
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-31-21

Hey everyone , today's recap is brought to you by the phrase " Oh No He Didn't!" On the Wednesday March 31st 2021 episode of General Hospital. Keep reading guys things are about to get messy as hell !!!

After seeing the preview of today's show my main thought when it comes to Peter August is there is never a right time  to taunt Carly Corinthos .

More to the point there is definitely not the right time to say to her " Are you sure you want to pick a fight with me ! Strictly  speaking as a Carly fan thems fighting words you stupid , foolish, reckless , arrogant man!" Knowing her like I do he has no idea who the hell he's speaking to.

Todays show started with Curtis finding out that Taggert is staying with Jordan.

Carly and Anna talked about  Gladys and how much of a user and snake she is  .

As she leaves and opens the door , it reveals Robert whose shocked to see the two women together says well , well what do we have here! I couldn't help laughing. 

At the Metrocourt Peter is stomping his feet like a petulant child because he feels that Valentin betrayed him and didnt have his back when it comes to protecting him.

Given the fact we the viewers know the full extent of his crimes as does everyone else in Port Charles  he's clearly delusional and needs psychiatric help ! Maxie is better off without Faison's evil spawn in her life.

Maxie is shown getting checked over by Britt poor lass wants to pretend that her baby is still born to save her from his clutches. 

Alexis' sentence hearing begins and Molly is late for it and is talking a Mile a minute. 

Robert asking what  Anna and Carly have planned as they are not friends Anna asks his you want tea or something stronger. 

Jordan singing  Curtis's praises where Trina is concerned . She gets a call and Taggert thanks Curtis for being good to his daughter when he wasnt there for her. 

Curtis tells Taggert that he won't help with the investigation as he has quit being a PI.

Britt takes Maxie's blood pressure and warns her to be careful when it comes to Peter.

Over at the Metrocourt Peter is playing victim as if he wasn't the  master of his own undoing .

Playing the blame game when you're clearly in the wrong  makes my blood boil when the victims get blamed for it. 

Carly tells Gladys off and calls her a greedy bottom feeder . Lmfao that's my Carly she never disappoints when it comes to saying things we're all thinking .

Gladys acts like she's entitled  to what Carly has and clearly the bitch has no clue that  her precious Brando is working for Carly and Jason infiltrating Cyrus's organization  and got caught .

Carly also tells her she wants to see her doing 8 to 10 years for Purgery and obstruction of justice .

Maxie still insisting to pretend the baby is still born and protect her from her father. 

Dante testifies on behalf of Alexis and wants her to get  help and a lighter sentence. 

As Carly further berates Gladys Valentin steps In for his part of the plan  to catch Gladys unaware playing her like a fiddle. 

Alexis thanks Dante for his kind words.

Robert finds our that Anna and Carly are planning to trip Gladys up and publicly humiliating her with Valentin's help.

Robert tells Anna that Maxie has her own plans about  dealing with Peter. 

Britt does not approve of Maxie's plan but Maxie wants her help to protect her baby.

Valentin is working Gladys like nobody's business  and calls Sonny Carly's expired husband this pisses Carly further so she insists that they leave. 

She watches them leave after Valentin says fine and he escorts  Gladys out .

Carly spots Peter and says to him you're next lol . It's so on right now go Carly .

Gladys has been reeled in hook line and sinker. He plies her with alcohol and gets her drunk .

Gladys is clearly a  Norma Bates type of mom obsessed with her son and all the while bigging herself to seem important. 

Robert is really worried about Maxie , while Anna is  proud of her.

After Peter bitches about Jason and is nasty Carly threatens to evict him from the Metrocourt. 

Gladys trashes Carly to  Valentin saying she's a gold digger and  everyone sings her praises while everyone hates Cyrus. 

Alexis finds out the attempted murder charge was dropped .

Maxie plans her next move and Alexis finds out she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

I love Jordan and Curtis together,  I think its awkward with Taggert being there .

He excuses himself to get the  food delivery then returns asking if Curtis will stay for food . Curtis politely declines and leaves .

Valentin is no gentleman,  Gladys is a gibbering idiot to get info from lol. She clearly doesn't know the saying loose lips sink ships.

Anna says Maxie's plan will ruin theirs and  will only provoke Peter even further. 

Peter further threatens Carly ,  yeah like that is going to make you look innocent Peter!!! Not!!

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off until tomorrow  have a great evening everyone. 

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap" And Justice For All !" 03-30-21

Good Afternoon  me lovelies and welcome to our Tuesday March 30th 2021 edition of our daily GH Recap.

If you're wondering why our daily recap is called And Justice for all it's because it's 100 percent in support of everyone who've been stalked ,maligned, attacked and victimized by Peter August. Even his own sister Britta and  his  lady love Maxie  despise him and for a valid reason .

