at the five families  meeting. 

Jason saves Spinelli's neck and leaves him with Britt while he talks to Novak.

Britt and Spinelli are so cute talking about How he helped her and Jason.

Carly says there are no divisions in the ranks. 

Lol Ava is cracking me up she's making Nikolas jealous.

He's getting angry

Finn tells Scott that Chase was poisoned by Peter.

He wants Elizabeth to be Violet's legal guardian if something happens to him.

Anna and Valentin find out Nurse Hopkins brother was a helicopter pilot.

Spinelli talks to Britt about Jason and he walks In  with blood on his hand.

He said he sent Joey on his way with a message for his uncle.

Oh my God Finn wants to move Peter's body.

Anna wants to question   The nurses brother.

Carly makes plans with Diane business wise .

Ava is making a fool of herself making a move on Austin to tick off Nikolas.

Jason says that he made sure that The novaks leave Spinelli alone.

Spinelli says Ellie is threatening separation if he doesn't stop his association with Carly and Jason. 

Spinelli says Ellie wants stability and peace and that he's going home to her now. 

Jason says he has to take Britt home. 

Carly tells Diane she already lost Sonny she doesn't  want to lose Jason too.

Diane says you won't lose him if you haven't yet.  I love how good she is with Avery who just came in with Joss.

Elizabeth says we started this together we're gonna end this together. 

Scott is waiting outside the room he says he knows Elizabeth and  Finn are up to something. 

Oh my God Sam is protecting Ava from self destruction. 

Someone is watching them . I think its Spencer lol . I love that kid.

Anna and Valentin find a family photo that leads them to another mystery to solve.

Diane tells Carly that Avery is bright and curious and talks about Sonny.

She says Avery asks if her dad can see her from heaven. 

Anna says she knew Austin's father. 

Sam leads Ava away  from Austin and Nikolas.

Austin says Ava is trying a little too hard to forget about Nikolas.

Nikolas says he's not going to give on her. 

Scott approves of Elizabeth and Finn together. 

Carly is having a drink  and  says a " A sound and effective strategy , yeah right !"

Jason walks in he says " So I've been thinking!"  She says "  Me too!"

Oooh things are about to get messy  ... that's it for now until tomorrow this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great night everyone. 

Sorry Maxie : Sometimes plans blow up in your face

My mum always tells me,  in life  you have to make hard choices  and sometimes  those choices can blow up your whole world If they are the wrong ones .

That's why those wise words were ringing in my ears during yesterday's show where Maxie is concerned. 

Life sometimes  throws you a curve ball and can set you in a situation of your own doing that can make your head spin .

 If Maxie's world has been sent into a tailspin because of Peter then Maxie is going to make it 10 times worse for herself with the help of Brooklyn.

I swear to God,  when are these girls going to learn that eventually lies, and deceptions  catch up to you .

Speaking of deception people with good intentions like  Sasha , Nina and Lucy will mess up your brilliant plans to  protect your child that someone is looking after for you .

How long before Valentin and Brooklyn and the Quartermaine's get so attached to Maxie's baby that there will be another custody fight a foot. 

Of course Maxie knows this  , she's been through this before and hasn't  learned from the last time. 

I love her,  but it makes me so hopping mad. The writers always have Maxie suffer heart break after heart break .

End this mess now ugh!!! I honestly  think my fave needs a bloody break fir once in her  life. 

I don't normally rant this often but come on writers  do us a favor make Maxie see sense already .

Rant Over!!

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-29-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  it seems certain Port Charles residents think their actions are justified .

Nina is a crazy mentally deranged woman,  as I said before 2 wrongs don't make a right  she needs to be found out about keeping Sonny away from Carly Pronto. 

As for Gladys she is a vile nasty woman. 

Today's show starts with Finn in his  office. Elizabeth brings him the lab results for Chase .I hope it's good news at last so he can stop blaming himself and for Chase. 

Elizabeth says  stop thinking about Peter.Anna  and Valentin got caught in the rain they say the baby is  gone. 

Brooklynn talks to Michael about Chase being paralysed.They talk about Willow and how close they are  when Joss over hears them. 

Joss is so nosey questioning Michael about him and Willow and if they're back together or not oh brother. 

Scott is about to find out about Britt as he talks to Liesl about what's bothering her oh geez poor Liesl.

Carly suspects Ava or Nikolas are behind the hit on their warehouse.

Maxie is happy about Sasha being Pregnant, but Nina looks upset. 

Brooklynn needs to stop hovering over Maxie She should be able to work.

Anna feels that Peter has the baby and that his slimy paws are 100 % responsible for the  death of the nurse and disappearance of Maxie's baby.

Finn finds out that Anna is trying to piece everything together to find Peter.

Elizabeth apologies to Finn for talking to Anna and her discovering things. 

Finn tells Elizabeth he doesn't want Jason involved in this at all this is driving me totally insane just tell the truth already for God sake .

Scott offers to take Britt and Liesl our for steak but Liesl  and Britt decline.

Jason and Carly talk about showing the five families they have no power struggle between them as friends.

Maxie is upset that brooklynn left the baby with a nanny at the Q mansion. 

Scott approaches Michael about being a share holder at ELQ wtaf seriously .

Anna and Valentin reminise about the old days  .Britt and Liesl talk about her diagnosis  and about their men . Awe.

 Finn says he's going to confess.

Carly and Jason talk about making a business move .Scott is annoying  me and questioning Michael about ELQ.

It's none of his damn business. 

Joss talking about posting college volleyball practice Michael senses something is up with her. 

She seems preoccupied with something and not telling him whats bothering her and what 's going on.