Its because he fooled even them and Anna Devane .They are women who who tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and  a chance to prove he's changed. And yet He has since proven that clearly he hasn't at all  and led them into a false sense of security that left them completely blindsided. 

He turned on them because they know the truth now, and have stood up to him . In reality he is a vile lying snake who is a psychopath with no regard for others lives and well being .

Finally they and we viewers are about to see Peter  go down for all of the evil things he's done to Franco Baldwin , Andre Maddox Drew Cain and Jason Morgan and those they love.

Or if you wannabe crass about it it's time to take out the trash that has invaded their lives .

So todays episode was filled with people making plans to  deal with Peter as well as Cyrus. 

We saw Alexis getting ready for her sentencing both Sam , Valentin and Finn were there to support her.  

Sam was insistent that her mother not give up and Diane and  Valentin couldn't agree more .

Meanwhile Jason was shown speaking to Cyrus who told  Jason he wanted to trade his mom for Jason's freedom. 

Michael ran into Finn and they talked about Alexis and  how  Dante is his brother and how  Kristina is  his sister through Alexis.

Finn said then it must make things a little awkward Alexis doing what she did to Dante .

Nah you think!!!

Gladys was shown acting like lady muck spending the money Cyrus gave her for lying about Jason  and saying he killed Franco. We all know she's an opportunist who uses people to get what she wants. 

Back at lock up  Jason refused to barter with Cyris who got a phone call and Michael asked if he was interrupting something .

Carly was shown at Anna's over a cup of tea they discussed Peter and Gladys and how they were going to help Jason. 

We saw Peter getting upset over the phone with Cyrus.  He's angry that Liesl knows that he killed Franco.

I had to laugh at the courtroom scene when Finn said something to Valentin and his odd behavior. 

" So says the man who lies as easily as breathing!" When Valentin was trying to show support for his sister. 

Valentin left when he got a  phone  call , Carly and Anna  talked about  Gladys and how they could  appeal to her better nature.

Meanwhile , Curtis and Laura discussed her brother's and how she is having a hard time dealing with them.

They also talked about Trina and Cameron and how they were so good for each other. 

Laura told Curtis to  move slow when it comes to  Jordan so they can back on track with their marriage. 

Sam told Dante she is working with Britt to deal with Peter.  I think Dante was a little shocked at this piece of information. 

Michael told Jason that he could step up with the business and make sure Cyrus doesn't get his hands on it .

Also ,  Peter is losing his marbles and we saw him trying to  harass Gladys. I find it sick that he thinks he can shout the odds , or worse yet bribe someone to bend to his will.

Brando told his mom to stop messing with Cyrus and Peter and it would not work in her favor .

Jordan and Taggert talked about Cyrus and getting him this time without falsifying evidence to finally see him behind bars .

Valentin was left in shock upon arriving at Anna's seeing Carly there .

The girls told him they had a plan and that they wanted  Valentin to deal with Peter for them.

That's it for now , until tomorrow this is Ashley signing off . Have a great evening everyone .

Monday, 29 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap - I'm so dizzy 03-29-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies, and welcome to General Hospital Canada's Monday March 29th 2021 edition of our daily GH recap about the goings on in Port Charles New York . If you're all wondering why the recap is  called I'm so dizzy, it's because alot of information, has come up to the surface. 

Now you know me , I do love a bit of drama and action myself  , so trust me when I say make no mistake today's episode had plenty of that and then some. 

Taggert had his sentencing hearing,  so Trina went to show support to her dad , along with her mom, Joss and Jordan. 

Over at Curtis' club Cam showed back up again trying to offer  help Curtis with the  promotion of his club  . What a sweet kid he really  is Elizabeth raised him right. 

Anna spoke on the phone with Finn about a toy belonging to Violet that she really  wants back .  I wish  they would  get back together already .

They were interrupted by Anna's doorbell ringing when Anna answered it, it was Liesl at the door.I spat my drink out when Liesl said to Anna " You  summoned me .

Elsewhere Laura and Marty were having  a good time for his  birthday until Cyrus showed up to put a Damper on things .

Elizabeth got her bitch mode on when Peter started acting like a major jerk and started bothering her at the hospital. 

He was taunting her and was  trying to bait her into an argument I was disappointed that Finn stopped her from hauling off and hitting him. He held her back from doing so.  He should have just let her do it. 

 Finn told her last thing she needs is an assault charge because Peter would use it to his own advantage and play victim.  Yep Peter is a snake I know that much and it's time he got what he bloody well deserves hes messed with way too many people that would rather see him dead than alive.

Next thing we saw was that Carly was visiting Jason and told him about Cyrus and about Gladys' involvement in his arrest of a crime Peter definitely committed in hatred and not him.

Back at Curtis' club Cam found out that it was Taggert's sentencing hearing , and went to support Trina,  Portia and Taggert.

At Anna's she told Liesl about Peter being the one who shot and killed Franco. The best part of it all was Liesl saying she checks the invaders obituaries to kind out if Peter has finally met his demise .

Back at lock up Carly encouraged Jason to fight and at the Metrocourt Laura lol asked Cyrus if he was done twirling his moustache.  I snickered alot hearing that . She also informed him he treats his mother like a posession not his mom.

Taggert was  released with his not guilty plea and everyone is getting ready to finally rid themselves of Peter once and for all.

Now If only  someone would rid us of Cyrus too I would be eternally grateful. 

Liesl told Peter that she knows he killed Franco yikes lol  just kill him already lol.

And finally Jason told Carly that there was one person that could help the. Next thing we knew Anna opened her door and there was Carly things are heating up at last. 

Cyrus arrived to see Jason wtaf does he want god he needs to get lost already. 

That's it for now me lovelies,  this is Ashley signing off until tomorrow have a great evening and happy Gh watching folks. 

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Ghcanada Daily GH Recap - The Tides are Turning 03 -26- 21

Good Morning Happy Saturday me lovelies the theme of this recap is the tides are turning because of those who are messing with Jarly while Sonny is still missing and hanging out in Nixon Falls with Phyllis and Lenny.Cyrus Renault , Peter August and Gladys Corbin are about to  get a case of some serious whoop ass  from Carly for trying to hurt them and it's about freaking time as well .

Kicking someone when they're grieving   and vulnerable is something I do not agree with, not at all.I am excited  and happy to report that my Jarly is about to come out on top once again and that lot will be on prison.

Thank god for  Brando told Michael that it was his mother who told the cops that Jason killed Franco . All because  Gladys wants power and  to play the  loyal soldier to Cyrus and screw over Carly and Jason so that Cyrus can take  over Sonny's territory. 

Sonny convinced Nina to do a piece on Phyllis and Lenny , I wish she would just go the decent thing and tell Carly about Sonny it's the decent thing to do.Yeah right not going to happen,  not on  Britt , Sam's and Carly's watch . 

These women are relentless and fighters who won't back off or down when others are being attacked .They know Jason is a good man , and that people like Cyrus Renault  always think they can take advantage of this situation to get what they want by any means necessary.

Even if they have to fabricate evidence , lie  cheat  or  steal . They attempted to try to bully the likes of Carly Corinthos and try to get away with it without any success because Carly isn't a complete push over like other people think .

Meanwhile , Michael called his mom to tell her about Gladys . Cyrus said how nice that a son can call his mother and have a lengthy  conversation with her. 

Cyrus has finally realized  that Carly is a formidable force to deal with and that she hold all the power and the cards . Yup he's realized my Carly is no wall flower and won't bend and scrape to his demands.
Now if only Sonny would get his memory back I'd be extremely grateful .

That's it for now  , this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone .

Friday, 26 March 2021

GHCanada Daily Recap march 24 th - March 25 th 2021

Good morning guys yesterday was not a great day for me as I was not feeling well again .

The past couple of days filled me with anger , it wasnt just gh characters and  their craziness that annoyed me it was some GH fans as well.

People like Peter   , Carly and Nina do my head in and I usually like 2 of the three.

Barging in where you're not clearly wanted is just annoying.

Peter tried to control Maxie again thank god Britt and Brooklyn were there to stop him from interfering. 

Ontop of that  women who can't speak civil to each other just ticks me off. 

Given the fact Nina was going to  tell Carly Sonny is alive   but changed her mind because Carly wasnt hearing her out .

How about characters on screen and gh fans show each other a little respect  and kindness for a change. 

Yet again Canadian fans got to see GH while the USA fans were preempted again.

I think out of respect Candian fans should stay out of groups the day its preempted cause people are too quick to do spoilers. 

I myself wait until the next day to show camaraderie to my fellow gh fans across the border .

It's the fault of Citytv that still airs it and doesn't check for the preemption in the states .

Either we all.get it or we don't it's as simple as that .

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03- 23-21

Good morning me lovelies there were some great moments in Tuesday March 23rd 2021 episode of General Hospital .

First of all we saw Nina seeing Sonny , she was shocked for 2 reasons , one because she saw him and two because he didn't recognize her completely nor her name .

But he admitted he knows her Awe love this I was hoping she would do the decent  thing and call my Carly and tell her she found her husband very much alive .

Liz and Cam and Laura talked to Cam about his feelings and the poor lad was upset because he didnt know how to help his mom or brothers and Jason needs to pay.

But Jason is innocent, ugh I hate this guys why do people have to make others lose faith in those they trust the most .