Maxie and Brooklyn talking about her working with her and that Brooklyn letting her see her baby every day away from the Quartermaine's.

Carly and Jason talk about making a  big move . And Elizabeth and Finn are worried about their confessing to their crime of killing Peter at the hospital. 

Britt says she's not worried about being sick and that she may not have the chief of staff position.  Britt tells her mom to tell Scott about Britt's diagnosis.  Gosh I love this  they are being so real with each other. 

Carly and Jason are upset about what's to come with the rival mob families.  Joss tells Michael that she can't  forgive Cam for shooting Jason. 

She asks how he  could let Nina see Wiley.  My God Nina and Sasha want to do a campaign to find Maxie's baby.  This will screw up Maxie and Brooklyn's plan to keep the baby safe.

Finn tells Elizabeth   he's called Scott and that he's on his way .She asks if he's sure he's doing the right thing.

Violet and her nanny show up at the office the nanny says that Violet can't sleep.  Poor little peanut gets picked up by her daddy for a hug.

Carly is freaking out and she is worried that people will judge her. 

Liesl tells Britt to stop avoiding her feelings for Jason She knows she has feelings for him and is falling for him.

Joss tells  Michael their mom won't  like Nina seeing Wiley. Michael says mom will deal with it in her own way.

Joss says that  she needs to go home.  Maxie and Brooklyn find out that the girls want to do a candle light vigil for Maxie's baby. 

Brooklyn says that's a terrible  idea.

Finn tells violet it's past her bed time . He says good night to her  and  she tells him it's past his too lol .

Lucy , Nina and Sasha ask why Brooklynn thinks the candle light vigil is a terrible idea .

She tells them that they have to think of how Maxie may feel , but they keep on insisting that they do it for Maxie.

Unfortunately Maxie says yes its a good idea oh my good lord. What the bloody hell is she playing at omg.

Anna and Valentin are getting closer,  Finn kisses Violet good night  and Scott shows up to speak to Finn.

Joss walks in to talk to her mom and Carly seems distracted as does Britt who is thinking about Jason. 

Jason looks upset and Whispers Britt

Another great episode  today , until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 

Monday, 28 June 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH 06-28-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  I am super stoked to see today's GH .

It looks like it's going to be an earthquake shaking week .

Today's show  starts off with poor Nikolas he's using a punching bag  having memories of Ava dumping him.

Lucy  says trouble with Ava Jerome i see and tosses him a towel.

Nina calls Sonny and gets the answering machine and leaves a message. 

Ava and  Nina talking they have catching up to do.

Brando runs into Sasha at the hospital

Valentin asks Anna if she wants to walk the area again.

Carly asks Brick how much trouble they're in.  Jason says the  warehouse is a complete loss.

Nina apologizes Ava for not keeping in touch sge tells Ava about  Michael asking her to come see Wiley.

Nina says she doesn't  know where home is anymore.

I love Brando and Sasha and their respect for each other.

Sasha has baby brain and forgot to invite Brando to the appointment.

Awe Maxie and  Laura talking at the metrocourt about Peter and her kids.

Anna is putting the pieces together she is finding holes in Maxie's story .

As my cousin says " Honest truth lol , when will she learn lol !"🤣😂 the truth always makes it back up to the surface. 

Sasha is worried about springing her pregnancy on Nina uh oh.

Oh no Gladys is  questioning Sasha lol and wants to know who she used to be .

Laura tells Maxie not to worry about Peter to focus on the kids and Maxie leaves to meet up 

Anna says she has a de ja vue vibe about Austin.

Lmao it's about time someone said it .

Jason and Carly have  to  decide whose in charge. 

Brick says because the mob hits will keep coming if they don't. 

Laura and Scott talk about Ava and Nikolas . Ava approaches them.

Ava says Laura doesn't need to know.
 what's going on omg . 

Ava apologizes to Laura for being rude, Laura wants to talk to Ava alone. 

Scott is so effing nosey  

Jason tells Carly peace is not an option they have to fight back.

Nina invites Maxie to go back to work.

Oh God Gladys is such a nosey assed bitch ugh. Sasha tries standing up to Gladys , but she says what kind of game are you playing Sasha Gilmore. 

Whatever next is going to happen .

Awe Ava tells Laura about her fears. 
Laura says she understands but you were both happy.

Ava says she has to protect Avery and Nikolas as well as herself.

Ava walks over to Scott and he says he has no interest if she has no interest in Nikolas' money.

He leaves to meet a new client. 

Ava runs into Nikolas 

Ava says to Nikolas that they're finished upon him approaching her .

Anna and Valentin continue to investigate

Lucy and   Nina talk about  Sasha .

Lucy tells  Maxie to leave upon seeing her. 

Sasha lol is so funny she faked her out and laughed at Gladys.

She leaves for her meeting and Gladys decides to mouth off about Sasha to Brando.

Laura tells Nikolas that Ava told her everything that has been going on with the knife and the note.

Austin meets with Scott.

Oh my god,  poor  Carly and Jason worried about the retaliation against them.

Austin tells Scott he wants info on Jason .

Nikolas tells Laura that he is not going to give up on  Ava .

Ava shows up at Carly's to see Avery .

Ava tells Carly abd Jason they have a Stalker and that she's left Nikolas. 

Scott is intrigued by  Austin and Brando tells his mom no one asked her for her opinion.

Gladys runs off at the mouth about Sasha.

Love Brando he puts his mom in her place she tells him he trusts the wrong people. 

Omfg Lucy shut up,  she us annoying me more than when Maxie goes turbo chipmunk.