Meanwhile  Trina apologized to Curtis and Laura decided to take Cam out to speak to Someone who turned out to be  our lovely Curtis.

Over at the Quartermaine's Brooklyn told Ned she has realized she loves her baby and her family and would  do anything for them. 

Michael and Ned got on my nerves trying to get her to do what they were telling her to use her child as a pawn in the game .

Valentin met with Marty who told him to stop playing games and show the mother of his unborn child that he cares about both of them. I love Marty he is a nice guy.

Elizabeth and Finn had a nice heart to heart about what was going on with them. 

Cameron wanting to enlist a hitman to kill Jason.  I had to giggle thinking Cam would even think Curtis would kill his own friend  yeah right as if He would risk hurting Sam.

Carly and Jax got alot of attitude from Ava who thinks it's their fault that Nina left town. I was thinking shut up Ava.

Meanwhile back in Nixon Falls Nina told Sonny that she's not his wife and that she knows  alot of blond women in Port Charles . I smiled and urged her to call Carly and tell her what's going on .

At Curtis' club Trina found a guitar and urged Cameron to play it and get his feelings out when he said he felt guilty about not knowing what to say at Franco's memorial. Later on Laura called Elizabeth.

Back at the Q's  Valentin showed up as Brooklyn said that she wasnt going to play games with Valentin or use her baby as a bargaining chip. I'm really impressed with her as was Valentin. He  was glad she said what she said  and things will go well.

Elizabeth showed up at the club and was left in tears listening to Cam sing and play the guitar that Trina found . There was not a dry eye in my house either to be honest.

And Finally Nina made the call to Carly about finding Sonny . But the question is will she believe Nina or not . Carly is a skeptical person sometimes.

 Let's hope she actually believes her and goes to Nixon Falls to find her now found husband and it's a happy reunion .

That's it for now , this is mama  Ashley signing off,  until next time have a great day and happy gh watching  guys .

Monday, 22 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03 -22-21

Good Evening me lovelies,  its time for our Monday GH recap.

Well   what can I say,  everyone was having a dramatic start to the week what with Ned reacting to the fact his baby girl is  up the duff with  Valentin's child .

Sonny still has no recollection of who he is and no amount of pleading from yours truly will make him see sense .

I keep saying I want to zap myself into the scenes lol and slap him like Cher did Nicholas Cage in Moonstruck and say " Snap out of it !"

Also  Robert showed up in the Nick of time when Peter was shouting the odds at Maxie's door .

I'm kinda fed of Peter and Nina's hystorionics . 

Playing victim and not considering the fact others are the victims in their sad pathetic pity me poor me games.

Oh yeah as usual everything is Carly's fault and she's the schemer not Nina. Nope not buying that bs.

I'm so glad Phyllis told Nina what Carly must be feeling and Nina started to understand some things. 

Chase and Michael's bromance makes me smile.  They really do have a good friendship and I'm glad it's back on track.

Carly was emotional with Jax and he told her she can't keep everything bottled up and finally she's breaking down. 

I am loving Olivia and Robert's friendship and her understanding with Valentin

I'm not to ecstatic with Peter acting like a child and verbally attacking his sister and Robert  and most of all being totally disrespectful to  Olivia about Dante .

Carly listened to the conversation her face was like wtaf is going on here. 

She was in shock hearing what she did .

Ned came up with a plan to get the ELQ shares back lol . Bargain the shares and dangling the baby like a carrot to Valentin .

Same thing he wanted to do with Danny and Scouts shares and confronting Michael on it last week.

Nina told Phyllis that when it comes to Jax  he always puts Carly first,  lol welcome to Sam's world Nina especially when it comes to Jarly .

And finally  Nina saw  Sonny whatever will she do next. 

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone. 

Saturday, 20 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03-18 - 21 -03 -19 - 21

Good morning, Happy Saturday me lovelies and welcome to our daily gh  recap.  Port Charles was a hub bub of drama the last couple of days  that I felt they should be done together in one daily General Hospital Canada blog.

Everyone was talking about Peter and what they were gonna do about him..

Jason was arrested and everyone except Elizabeth is fighting in his corner .

I'm really disgusted with Elizabeth for even believing that Jason went through with it.

As the day wore on both Sam.and  Carly tried to knock sense into our friendly neighborhood nurse who doesn't know the facts before opening her damn mouth. 

We found out that Brooklynn is pregnant by Valentin and he is fighting in Alexis's corner as far as her health goes .

We found our that it was Gladys who reported seeing Jason dump the gun which is a lie age fabricated cause she works for Cyrus Renault.  She has no family loyalty and is attacking Carly and Jason while Sonny is missing. 

Brooklynn finally  revealed her pregnant belly to Olivia,  Ned and to Valentin who were all shocked  seeing her pregnant .