Nina sees Sasha pregnant

Valentin refuses to leave Anna investigating the baby's disappearance.

Nikolas tells Laura he's laying a trap for the Stalker.

Carly feels bad for Ava, Ava is trying to justify her decision.

She asks if she can go see Avery .

Carly asks Jason are you thinking what I'm thinking. 

I know where Carly is going with this she thinks it's the Novak's

That's it for now  , this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Excuse Me GH I have reached my Freaking Boiling Point

Good Evening everyone  , as everyone knows I've been a GH fan since 1980.

Nothing,  and I mean nothing the show  does shocks me anymore they just go from one extreme storyline to the next  and I cheer the cast on cause I'm a full throttle GH Fan baby. 

However when my fave characters like Shawn Butler or TJ Ashford talk about the  racism they've experienced , I become enraged because this is an issue that the African American community has had to deal with for centuries. 

It's important for the show to keep with the times,  and keep the issues relevant by today's recent events. 

That's why Today's show had me literally having to control my temper when the prison guards forced Shawn and Alexis away from each other.

The guard pushed Alexis down to the floor for daring to defend her friend.

Sending her to solitary confinement is so wrong on so many levels for being the kind fighter of a friend that she is .

It was bad enough seeing two favourites of mine suffering then to have to watch Willow suffering because she can't face telling Chase the truth pissed me off. 

Plus there's the fact people think Chase is faking his atrophy to keep his claws into a woman who is in love with Michael.

And when i thought my skin was crawling way too much they had to have Nina the crazy bitch justifying her actions to Nelle's grave. 

Then she had the audacity to accuse Michael of doing something she and Nelle exelled at being a shady conniving bitch.

Come on someone  please stop  this crazy bitch before she kidnaps Wiley or sexually assaults an amnesiac man who she knows isn't hers to begin with. 

No matter how many times she tries to rationalize her actions to herself she herself knows what she's doing is wrong and she doesn't give a shit.

I yelled at the TV stfu Nina when she  tried to say that Carly and Michael would understand why she did it it ! Yeah umm no honey they won't. 

Sonny deserves to know who he is and just like Elizabeth she's gonna find herself alone when the truth comes out. 

ShadyBrook has a nice comfy padded room for her equipt with a straight jacket .

I don't  care if Nina is grieving  over a girl who isn't worth grieving over,  getting back at Carly for something she didn't do is just unhinged behavior. 

The fact is ,Nina is bat shit nuts and nothing she says or does to explain herself will save her ass not even her aunt Liesl will help her. 

Rant Over 

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-24-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies and welcome to our GhCanada daily gh recap for June 24th 2021.

Judging from the on the next General Hospital it looks like another intense episode on the way 

Today's show starts off with Nina at Nelle's grave   she tells her she doesn't  know what she's doing anymore. Michael approaches her.

Willow walks into Chase's hospital room and she finds out Chase as atrophy and can't  move his legs.

Alexis says she's worried about retaliation against Judge Carson.

Molly talks to Judge Carson and it turns out she's working  for Robert.

I love  Terry and Elizabeth's friendship they are so fun to watch they talk about their jobs and how they don't like Britt.

Portia and  Laura joining the conversation and get ready for department meeting .

Britt and Jason are so adorable.Carly Interupts them abd  she says never mind I'll take care of it when she sees them together. 

Jason asks if it's time sensitive Britt says Message received.

Oh gosh ... poor Chase and Willow worried.

Finn is having flashbacks about the fight with Peter.  Poor guy is racked with guilt. 

Britt says she has a meeting to get to and she's gonna let him know when the car comes in.

Terry thinks that  lol Liz and Finn have something going.

Laura says that Leslie knows lol who got picked as CEO. 

Oh my God Molly needs to stop talking to Judge Carson. It could be detrimental to their parents cases.

Alexis talks about alerting Molly and TJ about that's going on.Shawn thinks they should drop it oh God!!!

Shawn wants to back down completely to protect TJ.  Judge Carson offers to take Molly under her wing .

Terry can see Elizabeth is way too close with Finn.

Chase and Willow talk about them getting better.

Michael says  how Nina chooses to deal with her feelings about Nelle is her business so don't let it affect Wiley.

Nina says she is asking him to do the same. Wtaf who does she think she is.

Carly is being territorial over Jason and she seems worried about losing him.

I think she's losing it again and obsessing over Jason cause Sonny's gone.

Carly is being territorial over Jason and she seems worried about losing him.

I love Molly and TJ talking about  Judge Carson and  her mom and how its a conflict of interests

Shawn is thinking  that Alexis just feeding her savior complex to help him.

Oh my God Nina stafu  you can't tell Michael how to deal with his own child.

You never were a mother and have no right to  force your opinion on anyone.

Stupid assed woman

Chase talks about marrying Willow when he can walk again .

Monica thanks them all for the warm reception 

Carly questions Jasom about how important Britt is to him.  He tells her he cares about Britt.

The new hospital CEO is announced....the staff excluding Britt is pleased to find out Monica is the new ceo.

Monica thanks the staff for the warm reception and says she will prove how worthy she us about taking Gh into the future and honoring its past.

Carly needs to stfu about Britt its none of her business.  

Tj talking about how he got arrested for shoplifting

Shawn is not allowed to see Alexis anymore according to a guard.

Monica says Bobbie abd Epiphany have been rehired thank goodness.

Finn says he missed Monica sge says she missed  him too.  The girls  all talk to her. 

Britt is  asking if he job is safe lol or I she's being replaced as Chief of staff.

God Nina Stafu She is unhinged and needs to be back in ferncliff.

She needs to tell the truth already. 