Maxie went to Spinelli's to stay safe and we saw Dante go after Peter. Liesl gave him Maxie's phone and  texted him

Sam showed up in time to stop him.and then we saw Sonny  with Phyllis. 

He talked about how he  wanted to win money to get his rings back .

Also Nina showed up. ... will she see Sonny and will she say who he is ?

That's it for now folks ,this is msms  Ashley signing off  have a great weekend .


Thursday, 18 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-17-21

Good Morning me lovelies and here is your GH Recap for  Wednesday March 17th 2021.

It was Franco's memorial day and everyone's emotions were so raw even those who were not in attendance. 

Ava put on a lovely memorial for Franco and it was nice to see her and Nina talking about how they'll miss him .

Over at Elizabeth's , she and the boys and Scott were talking about their eulogies. 

Very nice sentiments from the kids about the things that he did with them and for them.

At Alexis ' the girls were there to support their mom and Vakentin was there for moral support 

These girls I love them., but they need to be more respectful.to their uncle for goodness sake. 

Peter decided to approach Sam this can't be good . He is way too confrontational for my liking 

Joss and Carly talked about how they missed Sonny and Joss asked if it was ok if she went to Support Cam.

Back at At the memorial everyone started to show up .

Liesl,  Laura   Nikolas and Dante all talking about Franco .

Laura told Nokolas that Elizabeth thinks Jason killed Franco and Nikolas said , if he's arrested and did it  he deserves it .

Yeah so sayeth the man who faked his death and fell for the woman blackmailing his dumb ass.

Ava showed off the display of Franco's art patients paintings . Which was a moving tribute to who Franco became a great teacher and friend despite his past. 

Nina and Joss had an awkward moment about Jax and Nelle .

Jordan , Curtis and TJ had a nice catch up at the hospital.  

Cyrus bugs the crap outta me and I'm not sure I particularly like him being around Sasha let alone Peter.

People like Cyrus feed on others insecurities to use them and abuse them

Nina told Liesl she wants to leave town and Liesl told Dante its time to move ahead with their mission.

Meanwhile Carly was not in tip top shape her nerves were on edge .

She told Jason that her coffee didnt taste the same since Sonny was gone. 

Heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking Carly talked about how Sonny always made her coffee a certain waubthsy was different from others she has during the day .

She wound up shouting at Jsson and finally broke down and cried .

Jason asked her if she felt better lol.

She asked him why he wasn't yelling at hey lol  . I think she was doing fine without his help .

And finally Cyrus and Peter are joining forces oh no this cant be good .

The next thing we knew Jordan showed up at Carly's and arrested Jason 

That's it for now guys , this is Ashley signing off  have a great day and happy GH watching .

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recaps Marc 15 - 16 th 2021

Good morning me lovelies , GH the past two days , has had no earth shattering information coming  to light , yep I'm.talking about the March 15 and 16 th 2021 episodes of GH.

Everyone wants to get Peter , but this fool doesn't give up that easily.  He acts like a toddler throwing his toys out of his play pen because he got a time out for bad behavior. 

Else where the DNA test results came in for Finn and he is in fact Chase's father.

Sam , Dante and Olivia came to  help Maxie pack up Peter's belongings 

Of course Peter was hanging around waiting for Sam to leave. 

I was really proud of Maxie telling him, Some home truths and asking for her key back .

Anna and Valentin are trying to figure what to do next and talked to Jason.

Peter thinks he's been lied to and betrayed,  my heart bleeds for him not. 

What about all of the people's lives he messed with Jason   Drew's and Franco's as well as Sam and Elizabeth. 

He took them.away from them and their kids,  but  Peter doesn't give a toss 

Meanwhile  Cameron had a visit from the ghost of his real dad Xander and he told Cam not to be like him.

Joss and Trina told him they don't hang out with losers when Cam called himself one 

I love their friendship I really do .

Brooklynn is back in Port Charles veri pregnant by Valentin Cassadine .

Alexis is scared she could be facing jail time for stabbing Dante with the syringe .

Plus it was revealed that Gladys is working for Cyrus . I really don't like this at all

I'm liking Brando with Sasha they make a good couple. 

What's going to happen to todays show is anyone's guess.

Saturday, 13 March 2021

GHcanada Daily GH Recap March 11 th - March 12 th 2021

Good Morning me lovelies , happy Saturday , to say the last 2 days of GH have been totally depressing and  totally heart wrenching is an understatement .

To see Cameron and Elizabeth dealing with their grief over Franco's death, and Maxie confronting Peter as well was very  hard to watch  since I like them all.

Poor Cameron went to the morgue to see Franco's body , while Maxie expressed her anger towards Peter now she knows the whole truth and not the convoluted nonsense he tried to convince her of.

Chase found out that he may not be Gregory's son and  one explosive mess.

 Finding out your whole life has been a lie is a bitter pill to swallow and the mistrust and pain is excruciatingly difficult. 

Valentin played the calm ear to bend , and he was ready to go something about Nina not being allowed  to see Wiley. 

Why has no one suggested she do a DNA test to prove she ' s Wileys Nan before allowing her to actually see the wee lad .

Nina says she wants to do things the right way and not play games with anyone. 

Meanwhile Sonny played poker with a bunch of guys and won the last game .

Meanwhile Jason told Carly that,  she's not to worry about him but she said she doesn't want to lose him as well as Sonny.

Sam went to see Elizabeth , but it didn't go well Elizabeth is still convinced that Jason killed Franco , but we all know it was Peter who shot and killed him.

I just want everyone to sort their stuff out and and be  happy. There is too much sadness right now in Port Charles.

Sonny definitely brought the good feelings to me  helping out Phyllis and Lenny to help pay their bills for their pub. What an awesome dude he saved the day again. Just by being the kind guy he is .

I hope next week is a whole lot better,  until next time guys this is Ashley signing off,  have a great weekend everyone .

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Ghcanada Daily GH Recap 03-10-21

Good morning me lovelies , and welcome to our daily GH Recap this time for Wednesday March 10th 2021.

To say I'm beyond pissed is an understatement.  I'm tired of the Peter August menacing , but sad creature act .

Wes Ramsay is great as Peter , however I'm annoyed Franco has become a Casualty in the destruction of Peter.

He's Faison's son and none of this should come as a shock to any of us including the characters in our screens .

Alot of the episode surrounded Franco's loved one's and other residents of the Chuckles receiving the news that he is dead .

To say I'm angry is an understatement,  just when Cam and Elizabeth were waiting for him to come back to them this happens. 

Carly found out the news from Laura then Carly told Joss.

Mac called Scott to come down to the pcpd not telling him why . Scott was having fun with Cam and the news would ruin his night .

Elsewhere Sonny was dealing with a shady pawn broker about to rip off Phyllis and Lenny .

Maxie had Peter come into her  hospital room and  he tried to play the good partner,  but Maxie was upset and angry .

She said that she's tired of the lies .

I think she's gonna forgive Anna , but fir now she's gonna stick to being stubborn. 

At the pcpd Elizabeth and Scott accused Jason of killing Franco without knowing the facts .

Meanwhile Cameron called Franco after Joss popped by to see him. 

He told her about Franco attacking him, and how he felt guilty about scaring Franco .

Scott tried to attack Jason , but was pulled away from him.

Jason must have been there,  but he did not kill Franco.

All they have to do is look into his eyes and that's exactly what Laura did and she believed him.

Cam had a dream about Franco and when he woke up his mum told him that Franco was gone 

Sonny is gonna pawn his wedding rings to help Lenny and Phyllis.

I think this will lead them to finding Sonny. 

That's it for now unti next time guys,  this is Ashley signing off and happy gh watching .

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03 -09-21

Good morning me lovelies  , and welcome to our daily Gh recap .

On the Tuesday May 9th 2021 episode it was very intense and why was that tough may ask  ?

It's because of Franco and Peter's confrontation  that left me gasping for breath. 

The boys fought for thr gun and our beloved Franco was the  unlucky victim of Peter August or so we think.

Jason was talking to Britt and Valentin and he decided to check on Franco to see if he's ok.

I really was  annoyed with Maxie being constantly harrassed by Anna .

I understand Anna wanted to protect Maxie , however, in my opinion  it's better to be confronted with the truth than it being kept from you .

Maxie said she was standing by her statement that Anna was dead to her .

She told Anna the only one honest with her was Liesl and Anna wasn't. 

I love Robert and Mac and their brotherly 

Else where Cam and Scott were drawing up a contract for Franco to sign.

A fun list of things to do with them . I love Scott as the grandpa for Elizabeth's boys .

He may be gruff sometimes but he sure does love those kids .

Back at Franco's art studio Jason arrived and found Franco shot .

Elizabeth back at the hospital spoke to Britt about Franco and Peter and decided to head over to the art studio.

Spinelli and Sam were worried about Maxie and decided to go see her and they told her they will always be there for her. 

I also had in my mind Lulu should have been there .

Maxie was grateful for them being there but she is so confused about everything. 

Alexis arrived at the hospital for hey AA meeting and ran into Sam and Valentin. 

Alexis wondered what Valentin has been up to and what his part in Peter's downfall actually was .

Maxie has demanded that Peter be sent in to see her when he showed up despite the misgivings of her friends. 

When Elizabeth arrived at the art studio she assumed the worst and  thought Jason shot Franco.