Jason says he can't speak up for her anymore just himself . Carly is shocked. 

Molly and TJ talk are so cute and sweet with the loyalty towards their parents and each other. 

Oh my God Chase is upsetting Willow and she runs crying into Michael's arms.

Pentonville is racist as hell separating Alexis and Shawn.  Alexis thrown to the ground by a female guard. 

Oh God Nina does my head in, she keeps justifying why she's not letting Michael and Carly know about Sonny.

Two wrongs don't make a right , she is totally selfish and disgusting thinking she's well within her rights to not to tell the truth  .

Alexis is put in solitary confinement for trying to help Shawn .

Terry wants to throw her hat In the wrong for the chief of staff job since Monica hasn't decided yet. 

Willow is scared about what they do now cause of Chase's condition. 

Oh my freaking God  there's an explosion at the Corinthos warehouse. 

Jason says we are still together abd will work things out.

Jason gets a phone call their docks and warehouse have been hit .

Holy hell , this shit us about to get really real. Until next time,  this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-23-21

Good Afternoon me darlings it appears that Maxie is starting to lose her damn mind .

And Anna and  Valentin will figure out that baby Bailey is actually Baby Lou.

I wonder what the episode for June 23rd 2021 will bring?

Today's show starts up with Carly visiting Sonny's grave and she's talking to him about the business.

Elizabeth shows up and  she says I don't mean to intrude but there is some business we need to settle .

I love Brando and Sasha and them having their official first date.

Love Molly and TJ talking about how her mom is 90 days sober and helping a friend.

Alexis is helping Shawn with his  case.

Brooklynn talks to Michael and Willow about Valentin looking for Maxie's baby and  how they can get back to normal.

Jackie is  at Chase's hospital room he can finally hold a cup and has improved.

Britt is punching a punching bag lol , Jason shows up she asks if she's hitting it wrong.

Brooklynn tells Willow and Michael should tell CHASE the truth.

Jackie apologizes to Finn and Chase for not telling the truth sooner about the affair.

Brando tells Sasha Gladys is sticking around and going to live with him .

TJ is grateful that  Alexis could help Shawn .  They wonder if he's Alexis' secret friend.

It's their anniversary awe it's been five months since they has a  domestic partnership ceremony .

Britt and Jason talking about her learning how to box and among other things.

Elizabeth apologizes to Carly for being wrong about Jason. She says she lost faith in the father of her child.

They both are being  quite nice  to each other I remember the days lol Carly hauled off and slapped princess purity in her smug face.

Britt and Jason going to box lol.  They are so cute .

Alexis looking for a loophole to help get Shawn out of prison. 

Oh my word Molly and TJ talking to Sasha and Brando.  They find our Sasha is pregnant. 

Elizabeth says that she's grateful to Carly for being so loyal to Jason that she never understood it before that she thought she had a hold on him ,but now she knows Carly is a loyal friend to Jason and trusts him. 

Shawn and Alexis talking about their cases and they discovered that Shawn did not get a lighter sentence than Alexis.

TJ and Molly are feeling awkward about Brando TJ still wants to punch him in the face.

Sasha says that things seemed tense between Brando and TJ so she had to separate them .

Britt says when Cyrus's men drugged her up she had wished she had known how to box. They get closer .

Carly and Elizabeth talking about going on with their lives after their husband's have been gone.

Elizabeth says it's like walking a tightrope and not knowing what to do.

Alexis and Shawn find out that Judge Carson is biased against people of colour than white people. 

Ooh  Finn and Chase  and Jackie making me smile. United at last. 

I feel horrible for Michael and Willow they should do what Brooklynn says .

Carly talks about missing Sonny's coffee in the morning  and Elizabeth says with me it's not coffee it's baked goods. 

She tells Carly that Aidan is being so sweet leaving baked goods for her when she gets home like Franco used to do.

Carly and Elizabeth are really breaking my heart  , but I'm glad they're friends now.

Lmfao Britt and Jason are so cute I love how they can talk to each other with no drama.

He laughs and smiles around her a lot as she does with him .

Sasha asking questions about how Brando knows Molly and TJ.

He says he slept with Molly she  jokes that she's shocked.

Shawn and Alexis are thinking about contacting a reporter.

Alexis says we could get  Diane to put the squeeze on Judge Carson.

I'm glad that Chase is doing better he talks about a group hug , he and Finn talk about his prognosis and he still can't walk.

Britt jokes about getting a Porsche Jason says that's not going to happen after she says she wants to  ski on the Andes.

Molly is approached by Judge Carson and Alexis talks to Shawn about the case.

Willow finds out that  Chase can't walk and Elizabeth talks to Franco as she visits his grave. 

She says it hurts do much not to have  him there with her.

Britt is told by Jason she's an aggressive driver and drives to fast .

She laughs at him and  she says she just wants to have a good time . Top down wind in her hair  and her in the driver seat .

Carly Interupts them and says she needs to talk to him about the Novak situation. 

That's it for now  what a great show   until next time guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone 😀. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06 -22-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies,  whose ready to head to Port Charles to see what our favorite residents are up to today .

I am so ready for some truths to come out already. 

Today's show starts off with Anna telling Jordan that Chase has survived.

Jordan tells  Anna that  Dante found Peter's accomplice.

Maxie  holds her baby and Curtis gets the graduation party plans under way for Trina.

Taggert is jealous lol of Curtis saving Portia and Trina, but thanks him for doing so.

Ava is inconsolable about giving Avery to Carly to protect she says its not going to work.

Finn says the DNA worked with the cure.

Elizabeth says Jason won't find Peter lol she's gonna tell him he's dead uh oh.