Elizabeth tried to help him but they say he died. 

As they say no one is ever really dead in soaps. 

This is Ashley signing off have a great day and happy gh watching. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03 - 08 -21

Good Morning , happy Tuesdays me darlings  , well there was alot of drama going on , on the episode for Monday March 8th 2021.

Well top of the episode we saw Peter all tied up and Franco acting like he was back to psycho Franco. 

Peter was scared silly   , and Franco got the desired effect he wanted.

Maxie was relieved her baby was ok and she said she did not want to see Anna at all. I can't say I blame her although she is still team Peter and it sickens me.

Mac and Britt were really sweet with her   meanwhile Valentin wanted to speak to Jason and Spinelli as they are concerned for Maxie 

Over at Chase's Finn arrived to get his daughter who is still really too young to understand what's going on in the adult world .

Back to Franco he kept taunting Peter  and telling him he knows what he did to Drew.

Anna hung around Maxie's hospital room like a bad smell. Yeah I know it's a crass way to put it  however when you are told stay away you don't hang around like a loon.
Earlier  Jackie and Finn were over heard talking,  Gregory was angry and demanded a DNA test be done on Chase as he heard that Jackie and Finn had slept together all those years ago.

Personally I was pleased that Finn had admitted that he already had it done .

So much drama oy vey ... Valentin , Jason, Spinelli and Britt all talked about what was going on with her brother and what they should do next. 

Britt was of the mind she doesn't want her brother hurt. 

Anna snuck over to Maxie's room and we saw Franco and Peter arguing in the  art studio.

Peter got loose from his restraints  and  held Franco at gun point 

They ended fighting over Peter's gun and the gun went off, we have no idea who got shot .

What a cliffhanger  , I can't wait to see the show today .

This is Ashley , signing off , until next time have a great day and happy GH watching 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-05-21

Good Morning me lovelies,  happy Saturday,  well what can I say about the episode for Friday March 5th 2021 other than it was full of drama. 

First of all poor Maxie was getting stressed with all the drama with Peter and everyone else at the wedding that did not happen. 

The people she loves the most all kept the truth from her about Peter she feels so confused .

Peter was held back from being with her and Maxie was taken to GH to be looked over .

Michael , Carly and Willow were pissed at Nina for what she did telling Wiley about Nelle. 

The one thing she was asked not do she decided to do anyways .

That's Nina's problem , she does things without thinking about the consequences before hand .

Poor Violet had a bunch of questions for Chase and he tried to distract her but she is a determined little girl .

Franco watched the video he made when he thought he was Drew and finally got the answers everyone was looking for .

Mac apologized to Maxie for punching Peter and she accepted it .

Then Franco showed up and told everyone that the voice he heard in his head was Drew's and he was on a mission to get at Peter

Michael told Nina that she was not going to visit Wylie again after what she pulled and she had to apologize to Willow. 

Over at Chase's his dad and he talked about what happened and then Willow arrived and told Chase what Nina said to her. 

Maxie , appeared to be upset with Britt for not telling her the truth about Peter and that she and Nina had broken their pact with her at Nathan's grave. 

Back at the Metrocourt Peter was looking for a door to escape,  but got his with a crowbar by Franco .

Holy crap and so it begins ... it appears Franco has turned bad again .

I cant wait to see what happens next,  until Monday this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone. 

Friday, 5 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-04-21

Good Morning me lovelies,  whose ready to jump on the Thurday March 4th 2021 GH recap. 

Oh boy , things were really intense in this episode , poor Maxie was heartbroken and so confused .

Valentin told her everything he knew about what Peter had been up to including having Drew's plane shot down.

Then it was revealed  he was in cahoots with Shiloh kidnapping Drew a few years back with Helena.

While Anna told Finn everything she knew about Peter too little too late I'm afraid .

Over at Michael's  they played with Wiley and Nina arrived  to see her grandson.

Everything was going well  , it seemed but this bitch has other agendas all together and did not heed Ava's advice more on that later .

Sam went all bad ass and flipped a chair , shouting the odds while Dante held her back from attacking Peter.

Robert called Anna to come back downstairs,  and things went from bad to worse.

Maxie is extremely hurt , and feels betrayed by everyone. 

I loved the scenes with Jackie and Chase such a sweet mother and son moment. 

Seeing Mac punch Peter was poetry in motion  it was a long time coming . Lol 

I was shocked when those who hate each other actually together to support our Maximista .

I was shocked though when Carly sat down with Nina only to have Willow tell Carly that Wiley said she wasn't his real mom.

Oh Nina you just kicked a Hornets nest ... and when Carly comes for you you're gonna get stung .

Knowing Queen Carly she will give that trick a run for her money . 

Nina is a selfish bitch , the one thing they asked her not to do and she goes and does it anyways .