Jordan asks Portia if there's an update on Chase and Anna asks how Finn is.

She says he's improving and that Finn is acting strange. 

Finn tells  Chase to rest and that he broke every rule to save him.

Elizabeth tells Jason Peter won't be an issue he says what did you do.

Valentin and  Brooklyn are shocked to see Maxie with the baby oh boy.

Anna Portia and Jordan lol are scaring me putting their heads together women people should not mess with .

I love Curtis and Taggert being friendly with each other and  talking about Trina.

Nikolas says that he's going to protect her and Avery.

Finn tells Chase to ask Gregory what happened to cure him.

Elizabeth tells Jason to trust her and not to ask questions.  Finn over hears the conversation and asks ask questions about what. 

Elizabeth is trying to convince Jason not to look for Peter.

Brooklyn takes the baby from Maxie and puts the baby down.

She makes Maxie go out on the terrace to talk oh boy.

After the girls leave Valentin asks why are you so perfect to the baby. 

Anna over hears him talking about Peter and Faison.

I love Jordan and Portia talking about  Trina acting like nothing ever happened.

Nikolas is trying to convince Ava to fight together ❤ against the enemies.

She is so distraught Nikolas says  they're exploiting your pain of losing Kiki.

She says nothing is worth risking Averys life.

She says that he needs to go back to spoon island.

Finn tells Jason that they saved Chase with Elizabeth's help.

Chase demands answers from Gregory. 

Jordan talks to Portia about doing something for herself now that Trina is leaving for college.

Gregory tells him the DNA test was wrong 

Oh God Poor Ava is going through hell and Nikolas won't see sense .

Oh my I love Our Jordan and Portia talking about their men.

Jason thanks Curtis for helping put Cyrus away. 

Maxie says  that she can't do this anymore she wants her daughter.  Brooklynn says that she has to stop coming to see her that Valentin will figure it out. 

Valentin and Anna talk about the nurse being dead and finding Peter.

Valentin says that he owes it to Maxie to help her find her daughter. 

Oh my God Brooklyn tells Maxie that she has to stick with the plan that Peter took the baby.

Maxie says she has to stay stronger so she can protect  her daughter. 

Awe I like Finn with Elizabeth they are so sweet.

Finn says he kinda liked the idea of being Chase's dad lol and we heard Chase say he was getting used to the idea of Finn being his dad.

Jordan and Portia are  killing me with them bonding over their men .

I love Jason asking Curtis if he needs any help with the club.

Ava says she's got to do what she must to protect her daughter. Nikolas says he won't give up on his family .

Omfg Jordan lol she teases Taggert about being uncomfortable with her and Portia being friendly with each other.  Lmfao.

Anna and Valentin tell Maxie and Brooklyn they're heading to Pawtuck to find more evidence to help her find her baby and Peter. 

Oh boy  why do I hear a bell tolling while  Maxie and Brooklyn look absolutely  scared stupid about their  lies coming back to bite them.

That's it for now me lovelies,  until tomorrow this is mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Monday, 21 June 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 06-21-21

Good Afternoon   me lovelies so  we are about to find out who  Austin is and I'm kinda pissed about  Willow sacrificing herself and her relationship with Michael for Chase .

For me that should never of happened in the first place and another question I have is will Anna and Valentin find  Peter's corpse.

Todays  show starts off with .... Maxie asking Sam for tea.  She calls Brooklynn  who leaves the livingrooma  Maxie wants to see her daughter. 

Oh my God seriously Maxie needs to listen to  Brooklynn she needs to stop calling her. 

Love Avery with Nikolas and Ava

Carly actually baked cookies lol, Joss is excited about going to PCU.  Carly  says that Joss should go live her life and stay at the dorms ,  but Joss says she thinks she should stay with her mom and Donna.

Jason gets a visit from Cameron and  apologizes to Jason.

Brooklynn says she's really upset about Chase.

Chase's alarms go off   he's not breathing they need to crash cart ASAP. 

Maxie is upset she tells Sam that nothing is alright.  There's a knock at the door  its Dante.

Dante and Sam talk about  Peter, Austin and pawtuck and how Dante found the nurse dead in a mine shaft.

Chase is not recovering,  Brooklyn arrives and is in shock when she finds out he's in a bad way.

Finn manages to bring him back and they go to tell the others .

I love Jason and Cameron they are finally talking things out Cam feels guilty about blaming Jason and about his mom doing it too.

Omfg  Maxie is freaking out she hears  that there was no sign of the baby and we know why.

Avery and Ava hear Ryan's voice inside the teddy bear.

Joss and Carly are cracking me up with their talk about Jax and the business and Jason. 

Maxie has a flashback about handing the baby to Brooklyn. 

Ava and Nikolas call the police. 

Brooklyn,  Anna and Michael hear that they found the antidote  to save Chase and we will be okay now. 

Jackie finds out that Gregory is Chase's dad after all.

Chase is finally  improving   , antidote is working    but now what for Millow?

Finn talks to an unconscious Chase and begs him to wake up .

Dante shows up and  he starts investigating the case.

Nikolas acts like an idiot and blames Carly Ava tells him to stop it .

Cam goes to see Joss and he tells her apologized to Jason and will she forgive him.

Sam says your baby  could  be closer than you think , Maxie  decides to go see Brooklyn and  the baby. 

Gregory goes to see Chase , Chase says what's the verdict .

Elizabeth tells  Willow that Chase is going to be ok.

I love Anna and Brooklyn as friends Elizabeth tells them that  Chase is going to be ok

Elizabeth finds out from Jason he has info about Peter. 

Maxie goes to see the baby after Brooklyn told her not to come see her.

She gives Olivia an outfit for the baby and asks her to send her pics of the baby in it.

Elizabeth apologizes to Jason after he tells her that Cameron came to see him to apologize.

Willow finds out that  Chase heard her voice begging him to come back .

Jackie tells  Finn and Gregory that they should tell him that Gregory is his dad not Finn.

I love Anna and  Finn I hope they get back together. 

Brooklynn and Chase talk about a redo of the wedding oh lord have mercy.

Willow does not look happy. 

Dante and Nikolas argue about whether its really Ryan whose stalking them or a copycat. 

Ava  asks Carly to take Avery back to the Corinthos compound to protect her .

Cam and Joss talk and Joss apologizes to him , but she says she was angry and shocked that he ignored the limits that he tested and pushed. 

Carly tells Ava she will protect Avery and take care of her.  Ava says yes I know. 

Dante asks Avery if he can borrow Avery's bear to solve a case.

Poor Ava  is so upset having to hand her over to Carly , but she needs to do it.

Ava says she can't do this anymore Nikolas   Sam tells Spinelli she knows how they can find Maxie's baby.

Maxie breaks down in tears and we see Valentin and Anna talking about Pter 

Jason says that he's sorry for her abd her son's loss of Franco and that  will protect Elizabeth and her sons and will find Peter. 

Elizabeth apologizes for accusing Jason for blaming him for Franco's death.

Willow leaves and Brooklynn says that  Michael is in love with Chase's wife. 

Chase finds out that Violet wants him abd Gregory to teach her how to play poker. 

He asks how he was cured

That's it for now   until tomorrow my lovelies have a great evening everyone. 

Friday, 18 June 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 06-18-21

Today's show starts with ....   Jason getting news about a lost shipment   and Carly runs in hugging Brick.

Brick says the shipment has been located and someone  in the organization has sold them out

Maxie calls Brooklyn and says she wants to see her baby. 

Oh brother I don't like Willow marrying Chase 
it's a terrible idea. 

Finn tells Elizabeth he knows why  the cure didn't  work its because of Cyrus Renault.

Dante Questions Austin about the  video footage he wants to help Dante find Maxie's baby.

Elizabeth thinks its Crazy that Cyrus would switch the DNA results then says she thinks he's petty enough to get back at Jackie.

Gregory finds out  that Elizabeth knows  about the whole mess

Brooklyn speaks the  truth about keeping the baby safe and Maxie not coming to see the baby.

Sam shows up to see Maxie saying she wants to talk to her about the baby. 

Carly talks to Brick about the shipment and how the organization is not weak.

Sasha let's Willow borrow a broach and Finn helps Chase get ready for the wedding. 

Brooklynn sees that Michael is ready for the wedding. Brooklynn asks the super spies if there are leads on Peter.

Carly asks Brick why  things are not working with the business .  Brick says they are waiting for Jason to make his move abd that Carly is an outsider. 

Chase looks like death warmed over And he and Michael talk about Willow.

Sam badgers Maxie about the baby and  hidden camera.

Austin tells Dante the map is wrong and that they had a storm that took out trees. 

Willow prays about marrying  Chase  despite the fact her heart belongs to Michael.

Awe  Violet she's so darn cute Anna brought her for the wedding  Chase breaks down in tears.

Michael is so sweet checking on  Willow he loves her so much

Sasha comforts Willow as Jackie thanks Michael for being there for him. 

Brooklynn is so upset about Chase dying that he's been so good to her and helped her .

Sam is continuing to badger Maxie who us getting very upset about talking about the nurse and Peter.

Austin talks to Dante about  the cottage and he pushes Dante down for what reason we don't know yet. 

Sam keeps Pushing Maxie and Austin tells Dante that there was a  unboarded mine shaft and he pushed him out of the way.

They find the spot where the nurse fell in Austin has a rope. 

God this wedding is painful to watch   its clear Willow doesn't want to do it,  but said I do anyways. 

Ugh poor Michael and Chase is in a bad way.

Sam is continually questioning Maxie   Maxie realizes that  Sam doesn't believe her. 

Dante going down the mine shafy 

Brooklynn is questioning Valentin about Peter .

Chase's family wait outside his hospital room Finn's excited he has the test results. 

Brick says that  he will keep them updated of future developments. 

Carly says that they have to prove they stand together as one.

Valentin and Brooklyn are having a nice civil conversation.

Sam tells Maxie she believes her.

Dante has found Chloe 

Finn says that Gregory is Chase's father as he begins to crash . 

That's it for now , until Monday this is mama Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06 -16-06-17-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies sooo yesterday's show we discovered that Anna is on the trail of where  Peter is and that Willow's going to marry Chase encouraged by Sasha .

Who knows what's going to happen today 

Today's show starts off  with Elizabeth on the roof she thinks she sees Peter.

Trina finds out that  Joss is healed from her ankle Injury.

Jordan resigned  as police  commissioner, but Laura says no .

Gregory is surprised that Finn isn't  with Chase.

Elizabeth sees Anna on the roof and asks her if she found Peter. Anna says she wonders if he got up the service elevator. 

Liesl is shocked at  Britt's indecisive behavior.

Carly says that she saw a connection between Jason and Britt. 

Liesl us worried about Britt and tells her not to be naive next time Jason might not be there to save her.

Jason gets a call about a problem and says what problem oh lord .

Laura says that Jordan should not resign as the police commissioner. Jordan says she needs to quit and she can't  forgive herself and Neither should Laura forgive her .