Using Wiley as a pawn in her sick revenge plot just proved she is Nelle's mama .

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off,  have a great day and happy GH watching. 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

GhCanada's Daily GH Recap 03-03-21

Good Evening me lovelie's to say the  Wednesday March 3rd 2021 episode  of GH imploded with loads of drama at the double wedding for Maxie and Peter and Anna and Finn is  an understatement to put it bluntly. 

At Carly's she at Michael had a heart to heart talk , but my mind was reeling to get back to the wedding. 

Everyone was shocked at Liesl's arrival , speaking of being shocked lol I was surprised that Ava was team Carly when  Nina was mouthing off about how Carly treated her .

Ava knows that Nina was reacting in an inappropriate manner and told her so .

Back at the wedding  Liesl dropped a bomb that  left everyone shell shocked .

When Liesl played the message from Alex I was on the edge of my seat .

I felt sorry for him , it's a cruel way to ruin someone's happy occasion and I'm not surprised  that everyone who loves Maxie was pissed off at Liesl .

This lead to Peter being in tears and Maxie being angry at Anna for lying to Peter. 

Mac  Robert and Sam were equally as pissed  and when Finn walked out on Anna you knew it might be the end of Finn and Anna .

I loved it when  Liesl told what Peter had done to her , she may have thought she was protecting Maxie but she end up angry at her mother in law .

Sam went Into protective best friend mode and told Liesl to back off .

This is Liesl we're talking about we know damn well she won't. 

She has a special way of making things  ten times worse ... if she's allowed to .

They say all roads are paved with good intentions until they're not and you intentionally hurt someone to get back at those you hate .

But Maxie and her kids , Finn and Violet are just collateral damage in the end .

I love Liesl, but this time she pushed things way too far.

I'm walking on egg shells to see tomorrow's show until then this is Ashley signing off 

Have a great night everyone. 

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03-02-21

Good morning me lovelies,  the theme of the episode for Tuesdau  March 2nd 2021 was where the hell is Peter.

The double wedding was at a standstill cause Peter had gone missing.

Sam and Britt had a moment lol which made me laugh.  Britt uttered oh sure walk away  get a sense of humor .

It's odd its something I say lol all the time when someone  doesn't like what I say in offline life .

I have said that in group too.

Anna and Valentin think their plan has gone off without a hitch lol .

Enter Dante to go looking for him lol.

Robert was still grumbling about Peter lol, I love Robert Scorpio his like an old curmudgeon .

Maxie was nervous , Mac was playing concerned papa bear and Felicia was nowhere in sight .

I'm sorry how can you have a wedding without the bride 's mum there. 

Poor Finn was having to announce the wedding was being postponed .

Everyone was talking about how evil Peter is and when  he arrived back the wedding was about to begin 

Anna and Valentin were not impressed that their plan failed cause Dante rescued Peter 

Everything  seemed calm until lol Our Liesl showed up and objected to the wedding .

I cant wait to see todays show !

This is Ashley signing off,  have s great day and happy GH watching .

Monday, 1 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03-01-21

Happy March 1st 2021 me lovelies , it's that time again for our daily gh recap.

Everyone in the Chuckles was  buzzing with excitement over the double wedding between Anna and Finn and Maxie and  Peter and that's because no one could find Maxie. 

Meanwhile at Nathan's grave Maxie ran into Liesl who tried to warn her off Peter the creeper who skulks around town scheming and plotting behind people's backs and all the while making Maxie think he's  a paragon of saintliness

Jason went to see Franco about the voices he's been hearing in his head and Elizabeth was furious thinking Jason was there to hurt him.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Violet the cutie asked grandpa Gregory and Uncle Chase to help get her dad ready for the wedding .

Jophielle Love is just the cutest little kid love her to bits.

Dante told Peter he was there on behalf of Lulu telling him if he hurts Maxie , Dante himself would kill him.

Back at the graveyard Maxie told Liesl to butt out of her life , that she doesn't care who doesn't like Peter she makes her own mind up .

Kirsten Storms was fabulous as was Kathleen Gati In this scene I felt Liesl's concern and love for Maxie but Maxie wasnt having it .

Meanwhile Anna and Valentin had a meeting  of the minds about Peter.

Seems ole Valentin is playing both sides lol, which is why James Patrick Stuart's Valentin is the villain we love to hate , but mostly love .

Valentin gave him a set of cufflinks while Anna got a lovely hanky that was on loan from Jordan which also had blue in it.

What a lovely sentiment .

Maxie arrived back at the hotel , and got ready for the nuptials, but Peter was kidnapped .

Holy moses guys I can not wait to see tomorrow's next episode of GH.

This is Ashley signing off , have a good evening and happy GH watching.