I wonder if Elizabeth and Anna will join forces to work to help Finn. Anna keeps talking about the  service Elevator .

Elizabeth distracts her abd suggests they go back downstairs to support Finn

Gregory says that Finn should just ignore What Cyrus said and save Harry. Finn says he's not Chase's father Gregory is .

Joss refuses to really sort things out with Cam.  Jason tells Carly that their shipment  went missing last night .

I love Britt and Liesl, they make me laugh,  Too much info mother Britt says about her and Scott falling into bed united in grief over Franco's death .

Anna is hell bent on finding Peter Elizabeth keeps trying to stop Anna from finding his body. 

In a flashback we see  Elizabeth and Finn putting Peter in a freezer lol.

Finn tells his dad that the DNA  test was messed with and Gregory is Chase's father.

Finn tells his dad that  Cyrus had an axe to grind against  Jackie and switched the DNA tests.

Finn says that he believes that Gregory is really Chase's father and they should try anything they can to save his life.

Oh lord Laura is soooo annoying sometimes she should let Jordan resign if she wants its her choice.

Jason says the shipment went missing in Jersey over the phone. 

Liesl thanks Jason for helping Britt and asks when Jason is going to kill Peter August. 

Carly and Britt  talk about Joss abd Carly asks about how close Britt has become with Jason.

I love Trina and Joss and how excited they are for their future and their career paths .

Laura keeps trying to convince  Jordan not to resign from her Job.

Carly is worried that Britt will not accept Jason's lifestyle. 

Liesl asks  Jason what exactly are his intentions towards her Britta.

Jordan is worried that the people of Port Charles will lose faith in her.

Laura keeps trying to convince Jordan to stay on as Police commissioner.

She says Jordan as a huge moral compass and people trust her like she does. 

Anna finds out Peter's helicopter never landed .

Gregory and Finn talk about how they are both fathers to Chase.

Carly continues to annoy Britt and  Britt says that she and Jason know the score and they are fine. 

Liesl pours her heart out to Jason,  who at first wants her to leave he has work to do .

Liesl breaks down in tears and starts to feel bad for her. 

Jordan asks Laura to monitor the temperature about her with the residents. 
Jordan says she's gonna stay.

Trina and Joss practice their commencement walk .

Carly is pissed that Britt us moving in on Jason 
Liesl begs Jason  to kill Peter. for her to protect Britt.

Gregory is impatient about the DNA test results not being in yet .

Finn says he can't  imagine his life without Chase.

Anna and Elizabeth walking on the roof , Elizabeth says i really hope you find the peace you need about Peter. 

That's it kids , another great show   this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06- 15-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies   its almost time to head back to Port Charles .

I really am sick of  Jax he's getting on my damn nerves.

Its time for things to come to an end I want Sonny home NOW. 

Todays show  starts  with Jason lol putting a gun under his Jacket.

Sonny talking with Phyllis about business and she thanks  him for convincing Lenny to see sense .

Phyllis says she is starting to think of Sonny as family I love it.

Nina comes to see Maxie about the baby and offers to help her to find the baby.

Maxie gets a call from Sam  and she says she found the house that the nurse took Maxie too.

I love Ned and Olivia Ned thinks that Edward and Lila are the reason the baby is healthy and happy.

Brooklyn and Willow tell Valentin and Michael that Chase is dying.

Dante followed Sam to the  country house oh boy.

Ava and Nikolas at the metro court lol she says she likes the way they do the martinis. 

Carly and Jason talk about the business and he sees Britt who approaches them and tells them that Cyrus is going to maximum security today .

Ava and Nikols  talk about how  Dante wants them to stay put.Barman eyes up Ava's bag.

Dante and  Sam talking about the evidence. 

Brooklyn talks about Peter and Maxie abd how she's really worried about Maxie 

She is worried about the baby and thanks Valentin for his help. 

Maxie abd Nina chat about the baby and Peter and the nurse . They talk about the  pictures of James Nina took.

She asks Nina about  what the attraction to Nixon Falls is oh lord  . More lies and unhinged thinking on the forefront .

Love Britt and Jason together Britt says she's fine and great and says she has to stay in the moment.

Nikolas doesn't think his exes are stalking him, Ava has different ideas and thinks Britt is the Stalker that's a stretch. 

Ned and Ava worried about Brooklyn

Phyllis is acting like a pushy mom

Nina is lying through her teeth  and  gets a call from Sonny.

Lmfao Dante and Sam meet Austin they don't trust him.

Austin says do you think I had something to do with Maxie's kidnapping.

Jason is annoyed that Nikolas interrupted them . Nikolas is told off for ruining their plan.

Michael is concerned about  Willow and chase she asks if he regrets falling in love with her.

Nina takes the call from Sonny 

Michael says you can't say no to Chase

Lmfao Ned and Valentin need to stop chest thumping.  

I'm glad Olivia told Valentin to knock it off. 

Dante and  Sam find the  video monitor to find out what happened to Maxie .

Nikolas asks to speak to Britt alone he is being a total asshole to Jason and to Britt.

He thinks she's his Stalker like Ava suggests lord give me strength  .

Nina  is aggravating me with her syrupy sweet demeanor with Sonny.

Maxie recognizes that Nina likes Sonny without knowing its Dante's dad Sonny. 

Good show with lots of drama today  Nikolas wants to get a slap i wish I could zap myself in and do it myself .

Lmfao Ava lol is  so funny and she asks if Carly is going to slip Jason the keys to the kingdom now that he's back.

Britt tells Nikolas that she has nothing to do with him being Stalked and he should leave her alone .

Nina and Maxie talking about Sonny and Jax and Nina is denying what she's falling for Mike No name. 

Maxie asks about Brooklyn's baby  I think Nina will figure out that Brooklyn has Maxie's baby.

Olivia is annoyed with Valentin for messing with things between Ned and Michael as family. 

I love Willow,  but she should not marry Chase. She asks Michael not to be around when she spends time with Wiley.

She says nothing about this situation us easy and they kiss. They say I love you and he leaves.

Poor Willow, I  love her , but she's done this to herself. 

Phyllis asks Sonny is Nina was happy he called . He says yes and tells her that  Maxie is going through trouble .

Austin tells Samabd Dante that  Maxie is a strong woman. As soon as Austin leaves Dante tells Sam that Maxie lied to them. 

Nina us concerned about Maxie  and tells her that she needs to  talk to someone can I call Mac or Felicia. 

Maxie says no  and we see Austin looking at  an article on  Michael. 

Oh gosh  , I don't believe this something bad is about to happen to Willow.

The bartender says  he has Nokolas' room key .

Carly sees Jason and Britt in an intimate moment. 

That's it for now,  until tomorrow guys this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone. 

Monday, 14 June 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 06-14 -21

Good Afternoon me lovelies whose ready to head to the Chuckles for another installment of General Hospital for June 14th 2021.

I loved last week's episodes,  I can not wait to find out if Michael over heard Nina and what she said about Sonny. 

Todays show starts off with Michael telling Jax all out himself and he hangs up on him saying your out of my life.

Nina is annoyed that Carly showed up to see Michael and Wiley at the gatehouse. 

Stella runs into TJ and Molly and she wants to know  all about their domestic partnership.

Shawn talks  to Alexis about his case and he asks if she wants to  stir things up. She said of course I do.

Bobbie comes to  see  Maxie and tells her Felicia told her about everything that happened.

Finn and Elizabeth and Brooklynn find out Chase proposed to Willow and she said yes.

They look completely shocked about his news .

Finn and Elizabeth and Brooklynn find out Chase proposed to Willow and she said yes.

Nina is annoyed that Carly showed up oh dear .

Lmfao Carly she was so annoyed seeing Nina and ruins her visit with Wiley.

Carly said Michael had no choice to allow Nina to see Wiley. She says that Michael was pressured into  letting Nina see Wiley. 

Oh my God Stella butt out lol of Curtis' business. 

I'm glad Jordan told her to back off and that TJ is visiting his dad in prison.  Stella objects but Jordan says he's his biological dad he is allowed to see him .

Alexis tells Shawn awe isn't  it sweet our kids are having a  date night visiting  their parents.

I can't believe  Willow is allowing this farce to continue ugh.

Molly is cracking me up seeing  her mum in prison she's rambling. 

Stella finds out that the divorce is an amicable thing abd Maxie talks to Bobbie about how the baby held her finger. 

Nina tells Carly Michael is a good man and he called her to make arrangements to let her see Wiley.

Carly can't argue that point and says that she  is annoyed with  Jax and tells Nina  she will find out what Jax is hiding Michael's head to blackmail him.

Awe Nina offers to set a date to take Wiley out with Michael and Willow of course .

Carly demands to know what  Jax is holding over Michael .

Love Alexis asking Molly to help her with another prisoners case.

Shawn is pleased to see TJ and says he won't be getting out of prison. 

I don't like this wedding crap with Willow and Chase . She needs to tell the truth Ugh.

Brooklynn asks  Willow if she's okay .

She says I know you love Chase but you're in love with Michael.

Carly asks Michael if he would have let Nina see Wiley if Jax had not intervened. 

I love our logical Carly omigosh .

Awe Finn and Chase breaking my heart they both are as stubborn as each other holy hell.

I love Brooklynn 💘 being there for her friends.  Brooklynn is saying she won't judge her for  what she's doing !

Willow says sge dreads telling Michael abd that he will need a friend to support him.

I love Bobbie being so good to Maxue like a good aunt does.

Maxie pours her heart  out about her baby not being with her my goodness 

Shawn hears TJ say your my father if course I want to support you.

Jordan tells Stella  you have to let Curtis and I work things out on our own.

Oh wow Nina has confronted Jax about him  forcing Michael to let her see Wiley. 

Michael asks his mom if  she will let Jason take over the business now that he's back from prison. 

Michael is annoyed with his mother,  for not  allowing Michael to help her with business.

Carly tells Michael that everything that happened was fine that she was there on the waterfront with Jason during the shoot out.

Alexis tells  Molly not to worry about her and to concentrate on getting the studying done for her bar exam. 

Jax and Nina are pissing me off two selfish people not recognizing that their hidden agendas are hurting other people in the long run.

Brooklynn and Chase are such good people and friends.  She pours her heart ❤ out to him about making serious decisions and face the truth. 

Poor Finn says he has to face the truth he can't find the cure and that Chase us dying.

Carly tells Michael Cyrus is gone and Michael says that Jason should be running the business.

He tells his mom that she has to consider the younger kids. 

Also Shawn tells Alexis that he told TJ not to come see him anymore since his parole was denied. 

Oh man Nina gas decided to go back to Pennsylvania. 

Bobbie comforts an inconsolable Maxie while Finn is also struggling to cope with what happened with Chase.

Finn touches Elizabeth's face and  its clear there us a spark between them she leaves. 

Chase is in tears saying he doesn't want to die he is hugged by Brooklyn. 

Willow tells Michael that Chase proposed to her and that she said yes he looks shocked and she looks so nervous and scared .

Another fantastic episode  , until next time guys   this is Mama Ashley signing off have a great evening everyone!